Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    T11K OMAiiA
Terk Real Estate Exchange Calls for
a State Contention.
taftt-aHs-n (r fr 1iee- l.lrelr Tlwf
fa Real Ratal rtrelea la ThU
Yfelallr t'trr the first at
H Wir.
' Th Terk Tal Ksiatt t:'nn ts
eall But for a stale com entlnr. th'
vo-afd purpose of which la to work for
tha rpal of the law which tnsista on a
wrr1ttn contract nrtm-een owner and aaen'.
T'nle an a rent haa s'li-h n contract he
nanaot collect commission.
Tf tha convention haa other purpose lt
retfer to the Omaha eobanre doe not net
It forth and tha Omaha exchsna U nst'ir
ally aomewhat uticcHsIn whether other
matter a 111 he taken up. If they are to
ha considered. Omaha I much mora likely
to aenfl de'egales to York tlila week.
So far as the commlntlnn law (tor a
division of tttlrrrnt .exist in the Omaha
ohnt. hut tha majority appears to ha
against repeal of the statute.
. Apparently the law la a discrimination
a rain at the. real eatate business fur such
a written contract It uncalled for In ell
ether llnea of occupation. IVnnerly owner
aoroetlmea take advantage of thle law to
heat an afent nut of hla cnmmlaalon.
Thla la tha argiimtnt for repeal and eome
truth Inhere In It. tlut on the other
aide a rood deal mar he said. The law
also works for the advantage of an ant
In protecting him from litigation and It
defends owners . agslnst unscrupulous
a (rent a. this being desired hy honest SRents.
not In their rapacity as scents, hut at
food citlsens.
Tn states where no auch law exists and
where tho common law of contracts and
tcencles applied, litlratlon is endless. N.
T. tvde. Jr.. brought out this fact moat
forcibly at the last exchange meetlna and
eonverted to his side many of his auditors.
Kr. Dodge told of a recent experience of
tils own In Illustration of how litigation
Is engendered by the absence of the written
nrtract law. .
"I. was In another state than this." said
Mr.- Dodee, "and had occasion to look at a
piece of property. I met one of two
ents for the land and he declared the
foelc-bottom price was in,.VlO. It seemed
Msh to me considering the location and the
fact that the property was on low around.
'Kow I happened, entirely by accident,
to meet the other agent and I spoke to
Mm about the property. . 1 admit It was
an unethical thing to-do. but It was more
by accident than design.- He said the
property had nearly been sold some time ,
before, but the deal, fell through. . The
owner waa nfer to realize on It and I
eould have It for HI. KM. Thla waa W.W
lower than the first acent had aald. I
bought It. '
Now r as;:ed the second agent If he
would spilt the commission with me so
that I eoutd give my half to the first
agent He looked at me as If to aar: Tou
must think I am a 'greenhorn.' but he
"1 wrote the flrat agent a letter and
aent-hlm hla check for the half comnVa
alon. 1 received In rwply a letter In whjoln
Be aald he had been- outrageously treated
An Early Start Saves Time and Money
Arthur O. Clausen. Architect.
"The Art, Science and Sentiment of
:w tlMilitr. .00 llliiai'Mtiuns and a
i lu)'isi',. (acts on the planning and
nYeignlntl of every kind of tionie. It
evers a wide isne of subjects, in
rlml nK the planning of bungalows.
K.iLurtian and city homes, letting
contracts, choosing material, proper
ueMKii of entrances, windows, fire
places, etc. price, postpaid, $1.00.
Address, Arthur O. Clausen, Archi
tect. 1136-37-38 Lumber Baehaaga,
bIlu-iapoUs, Minnesota.
N KAHI.Y start is an easy way
to stxe money In tho building
business. Many people after
taking the bids on the conairuc
tlon of their homes find It
nhcesaary to leave out some of
the featurea. reduce it In site or use a
chaper grade of materials In order to
cut down the cost, because they pro
crastinated loo long and obtained their
eatlmatea during the rush of the building
season. The coat of building Is con-
Judge Sean Diiftnissei Charges of
Subornation of Perjury.
