Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1910, Image 1

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F?7. All THE 5Z.75 ZZ.kZ
.t;:z3 fj"ica:t.
K. - .
for ctr.
Vol XL Nu. nil.
(iOYEILNOli WABNS ;Four Hundred and
l'liT. OK -. -R' Forty Members of
Xebrasla Executive Says L
A; Ma km;; KLstake in Ci
za-OQ cf L-jisIatnre.
v- " --hip nl is the :'t number nr
Thinks Pmet Tactics Will Wind ' ..e census biirea.i method of anportii n
in Grand Split. unit thmt will reaiit m not d-oreaMng the
' present numhr of represent ati vcs ff-in
Believes Liquor Question Ifot Vital
-, . .
One to Seoraskans.
1 1 orison mm Meat Be MM ky
iFmm a ?i:i.'f t""rrepori1ent.)
I.IN't)I.X. Dc. ZZ. (rfec1a;.) lovenwr
rh..Uen!-rKer lued a ..tatement tola, ex-
prewur, i::e pm...n tnt tne a-morrat, ,
"f '',M",'-ir "h''u'"' not ,hraw ""! i
their or;ortun;t! ana orsaniie that body j
i a a:id ' dry' i-a-sj. He does not'
l;e. eve c'intT or:;, n i :ie Tr'st irr.prt
a'ld matter to come before t!i :estit.ature. j
He iM,ien tV.e present jir.mary lair which
he ipn . and enprenw! tiip omton U'.at
a:tii'i)i!ment to the i-'r..ti:-ition Telactie
tu a referendum form of letxt' un s:.ould
1 na.f ' ' ' " tatul . r- ft m a i- ti. :1 milfH
of a f;..- as th Pten primary law.
The fo::wln. is th. author.aed stale- '
n.e.u ,s..,-d rro, th. .o-rno-s office: j
-..ovemor s:-.le..b-er. u.xm h,s re-I
,-- ' Mien the bill emerge fr m commi
turn to his office, stated that he noted the ;
interview wl'ii feen :tor OIUs in regard ti . e . y
the raattar of vL or:tnization of the "'-1x611613.1 Xt3iV3.IT0
a:e. and a:i t rumors of various sorts I t
peiTa'n n to Uie ornHnisailon of the. house! jcr ST! TTnil Tl fl Pfl
well, a.011 lines druilr.g wilely with th
ll';uo- queaticn. The sivemnr does not ;
uei.e that any bill dealing with the rea-u- j
lut.on of tiie Hnuor traffic will b the 1
irr.;ortsnt feature of the coming sess;on.
and that in any event th. option of the ;
01 anim;!in of th. house and senat. can-
not hava any efre-t upon this matter, as ,
it is bour.d to come bef-ire the leifislature '
aim each member wi'.l have an oppoitun.ty'
to vote upon it
lnuiv.Uual views.
in conformity with his
(i-iiuc ta tick rosaaslttoew.
"Ha blieves that th. house should 1
left its commutes through a commtf.ea. j
as tiie irevloua It g:slu tu.-es did and aa h ,
l.axi also suggested th democrats of th. ;
national cniitr. -s should do. Th. governor:
Is passed to note that Mr. Champ Clark '
... 1
and t ungressinan Underwood. U. probable ,
chairman of the appropriation oommittee
of tae neat boua.. have declarwd tn favor ;
of taking ftxim th. spt-ker th. power orj"'
appointment of oommluera. If this is' In Chihuahua no American caivw to have
ool.. in the Nebraska legislature, th. quoa-i "m connection with war
Hon of the select on of a speaker will ! because the suocom of hia basing
. .h.-xn-rt i oePsJids upon the aovem meat s good wliL
nave ''tlut tm aflact ten te oerriorno t , t- v . j. , . .
. .L '- . .,,, . i. The Afflpriralrwho, JjrouxhC tbe n.wa Is In
..t th. ll4uor co-uon and. thftr H ; taike.i only nnder
la to further weaken th. growing
str,nath of the demm ratlc party m tm.
St.... by rational stnfe upon thin queatiori. 1
making ot a saustactory -
TZ'lZ !
- j
. . . . ... .. umvthlntf that I
more uny" v. 1
mil; com. before this session 01 in. iegi- j
lat.ire. It amounts in effect to glvlug to J
tn. people Uie power to change the funda- j
m. ntal ia ut the slat, at will. This ;
at care and delib
matter wi:i re'iuire
eration and careful action on the part
.... it M.-n(t In a In
as un a: and as dane-ous to theiKeelkoli Lose of l H.adred
pub.ic welfare a" the present primary ta
bas provrn to be.
Prtatar H Im ports t.
