ALFALFA PRODUCTS EXHIBIT' Grfit Mcrijae Rauer of the Weit to Be Given Prominent Place. IMPORTANCE OF THE CROPxhEEE TABLEACX ARE GIVO RaHrneai f. M-We a Moat f mprrkri. alir tihlhll -t ikr ( ms Wklrk ' Wara Was fcat aa KuKrlniMl. A mnr tiTurf t) solution of ths tooA snhirni trsnt"! hv ihm hi-safina" "P of rrrs an. I ti -..r--T ni hihr ost of ; tha prrwl'p fun of l.aaf unci rst rtrt Inns on tb rattlr InH : trv will b Inkm by th? ' a tlonal nVpartmant of thr Western I.a 1 Pro1iirt rxbibif. Th land nn- v.lil r,nl an FXhlblt alowlni tli pr''rttr and valuta of al falfa Alfalfa s an n-r1twnt. a "book frmr" rrop nmll a fw years axo. In thf 't flva ars It baa com Into a pe tition of lmportanr. alone with corn and wf-tst. In wt-n agriculture Tha day cf alfalfa baa but biwn. r'.rythtn whirh It ! "-"1bl to dprnnn airats about alfalfa la to b shown by cn of tha arat railroad companies In a, Cumprehntv nthit bins fMsnnsii for thfr Western ln.l lYodnna exhibit to be j held In Omaha. January in to 2. 7ho mho are working on tne exhibir ftra the eame noerta who eo lected th wttaa and the alfalfa from t ie differei. -tlona for the alfalfa palarc it tha Na tional f'orn Exposition Kvrr aince th! tors allow mu -li has been d-t-.e to d aiop tha alfalfa industry. Prod art a to Be tkaita. Bealdea tha planta and aeeda of dlffer nt varletiaa. crown In widely separated reaiotia. tha rmdncts of tha plant will fce ahown by tha M. C 1'eter Mill company tt Uinaha. a concern wlitcli has helped lo build up an industry out of handling tha alfalfa grown In tha went, and whlci baa dona much to make a atronger mar ket for tha crop. Thla mill does a tl. O()0,000 feualnaaa annually In alfalfa products, sup flying tha food In rciHlenaed form for tha great dairy compaul. which In turn sup ply tha milk and cream of Washington ! JVew York Cltv. How tha plant la handled, from tha seed to the feed barna of tha eastern dairy aompanles will all be ahown In tha exhibit to ba made In Omaha and one of the beat linown authorities on alfalfa will ba pres tot at all times, lecturing daily on tha subject of tha plant and Its food valuta. BRIEF CITY NEW 1st Boot Mat It. V, 3. Ctwaaoa ft atoaa Coal. Take Tour rrintlaa; to te Tlmaa. Ssastlaa; Lamps Btuyagg 6rads Co. Uaehart, Fhotographar, 18th at Farm. W Can Oat Tea T par east on your tnoney In amounts of $200 to tl.000. any length of time wanted. Oood security. Haeilnge at Heyden, Harney 8t Wow Wage Baxsxorsj, tha monthly pay ment plan of the Neb. Barings at Ioan A'san offers tha Ideal plan for savings. 10( Board of Trade, Building. , aYatomoMlo Damag lalts Occur al most dally. Iae us assume tha risk of accidents. Low rates. Liberal policies. Crelgh, Baldrtgs ct Co,, 1'hone Doug. 200. Tha KwbVar tors, tha only place, In town to get what you want In th way of rubber. If It ts made of rubber we have It. Th Omaha Rubber Co., E. II. Pprague, Pres., 1908 Harney street. Just around the torner. Boiler fjkatlaa; Christmas Ther will te roller skating; at th Auditorium Sunday (Christinas) both afternoon and evening, also Monday, both afternoon and evening. Th floor is In prim coodltlon and a merry lime la assured for all. Dartasoa Stakes XVoag; Trip Dr. W. M. lav1daon, superintendent of schools, has been aaked to address tha Montana State Teachers' association, which meets In Bill ings, next week. Dr. Davidson will make th trip c deliver this one address, lr Xorae riaakatt Bar filr Horace TMunltett, who has been Inspecting his In terests In Wyoming about the Big Horn basin, la in Omaha on his return to the east. He will visit with friends In Battle Crack, Mich., before sailing for England. A Frtvwt Safe In th Omaha Baf De posit at Trust company's fir and burgiar proof vaults for $3.00 and up per year. W give you th only key that will unlock the safe, Omaha Safe Deposit Trust com pany. Street Entrance. ISM Famam street. Ba X. Barrows Is Better Benjamin IL Barrows. I'nlted States surveyor of cus toms, who has been sick at his home, South Twenty-stzth strset. was reported much Improved Saturday morning. Mr. Barrows has been suffering from an affec tion of the heart. Tsluntary Bankruptcy A petition In voluntary bankruptcy was filed In th Vnlted States district court Saturday morn ing by