Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1910, SPORTING SECTION, Page 2, Image 30

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Ins considerable intention at Ihe unlver
sitr. In psnt yenrs Imt little attention I as
turn ps1d . the met gsme. but there hut
revival. ina-he, i,y the formation
of a tirvl voraity wrettllhg rlub feoently.
liny Miller, the champion heevywelaht
nf tlii" unlvcn ly. was eie.ted president
and F. !. Clark, the middleweight cham
pion, petrel dry am treasurer. The clul)
Mart out with a In rfc memherhlp and
inrends to hold an exhibition before the
close of the tearon.
The club l rripotirille for the develop
ment of a number of food wrestle a. Kl
Ilott. Miller nnd Clark are all clever men
In the r.atri while Rtihy is one
of the beat light weight wrestlers In tin
Roxlng In nlso receiving .tiir attention
under the direction of 'Ti-.ilntr" Jmk l'.et.
The class la well organized and will fjr
tush a number for the anr.ual gjmnnstc
exhibition. j
t.lft la Him .lnt He fore 'Csuie Mini
rat it I Kffrrt nn Onlrnmr Crelgh
Ion MrnlnN Ce Two.
Just before the flame ilartei last
between the HrnoeKaarri Crowns and the
81 brooder Pt. Jumcs, Mr. S'hroeder pre
aented each member of his team tilth a
box of clgHia nnil In return the membe-n
presented Jhn Wilson with .1 haudnnie
ruhv shirt stud. The boj felt t.u te
elated and started In to do the Crowns,
but an tho Crowns had on their fcnwi ni
tiir the Pt. J anion could hot win. Pom
classy bowling win the result.
1t. 'Jd. M. Tots'.
Vnas l.'.ft 109 1M MH
niton I! il tn M2
Mllohr It i!T.i la ir,; jiffl
Fsseiberg IN" )7i I9-I 6W
I 'tin kin 2ul 19 i?-1 ti'.'l
Totala 932 HK7 ! 2.751
kchrui:ii:r'8 sr. jambs.
Int. ?d. rid. Toial.
K. Mbyna ihi k j 7 ft, a
J Moyna I; lt:t ltjo a-u
Wilson i jdl no 4iJ
PcHnnell iCj ail M,
Johnson 215 180 2:5 fc.U
Totala 8i S30 9M 2.647
t-'reighlon ltenlala took two out of three
from the V. S. National Tellers on the
Met "opolllan cellar alleya. McCormick
had high gania of 210 and hltth total of 503
for the Dentala. Cutler bad high game of
1W and Ward high total of 540 for the
I'. 8. National Tellera.
lm. 2l. 3d. Total.
Mntg 14 147 161 442
Mct.'ormlck ....13S 2i 1st 5,1.1
Kllng 137 U7
Nelson u 142 404
Totala 417 819 0O ym
, lt- 2l. Kd. Total.
" : mi ira id am
fogara lno lxi 1.12 47
184 1.W HO 444
Totala 535 504 412 1.471
In the Mercantile league the Ak-Par-Bena
won two out of three from the
Kamoe. McCarthy had high total with 542
and alao hlkh alngle game of 187.
In tha Booster league the Kuffner Tailor
ing Co. won three atralght from the Stora
Malta. Howell had hlh total of 585 and
Ltfone had high single game of 213.
Also in the Booster league the Omaha
Bedding Co. won two out of three from
the Rangers. O. Johnson had high total
of 55) and Wllley high single gain of 204.
1st. 2d. , Sd. Total.
Ratekln ..
Mowell ....
Melum ....
Touts ;
S10 lilt M 5M
It 6-t
207 5
144 514
V 8,J
1st. 2d.
140 141
Sd. Total,
Htora ....
Duikee .
Lyons ...
. Lirutnmy
748 7ta
50 44
, 799
le'7 (14 2.520
Int. 2d.
114 lil
153 M
144 144
lus J..4
If 200
3d. Toial.
142 47!
Pickett ....
Hlaughter ..
O. Johnson
Total 7t . 818
745 iXiS
... . lt. 2d. 3d. Total.
Wllley lu
Hose Ki7
Changstruin 177
tot. Joiuisoii ,U)4
Totals ..
Totala ...
" 1st.
?U 811
Id. Total.
K- mi
ij m
383 1,322
3d. Total.
17 4t
11 i: 17
180 180
Melcholr .
Van Da hi
Ureen ....
487 460
McCarthy ..
SUckwell ..
....400 470 tit 1,443
lft Preaatsiiua Beet kitifi
At GarloWa new alleya. Bouth Omaha,
the Iwlfta Premium team had tha beet
of the Bwlft a Piidee by l.ioS to 1,930 pins.
They won by a comfortable margin.
1st. 1.1 14 T.1
1 1 u w
Parker US
MoCord 144
Marietta H)
Ttx 144
U8 Ml
101 te
!!.' 413
14 4X0
7T4 m-1f)
3d. Total.
loS 4-
1N4 41
114 SNi
Huschke .
Ewelt ,
O LEA It V 8.
1U 410
4 1,034
1.1 Tnul
Ink n .
Murphy ,
. 91 II I
14 4.1
u tr:
T 1.871
3d. Total.
