TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY FU'.K: DKCKMIU.Il itt. li10. THK, ('MAMA Sl'MAY IhX. nMtiM, tifwrAT, i FK-rMnrn . into. ;Snnr,r.7FnTS " , k I Mill r--i---J ,11 WlfH leagu will not I 4 eleng financially, a II ha betr-i and rould be, until mlt llfn Chan In le Moines, tie Mnlnee la a good town snd J'lhn lllilns, doubtless, a good X nil II II ma, hiii be ta t lh man to own th lie M'Hti' hail franrhla for th alinfile liirla renn Dial th (aria of lhat any 4n in Mini up in him Last ear mntt Iha year before ( Mnlnea did not .it. up M lla normal standard at ths tl fnf llila rfn II was two In I'1 than ihe yasr before anil ther la nothing It Indicate lhat II will da hatter In fit. wH even winning I ha pannsnt in is1) helped inaiura a parlirle Horn of tha very atrie whleh netted tha flat for lies Moines drew BrArrely enough spartatnrs lo pay etpetise. With a popular laader In lies Mmnaa, II on of th beat rltle on th Mrmilt. II la loo hail I'nrl John Hisxlns ann'tt ha paisuadad to aelt out, but It 1 tm cannot. He love tha fama and hat la a flna chance lo ahow hla affection, a ha Ihlnka, ao ha tl kit. If tha league ahmild flead ! Mulne In 1912. It la likely la figure out a way of rewarding Mr. Ilicalna for hla franchise. Already there la talk of Ihla kind It ta not of Inlaraat wJjow tit ao Into lha whye and wherefores of Mr, llltslnf standing with tha fana In hla town, whether It waa tha education II ev rx'll under lha Doyte-Cantlllnti raalma or not Tha fart 1m what confronts ua at Ihla writing Ortalnly. anyona would admit thai lha formar clique Old Has MoIimw ao good, but much harm. And If Tha Ree's fllaa wara nonsuited lhay would ahaw that precisely tha rondltlon that haa itblalrml for nearly two year waa pre dicted. In thaaa columna II waa point ad mil that tha high-handed roathoda of tha l'a-'tlllnn-rriyle crowd would bring thalr own penaltiaa, and wa laava It to tha fair Jiriment of any nan versed In Ilia facta whalhar It waa a good pradlrtlon or not. Tba blame a not all on Mr. Iflggln. Ma la an effacl. mora than a cause, a victim of circumstance, largely, ftmnadsy tha draft rula mini be changed, aoma man think obliterated entirely. It i worka hardships on minor leagues at pree f ant. If It la right that major .leaguer should lnvale the ranka of a minor owner at will and take from him hla beat player, than It la right that he ehould Justly eompenaate the minor team owner. And any aana man knowa that ll.nuo, for In stance, to a elaaa A club, la not Juat com pensatlon. There are aaveral evil aapeota and Influence of thla rula. For one thing It prompte tha fake sale of playera, which ta a very bad thing for boae ball. Tha only commandabl feature of tha rule to a minor leaguer la to b found In Ita llm Itatluna, whlrh prohibit more than one player being taken from one team. Tha m)or will argue that without the draft many young and competent player would ha kept down. Nonaenae. A man who U fit to go up eaUlom la kept down In baae ball. Homettmea It happena, but not often anil never, ao far aa our obaervatlon goes, briauaa or la aplte of the draft rule. The purchaae law la atill available. Wi referred briefly laat week to Ueorge Tebeau't propoaal of a larger tWi and larger bat aa a tneana of iumulatfig bat ting. Comiakey once aald that the .reateet element of baa ball waa apeed ar.d that la revleing Ih rule or changing condition, nothing atiould ever be don to Blacken the apeed; that I he gam waa jua'. fait enough toe, not too laat We be!" ve In the Im aanianre of apeed, and cctahily It would auffar If Tebeau'a plan y were Introduced. I'nmmy wa arguing atalnat the elimina tion ( glove) for fletler. The large ball and bat idea wopK te even more deal rue t- 4 Ive. It la goo baae ball more than heavy hilling, of f jf oihrr one thing, fana want J.l aa aai they are aeetng It under preeer.t V'leJVjulia. The .tuaUoo of Ue Mt. loula II r own kae been daptorable. The aaie of the team by Preatdaat Hedge, therefore, mar be ha. tad wit eatlatactlwn, for It certainly aawet make thing aay wore than they ware Mr. Hedge may hav ovme abort at St ma of doing all he eould do. but it wottld have take the Btroa7et-hea,rted sli atea In breaat the eturm of persistent e4 oatlnuwu kaerklag that raged about hlfw for year. To bag with, the old f-etiag agataM the Mrawna aa outlaw, deisj kecK to the Aenertewaj leagu Inva vu. kae) eve auila died aavi, and then te tewiNivee writer early lit onto the b ad ef lledaea. Tbey kept up wa day aa4 aigilt BwenbardBMHtC NeHhlaje; auiled lawaa. It o only t ewa-ar tnay aenaael. ibey kaoked player aad kawekael rta tarikj aa4 tmMttoa eiit of BJuaay a yanaer ptaver wirlt hat ef prwm. i aim. A aueercilj) aaewe vm the beat aay ef then go. N la expect reaulte f-nw wemwewat ee ewTh.ia ua4er tne a thaee. Tfce beat teaaa on sarta wan I1 fail under them fe we eh II a-e ana M bwsa m foe tmiirwmTii at t lLauia. eveft aexiee the M ataaadement, eattl we laarw that lh bere knorker a eta- lit ptedee '-'it few llyier. eeM-e tha tarr of the ra ta fmahx h rtrad te) private "f a tkaoBit. pr ehha; a the em par aimejei'r tt eataruna) p aee fuf ratlre aaena a ebaratertieed hie palmleat piteh :eg data F n are erao y wall uiMarM.iml a ta 1 w.,-h,a i'n--ae are it will be on the 'ra ua r,a mn. Tlw eurrry agirta ft-t j ;ta In a,' ae m aotia aoey a-a n v tm if ateexerf leel Witt go ta rMaHi y m fi"ifvn mrwaaif agrtinor .iiai wry at Vft iaj Kaaaav. r tsMa a ftiiai yuun a r iii rdi amfuinaai4 lurm ef MuintMtwM aot WtSJraw It: anttt for Bi aw ea lauta aww attt of wtt a! e i aiev-r r be might are f; j ? waa oe ciaemxt an Tie - T r W imaie ta).t r'( UKnii ! i e i -n"l inn a wi'ina iiat . ne oimmim an i.sa inn- a r aa writ e (( a it i fa A.h- a t-.