Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1910, HOUSEHOLD, Image 26

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ERRY CHRISTMAS to all the Busy Bes!
Now that you have all looked Into your stockings and know
Just what Santa haa brought you, and have time to alt down and
take a long breath and think about It all, "Merry Christinas to
all the Dusy Dees."
Because the year Is so arranged, Christmas Is no sooner
here than It la time to think of New Tear's and to plan for the
In your stories this week, therefore, tc-U us, l?usy Bees, how one
0 1
new year.
should plan for the new year
Two Christmas stories win the prizes this week. The stories are differ
ent In every respect. One tells of the first Christmas, and tells it In Blmple,
direct style. The other tells of a modem Christmas Incident. Thyrsa
Buchanan of flllvTr Creek and Fay Calhoun of Elm Creek are the prize
Any of the Busy Dees may send
Tostcard Exchange, which now includ
Jean De Long, Alnsworth. Neb.
Irene McCoy, Bamston, Neb.
Lillian Mervln, Beaver City, Neb.
Mabel Witt, Bennington. Neb.
Anna Ootlaoh, Bennington, Neb.
Minnie uousch, Bennington, Nab.
Agnes Dampke, ienuii. Neb,
Marie (Jauugiier, Benkeiman, Neb. (Box 12).
iua May, Central Lily, Neb.
Vera Cheney, (. reigln.iri, .Scb.
1-ouls llinn, David City, Neb.
Hhea Ftciueil, Dorchesu-r, Neb.
Alede, Dennett, Klgln, Nel,
Kunlce Bode, Falia city, Neb.
iitnel Red, Fremont, ieh.
liulda Lundburg. Frtmnnt. Neb.
Marlon Cuppa, olli.on, Nab.
Marguerite Bartuulomew , liothenburg, Nab.
Annti Voi, itf VM-sl Cr.aiiea Street, Grand
Island, Neb.
Lytfla Roth. bOa Wc.t Koenlg atreet. Grand
(aland. Neb.
Ella Voss, 47 West Charles atreet. Grand
Inland, Neb.
Irena Costello, 115 West Eighth atreet.
rand Island, Neb.
Jessie Crawford, Kl Wet Charles street
rand Inland. Neb.
Pauline 8 hulte, Deadwoofi. g. D.
Martha Murphy, iu Kast Ninth atreet.
Grand lsiand. Neb.
Hugh Kutt, Leshaia, Neb.
Hester F. Rutt, Leihera, Neb.
Alice Temple, l-elnnton, Neb.
Ruth Temple, Lexington, Neb.
Anna Neilaon, Lexington, Neb.
Kdythe Kralta, Lexington, Neb.
Marjorle Temple. Lexington. Neb.
Alloa Urassmeyer, 1M6 C atreet, Lincoln.
Marian Hamilton, 2uifl L atreet, Uneoln.
LUia Hamilton, ,a L atreat, Lincoln.
Irene Lusher, JW30 L street Lincoln.
Hughle Duller, ixwo L atreet, Lincoln.
Charlotte bogga. 2.7 South Fifteenth Street,
Mildred Jensen. 708 East Second street.
Fremont, Neb.
Helen Johnson. 834 South Seventeenth
street, IJncoln.
Althea Myera, m North Sixteenth atreet.
Lincoln. ,
Louisa Stiles, Lyons, Neb.
Ksteile McDonald, Lyona, Neb.
Milton Selaer, Nebraska City, Neb.
Harry Crawford, Nebraska City, Neb.
Harvey Crawford, Nebraska City, Nab.
Lucila Haien, Norfolk, Neb.
Letha Lerkln, South Hlxth atreet. Norfolk.
Limn Marquardt, Fifth atreet and Madi
son avenue, Norfolk, Neb.
Genevieve M. Jonea, North Loup, Neb.
William Davla, i!31 Weat Third street.
North riatte, Neb.
Loula Haa be, 2iX North Nineteenth avenue.
Francea Johnson, 938 North Twenty-fifth
Avenae, Omaha.
Marguerite johnaon, 33 North Twenty
fifth avenue, Omaha.
Emlle Brown, 322 Boulevard, Omaha,.
Helen Goodrich, 4014 Nicholas street.
Mary Brown, 332 South Central Boulevard.
Eva Hendee, 4403 Dodge atreet. Omaha.
Lillian W irt, 41(8 Cass atreet, Omaha.