14 4Ni
4'.7 6.'l
Wolfe ...
i ii
157 Ml
lt 4u
W ess a a hhooa little Ulrl Hew
Take It and Kalla lata
NIJW YORK, Dec. 14 'I II ahow you
how eaey it Is to take." said Mrs. Jo.
sephln Ha rone to her daughter Uusla,
It years old. today and lifted a bottle t
her lips In proof. Susie had objected t
taking a teaspoonfull of what was sup
posed to be rough med't lnc, a hicn her
mother poured out ef one of a row of
bottles, all on the same shelf.
Mrs. Rarone fell to the floor in convul
sions and died before an anbulauce ar
rived Mie drank from a bottle of acid by
mistake. Susie wui almost distracted over
th belief that her obstinacy contributed to
bar luother'a de"-
Along Auto Row
Xnetnsss Qnlt Praparatlona for
Auto Show Oolng Ahssd and
Dealer Looking for Big Tim.
I Auto Row waa ijiilrt Int nee!;. No
and then when a na hlne -was aold every
I body knew about It. It wan quite a etunl.
htle aoine dealer" will sell oats In spile
of the "Dickens ami Tom Walker." and
Auto Flow will show s'tfn of activity all
ah ng. no heavy advertising will le done
until after the holiday. During January
the first guns will be fired outlining the
crrtipalana for the year, arid the booming
w-lli keep up until the ahow In Kebriiar.
The Ilee will Issue II bli: show number
tl:tr. It will be lancer than nnv auto
section It ever tirlnt'd. It will Ik ent
bflllehed with picture of the local dealers
and anything elae that I Intcreatln and
that will make the game a live unj
irioughoiit thti year.
taeniae tlarkalnw I devoting hi time and
energy row to rcttinic the l-'ackard truck
before buelnraa men of Omaha and iMa
Palra Manager M.llnn la apeclaliaini; on
I'ack anl truck proportion and the chance
re that he will tnAkc It varn1 for aome
of the boy a who haxe trucka to aell.
Mllian aaya that the Packard truck
la head and ahouldera above every other
commercial car In the country.
J. W. Ilreer.e of the trticK department
of the Packard Motor Car company cnmtj
to Omaha yesterday, lie will be with the
Mfctrlo Uarage company a few days.
Hreeae know the truck from every point
of the coin pans and he save that If kny
city In the world ncede a good, strong,
powerful truck, Just such a truck as the
Packard la, It la Omaha, and be sees
great future fur the Tackard here.
Guy Smith has received another beautiful
model D Ftanklln, finished In maroon and
upholstered In Spanish leather, which la
attracting attention.
Pales Manager Smitn of the F.. M. F.
company, made a hit last week delivering
donatlona to the poor on one of his cars.
The E. M. F. people all over th country
tendered their care to the charitable insti
tutions Ist week.
K. L. Ferguson of the American Automo
bile association, who la conducting a tour
In an Ohio car over a new route from New
Vork to Ban Franclaco by way of the south
ern atatees, lias addressed a communication
to Governor Thomas M. Campbell of Texas
urglna; his do-operatlon, along with the
governors of the other southern statea, in
a plan to create a rational highway fivim
coast to coast. The route aa proposed or
iginated with the American Automobile as
sociation and will traverse Virginia, North
and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico,
Arlsona and California. It Is identical with
that now being toured by the Ohio path
finder care In charge of Mr. Ferguson, who
la collecting the necesaary road data.
Because of their Interest in the new south
ern coast to coast route,' Dallas automobli-
lata extended a heaty welcome to the Ohio
car when they arrived here yesterday.
About half of this 4.300 mile Journey has
been covered, Dallaa being midway between
New Tork and the Golden Gate as the rout
is laid out. Tho party left here at noon
today headed for Fort Worth, and will go
thence to El Taso by the most direct roada.
The other members of the party are O. W.
Finney; representing tha Ohio Motor Car
company, which loaned the oar for the
tour; Charlea Thacher and Fred D. Clark.
The addition to the Velio Motor" Vehicle
compaay In the form of a complete shop
for making tha forty-horsepower motor
used In the V eil car, haa Juat been "com
pleted at Mollne. III., at a coat of iiaO.000.
The factory now cover a ground area
of nine aorea and Is one of the most com
pUtely equipped machine ahopa for this
class of work In the west. The building Is
460 feet long by 100 feet wide and la of
reinforced concrete construction through
out. From this time on all parte of the
motors w II be made at the plant.
The new machinery Inatalied Includes
Heald cylinder grinders, Morten valve tap
pet grlndera, eapeclally designed Reamer
aV Smith boring mills, flve-spindle lngersol
cylinder milling machlnee and Pratt aV
Whitney autematlo piston machinery.
Thle factory will have an annual capac
ity at the present time of 3,000 motors, but
can be enlarged to any alae at any time to
double that capacity.
For the srv ce and accommodation of of
fclal visitors to Boston, all Boston or
ganlaationa, societies and clubs, the Koston
service car will be inaugurated tomorrow
by the New England branch of the Velle
Motor Vehicle company. The Roaton aerv
Ic car la a handsome, spec ally constructed
1911 Velle, a five-passenger touring car.
The Boston aerv'ce car win r.ia.4
the disposal of Mayor Fltsgerald, Gover
nor Draper and th Boston Chamber of
Commerce, and will be th official car for
the entertainment of visitor from all part4
of the country and th world. The auto
mobile will be driven by an expert chauf
feur at all Urasa. .