This latter question of tha making of
sa.U'.Ii.ciory pmiiM-o ie ... ;
chailrns-e thw besi Judgment and wisdom of ;
the leg. stature, since it has been proven by j
eiper enc that In siatea where two parties 1
are fighting for puuucal control a primary ;
luw that iliiiil maite for the best tnterasts
or the pec.. is a u' . -
deed to achieve. The gove.T.or hel.eves redsj- Rapms
t' at tae democratic party has got a great Ci-nterv, He
opportunity In Nebra,-ka. In spite of th. . J.jJJ" C,tr;;.'.";.'.'.V.'
fr.ct trat it lost the leadership of the state Onuncll Bluffs"....".".
at this election It has control of both ; Creston
houses of th. legislature, showing the ap- j I'svenport
lroal of the people of tr. action of the , r.ubuuue
last Icglalaftre and tl.e r willingness to : Fort Dodge
trust the democratic party w th f,,rtnr ,IC,jJn Mad'"on
poaer. It will be disastrous Indeed to the,,'(li OH v"!.'!!i."!"!!H!
future of tl.e party in this state if democ-
icy shows a d;soranied front at the
turning of the legislature and fails to take; l(f the before t anti ;
move steadi y to the areompl shinant of j
wrung upon the s.aiuie books of the state,
the great fundamental principles of gov- I
ernmrut to which It stands pledged .a ita '
lalltaflMe mm H efereoslass.
; ernor r'hallenberger has been giving
cor..derabie ar.entlun and study to the
ir.srter of the propose-1 nit arive and refer-
rorsmutinnai amendment. Two .
fen:. ires are en-seuiial to a satisfactory law. j
t i. is the determinauon aa to the ir !
c-n: of voieri that nhal! he required to
a petttmn under the mlt atlve or ref- i
eit't tl.tir. po nt is a to
oe not :i itasii'.ir te ite 1-riared adiit-.i
H.i ! re-t i re a ma.'ontv of the voles cat
ut 'h eiec:cu or oni. a ma.orty of those t
c. ici .he .varf.cnla.- am n'irner.t A weak-n.--
:n :i:e ; oe-at'on -t ihe in t:a::v and;
le'n'n.i iri mat las reri rec.ygr.lxeil liv j
a'l ".'i t-n: of 'h" rrii'ter is tiuii many
av aff irs y-i.i.setl nlfht b tier
te lift for e .n -,derat on ant deliberation
h :h.e (i ;:iia':e, and therebv th
vo e: brcfinie corf .:sei vecause of
nuit L.-r f .iu;.!n to 1- ...n-lt-r-d unu
hv v,ry v l(f The bai .t und the mult-'
l io of measun a nn n 1
"In gathering .r.format.on lioremor Thal
ler berxer has ror-n; onded with the a"tor
r.v K' -n.-ral of ire-oi 111 order thai he '
mi'f. learn the resu.ts of the exi-enence j
l a J in fiai state, and to secure the 1
,ui.!-i..ent of in.- leai iteyarrment of Ore- '
roil as to demonstrated defects tn the'r
!a' ti at ti.ey minht be au.ded by Ne
braska. Lsttft Petltloaa.
' The gornor has te. :i uf the opinion ' n.aha ofilceri failed to fi.t l the ttme
t. nt o otirr to pre!t a-i execaa of pet!- t pice. As ..n as he saa ItM-Ked in a ceil
tun u; .ra t rs that the public mind Rivers secreted the atci on a near
is not sufttcieni'v rry-ti. Urd upon, the the top of the ceil. When P.ivrs as re
let! r-mriif aou.-i be to require a reasoa
a' t.f tne v. t :s .f the state
the inii-niTmi coit.U be sobiiatted
and t: at betoi
a .r-r.sare shoa.d he de- ;
ia aitw4td
uf all the votes
i shoatd ha a majority j
aut at tbe elas-iioa. since '
tContlnued on Seccnd Paga)
House Possible
Present Method of Apportioaxent
Would Result in Increase witi
W MJHlX'iTON' W CI. A house m. m-
nv state. This is inn unc-d in denied
I u:ui:cl statement submitted to tne
house nmiri't" on the cmipus today by ' j
th! -- . jr-tio- ot Service Asserted ta Be i
The statement was irniriKM to ihrnr lhe""l"'lf",'u ul ""c "t lu WJ j
i Iact fIM.t under any pan i-uiar pmpor- Crime Agiinst People. j
i t1"n of repreaen" atives m the population ; j
j - - n
I one les than the pr-ent six of the house.
and ends with a max. mum of 41. r:i
" tat-re showing whether on mch a calc-uia-
tlon a state's representation should be dj
mlntthed or Increased.
Chairman Cruntpacker of the committer
will hare these tables printed, w.ta
other data neceswary a. on the same Une
and will call a of lila committee
, ,mmr,,.t(.ly af.r the r'a-wmblin of con -
H(. npta th c.,mmute will be
able to report a reapportionment biil at
thl (.,f It r.vliT1
, , . ., ,
and senators as w 11 as from various
states hr groups of states who will be af-
i fected by whatever basis of apportionment
j .a planned, for much opposition naturaily
j already has developed.
