Cornell College Choristers Come Ar K. -1 - - 17 , SOKGS OF CORNELL TONIGHT Gie aad KAAdolia ui Banjo Clubi at the Boyd Theater. OMAHA BOY TO 6150 A SOLO Htrtnt rrtMk'VUI Cf- 11 AUI ( tk Psr ( tfc litlu Tba Ceraall 01 elub. Mmlni t Omaha tar ft concert ' t tb Boj-fl lion Oar cigM. U nad m mosUr u aanlor at th Ithaca aobooL Tfcy will ba tartalnad In Omaha at th hon of Mr. aJ Mra. Clemant Chaa and afir tba aoncwrt a ball will b gtrea a4 tba Roma for which a thooaand lovttatlona hara btwn laud. Mbra f h flab. Tba BMinbarB af ba musical eluba ara at follow: E4-i K. Chartdajk. 18:1. 111., manager. J. Harry Latacba. jr., VX Pa.. aMia.ant . majaacar. K D. kmawt 111. O.. praaidont. John H: Boon. 1!j9. Pa., gradual manager a, Brvta ka&U Uiu. aakiaiaut graduate managar. Gloo Clab. W. B. Harba. tfll. Maaa.. leader. HolUa Iaaa, N. Y.. director FIRST TEM)KS. P. I, CaUlaae. ttll. K. Y. J. Morrta. ml. Pa. O v Pec. )Li. Caaaaa. T. C. Hotl. no. N. Y. T. C. 1'lbrlrht. graduate. K. T. C. A.-Franke. 11 K. T. J C Hagemaa. 1K1S. N T. it brova. mi. N T. ' A R. WcOoan tml. Pa E P. Cole. mt. IlL H. O. Baix-ora. 114 N T . tXXJM TENORS. F. H Perl, li-il. N Y. K. W Tiaaa. lull Pa C. J, N T. S A. T.alman, WX. Tal Ht.e. 11. N T B. K. Wai.t. Jr.. V'.l. S. T. Oeorre Mx-noe. mil. N Y. W. Hi. kactXtte!uim. Pa. P.. H..A-r. Jr.. if. Me Pir:rT BAfis. C O Perrtt IV'!. Vi L I f.iiniw rt. IHH. .. C. T V.1a. 'U. N V. T Iv Civile, lvl a. V T. F M li John l!l N T. t. P Krr N Y C W Whttnev 1H X Y. J. W llwnh. i:i:. N Y. " ' fiVVt rtAfai-KS. H i!."Prck. lf l. O. A. J. Mitf'Mr V Y. P. K Prrter. 1S. . . Y'. A. Horner. Jr. lu. Haaali J P. HiujiV. it. i.-. N" Y. W. O. i'nru-u. ;.-:u in. . P. M l'fcW- 1SL' .s. Y . "..' .nm.ii;i. i.-.i K Y o B. l.i. x.. ls-i.; in. W. U VktiutjLD. u'.X. Ala. aad tao!l I Uh. F H rirrln. Nf Jy, Uiit-r Owi ki t t.M-Hien. !.. S. Y . dne ur. riKSI Mt.MMl.IXS F !. nr-n.n. lxil, N. J w. i:. riu, i-u. in. J. . I.'U.r. 1.-. N. J C. K.' M I -?ilJH r. 1M1, VI II K VI. V t Me l:i. V Y W. J M.N'cll e, . Y. t". H. t'avidton. X J. KDXiXIi MAN'I"1.3NS H. U. liiMIM. ihU. K. 1. P. 11. Kirtf. 111 N. T. J I...iren I'll ,.f 1L Awr6iL. 1!L Ua - i. VV, 11 1 .14. . lil. la. W. u.uwii. )r I'll- M.i.u i;i itaus VI CUik. Uil. N. J. J W. Uakett. I..H X- J. H. jHre-ii. jir.l. -N. T. K. I4 e.n. 1I1 Xei. U -V. Murr. lull K Y VtI.IX U H llmrkle. X. Y. . -: ?-, !M' 1 I ri-'f :: . I ) 1 7 u :7 -f -m 1 Q ! ft I J fr - f I . 9 -V 1 4 I - ' j HCi Iter -i pV Ml (B Uf3 " o . v V i 1 il U a f fl I ..C;- --. " r r i u.i r.Ji . - ' rn l l m- H. K Walrath. 114, K. T. I. C. Harrta. 1KU. N. T. CELlAJ A. Peutlinger. lsaa, Ky. CL.AR1XBT B. B. Clark. ISii X T E. A. C. Bmllh. Wit. 'l. Following la tba prfrram of the Cornell Mualra.1 club't concert to be rendered at the Boj-d theter tonight: A 'ma Mater Jong of Cornell Alumni Sung Mooga of Cornell U I tTuto. 13. and Glee Club Fpanlsh March Chapl Mandolin Club I "reaming1 Phelby ' Olee Club. I "Midline Sherry Hoachna Mandolin Club. I 'Snowflakea" Coen-Parka O. VT. perk. I- H. A Char-man. IS, I P Harr. 11: J. K. Hauela. 'IS. 