-a.n r .M a mm VV- ' a W K'l'-lvue, VI , rtx4- - 'Hi '.t-' . e, fa i' m p I-. j ai t . -i i r"f i - ir w iMa t-a,M. ' a ' '.a "... ta,i .i.( f.. i . m t-e !f a tin . -t . " - a a- ' e.Wi W tl.au 4 ' t , i.!- ' .,' I il..r ( K 0 i. . . tt . 4 m.t a I o -.t ' - i H- - . . 1 ' a - 4 ,a . I - -r .a ' . ., , a , ,(-.., , . ..1 i 'f COTNER F1YEJTARIS WELL Basket Bail Will Have a Good Srtson at Bethany School. TWO VICTCEIE3 ALREADY WON Verb aad l.laeela Y. M. C. A. Have lire a Defeated mm Other ebwala Will He Played la Kegalae rbedale. UXlllbN, Dec. M. ifpeelal.) Baakat ball la now tha central alhletlo Intereat at t'otnar university. Leut aeaaon tha C"tnar "Bulldog" won elate champion ship honors In baaket ball, and ara trm hard to keep up their reputation. They hate played two game ao far thl Beason, winning both of them. December they met lha Uncoln Y team on the Cotner floor, defeating It by a eoore of J3 to Jl. Th tejn were quit evenly matched, three on each being vet player. At th pistol shot on the second half the wore waa an even break on It to II. By agree ment the game was a. onte fli-et field goal to decide tba beat Tal waa earned by Cottier, in u... eet scrimmage ever seen n tte - oiiitr floor. The second game of thl aeaeon ,wa played at York, with th York college hunch a opponents. York men are In far better form thla year than It waa last. They put up a noble fight, but lost to the tune of 45 to 22. Tha beat part of the game at York wa pulled off when a con algtitnent of Cotner sub, who Wre taken along for tha piaotloa they might get. were turned looe upon the Yorker In the second half. They rewlly put up a better battle than tha Cotnur regular had been playing. Three Veteraa la Team. Of laat year' championship plnyera only three are bacr.. Theae are: Aplnwall (captain), center; MoCullougli, guard, and "Ijefty" Sltidon. the left-handed forward, rarnienter I probably out of th Igame thl year, aa ara IVllmot and Oeechger, ub on last year' team. The lineup of th team at present I: Asplnwall (captain), center; Squires (man ager), sub center; Blddona and Britt. for wards; MoCulrough and Ogden, guard. Men who are doing good work on the try outs arw Morton. Bell, Lieavltt, Hadaon, Sweet and Bhelton. Parmenter Is doing only part practice. New aulta and equipment have been se cured for the girl' team. They are put ting! In hard practice for th opening ganrea of their schedule. Theae are to be jlayed at Peru State Normal and at Kalie City tha 12th and lath of January. Interest In basket ball has been much atlnulated by the lnterclasa oliamplonshlp sellaa of games which bav Juat been con cluded. There were eight game In th serle. The sophomor class took the all er trophy cup which had been offered by (he management. Their team consists of l'4qulrea. center; Ogden. left forward; Leav Itt. rght forward; Morton (captain), right forward, and backer, left forward. The gymnasium has been put Into ship shape for Indoor sport. A tlrat-clas hard maple floor waa laid late In the season last year, baths hav been Installed and new; ateel lockers ara soon to b placed. The schedule for the season's game for th Cotner team haa not been entirely completed. Th school "I a member of th eolleg leagu of the state. The mem bers of this league at present are: Poana. York, Wesleyan. Peru State Normal. Kear ney Btata Normal and Cotner. An ex change of gamaa is arranged for between each of those schools. This will be played as scheduled, except for tha Wesleyan. They withdrew from the Cotner gamas after th schedule was completed. Just what action will be taken remains to be seen. In addition to the games named Manager Bqulraa announoea tbat a trip baa been arranged through Iowa. In wolcu Jok-.t. la to play Hhenandoah, Highland Park college at Dea Moines and Mornlngald college at Sioux City. The trip will prob ably include, also, the University of South Dakota at Vermilion. An exchange of theae games will he arranged for at Cot ner. Beside these, Kansas university 1 to play here the laat of February and aa exchange of gamea la to be played with the rnlveralty of Nebraaka. George FlaclTShows Speed at Harvard Wia at Both the High and Low Hurdle and Row on Crew. Oeorge Flack, an Omaha boy. took first la th IM high hurdles and first in the r.t low hurdles In the annual fall meet held at Harvard. Tba fall meat la not a registered affair and anyone may enter. j tha athletaa are only thoe up in their tud ,le ! Hilt rjulnn. tralnar at Harvard, wa I graatly pleased at tha showing mad iy Flack and says that aa soon as he learns a few of the finer points about th atyle , eg jumping hurdira ha will be th beat I ana la lha enilrg. Flack wa a member ef h Nebraska taam la 1M. J Ha io rowed In the boat ef hi d. rml j lory la th fall evant. hi boat coming i eatraneV Alan McOnnald. another Omaha I boy. wa eoaawsia ef th crew. I CCUXCE RITLE TIA3IS SHOOT 'T waive allesee ml th Thlrty-Tbrae ta Fa tee. Twlva eolWa af fa ihirty-thrae eol la.aaa hoi I n niamberahip m the National Rifle aaanclatma hav entarad tasm for tie round mtnn eat ef tha winter to kaifa Jttiuary 7 On ai.