Lewis Toff. 8115 Franklin atreet, Omaha,
Juanlta Innea, fT69 Fort atreet, Omaha.
Bassett Ruf, 1R14 Blnney street, Omaha.
Meyer Colin, MS Georgia avenue, Omaha.
Helen F. Douglas. L81 i street, Lincoln.
Ada Morris, 3424 Franklin street, Omaha.
Myrtle Jensen, 2909 lxard atreet, Omaha.
Orrln Fisher. 1210 R. F.leventh Bt., Omaha,
Mildred Krickson, 11 33 Howard Kt. Omaha.
V WAS a stern Christmas eve.
the snow flying and the ther
mometer registering far below
aero. From the pavement of the
town's streets one might look
through windows Into lighted.
warm and happy homes, occasionally get
ting a peep of an evergreen Christmas tree
in the parlor, surrounded by laughing peo
ple whose lands were busy decorating the
tree's branches preparatory for the fes
tivity which waa to be enjoyed a few hours
later. It was only o'clock and all the
town was In Its gala Christmas eve attire.
But there beat one heavy little heart In
the great out of doors, where the chili
steals of wind swept so cruelly round street
tamers and down long, narrow alleys. And
the heart that ached from cold and loneli
ness was In the breast of tiny Bonnie, a
narrow without a home. Poor Bonnie aat
perched and shivering on the bare branch
f a slender tree that stood bending In the
wind Just outside the gate of a very cosy
borne. In the home dwelt the Oreysons, a
family consisting of father, mother, two
ions and one daughter. The children's
tames were Harry, Jack and May. Harry
was 14 years old. Jack was 11 and May 1
May was always called the baby of the
family and her two "big" brothers were
forever doing nice thlnga for her. "She's
the only sister we've got' 'they would
the only sister we've got,'" they would
mighty nicely toward her." And ao they
But that's another story. lt us to the
ailemma of poor little Bonnie, as he aat
Ihlverlng near to his death on the bare
limb of the slender tree that waved and
tossed In the wind near to the front gate
ef the Oreysons home. "I'll surely freeze
to death," aald Bonnie to himself as the
shadows of night gathered rapidly about
him. "And I am so hungry; oh, so hungry I
If I might find a crumb Just a crumb I
would be grateful for It How can I ever
pass through this night?"
Then the warm, yellow light coming from
the parlor windows of the Oreyson house
attracted Bonnie's attention and he stopped
his melancholy soliloquy to hop to a limb
nearer to the house that he might get a
closer peep Into the bright, warm place.
Then, seeing that the ledge- of the parlor
window afforded a better view, he hopped
there, though his feet were so benumbed
from cold that he could scarcely bestir
them, and hie wings were quite stiff and
his whole body shivering.
Once on the window ledge Bonnie oould
look Into the room very easily, for only a
lace curtain hung between, and the glass
pane, of course. And when he pressed his
body against the pane be could feel some
warmth, for on the other side a bright
tire was glowing In the grate and the com
fortable atmosphere of the room spread
all about even to the windows. As Bonnie
looked be aaw three children come Into the
room, and the eldest who was Harry,
turned up the gas. which had been burning
tut dimly. Then the children began hang
ing pretty thlnga on a tall evergreen tree
that stood In one corner of the room. As
ycy worked the little (trl took from bar
cards to anyone whose name Is on the
Osrar Erlrkson. 1907 Howard St., Omaha.
Call Howard. 4722 Capitnl avenue, Omaha.
Helen Houck, lt2i Lothrop street, Omaha,
Kmerson Goodrich, 410 Nicholas. Omaha.
Maurice Johnaon, 1027 Locust St., Omaha.
t-on Caixon, 1124 North Fortieth, Oinaha,
Wilma Howard, 4722 Capitol avenue, ormtia,
Hllaii Fisher. 1210 .South F.leventh, Omaha.
Mildred Jensen, 2707 Leavenworth, Omaha,
Kdna Heden. K.'S Chlrago atreet, Omaha.
Mabel Hhelfelt, 4014 North Xwenty-filta
street, Omaha.
Walter Johnson, !406 North Twentieth
street, Omaha,
L'mniu Carruthers, 8211 North Twenty-fifth
street, Omaha.
Leonora Denlson, The Albion, Tenth and
Pacific atreeta. Omaha.
Hammond, O'Neill, Neb.
Madge L. Daniels. Ord, Neb.
Zola Beddeo, Orleans, Neb.
Arnea Richmond, Orleans. Neb.