AU Boston eluba. aocietlea and organiza
tions are Invited to use the Boston serv
ice car at all times. To obtain the car It
will only be necessary for the organisation
to communicate w:th M. H. Luce, manager
of the Velle, at 9 Massachusetts avenue.
It will be advisable to notify the Velle
company at leait on day before the time
that the car w 11 be wanted. The policy of
the New England branch of the Veil will
be to co-oerate with all of th business
Interests anU organlsat.'ona of th city of
Boston In vry way possible.
Ingleda Not Candidate.
MARBHALLTOWN, la.. Dec. !4.-8pe-clall-Mayor
O. I lnglodue. of Ills city,
whos second term of two yens l-j drawing
t-i a clow, and uMcii tuts been one of
the most tempestuous administrations the
city has ever known, will not he a .ihkII
dat for mayor under tha commission plan
of city gjverrment. He publicly annoutic.-d
that h would not be I candidate today
The .! o:i plan of government goea
Ii to effect here neat spil.ig
A'untinued from First rage I
Johnnv Wise. I to I won: I'otlv sec-
- ....viii, iiiiiu. time, f 'fll.
Second race, four and one-hulf fori. , ,
New Star. 1 to won; Uir.l VI'., sevund; 1
n'"i cans, intra, nine, 1 uov
Ttilrd race, sla and one-half fuilnniia:
llsiinarket. S to 1. won; Hlu.r Mel., m
se-ond; Hon H.,iiton. third. Time l
Fourth race, hurdles, one and one-elahth
": to'onel Zeb 7 to ) won: k-toiuia,
second: Malvina. third. Time IT.
Fifth race, sis furlongs; HartliiK. 3 to 1
won: Automatic, second ; Roval I ad
third. T m. 1 . .
Sixth race. tl&u. for S-year-nid, nd Up.
one and one-elKhth miles, selling-. Maxonia,
111. .W. Rain. I to I. ' ID i. 7 to 10 w
Profile. 1. tlrv'ni. v, to 1 f to i. to
second; Whip Tup 111. U Howard! to
I to 1 out third. Tim. I .jv,.
Noo.ksleet, Bethlehem. San Bernard and
II M. Keoo also ran.
lLag)...jsnii mr s't 1;w-fT
Presbyterians Conclude Anniveriary
with Dinner and Talks.
Ilrralnlacencea of Karly Days of
C harrh In Omaha and of Work
( Dune by Denoin I nation
Promts for Fntare.
The First Presbyterian church closed the
aeml-centennlal celebration of Ita founding
last night with a church family dinner and
an evening of rem'nlaceneea.
The dinner, which was given In the as
sembly room by the women of the church,
waa well attended. Afterward came the
programme of the evening in the church
auditorium. C. E. Tost, who Is chairman
of the board of trustee, presided, and the
programme opened with an organ recital
by Mrs. Howard Kennedy and a hymn.
H. A. Doud, clerk of the seaMon. spoke
of "The Ruling Elder of Former Daya,"
telling of the Presbytertanism of the early
days and the men who shaped Its des
tinies. Mr. Doud had a word for each of
the old elders that have held that poaltlon
of honor since the Inception of th church
In 1860. To some h paid special tribute, In
particular to the elder Howard Kennedy,
who died In 1905, after serving the church
faithfully for thirty years.
Kennedy on F.arly Days.
Alf. C. Kennedy, secretary nf the board
of trustees, spoke of "Other Former Lead
ers of the Church." Mr. Kennedy told !n
an Introductory way of hi first Impres
sion of Omaha when he came to it as a
boy, describing the reception accorded to
Orand Duke Alexia and the visit of th
king of the Hawaiian Islands, who "looked
I ke a porter, but waa a good fellow, never
theless." The speaker pronounced Omaha
exceedingly fortunate In the character of
her early pioneer. Mr. Kennedy spoke
highly of the faithful work of the lata
Thomaa A. Crelgh.
After a well rendered aolo by George S.
Johnston, Mrs. Mary I. Crelgh told In a
delightfully reminiscent vein of the work
of the women. Mrs. Crelgh sketched th
sacrifices and the hardships of tha pioneer
women of the church In the new prairie
country, then treeleas, windy and desolate,
giving them honor for the large part they
played In pulling the church through the
struggles oS the dark days.'
"Twenty years ago," said Mrs. Crelgh,;
"Mr. Yost and I, as officers of th Ladle-'
Aid oc!ety, went to the botird of
trustee with a proposal for a new church.
The bourd took the niatter, as they uld,
for deliberation. The other day w heard
ftom them. That la, I suppose, what a
roan considers due deliberation."
This sally met with much laughter.
Mrs. S. F. Woodbrldge interested th
audience with "Recollections of Our
Church Music," while Mrs. Oeorg Tllden
and Dr. W. O. Henry told of the work
that had been done in the Sunday achool.
James H. Adama spoke of th young peo
ple and their services for the good of th
Nelson 11. Loomla, taking as his tubject
rh question, "What of the Future?" dis
missed the problems of the past a nobly
finished and outlined aome of the problem
of the future with which th church must
deal. Mr. Loomla spoke of th plan for
the new church.
The pastor. Dr. K. If. Jenks. closed the
venlng with a few summing-up remarks.