Minority leader chair.p Clark of Mis-
""" h'r dMnocr,-r '-'ler" k!
l reu.tment, alwa.
"nr' Vt .e threat ..f err, ma.-v.K-nns.
and ra,,rry rM'lmcal fleht ts In prospect
by Insurrectos
Position of Mexican Force at Peder-
u precari0tt5reder-
alS Sustain HeaTJ Losses.
. Paso. Tea.. Dec. 21). Rumors of the last 1
threo days that 5eneral Navarro has been
surrounded by the insurrectos were con
firmed thin afternoon by an American who
left Pedernaies. tn. scene of operations, on
Monday afternoon. According to this ob-;
server. Navarro personally ia uninjured
and remains at th head of a dotaenment
of Ms troops numberin,' ZA at th. villag.
of Pad.maJea. H. described their position ,
.a. . . - - I
tner. as so precarious. now.ver. mat j
scarcely a soldier mild poke his head from ,
i l" nous-, wnuuui. su( ,
of Nvrr,, f
p, lvYfA tht tne J
of tSw omm. numbering in the neighbor- ,
posiuons. e receivea tne impress.on, now-
ever that the federals had sustained heavy
iomBtm n. w certain that they were
pppni a-rin M f!P PITIP IM
mmmX TklrtT-Tkree -toei-eeea
Makes Blsj Gala.
(From a ?taff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. r Specinl
1 piej-nun. 1 ine airwci'ir 01 tne census to- 1
day announced the population of the fol-j
lowing cities In Iowa having population In 1
excess of .):
1X. j
"? '
j5 - I
10. or
24 .14
S ; i
3S 4:4
H rt
1C tl 7
11 11
eciar Kails.
XV 34 I
tii i:s j
' 1 '
14 m I
Marshalltown ..
MtiDa ."""
, ,eiwln
I skalwaa
Waterloo ..!!!"!!
7 . .-
; ri
i; mi !
Webster City
j The census bureau also announced the
populatlott of the following Iowa cities
. ' falling below the 5 0 mark:
. 4
.S i:i
Pelle P'a n
r airr.eia
The following cites 'n South Dakota have
a population in excess of
4 :
4 '15
10 i
1 .i-"l
' 1'17
10 17
Z. Z
1 ead
M tchell
-loux Fa. Is
s atertown
.10 '
. z ri
.' f..:r.
it r
. 1 ll I
e of haaee.
Hec. .-t.-pectal Tei-
Mure 4mm
egram. Mayor R ithee' .rd to.'.av Ifsue-i i
sn order proiui iting ra.'f.ea and of
chance of a l kinds in this city. I
3 -Vl T " IT-!
WClUllCLi lKJKJ L 111
hen Gus Rivers, a little b ack negro,
i was arrested for a petty crime In r'outh
' Omaha ten ramths ago he recently itad
come fc m Lnterprise. Iowa, a her. he had
ribbed a house and secured a imi.l
o!i watcn. ia searvtitng nan tr.e souta
be had no oj portun ty to get the
The night of December !! tiie
with Will Thomas a.' as Alien.
another nero. heid up Emil Iair.g. aa aye-1
n.aa. ar.d rot bed him of 1 J worth of mir-
cr.uii.a in uth i 'ma a Thy ar-
rested. Rivera was thrown into tc. same
Conciliation Commission Composed of
J Sepresentatires of Men and j
Enforced Arbitration Be Last I
Besort to Secure Settlement. !
tat Dora 5et Waive Riarkt to I a tee
ter. ! reared lag Pwblle -lce
MoBepolles Irhlfratloo El
e rlmf iti Hr Ttrwrd.
j '
PARIS. Deo. 2. The text of the snv.rn-
1 mem measures formulated for tha purpose
: of pr-ventina; general strike, with par-1
: reference to Uie employes of public
service enrporataona. as made public to-
UB).. The mea.-ur-s constitute a compre-
' ., ,;.. . . , ...
t..e ra.Jr'iails and in other public service
, crrr.irations by means .if an oraamzed con-
i iiation comniission cim:HFed of reiTesen-
j tauves of tho men and companies. This'
; wiil meet at intervals '
and when conciliation fails, ormpuirr i
"rt,w'" 1- Pded for. the prtrtolple be-
in tntro-i ,ce,i that where the arbitrai
, -nteuce imros-d an aduitiouai char. the
, corporation ran In.ftrate the method wnere-
oy the railroad tan w ure compensation,
-ither by ralwing the rates or by other
I means.