'The Wejglffiroo and the Llb)lll". tMbal L. U. Ctiute, "13. and Glea Club. SECOND PART. "Butterfly" Bendlx MandoUn Club. "Traumerrt" . H Ayer. U- td Gie Club. To Be Selected Mandolin Club. "Beating Kon' Glee Club. "Evening riong" ong of Cornell Glee Club. Herbert French of ihi city, who vaa a former member of the Cornell Giee club, alll ninti the aoio rt to the "Cornell Alumnt ong " and the aolo art to the "Eoatuclan Chcrua." arvompanied by the Glee club. A great demand locally has been Btada for the Glee club to afr.g the a ell knoa n Boating fvmK" of the Cornell aavy. and tbia number will be given at t ue cotkeert. Phi Rho Sigma Men Will Hold National Convention in Omaha Medical Fraternity'! Biennial Session Here Thursday and Friday Smoker and Banquet. The tenth biennial convention of Phi Rho ?!rmi. a medical f'aternltv. meets in (Moaha I eoeiiiber ,H ill t gi.ests of t h rd . Th visitors" two i.maha rh&PtT of Creujihloa and tnal a Medical rolle;. A smoker and reception 1U he driven at Kia hapt-r hc.use the even'ng of 1 erem- j hir t'tlrli s at 'n!ia hosplla'.s and j b:ifc.itio?te s-wi'His will otoupy th nomln ; of the .iening day of tiie ronvrntlnn A j theater artv a ill be held In the eeti!ti i More clinic and a btistr.ess metlrg :ll tke up the aei-ond and la I (". i A banquet at the Rome will clos.' the c.n i ntion Frklav t.iglit IT. Iv Ur - ! arit sill be t.-astniaMer Rwjwiiise will or 1 made by It. Jusepn M Kar and. Philadel phia: It C. U Glnlee. Chicago; It. H. M Kiley. It. A. C. Stokes IT. G. S Foot jand It. Mat Tinley. It is expected the cva v ei.t iex w til tiring a)H ut VsJ medical men t-j the city. Most of the leading medical schools of the coun- ; try are to a represented. , iiaiplr Safegaard far Meiliers. Mrs. I. Gtlkeson. ::c li.gles Ave.. Yojngstow n. Ohio gaineud wisljfu Ly. ex periciKe "My lull girl had a sever cold ar.d coughed al.'uot ont!iiuoulv. My sister re com men.' ed Foley Honey and Tar The first dose 1 gave rer re- lleved th" Inflammation in her thnat and' aftr using only one botlie tl.rat ! aii lui:s wer entirely free front in- j flam mat ion. Sine then I alaays keep a r - ' 1 i -' f v f ( IF bi.ttle of Foley's Hooey and Tar tn trie . tie will, on Jar uary tm given a place I louse" Accept no substitutes Sold by I In the llliMl Fanners' Hall of Fame. 1'nl jail druggist. jveretty ef lUraoia. beside tbat of lb first the r.n:. om.mia. Monday. iki:miu:r i t- w iif a! Cornell University XJlee SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Holiday and Vacation Spirit Re flected in Educational Sewt. DEBATING CONTESTS IK THE WEST Eaatera Com meat a Y cetera Oe- velepmca t 4eaeral llaapealag la lral mm Dlataat aehoola. Christmas spirit Is on at Fremont c-l-lece. Gifts ara being exchanged, packages ext-aust the capacity of the extra large mall boxes plaetd at both the col lege and the college postal station are being sent away. A Christmas tree was set up In the primary observation room Thursday and a Christmas programme was g.Ten by the children. . Chrletmas presents were exchanged by the children, the pri mary class of observers and the toarher. XII ss M.xer. The room was darkened and the Christmas effect was startling as to the brilliancy of tha lighting and the dan a cf the tree decorations. The tewhers' class toon possession of the platform and after a suitable programme iSants Clsu appeared with a hamper of Chr.stmaa presents for ths members of tha faculty. Kach present was chosen mora for ita adaptability than for Its Intrinsic value, according to the judgment of tha class. Prof Raker of the tat university gave j i(idr,, the tu)ent on forestry at an illustrated lecture in rii Star literary that Urn. An all-university convocation i.all under the auspices of the roller ' will probably b called In order ta glv Young Men's Chr stian assoclatioa last every