-b w II he shot e.'h waaM until aa-h taam haa fired aitln arTT etear taam a t'ie laaaue. Savers) waaara eillaa ara a-nil.ne; team for Sm tan avattt Tna laain eoatalat nf -n atiHianta sni eii-a maa will flra tan nho'a s'aa.lln anil tan atioi a prone, in a fifty-foot wn i larv rane wmt twantv-twvcal ar r f'aa. The War deunrfnwnt t41" a araal Inlaraat a tM work end w II leaua damraimaa te iitoe aiiHti'ii f H nwllfv a marttenian. .llHlll1l4lr or e:rt tlno.tgh tha a ao in' inn. eaae trte h.a a nr -at,l av f. n ,mr r ca:nir of "oiMmi I eii ar aiiv taam. . m u I a oei niiMiarv eV aea It 1 t'la il'ia tilirMKK n Ilia .c'.a eariie rria wo rrv ts a cnt.-at aa. waa I artm.Kiill ni i ulniiiti aa .) t't afHae ta itlnne iv ailtiara iirnr. . -n a Tia isinica mi' al'iit ilte ra r.l .H. n iHrm ' ,f fa .r ' I t",n'.l nni.rai of tma'-e V T I i i,i!ae "f niar 1 H . M 'ii hi m v ri .,f i.t.jtain i - i'iwiiiii at ii ,.ral e"-i!aa f I ( M ri a if4.it irt ..,..- ,t I ,.o4i V ' ir.la o). ...! ..f I .1 .! l, II l.t - M W..L .f H . It! . . .. i !.. . I . . . Davis is Favoring Simplification of Rules of Foot Ball Princeton Man Bart that But Few Chang-ei Are Really Kecensary limit to Coaches. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Pee. 24. r"our member of tha Intercollegiate foot ball rules committee, Parke Pavl of Princeton, W. A. Lambeth, rrtverwity of Virginia; C. W. Ravage, Oberlln, and W. U Dudley, Vanderbilt . university, wrlta that few changes are necessary In the code before another season Davis terms th slmpliri ration of th rule the greatest need. Mr. Davis says: "It has been said by thos who ar skilled In determining th publlo puis that foot ball ha satisfied Its following In 1913. It Is tru th haxard of the game, which ever hav seemed to rulmlrat In on piac at on time, hav given to aom Institutions an excess of injuries. But. taken as a .vliole, th country in loot ball haa I cen tururlslngly free from accidents, college foot ball actually hnvlnj had a better rec ord In this respect than college baa tntl during th lst yeir. Compllnwn.iry to ptiblio opinion Is critics! fort ball opinion. The latter. It would ee-n. has appr. il or th abolition of lntr'ockod Interference and of the five-yard restriction upon Mi forward pass. Advorae criticism briefly may be atated to hav hern directed at th complexities of play In receiving ih f; ward pass, th veong Imaginary lines "l th tame with it neutral one-yard and twenty-yard sonce, too many of floors and too much officiating, tha labyrinth of penalties and a need of mov simplicity In the game. "The greatest need of foot ball today I th absolute oebdl-i'ice to the let tor of the rules by tha playera and a stnot conformity with it spirit by th coaches. It therefor should devolve upon the men who will re selected to compos th new rules com mittee for 1011 to assemble rarly in order that they may not be hampered ty vrant of time, like their predeceseoBs In 1910, and, having assembled, to devote their chief at tention to perfecting th details of the pres ent style of game. Th greatest need now of the playing rule Is simplification, which of course wfll carry with It slmpllflcationvJ for th player and tha spectator." Mr. Dudley writes: "I am very well pleased with th foot ball rule, and I think that th new gam la far superior to th old. I do not think that many changes ar necessary, but, n doubt, aom minor modi fications could ba mad to advantage. I would not be willing to return to th old "pushing and pulling' gam." Mr. Imbeth write: "In our section there I common expression of approval concerning tha new rules, particularly th four periods. Ther la also a feeling that th limitation concerning th onaid kick should b removed and that th five-yard restriction on th passer of a forward pass should bo abolished." Mr. Savage says: 'To my mind th rule worked out better than I had dared to hope. The gam was kept opm and there for waa made Intensely Interesting to th spectators." Yale is Beginning to Wonder About the Varsity Crew i Hs BBS , - Continued Defeat of New Haven Oari Seti the College "Dopiita" Guesting. NEW YORK, Deo. M.-Ther ha been som Inquiry and puxxlement at Yal of lata over th compelling cause of continued defeat of th crews. Earlier In th season Captain Frost of the 'varsity crew ex plained by mean of tables that light weight for many seasons, that la, light weight as compared wtlh the average of Harvard crewe, waa what did It. As he figured It out, th desirable men averaged In weight something more than h did him self, so it has been suggested since that he might even wthdraw from the crew unless he believed that hi presence would b helpful. Sine then Cam Waterman, an oarsman of about ven or eight years back, comes to the front with another explanation. He believe that men hav preferred of late year to play foot ball and get the letter that way, rather than to adopt rowing, a much more wearing snort. He aaya It may ta true that light weight had something to do