Maria Fleming, Osceola, Neb.
Lotta Woods, Pawnee City, Neb.
Larl Pea-kins, Iteddlngton, Neb.
lulua Kills, titanton. Neb.
Lena Peterson, zzn Locust St., E. Omaha,
lna Carney, fcultun, Clay county, Nebraka,
Ciara Miller, Utlca, Neb.
.Mildred F. Jones, North Loup, Neb.
Alia wllkon. Waco, Neb.
Leo Ueckord, Waco, Neb.
Mae Orunke, West Point, Neb.
Klale buutnay, Wilber, Neb.
Frederick v are, Wtnside, Neb.
I'aulino l'arks, York, Neb.
Edna Uehllng, York. Neb.
Mary Fredenck, York, Neb.
Carrie B. Bartlett. Fontanelle, la,
lrtne HeVnolds, Little bloux, la.
Ethel Mulholland, Box 71. Malvern, la,
Kleanor Mellor, Malvern, la.
Katharine Mellor, Malvern, la,
Huth Kobertson, Manilla, la,
Margaret B. Witheiow, Thurman, la.
Bertha McEvoy, K. F. D. i. Box 2s, Mis
souri Valley, la.
Htnry L. Worklugar, 2052 W. Huron atreet,
Adlena ckrry, Monarch, W'yo., Box 83.
Fred Sorry, Monarch, Wyo.
Pearl Barron, Monarch, Wyo.
John Barron, Monarch, Wyo.
Edith Amend, Sheridan, Wyo.
Pauline Htjulre, Grand, Okl.
Fred Shelley, 2J0 Troup atreet, Kansas
City, Mo.
Mary Mclntoan, Sidney Neb.
Nellie Dledrlck, Kidney, Neb.
Eunice Wright, (32 North Logan Street,
Fremont.- Neb.
Carol blmpson, Wilber, Neb.
Phylls Haag, 632 West Seventeenth atreet.
York, Neb.
Maclle Moore, Silver City, la.
Mabel Houston, SolS Sherman avenue,
Dorothy Tolleson, tut North Thirty-eighth
atreet, Omaha,
Mabel Baker, Lander, Wyo.
Coiinne Allison Kobertson, Wilber, Neb.
Elizabeth Wright, 1322 South Thirty-fifth
avenue, Omaha.
Marion Staples, 1313 South Thirty-first
atreet, Omaha.
Francla A. Dotson, Pueblo, Colo.
Phyllis Corbett, Sidney, Neb.
Edward Beckard, Waco, Neb.
Ellen Peterson, Flfty-flrat and C. streets.
South Omaha.
Harry Ranting, 123 East First atreet. Grand
Island, Neb
Jeannette McBrlde, Elgin, Neb.
Elisabeth Wright. 1322 South Thirty-fifth
avenue, Omaha.
Eunice Wright, 133 North Logan atreet,
Fremont. Neb.
Esdle Finch, 2U1 Fourth avenue, Kearney,
Minnie Bchllchtlng, Cedar Bluffs, Neb.
pocket a sweet cake and began to munch gIad volc'"' Then a door opmed and
from It. But she was so absorbed In her ce"ed- The Oreyson family were gath-
work of hanging a box (which contained e5ed round ,the Uble ln tlle dlnlns room ln
a pretty gift for oj.e of her brothers) that th "T of th" parl!"' , . . '
she put the cake on a table near by and cautlouly, at ha ope"
forgot It. A. Bonnie's eyes rested on the r iVT' ? ".S"
bit of sweet oak. his tiny stomach gnawed ' h J. f
afresh at sight of food. "Ah. I wish the t V , V-!M T, 7." t0 T
.hi.. t.i v .... , " It for me." And he went Into the parlor.
.? y T Vpenln Wer flying directly to the small table on which
won J,", V f 1 r"ter.that May had left the bit of sweet cake. It
beautiful place and take a few bite, from 6lAn.t tak8 Bonnle ,ng t0 enJ a
that good cake " he whispered to himself. for h ftte o( the cak. tm
w"m, w" "tm held by the breast b,ean to protruda m08t noticeably.
children, who put ever so many pretty Then, feeling much better, he flapped his
boxes and parcels on the tree. Then, their warming wings and looked at the topmost
work accomplished, the oldest boy drew branch of the evergreen tree which
a curtain, which had been bung tempo- lifted Itself above the curtain.
rarily, across ln front of the tree and they "The very place for me," said Bonnie,
ran out of the room. While Bonnie was and he flew to the spot. Ah, ft was snug
wondering why they had gone from such a up there! The room was warm and dusky
pleasant place, the door opened and In and Bonnie felt very drowsy. Soon he
walked Mrs. Greyson, her arma laden with was fast asleep, all crouched Into a tiny
presents, which she proceeded to hang to feathered ball on the limb, half hidden
the limbs of the tree. behind the green foliage and the numerous
After Mrs. Oreyson had finished arrang- bunging gifts.
