THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 25. 1910. COLLEGIANS CLAIM ATTENTION Socletj E?enla of Holiday Week Dedi cated to the Students. DIMES DAY'S GREAT EVENT "sally natkrrlns f"r-doinlna te ' Sfasy Affairs I1annr4 tor !a ni'i Debataates - Krent for - Cornell Mnalral ilea). 'Tar abort Cayuca's waters. in waves tt Mur. Standi our noble alma mater . Glorious to view!" . Ccirnell Sane Social Calendar. MOXDAT Cornell alee olub esnrort, re ceptlon at Horn hotel, luncheon ior visit tn( Cornell men at Omaha ciuo; Air. anl Mrs. Clamant Chase, afternoon ivoepuoa Cor Cornell Glee ciub; weeding 01 (race Connor and Mr. Henry Wa., nt Moore. TLIiiHUAY Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Steven, fsceptlon-dance at Rome hotel for M,sa iorolhf fcitevens; Mr. and Mri. Arinur Crittenden Smith, dinner and theater tarty; Miss Halryon Cotton, luncneon; reunion of class. li10. Omaha High achooi, Mlm Nellie Mgutter; Mlsa Uertruda lrtz. theater party; Los Hlbou.T reunion. WEDNESDAY Mrs. W. 11. Millard, tisnctnf party for Mr. and Mra. Harton Mi.iar and Hl lodd; Mr. and Mra. oaugnei ty, vanlnK reception: reunion class, l'Ws, Omaha Hlah achooi, Mr. rrank iateneer. Ti V KUA V Mr and Mra. Clement Cnass, Venlnc party for Miss Mildred Radars; Wellesier club, luncheon at Omaha ciub; Mr. and Mra. A. H. MeComieu. oancina party; Mri. Herman Hehfeld and Mrs. Nathan Manteil, bridge attfinonn at Metropolitan club; Mr. and Mis. Alex rick, bridge dinner; reunion ciuss. 1 Omaha Hlah achooi. t'nlverlty of Omaha. FfUOAY Omloron club, Jhriima uance; Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Hrady, mnner for Mr. and Mrs. Meredith iNlchoienn; junior lianclni claaa party; Mine Catherine Baum, luncheon; Pair club dance, Muto politan olub. BV.TUKDAY Mr. and Mra. If. J Dinning, afternoon reception and an evening eoit'.-i for Mlaa Louise Dinning; Mr. and Mra. r. W. Baoon. flanctna. party mr Vuse Luele Baoon and Miea Marsi'f rue v in ter: Mrs. Charlea Offutt. dinner; New Year's eve dancinc party at Metropolitan lub. Culmination of all the weeks of pre paring and beginning of the mid holiday weak of festivities the family Chrletma dinner rules today, even as It rules tha year as tha event pre-eminent. In Omaha today there are many Interesting family celebration!. These festivities Include all tha distinctive Christmas customs, and in novations. Cornell alumni and the college people of Omaha are anticipating with much interest the festivities of tomorrow, xvhon the Cornell Glee, Banjo and Mandolin clubs Visit Omaha, give the holiday concert and will ba the lions at numerous social enter tainments. From the time the fifty-five young men. who are the university's musical emissaries, arrive in Omaha, until their departure, they will be feted. The local Cornell alumni give a luncheon at the Omaha club In their honor. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase give a reception at their home for the visitors. The concert wilt be followed by a danco at Hotel Home. The patronesses for tha Rome reception will be: Meidamea J. J. Brawn, J. C. Cowln, 13. A. Cudahy, F. H. Davis, Leonard Evorelt, J. C. French, C. J. Grean, Benjamin Gallagher, G. A. Hoagland, E. I IClrken dall, Themae Ktlpatrick, G, A. Joslyn, C. W, Lyman, R. C. Moore, C. F. Manderson. Kathan Merrtam, W. B. Millard, . W. Nash, K. P. Peck, J. N. H. Patrick, At via founders. General Smith, . Wakely, O. W. Wattles, J. L. Webster, C. E, Yost, H. W- Yates, Herman Kountse, . Charles Bhlvarlck. Edward Rosewater, J. 8. Brady and John L. Baldwin. '., The reception committee Includoa the wives of the members of the Cornell Alumni association: - Mesdomes, John W. Battin, Archie W, Carpenter, Clement Chase, Harold Glfford, Russell B. Harrison, Edwin C. Homy, Lucy1 C. Howe, Herman Kesslar, Arnold C. Koenlg, Alfred Millard,' Ernest C. Page, James Richardson, Charlea C. Rosewater, George Caaaels . Smith, Eunloe . Stebblna, Ansel Cteere, William Btult. Walter L. Bel by, George H. Thummell, John V. Tewle, C. C, Blocum, Arthur C. Wakely, Edward 8. Westbrook, Oscar B. Williams ef Omaha. Frank A. Broad well, James A. Van Dusn of South Omaha, John B. At kins, Samuel Etnyre, William Sendentopf, John F. Wilcox and Roy F, Wilcox . oZ Council Bluffs. Youth Is, written large over holiday plana, for with its natural arrogaaoe youth has pre-empted the Joy sua season aa pe culiarly' Its own. This meana not only that the returned college people demand a great deal of the calendar, but also that this Is the week most favored by the aeason's debutantes and oontaina two pf the debut receptions. Tuesday evening is the recep tion dance which Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Stevens give for their daughter. Miss Dorothy Stevens. