Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily
.,, V M I " W"-- . I ' I h H I l-O 4
-x the .mortal Isse af Ksrb
I I ss e It I. r lal-rest "tea
I t J It's Mnch EaW. f If
I a. s. 1 f" Shofp4D( By Oar Transfer Syro-m. 1
I Big lien's Suit and Orercoat Sale Saturday I
Choice cf Ozi Entire Stock, worth 017 CO
cj ta $27.50, Sa.3r.h7. Bse day, mU.OU
Tbi sale inda'les all oar Men and Younc Men'-1
Suit? and in finer ca,s?ixnere, Scotch worst?-1
and &r-Tze. in all the popular aha' an-l styles. Our
ilea's bait and Coat are all the t?t known makes, tail
ored in substantial aa well a.? col!1? styles, eivinz that
f-ersonal distinction that crakes the bst well ire.sseil men.
Saturday's big" sale is the greatest value giving s-a'1? ever
offered, (.oce in Saturday and let u
"suit" you with ore of these $27-Za) Suit?
or Overr-ats at
Choice for Saturday of ail our $22.cJ) Suits or
Coats at
Saturday I e Must Sell all Our Toys and Dolls
Out Entire Line of Dolij
cf all d'iptions at a
discount of
Toy Trunks, any size or style, worth
up to $2.; to c!o-e them out. Sat
urday, each
l.i"0 Iresse,l Polls of all kinds,
extra larire. worth up to O'V; on
sale at
Hones and Wagons, Grocery
C! .... . n -1 T. "D i - w -
All Rocking Horses Wood .r -tevl and plu-h
covprei kind: while they
la-t Satuniav
Xmaa Tree Ornanients-
j lor
25 c!i
Any piei'e
Our Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday
In appreciation cf the services of our wiii;n and
competent sTaff of cl-rkj and other employes, we have
decided to close our store all day Monday, giving then
a well-earned holiday.
THIS MEANS Be sure to get all voir Groceries,
Meats and Fnitj Saturday enough to last until Tues
day. All orders received Saturday will be delivered.
i Q
Men's Gills That He'll Appreciate
Combination A beautiful pair silk hoe and tie to masch. in a
learier box. Satur-iay at 81.50- S2.00 -d 32.50
"iLk Pyjamaa Mea'a Fancy Si'.k. Pyjamas, in plain vai dainty color
lntrs: Saturday at S2.00 S2.50
Shaw Kait How la fancy Xmu boxes six pairs at SI. SO
Traacy mi Iom, ail colors Saturday at 3 an to 11.50
Tu lop. luimk uil OutLnf riUMl WifM omi Put ! a w: ?:
Saturday, a carga..n at.
tuto aad H-M
Comfortable House Slippers
Clean-Up Sale Saturday
Men's Gift Slippers - pairs of men' slip
pers, ail leather M.-'e. in Everett style-. mz-s
from !? to 12; Saturday reduced fr f Op
quick selling to ti7L
a '" pairs cf Men'a Opera and EYrt:e Slippers, tr-.m-md
with patent coit; hare (rood leather counters and
sol. Saturday, a long is they last, at 9C
And huiMlreJ of cutlers priced arrortliDnly.
BMotifal CrMht Slipper, wita lambs wool soie.
band croefcetwi. red and biae. re4 and black, pink and
fray. Saturday. tg at ociy 4i)C
Laities' Silk knitted lipper la lavender. rd. biue
white and green trimaied leather soles, with sir
bows ail Sl.5'1 values. Saturday GSC
Ladies' Fur Trimmed Mipptu la red. black, grar and
brown. Saturday, a rare barga.n at SI. 10
And hundreds of oth-r bi baraiOA.
