Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1910, HALF-TONE, Page 3, Image 23

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1 f
A Travelers for Omaha Houses to Be Honored Friday Evening
rFTt-TC aeralds f Vasfae to ti amra
ber ef J. 000 or cor wcrk fcr Piiii
intelligently sad antirlngly very di; lm
tt jear except Sunday, and a good part
cf ti v:utg ui holiday. Ttey da
Lot loot tteir owa tores, at xp4
each breath scd energy tooting ti
kera ttat proclaims ti s ream ess ani furthers tt
commercial ambitioa of th cetrepclis cf th central
west. Tt! term u tM adriiiy, fcr otii t th
tub. as near a cay be. cf Lb sectioa eocrrisei'la th
terra "Central Wst
Tiis alert army ef advaac agent is Ttnova ander
tt eccpreieasiTs appllatioa ef "traTii&g cea."
It U as each under orders aad a perfectly disdpliaed
as str army ttat erer took ti feidrbat Its aUticj
Jt ca cf pac. cf building sad boosting. With de
stractloa It has no sort cf syepsthy; I gits day. de
cries dry ret, oppose extravagaae, tas no trace with,
lax is ess, fires inapirsiioa to tired lives and Is th eon
sistent ry cf inertia.
j l'.t CfStl
x cf eate
jt ct sfttletreat
It members ar trained en rtxricaced t-'-
eaterpris. Thy travel to th far cstposta
ss e'l ss to tie ttrivtax ad ti
bnstliag city. If rood digestion vait oa rood tmpr.
they srs tie exemplars cf the saying, sine thy est
wtst they csa ret. oftea nader prtnltlrs rtrrsc
sUBcet, srd sleep vaer taey ira.y. Ttlr cheats are
rot tfcelr -a. sad trsia scaedalea ecctrol ttelr
"toars." Ttey tre ao aaioa. bat tiey sxs a:td
sad devoted la tas des'ca urd the pvrpos to ft
tiers. la srery smerfsacy ttey srs creaeat cr ac
counted fcr. Ttey precede tas r&12rol sad srs tas
real cissieasrles cf clTCitstloa. after the c terra.
It was vita ties facts la talad last tie Oziia
CciaicercUl claa soaas tias Mo decided to gis lie
trsreliaf sea cf tae Omaha tasias tosses a kaa
caet. Tte date Is Zeoesbr 10, as4 the ttlax ass
troTO to saea proportions it proxalses to be xaexors
tOe azjoax all tte baaaets glrn tnrtzg tas life cf tae
cJub. Oa'y tte espacfty cf Us Aaditorlaa woald
vr- e to fiT aaytilsf i:s the specs required, sad
vtvre tte baioaet be serred.
Early Traveler! Had Trials.
Except la lsolsted lastaace tts eld cf tbe trs Tel
iae raaa cf ttU later day Is rrtilroaed wlta railroads.
Tbe old-tixer Trtth tbe jTip rsscb asd to trsreJ
iag by team orer wide rtretcbes of coaatry. rt"bea
cae lifU-as to a Teteraa Hks -Bob" Bacoa cf lltCcrd
Erady cor:paxy telllas of tts days la tie dim aai dis
taat past be beclas to realiie ttat scare cf ttcte de
partseat xaaaagers, low resliag ladoors sad tsad'ir.K
orders by telephoas or letter, wers oa tts triaj lias
la streaaoas days. Ttey coaslder tts earl tlitcry
of tts craft la Nebraiia so zasca a xaaiter cf eoures
ttey do cot talk aboat It readily. Aad It Is tts cost
dcalt tt-lax la a dar'a arork to ret a traTellax raaa's
pic tare. Jiort cf ttea appear to taTs beea too basy
to ever jIts a few miaates to a ptotocraiter. Ttey
cast bo raagtt oa tts tj cr passed ap altoretter.