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinning will give a large afternoon tea td Introduce their daughter. Miss Loulso Dinning, and in the evening there will be a 1:10 coffee, when the guests will be the younger society people, and they will watch the old year out and the new year In. Holiday week favors first the danulntf party, and these events will be numerous. Mrs. W. B. Millard glvea a dancing party t her new house on South Thirty-ninth treat In compliment to Mies Todd and Mr. and Mra. Barton Millard. The Omlkron olub gives Its Chrtstmaa party at Cham bers' Thursday evening. Mri and Mis. A. B. MoConnell give a dancing party that evening to the college people. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Bacon will give a dancing party New Year's eve. At Rrownell Hall Mcnday evening, January 1, Mlaa MarsUen gives a danolng party. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn give a large danoUii; party Tuesday evening, January 3, fur Mi Jewel Joalyn ud Miss Mildred Rogers. Three large receptions will be given holi day week. Mr. and Mra. John M. Lauh erty will be at home Wednesday evening. December 18. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chase will eateitain the mem bers of the younger set in cuinplimeni tj Mlsa Mildred Rogers. Mra. Charlea Offutt will entertain thirty of the younger set at dinner December 21, the party attending the dance to be glvtn at the home of Mr. and Mra. F. W. Bacon the same evening. Mr. and Mrs.' 8. D. Barkalow and Mr. and Mrs. Denlse Barkalow will be at homo to their friends Monday, January X, from 4 to 7 o'clock. When the college people come borne for the holidays they like to compare notes with nigb school classmates who have en tered other college worlds, or the business world or have taken the step Into the so cial world. This makes holiday week one In which class reunions are popular. This year tke three latest high school classes will hold reunions. The class of ll0, O. H. 8 , will have a reunion Tueaday evening at the home of Mlsa Nellie Elgutter, tos Dodge street. The class of 1 will have lis third an aual reunion Wednesday evening, Decem ber . at the home of Mr. Frank J. La tenaer, HIT Poppleton avenue. There will be a special musical program In charge cf Mlsa Jessie B pence. The tecond holiday reunion of the class E mss I4OUI6F DlimNG; aehixdne reception will n 1909 will bo held Thursday evening at J the University -of Omaha, Mr. Sam Car-1 rler la president of the. class; Mr. Stanton Kkllsbury, secretary. , t,. . ' ,w 1. The Lea HIBoux. the promlt.ent high ; school club.'' have their third annual re- Union Tuesday, evening at the Henshaw hotel. The alumni members come from colleges In the east and west and soma from the land of the southwest where they have begun to carve their fortunes. Pleasures Past Mrs. Charles T. Kountz4 entertained at a box party Saturday afternoon at the Orpheum In honor of her nieces and neph ews. Those present were the little Missel Elisabeth Nicholson, Gretchen Eastman, Katherlne Davis, Eleanor Kountse. Mas ters Meredith Nicholson, Jr.; Lionel Nichol. son, Denman Kountse and Mrs. Kountzc. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield enter tained at dinner at their home Friday even ing, .when covers were laid for: Mrs. Edgar Moraman. Miss Daisy Doane. Mies Mae Hamilton. Mr. and Mra. Fairfield. Major Hale. Mr. Karl Gannett. Mr. Francis Krogan. Mlsa "Marlon Tyler entertained the Ama teur Bridge club at her home Friday. The guests of the club were Mrs. Charles R. Hannan and Mrs. George Van Erunt of Council Rluffa. Mrs. Harry Montgomery and Miss Mary Richardson. The memberj of the club present were: Misses Misses Eugenie Whltmore. Jx uise Dinning Nannie Page, Mildred Rogers. Mesdames Fred Thomas Dorothy Stevens Meedames Dcnlse Uarkalow, The second of the Informal hops was given at Fort Crook Saturday evening'. The hall was decorated witli Christmas greens and the guest list Included: Mls?es- Ainy Ullmore. Louise Dinning. Dorothy Btevens. r.ugenle W hi I mo re. Mmam Patterson. Frances Nash. Edith Thomas. Messrs. Randall Brown. George Bohnisn. Jack Howen. lien Wood. iit"i'( Kngler. Kd (.ieorgc. Lieutenant Watton. Captain Taltot. Mlsrs Edith l.ocke. Alice Carey MeGrew. DoioUiy Morgan. Brownie lleks Baum. Louise Lord. Katliryn MeClanahan. Katherlne Moorhtad. Mers. Earl Gannett. Jaek Baldwin. IJe -ard Baum. Robert Burns. 1.1(m dueod. New Yi'ik. Captain O'Connor. LieuUnsnt Bales. 'ihe senior hop of the c:u of Uli o? the Omaha Hiuh school nas held Friday evening at Chambers' and was an ex ceedingly pleasant expression of the ho'.: day spirit. Thess Christmas tiecu d. rel ated with Christmas trinkets shared h n ors with llu dururat.. r. of the cla colon, orenpe and black, and the h.s school colors, purple an1 wl'ite. A frut.:: e et the decorations was Les Hlboux cozy corner. The color si heme was gruy and black nnd colored llfhts lined the curtains that formed the entrance to It. The coir.- mlttee, which Is to be congratulated on the good time they gave their guests, In cluded Messrs. Voyle llevtor and I.-ancrJ Marshall. The grand march was lead by Mr. Lcanord Marshall and Mies Muriel Ila'.dwui. Chrlstmss trees and Christmas bells brilliantly Illuminated formed an appro priate decoration for the Christmas danc ing party given last evening at Chambers academy by the members of the Omaho Junior club. A large Christmas 1 ell of holly and mistletoe completely covered the large central chandelier, and Christmas trees were placed around the room. The loom was canopied with ropes of Christ mas greens which extended from the center rhandelUr to the balcony, wheie wreaths of red and g'een were suspended. For supper, which aa served at K o'clock, the guests were seattd at small tables In the supper room where Christmas decora tions ere also used. The committee in charge was Mr. Hurry Koch. Mr. Edward " t t ' f if 4 0 4a ?.; B U T A N 6" :' ' V- : V r ' if v X. - 'fi i if daughter of Mr and Mrs be ttc fast large event of O'Brien, Mrs, A. C. Potter and Mr. luy mond Low. Those present were: Mioses Misses !"' ayls, Mk lurn 1 Patterson, T bs Davis, ; Joseph ne O Nell, Menie Davis, .Kraiices Nash, Prances Hochstetler. Hens liaum. ' Marguerite Burdsval, Ruth Hammor, It! I 1,1 i.l Ui-ia l. Inakntli tltxif Mildred Rogers, Kllzabcth Bruce, Martha Dale, JKugenie Whltmore, Clara Bull, Mane Holllnger, Katherlne liecson Mildred Butler. Caroline Congdon, Mary Alice Rogers, Caroline Rarkalow, Habel French, ifiilxabetn uongaon, nutn naming, Nannie Page, Caroline Harding, Alice Carey McGrew, Dorothy Morgan, Dorothy Stevens. miaa Hammer, Louise Dinning, Helen Forbes. Agnes Burkley, Esther Byrne, Messrs. Wilson Austin, John Baum, Richard Baum, John Baldwin, Hal Brady, Kdward Cudahy, Robert Dinning, James Dickson, John Doherty, Like Deuel, Herbert French, F.ank Frederick, Paul Gallagher, Ben Gallagher, Percy Hall, Wylie Hafer, Harry Koch, Ray Lowe, Hugh Millard. Gladys Peters, Carmelita Chase, Messrs. Bryant Coe, Clement Chase, George Thurmell, Mignon Hurke, Robert Wood, Robert Howe, John Looinlsi, Elmer Redlck, Hal Yates, R. F. Burns, Samuel Rees, Robert Stout, Walter Roberts, Bernard Smyth, E. Bloodgood, Chester Dudley, V. W. Clark. Jr.; Fred Doherty. Miles Standlsh. Gerald Wharton, Alex Loomls, John McCague, Frank Hall, Jrsfe Robots, Ned M Han. Lloyd T-omax, Ted Millard. Sanford Glfford. Edward Murphy, Edward O'B ien, Cuthbert Potter, Cfdrlo Potter, Harold Prtiohet, Doilse Tlllson, Ben Wood, Blaine Young. John Caldwell, Robert Thompson. Ceutain O Connor. Mranrt M-s. Benjamin Cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Congdon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1- Dav'.s, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. French. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Snmuel Burns, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. IxjuIs Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. f'hsrles Kountse. Mr. and Ms. Denlse Barkalow. Mr. and Mrs. John Iiedlck. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crtighton. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tsge. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward Hosford. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip I'otter. Christmas Dinners A number of family reunions are being held today. Willi Mr. and Mrs. A. P. TuUey will be Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryant of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fdwln Morrison of I rni'im City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tukey and small ton, and Miss F.thel Tukey. Mr. t.nd Mrs. Frederick M. Wing of Chl ctt'o ariivrd Saturday morning to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Moorhead, "" to be l'rsent ' " ftt"11!" uln:ler I urty Christina On of the large families which always t 1 luns an enjoyable time at Christmas I tho Iiedlck family. Saturday evening there was a large Christmas trea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hedluk. when all members of the family were prefent.. The tree v. as elaborately tilmimj and ths gifts of the family placed on it. The guests at this celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Hedlck. Mr. and Mrs. John RedlcU, Judge and Mrs. W. A. Kt-dick, Mr. r.lmer Kedick. Mrs. bwartzlander, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. tUdlck and the children of Mr. and Mrs. Ciooigo Dedkk. Today there will be the Urge Chrlbtmas tree at the home of Judje and Mrs. Kedick. when the entire Redlck family will sttend. Judge Redick. as the oldest meu.bcr cf the family, always has the t'a.lstr.'.as clnur at his home. A Christians dinner will be given by Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Ker.nedy, complimentary to Mii.3 Jsnnlo Hanscom snd Mies France of New Tork. who are their guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Al.lson will g'.vo a large family dinner at their home tody. In IJncoln Mr. and Mrs. Heury T. Clarke. TEafvu iff -J if. d Dinning, fcnef - cen hundred- fan r., formerly of Omaha, will give a family Inner. Those attending will ba Mr. and Mrs. ' James Love Paxton. Mrs. W. F. Alltn,. 'Mrs. Elizabeth Bishop, Kansas 'lty; Miss Elizabeth Paxton, Mr Henry 'larks, Mr. Edgar Bishop, Kansas City; Master James Love Paxton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merrlam will en ertaln nt dinner today Mr. and Mrs. Bar ton Millard. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Millard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merrlam and Mlsa Mildred Merrlam. Mr. and Mrs Charlea Kountse wilt have a family dinner party today w hen the out-of-town guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Nicholson and fnmlly of Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, who have had a Christmas tree celebration for the last nine years, will have the same this year. Six children will enjoy It besides a number of relatives who have an annual Invitation for this Christmas tree. A family reunion and house party is be-J Gave Up Stage for Home ill.- J jf ! : ( ' MK8. U II. I. BAKKK. WHO WAS A I'liMPANV: MAKH1F.I' MR. HAKE OMAHA TO LIVt. J :r rrtrrtaln--d I v Mr and Mrs. John A. J I HrRpr,o;o. 1 nov arc planning to Mtve a;, xniw nirninic. wnrn lour rnrra llone of IM f.inilly will lo prosrnt to rn jny it. IncludlnK Haby Jrnnne Iloeallnd stropt. da-iflitT of Mr. and Mr. Harry I Ptrprt of Chlr.iKo. nnil Mrs. Kilmund Rit Moil, niotlu r of Mrs. John A. AVako fl.ld. Maetr K.iivanl Westbrook. son of Mr. and Mm. 1'.. S. West brook, who has but rtcrntly pielrntr,l his 1st birthday, will bo pr?i;inK amltis nt the Christmas tree celebration. Thirty children will be his Kuesls. For the Future , Mf s Catherine Ha urn will entertain at luncheon Friday at her home. Mr. ant Mrs. Ale Fiek will give a bridge dinner at their home on Fouth Thirty sixth street the evening of leeemhr 28. Mrs. John J. Hnnnlghan wilt entertain at dinner Morday evening, January 2. fol lowed by a thenter tarty at the Prandels. The guests will be about thirty of the school set. Mr. and Mrs. John 9. Hrady will enter tain at dinner on Frldny evening, compli mentary to Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Nich olson of