Ing her gifts on the tree she turned out At a few minutes before 9 o'clock the
the gas, leaving the room lighted dimly parlor door opened and Mrs. Greyson came
by the glow from the grate. And then. Into the room. She lighted the gas Jets,
sniffing the air, she said aloud, so that stirred the fire In the grate and closed the
Bonnie overheard her: "The room Is too window. Then she took a peep behind the
warm and needs fresh air. There will be curtain which she had left closed over the
about twelve persons In here tonight and tree.
the parlor must not be stuffy. I'll open "All Is In readiness," she said aloud,
one of the wlndowa." Bo saying, ahe went Then Mr. Oreyson came ln, saying In a
to the window that was directly bealde cherry voice: "Ah. mamma, this Is a
the one on whose ledge perched freezing severe night. I hope there are no poor
Bonnie, and opened the lower sash some souls without shelter this Christmas eve.
ten Inches, leaving the curtain drawn But where are the kiddles?"
aalde so that the freeh air might come In "They will come down In a minute,
freely. Then the good lady left the room, papa." said Mrs. Greyson. "May wanted
calling out ln the hall: "Come children, to tidy up a bit after dinner and the boys
dinner Is waiting. And we must hurry a are putting a finishing touch to their
bit, for our company will arrive precisely toilet for the evening. You know they
at t o'clock, and Santa Claua must not wouldn't put on their beat coats till after
be kept out In the cold, you know." dinner, for Jack said it would Just be his
Then Bonnie heard a scurrying of chil
dren'M ttt ilnn, th. hall
closed and the sounds of feet and voices
--nSnn .,
Iiffl""i7 T
1. Write plainly en one aide of the
paper only and number the pages. -8.
Use pen and Ink, not pencil.
3. Short and pointed articles will
be given preference. Do not use
over 860 words.
4. Orlg-inal stories or letters only
Will be need.
B. Write your name, age and
address at the top of the first page.
First and second prises of books
will be glren for the best two con
tributions to tola page each week.
Address all communications to
Omaha Bee, Omaha, Xeb.
(First Prlie )
A Christmas Story.
By Tliyrza Buchanan, Aged 11 Years, Sil
ver Creek, Neb. lied Side,
Once upon a time, very, very long ago,
something happened.
It waa longer ago than you can even
think. It happeped on the same day a
Some wise men were on a hill. They
were watching their sheep. It waa night
It waa very dark and still.
Suddenly they heard a voice. It came
from the sky.
Suddenly they aaw a bright light. It
was all around them.
The voice said: "'Be not afraid, be glad.
The Christ child la born this day, go to
the city. You will find Him there in a
Then the wise men heard the beautiful
singing. n a moment the singing was
gone. The voice was gone. The bright
light was gone.
So the wHe men went to the city. They
found the Christ child lying on some hay
In the manger.
They loved Him. He was so good and so
Ever since then, we have kept this
ohlld's birthday. ' '
We call it Christmas.
(Second Prize.)
An Xmas Present.
Dy Fay Calhoun. Aged 10 Tears, Elm
Creek, Neb. Blue Side.
Mrs. Black, had a very dear friend who
Just loved embroidery, so she thought she
would make her a waist Her name was
MIps Blake.
As Tommy Brown was hurrying over
to Patty Clarke he discovered a small
package. Now this happened to be Mrs.
Black's embroidered waist all tied up In
holly ribbon. Patty was a great friend
of Tommy and he was Just going home
to get her Christmas present. It was the
sweetest little kitten you ever saw. So
ha hid the box behind a tree and ran
Soon he was fiack again. He thought
and thought, he knew that Mr a. Blaok
had lost her package, but he thought he
fr-f' -ViiXXlCf,3fcAj
tir r , i
Ilk n
mii!t take his package to Patty, so on he
ran and left It on the porch.
And soon Mrs. Black had her present on
Its way again.