I The rennrf .rnmTa n i-f n th- j
' 1 " ' ...k. ..... 1,1 mi uiruum I
a remarkable document. ;t qaotes the
declaration of th. riahts of man to prove
that public !ervHe corporations have keen
instituted for the public good, not for tfae
beenr.t of those to whjm they have been
confided, from which It deduces the con
clusion embodied In the bills that the ln-
tet rupuon of public service is a crime. At
the same time it admits that public sen-1c.
employes, like other workers, have a riuht
to amellomiion of wrona-ful situations, and
m conciliation and arbifation it is vro-! culs' bench, were accorded a most cratify
(xwed to give them a weapon "aa powerful J reception today by President Taft
as the strike." j For half an hour the president, who seemed
j Stato Does Xot Waive atarkt.
1 Ti
companies must accede, the report"
! deciares, "because it ia now conceded as a
i principle of Jurisprudence that th. state, j
i tn conceding public aerxlr. moeor-ii
not waive Its right to Interfere and cotnoei
uie concessionaires to grant ameliorations
in the interest of public good and the
pret-rvarion of pubUo order
The report reviews arbitration ezpert-
menta abroad, especially commending those
carried on In the United States and Aug-
tl"al iaa Tt stmnhaaa - K . .
h. . . ""
. i iuna out. snax -ino mora ten
aencies of th. wrld are aaalnst violence
mamfsted by th, widespread growth
of the movement for the peaceful settle-!."
m" of internauonal disputes, and It artrue, !
I"! mark, the j
omiuon as tne solution of both int.-i-
1... 1 -
naionaj and social war.
Mystery of Body
in Barrel Solved :
corpse Snipped from Jarvis, Out. ta
Montreal Was Stolen from
Grave Yard.
JARVIS, Ont.. Dec 2-The myste"v of
t'ku iniro nere in a bArrel i
flr"t to Toronto and then to MontrtsJ i
turtl ut to be a case of body snatching. !
rrovinciai omcia.s arrested John McSor- t tJOPias county bar emphasized the action
!ey. the oonMgner of the barrel. The bvdy i whlcn th8 Dar association has taken in
is believed to be that of a man named!"" ca"" ot i,r Larnel, a-hich they urged
Johnson, a no died on November is, two I ount to have considei-able a-eignt with
before the body was shipped. the president. Mr. Kennedy suggested
1 that he had been intimately associated
Coiorooo Wpevial Takea Off mm A Time I
Carol Revlsaeel on Other
-r-jl mB ;
Tn' Colorado Special disappears from the I du''"' attainments of a high order to live j
timetable of the Union Pacific trains in the'',n nl" Soo,cn fnend (Mr. Kenned) for 1
change that was announced t-,.. r-. .' that length of time without mussing !
" J,Psc-fle headquarters yesterday. Through i
vrana isiana local n-eomcs th- !
fnlumhii. I.. - . i . . .
- Jocoin-ncairics
local oecomes tne Stromsbura local .
The departing time of the Denver spec al '
la changed from 47 a. m.
and the North Platte local from s !
S 15 a. m. The arriv ing time of the traana '
are correspondingly changed. I
Da eld Coartsiey la Worse.
TAXKTON. S. D.. Dec L-.3oecisl
A change for the worse is reported In the '
i condlt-on of Daniel Coufney. shot ten
,lav i hy Gec.rge Rosst. is.-her. w;o '
was afterwards snot while resisting arrest i
or committed suiriv'e. as the cor- ner t I
Jury returned a vedict. The oonuit on of
Mr. Courtney la now considered ir-rical, '
"rl-!l slender chances for recovery. 1
tOee namett at I'leaaa a ton. i
...... iu . i'ec. r.-i-iii TVe-
gram. .-The general store of Wji .am Pat-
terson was burned ea.-'v ih..
loss on buii iir.g and contents, which were
toiaiiy destroyed, is D.Htu. Insurance f - .
To 1 1 1 O
J Clll lO
of Young Negro
cell he had occup.ed neai 'y a year before.
ne reit Tor the on tie ledge, and
nur. enough, there it was. A Jail attendant ;
surprised the man with Ihe atcb and as i
a resjit wring from Pavers tae c.r ,n
that be was a tranrk-:ess,.r o i,,
li;-. -rrs ar.d Thomas were arrait,ad be- i
re J udiie Eat i:e .a district court Thurw.
" rie.ded guilty to a rharita '
of hi'ha- robbery, and were senience-1
to serve sev.n ears m il ,n the pen. ten- (
'tary at In oonsideratioji of ti.e
iact tint the m. n otea.ted g-iilty, mat ,;.e.
w.e ara.aie j w .en the f.rJ Ud l..n.
Jui(e fiateiie f
rono'Uiced a wnienct t.-iat .
he .'aid
Jtnter than he wauirf h.v
given ia otiier ctreumsranceo.
S i XJ
eou&N rem. a
From the Cleveland Flam Dealer.