wtlh it. but he point out the ex ample of Freddie Brlgg and other as a sign that an oarsman needs not weight as a prime requisite. Ther I a conflict ef authorities therefor In th Yal rowing camp. A prominent coach at another college says: "I wish I could gat th Yal caa toffs. I d make a crew out of them that would trim Har vard." Tbat aeema to reflect si ghtly upon the ability of th coach at Tale. Th Blue insists en believing that John Kennedy Is aa good a coach aa ever h waa and Is looking for th fault eleewher. Perhaps th best plao to look for re. euna for Tale's recent defeats on the water Cambridge. It la to be remembered that Harvard haa been following a very good sytem of rowing for several vears and has bad a young man to roach who saem to ba a pretty bean Judge of rowing mater al. Harvard bellevee. too, that not a tittle of Its aut'ceaa ia due to Ihe preaanr In the t'rtmaoa quarters ef a doctor to look aflar the well being of tha man. It lan't th policy In ether unlvnraitlas to have- a doc tor about. I era use. ordinarily, tUa roach ia a gnod judge ef condition and helps to kaap the maa fit. Harvard lan't getting any batter man than uaual. Both unlveraitiee for year hn had a weajth of rowing tna'erlal. stuff that anv roach ehvuld ha at, la to turn Itiia gmd crew Hut Harvard baa become ion fulant now la row na aad h Ixiilt mi. aa akl. a varv at run -im It us,.y lhat la Ih ro-iree ef a few araeona Yale will ror from the al imp into whim it has fal en It Ian t a cna ef la a ef ma larial or waleht It la tnevelv h-lns a a ba4 SIMM fie lha lima being and mat ha. in l4 annua eoarkm EOTTXSa CUAT.r.TZ LDQZFn rrn I aalaMwal B)aaaeehta laelead mt hy DWaaaa (lake. '.tarel ra-iu l f. , la I' a r . -a e4 r ila'toae ehuh ar fair K.-I sra t ha er-aea.ia4 al tha wt a af ' tna bow'ar uf Aai a In Sr liii Jen i j an J tie nt tha ar ieal iitnM at' it tienaa te mamfeaaefttp ta Ine A'Marfca r4"o .ninaraae) tm taa.a ro.:afo a I 'a itott . ul Ni ninihia laoiuaa i ,a t nt M-raiarv e aeiea I "l n.ia4 af Sa4 .at Mm a I a iol l.ina I . foe i-r of ilia aast. Ta ana.tal ,-i.., n'l iw u .rt4! it. aaioai la iii ii.iraeMa m Ha; H.J I r at a a ar- n io.-. . w. a'.. ' f . a.l a.- l a a i-,h' r a .1 mi a I -ia a t . la m nt , f a i.i .l l .i. 1-1 'i . . 4ttt l -aa f a i i0 a. a u-i. a 4 ai a e al a. eaa HOW DIAI'ONDSTARS DECLINE Storiei of Decadence in American AiiocUtion's Fignrea. WHERE 0LD-TIiIEU3 LING EH Britkl I. labia at Bis; I.aaaaaa (i Back Tralalac C.rwaad at Taalk aa They Taaa Their Prlaae. If you wonder what become of the big teaaj bas ball star when they cease starring, where they drift to after they hnve slowed up Just enough to keep them out of th two big rlmta. take a Squint at the American association average. You'll find the haa-beena In bunchea. Th American association serves as th hothouse wherein ar ripened tha un seasoned youngsters of some of th West ern American and National league mainly, but I also a dumping ground for the old timers. Cleveland, tn particular, haa a penchant for sending discards to the American association and Pt. IjouIs and Washington are also closely affiliated with the organisation that haa for a long time considered Itself of major c'ass. Rome of th old-timer this term la used In connectlo.1: with men who ar still young, but who hav aeen rvlc In the big league, aa well aa the real veteran of the gam ara doing right well. Some of them are finding th pace too hot. Jimmy Harrwtt, manager of the Mil waukee team and year ago an outfielder, top tha batting average thl yar with .SM for fifty-one games. Barrett goes along playing a smashing good game both at the bat and In the field, but Is very susceptible to Injury and does not play half th time. Fta-wres on Gabby." "dabby" Cravath. who used to drsw his monthly envelop from Charley Comlskey, and, still later, the Boston Red Sox, waa the actual leader, batting .32 for 1(M game. Close up to Cravath was Hickman, a Cleveland discard, who batted .S17 tor 1S7 gamn. Heinle Peltx. the old Cincinnati Red pitcher, who now leads the Louisville club, wa another .Sno performer, gaining a record of .J for twenty-three games. Clymer, whose last American league en gagement was with Washington, hit .TO in 130 game. Dare Devil Dave Altlser, who was one of the world' champion White Sox, who come back to the big show next year, batted an even .MO. Six or seven clubs war after Altlser last fall, some of them offering as high a $4,600 for him. The Minneapolis club turned down all of them, only to log htm In the drafts, which cost the Miller Just 13,000 In cold cash, for th draft price In only 11,000. Altlser played six or seven gamea with th Red at th end of the aeaaon, and, though his name doe not appear In th records, led th National leagu in bat ting. He cleaned up at tha rate of about .000, for those few gamea. Outside of the .300 circle you can't stick a pin In th American association averages without scratching some old big leaguer. Congalton, who went up from Dea Moines, one a Cleveland Nap. and that not ao long ago, hit .391 for Columbus. Hallman, another ex-Nap, who batted .279 for Kan sas City and Toledo. Hallman Is Just ahead of Hayden of Indianapolis, one on the Cub payroll; Claude Rossman. another former Des Moines player, who wsb