Mrs. Sarah J. Dayhuff, a milliner of lt North Twenty-fourth street. Mrs. Dayhuff places her liabilities at tl.Z&S), with assets at I1.J0 In depreciable millinery goods, lUt4 for Kuuiif Oasis Michael and Ina Hodet. who were arrested several days ago q a charge of selling liquor without a license, were fined $50 and costs each In police court Saturday morning. Tha Hewl ett's conducted an establishment on North Sixteenth street. They wers arrested by Detectives Heitfeld and Donahue. BraadeU BettUs Claim Th iaa of August Drahoa attains Hugo Brandets fur fur Injuries sustained when Brand?! automobile ran Into Drahoa and Injured Mm. was settled In district court Saturday morning for $-.70n. Mr. Brandela agreed to confess Judgment for this sum If Drahoa woukl accept such aum. Drahoa accepted th offer. alias Ivan Will Beoover Mrs Z. T. l.iudai'y haa been notified by telegram troin New Yijrk that her elates. Mlsa Ethel Kans. alio was injured In an explosion on the New York Central line, la now re covering Mine Kan aa severely in jured and a ill prubably lose the sight of uaj ee cue was furtnerly an Instructor In drawing in the Omaha schools. Invitation for X-oback Cuiigresatnan Klt 1 1 c. o. IaiIic k liaa beu invited to at tend ti. great meeting of democrats which will be held lu Baltimore January' IT. Con kie&linal leaders and congreaamen will be there and a Jcffersoiiian anniversary cele bration :a planned that wt til eclipse any that lias aver ben held. Mr. Lobeek haa not jet decided ahetlier or not he cau attend. Traak B, Boberaoa will give bis travel ogues at th Fust Methodist Episcopal church Ihsceniber Is and :. Wednesday, s p. m., "tul of Doors in the Holy Land;" Wedneaday, t p. m . "faaaion Flay.' Thursday, t p m , "Tyrollan Alps," Thurs day, t p. m.. "Round About Paris." Ad mission afternoons IS cents; evenings, it cants; children, li cents. trt taktblt at (araeale laatltate. FITTSHUKU. Fa-. iKec. U IHrei-tor Joha W. l,i-atty of the department ef ftr.e arta of the i'rii;ii' Institute today announced that the 'tfteentli annual internal lunal es bltut of oil i amines will be held la the In stitute gallirlca April ai to June neat. 1 niry blanks i'l be reietved from Furofie on u.- beiore February J. pn. The inter nalizes) i ry 1'irrting i!l be held In thla iiiv April i. l.ill. ! uM aaard tn usual i tea auu medals. SANTA CLAUS STORY IN MUSIC Chriitmai Cantata Presented by First Christian Church. llrS"rlrel rirtarra from the ry ml (far 1st alia Treat af (ertlaa far Hrf4 ( C hlMrea. "Santa flaus and Ills Family.' a cantata In two par''- was presented by tne i?iintay school of the Klret t'hnstian church. Twrn. tv-slxth and llarney aticets Friday night In i-onnntinn with tlie t hrlstmas tree ex el c !. The singing of Mr Pants Claus was by WIMard Slabauah. Mrs ?anta Cu was represented Mrs. Ftckett. and tlielr daughters. Hope and Truth rendered by Miss llaxel Fowler avd Elizabeth Carry. The re ts of tlie eaitri family were: the father bv Cliarlcs Hertxog. and the mother by Florence Olsrn. and their daughter. Dot, the , - 'SV. J S f S S S ' aaw s. x "V X. w v'v . 1 1 111 1 I II r.i Wr III,. t " - -Mil V v,' '. 0 XsXSSsTiri' f ',v',V.,ftV ' ll V, " ' 1 1 fit i .' x i .' s Ns?,5;x:tvv k 'vA m'jN'1, II If - ', . y f : i 0.' ' INH1 I I M Mil - t fyr . . ,7 . vw' J J' I l , i " ' ) fir M Wf Prof. B. C. Buiffiiam - the creator of the new grain "Emm er" tW j1, M will lecture daily at M 11 III It Hi I It I IV b" Mna iah. The pianist was Miss i (irai e Slsbans'i. I Three tablea-is ere gien. t'ie first, I "Wm shiping of the Child 'Jesus. ' by the three iee men . I he second. "The Rich i Mother and l'aigliter Calling at tne Home 'of Poverty"; the thl'd. "No Cross. No j Crown." giien by thr-e young momen I dressed In white j On the Christmas tree aere presents for I ever member of the Sun!ay school, and I each person present receiied a candy cane FOUR MINERS FALlTo DEATH .Racket in Wklrk They Are HliUt lltfrtsrsi nail Tgej rr Five tlaatfrr-4 Feet. j KCCt.KS. W. Va . fiec. 21 Four miners j met desth when a bucket In which ther i were descending the number five shaft of j the New Tliier Collieries company here to ' day overturn!, throwing them Jnf feet i to the bnttnni of the mine. The'r homes