When Miss Blake opened It she was very
much surprised to see a sweet little kit
ten, and Patty was surprised to see a
nice waist
But they sever knew the difference.
Miss Blake Just loves her kitten to this
I think they both had a merry Christ
mas, don't you 7 I wish all of my readers
a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
How a Doll Made Christmas Happy
for a little Sick Girl.
By Arthur Mason Aged 12 Years. 1208 N.
Avenue, Fremont, Neb. Red Side.
I am an old. wornout doll, but I can re
member my first Christmas. I waa away
In a room with the other toys In a store In
an eastern town. One day the owner said,
"I guess I'll send this doll to my little
niece out weat"
So It was, I arrived Christmas eve In a
box with other toys, and lots of good
things, and oh! the slghtt There were six
children, as I counted them over and over.
The wee baby got a rattle and I was
given to the little 8-year-old girl, who had
been sick a very long time.
Buch a Jolly bunch of children! They had
decorated the window with tree ornaments,
because they could not get amy trees. It
a traveler had passed by he would have
known the children were happy. My mis
tress was very happy, but not long after
Christmas the little girl died,
Courage, in Spite of Difficulties.
By Margaret Ludwitf. Age, 14 years, 2407
South Twenty-second street Omaha,
Neb. Blue Side.
Aye, he became great and with never a
Jum shifted his way with enemies aloof.
Dame Luck was against hlra many times
In his pace,
And Difficulty waa met many times face
to face.
Y'et he won.
At sehool he Wns liked but was called
"Teacher's Pet."
A nickname that he would not likely
When grown Into manhood he wed a fair
'Twas then poverty lurked at his door
unpaid. Yet he won.
As I say he did win what he won was
not small,
Nor waa it as easy at nothing at all. -Perhapa
you know him, perhaps you do
He hath title Sir Courage .
You need him a lot.
A Happy Christmas.
By Ada Donaldson, Aged 1.1 Y'ears, Hllls
boro, la. Blue Side.
It was a week before Christmas and It
was cold and snowing. Mae and Kay
Jonges were In the library reading, when
they heard a knock at the door. Mae
went to the door and opened It, there stood
a little girl about her Blre. She had a
thin shawl about her head and shoulders.
luck to pass hla sleeve across some butter
and soil it He declared that an ounce of
prevention was worth an pound of cure."
"Our boy Jack Is a great fellow," Bmlled
Mr. Greyson. "Well, let's have a peep at
the tree, mamma. All have had a hand at
the fixing except myself. And I've some
small trinkets to hang on a limb."
"If there's a limb left," laughed Mrs,
Greyson. And she drew the curtain aside
so that her husband might look at the
tree. While he was examining It he slipped
from his pocket several small boxes, which
he tied to one of the less-burdened limbs.
"Well, it's a beauty, mamma," he said,
speaking of the tree.
Then the children Joined their parents
In the parlor and pretty soon the young
guests arrived. Then all was merrymaking
and fun.
And after the curtain was drawn from
ln front of tho tree the light shone full
upon frightened little Bonnie. He sat ln
the full view of all present A queer
looking, red-cheeked Individual, whom the
children all called "Santa," was there,
making loads of fun as he lifted the gifts
from the tree. But Bonnie could not enter
Into the spirit of the occasion, for be felt
that every minute would be hla last. So he
eat cowering and shivering on the limb,
too much afraid of what might happen to
him should he fly away from It.
And pretty soon a pair of bright eyes
rested on him. They were Santa', eyes,
and he thought Bonnie a stuffed or toy
bird. "Ah, ha," said Santa Claua, grin
ning from ear to ear, "we have here a
dear little bird"
But Just as he waa about to lay hands on
Her Hps and hands were blue with cold,
fche wanted the doctor. Mae called her
father and while she was waiting .for him.
xhe asked the little girl her name and auout
Iter family. The little girl said her namo
u Elsie Smith, that her father was dead,
;uul that she had a brother, 8 ears old.
who wfcs a rrlpple, and a sister 10 months
old. Then Mae's father came and she went
bark to her reading.
When the doctor came homo Mae a.skrd
how Klsle'a mother was. He said she waa
very nick and that she ould have to he
tukon to a hospital. He ald that they had
very few clothes and little f.uid; the cellar
was damp and they had very little fire.
Mae tnld Rae about them and they said
they would tako the money that father
gave them for Christmas and buy them
food and clothing.