student a rhanca to hear Mr. Pln Hturosv nighu It waa on' m ssionao' I chot. w ork and his illustrations shewed how much Christian and medical skill W3 , department has been appointed to the In needed hv natives of foreign lands. j terstate Commerce commission by Presi Xliss Xssra Fori of the school of xJdcnt Taft to succeed M. A. Knapp- Prof, ricfjoo at the col Wee waa on the pro- ; Meyer gradiiated from tha I'niveralty of gramme n connection "Mr. Jolly of i W isconsin m WA and took bia doctor s Jolief at Waterloo on Wednesday night. ' d'Free in li:7 He has been connected Tl.e entertainment was under th auspices i ,h'' R''wr commission for of and for the benefit of Die public schoo's. I -'-- .. o. i.i ( ' with his mother. Richard HeM, a former vo.c student of tli collect', a ho has been engaged 1n evan gel sue singing for the past tw year, sxt.g in rha.el Friday morning H i;ae "Oh. Iry Those Tears." in a most effectn manner. l"rof aihart plaving th viol n ohhgsto He in enthusiastic lly received t t'e students and wss kind enough to r to s vera! encore 1'icf Alfred Sof'ley. who hohls the char tf literature of tin Krement eollec ated lmot a s.-nsat.on before the Men club on Tucsdav evening when he read his paper on "Moral Tearhins n the Public School Wuoting from the Fremont Her- aid: "Prof Soft ley won most favorable comment for the splendid manner in which he piesentt-d his bubjevi. Soft In voice. ! suve .n forceful fimun, gentle tn per- sua sue ;ua.lities, stronc n tne deraincia- ' tory. He was masterly in ti.e delivery of i bis aodress. F.4 St M K H V 1141-t. OF F1MK. Wrth Hsaar Uesiewed fcy llllsiot I a'arraity. ! Th nam of James Xeion broan. or- j gsntser and prtrtu)ler of the Illinois State) fair and early importer of pur bred cat- - rl and ManloIln LJufts, Vho PJav j-sndldate. Cyrus Hail MoCormick. lnvcn- tor of the reajer. whose -name was ad mitted to the hall tn 1HO. Appropriate and Impressive ceremonina will attend the oc casion. 1 be establishment of a farmers' Hall of I Fame hy Illinois marks one of the most i irnifieant steps ever taken In the name i showing how tradition nrd team work of agriculture It la but a Just tribute will succeed, (me cf thes. little societies, to the efforts of a class whose work has ' called In the old ruFtr.m or the western hitherto gone unrecaimlted. The commit- universities, by a Greek name, the Zcthega aion selected to make arrangements for I thian. is said to have practically domin admisslon of candidates to the Illinois ated debating in that Institution for twenty Faimers" Hall of Fame include the fol- years. lcwlng representative Illinois men: Presi dent. A. P. Grmit, Winchester; vice prrsi dcru. Iavenport. dean Illinois College of Agriculture. I'rhana: second ice presi dent, E. W. Burrows. Iecatur: secretary. Charles F. Mills. Springfield; treasurer. John M. Creba, Carml t.MYKRMTY OF YV 1 l OX 11 . Mair ralaates tsioag the ew Mate OJf Irerm. Among th new state officers to be Inrugurated January I are four graduates of the I'nlversity of Wisconsin : Francis E McGovern, 'W. governor; Le1 H, Ban ercft. 