TTIE OMAITA SUNTTAY BET!: ftrTEMBEH 25. 1010. .MV51C?fe .1 aU.kVa4 if v i .-. : f I 7 . "f III I 1 kv" -A 1 Wfpi ;'v vs;'- ' . fAk ;vv;Air A A i v - A :vX?- r;AvA " ' v '' ' ' - , " W:," NYX AvA mSCv r itw1' xv;.? xxx ;""- r -v i . .ui wul -v. - . w x.x -w :?.w I . ' 1 , i ' - - 7i r ' ' - ,? - - v - i ; J pmt li.'o lo t'ne (jcrXci tins or the 'voice ol ! V' s ... ' , i Adelir.n. And thtro U tho worshln of Pit tro ! j'' f ' ""t 'X J i , t.o youns composer, who Is trusellnt; 4 1 j ' '' I I with hi t mavtei piece, "Ths Sjr.g of the y 'iiif. - ? y V I '-'-'. Sot:l." tti.Uli li lo iiiher Adeitna to in? I J!;V ' " i : ' i norld us a ccat prima dunaa. This sen- ' i"'V't;;i i;;;;- V ; vv ' ' . -X 1 V j io:i tho company precenthis; "The Cl'rnax'' i-'ii'i S.'v V.'i , .A J V I I ,. IB t the lirar.deis for four ? r"'?. iVi ; , V-: f ill TfflS. ERWZNC0MmLLY M lie Oj"pImun lTKAItlNG lor the t.vzl time as star and piiiytvright, Robert lCc;in will bo presented by Km.y It. Harris fo.- six per formances at the DrandcU, comminclnc to-.!ht and Includ ing a We.hiBMilBy matinee, r.nd a special Christmas mattneo on Mum'.ay. In his own play, "Where tha Troll Divides." Taking as his basis Will Ullibi idse's novel of the sanso nan:e, Mr. Edcson lias written a play of the grtat wt-st and the Indian race. Mr. lMiin will play How I.andor. a Sioux of fine education, who has been brought up tit a white family and hus ab sorbed the best trmU of the race without acquiring the mcane.- vices. The opening of the play finds him riiKagnd to marry a white gil, who loves l lni thoroughly with never a thought of the fact of his red skill making any difference. A white man loves her also, and In IiIm Ucjlre to pre vent her iiiarr!ut:e to the Indian, lie brlnn to btar m-on her all the old arguments against Intcr-nu'Ul inanlagn. Failing he tries to stop tho marriage by force, but it foiled by How. The ceremony take! place ond (he Ctrl Is Immediately shunned by ail her wh.te friends and leads a lonely life, while the while imin remains on tha scene, and they see entirely too much of each other until How finally dis covers his wife In the white mans arms. Kvents move rapidly from this climax to the final curtain, which generally comes as a great surpiina to the auditors. Mr. Kdeson has a apendld role In How Iandor and In the final scene Is at his best, giv ing a wonderful characlerixatlon of the Indian under the stress of emotion. The scenes of tha play are laid in bouth Iakota and tha piece has been given a magnificent mounting. Mr. Edeson's leading woman this year will be Miss Kva Deunison. Others In Mr. Kdeson's support are Cordelia McDonald, ileorge V. flarnum. A. H. Van llureu. Joseph Rawley, Charles Chapelle, Ship Camp, John 1'rescott and E. M. Dres ser. The beautiful thing in 'The HTimax" Is the manner In which Edward Locke lias diawn the character of Adeiina, the hero ine, who la working hard to become a great Mima donna, the Is beloved by and lovta lr Raymond, a young physician. The woman fights against the natural Inclina tions fur a home, motherhood and all cf the Joys and sorrows which coma with hapi lly manled life. Against these Is tha life of a gratified, towering ambition, v In re genius lias lo pa the price, In tha kliape of distance, lonely oeyond human viiduranie On the one hand- Is her lover, whom she sdoies; on the other the tender loving la.e of her old maestro. L.uigl, who !c kua bvst leuigimng In tus nearly A sic fa. JjriIUCJg 1 , . :. - -.. . . i w g r.o.once el)Dr l tne Adeiina. i nomas -Tirf f ZllU , V VJ ' ttv 1 . Clnclalr. I)r. Raymond; Chester Harnett, I 1 1 f-.? ItTirfitPfSi 1?tA s 1 1 ' i 1' i ' 111 In "The Fortune Hunter," which will be seen at the Brur.dels theater for the week beginning Sunday evcr.lns, January 1, Wlnchell Smith has succeeded In transfcr U to the iitate one of tho breeziest, most whimsical and altogether charming stories of American H'e evolved by any author of tha ptesent day. The play met with In stantaneous success In both New York and Chicago, where two companies pro r inted the piece In all-seaaou runs. The company, which will be seen here la headed by I''red NIblo, one of America's most popular young actors. HIj Interpretation of the title