"Nov. tea I vas traTeiiax la tts early days,"
said V r. Baroa. after isaca urf.'r. to ride tte rtags
vas sorsetUaK cf a trick. If yoa lock at a pi etc re of
tts star eooack cf tte chl days yoa cay ttiak It vas a
picric to ride thereoa or ttereia. Well, it vas co
rsct ttlaf. laaide or estslde. yoa were coiapeiled to
keep yoamelf keyed ap fcr a pltct A pitetiar atip
at sea Is really aottiag coiapared to lt After a walls
i lesraed tte trick cf relaxiaf tts body to tte sway
cf tbe stare, aad ttos got alcar w;tt sose csall de
cree cf cos fort.
Long Drives in Old Days.
, "Scae cf tte drUes trsTe:;aj eta were cocpe'.led
to cake before tte railroais were exteaded were ter
rors. Kottiar less; but it as all la tte day's work,
aad w took tt:ars as ttey caiae. Laxtry taia't yet
fot'.ea lalo people's blood aad coiaiaerclal traielers
becarae tarieaed to coaditicaj ttat woald aot be Tery
pop alar toiay. Bst as 0.ata tas d?Telc;-ed, so taTs
ccri.tioas ttroaetout Nebrasks aad otter was term
states ba l35proei. aetil today tte place cot
reacted ry tte ra.i.-oad are ciptty few."
y.r. Eacoa covered tie Blark HUls aad otter west
era territory ter saaay years wails traveliag for tie
VcCcri-Eraiy ccpaay, a&d tas slways kert la close
toact tte res "oa tts road." He bas aottiar
but rood word for tbeia ard tkelr work aai bel-eves
act s atteriar as tte Co cereal club tas planted
will result la rreat f ocj to all eenceraed.
Ctaries H. Pickeaa bead cf tte Paitoa-CaHae ter
vtoa!e grocery touse. terer toted a trip tlne'.f,
btt be talks witb eBtiui-an: cf raa like M. C Joaes,
acw ia riarge cf tte Salt Late traces cf tte kecte.
Joaes ta covert tte wtcle west at ae tiaie or
aaotier,- V.d Mr Plckea ' Ke tas bea ca tts
rcd as a coranerc'-al traveler f.-r alrxoet forty years,
belrr crif'.cally w'.tt tte tria cf J. J. aad Baadall
Broa. licarer tcerctaE cf Or. at a He beraa :tb
ttia trufce t It v. if Mv-rraa t Ga'-lapter. aai wtea
test cf tte couetry west cf Henraa was covered by
irlrlrp rrem St. Paal. for iastaare. tte tois Leap
valley tad to be drlTea over to vtr'.t tts trade, aai
later ecsers la tts baaiaess tsrs Urtls coaceprJca cf
wtat tts old-tlas traveirrf en tad to pet ap vttk
tte wtole year ro-E i. Bet tts tea ato carry
Osaka's uci aai fan all over tts west are, ess
aad ail. wcrtty cf aay taat tte ccszaex
eial orcaaiiatlct of Oatata caa psy ttem."
Hoes Hold Men Well
Vaay cf tte Oiaaia toases ksvs xaea oa tteir
staTs wto tavs practically xrova ap vita ttem.
Georre H. llti aad Gerrs W. Tracy lavs tee a vrik
tts SI. E. Siaitt cccpaay for tweaty aad ttirtr years,
respectively. William D. Eck begaa witt tts Lee-Glaas-Aadreesea
Hardware coa:paay tweaty-ttres
years ago ai order clerk; Ctaries Kirkpatriek tas
bea witt tts sane touso seveLteea yean; Harvey
SieEltlaey tas beea vita Allea Pros, slacs te was a
youapster; A- D. Hoag. tlgt la T. P. A. circle. U also
witt tti Ira; Anaur C. Ctase aad C. W. Kiaxl are
reteraas kacwa to every caa oa tte read. Ttese srs
bst pecia:ea lataaes, typical cf tte vocatioa. Tte
rood trsveliag raaa wto sacoeed. told trade aai la
creases ti sales frcra year to year Is aot glvea to
ctatgiac . ploy neat, aad as a rule sticks witt cao
Sir. Mead 1 cas cf ti oldest traveller taea la
pciat cf strrlce carryiag a grip oat of Oiaaia. Siac
1SS7 Le lu beea oa tts ro teaJily. aad aiat Hii
tas t-eea with tte Siaith coapaay. Tp to lidl is
cperaiei la tie Blark Hill ccatry aai ia tte later
years tas beea cakiag headquarters st Hastiarv cov
eriag soattwestera Netraaka. lie tell with laterest
of tke day wtea te usei to go overlaad ttroagt the
E'.g Kora basia ccaatry w;th a fo-;r-tcrs ontzt aad
fv aaaipls traaka. Ttis tr.p tock la ever 09 taiies
cf territory aad repaired aboat a ascath to zaake it.