Holds that Taylor Alone Is Responsi
ble for the Mliap, with Affldar-
Ita Klatlnar Ksaetly Dif
ferent Faete. j
Exonerating Attorney -.Tohn O. Telser of j
the charges of subornation of perjury and ;
exonerating Detective Steve Maloney and j
the police department of the charges of.j
threats and coercion to force the signing
of an untruthful affidavit. Judge Willis O.j
Sears tit district court Saturday morning 1
placed all the blame for the Taylor perjury.'
muddle on the shoulders of Taylor himself. I
After completing the hearing of the case,
Judge Sears first sustained the motion for
a new trial made by A. O. Elllck, repre
senting the Title Guaranty and Surety com
pany, and then dismissed the rase.
The c.ise of William f.' Taylor against
John Filanck and the Title Guaranty and
Surely company was an action against a
ealoon keeper and his bondsman for losses
sustained by reason of the plaintiff's
drunkenness from liquor purchased from
trolled by the laws of tuipply and demand,
the same as all saleable things. The
cheep-! time of the year to buy a fur
overcoat Is In the spring. The cheapest
time to let the contract for mill work Is In
the winter. Mills always csrry a certain
class of expert workmen the year round
whether there Is work for them to do or
not. When work la slack In winter time
they will take orders on a cloee margin,
In order to clear even and not have to
carry their best men through the quiet
season at a loss. -Starting
with February 1 building ma-
I terlals begin to advance. Llkewlae the
accumulation of nrdeia Inclines the con
tractors to charge higher profits as the
reason Rdancex. It Is a very common
exierlence among architects along In
March, April and May and dicing the
summer to have their clients' orders
turned down by the best contractors (who
are a'waya the busiest ones) with some
thing like this: "I would like very much
la accommodate you, Mr. Blank, by giv
ing your client an estimate on his home,
but what Is the use of figuring when I
know that I cannot possibly get the men i
to do the work if I should get the Job? I
I'nless I want to take In a lot of hatchet I
carpenters, and I know that you would
not stand for that kind of work." The
result la that Mr. Slow-to-Oet-Busy Home
builder has to take estimates from the
second or third-grade contractors, who
have no scruples about employing "hatchet
csrpenters" as long as tliev csn gt the more to get Ills work done by "iMtche1
work out and get their money. No matter '; cat -penters" than it doc the iiihii who
how complete the plans and specifics lions I onl employ competent nun It Is tru.-;
are or how observing the ownrr. ho lll
get mnrh bettT ork f'om an honest,
capable contractor fand. contrar to pop
ular belief, there are a number of them)
than he will from a man who Is always
of the building business h it Is of ln -cis,
doctors arid architects thnt the host
man is b. far tho cheapest In the lotij!
Now. what are you going to do ah mt it.'
or lii t'V more h: th.- i,.in,s-t
y ci . mm ii later In Hi- in-n . f tin- il
Iiik Wilson Sonic t iiiii i hi-Ioi v t-hiii'i il u!
tho til f Orrlli'r ill cn. M-I'lotloii i ccii-i
111 per out. bill t'iW Is i liiiiiilnt; loo much
I I rttrl M latnka-
s lo ncclci-t a coiikIi or t-ohl. 1 T Km
thrin hiuI i" M-nl
ami $!.'. Sold by I! ;ilon
for It costs Mr. Second Grade t'onttactor I Ing It will cost you from (1 to 10 per irni.l I'm t'o.
tr Ing to "pirk the bones'' In order to I If your house will cost I4.. to let thrj New I isrt rrv it
come out on the right aide of the ledger, contract In January for early spring build 'Consumption.
y': I ' 1 ti-M.i
ISM l- ,tm ti El
Poecet I
e-ir-r T
r Lc'" D.m Nc .m ---
. in.ciir ri.'nt r
I. t& :i-v T., ;si
JafcU to jUii.fc--A .a-.arf- msv v v --l4 i jaSjaaasstat
the principal defendant.
and the he would sue me for the bslihce The bonding company made the defenas.'
in rough tta attorney, Mr. Elllck. The de
fenae waa that Taylor signed an agree-
of tha commission. He -will undoubtedly
' "Now It goea say Ins that he -de-ara
not a. -coot, . H -got aa m.ich aa
the agent who sola tho property and he
haa no standing at law. but be will put
ma to tha trouble of defending a lawsjll.