Big Wind-Up Book Sale
Hundreds of Standard Sets still remain to
cii.xi-e fri'in. No better Xinas iil't than a ni o
e of book. Kead the pri'e a.-ke.l in this
'!e;n-up ale:
Dickens. leather. 2) volant. S31.o0
D" kens. l-atST. 4 ) vol imes S-iri.JX)
Dickens, cloth, 15 volumes S13.30
And hundreds of other seta prVed accordingly
Book for Boys and Girl The Aeroplane
C'.eaa-up gaie p ' 4f)c
Aunt Janes X erat book for (t:r:a 49c
One gr-at group of ChiMrn s Books Sat irJay OVan- i;)
sale price 5r and Oc
African Gam Travels Theodore Raodeveit s great nom
each, for S4.0D
Hickn's Holy land S4.00
For rai Book Eargains. our grat Book section is
offer.-!? values never before quoted in Osiiii.
fSpeciiJ La lie i' Weah Apparel Sile Satirday Ssitable
Xm.s Pftsents--Law Pr!cei
I Si ' and 17 3 ) Kh'.erdown Farh Rces. .-a ardav . . SC3.00
La-i -j Kn:":ed tsrai'ast Shaw's, cnarminx s Li I ,'a'teris. $ '. '"
s.-.awls. at . St.50
Ladies' Long 'r-( K'.tvws. ba i'if il cc or-na. It ad i
u; i-s. at S2.2."
ExT:-"i";' TiJ-rd Vs!.ts. '.a taf-ta sils in ail th- new a .:-.
Ve'.Te? Wjl-'s, i'b it.a yoke and kincfio sere; iSx .iv.y m-
ne--st 'h.r.,: ,n wi.s'i at SJS.OO
N Whi'e T.!or-d W.'"sts. e!f bro.d-retj an i rla r- fr"n-s. SI. 73
aii otr ajx &ias: rtra sits arotrcxa osr Trcrmix -i-. i - .
i . . flii-Tios or
r' i- , 1 -.,ti t t
fXinan I.yttv .'t. .a pii'ow m
and ia.-i sha i coiiar. k.n:r
s:Kia !med. Saturday civ
? S10.O
!; litrlV H T 11
-iir -n and pi ash ci.i-t-ri.iU
w ort!: $! :?avrda-.
yo:r cho.c . at .. 3.00
Infant' Knr xt
ia..y i n-ed :
lay. a.
Eiest G!o7e izl Eandierchef Vahes Eier Ginzd,
FccaJ Utn Sa.uriay
It 'ma..,, nn ?
r r. r N-TTr - rt
si t " - -ii-. f-r " . t -
v t; -
mt frrm Se Qp to S2S0a
Boy's Clothing Specials Satarday
Indian suit, ages 4 to IS, at 79c 9Se a4 S1.30
Military Sana. ipe ial 11 00 kind, at GO
All Wool Knickerbocker Pants, ia ail colors and patterns, in good
strong serviceable materials, ages 4 to IS years, $1.-5 values. gSC
2 Pair t S1.23
Chotea tur47 A.I mr By' aiua m.t l ('vrr ,.it. exception, y
t!m. worth no t j IT i. for orly ta3S, 63-98 and S4.9S
t Tl'w, n.xra Z o 1 years, at M-00
Candy Specials "f t:-
t":tcf Lam-n."
T'.n Sa...
ira a rrv 'arr
'jenv.-ne Crny Inland
coni1eln of lm)ta
?iur Knur. Boinena.
Tnr"jm, Etc. Come In and
t.':e new cantiea. We aiso are ciu:s(
um Bif irpeMa:a In Our Xmu Cajidiee
8tr.r in U;e '-r
bi-ij-.r rl brre aa4 larif buncnee
"Par-d o
th aa a r v
y j
a - i
Toilet Gocds Special for Saturday
Bit Fcrfame Sal:
iiO Per Cent off on ail noiiday rer
furne, a very fine and Ure aj--rt-ment
tj te:,-t fr'r.i. . . .10c up to 84.00
14 J'l P-ra!:n T'-lt Jv-tJ SO. 34
mi Kciiduy pcji. T i.t t :-
'. at 25e a-d 50c
J.i Ir Cent i n '..J'l
kooajc arxciAXs rot laTtraoiT
Our h'ii-.lay line of &,:as t u:e earn
est aci f".net m t-e 5t Every
5yle frm 7r.ail JJ.' brownie, -n
to t::e F. P K-. t aa5
. . iij tse of These Corsets Saturday
Oor Beaalifil $2 00 Corset at $1X9
Th-e Corsets are tvautifully made in extra he,i v
itjutil. have the lonir kirt. double hu-e upprt
ers. The boninz is extra fine and nn rutable.