Ho says tbe tardt:ps were so&etiraes severe, but ttat
laiaad raerctaat were airays glad to a-re a travelltr
a. "aad if tie orders caxe. a they atually did.
forgot tte rest." t savs. Kr. UraJ has receatly re
xaovei to Osaaia to cake ti tcce.
Vr. Tracy ia aov la tts touas coat of tts taa
bat fcr tWBCty-sevea years cf t;s service t sold gcods
la los a- He ber as la 1 S 1. a tea tie ana was located
ia CcaacJ Bltff. cader tte tra taa. cf Smith A
Criut-Bdea- Tie kece cf tts arm at ttat tics va
c.s!i d:ferrt to its leae twla tructres la
wfcirk he bow greets Ue barer wto teTer fall to look
kim cp wtea la Oraaia.
3 T. Hcgaa. tts veteran cf tts trsveiers fcr its
D. 3. O'Eriea Caaiy cocpaay, is presett sea:or coaa
selor aai art lag graxi ccaaaelor cf tte raited Cota
csrcial Traveler. K covers tts terr.tcry ca tie
raloa Pa.-ific. Ncnhweatera aai Onata llaes aai as
MS&hti Pry
mm : . w
W.F.BUTLER - xr.rzzziTZi co
m saiestasa Is prcricg t. rartlty by t Viias
ustoa.ers acd cakiag sew ont- tor'tiriaally.
Kred Eagle is oae cf tie izfB old trave:rs l:i.e ti
talk a tost as a rojal gocd fellow, but Ere". t:eelf
will go bo fanier ttaa to admit te tas be-ca in cae
territory selling good for tilny years. Tie SlcCcrd
Brady r-ec'jle oas:ir Mr. Eagle ere cf tte rrm
valuable salesnta ca tie road fcr aay firm. 1 rei
Eggletoa aad Ered Tnrrtr are otter ttrcte r:a
with tiu firm, milch, hke mct cf tte tig C.ata
coaceras. ta a Icag Ht ct re ad mea
L. W. Utterback aai Lea Froebstiag cf tie Errre
Hacraer comj ar.y. vbo "made territory" for tte firm
a good caay years, are row ktpt ia tie Omata to as
xaott of tte time
Wtea Present Heads Carried Grips.
Wtea there wa received at tts Commercial clab
a letter from H. N. JeweU tier was to caetioa cr
teeitaacy whatever la ti clad cf ti committee.
Aay oa wto ha p;aeered for Onsha as ia Mr.
Jewett will aot crJy V eatisied to admi&sioa ttat
aigit, bat oocapy a plac cf ioaor. He wrote:
.I herewith eaclc& check for a : live at tie Tratel
iag Mea's baaaaet. Kiaiily mail ticket. I am amoeg
th oldest commercial travelers, as I start e-i sellirg
groceries oa ti read darlag the summer cf llti aad
followed tt railroads from ti i!issifc".;pi to tie Vis
scari aad from tie liias-cari to tie Bockies aad ti
Coast aad to tie Galf. I started first la St Leal
with a wioleaal dry good firm la ti summer
of 1541.
"I recollect Joia aad Joe Eraiy wien ttey scoured
ti territory out cf Sa Joe eat aai wet cf ti r:ver.