'M. attorttey general; Thomas Mor ris. '0. lieutenant governor, and Herman L. Ekern, 'M. commissioner of Insurance. Gcvemor-elact McGovern Is th second ' graduate of tha university to occupy the gubernatorial chair. Senator Robert M. La Follette. having been th first. Ex-Chief Forrester Gifford Plncnot will ! visit the university on January 6 and will Prof. B H. Meyer of the political economy areral years. K(KriL f DEBATK. Wester tllrart ttlealiea ta late East. I'ehating in western college, says the B-ton Trai Vsneir,. .ttin. . vn t u" wt- "'ch revealed the fact that Yancript. attalna a xogu otl,hf.r wnm titn ttjin &0ll(rt ,(1Ull tn 1h-s parta The alumni pub- illiterates In the I nited Slates. Of these ai.stected ileation of I lie etat V niversity of Iowa, j practically one-half were whites, Includ "The Iowa Aluinn'ia " contains an Interest-1 nearly l.Mi.tMi natives of the I ntted ing article, which Is naturally eelf laudatory bjt la of concern to eastern institutions 1 r. garding the siK-eess of loa m Its re-en ir.tertolleglute debatea There is a debatio 'eaaruc. consisting of Minnesota, Wlaconuln. i Nebraska. Illinois and loaa unlversiura. j who contest ea-h year for supremacy. The . ... A .., , , - i ,l. .. v. . l. ,. . . v. " ' ' " 'out toe eirccii. so it is necessary to nae two teams, which consist of three men , from ea h university. Starting four years ao. its first year tn the league, lowa won one debate frm Illinois and lost to Xe- brass a. The next year Iowa won from both 1 M.iim ai ta ar.d V. bisln; last year It (on from botn Illinois and Nebraska, and . this year defnated Minnesota and Wlacon- sin. In other jrds. during th last three yars. loa has won ev-rv on of the in- tere-lleglate debst-s. a series of successes which I r.hh!.v record breaking in the h;or of any institution The iikctm of tMs university has been as-Ti bed to ! uara. Frank R Randall, w bo has feera nti barge th last four years Tue svatcin by which the debaters ere chosen la Interesting, because the cwntssn inio. to Celebrate Christmas w in Oinalta Tonisrlit. la oien ta the entire tchool. The rirellmin- aries are held in the sirtr.g so tnst th men who are then chosen have the entire six months to prepare for their contests Slnpuiarly enourh, although there are sv- eral literary societies in only two hate fupi.llerl Ui Institution, them debaters. KdsratUaal ates. Miss P.elle has pi '-n IV' (( to estal'llsh free scholarships at Cork unl veisity. Miss Fonan Is one of the richest unmarried women in Ireland and has for a long time been interested in th educa tional development of her country. Miss C. M. Wood is a leader In establish ing a nirht school at Mount Klsco. X. Y.. for the i purpose of teaching Italians the English laiigoag-e. Miss Wood gives her services free to help beplnners and the principal of the day school 1 to suier vlse the work without extra pay. Secret aocietlaa hav been abolished at Mount Holyoke college by a combined vot of the society members and the faculty. The secret societies had been in exist ence in Mount Holy ok for more than twenty-flv years. Henry MaJloy. a freshman Id the I'nl versity of Kansas. sas that at nee the opening of college in September it baa com hlna but Ta cents a week for his food. His father would permit him to attend the col lege only on provision that the boy keep his expenses down. Malloy say that bread and butter, beans and breakfast foods comprise mntl of his diet, and he Is In Just aa good health as b ever was at borne. Mies Gardner of Indianapolis is said to be directly resKns1bte for toe open air school for delicate children, which has be come an institution in that city. She ap pealed iefor th board of education and by her arguments prevailed on it to give such a echool a trial. The children pay I cents a day. for