If tha' written contract law were In fqrc
In thla atate ho could lo nothing." "
naai eatuie men are looklnf forward lo
th" Omaha I.and-Produots exhIBit wtth
more than ordinary Interest.. Ma-tv of the
attendee deal In farm land and will them
selves have exhibits a! the show. Others
are 'looking for Investments or apecularlre
snaps and will attend the show In force
Cor this aak. t , . .
After the first o.f ibe year a b: revival
in. activity Is predicted b pi'o:lcally
rery 'experlanred dealer' In the city. : '! lis
weak before Chrlhtmaa and tho wee, after
at not. good weo :,r seil nc r-al estate,
for pewple are tqu busy before and too poor
afteraard. Wt en tf;e Januaiy 1 bills are
cleared iip things "wM bec?,n to hump.
- Buf much more-Jmportnnl tham thla Is
the fact lhat ;thci, building and loan asso
ciations ,w'l! I.tve their animal r,-pona
made up, tli'r booKs a 1 cleared and will
be ready M lonn money more freely. The
building "or.ipanR have been placing
monayon reai estate In considerable quan
tity In recent months, but aiier the fiist
of tha year will let go more In this way.
, , " t
Retail trade 'n r.-.ere'.iandlse has' been so
good thla holldav sias n nnd Omaha Job
bing and mancfaclurlng interests are ulso
o prosperous that the, volume of roone,'
in Omaha la erccptlor.allv large, and
will be seeking new Investments during the
coming mon'hs. ' A large part of the profits
of tha retailers, the jobbers and the man
ufacturers will go Into real state, which
I tha plate where bioMa are really sailed
foi permanent and secure InveHi.ien',
Those who hive l;'.vef:cd In Omaha realty
gt any time In the 'nss ten years have
reaped a golden harvest, m ndee lo:s, for
instance. hnv gronn v..j!dorfu!ly In value.
, But they are atiil moderate fn price, and.
since Dundee Is tixi-nlni? faster than any
part of Omaha's residential dlstr'cf, I
will Increase rten fave.- l;i the near fa-
ment to settle for tinfl and received tho
monoy, Attorney 'A. 8. Ultchle negotiating
the settlement. When this defense was
made In-the course of the -trial, Taylor I
nnd his wife took the witness stand and
declared that Ritchie Induced Taylor Uri
rlgn the agreement to settle by making j
hlra think It was a contract to sell books
on the life and trial of Pat Crowe, which j
Ritchie publishes. Taylor got a verdict
for JMo. Elllck moved for a new trial. :
Two weeks ago Taylor was arrested for
a statutory crime and while In Jail signed
sn affidavit that his attorney, Yelser. In
duced him to take the witness stand and
make a perjured denial of the settlement.
This affidavit, wltn a similar one by Mr.
Tay'or. was filed in support of the new'
trial mollon. Telser then secured and
filed an affidavit by Taylor that hla af
fidavit and that of his wife In which
charges were made against Yeiser, were
secured by threats tr the penitentiary,
made by Steve Maloney anil other mem
bers of the police department.
Hiring the hearing on the new trial,
motion Taylor took the stand for tho de
fense and repudiated hia affidavit against
th ) police, lie said his vase was won by
perjury and he wanted the verdict and the
whole case "knucked out."
Judge Sears ruled that from the evidence
there can bo no doubt that Taylor and his
wife committed perjury, but Tailor's testi
mony that Yelser suborned the perjury
cannot be believed, as Taylor haa shown
himself absolutely unworthy of belief.
Therefore, the court threw the case out
of court and cxoueiatcd Mr. Yelser, who
has contended from the first that If there
was perjury, as he now believes there was,
he did not knew It ai iho time of the trial,
ni therefore Is Innocent.