There reallv is no Hner lret c!d than
the- that. Saturday, we are Hfiiinjr
for onlv
Big Discounts Saturday
in Our Basement
Xaake Xaaatara f.rst quality SO Dtaceaa
Carrwra Beta holders, tl 5 to M M t5 OfZ
ttftng Dtatwa u4 Coffa Mitt-Jil aaA Copper aad
V.ckei. riat Van ao-. Qit
rtxeiosa Cwiaara W Siauul
TT--t' Traaxaa Bruavea J-w Pfoownt
rny aa4 Kerry am tee te txaa, with double
e-tmraay peeiia la Bank leka aaA lVwaalaaT atobea.
V..O- uT,riru m .,..i,e .'.luria;. at sa.Sd aV4J8
All Cm S4.CO aad SS-OO rancy Teat, atatarday. at IIM
A. i 1'ur $' Uuj i -. teiircJay. at tUa
Goods Sale
Punching Bajr
slightly xjlieat.
aa S Ott
ft i Bent Devel
opers. ..... -Oc
Sit ilazurn -at
$1 a'.t Safety
Kaaorm. at . . . TSe
Tic Pazur 5troa
at 3a
Big Fruit Values Saturday
will be eloeeat all Aay Xaaday. all erdera vrm be deliver 4.
Oraaaja Sale Bataraavy Extra fa.ncy runkiet. sweet and
very julry onn?i
Our re";!ar 5c kiad. per io:sen .5C
J-lt r-ariJar Zor kjni. per tinzen 35e
Fine La-rr Mixed Nun, per lu
Iare Florida Gripe Frui'-s. per doxen.
Fa.icy Liete. 3 il. for
Leaf IetUice. 2 buncBee fir
Fancy Heart Celery. 3 for ...
. . SOe
. . IOC
. . .10e
Large Biac Walnuts, tiiie year's sto-s, per petk....5
Fr-en Rated Peauiuts. per lb. 10c
tixtr Fine P"tat -e. "ifeary R.oee. r bushel aa
A Saturday Before Xmas
Meat Sale
Titt Will Ua B Kemea.sreJ for It's Vthes
Bay Xeab Sitnrdij far Hondy Too
rtt Oirn Fd T-anc'
T i-k vs. ne very f:nest on
t'.e irarkei- ua from . Sle
Oi'Oce Your e.eee. r- in.,
at lea
Frewti r-re!!vi ,pr:n i'Vu-k-ers.
pr lb ISe
(Tinice P"t Roet. lOe ard Tta
Veal :ou;der R"a-,c ;o 9-a
tamli Lcin Chops, lb.. 12e
Venl Stew, per i!) e
Ttrnb S'ew, per- lb So
;.( ibe. "J'iTnet Bacon.
ei;(far jure.1. bv the pt-ip.
ler lb li,e
.k'nnel Hars. k:n anil Tat
removed. :nt.iniay on v
at 13-,
Bxtra atpeclaia for ararday. Poa't rcrget to or.Vr ill ''e ili-cerles that
ynu u cfni to a.t unt.j Tue.:..y. Store Closed all Say Monday.
Prt ie of Bennett
Flour, per sack . Sl-30
Bennett Beet Cofr. J
lbs. for 914M
Free aia,i Ho-
Eennett s Bre.ikfaet Cof
fee. 2 1 1 s. fir ... tea
Free C:ip ajiii Se-ure-
TeJte. as-ni, irt. . 68c
Free ."a'a, B 1-
T. !. r-i. i-. . 58o
Free 'on and Sa.ier
M S.iRg. lb park'
.Of Jar Ta "ianlen
XTV..I Fi-s f'T . SOo
-e-1 Ka-str.. i U. pra
ajce ( i !Majr,pi 120
Bennett n Camo t;t. 1
lb. j'Uif for.... 11a
An-t 14 ta.I'
Oieeee. Virginia. Sw'ee,
Pr ib. 3B
An.t lo Sta-oms.