i were at German. Va. Bigger. Better. FuelT That Is what advertising; In The Bee will do for your business. Prof. B. C. Btfffram : ... j creator of the new grain "Emm er" will lecture daily at The Omalhsi Lamd ESIhow JANUARY 18 TO 28, 1911. Nearly four years ago the United States Department of Agriculture introduced a small amount of black winter Emmer into this country to be divided among the leading agricultural scientists of the United States. Among others a small amount was received by Prof. 15. C. Buffum of Worland, Wyoming. Prof. Bulfum Added HilKons to the Wealth 'of the West by using the small fraction given him to produce a new grain which is the heaviest yielding small grain now grown, and the most valuable of this class of crops for stock feeding purposes. It is better than oaU for horses and ranks with corn for fattening sheep or cattle. It will produce more feed per acre than corn and am be grown at much less cost. Come, Hear Prof. Buffum Tell About His Wonderful Creation He will lecture at the Land Show every day it is in existence and his story will be of great interest to every one interested in the welfare of the wesf, The Omaha Bee The Twentieth Century Farmer wish to convince the people about the wonderful possibilities of the west and they are backintr up the Western Iand-Produets Exhibit because they realize that an exhibit of this kind will sh" people more of the real truth about this wonderful section than any amount of pure talk; and t! real interest in the upbuilding of this empire is due to the fact that they realize that it is upon . west that Omaha must depend for its future provjress and greatness. Land Information Bureau So many of our readers have written us from time to time, asking us for reliable information as to soil, climate and value of land in localities in which they were thinking of locating or buying for investment, that we have decided to establish a Land Information Bureau. This bureau will make investigations and gather data, so that it will be able to either answer inquiries direct, or give parties wanting information the names of reliable persons to whom they can write. When writing, address, Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. Remember the dates January 18 to 28, 1911 Admission Price 25c. This will admit you to every lecture and every Prt of the Land Show. :Bran bartender : Dares Flames to I Stay at His Post Undaunted Drink Compoier'i Dero tion to Art Makei Him of Bold He a:t. The sa o--n of Ollie Kanft at Taenty eighth sienna and Farnam street might have been burned to the ground Saturday morning, but Wallace, the pottT. would have finished mixing the silver fixx he started before the blaze caught. Wallace. ho Is Intensely artistic gt allver flxxes. detected tha smoke, tailed up the fire de partment and continued to shake the white of an egg. spoonful of sugar and gin while he awaited the fire fighters. Several petrona came Into the establish ment and. after a pause, also detected the odor o etuoke. "Say. what's coming off her'.' Your place must be on fire." said one. "Pure it s on fire." replied Wallaie. con- ' tinning to shake his silver fill " Fire de- i partment 111 be here In a mln.lte ' The patrona laughed uneasily, looked around the pia e and at Wallace, and then I considered the door through which tley j had i ome. ' ! Finally they de. Ided that a stove In the , rear annet be smoking Juat then, how- ever, they were further surprised. Mr. I Kaneft. the proprietor, called down from ! his apartment npstalrs. "Say. wheres all that smoke coming ' from?" he shouted. "Basement s on fire." shouted back Wal i lace. " Fire department will be here in a minute." Sure enough an emergency chem..... ; wagon clattered up lo the curb In front of ! the aa'oon. The blaxe. which had been started 'n sacking hanging around the I water pipes when someone tried to thav the pipe, were extinguished. About that i time also the patron who had ordered the silver flxa returned, and Wallace set the efferveeclng concoction on tha bar. I Dlsaracefal ( aagart I of lrer and bowels. In refusing to act. Is j quickly remedied with Vr. King's New Life ' Fills. I"-. For sale br Beaton Prug Co BIG RUSH ATJTHE POSTOFFICE s,ale f kfamiia la Fifteen ret 4 en I lkra4 af That at Last t ear. The intra of Chri.