with the Detroit Tiger during their pennant-winning cam paign, and Prank Bowerman, the old New York Giant, who wouud up hi National leagu career by making a men of th management of th Boston Doves. Perrtnar la I.lel. A little further down th list cam Fer rmg, one of Omaha, th old Cleveland shortstop, who now pastime with Co lumbus and bat .271. and Rube Ferri. once on of th flossiest third baeemen in th American leagu. In the American as sociation he bat .K7 for Minneapolis. Right under Ferris in th record table I Al Orth, who won a lot of game for th New York Yankee a few years ago. "Smiling Al" continue a a steady, con sistent hitter. His .267 waa better than the averages turned In by all but two of his Indianapolis team mates. Harry Hlncnman, th old Cleveland out fielder, and Lou Ritter, one a catcher for Brooklyn and Philadelphia, ar In the .260s, while "Jap" Barbeau, former Pirate and present Kansas Olty In field or; Lellvelt, who saw service with both Detroit and Washington, and Danny Shay, one a Giant, ar In tha .250. ' Below that mark even la old Bplke Shan non, brought her by MoGraw In th hop that he would "bring back" th Polo Grounder after the old world' champions of IPOS bad gone to piece. Kplk played with Kansas City last sea son, but th fan out ther ar not over anxious that he be retained another year. They say he ha about reached the end of hi rop and that another year will him down in th bushes. Pickering, a veteran of th day when Loirisvill waa In th National league, and on of the most sensational fielders of his day, ts another who ha found th pace too awlft In tha near-major league. II haa alowed up woefully In hla fielding and baa running and batted only .141 for Mln neapolia and Loulavllle. He another who stands a rattling good chance of having a kid come along and swipe his Job. H was with Washington In IMS and with both Minneapolis and Louisville last season. Ixmg Tom Hughe, a gradual from Omaha, who goes back ta Washington next season, touted aa really ready for picking, did not bit much for Mlnneapolla, but his .EX wa a lot better than moat pitchers do. At any rate. It I as high aa lha aver age turn ad In by little Bunny Magic, the old Chicago Cub. Only a few years back tls(!e waa one of the moat valuable men on Chance's taam. but loaf hi batting eve and dropped out of Ihe big ahow. Iav Praln. one of t. Jo, aid Oaaie Hhre1. the former a star fielder for the Cincinnati Reds yrara ago, and a Giant for a siiort time, and the latter one vt Connie Mark's t.in th wnlv a roupia of eaasnns bai'fc. each halted .'., vne for at Paul and the oilier for lamlevtHe There are olhar vld big le4ra sti.l further do an th Hal. I. it titer are aH j pIK'toera, sod ll.eir batting raeoida prut anrthlng tne aajr or anuibar e-.t A NEW LINK TO CUBA ! lalaa Neaftte la Braa(kt r It b la 1 4 -' la rrne if. lea la Tbrea flat mt a taalk b fore lK-e .a- I e -- ia I -a v aa akM4le. I p ue ait) aa la Attar, ta at I ' a t saaaVaa I, I ii. ,ai t-aaaa I a.r I aaat a'l.ia 1 a A ImiK Iw - fim-en o i .t' iJ t il i': -alil.aii, art aa f?-H.t l raff. baaaavai lt nI fi ' i-a ba a a4 I ar.i IUxM at paaaat.r ee itaii a l i re.b.i.a f- -taa "iMt I I tt tm bru M et'tia i., J. i Waa lhat irraa H a ml a tait a a i a - -t.be 4 iiiiii i..urta lis .at tea l ta -r.i.j In IMf 4-raartt.at a haeaaa aa it mnm eat liaia Naw Tk mm Salal.. m-a4 irat ee as 4 e4 ta ia f. i ua .it 'tti mi The a- t.a la tta-la r-tenaie bf tve at--l-a.-tg l .uil kaa - aat -' I Mt a m l'-a ai-etiatna - 4 Ita n ,1 ... .a t ikmH f aa t f !' I N Tai r 4 aaie i: -. European Nations Evince Growing Athletic Interest Stockholm 'Will nave Competition for Olympic Garnet Two Yean Hence. NEW YORK. Deo. M.-Ther Is no doubt that foreign countries ar building a treat Interest In athletics, especially th north ern nations of Kurope, and ther Is bound to fee som stout opposition at Stockholm two years from now In th Olympic games. In a meeting this fall given by the Pan Slavic club at Sofia, Bulgaria, as many as t,0M) athlete participated. The biggest meet In America never attracted a tenth of that number In Individual entries. A. P. Brooks, a member of th New Tork Ath letic club, happened to be present at this meeting and in a letter he say In part: "To thla meeting came athletes from nearly all the Slavic countries Russians, Bulgarians, Servians, Roumanians and Turks to a total number of mora than 6,0X1. Thee athlete arrived from their various horn cltie headed by bands, all marching In military order from the rail, way station to the army barracks, which wr in encampment in the country. There war men, youth and boy of all ages and ven a few women "and girls among the clubs. "A great amphitheater, which was erected for th occasion on the outskirts of th city, accommodated spectators num bering more than W.OOO. Prlxes were duly awarded to th best athUte in the vari ous games. -Some of the uniforms were uslque. Most of th alhletaa, however, wore some sort of a turban hat made of lamb skin, with the fleece about half an Inch long and with th crown or top of th hat mad of blue, red, yellow, etc., accord ing to th nationality of th club; a loose fitting gray flannel shirt, with military collar and Bash; knickerbockers and golf stockings. They presented a very