Feauty A parag-je, per
a- . 184
T'mo tr berr'.es. per
n loo
Bennett's cil- Min-e- Bennett's Capitol R.aer-
age. f-r
3 pgi 25c
O' 10 T a r-on
cooit arxczAX.
-a:Ti Honey Cn.Kje
tr lb 12o
12 Maiaronf. Star
Ee-neM' anltol BaK:-m
P".(r 5-ih. run II.O0
T"":' St i:np on (Iran
alato.1 'igr
cer.r. 1 pau-kage asa
An-1 To taoipe.
' eeee. fu crekm. per
Aid I1) . anips.
berries, per eaji. . IS
ri: ijri Pore, , ve
'. jiart i-j 7So
jn,- i m 4)1,1 Misi 'n 4)'-t. for . .30c
.)- lar ral!)et S1n-
tiine 4"here . . . gAe
" im Fa-i"-o-Ame-t-
rsn p for . . lie
Fenwl'n Capitol Kver-
geen 'ni. ran ..10c
MORE PAY FOR CITY HELP j Banquet in Omaha
to Celebrate the
Ciartex Eefiaioa CoiiiiPittee Will Sot
Aik Lacr-Aiei Salaries.
llty 4 1 terser that bet a ,ell
I mM lei te e tWe4 for the
Levy at In
crease fee 1 9 1 I .
Public Schools j ALL ARE TO BE REMEMBERED Thomas Orchestra
Close Friday for L, n Contracts Five Years
Birthday of Emmet 1 Two Weeks' Vacation to Employe-. for Omaha Choir
Thrown on Market
Visitor frJ2i yei-jkbona-r Towns to Tea-chen' Exaniiaations to B Held
Help Celebrate the Occasion at the O-naia High School iCn), t,,.,, rai4.s t a 4 eiiee-
at me iieasnaw. yai weeav . ; Has rr 111 Keasiere. ii.wa
Tb see thtna at la-.t, tbe :liarter revi-
More tiisn Tw Inshmen wtil gainer In tv p,hlic schools of Otial einsed at
4:inaha FVbrnary to celebrate the birth noon Frldar for two weeks' vacanon. The
of Hubert Emmt. A bi bannuet ;m i chrietmas progrums were ail given Srlday
S '-n rommttt-e now aorkme on Use ; srneduie.i T--r t: e everinc or inn aate ar ; m-fning wn.1 their euatomary reaturea or
cr.ana-ea In the 'ev.aJt laws that are to be i the Hensbaw hotel. Speakers of national j literal- exer-iaea. dramatics, rectiadona
reputation nae dtth .nvr"i 01 tdu ano mueic. .41 tne man anon mt ue
The banquet tnll be fft n by tne mem- j :"t-ary organ.iatiohs gave more nan the
hers of fie Emmet Monument aeinxnarion i usual pn grams anJ some of them are
in conjunction mitb t 'e Trmn o-d Ftloer- i plar.ning
rw-tmmemi-d t) tile inftiinrf. s rn
t.- be a great Jisari tntmrn. T ie mem
Wrv puintivelv .e.-i,.l u rM miurn.i no
liitri-aves in a.a:-- f y ,t ! 'a!-. !''
eety en-pie u t tiy :.a-: ea.-i bov .n
fur a OinrtTU P rw-nt 1:-om t se pub.i.:
i.-ra-.ury m.a w i.e e.mi-thin of a u-.-apioniment
-i lar tie commit!, con
i.tina of M 4 l-alnn.aa. City Attorn.-!, ami Council. 1,-.. le'ia haa .levwuJ
.i-if en -u- y to :n.-.4a.i!g out u kuuks
11 1:e .!m.n r: ml ,'e 1 i 5 of ol.aJ a. Tne
Make a Pauat1ea Tae
trr Has a Tree.