role, convrs perfectly the xpiilt of the play and each subordinate role has . been entrusted to players with national reputations. At' the liuyd the holiday week will be celebrated by a great revival of "t'e'-er ran," the beautiful fantasy 'by James M. Ha trie. Miss 1-ang has played the piece here before, and with such success that its revival Is warranted. She is seen at her very best in the part of the boy who would nut grow up, leading his band ot boys who were paientless In Never Never Land. It is a story that appeals to every heart, and Is piesented with much force. The Incidents of the play from the time the Darting chil dren leave home to follow Peter Pan until they return again, aie those that bring back to all the dear Illusions of youth, or confirm tha young In their fixed belief In the unreal. It Is a play for grownups and for the children as welU Manager Wood ward has prepared eluborately for the mounting of the play, and will equip It with a spleudld set of seer ery. as he did on former occasions. It will be presented at a matinee this afternoon, and daily at matinee end evening performances through out the week, except on Monday evening, when the house will be given over to the Cornell Clee and Mandolin clubs. Tha prices will remain the same. Something quite out of the ordinary In tha way of ecientric end character dancing Is promised tor William Rock and Maude Ful ton, who will appear at the Orrheum for the week starting this afternoon In their original dance creations. This act em braces comedy, tragedy and melodrama, with every detail given In true artistic manner. "The Dunce of the Devd 1 Is one of the Hock and Fulton spectacular fea tures. A comedy hit consists of a melo dramatic extract given with clog-step ac companiment, the villain slaying tha lead Ipg lady to the time of the double-shuffle, whll the hero makes the discover)- end voices his grief In about the same tempo. Eugene aid Willie Hoviaid, popular en teitaliivrs, pirnent their uw skit, "Tha i v? A2iiuir ww. :.. , r - sv " - Mil l..,i.,.,V. -J,,,.i' .N 'J , ,.W tllMli. ,.1111 IW fcIJa Wa iUMi fill IT U. ff :!::. i II d&tf HOWS. KO&EIU: SCOTT LIBRIS ZOJSTDEZZ t'oucr and tho Kaleaman,' which abounds In mlrth-provoklns situations. Mr. mid Mts. Jimmlt Harry corne with their rural comedy kKH. "At Hcnsfoot Corner," which gives ample oppoi lui'lty to make glad the heart of those who fclt out In ft out. "Witt's Koses of Klldaie," consists of Misses Witt, Miller, Bcheafer and Sttvens, two sjpranou and two conti ultos, who ring liith melodies and recent song hit in a pleasing way. llr. and Mrs. Eiwin Connelly offer Sir W. S. Gilbert's "Sweethearts," this being a story ot a bashful ycutli and rebellious maiden, who are reunited after a separa tion of forty years. Neus and Eldred are grotesque aerobat who have deviled a skit they call, "Yapl.ank National Guardsmen." Goff Phillips is a mlnstiel, who blacks his face before appearing on the stage. "Al most a Hero." a, id "A Jar of Cranberry Sauce," will be the new kinodrome views. Director Huster of the Orpheum concert orchestra is lehearsing some new tunes for next week. "Checkers" Is the offering at the Krug four days, starting matinee today; special Monday matinee. For the benefit of those who may possibly not have heard tho story It may be briefly described aa that of a manly, sporty young American with a nimble wit and a clean record, unblemished by even the slightest streak of "vcllow." j Harry H. Heaumont will be seen In the tltlo rolo this sesson. and 1'ava Hruham, jr.. und all the old favorites ore nt til In the cost. 