Yeiser Files Suit
for One Hundred
Thousand Dollars
lure.- Hut the same thin la true of th.,n,. p . . .
business ...tion of th city. No one :ii !AIle" Conspiracy Against Title.
iea money by judicious' purchase in p., u Guaranty and ccudity Company j
son, Florence, the Field club d'etrict or' and C'ltV Detectives
anv other part of Omaha and Ita environs. I
j AihginK that th'- Title Guatunty and!
.Surely company nnd Steve Mal.nry, city I
. deli-;, ii. ', t oiti-i.ii ei to ruin his reputation
j as a oil I oltljii ii and a lawyer by causing!
j Iho aires! cf V- I Mam I". Taylor and coer-i
iCltnr hit. i into niU:lim affidavits iharBin ?
I .he p!a.i,ti:r with subiirnatl in of perjui..,:
I. hn t. Ytisri'. formerly Ta lor's attorney,:
stnttrtl a ult for II'-'..) tiamnites .iKninsi
th b. ikIiiir toiiii nu at'tl Malonev in dis
trict ctiuri FafirO.iv afarnnon. lie ass-n
j hi" reputation haa been damaged In this '
Will Boost for This Market and Try!"1" as ,tsu1 f action of the je.
for the Kext Contention for !''" ,
500 Wool
Dress Patterns
To close after Christinas, at
about 60c on the dollar:
Serges, Henriettas, Novel
ties, Tailor Suitings, Etc.
Monday in Our
Domestic Room
Genuiue Indigo Blue Prints,
ubout L',500 yards to case,
absolutely fast colors, regu
lar price GMjc a yard, Mon
day, per yard, at SVfeC
Anioskeag Apron Checks,
. black and white, blue and
white, ' brown and white,
: and gold and white, regular
price 8Vac a yard, on sale,
per yard, at 5c
71 oc . Heavy Unbleached
Sheetings, about 2,500 yd.,
Monday, yard, at 5c
6 Other Specials not Advertised.
of High Class, Seasonable Merchandise begins Monday, in
which prices through nearly ev.ery line bear but little relation
to the actual retail worth of the goods. : : : :
"" ' i '""in
IJleache'd and Unbleached
Turkish Towels, large size,
worth 39o, Monday, each,
at ..25c
Our 34fA Semi-Annual Half-Price Sale
of Women's and Children's Outer Garments Begins Monday Instead of January 1st.
The greatest garment sale known in many years, the very saving opportunity many have
been waiting for. So immense is the stock that we find it necessary to divide it into lots for
a 'it
.si .
0f . Jfis.
Never before have sich
complete assortments been
offered in Half Price Sales.
and Less Regular Prices.
All Winter Coats, that sold
at $40 and $45, at $20.00 (
$125.00 and 30.00 Coats
at v $12.50
$15.00 Coats, at $7.50
lu.w.uoats, at . ...$o.UU
Not a Single Coat Re
served in this Sale.
All Our Fur Garments,
Pur Coats, Fur Sets, Sepa
rate Muffs and Scarfs, at
Just Half Price.
Tuesday We Includo Ali
Our Evening and Street
Dresses at Just Half
Never before have such
charming styles and qual
ities been offered at these
fc 4j r-
$40 Tailored Suits, $20.00
$30 Tailored Suits, $15.00
$25 Tailored Suits, $12.50
$20 Tailored Suits, $10.00
$10 and $12 Suits, at $5.00
Every Tailored Suit in
Stock at Just Half
All Our Opera Capes, most
leautiful new styles, nearly
all . imported garments, at
Just Half Price.
Every Day Will Include
New Stocks, Watch the
Papers for other offerings
$1.00 Waists, Monday 50c
$1.00 Underskirts, Monday,
at 50t;
$1.00 Dresing Sacques, 50c
$2.00 Children's Dresses
at $1.00
$5.00 Dress Skirts, $2.50
Ribbon Sale
25c Fancy Printed Warp
Ribbons, per yard 10(
For One Day Only, greatest
bargain ever offered in
' high grade Ribbons.
Big Lace Sale
One Big Lot of 10c Val
Laces, per yard 3c
Great Snap for Monday.