Mendelssohn Choir Closes Arrange
ments for Permanent Fixture in
Way of Spring Festival.
A five jar contract between tJie Mendel-
Itayor of Soffalo, Wyo., Boosts for
the Laws of That
Principal of Hijrh School President of
Athletic Club.
(.aaraatee fwmi tat Me atalee4 t la-
tart the ttarreaa e the Ml l,all.
Mayor B J Irtiti of Buffalo. "!Vti).. : "III ! athletes la
in Omaha on business. Mr. Irwin is one Omaha.
1 eo-n i-noir of maJ.a ah'1 t he Theodore t)ie ma.n pushers of a big private lrrl-
. . Thomas Or-iipt.-t of C-.x-agi was entered ration project m Wyoming, ar j reports the
few sou's are saying thank goodness there..
tre. Christmas Is an eipensive !-aiiry ',r
manv a busin-ss bouse.
For instance, the Hynes Grain company
Friday rr.omi r.g aert out to thirty -eight
ship ci .O P. c Hea.'ey ct airman of te
otrta.rnient committee of the tn organ
tzatiin. announced Friday, morning fat
ac( era! renowned ftrfi(n tiave pr"rni.d
ll be It).
rtf are a fr
fror".' b- !ail. 'e cannot annoume
d-U:)it tr'am f.r the ,eca-ion u-if:i
knew ii f n. ii i y Hi:i;ier or no, ujey e
.. i , be ti- a;i-"A f may ico the pr'i-
. . to gtan a cret anywa. o a eii
ef a ! tne . tv nartiiierts are a..owea wi ,
l,-il ft t.K-ir un tp-al prooi. ma.
A Iwuii'i no mo-e
ta."iet for !5II. t:e .)
ev: 1" auinii-i t
.icho-'l ies n.-'t 0-,-en aga-n until Jan iary : agents a litt tra-n or the seaaon wn. n
and th" r-g-i'ar wnter teachers' ea- ' set uie company back C apiece- And then
a.-,:na!ion. w-.ll be hUl at the high s hool the graun teen a little later pa-'sed t.'-.e hat
T en-ber T and "S These examinations ; for tr.e JaiJit.r, the d e' and ti e bird-
are for th..e wno ba.e prrard in sunic i marker, all mre cf whom will get a cue
have rot heani normal m hi.,l or -l'eg and aunt to ob- little tm or so apiece. Nut W. J
ta:n p.,sitmn on the "tnaha atair. Tlicre Hynes is complainm or any outer business
ar -awnaJy man .' more a;-p.ljaata thaa ; hUie head.
tli r- are pomtlt-ns. j Th ci,y ar:0nal Bank Building "im-
pauiy has botight forty -tu rhone twel.e
; pound turkys to gtve one of teem
Prnffwtr E. T. Graf, principal of the
.nto Friday, which prov'riee f ,r the m- fimptuiy now hat water really to mm onti ; Omaha High school was elected president
; n ial appearance of the two organizations 1"" a--es. when ci.mpleted the nroe-t of the Omaha Athletic asportation at a
in Omana m a spnng munval fee jva: f-r will trr-gmte a total of i .Ve) acres -tTyo- meet:ng he!d Fri'lay noon onral H
the period mentioned. niing- has the best law gove-nlng water Toutig was made vie- president. M-
The first of these conce-ts w-il be given nghts of any state in the union." aaid the Graff, who he'd the office of rice prert
a; t-e AJ'iKonum on the evenings of Mon- , Kuffaio nuvor 'and otrer ta:es now ' 4ent before, was ma!e pr-eirf-nt enlv after
;a. Miy l'i. and Tue-da.-. Mar !. of 1 framing water lit irt basing them on ' .'lite a d:r'ir.on a. lie considered that
ti e com.r.g year A ma.;; nee performance the Wyom rg statute, which trakes the i s he a- .u!d nr.t have the time
will be g-vn on Tiem'av after-tonn. rig it inaj en.ibie In the lard owner m ', te.-eeary ti fi:i the p.a-e. F"na"y it mad
Maj.r Lord. cliainTaa of the executive he has acouired It. This fear i-e Is ijraw- STeed !' ,J" v!'' P"-elent was to
committee cf the Mendel-e.,hn choir trim ing a gooit many pra.-tj.-ai farm- I t,,r P-el4ln
a- m of tae mn of the ch.).r. male -n to our state, and tr-tft n a f-w y-ara j " -"-arant-e f ind cf r s w h as e ai
you may eir t to see Vyomi-.g farm . '
weajMin rr the iti'i.wr meet -.ittecrtt iona
iaitv canvass of th city t:e an
nouneement of t.le prw.ject was ma-le in
The Pee on and ha.e received suli
generous ple,l;s of aupport tuat Lhev feii
J'ist ! In entering into the ar-anuemi-nt
ncy -ai) be ou
ter m il a:Joul- more liiait a
V.'l. The tl' mara.
