Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Est. sVovt Trtnt It.
F. J. Creeflo ft Song CoeL
ska Tour rrtauaf ve t. Times.
e6lna; Iin-pe Bmrf H-flrtidi Ce.
, A.mtbun, Hiou.ri her. Itiu it firn.
i Cas t Tn T pn cast on your
r. nr in,t of tjun to fi.uuo. any
.-.cth of tni warned. Oood security.
l.aMjfi.s 4c U-, den, 1;4 Hsrney St
WF is Opea through the Neb. Sav
U ca A ln Asn tn ..tart a fund to tuy
a l.cii.e. pa). per annum, lit 1 sr
nam. Hoard of Trade bunding.
Public krvict Corporattoa We claim
10 be or.e Nern to tuvnis aUoe eieiy
ti.lric In all lines of Insurant, i'hum
Crush. l;urlge a- Co., Lk.u. :0u.
,bl Toplo "The Urratneaa
" 1 .Ail." via be ti.e sur.ject of
i'r Conn uiscoure at Temp.a
rnJav evt!i, at (s o'c'.wk.
Za tk Divorce Co art lcres of
an1r-e ae foiljw,. w. r trranted In the
-juitv dl.islon of the district rourt Friday:
lYanK :v Auti aajnt Mavme K Aughe;
Christine Lariten against r"eter Urwn.
Privet. Safe tn the Oinat.a Safe Ie
!'' Trust tom(.a.ny a fire and burjlar
. i r.K(f vaulta for U Uo and up per year. At
i.ue ou the only key that
ill unlock the
Omaha r-sfe l.iieit it Trust com
etreet Ktitranre. 1C14 r'aniam street.
Za CoBOiur If ou ant an
rubber toya you can get them at the Rub
r Btore. hL.bbr bfils, rubber dolls and
S"itw,r ,hi": e1" th1 u Tulr The Omaha
' Itubber CmD.n), K. H. fjpraa-ue. tresl-
dent. ISO Harney street. "Just Around
ih Corner."
nearly all Up The last atory of
1 steel construction of the lo,n r-aciflc
headquarters building la being put up this
eek. From now on the construction work
In raisins the walls and the Inside work
of the new building will be pushed with
' a view to finishing the structurs In Mil.
Tree at Hosm of Hops Christmas will
I celebrated at the Houaa of Hop Satur
day aflernoun at I o'clock with a Christ -,
mas tree, at which time Rev. Luther
Kuhn will deliver a short address. Mrs.
f John W. Tole will provide the Christmas
, tree and the directors of the home will act
as rJita Claus.
J ad ge Defers Beataao Thomas lier
j bert, a lad Zl years old. charged with
breaking and entering, pleaded guilty be
. i i fore Judge tatelle In district court Friday.
I . Th ,udee Mami dispoa.tkn of the young
' ' " an s caae. Young Herbert baa been tn
i troubls several Lime It appears that hi
I wrongdoings have resulted frora his failing
In with an e-eonv1ct, Tom Baker. Baker
; Is at large.
f B. Q. O. ClPk la Xatartaiao The D.
; G. C. club was euleiUUned Wednesday
s evening by Mr. and Mrs. Bealah. XS1 Pratt
,r- -A very pleaaant time was passed.
i Itlses were won by Mrs. Karla, Mr. Ben-
Uh. Mrs. Olhler and Mr. Glbler. Members
preswnt were Mr. and Mrs. BeoUh. Mr.
and Mra Weng utat, Mr. and Mrs. Ulbler.
Mr. and Mrs. Jjineen. Mr. and Mrs. Mohai
nr. ana
od Mr. i
V, ATues
Vnlted i
and Mrs. Karla.
Bobbers' Appeal F. 8. Howell.
"nlted States district attorney, returned
Saturday morning from BL Lu(a. where
ha has been arguing the case of Mathews
and Fhelton. the Union PaciCe train rob
bera. before the United etates coort of ap
peals. Tha two men, are alleged to have
belonged to a band of five men who held
up and robbed a Union Pacific train a year
ago. They were sentenced to life Imprison
ment In tha penitentiary and Mathews and
rhelton appealed.