.p TIT nriTrrti rtlll
fifT RF.ITVF (litf MFN
UliWji I Lj UJ1AI1A fflLil
President Talks Qrer Judgeship with
Nebraska Visitors
Kee1ve Remisids Tlrn tkat Terri
tory to fi.iw from U Larte
Xotkioar Will Be Dose I at 11
Cosiissroso Meets tcais.
FYora a Staff Correepondent.)
WASHINGTON", Dec r. Special Tele
gram.) Elx-RepresenLarive John L. Ken-
, nedy and Howard H. Da!drie. representing
the Douaiaa County Bar assodarlon. fur-
i thertns; the interests of Myron I Learned
', to the Vandevanter vacancy on the cir-
I rmi-iaiy gracious in view or tne
I fai V. . t linn mi m itm h. k V. .4 ..
dT"' V " cr"ful "nsideraUon to
" th SlUemen B"d to to Mr.
Larneds quaJICcatlona for the plaoe. Th.
I "PrBntmUv" ot t!w baJ" association of
! rmiltrtaia All niw .siss f sl i . T i
Douglas county were led to Infer from the
presidents talk that It waa his theory to
promote district Judges to the circuit bench
srhere qualifications warranted such pro
motion, the ag ST the Judge being In
closed In these oinj fl cations, aa the presi
dent desires to fill Jvaoan cleat In the courts
n who will have
e bench.
rears of UBtfurSess
While It is undoubtedly the purpose of
' th
th. president .to make promotions from
ths lower to the higher courts, this is not
1 controllable. With Mr. Kennedy and
Mr BaJdr-ire the Dreident
whole 0" an" mt
went over the
mentioned rrulte a
J number of names that have been recom
j mended to him from the Eighth circuit.
which, he stated, extended from the Mis
! slHsippi river to the Rocky Mountains, and
from the north line of the nation to Okla
homa, which, he suggested, was suffl-
ciently lartje to contain a number of strong
OsaaJia. Hu ever H4 Jaosre.
The Omaha men bur. down on the fact
that Omaha has never had a Judge, the
members on the district bench having come '
from other sections of the state. Judge
M Jiifci chujiuhs r (nuuiu ta uin
home, while Judge T. C. Manger hauls
from Lincoln. The representatives of the
wlttl Mr- t in th" nrctJce ot tne
Ul w mr arms i weiux j nmti n. miu utai
tiler, had been no words of di.-areejiu nt
or contention in ail that time which led '
the president facetiouhiy to remark that j
Mr. Learned must certainly possess Ju- ;
S!"ln" up som'That-
the conference with the nr-sl (ten f Its hud
- , . . "
usne iu eim ineui i
without I
,tlnt- Tn' presld nt talked about Oman a (
. and many of its people, going so far aa !
to say that he had spent many delightful
ttour 'n the city and in companionship
with Its citizens. Cne Impression the gen-
: tlemen from Omaha red e- ed from the talk
of the president was that a republican
I be appointed ti the vacancy caused by the
promoCon of Judge Vandevanter to the I
supreme bench. I
M.-. Taft gave no intimation as to the ap-
pointment. but stated that nothing would
be done until afttr the holidays and the
assembling of cor.grefs. Mr. Kennedy and
Mr PaMrtge ieft the White House we!;
Mr BiJdnce left Washington after the
m tt,.o i,nfor.n. f.e Pal.tnoe-
Oibufins tit !uncl:'n. Fr.-ra th-r h seuu ,
to I innjty!vinia to spv-nti the luiLdii;
Mr. K-nnHlv it ave fur Omai.a
The Bee fjams all
the time.
It printing tiIay V more
coluirnti of want ails than it
printed this Iay a year ngro.
Anil this is more than two
ctilmnns jrreater ixiun tlnin it
nearest curaiif titor i icakir.a:
Call Tyler 1000 and tt;i ua -hai
year mnu are. Tue eheerfl tLa!;
will prepare your ad so tb.a: it will
br-n reauitg aaj relieve yea of ail
I t3
M TOO Oi-0
Grace Competing
for Baron Deforest
Aviation Prize
Englishman Crosses Channel from
Dover to Belgian Frontier and
Starts on Return Trip.
DOVER. England. Dec 2. Cecil Grao.
competina- for th. DeForest prica. flew
over th. English cbannel from Dover in
a thick, 'oa- this morning and waa re
ported aa passing over Calais, France, at
in o t-inw
10.45 o'clock
Baron DeForest has offered a prise of
CXt.ui.ti for the longest Tight, including the
crossing of the English channel, made in
1910 by an Englishman in an Eogl.ah-built
Several aviators had been awaiting fa
vorable opportunity to compete for the
trophy, gopmith has already set a mark
of liw miles. On last Sunday be left East
Church, Sheppey Island, at 8: IS o'clock in
the morning, crossed from Dover to Calais
and descended at Beaumont. Belgium
Claude Grahame-White planned to try
for the prise on the same date, but In a
try out spin he met with an accident which
wrecked hia machine.