Many other matchless bar
gains in our pre-inventory
How Is This?
75c Center Pieces and
Dresser Scarfs 35c
25c Handkerchiefs, 12! be
$2.00 Hand Bagsat $1.00
$1.00 Hand Bags, at'. 49c
35c Shopping Bags, at 19c
Bleached and Unbleached
Table Damask, worth 75c
a yard, Monday, yd., 50c
Fringed Table Cloths, size
8x10, plain white and col
ored borders, worth $1.50,
Monday, each $1.00
Rug Bargains
$27.50 Axminster, Wool Smyrna and American
Oriental Rugs 9x12 size $14.98
About 40 of them, drop patterns, all guaran
teed perfect, worth to $27.50, greatest values
ever offered.
Jvmt t'prearnt aod barfraina ar mors
than ordinarily plentiful and a firat op
portunity Is accordingly presented the In- '
South Oniaha Men ' j
Go to Portland for
Wool Growers' Meet
t nniiulwlnn (n Hear Protests ot
K. t lark of lateralalv ummeri-e
the I, rain Mea.
'Oniara will be represented at the .N'a-
liana! Wool Oroarrs- convention In Tort
Isrt) tiv Omaho ar.d for.t'i On.aha hi
ftork dealers ho will do their best to '
brlnc'th I'M! canvention to Omaha sn to 1
boom Omaha as a I vn stucX and wool mar- i
ket. Th penonn-l of the party will in.: A conference, wiilrh will give hmaha
rlud A. P. Btryker. seerolary of th- Sown 'cram men a t-luinrr- m'irtes- tu the inter '
Omaha . association; Itverett nurklnham, ttr t'ummercc coinMlvs'i.ner aa nt th 1
general manager' of 'th South Omaha . "''riiiiinatlon that Is i-rartii ed In fsvnr of
yards; Will A. Campbell, publicity man for ! Mli.nrapolls by ra'ln-ails running from
th Omaha Commertlal rhiii; Joa) Shoo- : rSouth PnKota towns, will be held In the :
maker. Fred t'aatl and I. T,. Paxton. A Commrrc al club lecer.tber ;f, and K. K.
number of othere from among the men en- ( lark of the Interstate I'o.nmerce cnmniio
(aged In tho bua ness In the South Omahi ' 'lon Wl" Re present to rirriil fiat bod v. i
. axohanit' will o a Hit the iwrty. !. Th (train men have arranged thla meet-1
' A -atop will be made in ' Botae City, 1 Inc so that repreentuti es of the errhsng i
Idaho, on th war to Oregon, and th stt ! here can bring the matter to th attent on I
convention of Idaho wilt also b Impressed 1 of the federal eperta J; la claimed bv
artlh th Importance of Omaha. i 'ocl dralrrs thai mtli Mnkota )ipii'rs
. Th Portland meeting begin January i. sre imlti- ! to send t'.rlr (train by way of'
t last four daya and ll. Omaha party I nneapull b - m t nfalr rilffrenc be-
$25.00 Velvet Rugs--
9x12 size, seamless,
all new, perfect big.
line of patterns
at .......$18.98
Tapestry Brussels
Brussels Rugs 9x12
size, big range of
patterns, are $12.50
at $8.98
Rugs $18.50 quality,
S-;ixl0-. si7.e, 25 patterns in lot, at.. $13.98
In the
Cloak Iept.
2d Floor
48 lb. Sack Hay den's
-ASS? -Flour Free
in the
Cloak IVpt.
2d Floor.
In Our Serai-Annual Half Price Sale of Women's and Children's
Outer Garments. We are Rolng to give to BOO of our Monday cus
tomers BOO Sacks of High Patent Flour Free.
504) Genuine Heatherhloom Petllvoats, at l.5
We will limit the sale to one to a customer and will give abso
lutely free, and deliver to- each purchaser of one of theso under
skirts at SI. OS, a 48-lb. sack or Hayden'n Hlftli Patent Flour. Get
here early and he one of the fortunate 3H purcluiaera.