ioi.i'li'ed possible will
a i-g surt'rie.
lr-t Eaimtt i bin inlay ;s "sLa.x-h !.
m -U'-i: is in liie Irn'-n seaaon. r. r trai
ri...n tr.e ceienrai on mas s.-t fur vi ;
-ar.ier a-te.
prrfl.i, s much more plent:f"il In the mar
ket than they art now "
Mayer I'tn a company is tr.ak'ig a b g
'ntMtmmt. baring one reservoir that aione
Cost ITofl "
cf small a.'noiinis tn!1 be seaed from the
nien of t.'naria. tne f ind being mere. a
; pr"i--t i e bajbin on wnii-n to cord ct the
meet, and used on.y In rut- of shortar.
iThe lait years subs-rtr tlons were i
been put hatk on the
mm mt lei y f -j:
:0;'b. -e.",.' .Old Game Worked
.. . s. r--,-,.;i.---vi,ti.:.oa That
the levy 1 n.:l b- rL - ai.l Mr Bid. ' trtr fl T'CT.P'TCTI TPr 1 a. Vmr- P-onai v" 'v"r
, n ii be b . any ucn amount -"" " J f - v H- Hi. bert. a m Tkman. was stricu in empn-ya jo per cent of his mom-.y saary
ri(el by ar.'aton. " tie hal by a bean failing from the roor The ITiited States NaicnaJ f v eve";
a trin " to a.-aie' our laws so mat StrUTer Ell illCfiLae DellTered at t"" r"n"h P""11"11 o -rrany bul dmg empicye a TO oid pte.-a and tr.e tw mn,
t c ,-,ty .-at -.n more e.-nom..-a..y Hotel and Then Makes
Take Wiralai.
i "n i i-T sroma-n. nver or kicnv trouDie
down you when you can q ilckiy down ,
ta t.te m-n
Workman's Skull is
. 1 T n -V i ' l " ouiMungs ..r y-two It , not fr m.y , appearan.-e. but
PUnCtUred DV SDlke ""- N.n-nl Han. B...l. . p,n,w,t and mean.
a. , irg comsany nas seven elevator boys. rra; Omaha baa !:
I twenty -one januira. a morksncp crew an mimical ma-"
t 1 TTIIivm Q . . T 1 engineering n r-t rr mr r mnA min.ilanMtm I
ituu & 1 3 w u-. - - - - iit j ' sji qiifa.y QDvn t rigger, Le;r B:is er That is wfat
Znters Head Of H. Hllbert, Se- reratstent Ai.ertismg ia the Read to i ihet-i with Elacrrlc Bitters. Sdc. For aaie adrertis'.hg m Tha Eee w'.:i lo .r
. - . r-r all the banks have come to tne Big F.etn-na. by Beaton n( Co. husirsa.
ajjii..B ii-m. rront in g-nerous faiii-.ioa fr I'tirntnu '
t -rncd almoMt Intact
' gave thrtn.