hot milk, soup or cocoa. hlrh is supplied them by the school. An deficit is ntade up by the treasury depart ment of Hi l-oard. It Hrown. I'nited Stales commissioner ef education. In his annual report, is able to report progress, but not so much of It aa couid be wished for. While the exten sion of the area ef compulaory education has been enlarged, the rommlsaiouer isic compelled to declare that the number of young Americar.a, who aj-ewJlosed to grow up 'only mi lii meagre schooling la still distressingly large This la an unpleas ant truth that t.'.e nation outtt to lake to heart It received a aamftig in the cen- , Slate Unexpected Gift tor Mrs. Crosby j tm sir.: 11 ev. 11 . a. ai . : 0 1U.11U0U lAJliari tome! 0 Uiia- i homa Woman ai a Chriitmai Preaent. tHir-KAFHA. Ok I . It-ee !1 (Special Tel-I egram t Mrs. Minnie Crosby of this C:ty received an unexpected Christmas g-ift of ! I HI today. A telegram received from J. W. Grant, an 1 Sttorney of Boston informed Mrs Crosby that she td falien heir to a fortune by th j d ath of an aont. Mrs Godfrey Bare us of1 . Providence. Tl.e CrjHly family bero lv littl means i ! T t-y had no exi-ectstiosi of rece-ving the i inheritance ltrtiuiit AdvertiaiLg is li. Road to t 'g 1-'. u'H I ?( K .W 4 a v...-' YOTES ARE SOLD AT AUCTION Hundreds of Indictment! Eetumed in Adam! County, Ohio. JUDGE ELAIE EKDS FBACTICE laealaalia Khaws Y eters Have Bee a Beaarbt at frwsa Oaf tn Tsratr Oollatra Lara a a d tmr Y ran. l-ORTe-MOl'TH. O.. Dec. S -With a to lal of 6ZZ inciictmer.ts and 114 pleas of guilty to charges of vote selling during the recent election. Adams county, Ohio, presents a condition unique In political history. A vigorous campaign of Investi gation carried on by a grand jury, act ing upon the instigation of the common pleas Judge, A. Z. Blair of Portsmouth, has resulted In the indictment of nearly 10 per rent of the voting strength of the county, and today predictions were made that the number of Indictments would reach t.000. Judge Blair says vote selling in every township will be probed. Where ilea of guilty have been mad th offender has been enfranchised for five years and fined a nom.nal sum. Work house terms have been g-.ven to practically all, but most of the prison aenteccea have been suspended. Aa editor who denounced ihe investigation has been punished for contempt. Corruption in Adama county goes back for more than twenty years and la perhaps largely due to a general aanctlon of a growing custom, a well as the absence of rallaaya. telegraph and th telephone. There is in the county only one railway I ne. a branch of the Norfolk t Western, and few telegrttpu and telephone lines West 1 nion. the county sat. la not rcl..-4 I cither telegraph or rallw ay. In this re H'l it stands alone among county aeats in Ohio Hurlng a gubernatorial campaign in lh - lghtus repuhlli-an. by an alleged 1 beraJ use of monty. caried the county, whlcn had previousiy pen dernot'istii Sli ce j then tn control has sh.fied hack and ( forth. As a remit of tie grand lurr'i investiaations it is an rent that both , i parties ha , itig Start ve partlcitated In the wte buy- mg In at fl and $2. have' risen in recent yeara to fin a vote. Mucti!,,v concern, th share of stock being cf the boodling l-en almnnt puhl.c i beld almost exrluslve'y by th ownr f Ir.stsmes of auctioning votes art reported 1 the land and the users of the water Th J.idce Blair, born and biought i.p in , county, lecenilv