Blanket Sale for Monday
1,000 Pairs of Wool Blankets, Wool Nap
Blankets and Cotton Blankets, to close
200 pairs of 60c Cotton Blankets, to close, at.... 49
200 pairs of 75c Cotton Blankets, to close, at. . . . 59
200 pairs of $1.00 Cotton Blankets, to close, at. . . . 7-1
200 pairs of $1.25 Cotton BlankeU, to close, at. . . -93
200 pairs of Wool Blankets, $5.00 regular price, 3.50
200 pairs of Wool Blankets, $7.50 regular price, $4.75
200 pairs of Wool Blankets, $10 regular price, $0.05
Other Blankets sold accordingly.
Closing Out Cotton Batts
t 5S 7Ht. 8S 10r. 12. 15. 18f. 25
Special Sale on Comfort Cloth.
it i r--
That rold to $6.00, at $1.00
We do not want to invoice them and
take this as a sure way of closing them
out Mondav.
Colors and white, worth to $2.50, choice, 69l
White and colors, that sold to $1.50, choice. .25c
Several Other Exceptional Bargains
Pre-lnventory Silk Bargains
All Odd Pieces and Short Lengths must go this week and we're
making the prices Monday to move them.
3,000 yards of plain and nov
elty Silk Suitings, that sold
to 75o a yard, stripes, checks
and jaquard effects, all this
$1.00 SILKS, MONDAY 59c
5,000 yards of 27-inch Taffetas,
Fine Mess-alines, Poplins,
Fancies, .'1 to 20 yard lengths,
all regular $1.00 yard values,
choice colorings, yd., at 59c
season's goods, yard, at 29t
Blak Dress Taffeta
$1.25 quality, 3C-lnch
wide, on sale . . . 75?
Black Peau de Soie - -1 Klack Peau de Sol
$1.73 quality, Jb-incu
wide, on sale. -91.25
$1.25 quality, 36-inch
wide, on Bale...g5
No Half Way or Half Hearted low price making in this wo3k's selling one to be long remembered for its wonderful bargain
offering?. Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Jewelry, Notions, Corsets, Hosiery, nouse jfurnisnmgs auu maujr uiu uuc m
matohless saving opportunities.
Clearance Sale of
Turkish Rockers
;:0 Btylcs for selection ai
sweeping price reductions,
regular $16.50 to $ti(i alues--
$9.50 to $45
Now is the time lo make
your selections at a big saving.
Children's Itockera, liair and
High Chairs at Ftactory Coat.
The Greatest Pre-lnven'ory Grocery Sale Ever Held in Omaha
will lav horn December U.
Blr. Pttr, Bualer That. I w iiat
advertising In Th B will do for your
twern h.' Oraah.1 r.M a id the ri'e lo that
eliy. The- will -'a m a of tli. Soutli i
I'akota araln as a sh innint oiuld t,-ri ;
mal ihroiiffb th Omaha cichange under
fair conditions
M.. Iieat tiranulated Sugar, IM.OO' Grape Nuts, package 10
t Bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em XII j Old Dutch Cleanser, can 7?
r0j,, 25t Yeast Foam, package 3
12 li-s Best iite or Yellow Corn-1 lh. best bulk laundry Starch 25
n.eai 15s11"' or Slustara earauica, iau....1(
E. C. Corn Flakes, package. .Gc
2-lb. Cans Fsncy Feas, Wax Brans,
Green Beans, Lima Beans or Baked
Bans 7i
. n . a . t r v r Ik aTk C?
7 lbs Good Japan Rice 25t?i I-vaiine. wcounng snip, can . ' r ancy ro. i toumry puhit, iu.
r8:;:" :! .SjDon'a Forcot, Try HAYDEN'b First, It Pays
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter. er i I aney Hill Cream, Brick or Lim
it) 20 ! burger Cheese, per lb 17C
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb . .15?I All kinds of Kresli Vegetables, m
CHE EKE, CHEESE. CHEESh. io per cent less than wholesale.
Fancy Full Cream loung America It will puy you to lay In your f'l
Cheese, per lb 1 8 t lire supply, while this bIo last? U
advise our custoin'-rH to leave tin ir
ord rs as i us pobbibie.