Grace is reported to have landed Bear
Deal, England. The aviator Is a son of
the late J. A. Grace and a nepbew of M. P.
Grace of New York.
CAIAljj, Dae. & Grane flew aa far as
tho Belgian frontier, where, meeting- a.l
verse winds, he turned back without de
scending, and later arrived at the aviation
grounds at Les Barques, to the west of
Calais. He started on the return trip to
Dover at 2:lu o clock.
PARIS. Dee. 2. Today Lieutenant Cam
erman established a new world's record for
the longest cross-country flight with a pas
senger, cover ng 147 miles In fonr hours
and two minutes, thereby winning the ptixe
offered by Lazara Welller. The Weiller
prize Is COOu.
Mile. Helen Dutrleu. who Increased the
woman a cross-country record from Ssxty
five to WT kilometers 1 104 70 miles I will be
awarded the coupe -
This afternoon M. Laurens won the Deper
L'unsin cup by Tying 10 kilometers
miles) in sevnty-iiix minutes.
Attested: MeJkrmr Geosr Mess Her Ar
rewleel ia w York Asked to Uive
Five Tsuamsa Boad.
.NEW YORK. Dec. .Lucius E. Hind
man, who is known to the police aa the
"Honey Grove Kid" and who is aliened to
have been the chief assistant of John C. '
Mabray. under indictment by the federal
grand Jury at Council Bluffs, Ia., was ar-
raigned before United Stales Commissioner
S.ueids today and held tn S5.wu ball for
examination on January X
. '
Two t ferem-es slik Mewlatoe Fail '
Pi odawo 4 y Reaalt is
Wage Dispete.
CHICAGO. Dec. E No agreement be
tween the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers and the western railroads over the
w dispute wss reached at today's two ;
j conferences with United S'ates Commis- I
; hloner Charles P. N. i!l. mediator.
te-nter svnna la I'roHeitlv Lmet. '
; r - -, r.. -rv . ,, u . 1
I 1
K -o LI
.......... . . ... . .cmutirnitT.i 'o-t rnum lo.I.O.OH. TIlo bem;
avona. owned by Soman A Co of this "x" feet, ar.d s e.;'.:!pn4 with all m..d
city, is believe-! .0 have been lost, with ;
its crew of twenty-one. wr.i.e Sound from
this po-T ,0 Na;,es. "he Savona 1. a sis- ;
ter ship of ,h. Palermo, which w re- !
C":;r !""- j
; Titled British Spies Are
(- . , -1-, - e
bent to Pnson in Germany
LEIPSIC. tier any. f-c 22. Captain
' Remard Fr.denck 1 r'-nrii of the Pntisn
j r-.o--a jiann- iniinio ano u euienani
VI v an H. Prandon of the ni li navy w -r.
t .'wiav foami i'r.iv of espionage on th
G. rTiar. for . fJ atlons at Pork'im and s-n-
inctd each to four years .mr-r,s.urnent in
I a fortr-as.
The British spies were arrested st Enr
kum on August ZZ and ZZ Hramion is a
Lr.ther-in-ia - of W lllam Bull. M. P
Trench is a n: a nrtson of Ird Ashduwn
and a deseenilan: of Are hfcirt'iop Trent.
I When arrettt-ti L,tn adtnitted frar.K. they
I l"ad come to Gerttiany to e-ji!e.t tn.'or-na-
! t:on ahicn they !ntrm!-d to t'iac at ihe
i i sjsa. of the government
aim s&ion was rieatisl at me tr al
. as
I da-.
! T uav's irwv! itm were not p-;hll- 'rtd
they e-n-. -ted chiefiv if tn.- in;r duc-..i,n
-f e;er military tetlm.nv The Untinh
re; r sen auve. the ctmrul at Hamburg. M.
E. 1. 1 ver, was among those etctudett
amo too rooNc
rOR a SU.K.
Oh sktVwsj.
00. t;
Julius Kruttichnitt Gircs Counte
nance to Persistent Report.
Dlrst.r of M.l.tefaa.eo of t .loo
Pari fie Declare Rallroods Are
rniMrHK AtlvlMbillty of
Kalorsriaa; Fartllttes.
A new Union Pasener station may be
'started in Omaha In th. r.ear future. Julius
"" .-.. .. , uini me aeau nouia number twenty-rour.
operation of the system, returned j consiMlng of F'.re Marshal James Horan.
to Omaha Thursday afternoon after a trip Second Assistant Fire Marshal William
of twenty-three dars over the lines of the Burroughs, nineteen dty firemen, two prl-
.. .. ti .i-iMj.k.-.,,. i vate firemen of Sl.irrls & Co. and Stephen
system and practically admitted the founds. , ,
v J I Leen. i yejirs old. yard clerk of the Chi-
tion for the rumor of a new station build- caifo junction Railroad company.