In which he said that It Is certain that th
fidelity and fal thfulunoss of th past fifty
years will continue into th next halt
Former t'olamnn Mealdent K apt res
from Hhopk Following Treat
ment for Appendicitis.
CAMRRIIKJK, Neb . Iec. 24 -i Special
J. J. died at the hospital here Thure
day morning of acute appendicitis. The
news of his death came suddenly to the
citizen bete, his I line having started
only five days ao when he was removed
to the hospital for an operation.
Mr. Dodds lias resided here about five
years, coining to this place from Columbus,
Neb. During the laet three years be lias
been mayor of Cambridge.
Mayor Dodda Is survived by a widow and
three daughters. The body mi taken to
Columbus this morning for Interment. He
was a member of the order of (xid Fel
Farmer Treasurer mt I ailed Stales,
t eavlelrd nf Miens ml Malls. Has
Another 4 kaser.
WASIIINtiTON, De-, ?l -Jstnes .V. Hus
ton, former treasurer of Ihe I'nited aitales,
recently convicted of conspiracy to us
th malla to defraud, nas today granted
a new trial by Justice Wright In the crim
inal court. Harvey M lls of Clnctn
gstl and lluffalu and Kverett Du Kuur of
Washington. coml-t vtuh Huston, auacn
was sentenced to serve twu yraia In the
penitentiary. From this sentence the lat
ter tvto not--d an atpeal to the court of
appeals and arte released on bail pea ling
the declmott of the appeilikle court
The Key to th Situation tie Want AJ
, - , -Ji . , l 4 -. ' t j ; , . S mT'
.3 At
Fire Engine Used to
Shut Off Speeches
Industrial Workers of World in Jail
in Fresno, Cal., Start Demon
stration. FRKSNO, Cal.. Dec. 2i To quiet twenty
Industrial Workers of the World peuned
In the county jail a steam fire engine was
called Into action this afternoon.
With full force turned on, a stream of
water bowled over In quick succession
every speaker as he attempted to arise
and climb to the windows to shout to the
people outside. 1 The demonstration lasted
twenty minutes. When the men finally
gave In the floor of the prison was six
Inches deep In cold water and the Indus
trialists and their bedding were 'thoroughly
The industrialists started the demonstra
tion last night and today were placed on a
bread and water diet. When the Jailers
appeared with the bread the prisoners
threw the bread in their faces.
Kidnaper Captured
in Omaha Goes to Jail
Henry Schuman Given Sentence of
from Twenty to Forty Years
in Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 24.-Bert Schu
man, alias Herbert Rolason, was convicted
today of kidnaping Henry Wlllman, 11
years old. Schuman was given an Indeter
minate sentence of from twenty to forty
years In the etate penitentiary. Schuman
and the boy were found in Omaha In
September. '
Washington Affairs
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. (Special Tel
grain.) Army orders: By direction of the
president, Major David J. Baker, Jr.,
Eleventh Intamry, is Uetailed to till a va
cancy In tne adjutant general'a dcpait
mnl, to take etieel May 31, vtce ilajOr
William 11. Sage, adjutant general, re
lieved and at-aigned to the Eleventh ln
.antry. Lieutenant Colonel Adelbert Cionkhiie,
coast artillery corps, will report to this
city for conterence with the cnlef of staff
By direction of the preaident, Major
William M. Wright, Flxhtn Infantry, is
uetailed tor service in tne adjutant gen
eral'a drum tun ni, to take eilect Marcn
,2, vice Major diaries M. Trultt, adjutant
general, woo is relieved and aaslgned to
the Eighth Infantry.
Caplan Charles P. Summerall, B-cond
field artillery, la relieved Irom duty at the
military academy, West Rolnt, and will
aail Irom ban J -anclsuo about May 6 fur
the Piillipptnt-e tor duty.
Captain Juunou -. Battle, coast artillery
corps. Is d.'C.uleu fur ri lulling service and
wilt proceed to Columbus barracks lor
teinpoiary duty, thence to Roanoke, V ,
relieving Fliat Lieutenant Nathaniel R.
Rogera, Jr., coast aitillury corps, who will
proceed to Salt Lake City for recruiting
Hy direction of the president. Major
Archibald Cuiupbe!. coast artillery corps,
is detailed for service In th adjutant gen
eral's department, to Uk efiect April 13.
vice Major Sidney 8. Jordan. adjutant,
general, and will proceed to can Francisco
lor temporary duiv. thence to Honolulu,
sailing Irom San Francisco about May
lor duty.
Headquarters and Company 1 of the Third
batallion of engineers are elated for duty
In tha Philippines. The company la now
latioiiod at Fort Leavrnworth, Kan , and
an order issued from the War department
today directs the men to hold themselves
In readlneaa to sail from San Francisco
October 6, next, for Mantia. '1 hey mil re
lieve th neadouartere and Company O nf
th Second battalion of engineer, which
will com to Fort Leavenworth.
Fostniaater (leneral liltclirock announced
today the appointment nf James c Conned
of California aa inspector In harai of the
postofflce Inspection (I I Me Ion wlin heaJ
uuartere at Mckene. Wash . and compris
ing Washington, ur.gon. Idaho. Montana
and Alaska. Mr. til'onneil, for several
ers. has been ranking city Inapertor at
San Francisco.