'T-um-ii in Arizona." by Miss Lillian Mor timer. U I be seen at the Krug three days trt:ns Thursday with iiatlnte Satur day. A characteristic scene Is of a saloon In the midst of that ,hB mining and ranching notion ot lht novates, e-owuojs ana miners are drink- lng to the health of Jim Hlunt. a miner. who has made a lucky find In his mine. The congratulations are short-lived as Jim Blunt U Informed by an English adven turer that he Is the rightful owner and endeavors to prove hi claim by forged deeds of an anterior date. Jim takes the dispute phlloapohlcally.. but hU great eon corn Is in tho foar of losing tho affection of lila Intended, Mlsa June, the camp school mistress. She Is I'.forined of Jim's reversal of fortune and Immediately in forms him of her continued devotion. Jim Is overjoyed and orders drinks for the en tire crowd lo the success of (hi future Mrs. Hlunt. At the Uayety. commencing this after noon. Ham Howe will offer his company of funsters called "Love Makers In Af rica," In a two-act travesty. The company i enguged by him Includes his old partner. Hob Scott. James Dixon, Linton and Lanier Dewolfe. Vera Desmond, Llbby Illondell, tha Harmonious Four. Hurna Sisters and a chorus of thirty pretty girls nnd ten dancing boys. It Is clean and full of mirth, with most beautiful costumes und scenic effects. Holiday matliu-e tomorrow. Starting Tuesday thire will be a matinee dally, the. engagement closing with the Saturday matinee performance. "A Prince for a Day," which will be I presented by Hits Kdlth Spencer toek company at the Guyety next l-'aturday night onlv (New Year's eve) Is a farce I comedy In three nets. The action tufces place In the London home f Daniel) I i ru-heritiari, a wen in) reurea roap inaa j ho Is anxious to break Into tocleiy. ; There are, good parts fur Miss Kpencer, Mr. Hennett and the other members of the company. The new American theater npen.i on New Year's day. The name has been ehanped from the American Mus'c Hall, a id It will ! ''"ve a" manager and owner Mr. D. J, ! Hondy, formerly owner uf playhouses in . M. Paul and elsewhere. Ihe Mtllivaa and !" i.'uiura m m- . . -mat. civ I booked by the .New American tluat. r. Each performance will ronl-t of seven acts, all , Ugoua ,,.remony of (lie Sioux nation, and features and the best of their kind. Three I u executed with all the Impressive slg perfoimances aill be given dally, a mutine-e ! nlflcame involved at the council of the at 8. IS and evening performances at 7 C I tribes. "A Trip to Japan" was last year's and D JU. Attractions will change tvery 1 ' Sunday and run the full week. An Idea cf the class of attractions coming to the New American theater can be obtained when it Is laid that uinong the features of the opening week will be Madam He d nl's trained Arabian horses, and the sec ond week will include Anna Eva Fay, while the third week will find lb? venerable Bob Fltiilmmotis befora the footlights.- This most momentoua amusement event of the early year will be the appearance of the New York Hippodrome company at tip) Auditorium here, where It will play an enaaKetrent, beginning January 8. The undertaking Is the rnont colossal ever at tempted In the hi; of a theatrical tour. Fix hundred performers, half a hundred horses, a tribe of Indians, a complete Lilliputian circus and fifteen ears of scenic del ices are some of the staggering figures. Tim Shuherts. who direct the destinies of thy New Y'ork Hippodrome, assure theater goers that the production they are sending to Omaha will come Intact and unchanged from the New York presentation. The three spectacle which lliey have selected frc in the Hippodrome's repertoire were the cionnlng achievements of the world's greatest play house. A feMtival of spec ial le. melodrama, circus and ballet Is promised, the principals being those who orliiir.aiv won public favor I'l New Y'ork. '' 1 VI... ..)!-.. f. ....... t.l.l. ..... i .urn' i line, Ji noil l ui ..iiiiii. ji-Biiiiin tiuwit I at the New York Hlpodrome since It was opi ned. 111 have a conspicuous part. Nellie ' Melville, premiere danseue. and 1 MIts Nanette FlacV, prima donna, are other features loaned lo Omaha. "i'loneei- Days." "The liapi t of Jewels ' , and "A Trip to Japan." remembered by , ail with the history of the lllppo dr no- v. ill eoiopi leo the entertain!. i ut. Th I'liilulii Mill rl.u tlrt i,..n .UI,,n-. ,,,,y1... ,-0W)Oy coivgl.i, and sixty In . dian( an- enlisted. The sun ilsnee. Per formed bv the led ll.en. is the creattut rn. I uigstet pleca at tha Hippodrome. It was Nt orenlnic their treasui o. tliey j m unriril i:illVf '.,,11 nu if I fiBli!:Htn and mvrr'.j. I ThH Is receded if the Wise .1 klm itnlH an.i Mon fitmt t'. t n r.o Jour l'cyil r Kolhlehetii. It Ml the fhat Christmas, amf thtse ! tl.a fiist C.irlsL'r.a prn-a Valuable Leyind intKftue win e the..'