Walkg W1U rrao taxed Skull Walking
around with an Injury to, tha head that
afterwards was thought to be a fracture
ft the skull. J. W. Ooff. a kindling dealer,
appeared at the police station Friday after,
noon and reported an accident that had
oi-curred to him five hours before. Ooff
as thrown from hia wagon, landing
squarely on his head, in a collision In
which a second wajron hit his wagon at
Seventeenth street and ths railroad tracka.
IJotf declined to make a complaint against
Cman who caused bis injury, explaining
i!V thought the affair waa an accident
Tha Injured man was attended by polios
surgeons and taken to his home, KOS
Francis street.
. Hugo Heyn Captures
Air Trophy Again
1 Model Fliet Forty-Fire Feet in Y. M.
C. A. G7mna.sin.n1 Fridolph
it Second.
Hugo Heyn. IT years of are. won tha
liver trophy for the swond time la suceeo
alon Thursday night when his monoplane
riew forty-five- feet In tha aviation tour
nament held by the Junior Aero club of
Omaha. Heyn's model would have mado
a longer dtataaco but ths gymnasium of
the Young Men's Christian association,
where the affair was held, waa wot loag
enough to permit a greater flight
Second place and a t9 scholarship In the
Omaha Commercial college was woo by
Fridolph. a 14-year-old lad, his machine
flying thirty-four feet eight Inches. Otis
Hhurtlet a 14-year-old boy, won third, with
a distance of elirhtem feet nine Inchea
Other lss who entered their machines
made good flights, some of the models
having various mishaps before landing.
All the aeroplanes were monoplanes. Ths
other boys entered were as follows: Clar.
nee Pfiffer. 11 years; Harry Coesfeld, 14
years; Kenneth Morton. 14 years; Ianlei
McCarthy, li years: Wilbur Bradley. 11
i eara.
T. K. Klmhall acted as referee and the
Judges were, (iou! I I'et. Frank Diets. E.
E. F.stell. W. D. Htf rd. J. J. Der.ght
f Another event will be held by the dub
In two months under ths direction of
Miller of the Young Men's Christian aao
ciauon. If Heyn can win the cup for a
third time he will be allowed to keep it
tuder the rules by which It was given
by the Nebraska Aero club.
oa ( Rosae Miller Paaeee Away avt
Karly Hoar This Morales After
LoasT lllateee.
r.aymond Thurston Miller, son of Rome
Miller, proprietor of the Hotel Boms,
passed away at ! 10 o'clock this morning.
taih was caused hr spinal trouble. He
had long been an Invalid and for four
years had bees, confined to his bed.
tale teavealUa Will Me Held
Turk Keat Week to Dleratas
Trade Matters.
YORK. Neb.. rxc Special V-The
York Real F.state exchange mailed 10(
letters to real elate dealers in Nebraska
advocauag orftanisattim ef local real estate
irhangaa. the reorganisation of a State
Real tstate Men's association and having
received hundreds of letters from all over
the atate. ursine the boldrr. if s att.
eal estate nis s tjovenuon. ha.a called
a atate ronventhtn to meet at York oa
rvetnber IK. rt only for the purpoao of
taking up the organisation of a state aa
aodattun. but auany other lmpurtant
Baiineu Men Kay Take t'p Commer
cial Club Pinner.
tosasnerrlal lab rrla ton as It tee
lavesllnate Freight oadltloaa
la otk Omiiha Went l ower
Rates la F.ffert.
As a huins rr"Tfition n the interest
of South Omsha bun' mn they
will have to take up hMinr the Commr
c'sl cl-.ih nner anr.ual'v. N Milpt
that the !st d'nner was a ucc. hut the
fear of Inrurrlns expfnse to 'he club f
foiTH prei-arstions to Isg th a year. At
the meetlnr of the eluh veternay thi
teemed to he the prevailing trouble, aa It
was 'nlrrtly st the meet'nc li1 week.
Veterdav a omm:ttee wn arpf'lnfl i
sound the different bn1ncs Interests
whether they are favorah! to help out
the club.
Traasfere by the Croae-Town I.lae.
No was received hv the Commer
cial club yesterday from Trelient Wattles
of the Omaha Council Bluffs ftreet
B-ailway comrny In reeard to iaau-ng
transfers st O or N streets by the cross
town line street car service The club de
cided to await his reply wi'hout taking
further action, tut the prevait ni view Was
that the transfer would be granted at
either of the points named.