Hal ileCord tfcr h came to Omaha aai Dudley
Smith as a alader yoaag r.aa wiea te made his
laitial trip wearlag a Prlc Altrt coat aad we cut Vd
him tie preacier drammer. It 1 for tie reas-oas
that 1 desir to attead tie baa;.;vt aai lock ever ti
trareliag tts cf today aad see if tiere are aay cli
timers smcag tiem.
'"Rtea 1 f:m started to travel I weat aiead cf iro
iectei railroad aad ttea rode ca coartractioa traits
Figures that Preach
There is little cr ao douit ttat tie Increased cost
ef lirUg tas tad lis effect upon tie household ecoa
csies generally dunag tie last year cr tie, sajj ta
New Tcrk ScaiL Ti riach cf tlgh prices tas tea
felt cere cr less keenly ia nearly every tcme.
From this common condition one c:git assums
ttat the coaey reserves cf tte pec pie tad aaderg-.a
a airiakage ia atcn, tin tteir savings, la.d ty for
a rainy day, tad beea Crawa tpoa to ceet tte in
creasing treasure cf current ei;nsea.
Yet' totting could be widtr wf tte mark than such
aa asaumptica. Tte fan is exactly tie reverse. Not
ti official f.gures: There ar 1.7iS aaviLgs baLis :a
tbe feted States and tteir d;-os.ts increased mere
ttaa l3T.'lf'f almost l,Ce.C s day darirr
tt last fiial yeir, amount: Lg in all mere ttaa
H.(C?,CP ca July l, mo. In tie same penoi tt
averag de;s:t itrrease-d to in: ::, a ga a cf
Tt r.gxr suggest that tt high cost cf UviLg
Lai tacgtt a wtoleacm leasca la lailridaal conrmy
aai lacreAsed
um l.l Li. inanMFMi. ...i . i i., n
aai followed ca died traia aad ttea ca ordiaary
lasseager trait aad finally ca long trip ia
-ci:d Pallmax tralas: so I ksvs sees tte aps sad
cowls of a tourist. Travelirg today is a
luxury to wist it was from UfS to 1STI. or evea
wtea I curt th road ia 1!5 0.
Have Strong Organinticsj
Tie commercial traveler tave two crganiaatioas
ttat provide them with iaaaraac aad give eoatinaal
atteatioa to tteir interests ia tie broad seas. They
are known as tie Trsveiers' Protectivs aasociatioa
sad tie t'aited Commercial Travelers They have,
tcxetier, ever 2.1P5 members Sa Nebraska aad th
large raajr-rity of tie ir. dividual composiag this basi
rfss brirade travel cut of Omaha. They se aad talk
with LioBsaads cf cuTom-rs every day sad tie area
of terntory ttey cover faithfully aad with keesest
latcigeaos ia a year woald cake a very large cap.
This city aad it commercial laterest caa well con
sider them as ti bailder of trad aai forwarder
of basiaes ccmlty with tbe whole west. To glv
Toke ad em;tii to tte kiadly a;preciatioa felt for
tie trit-e of traveling tea is tie prime cb;ect of th
dinner that will draw probably l.S&O cea from every
Ha cf bus.aes to th Aci;tcnaa next Friday
Tt com mi Gee oa speakers annotares Artbar C
Chase cf tte firm cf Paxtca ft Galiagter Co. as ti
caa wto will respond for tt cembers cf lis Trsv
eiers' Protective a&sociaticn. on cf tie two large
bodies of commercial travelers ia ttis section. Mr '
Ctase is a caa cf rars ability and wide eiptrienc
and cay be depended on frr a tree expotitloa cf tt caa's aid cf wtstever sabjeet is assigaed
A rerreseatativ of th Calted Ccmcerclal Trav
elers, yet to b tamed, will also b ca tte prcgram.