In- j i-'laoies t ailrr l uulrsL
The new station. It Is understood, would I The fire now la confined to the two ware
oost three or four mi'llon dollars, and at j houses, the tailow house and the minor
present Mr. Krulschnit and other offlriaji buildings and the danger to tha stock,
are admitting no more than the possibility j yards as a whole practically baa been re
of such a terminal for passenger trains In ' moved. It ia not believed possible that any
tlie Indefinite future. When he started on ! the crumbled wail are alive.
his trip November SO. he made a thorough
Inspection of the terminal In Omaha, wttii
a number of the local officials. In-iiimg
Chief Engineer HunrJey su.d acting General
Manager Charlta Ware.
"Wheo you were here before, waa there
not some talk of a new station In Omaha?"
Mr. Krottacbnitt was asked..
"Well, I may have dropped a hint that
In the Indefinite future a station would
be built bore, but there are no definite
plana here yer. We are building consid
erable tn and around Omaha at"
he replied.
The Inspection trip of the head of the
operation department of the Harriman
lines covered all their road north of Los
Angeles. rVe declared that he had never
seen the line in better condition, and
thought that the Improvement since last
season was very marked.
"In regard to our plana for building new
work during the next year. I can state that
at present no definite plans have been
made." he said. "It Is very early yet to
plan for next year and we have considera
ble work of this past season to finish.
"Were you surprised by the appointment
of Charles H. Markham as president of the
Illinois Central?" waa asked.
"No. not since I knew It almost two
months ago." he replied. laughing wth
glee at the surprised look of the newspaper
"President Lovett admitted that the gov
ernment had a right to control the rates
of railroads, but objected to governmental
control of the stocks and bonds of a road.
Mr. Kruttschnitt. Do you think Ihe same
"Well." he replied, with another laugh.
a-uexa I had better believe the snme way,
hadn't 1 7" '
Mr. Kruttschnitt remained In Omaha
only a few m nutes between trains before
i he left for his headquarters In Chicago
a IPa rMl interest r1 in rh r.trwaa.
being mads n the new Union P.cifc head-
quarters here, asking after th m. snd d-
dared that he was watching the building
as It went up.
1'w Hotel at Imperial.
IMPERIAL. Neb.. Dee. 2.-4 special )
The new Coloninl hotel was opened on
Monday evening to the public mtth a grand
banquet, there being 12 guests seated to
rne of the most io.iot'iil .1
. " o. iu
was ever taid In this canty
. i.e oionia:
two-story brick w.t
Basement un -
,i . v. . , 1 ... .....
em .mrrovemerta: aii r. oms have outsiue
windows and ;,- fr, in a br. ad court In
the center. Th- , -oionia! I, under- the
rr.anagement of A ".aburg. of ,i.e
.iners of th. bunding.
When apprehende.1 t is a.le;red that
men wr- taking fasn iirhr ..r ons at
BorKim and tiiat :
a.Kc. had btuten photoura; 'tis of ihe
tenses (n cou; se of eons-ruction n -he of Wgngero..g. tn the North sea
near the entrance to Judo ha ,-.
The tpies made a favorabl- tm.ression
by the r candid adm sslons. tuid i; had be. n
anttclratrd that -.n the event of ip,-,r r.
rtetion they wou.d reeel e iiuht sen
tence Lieutenant Zief: u-1 H,.un f...
German army offcer w o . arrest.-.!
chars ed with ha.- eg tnale sKt wI . ....
lint h fortIf!cat..r.s n P Ttsmo nh h..rh.-.e
pi...i.ii l guutj
N . emb. r II and Lv th-
.u.-t at P".r-m..uiii j.:a.-ed and.r
iv.nds of fire li' t t.i re , m 0i - .
. Decern iu-r 1 ' -e s r m c , r- .n .. ,
'if s.rlerj?rr to 1 ..... , . r ,
to years and fx n, ;....s ..n.d ji.
'. it eeptcna'. i n tn- unm d . . Kren-'h
otfoer. C(.tain Lax. was j-resi.-d a.
j Frtsirivhi stia as a t i!.i t4 pv.
24 FIREillEf
Chief Horan and Captainj Doyle and
Collins Are Amon; Victims of
Stock Yards Fire.
Spreads Rapidly to Several Other
Buildings and All Are Destroyed.
;Damafe Up to Late Hour Exceedi
Xillion and Half.
Chief Fire Marshal Directing Fisjht ia
Person Whn Killed.
Mast f Vlrllmi W r l asler Woodest
rsiit, Which Was Crnabed
fcy tbe Fall of m Brick
CHICAGO. Tec. r F're Marshal Jsmea
H..ran an.l tpnty-thre. of his firemen
were killed ear!y tot'.ay in a Tre which
' 'a'"Md " '3"'u damas t. the warehouses
i and sto k of Mortis & Co.. packers, ami for
I j0'""" '!'",'-n the whole stock yard.