After Mrs. Smith was taken to the hospi
tal Mao wanted the children brought to
their house. So they were brought there
the next day. While Mrs. Smith was at
the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Jonges bought
a beautiful home near the outskirts of
the city. And they fixed It up for Mrs.
Smlth. Christmas morning they were to
move her to the new home.
Mae and Bay and their mother bought
clothes for Mrs. Smith and her family.
When they moved Mrs. Smith to her new
home Mae and Hay were very happy. And
when the day wai over they said It was
thi hnppiest Christmas they had had for a
long time.
By Mary Frick, Aged 14 Years, Forty
eighth and T Streets. South Omaha,
Neb. Blue Bide.
The snow was falling sllentlv
On the black hills, far awav;
And the little birds hop quietly,
And the trees begin to sway.
The horses In the stable neigh
And I hear the ilarkeys sing,
I think It is time M hn away
For I hear the church bells ring.
It will soon be Christmas time.
The time our Lord was born,
'Tis the time when the church bells
Early on Christmas morn.
Happy Christmas.
By Laure Biggs. Aged 9 Years, Auburn,
Neb. Red Side.
There was some children. They had no
father. Their mother took In washing for
a living. The children did not have any
shoes and had very few clothes. The house
was very old and there were a few cracks
In the old house. They did not have very
much for meals.
After a while she could not get any mora
work. So she could not keep her children
because their clothes were wearing out and
she had no money to get any more.
A kind, old lady said she would take the
children.. She bought them lots of clothes
and things to eat, and they had a good
home with the old lady. The kind lady
was very good to them. The- children were
very happy when after a while the lady
decided to take their mother.
"Christmas will soon be here," the chil
dren said. And sure enough Christmas
came and St Nicholas came too. They bad
a very fine Christmas.
They got a few presents from their
mother. The children enjoyed the presents
very much. They liked their new home
very well. The mother was glad that the
children could have a happy Christmas;
It was a happy Christmas all over the
world that Christmas day.
Mr. Grinder's Christmas.
By Helen Fisher, 2220 Cass street, Omaha,
One evening as Mr. Grinder came out of
his office a small newsboy hailed him and
said: "Hey, Mister, wanta buy a paper?"
Bonnle the poor fellow took heart to fly
and went across the room, landing on the
top of a picture. "Why, It's a real live
bird!" cried Santa Claus. Then everyone
became excited and Mr. Greyson had to
quiet them by saying: "Be very still, for
the little thing Is frightened within an
inch of his life. He doubtless got in while
the window was open and found what ho
was looking for shelter from the terrible
night Ah, you dear little sparrow," he
said, addressing Bonnie, "I'll make a
bouse In the tree beside the gate for you
tomorrow. Till then you shall remain ln
And, sure enough, on the morrow Mr.
Greyson, with the assistance of Harry,
Jack and May, built a snug little house
and fastened It securely ln a fork of the
tree, where winds could not blow It loose.
And Inside the little house May placed soft
cotton and straw for Birdie to sleep In,
and under the tree on top the gate posts'
crumbs were put ln plenty for Bonnie, and
a deep bowl of pure water was also placed
on one of the gate posts every day ao that
Bonnie might drink and bathe whenever he
desired to do so.
It was not for several hours on Christmas
day that Bonnie could be persuaded to
enter his new and comfortable house In
the tree, for he was still frightened at the
big people who were about him. As soon
as the house had been completed and fixed
In te tree Mrs. Greyson had opened the
windows ln the parlor and allowed Bonnie
to make his escape. Once In the big, free
world outside, however, Bonnie partly re
covered himself and felt that no harm
could come to him now If he Just kept his
distance from the people. So he waited
on top of a barn In the rear of a neigh
bor's house till the family had gone In
doors, then he alyly flew to the Oreysona'
front gate and ate some of the crumbs
from the gate post. Then he sought the
tree beside the gttte and on exploring the
rare branches, hunting no doubt for a
warm place, for the weather was still bit
terly cold, he found the house with the
open door. Into It he first put his head,
and, seeing that the place contained no
enemy, Into It he stepped. And, finding It
so coxy, he decided to remain, which he
And all that winter did Bonnie stay ln
the little house In the tree, and It Was
May Greyson who named him Bonnie, for
ehe declared he waa "the bonnlevt birdie
she had ever aeen." and all the family
agreed with her. And not one day or night
did Bonnie feel the cold, and when other
sparrows chanced to pay him a visit
which waa quite frequently he had a de
llKhtful parlor In which to entertain them.