Details Carefully Planned
Tt Commercial club, rrcfiting ty ex;-r!ace la
connwticn with a recent Vanafarturers' dianer, wtea
s.ome cf the club's mail went astray, learirj several
cctc-em around tcwa without formal notification sad
" - t. .w-rf ti;Msuc.l E;t'U.i, Lll I.c;ifl
a system ia conaecticn with ti Traveli-r Ven a din
ner that leaves to cpt-crtanity for oversigtt. Aa
expert clerk 1 givitg hi entir time to ubalating
name a ttey com la oa blank sent out for that
pur;cse. Tier ar fosr eiasslfiratior.j traveling
men, lead of traj, department teada. credit cea
and city silesmea.
A thi is a dinaer to tt traveliag cea. engraved
Invitations are only being sent to that class; all other
notifications are by letter. Distribution cf Invitations
sad cards cf admiaaioa is cad through tt toas
caking tte reservations, sj ttat there is no possibility
cf future complicatioa with ladividaal travelog cea
cr ether Every fire's eredett-als ar pat la on
larpe envelep and delivered ty ceasenger. Ia each
etve'oj are enclosed aa iavitatica for eacb traveling
can. card cf admission cad oat wltn tla nam and
tte firm te repr-fcenu, also a card cf identification
to 1 wcra tte tigtt cf tt t nter to assist ia th
catter cf ac -iBaittatce. For ether re r reset Utives of
tte btsinee bouses a d-fferett cclored card is csd
ct with te name cf ea-k r-ersoa and tte firm rep
rfnei. also an ldentifi catioa alip.
V.ti: tie dianer, afr-crdlng to th literature sent
cut, will not b served attll r!. ttat Is U tosr
at wtich ail are expected to actually sit dowa at tt
table- As tier are likely to b 1,1 cea par
ticipaung. it btioove aa ef ttea to b tier ty about
f o'clock, so ttat ttey will get their tost and iats
t , s , f
Am?- .ii
JLi Ml t i I H
tteckei ani get otherwise pro;-er!y organise! fo
ti tvenu cf ti Tening.
Somethirg "Doing Every Hmnte
In order ttat tier cay be socethiar doiag very
ciacte cf th time, th Elks' Quartet eoaaisUar of J.
R Gerke. W. S. Rigioa, Ciaad P. Lewis aad C S.
Maverrtotk tas beea engaged to enlivea tts diaasr
with "Lacky Jim. 'Msmie'' and several ether choioa
selections so pcpalar with th Omaha boosters ea
tteir trade excursions. In ti cas'.e lin tier will
b ctier surpnses and every caa is expected to ap
Iar ttat evening with his tc'.os tied dova ani
prc;erly oiled to held up his end George Grcea tas
tad his band togetter every nigtt tti vek trying
to cater some cf tie classical airs that will b cad
a featur cf ti vening.
Clement Chase, cffital yell maker cf Omaha, tas
oome to tt front with his latest aad greatest effort
fcr ase at th Traveliig Idea's dinner. Her it Ui
"Who. wto, who are we
Traveling cea ca a jam-bo-re.
&om for ti factory, sos for th stcre
All for Omaha, now and lermore."
Ti only oijecticB that th cemmitte tad to tt
sam was ti word jam here." aai ti yen ,a
tierefcrs a; pear with tts folic wing f&otactei
"Gaesu aswilliag to admit tils cay sabstitct th
words, oa a soiree, r 'frcm Ntbraskey or
eld thing."
Th cccmitte ea sp-eakers has tot beea idl ani
ta enlisted th service of Frank N. Haller. president
cf th Lialaeer Icplemeat company, as Uxstcaster
far th evening. That la, t will hav charg of tt
second stag cf ti evenings eatertaiaceat devote
to speaking.
Tt president c? tt cl8b. Edgar Allex. wl tator
ally prt.d as ciaucaa cf ti vhel pro poaitioa.
H will call ti ceeuag to order aad lntrodac th
P.t. Rev. Gecrg allea Beecher. wto will glv tt
lEvocatioa. To tt toast, "Tt. Commercial Out, "
Albert W. Jefferls has beea aasiga!. Jir. Jeff eris
ha th peraoaality. ptytii aai oic that aij falg
ar caseatial to th ccaaioa.
y-0 j