Indianapolis, who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountse. Mrs. Utnest Hart will entertain at a dance dinner Monduy evening the Omaha toys and Rlrls who are to be guests at the canee to be given at the Grand ho tel by Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Stewart, In honor cf their daughter, Miss Marie Stewart. A house party will include the following guests froTi Omaha: MIfso. Flirnbeth Heed. .iano Tatterson, Gertrude McCarthy, Miriam Howe, Frances Hoehstctler, Mnrte Stewart, Mese:s. Messrs. Casprr Offutt, Robert Howe, Jarvis Ofrult, Hnry Hart. Francis Gaines, Kldred Hart. Wedding Bells One of the first of the large January weddlngB will be that of Miss Cora Roth schild, dp.ushter of Mr. anil Mrs. Lee Roth schild, Kit) South Thirty-seventh street, to Mr. Morris Joseph of l)es Mo ne, la., which will be celebrated Thursday even InK, January 6, st o'clock at the Metro politan club. The bride's slstor, Mrs. Lou Vcr Veer, of les Moines, will be matron of honor, and Mr. J. Joseph, brother of the groom, will ba best man. The ushers will he Mr. Ralph Rothschild of Chicago and Mr. Burton Joseph of Des Moines. Fol lowing the ceremony and reception, dinner will be served at the club and 186 Invita tions have been Issued. Personal Gossip Mr. R. A. Van Orsdet has gone to Fre mont to spend Christmas. Miss Anna Glfford and Mr. Sanford Giffoid are home for the holidays. Mr. Ray Dumont of Boise City, Idaho, has returned home for the holidays. Miss Leota Holdrege will spend the holi days with friends In Sheridan, Wyo. Mrs. C. W. Morton and family have re turned to the city from Boston, Mass. Mrs. Joseph Metcalfe and Mlsa Rose Cotfman will spend the holidays In Parts. ; M'.f.s Jennie Peters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters, Is home from Smith college. Mies Winifred Shepherd of Denver, Colo., will spend the holiday with her aunt, Mrs. Emma Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Wing of Chicago, are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. p: Moorhead. Mrs. H. A. Wharton, of Auburn, Neb., has been visiting her mother, Mra. J. II. Musgrave, for the last wsek. Mr. Babcock of Chicago Is spending Christmas as a guest of his brother. Cap tain Campbell Babcock at Fort Crook. Mr. Paul Hudson of Mexico wilt arrive about the middle of January to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keeilne. Mr. and Mrs. Harry By ram of Chicago arrive today to spend tho holidays with Mrs. Byram's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tukey. Miss Margaret Linahan, who attends St. Mary's academy at O'Neill, Is spending the holidays with her grandmother, Mra. Mar guerite Heelan. Messrs. Stanley B. Mackay, Douglas Cavers and Keith Cavers are home for MfcMiiKii or THE VIIMINIA IIAHNKU K IN MINN lAPol.lH AND COMKj 1 0 X) J f 1 I the Christmas vacation from Hoidertiesa school, Plymouth, Ma-a. Mr. Maurice J. Novoson of Ht. !oiils. Mo., arrived Fildsy. to remain In Omaha until after New Year. Mr. Novoson Is tho fiance of Miss SJe Keteliuan of this city. Kivlne Prandels arrived from New York Saturday morning and will remain in Omaha until Thursdsy, when he will re. turn home, accompanied by his fat'ner, Arthur D. Iirandcls. Pr. David . II. R l'ntten of Chicago, brother of Frank C. Patton. treasurer of the Rlrhardsun Drug company. Is visit ing friends nnd re'atlves her during the holidays and Is the guest of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. William O. Patton, K.V.M Mandnrson street. Mr. and Mrs. 11 H. PaMrldge and son. Malcolm, will spend Christmas at llolll days. Pa., the former home of Mr. P-fildrtdge. The day after Christmus they leave for Maine to attend the wedding of Mr. Joseph Puldrldge and Mrs. Dudley Wolfe. Miss Irene McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. McConnell, will have a house party commencing Monday. Her house guests will be Miss Jnefinn Cardenas of Salplllo. Old Mexico, and Miss Mary Nerney of Chicago. These young people are classmates at St Mary' s college, Notre Dame, Ind., and other Omaha women who have been attending this same school are Miss Gertrude McCarthy, daughter of Major and Mrs. D. 10. McCarthy, and Miss Helen Ilayden. who will also spend