The aale of articles sc. iiinuiai.vl in the
division of dead letters In the J'ovtof fi
department In the last few davs. embraced
7 i'.l Items, .m esutii.g .L -i, or an av-r-hue
of II .U lor rat h l r, l sold, arriinlini
to a reixirt of the ...lmatr general The!
net revenue t.,n lh. hi h Kill be de
posited In the 1 rr.nun derailment to the
rreuit of the (Mietal revenue.
Records of Americanism in
Insane Asylums of Nation
XEIV TtlllK. Ic :'t-Hat the records
of American life, and more rp-ctil tf
American bustle, ar It bm fund in ii.s
many lnn asylum of the country is
th opinion of I'r N Allen Niarr. hj
addressed th Acrdemy of Vie Ji- in kr
"Th rH need of the present ),'
iontjnue.1 Ir run. is a realisation that
we lle Iih, fast, that e Sura twu hafd.
that aa sune loo Inteneeli , that we lr.
t-o keenly W .deratlua. bot eacess. k a-J
to health.''
The meeting was raited to die-, ue toe
prekentiun of inoai'tr n t- H-.,i that
ina.iy caeea no laruiibia are the rauu
of voitvj aiattl trt Ial ca-ees. tshua, if
lletr Samuels bad bevn i-el f-.taeu.
might hsS boa the kd bef.l tay tne -cam
Ii rriiieOiai.iv. 1 e A ir Warten
k-'erils. pleeltlvht of 11a a'ala l,uac
t ..n,iiMt-n eatlinateil ill aimwi h f
Uit ia-va if Itjeauliy wiijr vti v aij'.a lu
. i ... M
. 1- .-:-. - .. . . . ' - m I
. ;3."( - . . .
.-. .... an-. W e, .,. ,.,.jt
Attorneys Seek, to Secure Grounds for
Impeaching Testimony.
Woman Denies All Damn In a Kvl-
denee , Admits Ka Promise of
Marriage Kalsled Before
Contract Draws I'b.
IX8 ANGELES. 'al.. Dec. 24 " Lucky
Baldwin' gold could do anything against
a defenseless woman."
This waa one of th parting shafts
launched at opposing attorneys by Mrs.
Lillian Turnbul! before she ended her
testimony today In the contest of her
daughter, Beatrlr. for nearly a quarter
of the Ill.OtO.OoO estate the turfman left
when he died two year ago.
The record of the woman' testimony at
the trial of her S7&.000 suit against Bald
win has been destroyed, and the attorneys
for the state were endeavoring to aecure
her present version of that testimony pre
paratory to Introducing evidence for Im
peachment, when she replied, aa quoted, to
a query a to what reason there might
be for ao many forgeries of her letter.
Seventeen more of her alleged letter
were Introduced and she declared every
one of them "base, atrocloua forgeries,
perpetrated by a villain In th employ of
that treacherous man, Jamea R. Wood."
Wood Is the Boston detective employed
by Colonel Albert Pope, whom Mr. Turn
bull previously declared "sold me out to
Baldwin." v
One letter contained this sentence: "I
resisted Lucky Baldwin more than I did
Colonel Pope, for I loved Colonel Pope. I
shall never betray hi name. A woman
never betray th man ah love. Never!"
Denied Writing Morris.
Mrs. Turn bull declare ehe never wrot
this or anything Ilk It although 'it I
quoted as part of the evidence In the de
cision rendered by Judge Charles Plack.
Former Judge Slack will be one of th
Chief witnesses for the defense after th
hearing In reaumed on January 4.
Mrs. Turnbull said ah did not testify
regarding her alleged marriage by contract
to Baldwin In th former ras because
she had not been asked.
"Did you testify that there had been a
promts of marriage?" ah waa asked.
"No." Mr. Turnbull replied. "I did not
so testify. I did say there had not been a
promise of marriage, which waa true.
Mr. Baldwin married m without making
a promise. He did It out of hand aa
'quickly aa be oould writ the contract.' "
Mr. Turnbull alao denied that ah had
ever admitted an alleged contract between
herself and A. H. Anderson. Baldwin'
former advertising agent, to give Anderson
10 per cent of whatever sum she could re
cover from Baldwin. In return for his
testimony In the suit. She waa shown th
alleged contract.
"That's another forgery, probably, be
cause I never saw It before, and 1 never
signed It," she mW).
However, It bore Identification mark
aa having been Introduced In th former
Mr. Turnbull was also asked whether
prior to her meeting with Colonel Pope
she had not met a man named John
born and taken him out "to do Ronton."
for an entire week.
"I did not," said the witness
"In your previous caan did you not ad
mit that a picture. Introduced In evtden.-,
waa of you and Osborne In loving at
titude" waa asked
"1 remember a picture that inborn said ;
waa of himself sad me." she replied, "but i
aa a matter of fact, th woman In the pic
ture waa th daughter of Osborn land
lady. Incidentally, Mr. Nab. thai waa
the picture that nearly toet Lmav
Paldwln hi life when It waa shown. My
sifter shot him then."