Frelcbt radltaaa lal eat laaled.
A committee was appointed hy the Com
mercial club yesterday to Investiirste local
freight conditions in South Omaha. It Is
claimed thitt shipper are compiled to send
their stuff from trmaha. snd It is cheaper,
according to present conditions, to adopt
lhat course Thia is a matter that ha
leen before the club for a Ion teritl.
and business men hoi that the committee
now apointed will have the effect of sav
ing the f&c.litles to South Omsha that a
business center of its sine demands.
Msiir lltr f.oaajp.
Ptorm Kah See Howland. 'Phone South 7.
For Novelty Pictures and picture fram
ing, see Fred Parks at 714 N. :4th St.
A pretael ball will be given Saturday
evening by the Uerman-Anierican Enter
tainment club.
Mr. and Mrs W. B. Roberts of Ashland
apent Wctneeday as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Henry.
Mis Marie Tollan Is home from the
normal school at Kearney to visit her
parente during the hol.daya.
'Phone Bell South . Independent F-t4
for a case of Jetter tloid Top Prompt de
livery to any part of city. William Jetter.
Today the various school teachers will
receive their pay at the Packers' National
bank, which this month caches the war
rants. The Gee Eye club was entertained last
evening at the home of Miss Kdna A
etsdt, who was asiled by Miss Kna
Members of South Omsha lodge No. .
Ancient Order of United Workmen, will
meet at I S this morning to attend the
funeral of I wis Wallace.
Hoof and Horn lodge No. HM. Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen will give Its
ninth annual 111 at Rushing s hall on
lbs night of December 11.
Monday will be generally observed as a
holiday tn rVouth Omaha. Christmas day
falling aa It does on Sunday. No business
will bo transacted at the city hall.
Mra. Andrew C. Walker of Mason City.
Neh.. Is In South Omaha for the holidays
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Wiers, 1011 North Twenty-first street.
There will te an election of officers of
locsl No. Till. American Federation of
lAbor. at their hall. 2i.Jf Q street, (his
evening at t o'clock. All members are
requeued to be present.
T.ate and Early you will still find It at
Flynn'a. There s a raft of nice, desirable
articles left la our stock to offer your
friends things In which you w II appreciate
the quality and the price, and your friend
will admire the beauty and the utility.
I.00 us over; It's free as daylight, and
ion will find It worth more than the effort.
It'a worth a lot sometimes to be Inwued on
what is good values. Not a place 10 America
where you can get nearer to the real Inside
of that question than here. The people who
come here regularly know this; they know
our system Is correct. If you are not one
of them, try us. and you w II be as loyal.
Now is a good Urns to start for 111. We
will never allow you to have a kick. Thlnira
will be made rtKht to your aausfsction If
a mistake occurs. John Flynn t Co.
Haras M. a. Raalsaoto, M'arklas; la
Par hi a Itoitr, M rets C.ia
Irjari. An immense fn-stem of parking houses to
supply not only the government troops,
but also ths people of Japan. Is to be In
stalled In the mikado's realm arlthln the
next five years. The plans of the great
packing centers of America are to be
foUowed and modeled upon these will be
built ia the laUnd country.
With this end In view the Japanese gov
ernment has sent over to America several
college graduates and nobles of the land.
These rasn are beginning at the very
bottom in packing bouses In Omaha. Chi
cago and Kansas City and after taking a
course here are to go to Franca, Germany,
England and other foreign countries to
leara the methods used there.
Baron If. 8. Ruglmoto. a graduate of the
s!-y ear-course of the Toklo Imperial unl.
varsity, is one of these men now working
out their packing house education tn
Omsha. Hs Is In the canning department
of the Cudafcy Packing company learning
the methods. The Oudahy company sup
plied the Japanese army hundreds thou
sands of cans of tinned meats during the
Japanese-Russian war, but by the next
war In Japan the government will have
Its own canned meaia.
The Japanese consul in Chicago Is aiding
In the aork. He visited Baron R us mo to
Thureday in Omaha. The latter has only
been here s.x months, but speaks very
good English. He plsns to go to Germany
from Omaha and s.udy u.e European
methods of causing goods and of agricul
ture. In which he U an expert.
D. bray twra tevea Dollars from
Crerrrr Store Till ieere
BlaJke K aurked Oat.