Figg-r. Eet'er.
at m.-ivev it a. -i t
a , ..r f " "
i to tcake up t r a l
i r tv-n t t I'u ear
i.l a"! taae
a -i m r na '
flinrU'- It?
Away i'ith It.
4.1' . !! a-'
a-. w j ' v
t, .1 - to IK
e la f i. e. t i
It- t a: ai I" .R'M .t ma.t
. iM.pi- t l.e
- and !'-'a
1 e-,1- g U be
j ,' in iiin
f i.v
oont v
a.:-d n
tioria io t ;e
.- J.,'iu
ao io e oien:n
.iv 1
Ilia r !:- ..- la. H mftaTT f
. b aa-rt MniMrvt OarUtf
1 1. Rw,-..
An un lr-ni:f man s on 'ni'wiH-ii
trHini-r tft ant th" ( n-!-r Mi
tnt, by a n-at w,n'l? that was "rr--i-i!
Fr'iy mem na;. Thr? tf rni-r or
r".I wmt tvpfwrii-r ha "i)al-1 ; 'CH.
at rh ajt-tify Frilay! r-1 ak--1
T4i it f- tpflt O P to tit Rau;ut
.it i-i av Th of ii
Wh-l Th t:'p-W-rtvr wys bT'-'lajnt t'ir
!K,ia-i bv s 'lt-tivvry i.y r' - -.; fT.Ma
that he wou drop n at th a;"'y ar.J
p v t Mr It iA't-r
.:! trmv u F:ia tn- men
TTT'-rriT'fr r"r--m --p.i n --,i:4t rr.e
for the Newsboys
J- i n want I'-na in.-pe--t-r cf w-uihts j . .
mi o.ea.. r. M v ew.r. of h .rt neater rarties
r.-a.s'.r-s 'n the nnntnai season. l ne ,
t-.i-i f b-sii at the ccr-i-r gro-ei-v '
rt,rl ii -.j-- f r c,e ifo" er s br to cit
.-n t.e .(.art .f can ber-les bv a few
. r i. a hort p-uad of candy ' By Satarday 5i;ht The Will Hae
... at f.e r-r H-ea. Th-rt are m fj,.e Giesti of Three
iir. t in.iB'. ' " ra'ir- m
....i .- .. and m its and liie TheatfTS.
jar.e I t-ee ja-B'i-s now be- The Vtre.:.Ti inra'-r r.aa inv-d t e
tr: u.-,-"t " L-a,' it a iiard matter sea t s to be eil-r-amed r jr je mght.
t-.r ia ni."i'-.r t' rD cl. matcb- which niaace tn.rd theaisr tau-y t!:t
-t ,.rt e-a-.t l.i-a.i has bjn to itua ' tiaa te-n given ia tiler nonor this eea
t ...ri- aaia-n 4 n- l.rn b-.&-- aiMjut T'.e ar.f ii';r haa a r-j. I . g . m I :ein
ei.i of bra! a vlay mas aavv .na a vart . iracl.-i firm .a-1
I.., f Irn I ' bv iiavtiii: ika kaf , night and tM t-pueurn a .iy a ".
m a'l f-J-reti uin.n inBii of aiTteea i aTtrr fey are g:v-n uio il.iar tat has
b.n.-s-s uvl m baa-rs am marntrd (u
at N n'h and Ja kson itree's Friday mom- not be spumed by F--sid-nt Far
! He re,-eived a d-p aa;i wund f -om Vice President Cada?.:. Nvt a.-.y more
i pr"je, t.jig steel piae. He is ,n a senoiis than at any corporation direct irs ir.eetir.g.
T'le poo. e rnx. . ed h.m to the wuen the C g i.d p.e, e ia not overlooae-.:
,1.111,11 f t treatment. by any of fie ij.rnitnrt.