Interest ing spectacle both In marching order and In th amphitheater. These meetings have been held before, but this was ths most Important one, and they ar to be carried on each year In th futur with the idea of promoting a closer brotherhood among the Slavic nations. Ther I little ques tion also but that the meetings and the Pan-Slavlo Sciontlflo parliament, which was held In Sofia at the same time, had a political Influence a well, and that the meeting are held to a certain extent un der the cover of athletto and scientific events, whlla trying to work up a pro Slavlo feeling throughout that part of th world. "The S.0O0 athletes were almost evenly di vided, 2,500 being Rumanians and th re mainder from other Slavio atatee. The Bul garian athletes are called Tunaks, and the Bohemian ar called Snkols (Falcons). It waa a very Interesting eurprise to the few foreigners there to find that these far east ern people were such thoroughly trained athletes and were able to perform in almost every field of contest, showing enormous strength, agility, dexterity and endurance." Aviation Engineer Off for the Isthmus Clifford B. Harmon to Attempt a Flight Acron Panama in an Aeroplane. NEW YORK. Dec 84. Details are being arranged for th widely dtscussed aero plan flight across th iBthmns of Panama by Clifford B. Harmon. Th well-known aviation engineer, Lewis T. Haney, accom panied by several representative of the leading newspaper, sailed last Saturday on the Prlns AuKust Wllhelm of th Hamburg-American line for Colon, to go over the course and to complete all arrange ment. The government has placed at Mr. Harmon's disposal Its heliograph station, and will lend every possible assistance. A special train will b run across th Isthmus, to keep pace If possible, with the flying machine and to enable a large body of government officials and Invited guests to watch th flight. Mr. Haney believe tbat the route followed by Mr. Harmon will parallel th canal. Mr. Harmon will rise from th deck of the steamship Moltka when It enters th harbor, o that hi course will be entirely unfamiliar to him, except for th Informa tion furnished him by hla engineer. The Isthmus at this point Is leu than forty miles In width, and It will probably be necessary for him to rise to a height of 2,000 feet to clear the level of th Andes. He Is confident that he can make th crossing from the Atlantic to th Pacific without alighting. To mark th course box kite will probably be flown at flv mila intervals, high enough and large enough to make hla route clear. Th pro longed flashes from two or more hello graph station will also aaalat to keep him on th right track. One of these station will probably be established at Culebr Cut. Canada Must Defend Yachting Trophies Great Lakes Sailori Prepare for Com petition! for Eoyal Cup Seneca Challenarer. IKN'MKATER. N. Y.. De. . :i T htmen of the great lake are brglnnlng t lk about International race Three tars have two important rupa. and lndlcatloue olnt toward a intiteet for at leaat one of Iheae w .1.-.. L. ..... it I lima liat m . - . -will. In all probability, be for the Kla'ier cop. now held bv t'ie Ho) al Canadian Vai lil club. Th rallanaing rup will l 114 K cheater Yarl'.t rliih and teieca will ba namad aa ' chalieticiii bat. Aithau In i hhie haa not aa at taao eael. trie n ailer was bte iM up ievae.ur by l.'rte M,.rr owimw f aat-aa who uffanad the utfe'idtttoetailt I IKa rl ih j Tt f'aaada a t up la I II at ia ai local !-aal lek . M.ni tha crfnar lrp ImeintMi la I Ka Tta txa la saw Kv Ka4r- Istt r a- I '.are la -rt.a win vf a rare f I la a a! i.alt la It 1.1. -m mt a tt Ita .f' Il te 14) art. ii ii a' t ta a' a ta n-a t t-ait at I .a-4 ia la at m "ttmait I -a . v. ... I, ,aaa ! IMa eaaawt taanat i a IU ( I IIMI - Hl- Itp tttl ' r- e" ml i aer-.t !-- , B.-mn a 4 t a I ta- a exraa.t a .4 tie U-u ha.. I I t arf ita i,-ei laltt ft- iti 1 a aa ie lata H itt. I a 4 aa la' t 'e e-a--ia 1, e a- a ta ee At 'i m t-- i tt at . i.a t"it ta na FEW PirCIIERSFOXY AT FIRST Moit Twlrlm Dm Marki for the Bate Etralen. ED WALSH IS THE CRAFT IXST White Sns Mats Declared Meat Kae eeaafal la C'wla llaes Over Darlaff Baa Raaaere dee A aether One. Catching runner nff first base I an art few pitcher hav developed. Ther ar a grtat many twlrler who ar considered "marka"' by playera Frank Smith of th Boston Red Sox I an example. Frank, when h wa with Comlskey, wa easy for runner. He simply could not catch men off rirst base. His Blow, awkward motion let the runner t back with plenty to spare, and his ponderous motion In throw ing to th plat gav runner a big start down Inlo second. But lsat, yar Smith changed. He seemed to hav learned a half balk motion, that completely puaaled base runners. And from that time on Frank has been Improving gradually, until at th end of th season he pulled himself out of the "mark" class. Jimmy Collins, at one time th greatest third baseman In the tame. Is an authority on baa ball. Hear what Jimmy say about pitcher and th art of nailing run ners. "PM Walsh of th Chlcgo Whit Sox." aaya Collins, "la th hard cat pitcher I have ever played agslnst when it comes to get ting a lead off first. Let me tell you right now that Walsh has the most bafflln motion of any pitoher In the country, bar