Two bolj holdups, one at a store at T.'fi
Cuming street and the other a street af
fair at Twenty-ftfin avenue and Cuming
street, supposedly perpetrated by men.bers
ef ths same gang, were reported to the
police at about t o'clock la.t n ght snthin
a few rolnutee of each other
D. C. G-ay mas held up in his grocery
store at ZTOB Cuming street and the money
drawer relieved of V In change. A man
dressed as as ordinary customer entered
ths store and asked for i cents woth of
red pepper. When Gray returned with the
packajce the man thrust a gun In Us
face and told him to bold up his handa
Gray tt:d so and the man searched the
cajh drawer, taking all there was in It
and leaving quietly ty ths front doov.
finy Wss sols to furnish the police with
a good daecTiptloo of the stickup man.
A few minutes later Oecrre B ake. on
the ay to tls tome at IT"! Cutr.'.cg. a as
acoosted by two men st the Intersection
cf Twenty-fifth avenue and Cuming street.
When they discovered that be had no
euuoey on his person the men viciously at
tacked Utm. aooordrng te Blake a story,
asd. although be put up a fight, sucoredad
-. I - -w.-w-
A Convenient
Xmas Gifts
To u'ul late Christmas Shooters in choosing pifts for
men we have arrange! the following list of useful, sen
sible and acceptable gifta. Fill in the blank sjmoe with
the name of your men folks opposite the article you think
they'd like. Then bring the list to our store and we'll
assist you in making a selection.
Kid Gloveg $1.00
A IxuDgirig Robe at $4.50
Necktie and Hose to Match at
Leather Collar Box at $1.45.
Leather Collar Case. Handkerchief Cane
Dd Necktie Holder, at $2 85
Military Brushes at $3.95 . .
Belt and Watch Fob at $100.
A Scarf Pin or Set at $1.00.
A Silk Necktie at 75c
A Silk Muffler at 1.00
A box of Initial Handkerchiefs
A Suit Case or Bar; at $7.95
Silk Half Hoae at 60c
Sealskin Caps at $5.00
Xmas Gifts
Men's Slippers
Romeo, Cavalier, Faust,
Everett and Opera styles,
in black or tan leathers;
at $2.50, $2.00, f
$1.50, $1.25 and. ...V 1
in knocking him completely out, leaving
him insensible on the walk. When Blake
rame to be Immediately notified the po
lice. He was taken to the police station
and his Injuries, consisting mainly of a
nasty cut over ths eye, were dressed by
Police Surgeon Bishop.
Blake told a story about somebody lay.
Ing for him who knew that the night be
fore he had had (Tiut on his person.
Seven Geese Play
in Yuletide Drama
Break from Their Moonni end Then
Lead Community a Merry
Seven geeae. destined to grace a Christ
mas table, but luosened from their confin
ing crate, seven fleet-footed schoolboys
eager to earn a dime; three peddlers, who
proved themselves to be men of the hour;
one traveling salesman, one thrifty house
wife and a city detective furnished the
dramatis persons e of a thrllllr-g drama last
Max Cross, a salesman traveling out of
Chicago, wlio haa a alster Bvln- at 234
North Eighteenth street, picked up a bar
gain In seven big, fat geese, bringing them
In to bis alster from Broken Bow, Neb.
The expressman left the crate at the rear
door of the sister's bouse. A board be
came loosened and the geeae stepped out
Into the street. Three peddlers came along
the street In a wagon, and a little behind
them seven schoolboys going home from
the Lake Street school. It waa the oppor
tunity of a lifetime and the peddlers were
fully equal to the occasion.
'There's a dime in It for each of you
boys." they proposed to the lads, pretend
ing that tha fowls belonged to them, "It
you run down our geese for us.
Th boys were off with a whoop and
presently returned, each lugging a squawk
ing bird, all except one Uttle fellow, u
whom the goose looked larger thaa the
dim be didn't come back. TBe peddiers
paid per asrreement. and the first act
ended with everybody happy, the sister
and tha salesman all unsuspecting.
A minute or two later Gross came up the
street, happy tn the virtue of his Christ
mas gift. At the bouse the empty crate
eonfoonted him. One of the small boys,
still lingering about the place where money
was so easily earned, told him the atory.
Gross told it at the police station and De
tective Ian Lahey enters.