I ale Kaselelle 4 re Mralltf,
VKW lUVklN C.nn. 1- u rrv
erti.a of the varloua se. rt s leti-s st
l eie urn vitiued at near II , . . .,t.
liia to the new taa iui of tha .n .-.,
In all I irtlovrn f are h .1
Ihe rli h s-elety Irin, a .oarer of
Hie p,n,K and rnaaa of n.- . . n,Mi
lth real tv f.ieeed st )
Key t, the til jat!,.wv. h n A I
iale huela. ie t..a r.t ef
lining and aeros at.a.... )lo..r a.-a.
e.vr..i.r of li e mala ham, -a aid ia .
i la '..ob. n-i i,.e4.. this re an.. Uimii
1. oaa In in a aad inaaanv ha
aid. ,n..lfoi.niir oa,-ri,,d aim
ehieh li is .aiitd l- mass plainer -. i.a
a. loan In a p.l aartat arto ,aa f..
Serelai Ulalrlhulh.a
In tha i.n ,.! i, i,i(
l.t: Ihe pop , at;-.a . f In sia e.
reaad I." a aer m,i ia a .o,ir ,.f H
.! t.a ImiHanl l-ai ar real, uiaa a
a loiai of cu iiienia i -la ,a-J .
I...W ,u to .la'. N.ari fca.f ..f lhaaa
of t i.i.a kino.
Taeil, .,( i.r .! fca-l a S i.,a
nad hi. al'"iioi a..l ,s
I ins a aa ..I ram ,,,. . .i., ,
k .ike .a,, I lie- it a ... I i-. , ,,
l- I ,al u.(..,,i, in 1 1. a f ,i,i , ,ul
I ti'el l 'I . ,
Stockmen Declare
Iudiaua Kill Cattle;
Vengeance Wanted
Federal Foifit Kmixers Berlin, to
Girt Aid on Ground that it is
Outside Duties.
elONTIti K, Coin., Iter. " Csillemn In
the western part of Montroee and Sun
Sllguel count es are areath' concerned over
the presence In thiit r tli.n i.f Ns'uln In
mans rrom the I tab reer atlun. who are
j reported to le killln tnsnv cattle und
I deer. K. A. ModaklrJ. a nroinlnent rattle.
man, has written for slUnve.
Appeals have been tnsde to tim fedtsl
forest rangers to help In prevent n fur-
tber destruction of stm k, but the rariere
decline to ve aid. on the around (1,1 the
niatter Is outside their duties
Cnless the gnvsrnmant takes a band cat
tlemen declsre they will drive out the
marauders thetnseli e.
Four Mail Clerks
TM1 1 tlf 1
Killed in a Wreck
Passenger Train Derailed in Tunnel
on Norfolk t Western in
IHIANoK K. Va . Dec ?l Four ma I
clerka were killed and several men wers
Injured In the wreck of tmener trlt
No. lfi of the Norfolk A W r stern rsllrosd
In tunnel No. , near Williamson. W V ,
at & o'clock this afternoon. The train left
loiumniia. t , at 10 nclork this morning.
The cause of the wreck hs not tie
certnlned. The locomotive and lender. and
bivggnae snd mall rars were thrown from
the tracks, the nini rnr being bodir
wrecked. Knglneer Koblnson and his firs
man. whose nam was not lesrned. er
loth sllghilv Inl-ired llaakaaemsn fl. II.
K,i wards of Columbus. O, sustained awvers
Injuries and Mall Clerk Charle N Davl
on. alao of Columbus, was badlr hurt.
The wreckage choked up the tunnel and
It will be aome time before It ran I cleared
and traffta reaumed. Mnne of the passen
ger are reported Injured.
Canadian Express
Rates to Be Reduced
Commission Says There is No Reason
Why Eailroads Should Not
Handle Business.
OTTAWA, Ont., ree. u -Ths Canadian
Railway commission ha directed tha
press companies of th dominion Ii file
lower tariff ratea within thre months
The commission declares express rates
are too high, and that as th espres
Companies sr owned by th railroad com
panies there Is no occasion for th eglsf.
enc of serat companies lo handle th
express business, A rat rediKlloft of at
leaat 10 per cent In through etprses traffic
la ordered, local ratea In be correspond
ingly cut
The existing shipment contract la
abolished. Th commission holds. In Its
Judgment filed today, that th present
form of contract Is unconstitutional and
designed to nbl- th companies to escape
responsibility for shipment lost or dam
aged. Woman on Chain Gang
at Muskogee, Okl.
Will Taylor, Arrested for Vacancy,
Prores to Be Mrs. Lawrence
Hanlon of St. Louis.
ML'aKOOEK. Okl.. Dec. U -After work
ing four day on th street of this city
with th "chain gang," "Will Taylor" waa
found to bw Mra. Lawrenc Haalon of fl.
xvuie. m re. nanina put n mans c inr ni ng
November it and with bar husband start! J
tot lb south wt seeking work. ftrnded
here, husband and wif were picked up en
a charge pf vagrancy and sentenced tt
ten da In th chain gang
Whan Mr. Hanlon ram ! for the
tools this morning she forgot th bavy
man' gluvn ah bad been wearing and
th Jailor becain uptclru of her slender
wrist and th pink balls. ajuestlutwNt, she
admitted th deception and wss transferred
to th woman ward. OffWrs In sharge
of th chain gang a Mrs. Hanlon did
mors work in be foor day tka any f
th men.
rir( Hlrthdnr Annlverry ( Han
HfLeaa ( by -bldw
male ( ttMSM,
WAaHINOTON. ! :-! contrast I
usual sotl f. nations of th national rap-
Ital In th hoitdav ssnsMtt tx first I
Mrtfcday aornversnry party bwtav ef Mas
ter Vinson Wa.aS McLean, to th oea-
n-rr.i:::on d'-tlar ." randnw f J.(nn
R M- l'a and trv bat Tksmaa f Hunk
nath lar ihii.imaa ire ar th,.
golden rra.t! prated I mm b im let. .," " " " " ' " 4n" w"
. - - n nmter'al tuat a wit hnv at nts alie.