-tnias presents to an to nearby towns thronged the postoffu-e Saturday rjiornlng The rush, however. Is much less than It has been durng the eck. Although the mails hme b en less congested than ever bcfoie during a Christ- i mas time, the stamp receipts for the lt j three rla hae shown an Increase of '."i ; t r cent over the record eataMlsliei! for i the snie time last year. l'ostmasur ; Thomas sas Ibat earlv malllPK has been as nottrahla ;i early shippeng and t'mi for th s reason th i-ostoffic1 departments arc not as crowded as they were at fonu.-v J uletidf s. For the benefit of delayed shopper. Ih , jostofflce will be opened Sunday from t until I o'clock. There will be no delivery of malls, but collections will be taken In the downtown districts. The poatoffice will . be open from ".X until TO 30 Mondav. Two deliverlea of mall will ba made In 'ho ; doantown district and only ine In the re.l- , dence district. n El X.-v". 24.000 FARMERS!!! e r.ave sii.o.m a. re trtl-utary tc cm cltv and we NF.ED FARMF.R8 OF TH K RIGHT sort to till the Idle acres. TVtil you com If w show vmi where you can make money caster than you eer ma. It tefcr In your life" .lust anr tsl question Write me a n'te and say that you want to make a living a llfle b.l easier than you hxe ever ma'te It befni and. at the same time share In th d el opment of the country, and profit by im rapid Increase in th vaiu of th lands VVrlte to me today Tou can satisfy vcurself about thla If yeu will write to me at ence. t can aend yon a booklet showing Jl'sT WHAT THIS SECTION HAS TO DF.. PF.ND ON; Just .WHAT IT WLL Dl FOR TOU. Writ for th book. It costs nothing and may mean a fortune to ye Address P. B. McQTO WBT. Peeratary BTJalT, COTsV KXBCXAX CIiVB, Bahl. Idake. 500 bushels of Po tatoes to the Acr; YOU kuow that potatue u alwas alaple. Foiatota are lis gold. The markets lluctual very litUa on potatoes. Ana It )ou have GOOD potatoes you CAN ALWAYS FIND A MAK KET FOR THEM. This is th most remarkable potato country In ALL THE WORLD. Th Hnaka River Valley has been known to produce EIGHT HUN DRED AND FIFTY J3USHELS OF POTATOES TO THE ACRE. You can RAISE POTATOES IN THIS VALLEY. RAISE THEM AND GET MONEY FOR THEM. Writ to us about this. W have th most handsomely Illustrated booklet written about thla, THH TWIN FALLS THACT In South ern ldanu. that has been printed for a long while It Is mlgnty In forming, too. IT 13 FKKii AND WK WILli SEND ON hi COPY TO YOU IF YOU WILL, JUT WRITE A POSTAL CARD Hl QUE8T VVRITt; TODAT. J. E. WHITE TWIN KALI'S, IDAHO. WPTEE AND ASK US PltASt WRITE. DISTINCTLY Yes, distinctly, plainly, write and aik us for the opportunities we cau show you to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN SOUTHERN IDAHO. The land ts filled with new ways of 11 inn well, comfortably, happily and profitably. Send todayfor THE FREE BOOKLET which describes Southern Idaho so well that WE BRINQ IDAHO TO YOU. We can shdw you how to make money. We need money to loan on approved security at such rates as to net you 7 per cent. You can't get such rates In the Middle West. Farm lands are cheap and can be bought on credit. You cannot make a mistake In SOUTHERN IDAHO even if you buy with your eyes shut. But WRITS TO US FIRST. We point, the way to easier, happier, pleasanter living. Any bank In Twin Falls Is our reference. Dill & Taylor IRRIGATED FARMS Tvin Falls, Idaho ACREAGE TRACTS FOR THJf INVESTOR OR FOR THE SHALL FARMER THIS la our specialty. From One to One Thousand acres. Tai business la made to starve your interests. No sum ef money, however small, is too small to get our best attention, ad no sum, however large. Is too large to tax our capacity to TO PLACE AM PLACE WITH PROFIT TO THE IME8T01L We would like to have you write as for our booklets, lit erature and other information. We are sure that yoa want to know about IDAHO. It la the last West and the rapidly grow ing section of the United Statas. Here jou can make big profits oai small investments. Lanu cm be bought o credit. Write KfU Uhj GRAY & GRAY WTVESTMESTS P0CATELL0, IDAHO I 1 V '-w s'll L-y . ,.rz. ... ..... . . , nsillHlgflia ' ajaaaiMail an SW aal lfaTi Sllili-siis I i j at'4