He found that Mra. George Zeidell, J4U
Decatur street, had paid 10 cents a pound
for the six geese to the peddlers and most
certainly claimed them as her property.
But it soon mas made known that she was
a close friend ofMr. Grose' slater, for
whom they were originally Intended, and
that the two families mlsrht some day be
come related through means of matrimony.
Then the atmosphere cleared and the
tangled skein of the plot unraveled. The
geese would all be In the family, anyway.
raided by ftteaaa
or scorched by a fire, apply Bucklext's
Arnica Salve. Cures pile, too, and the
orat aorue. Guaranteed. Sic For sale by
Beat oa Drug Co.
Will &dj (ol.hiatruLl hi, in von
fciuuuu i'iui;, tuu i a in give
ain. I err v. n iiinr. In k .. 4 .
i r i 1 1 . r . i .1 I .- l. 111 ,
...... ..vw iu .rtiJiug j our guwug near, an a crtsn
tn moat t-icluxive service lmajtaable.
Onr chauffeurs are courteous and bUt-inf. They will
rie you every hit of assistance possible and they will
be prompt In calliuff another time, should you desire.
Write m for rate and other lnformxdon. Address
Omaha Taxicab and
Auto Livery Co.
Karnsju Street and Ilome lioirl, Omaha, Neb.
Hotb I'Uones: IHmfUs
Way to Buy
for a Man
at $1.00
of Slippers
"RegaV Xmas
Enable yon to make Christmas
Rifts of these famous shoes for
men and women. The recip
ient selects the shoes himself
nd iiree at the certificate In
payment. Buy one today at
$3.50 to $5.00
Mrs. Turnbull Tells
of Discovery that
She Was Deceived
Woman Asserts "Lucky- Baldwin
Admitted He Should Hare Been
LOS ANGELES, Cat, Dee. 2J -Tomorrow
afternoon ths curtain Is expected to fall
on the chief attraction In. tha Baldwin will
contest. The case Itself, according to at
torneys, may last two or three months,
but Sirs. Lillian Turnbull may leave the
stand for good when rourt adjourns to
morrow. Mrs. Tumbuli's long cress examination
was completed today. She bad four days
of It but all that now remains Is the lay
ing of foundations for Impeaching ber tes
timony regarding the contract m arrises
on which she based her daughter's con
test for a share of "Locky" Baldwin's
"When I told Mr. Baldwin I had dis
covered be had a wife living. the witness
aald on cross-examination, "hs frankly ad
mitted thai be had done me wrong, but be
aald be was a Mohammedan and believed
in having mors than on wife. He called
me a narrow-minded New Eng-land Puri
tan, but said my mind would broaden.
The finest picture he ever saw. he said,
waa a Turkish scene of a harem. Hs told
me hs would give me back ths m arris-
paper ,on condition that I agree tn live
with him as Virginia Dexter had done
after he had oeeetred ber the same way.
"He had fooled many girls, he said, but
after foolm- them they remained with him
He wanted me to do the earns thing,
saying that If hie wife would secure a di
vorce he would make things all rurht and
take ears of me and my baby.
"When I refused to do as he said, he put
tlie on ths table se that I could go to him
If 1 changed my mind.
"Did you take the money r asked Mo
Nab. Of course I did." replied Mrs. Turn
bull, "but I never went to lire with hi in."
Rsarksiss Instate oa Qlvlsur Dellar
Bill ta Oeveraaseat, Fellewla
Cearteer Received.
WASHINGTON. Dec 2J-fDcle gam re
ceived his first Christmas present today.
A shock accompanied It such as would be
conveyed to a gentleman 1M years old re
ceiving his first visit froai Santa Claus.
A few days ago a ranchman wrote from
San Antonio to Secretary MacTeagTa ask
ing for a copy of the estimates of the ex
penses of government for U1L He enclosed
also a SI bllL Robert O. Bailey, Mr. Mac
Veagh's secretary, sent the estimates show
ing U will cost the government about S6St,
WO.O00 to run things another year, and re
turned the 11
Today the ranchman's reply was received.
Ths same SI bill came with It.
"Take my dollar," be wrote, "and play
ten way against the expenses of 4en dif
ferent departments, with a Merry Chiist-
There'll be lots
going on during
the holidays and
a taucab
in nurin - i a i
you every advantage of per-
. .