. .' I gold ai gold in tl.ise d-o. Just 8 now. But fianklnce:is and my r ill do not im-ait so mui Ii to our modern rars. l.e; u hit If we ran find what mode them so valuable. tl Is leiorded In the Mosaic law thai f rnnkliH ense was :ie of the rulm .i.ul ht- ciedlents of the "most holy" iiei fiiiiic "fi r 1 the Lord." instructions sitte erj specific for Its comrosltion, a nitiiess the I'ol low ing: "And thou ahalt make It a ivrn'r.ic. a confuttinn after the ait of the apothe cary, tampered together, pure ant l.oly And as for the ptrfume whU'.i l .ou halt make, ye shall not make to yni.r aelves according to tha rcmpositto.i the;eof Whosoevar shall make like unto that, to smell thereto, shall even be cui off from his people." And tha pura myrrh' was one of the prin cipal tDloea In the "oil of holv ointment." . . ! wiu.lllviK Villllin'UllU.U KIIBI lll I ( l ( the apothecary." Tha laa concerniim this f ere also direct and positive: ' t'pon mait'a flesh shall It not ba pouied; neither shall ye make any other Ilka IC. after tl'.e com position of It; It la holy, and It shall ba holy unlo you. Whosoever compounded) any like It, or whoeoevnr putteth an;' of It upon a (tranter, shall even ba cut off from his people." To lis outcast and ostracised fur darlna to make other compounds or confections after a Riven form, was certainly a very sevaro penalty ; and as and myrrh were principal parts of those com pounds, the law irlvfa a very hlh standing among spices and things, to those two par. tlcular Ingredients. So frankincense and myrrh were valuable Christmas presents. And. together with told, they were offered by Wise Men ss first tribute to the Spirit of Ol.rlmmas, to the Christmas Spirit which permeated the little town of Bethlehem. And ever since that time wise men of all ases have given their money, their gold, the holy oil of their worship and the sweet perfume of their good wishes. In honor of the Bplrlt of Christmas. To-day In hundreds and thousands of churches, aubjeou like these will be dls-cussed:-"The Mystery of the Incarnation:" "The Human Birth of Divinity:" "Th Arrival of the Messiah". Some will affirm. and gome will deny, and aome will e,y little on one aide or the other. Rome will say that the Messiah haa not oome, others will nay that the Meastah has come, and othera will ay that there la no Messiah at all. But whatever the differences theological, there will be a unity of aplrlt, and perhaps unity of spirit la greater than unity of belief; at leant It would seem to be mora potent In its Influence. And that seems to be the whole trend and tend of Chrlstmaa. Unity of Spirit. Men and women of the moet varying shades of belief unite In celebratln tha Chrlstmaa spirit. The moat earnest Trini tarian, the moet positive Unitarian, the most absolute Judaean. all agree on one point, namely, the celebration of the Christ mas Spirit. Whether the belief Is In the Christ that Is. or In tha Christ that Is to be, the relation towards Christmas Is tha same In aplrlt. And what la this spirit of Chrlstmaa? It la the spirit of Olvlng. Instead of getting. All day long we may ba spending our time In Dlannlnff hrnv u. emn mnM t. Chrtatmaa It Is entirely different: now wa are planning how we can give best, and we spend much anxious oare over the prob lem of how and what to give. Sptaking of gifts, two Itams appeared In tha newspapers last week which ware vary suggestive, and which may point a Christmas lesson. The first item was as follows: "John D. Rockefeller has completed the task ha I for himself In the founding of tha Univer sity ot Chloago. Today public announce ment was made of a 'single and final' gift of IIO.OOO.OOO, which Includes all the contri butions Mr. Rockefeller had planned. This sum, to be paid In ten annual Installments, befrlnninar January 1. will make, approxi mately, 35.000,000 he has donated to the university." ( The second Item Is this: "IV.ncoln, Deo. 20.-(bpeolal Telegram.)