King Ler.p-... of ...,m Maater .... " " ' ,
m f Mr and M l lw.rd hv k l,.;" " V' ' d.p..f , ,u
mealved ka-f a 4an It'l feig. t,ta
JlTh. S-e . in. .,, d-d X - Hi-j
t;rnt. daohir f iJeu'eiuaoi ard Mrs i
Uraa'. tairg, i.M tUluWwn, grsx-t '
" .
daoghier r forntr anue -d Mrs j ,n
It. Ileeulereon. and Mear Joeva
)r , I .arsa- M-ior and Jeme M- Wo an
l LiiMim i
A fers t w . (., ,tn (
Kap(.loae and hot i'f ' h gad I
narci-t o. M s i - H H I nn. M a I '
0 ..r.t. him. M-,o,,o,-e
ktr aad J-Hpi. 1.-.I-W d S s ,r-a,
unt. A4'irt twwer
i ii ! Mm iii
Total t:aM Wilt )
& as n a lanasas
taisttl'ITKl I K - f
,trMM inlaeent.d In th I-.aan af . i . of in, I i I tat.
lOr hi ,ra svkl ee raweet e-l i ' .n-ea- n i,f, g ( , a
is. i r.n -.. . .... z7 ","m -
, sr..i. -s.s II m.lj ,,i, ....... p.,.. .., ,;,r
eiirin f turn " hh-' kae- e..n .,.. tw k ; wal a I ,i i...
Iaiais Inei .ax -., ita a-err-. ai,-ea ,M an lam.arv of t'.
le a a tl f - . 1-oa.l ' '' '.-r-mtt .saoae w flou
.,...f I .a ras' a a as "' '-
. . . aa i'i- ..f f raaf ird a ,in
f t-.e !-! te-rekls f-l e- . t, , ..,,. nf ,.., .. f ti a , r,
f ,r.a r..raaaling IS eedoi. ml aa -- .a. a4 1 h.-caa J.
ul ka aal axs i a ..... (
f-- aad h al l. aaii'i t i, a . i toa n-t iMni
tear fiaal rd .. aa iwdiraiaa) !,.,.. w - - j. .
1 a Ih' -i -,e o- in to h. oi-e-.
tna .aevlii.. fa'" , M aa ..a at ...i n , ., ,
11 eta ' .a eaa't . a a. ui a tn i ..! laaa
elated aaiir In tha aaa..a k ,i m (,a r ' !' an rufiesn .it f.., ,
!" l ... m r ,,.a "' ' l"d f .. i
., .!. IK K- aed .... - - 4....I lM.,.rf.ii,
. i..a e s. XWllilx ..f Ike ,a' I . no-
I atfa.. a ... , Jf t.., .. a f .... a I a -..I
-f e " WI..I la r- i.f ef l l.iu.n, .,,1
a f.,, k -a ii haa ),( K a .1 i A,i.,. -..i.i,,, -,.
t-i, fi "o Hea r..M.'.n f.-.r-s r...H ' .a'ie4 l.m , ,l ,,i., t
. f- -..- i. -h I. a, i ' ' r !R n ' '''. ' '
-a la aiwo. an .Na-iuhai I u !.-
. st La t.a.- oi'Mi! a.i.
j r for winning ifwn.
l.lniUas mm4 I l. at Hill HemaU Milk
Ike teasa a4 Healt Ssi.U nil
He renaKene4 ' wit
e Mlnnal.
54 lip., ial ) - th .lan
i iisrv I i.iilv one seek swmv, hup 'red of
rnetphers nf !erivei( xi litis 'NternltV
I ate Irsltig to i.. Ide ,m ei,t,r.,nrli -a Ne
i Veer i.f,l,ii.,,r,. There Is one m 1, bow-
''. s lsler it, til fi n tet nity - ho lies
' 'rea1 rea t.e1 a ite, ii,.,i In the niatter
i ' Jetties C Mi ilin, presldeTi of the
I'enier Pate Mall club, and l,r las re
solved that Denver stall hsvs h- Western
lesaoe penranl In 111 rersrdlrne of rosi.
trouble or tltns
' Mtllll rnsde the rstne re'' it Ion a
esr so," i. might sat, and l .thfnll v.
It did rtiaks IliN lesotutloii at" ha did
his r,et tn live up to It Hut I a j er
be a hefi lli tpped bv Ineaperio ce, He
I hsfillrspped ,y Ineipei
i,;;v,:;::;; i'W'Ss
bt a few
w nothing
bout bs bsll ffiien si Hist he fltllelied
Second Sl.d hepl Hie r'e In dou t up to
within eek hf the season s e ise
In I'd I If will be different Vltli n
ear's vsiun'ilo Irslolng and with b- full
M,t trol of l, ball rluti In lil ow , bands,
be will be In a pnelflon t'l make imd th
,rotn. he frsde tear aao an I wlilc".
he renew st this tifne
Whn Sfitmt became preeiden' of Hi
local rlub II s in sucb rond tl n that
he was forced lo build up alintst an en
llielr new team rvett rear he; . ., ,sva
tt,e fnKleo of a SM'tnln a(gr4tlnn in
the filsvers of fi,s fmr. The wi.knes'e
of the old l-arn rs known awl will e
stfet.gihened where po.l,e A ill It i
with IMS etui In tlew that he h e.-t
ale. hi io buv sod sell ball plater'.