1 aistrtrt.
j The injured will number mors than fifty,
j Hst nK bom difficult because they wrrs
rushcl :n ambulances and private automo
j biles to honlt.iia and homes in many sc-
j 'he t bo.!l h.v. bea
, ', . .
l-ate In the day announcement was mad
Tho following are the known dead:
J..VES HORAN. fire marshal.
WILLIAM J. BL'RJ'aJV.-i, assistant mat
r-ATRICK F. COLLINS, engine captaia,
DKNNIS IYLE. engine captain.
JOSEPH MAtiAWKfeiil. plpcmaa.
CHAiU.ES MOORK. truckman.
The misalagt .
Thomas o Connor," pfpetnaa.
James Foster, plpeman.
Joseph Osborne, driver.
J H. Bhrins. driver.
Nicholas t'rsne. truckman.
Frank Waters, pipe man
Two entire Cre companies, the names of
the members not previously counted la
the dead, missing or injured, being:
Charles, Borkery, lieutenant.
t hai iea .Swet nle.
WlWiam J. l'ailey.
Pet it J. Kill.
Vtiljiiim T. Weber
John F. I'uhaeii, lieutenant.
Charles Coney.
John G. LinK.
Joseph P. il ajhem.
Fmncls P. Ijimn.
John J. iiifliiry.
James J Bunnun.
Joiin Helfei-t.
William T. Murphy.
The lncomplrte list of Injured lncjuu.
John P. Kaaaenback. plpeman, poaaibli
fatally. '
til.vard Oehler. pineman. fatally.
J'hn Lear', rlpeman, fataily.
Man In J Kitxgera.d. plpeman. fatally.
Ant one Heiiaad. foreman, not fataliy.
John Carlo y, plpeman. seriously.
A. D. Lannon, captain engina company,
Joseph Mackey. driver, leg broken.
James M.-iratn. captain engine company,
leg broken.
John Miller, plpeman. seriously.
William Waisli, pioeman. seriously.
Lieutenant Al. Goitman. crushed.
Kugene M tiler, plfemaa. crushed.
M. J. sars. policeman, overcome by
James Hen.lrichs, policeman, overcome
by hemp fumes.
Fire start, la Bssetsfst.
The blaze was discovered at about 4
o'ciock by a watchman in the Morria beef
house at Forty-third and Looms streeta.
An ammonia pipe, bursting, started com
hurt. on that spread so Quickly the watch
man barely had tujT.el la the alarm before
the iiamea begaa bursting f.-uia the build
ing. Fire Chief Horan. at his home on th.
vest side, heard th. second call for ap
paratus and went to th. stock yards In
his a-iuimobilo. By th. of his ar
rival bis assistants had abandoned th. ef.
I . .... " "n"
cftvonnt to cead orr the
rush of ei
, towards other buildings. F'.rm
, m several structure!
r.ear by.
Tha awn.og w!:ich later became the da
trover of a score of Uvea seemed to off-.
! g from the f.ames. Under this Vol
.. fled for shelter, led by Horan B.1
and Fltzgera d '
; . top of the canopy another group of
f rn , slrMIn, of . . r '
i.ea.t or ttie i. re s.i.iier.,y Lieiiieriant Jo.
ei h 11a. ki ; . leader of tne l and aoove.
feu the ao and sho n.d warning
to thie below ite Jumped w:tn his men
. " " - "'". tne canopy
, i:ile. firemen who kn.Mv nothing of
tt; ti deatn. nut beioa'. the
thii. vera a iument-j by constant;;- arrtv
,i.g -A-ie in tt.e path of th.'
f.ames. Th.
t'o.j tlieir givjur.d at build-
r. 4 s.t -r b.ii.dtnii
onlv to b driven back
.-!,:; tant ilatsiai .--evfernch, tin
a., n c n.ntand. ra:;i;ng tr.e futtiity of
.-a. ng r ;-er.y then atiaxe. drew all tb
ni a ! ac
The asMe-ant marshal acknoa b-dged at
10 lj tuat tne who.e ftoeK at is diatr-ci
a ti danger
We p,i mi sau-r here and we can do
n-.tii ng eff. ti . h. ' he a i The thing
rea.iy is be.' .in.i our conirol rlst'ii now "
'a; lain li H f r .a (,f eume comj any
: u tm !iu . J let le.'- iiaisitai Horan wii
oic.ets : ,i tne con.pany. aa.k.d out from
ui der , e . an i y -uat as it ruai.ed oat tflo
land hirii.
ef "
i" to d the assistanr
r. r-ei Iu tlim a fa.
lior the
Ulan lef: ,ji !uj
t-iri a. 'tis
. 'iini.e. .y
f .ar-r from one ho. fir,
-r., poared on the fatal u
a-'-'l l-ad cKj.od it to
extent WUwA