-Mrs. L. C. Keck, the wife of a prominent business man of this city, owes her life to the heroism of ; John doodnough, a university student, , whose home Is In Chadron. Mrs. Keck was from an acute attack of blood suggested and scenkally handled by Arthur Voegtlln, the famous scenic artist of tha big show place, and R. H. Burnside, gen era) stsge director, supplied the dialogue and lyrics. Manuel Klein, director of tho Hippodrome orchestra, composed the In cidental music. The piece recites tha thrilling attempt of a young oriental ad venturer to smuggle Into Jspan an Amer ican submarine, the plans for which have been stolen, but In the end are happily re gained. The audience Is transported In vision from tha Occident to the orient. A wonderful, view uf a departing ocean gray lioond Is seen; also the l'lumlnated harbor of New York, a fleet ot American battle ships, a street in Toklo and the garden of the mikado's palace, all of which will sur pass the wildest flights of the most ex travagant Imagination. "The Hallet of Jewels" Is promised as the most dasxllngly beautiful terpsiehorean divert isetnent aver planned and executed. It Is tha concep tion of M. Vlncenso Romeo, master of tha ballet at the Hippodrome. Every gem known to science Is typified and no grander treat for tha eye was ever conceived, tierson's Lilliputian Circus Is an old world undertaking. It numbers several scote of tiny participants, whose exploits are aa skillful as anything ever seen under tha familiar circus tents. There will be dally matinees at tha Audi-' toiiuin during the engagement. Tho sale of seats la now on. J. Welnatock'a Yiddish Opera company will appear in repertoire at the Lyric thea- , ter two nights. Friday, December 23, and Sunday evening. December ,j. when two standard pieces will be produced The plays will be In the original Yiddish and the cast will Include, In addition to tre star, Miss Jda Blum, iliss Rose Vermant, Miss Sofa Levensohn. Mr. J. Ovei lander. H. Gershenvang, Ievensohn and Mr. .1. Welnstoek, manager of the company, 'ihe engagement opens Friday, December 1. with the New York success. "Dob I'lntcla Jud," by Jacob Gordon, the Yiddish HhaJtes pearean. Henele, the daughter of Isaac Hokoloff, a Jewish Innkeeper in Russia, confesses to herself that she Is Infatuated with the Christian government official, To messo Nikolensky, who has sworn to re venge himself on lieoele's father for some I! ,n- ilcpslrcd of ' c lt reanrt Hood. 1 . o Skiinian n"rt .I'mi.s'i 'i aorely !n Mor.d. v tun "k nt t 1 1 ivnsi;n1 r. f Ii s l-'mvl ''11 need of inone w which to continue his tmlviVNttv voi'. ii tn 1 reielvoil $100 for h.s lilivd ihe him inl'ii'i . as perf-trmcd Mon ilux nl:1il end to Is now on '.he tcai' to ri co ev . i loi'omv.inh Is now in a c;.U-nc' ci't'dlt i -v 'i t will pull throuKh." I! do' not seem to thotiRh thos two lioii.t i in 'Id he pr'nted in the same cen tui.j. i:nl it 1' hs on t lir fame day. In the tr.tiiH tiev'.'l at er. doe It? '! he la ten nillll-n dollars of n thlrtv fi e-i.-Ullo i clo'.lur donarion to one univer sity; a:u1 !'i another university a student buyiiic a little r.undred dollars' worth of edtie tloti I :' hla actual and moral heart's blond' Now tl.." -tive miliinti dollars is lvcyond a:y ordina'j t'lan'i comprehension. Tttit lot t:t tul-o I; this wav: One thousand dol lars within oir com 'ire hen si on (even if not wltl-i t oi. ,ras-pV Thirty-f ve of those thousani'- loilai' Mils would be only thirty. fle tl.o. i.'inil dollnrs iw'ilrh Is gcttlntr be yond innt of tin. n I'll In thought!. Thirty five hundred of thc: o t housand-dnllnr bills i:i .'Ihjor.nK', K'ul nn tints to only Ihree iiiill oti n-o hundred tlinunand dollars, and It will lak nrttially thirty-five thousand of those thousavid-doUnr bills to make thirty five million dollars. (Hut one's head grows dlrry ar.d he Is lost In the financial heights. I Three hundred ami f.fty thousand bllU of one hundred dolUira rticli to a university for educational put-pines: and a night's Jonrne..