rteienn' ned t.. end i ... corruption. Among those indicted ar many of 1.1s life-long friends and some of his early playmates. Men In all walks of life and ur blemished reputation otherwise have been caught in the net. fo far t!ie J.idg has indicated hi purpose to go sfter only the vote sellers. So strong hav been ! their demands for compensation for their I I Kearney Military Academy f'lttary TraUadaa combined with Academic and Business courses aeielot the bodies arid minds of boys Into nisnly. successful men. We bulid up a as.ond body, develop il.aracter s" l c;el habit that maae the boy the Manly Man tn.r academic standards ar high. . Our clas sic ajid evieritific courses prepare for all coileeea. Our con.merrial coursea prepare for business life. Writ for illustrate) cataiosue KABBT BUBBXIJ. HID BtASTKB ll(f bsl ots that office liolucr h.e brn au.s lo earn ul.'y snail nit PLAN LARGE IMPROVEMENTS Davis sad Met er tosaties i.and ( obi naar of Otlen In Float ..'.OO.OOO Bonds. OGL'KX. Vtah. .'. '.'4 if peclal I T.-e board of directors of the Oavls Wet-er Counties Lnd tompanw ' t " tffd'n. Ctsh, have authorlted the lasuartee of tiOP f rst mortgage bonds for the !m;jrovmert-, of the property of the ennxpany The pen posed extensions consist of the enlarge ment and lining of the canal, the bu'ldirg of a substantial diversion dtm on Wft river, at the upper end cf the canal; the erection of a power plant to generate elec tric power, and the enlargement of the East Canon creek resevoir to about double Its present capacity.. During it existence the Davis A Weber Counties Canal com pany has prospered and is now on a firm basis. The company was orpanixed twenty five years ago for the purpose of divert ing ihe Tood waters of Weber rlvr to irrigate a tract of land southeaai of Ogden In th summer of ltd an excellent site for a dam was discovered on East Canon creek, the largest tributary of Weber river and two years later work on the structure was begun. The dam was raised ninety five feet above bedrock, giving an available depth of water of fifty-tbr feet and a capacity eif ltr.Soa MO cubic feet to th reservoir. Itrge benefits hav accrued to the stock holders of th company as a result of applying Immense quantities of reservoir water. A conservative estimate of the value of the firm at the present t!m I ll.QMVtwn. Th unimproved land under th control cf the system la worth from tios to ISQ an acre without w ater: Improi 1 Irrigated land sells at S to tb'in an acre More than fifteen factories hav been established In the vicinity of the canal The farmera obtain large profits through disposing of their products to thes far torle. Tn revenue from tomatoes varia from $75 to i0 an acre. Three a fs'fi crops are cut each season which yield it an average of ftv tons an acr. This product sells from 11 to l!i a ton This region now excels other parts of the ste tn the ra'sir.g of vegetable for the fanning factories, and it bids fair tr i equal many other prospereui arriiotii In the production cf grain and fruit. Th company waa organised as a ro per- ! "bareholders now number 4:. There I slia -es of primary stork,K having a par value of IM a share When your feet art .et and en d, and your body hlld tbrougn and ihrougli from xposure, tak a bl? ilos cf Cham berlain a Cough Remedv, bathe your feet in hot water befor going to ld. and you ar almost oertvio ti ward off a sever cold. Fur al by a. I leaiers. F ftWBtfP . n I,