And, seeing these little visitors coming
there caused Mr. lireson and his sons to
build several more sparrow houses In the
tree beside the gate, and there were plenty
of sparrows to take possession as foon as
the tree apartments were ready for them.
"I wonder If Hor.nle ever tells his friends
of his Christmas eve?" asked May . one
morning, as the and Jack were fe'dlng the
"Sure be doea." dtciured Jack. "And bis
story Is io'.eresUr.g, tot''
I AM a little Christmas Tree,
And one day soon you will see mo
In gain finery, boughs all hung
With gifts so nice, and candy strung
From limb to limb, with ribbons gay!
Yes, some day soon I'll look that way.
One time I grew quite wild, you see;
But came a man who looked at me;
Paid he: "You are the exact size.
A tree like you we'll surely prize.
My children want an evergreen.
And you're the nicest one I've seen."
So I was lifted from tho dirt.
And, strange to say, it did not hurt; 1
Then carried to the city, where
So many folks at me did stare.
And In a parlor fine I'll stay
Till one week after Christmas Day.
But Mr. Grinder took no notice of the boy
except to answer no.
When Mr. Grinder waa sitting In his re
tiring room tho servant entered and said
there was a gentleman to see him. At first
Mr. Grinder told the servant to put him
out. But the servant Kuid the man had
Important business with him, so he said
to show him up.
The gentleman who wished to see him
was Father Harrow who wlahed everyone
to be happy on Christmas. He wanted Mr.
Grinder to give some money to him so
that he could help the poor, but Mr. Grinder
After Father Harrow departed, Mr.
Grinder asked his servant to get his coat
and hat and he started to go down town.
Everybody lw passed looked poor, but no
body asked him for money. He Went on
until he noticed Father Harrow and a
little boy. He followed them until they
went up a staircase and Into a couple of
rooms. He went up behind them and en
tered the room.
There was a pale woman on the bed.
She told her little son that she waa going1
up to live with God, and she said she was
going to ask Father Harrow to take care
of him. Then Mr. Grinder said he would
take care of him.
This woman was his daughter-in-law, and
he did not know It.
Lola in Fireland.
Eunice Wright, Age 12 Years, 532 North
Logan street, Fremont, Neb. Blue Side.
Lola lay In front of the fireplace. Idly
turning the pages of a Mother Goose book,
which she had road about fifty time.. She
knew the contents by heart What each
letter of the alphabet stood for, from A to
Soon she grew tired of it, and laying It
aside propped her head up on ber arm and
used It for a pillow. She was gazing ab
sently Into the fire when the log seemed
to take on the look of a tiny palace all
red and yellow.
Lola laughed and thought It must be a
fancy, but when "Hello," sounded In her
car she sat up straight and looked around
her. She could see nothing. Thinking she
must be dreaming, she curled herself up
for a nice nap which she wasn't destined
to secure for that little voice kept persist
ently calling, "Hello! Hello! Can't you
see me? Oh, dear! You'll make me lose my
But Lola thought she must be dreaming
and paid no attention until, "Come on, I'm
going to take you some place If you'll
ever come!" sounded right ln her ear. She
opened her eyes then, and saw, sitting on
her shoulder a dear, tiny little figure clad
In orange garments, and holding la her
right hand, a golden wand that had a bright
yellow star gleaming on the end.
"How pretty I" Lola exclaimed.
"Yes," said the fairy looking at tho
palace of fire, "I think it is very pretty."
Lola laughed. "You do not even know
what I'm talking about," she said.
"Why," answered the fairy, "you're talk
ing about the palace, of course."
"No," replied Lola," I was talking about
"Well, we'll let that pass," said the
fairy. "My name Is Princess Firelight
What Is yours?"
"My name Is Lola Jensen."
"That's a very pretty name. Quite as
pretty as yourself. But we must be hurry
ing. Would you like to have me take you
to Fireland?"
"I'd be delighted!" said Lola,
"I thought so," answered Firelight
"It la v.ry far?" saked Lola, not feeling
ln a mood to walk very far.
"No, It's Just inside the fireplace, where
that pretty palace la." replied Princess
"But, I can't get In there, and besides I
would burn up. Mamma said so." Lola said.
"No you won't," said the princess, and
Immediately everything seemed to grow
very large, but Firelight told Lola that
she had made her grow very small, and
Lola saw that she waa as tall as Firelight
Lola took Firelights hand and they
walked Into the fire-but It did not burn
and up the steps of the lovely palace. As
they went under the beautiful arched door
way, they heard eome very pretty muslo
coming from the Inside.