- away from the plni'e which re ceived that donation a student gives a quart of hl own best life's blood for a paltry llltlo hundred-dollar b'll's worth of education! What's the answer'.' One knows not. and yet such a condition of ihlnti makes one pause and think til Hum Christmas time! The problem la .'nterorftlnir und you may enjoy working It out. Another Chrlatmos Item: Mr. Carntgle has Ten niillloti dollars, (ai;aln an Incon colvahln sum), for the promotion of Toace. Jtiat huwjt will bo diatrlbuted, and Just how It will go about the accomplishment of Its mission remains yet to be aeon, but It Is a suggcatlon of tangible reallcatlon of tho old, old F.nKlish message "(llory to Gud In the Highest, and on earth Peace, Qood-wlH to men". With Mr. ivockc-tellor and Mr. CarneRle offering gold; and young Uoodnough, the student, offering fmnklnoense and myrrh, and his own life-blood, tha signs of the tlmne are not discouraging, as regards the Spirit of Christmas. J-r the Spirit of Chrlstmaa lives always, not only around the month of December, but all through tho year. At the Christmas season It shows Itself more materially, and It manifesta tion Is the Epiphany. Today we have the holly and the mistle toe. The green of the bolly-leaf Indicates the Immortality of the Christmas Mplrlt. The red of the holly-berry Indicates th love whloh that spirit pours forth from the hearts of men; the white berry of tho mistletoe suggests tha peace which the Spirit of Chrlstmaa sheds abroad. They are priceless gams, tha Kmei-ald, tha Ruby and tha Pearl. And we find them all In the emblems of Christmas. The Rmer ald. of the Holly LaX; tha Ruby, of tli Holly-Berry; and the Pearl of the Bud of the Mistletoe. The Pearl of Peace. The Ruby of Love. The Emerald of Immor tality. Immortality, Lovr, and Peace. These are the priceless gems of the Chrlstmaa season. These sre the great gifts. And the Spirit of Christmas will never die. ' THOMAS J. KELLY. Mnelral .otes. More than one critic In commenting re gretfully on Mine. Seinbrlch'e contemplated retirement from professional life has de clared that the art of pure singing Is dying out: that with the departure of the little prima donna for her well-earned rest there will be left no great exponent of the "bel canto'1 school. Mine. Hembrleli her self, in speaking of the rhsiiKca that have come about In singing methods, loin said: "The modern operas aim first of all tu be .sensational, while the modern com posers bother little about the voice. They rely upon the dramatic situation, upon artistic personalities, upon crashing orcheH trsl effects. Singing pure and simple Is losing vogue, and a pity It Is. "When 1 was a girl, while we were taught to act, while persuuulity was al ways a valuable asset, the great art we were forced to cultivate was singing, sink ing, singing; first, last and all the time. There were great singers all about us. There were glorious traditions behind uh. There were teachers who knew what was necessary for us to do to achieve good slrglng." Mme. Sembrlch will lisve the assistance of Frank la Forge, planlat, on the oc casion of her concert at the Hranrtels theater Tuesday afternoon, January 3, mil. Imaginary wrong. Henele, suffering be tween love for Tomasso and duty V her aged parents and her Jewish faith, at length weakens and meets Nlcolensky by appointment, who, on threatening to com mit aulclde, succeeds In persuading her lo elope wtlh him at tiie very time when In her home tho family Is celebrating the feast of Pentecost. Her only brother, Men dele, a aoldier on furlough, rushed out to stop the conversion and marriage of his sister. Mendole, dinguiHed ps an old man. attracts the attention of the heroine nnd threatens to kill both herself and her lover if she does not return p her parents. He nele Is forcibly dragged into the church and la baptized. Mendein rushed Into the church and stabs Toiiiupsu. The noio drama Is a sermon against intermarriage. "Tho Storm of Life. " by Count Leo Tol stoi, will be the b II on Sunday nl;;ht. NATURAL ..tStM if m i f LOVELINESS Xr Clf Rtal Ututr six! ftourms thna s ool be si-quired LI ll l.illiiul ur U Mi, inslot laid ud Out ikn, seuia asd proMU lU tkia. CREME ELCAYA 7W ihe Skin like Xehxt " Tka (Uisir smelliest it sn) fcr tlx duerimi. SAiing wofnes X every cjy is U.S.A. rlxis kia Ik tliS klliir. 1 isms il aftinrt lU dissd f ru U sue, wind and duU. C Uos .J beautiBa the cantilcxioa, auke it yavtb lul sad riad. Bold si Your Jca.'rr't. SastplM Free br Sending Ypur Dtl'i't A'osw is JAMES C. CRANE. 108 Fulton St, New York, VvWAVWAV'JVWJVJSW' MR, JLAN G. JONES PL N 1ST AMI TfMClILK lsclietljr Method Pupil of Wagner huajne, Paris srrUDIO -Booms T- Dasidge Bik. i i f ;l . , ,