none. I myself think It Is a clear case of balk when Walsh wind tip and then slaps the ball over to first. But no umpires have called him for It yet, e-'oept In one or two rases, where th offense was palp' tie. "There ar only a few runners, men like Eddie Collins and Ty Cobb, who dare to take more than a couple of feot lead off first when Walsh I In th box. They de pend on their excessive speed on beatinR th ball to first, but sometime even they ar fooled. You never can tell what Walsh I going to do until yon actually see th batsman awing at th bait. Then you know that Walsh has pitched to the plate "Next to Walsh I place the crafty In dian, Bender, of tha champion Athletics, You simply have to keep your eyes on Bender all the time while, you ar loaf Ins around first baa or he will outguess you, For that matter, he often outwit you even when you are watching him. I think that' on of tha reasons Bender has de veloped Into a leading; pitcher. "Then ther Is Addle Jos of Cleveland a regular pitching fox. Clark Griffith never had anything on Addle when It comes to being a pitching fox- Why, I'v stood up by the bag and though Joaa had thrown to the plat when really I was being tagged out at first You hav to keep your eyes peeled on Addle. Johnson of the Na tionals and Donovan of the Tiger ar two more pitcher who are hard to take a lead on. "In the National league I consider Mathewson of the Giants. Brown of the Cuba, and, possibly, Phllllppl of th Pirates, leader In thl particular phase of the game. Of course Phllllppl is grow Ing old and haa slowed up som. but when he was at his best nobody had anything on him. I hav played against him and know pretty well what I'm talking about "While we ar on thl subject, let me say that the third baseman ha a lot to do In. catching runner off first. It ia generally hla part to give th signal to tha pitcher when th man 1 far enough off first to shoot th ball over. There ar some team where th catcher give th signal, but th third baseman can do It best. Next time you are at a gam when Walsh is pitching and ther I a runner on first Just watch Harry Lord' actions, Walsh will be standing moistening the ball and keeping on eye glued on Lord. Suddenly Lord will shift one of his hand or will reach up to grab at hi hat At that second you will see Walsh whip the ball over to first and frequently there's a dead runner." WOMEN AS DEMONSTRATORS Member af tha Fair fx Ar lavad lasj Aaleaaohil Claai. Within the last few year a great many women have learned to operate cars, th greater number of them being devotee of the popular electric. A few of the more venturesome hav maatarad th Intrioacle of the gaaollne car to uch an extent that they feel capable of taking part In endur ance race, track race.' and other forma of automobile competition. In Omaha at a recent auto meet five women driver contested for prise. It haa remained for New Yorfk City, where so many Innovations com to light, to produce th first women demonstrators of electric carriage. A prominent firm In that elty which handle a large line of electric vehicle, conceived th Idea of hay ing a corps of clever and well posted young ladle to demonstrate th electric to th society belle of th metropolis. The lady demonatrators dress In th height of fash Ion and naturally glv th machine a very attractive setting. Suppose that soma member of th tM I In th market far aa electrt victoria or a stanhope. Tba firm to whom h Inquire h on of th lady demonstrator make an appointment for aa aftarmoon deraoa st ration through th park. Arriving at th appointed place th lady demonstrator, dreaaed In swell riot be, pre at a very attractive appearance aa she make rwntn for Ih weuld be ruelonter. who I well pleaaed to bat a demoftrataTHi ef Ike car a ability tinder such pleasing caadt tinns. Ilearhtng Ihe per, tha eWiwna stralor puta Ih ear Ihratigh Ita par), glvr Ihe praepet-tlt euatomer antaa fclaa mt huw lb rtvar Maa Is eevreted. eapaitate al laeath ai-ot Ihe wtartta ef Ih car. Ita ease of oifretltm. aad aa forth, aad Ih aaie at eoasutairiYeWd SPEED XJV:f Ail TlCO SETdl Nsilaaa state) la a-laa ' a eMri hy ManaUrses a hla la a. -T. m.iarx -'' ka saaat ebiae- iut n. ...tl aaaa lltitH I na taallt i t ha eara4 fcaaa" 4a.lrJ llattta "ar ? raa mmm M k a , t. aa aaa af laart foot J ttewtitiiit )rieta y kra it a at i .a ai i la sal tl Ita e- b-a la syaail mm Ta uiiKta mmmmA a ttti tt taa .fcti w a-.t t m4m artal aabftae mm4 la aitai k.ea j 4, j atn . .at ta aaafcaa tt ttaaae t ttiva ta attaaaa at ew.a la l va .t l a-ti.ta tcti I ti m- tt 4a ta a-a at inoti tt a : ti-. t t a ttaaaat a .a na aa att mmnmr tr tt ait aa twti teaaa it,a I tax -a t -te at a. tt cj ' . itttf ,l a i aafvat tl I m batt taaa at mt taaaaa ttat -a e"e tt taaae m -. ta m a -aa tat ''Wet a ti "t 'aa itt et.tt att tt . It4 ta aa 4.1-ea a a-i aa mm mt . ae a t.. Tf'iu t .-a e.