Th completion of the i llri .'.lies a
still Verv mm h In doubt There i enly
a few positp.fis ,m 'he I-am whb t have
filled Shrl there U l.ollon certall about
thee Tha outfield mar e rotipleiely
changed The Infield win ,r..ert .f Irat
two new fseee Th er),tr, .iff will be
different nd there will be sfrns.i adled
It fh pttrMo- defrfartmenf
Meni la holding ell of bi ii jtsyers
wlft, tr eseeptif.n ,,f trnston, w otn he
SIM fsl Week Jrfc Coffey of BdUn-
PAlls mM purchased lo tsk Ms j gcr In
th short field. None of the flesrs will be
dUpod it1 until man relieved ti hi
ipero has Men obtained.
I.lndewr n4 l.lwyd
Mrr.lll Is b'if looking for an rone -er
either first or second PI be
lieves that bris Llndear and
IJ'itif. who hld down the nosltlo .itir
In the preeeof tear, are the best lo. Ihe
league. If another fl-ef hemn t rec
ord baseman better than either .ivdiH)
or IJojd ran m obtalnei, however, he
will be purchased
Hut for th present Llndeav am f J d
will be Cf,tisldred as part of i-ui-rhieierr
In th 111 pennant wtnnin ' ritail.
Their running mates n the lofle'd ,i. , g.
known. Jaek Coffer and (triors. I7n
ford. tha Chicago aeml-pro re. en-.c pur
rhse4) by Manaaar Jack Hendrh as rre
esndhMte for abnrtsfop. On Ihl i pan
will he slfher Kpeed Kelly or 1,.r af
Kanasti Clfr trr an unknown yet' e
electeoV Kelly played k bwt ba.l hii
-rlig third this year and hs wilt i
tried oof jdt this fslflrti. Tohe ) a
possibility, although the deal for ) hn ha
H bees Hosed.
Ifughl MeMxrrar will be a m v.!.-e , f
fW- tackstop division, but Hjrk .,
hi old running mate, will b sufteted
by m younger player. Wearer ullt 'e
nl lit club nn lh Paefflfi coast hie
It I believed the climate wui ti-r
gre with Mm. Thl deal may m rli
at an time
Mteblan Mrnli frnns.
Th pitching staff will b crrnf ;. of
tilrostea1. Chmaii, Hagernmn si , lkrn
of this year team, and Kenwo. ... . 'i v'
of lioston. who waa signed aftsr tl ' ti,au
of the) playing season. Kinselt . .1 i.i
a rms will mek wf fur new nv n, ! t-i
hm ft high caliber, whoe naroi
"' "n mnd public. With th M-iHa
I the., twlriera Mr;ii1 figure (f ho
will hav lh strongest p.tchln r :itt
th leagti Ksnwertbr Is looked (.oh v
a corner wtt:; t tew ability of fh. re-'
player I well known.
II I in lh ut field that th , r.Ate.t
change ar promised. Th left g -1) i
vacant and nl Neall and ' ai
I still retained I play rent and r -.-r.t re.
ptiviy I br wear. en, i,,
slther will retain hi place. Beat I Is a "wi
hitir. fc-.t bl fielding during tho - -. .
mm wa nor all lhat M dtre ej- ,t
keal msnss'ment lot it utka- ksid
i'aamdy waa a brlniaat fwk-r. lit t. .
streng ewougft with in atld ; M
low aim 4 ktcOiii i ,t thr on tie
wb will a m ri .) n. M
lrta ef sr siMXtea) and rf lauds
waa I after Inver law w gasp
h announcement of inetr uhas
U naanod
df eour at th kd ef tAi re..
Itoft ef atilaS ksM ball t!a wm k.
Jaesi llndrica. peer vf M salerr leagu,
tedr ad lawii grs 'a'kipg
I in e.. hA. Ir-,. M lln.l-U to. . ,
,. .
Selo taena under ton wle first.
CuliS f 10111 tllO W ITQ
. . "
eesor ).:! an r,o...'d lu
vmoi. . .- ..on ,. f m-.i
ieras at I e l. o isi . to are liorl i ,ni-i ii
1 " nra iCI -l ' ic-l I e
nea s -ve. ri.w grne of is
' ne .,ef II .Ifiviel CI , ,e ji
n..,lees ..f ' e l. l " I jio i
'"!"" ' " - -" vi '' "t
,VTr.( -'
,,.. u. , , ..,,..),
m a o-r eievrm t pr '!. ai,
.le.s ,.t'-i n i .--re l,t In. rs a hsu
." .
S'-.e Ihe I- r '... f gee ot S aa
..'. p ,M !,a o,H17riiiA of s, a
0 4-9. i-'t '- t aael ,ar4 e r jaa a-.-
.t-t ri o ii-vm rel-e a- - ,e late
4,.a, i.nenl l-.o ll isarl and ' . r