"Oh, where Is that music?" exclaimed
Lola, ' "let's go to It. It seems sd very
"We are," answered Firelight. "Do you
like to dance?"
"I don't know how to dance. Mamma
never would let me learn."
"Tou don't have to learn in Fireland,"
answered the princess, "you Just eeem to
know how before you begin. And it isn't
like the way you dance either."
Lola thought it very queer, but neverthe
less, she followed where Firelight led, and
they went into the dancing loom where the
fairies seemed to be gliding over the floor
not dancing.
Firelight and Ila danced too and Lola
found that what the fairy had said was
They danced quite a long lime, then the
lights began to grow dim, and one by one
they went out. The fairies began to
dance more and more slowly, soon they
weie left in the dark.
Then Firelight led Lola out of the) dark
nets and on to the floor where she had
first been.
Princess Firelight then touched Lola
with her wand and she became large again
and waa lying ln the same position as at
first. Lola looked at the fireplace, but the
palace hAd gne and ln Its place waa the
same old log. Suddenly ths door opened
and Mrs. Jensen came In and said:
'My! Lcla, bat a long uap you've, bad.
Tree Chat
( tpl
I came In a little while ago and you were
sound asleep."
It was not until then that Lola realised
she had been dreaming.
Charley's Birthday Gift
Greta Strickland, Age IS Years, CouboJI
Bluffs. Ia.
Charley BJrcham was as happy a boy
as could be found In all America, when
on his eighth birthday hi. father brought
Mm for a birthday present, a magnificent
mastiff. A large brass collar around tha
dog's neck was engraved with tha dog'
name, "Hero."
Charley had had all sort, ef presents,
boxes of tools, skstes and books, and once
he had a very large rocking-horse. But
this was a real live present, the grandest
present he had ever received.
Charley and Hero soon beacme fast
friends, taking the saddle from the old
rocking-horse, Charley would mount the
patient mastiff, and Hero seemed to ba
almost as proud of hla rider as Charley
wa. of bis horse.
Mary's Kindness.
By Fmllle Brown, Aged 12 Years, VH. South
C Boulevard, Omaha, Red Side.
There was a little girl whose name was
Mary. Her parents wer. very rich and
she could have anything she wanted.
Across from her home lived her little
friend, who waa very poor, named Millie.
Her mother had to work for a living.
Millie knew she would get no presents,
but Mary knew she could get what she
wanted. This year Mary wanted an extra
large amount of presents and she received
them all.
On Christmas day little Millie aat by the
window looking very sad, when she heard
a gentle tap at ths front door. When she
opened tha door who should be there but
UUle Mary.
She said, "Millie, you never get any
presents for Christmas, so I thought I
would get you something."
When Millie untied the package she saw
Is was a beautiful doll. Millie thanked
Mary very much and said it was the nicest
present she ever hnd. When Mary got
home her mother asked her where she bad
been. Mary said that the doll she got for
Christmas she had given to Millie, Mary',
mother said It was very nice of her to be
so kind to ber little friend.
Jennie's Christmas.
By Helen Iten, Aged 9 Years, 1M North
Forty-second Street, Omaha. Red Side.
Once there lived a little girl named
Jennie. Her father and mother were very
poor. In a few days it would be Christ
mas and Jennie was sure that she would
get no presents.
But on Christmas eve Jennie hung up her
stocking by the fireplace and her good
sister Grace made some seedcakes and
moulded them like animals, birds and
people. Then when they were done she
went to her sewing basket and took from
It a piece of white cloth and sewed till
she had made a little white apron for
Jennie. She had an ear of popcorn which,
a neighbor had given her which she popped.
Then she filled Jennie's stocking with the
seedcakes and popcorn and pinned the
apron at the toe of the stocking and went
to bed.
In the morning when Jennie awoke she
was one of the happiest children on earth.
Sho thanked her sister over and over
again. Then when Jennie waa dresaed ber
sister took a book from the table and read
to her.
A Question
WHAT becomes of Little Fiabes
When tha creek la frozen
JJo they leave their home ln water
And take refuge on the shore?
Do they shiver when Old Winter
Sifts the snow flakes o'er their
Or do snowdrops, Jubt like feathers,
Make for them nice cozy beds?
Anyway, 'tis cause for Question
Just what Little Fishes do
When the ice crusts on the water
And I surely wish. I kaevl