-a-a (..a tl t-a e.taa tiv at a, 4- 'a-t i a to- . tttt t ta m i a aa e t - ta.f at- a.,u S-a a , England May Tako Up American Form of Starting Racca Britiih Enthntiaita Are Inclined to Abandon Standing Start May Uie Walk-Up. NRW YORK, Dec. 14-For nearly fifteen year Ih starting gsta has been In opera tion on American race courses, and fr nearly ten years tongllsh sportsmen hav paid tribute to th new system of star'.lng race homes, but up to tha present th long llsh do not appear to hav derived aa muoh satisfaction from the system aa hsa bees) th caas In this country. At th recent Glmurark club rllpner In London th subject was discussed at length and the drift of opinion seemed to warrant a chang from th standing start, which haa always been In operation In Fkigiand. to the walk-up method, or at least allow th starter to use his Judgment when op portunity offer and allow the horse ta leave the barrier when In motion. "It I Imposnlbl to start a flnld of horse from a stand. They simply will not stand, and that Is all ther Is to It" aald Mr. riothschlld. "and no blame attaches to th starters. The Kngllsh starters ar good as. If not better than, those attaohed to any other Jockey club In tha world. Be ing compelled, however, to start hnr from a stand, they ar never afforded a fair opportunity of displaying their ability. "While htildlng no brief for tha various American racing associations, I must oon fess that they are Infinitely more ready to embrace an Innovation than their British confrere. For Instance, having tried Mrs. Cassidy and th walk-up start at Juarea, In Mexico, the authorities there decided that the walk-up start waa preferable to attempting to start hnree from a stand, with th result that horses here are walked up to the barrier and the starting trouble Is practically non-existent. "Yet we obstinately refuse to glv the waTjt-up start a change. W know from bitter experience what an abject failure I th starting gat when coupled with th tending atart. Why not, therefor, let us give th walk-up method a trial T "Th starting of the present day I th curse of the turf. Tim after tlm horae ar lert merely because they lived up to tha Jockey club rule, which Is that horses shall fac th barrier In alignment This Is beautiful In theory, but imposnlbl in practice.' "lou cannot cajole or. compel a field of race horse to act Ilk automata. Each horse Is a separate and distinct individual, and whereaa soma will face th barrier absolutely free from nervousness of any description, others ar on string from th moment they feel a saddle on their backs, and by th tlm they arrive at th post ar In a state of lather and nervousness which it Is pitiable to witness. "Having arrived, th very sight of their old enemy, 'th gate,' excite them t th pitch of frensy, and so unruly ara they that they either get away well In front or are lert. If a home, thank to defying th rule, gets away with a flying start, a he often does, It Is nothing mors nor less than a rank fraud upon th owner whose horse have been properly schooled and ar amenable to th gat. "It 1, however. In ninety-nine ease out of a hundred, not the fault of th trainers of th fractious and unruly animals, but the fault of th system. North Platte Team Holds High Position Hig-h School Boyi Make Great Record on Foot Ball Field, Losing; No G&mei. Th North Platte High school foot ball taam Is proud of its record for ttl& Un der th leadership of Captain Votaw and Coach Neville It played th season with out having been beaten. It has played th big western Nebraska schools and won from Sterling (Colo.) High school after that sobool had earned th championship of eastern Colorado. Kearney Military academy waa defeated by a oor of 1 to a Lexington High school was th only team to cross th North Platt goal, but waa defeated, to 17. Th ti game with Kearney High school gav that team a chano to claim charaplonahlp honors, but If cvmparatlva score ar used ther ar at least four way of showing that North Platte had th better team, white Kearney how but on way in which It I tb via tor. The final gam of th aeaaon, when thaaa husky westerner Invaded th east and defeated York High school by a sours ef ta 0. place North Platte among th best team of th state and give It th light to ask for game with any of th team from the larger pleoee. Th aver age weight of th member of th teaaa on th field wa 161 pounds. Thla la tb laat year for Halllgan, Cronln, Tlgh. j Dtoyt. Votaw and June, a they will grad uate tn June, but there ar others coming on who will take thalr place. Humphreys Seventy-Seren Breaks up Cold and ULi Flair (Tit cf h('::3it. ' Teaae aa a a.'etrtny ea. tmmmm la eumfcar ataait' from In f ur ta. mm mti ral a.1 srct. in i ta tn H a t'ti t i. Hurt t a 4alt raciatreil. a eraa, rttra aetnina titt k iar raut vf tna aa't'iiala-i rii tlm la rtmlitultl I nua.t im. - .VirlljiaH'' aborts ut ta Grip Taa during It prataleate. it rra ample tfce stilem aai pratentg lakeatva ' JDtji -)" Is gotxl fan . .j f Ian, i;tj, 1'imOt. ( U.U aui. if Tkrvat itiittr.ti t a i.l tul ml B.aaaaal yviLat, I t lla re It ta lake A I lsg f j m ti:. , II (!.. t II M-t aa it I a i 'tt e-- a it (3ltu JImacEat.no: and Drinkinc Te I! ' mt Cm ft,,, f ..! n4 M !'. j l- t ta .) . t A t ; , i t i i i, p .. IW) Ul tl a We t f ll l"tl 11. t. r etaa s It 1 k . . ia oH-a e,.i f ,,J s a t I t -t4 a K. mi t mm a 4 i m1 ,iw aal a ta mm rm nt -mm. ava e e-.i-a ' ei . H--ia t-ar m t l .- a a t i nt ae --. 1 4 ae friHt t.wl m I---'"'" Tl aV ..,, I 'ta it a a a " ' m . -e mi I t-a m-m - i , i a. a . " - ta a ' e il 1 i. - t I . a ,.f Via. i tt - a a-t - -a . m . t nt t- ! 9 '1 S t' ka -.-4l t t, -at. t t t-e t - -