a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mo Connell. WIIAT WOMEN ARE DOING. The constitutional amendments giving women the right to vote in the slate of Washington was adopted at the recent elec tion by a majority of more than 24,000. Mrs. Antoinette;' I). Leach Is said to be the only woman In the country who is president of a bar association In which the membership Includes men. Mrs. lea'h Is the only woman lawyer In Sullivan county, Illinois. She was a candidate for the legis lature at the recent election. Miss Louise St.inwood, a special student In Radrllffe college, has won In the play competition of the Harvard Iramatle club. Miss Stan wood a play "The Progress of Mrs. Alexander." has been accepted by tha club and will be presented In Dece n ber. The competition was open to both Harvard and Radellffe students. Miss Delia Sharp has Just been declared elected circuit clerk In Jasper county, Mla Bourl, after a strongly contested campaign. Her opponent was one of the most popu lar farmers In the county Miss Sharp Is described as a kern business woman and very attractive In looks. She was admitted to the bar In 1901. She was deputy circuit clerk for more thsn twelve years before her election as clerk. During her campaign she visited the mining districts, where she went nown into the mines and talked to the men at work. It was In this Dart of the county that she received her largest vote. Miss Edith Cameron had one of the finest exhibition at the national apple show In Chicago. Mlsa Cameron's home it at White Salmon. Wash., and she Is the executlvo secretary snd field representative of a com mercial league composed of 500 business men and ranchers In her state. She Is said PRIVATE SATE-$3.00 per year. You get two keys the only ones that will unlock it. STORAGE VAULT for trunks, chests of fiilver, eto. Itntes by tho month or year. We will ba glad to show you through at any time. . Omaha Safo Depssil & Trust Co. Omaha National Bank Bldg. Street Entrance, . 1614 Farnam Street. f)UT of the full satisfac dan of a prosperous season; from the pence of well being and well doing we offer to our friends and to those who should he our fullest wishes for a Merry Christmas C. B. Brown Co. jr-jiwtiwYx 322 South r i r Mil Quinine'? 'ittairTbntfjfl Sf s M 1407 Douglas St. Sundgren's Plaited Milk Perfectly Baked, Wholesome, Nutritious. EpiK'cially Suitable for IK-Iieato Stomachp. The Children Thrive on It. HAVK THK fW)L? AT 5 AM) lO CKN'TS PKK 1X)A1 t, - , to hsve ridden more thn frO miles on her ponv to gather the apples for her exhlMt. Miss Acnes Deans-Cameron has been sent to Vnglund by the Canadian govern ment to le tore on the advlsabllltv of eml srstlng to Csnnda. Hefore going over to the mothrr country Miss I ean-Cmemti traveled extensively over Canada for the purpose of Invrstlcntlon. the means for' doing this being furnished by the gov ernment. She proved s successful thst the Australian government has fo'lomed the example of Canada bv sending Miss Pes ttlee Urtmehaw to explore paima. I'rltlsh New Otilnea with reference to Us optxr tunltles for settlers. )svBeti FBailcv. Sanatorium This Institution is th only one In the central wast with separate luulti bnuulrj lu tlicir own au.ple grounds, yet entirely dis tinct an J rendering It possible to classify cases. The ono building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of noncontagious and noiimental diseases, no others be ing admitted. The other, Rest Cottage, being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases, requiring for a time watchful caro and ape 1 la I nursing. We arc- exclusive agents for WHITMAN'S FINE CANDIES 50c to $1.00 Per Pound You want this for your Xiuas Gift or Dinner. 0. A. MELCHER DRUG CO., 17th and Farnani. MOilliEIT'S Removal Notice MOVHXIT'S HAIM OOODI AKD HAIR SBEBBIXQ ES TABLISHMENT X A 8 KB MOTED riOM 1411 TAB TAat ITBEET TO 403 BOUTI" SIXTEENTH STREET (GROUND I-LOOB CITY 9IA TIOZTAX. BARK BX.OO.) TOM APPOIBTMZM-TS TBOII DOUOLAS 8333 OB A-3333. 16th Street Bottled Blessing Undeland's U. D. Quinine Hair Tonic Ahead of all others is the head that is clean It cleanaa the hair, invigorates the scalp, and promotes a healthy growth of hair. A. L. Undeland Omaha, Neb. Bread THEVUK VALL'AHLI JIOt1:ilH.