The nijii -d man is an of the ' is m-far a--..l jobbing companiea are
ma"a P. coo-.pAr .- He wa ecgag-l ' n,,t 1 rlt r- ' at aa so ir.aaj Kr.s
n work at f.e in.pi.-rD.-nt roi:- w-en a h' n ea Th Fau.n a Ga-'.iiher fon.
ba' In-ait. fed tn r-.of. T-e beam P"' :r' -'raaa c-mpany. f ,r exam-
was 'o. -ped f-om .ta m.M.nrara and a p1 :v,B ' enspioya a t a-hey and
.i.ii, whi- b 1 ni.i a part of fe f-atea-
i.r..i ii! M-o.-erts sail. I wrien the
te-a.u atro. k him on t te gr .-t.r.d r.ow.
T'.e hoiue :X tiie itijv.r-,1 man is ai s.s.
teer. in an a Charies atreeie. He is at mn
t(j The p.stn.a2. liie apa-tment houa ;aiu-
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'or tie eievaior l'V. not to f irget the
ewtor waitre-s. an a few doaen others;
DAT are loosing forwa-l to -v.-.stn- a a day and
in but few i-aes mi.l they be die ppomte4.
B it it a j.-eiy d.ies p it a crimp m pater
familias' purse.
Big Xmas Furniture Gift Specials
For Saturday
t-h Nebraska Teiepnone company is giving
every girl a box of candy The Gayety '
tr.eaier a' I remcmeer Its ejr.picyes br a and a la.ieu Cfir-.strr.aai tree jn t.ia
V 111 Have s-rl-H ett4ar aa
Dells tries.
A.l d-tat men's of fie p-etofT'c and t ie
a ii niin ri vn'.i be ooeti Ch r-j' rraa -lar
f -m :t n toe morr.iiig unti. 1 .'.-.H h in the
af-mo.iu In a buiieiii iaued Friday
mt,rn..-ig F'etniatrr Tiioir-a ud t.-.ere
w o. id be .1 iv en delivery ..f nie ! i i -he
rwaiilrit difn, ta that i
laratr klsieeath aaa laaa stisreta
la alsl at a .4 rhrira aa
1 a veataaeat.
Te nor - a.-tt c' rnr of S:xi-nih a:.d
haa t-n so.d
Z-tf KiniVrgjarten StV Jiat the thin for in littl
tota. Thery re extra well ma4e ae'j, fin:ael in weathere-1
otl a day oe'or Xmas aaje
very charming library at-.
c.aie in w-ahere.l ou, co'a
isrin' of one rh-ur, a ro.'krr,
table an 1 foifai xu. Th two
chairs hav beau'if il graja-.l
woo-1 seats, an:: tiiH ft
atocl ia u.""it4j'awer"l w.tS iea-
ther; SaUurtlay, a b:g
iirriai. at, cn!y . .
TiiMrea's Dnk ami Chair (."ombination fa itoiden
wtatiereil oak f:a:h iatarlay 2 08
The ar era Case rr-eti. a f J l cit y
C 1-1
ir ma h n-rv
wil r-p.,rt at T m o .-t. k m the m. rnmg
fjr t.ia deli.rv Th f j-ir and five t"p
camera mtii maae in inji at aid !
i v .a
M in.iai' w.l a.iej be of served a a h'l-
la at tie pou fT:c The of
at 7 and kM a.- : a. m.
beeti eui eried f r tr.e.n b Mm7 ivrm-tn . w !.-., er mail i ta sane avcoi a ae
and h.s he.pera. a-jaJay
ti y Ga.-vm Fra-. I: Fhw.ip h a-f-r The
pre- paid 'a IT" Th r.,-r of
p.--' y Wi.c": ia know a aa th oil C n
Tiem a a rr.rr" is a iir. Ii be n f t'a.i-f-rrua-
sri: f-sme )'.:.i:r.-rs ( a-id ..n
ce ai l .-n 1 foe pr pert-- n..cii r.aa nern a-',.ired aa
T.e earners I an mv-atmni and mhicn mi.l be improved
' a io ub p aun.-) aw to this are not et
it f!nji.
The Bennett
l nee vBssjnaW