40711: A -An? ft
lth H
CINCE you HAVE resolved to buy
your menfolks a Suit or an Overcoat
as a Christmas gift, let us r
SllPp-esr flint
much time, trouble and a
Cod part of the cost by askine us to
you in making a selection. If
garment you
braska" garment we'll guarantee that you'll get the great
est value your money can bur anywhere, and that the man
who wears the Suit or Overcoat will get more "all-around"
satisfaction out of it than he would from most anvthing von
could buy. As suitable Christmas gifts or as simplr 'ex
amples of "good clothes making" we urge you to take the
time necessary to see our
Men 3 Suits and Overcoats
$10, $12, $15, $18, $20 up
VOUR boy's Christmas may be
gladdened with a new Suit, without vour expending
any great amount if you'll follow our suggestion. Get him
one of these new 910 styles, in gray, brown or a dark mix
ture. A suit that's dressy and serviceable, as well as warm
and perfect fitting. Worth $4.00, but priced tf ( nr
specially at e)aWJ
""V a
I 1 l-C f .a ,.,.11
ij" vm invest a uttie more.
;uu get mm a suit that's even more stylish
more serviceable and of better materials throughout. Wee
every- desirable model, shade and pattern in this CO OH
$5.00 value which is now priced at VV0
'Tha House of
' ' ' "W mr
U 4
13 ?? WW
Q Last call before tc
q must vacate these
Q first.
Q Now is the
O sfs-aU s,M
O Vory Easy
q Ladies' Coats,
Waists, bilk Fetticoats, burs, bur
O Sets, Fur Coats,
q just
2 legailar Prices
r 16ia & Th
I I Bisks Ibis stataoeat aosi-1
ova. u ii s fact. Mu people
hsva eiperimamad us psieai
Biedicitiet sad spplirstiona or
with doctors ef insuoiciaiit ss
periaace to proper lj treat tbam.
Mr sotis pr actio it dsvcaad to
tha trastaieai ef Files sad sec--lal
I'lMim. Mr core sbao-
ijuick soil tar a. left It is c asruteed bi ss
lor these psinraL artimes fatal diseases. Ctm
plicauuas oftca ariM ia Icaotal Lfiaaaaes tast
ve'd te ear It oonauluuios sad proper treat.
suaat. &obis el lbs wot at esistins cases aavs
baaa tor aooat soeoessfal anas, all my treat,
raaat is dose
Wtrdaseit Ctorseee rttser r Oe.ereJ
so thers is partect Iraadoei frost dacter. How
var aaas roar coasuiauoa liom aub eriu do
not Sesiuue saotbar dar. Let bis eusuoe you.
If I aocapt oar case, 1 soar sates te care yoa.
fassalejstlasj Prs was) ray see at Wbe
I aranl so parmeai ariiil yoe srs eared.
Coald aartrtibs b axva lair I Coald yoe lass
teasnah. Trua pautbe bardse all oa u.
I fc ii.rt a aaaUiaaliatod kuoklx tallies
all abowl har ai It i un lrwtaiu4c.if
fiw.fc Mia .1. . rrum ikAXir lr a auftarrr. cli
-"(Ka 1 Jvm ma t aa.1, plaaaa ana tuaay
Taa aaiuoa Is liiaiua.
awl a U4sessWwaai Osaaaia. Wefc,
rrn11 coup
choose is a "Ne
!' .1
Open Evenings Until Christmas
Vr Ve Xe Ve a-e Vae e Vaa
premises January
time to buy
Su: s, Skirts, Shirt
Millinery, etc., at
0f tw.omces-
In getting off the car when re
turning from shopping, be sure to
carry your bundles, etc., in your
right hand, leaving the left hand
free to grasp the hand rail.
Try it and sec how much bet
ter it really is.
Assist Us in Preventing Accidents
Omiha & Council Blsift Street Railway Conpaij.
Va Vs Vase Vas
Our Dig
Is i.3tt on in full
blast. It's a big
saving to you if
you attend. Cash
or credit.
Men's Suits and Overcoats, ar
tual $20 values . $ I f) C ft H
for only plUiDU)
Men's Suits and Overcoats, the f
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to $30 values "j gQ KJ
Boy's Suits and Overcoats O
make useful Xmas presents,
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