Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 3

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    I iiH Tl.NI All A V hi . hMA l'Ti t A 1 i.U hi ,iri;iTl:'it."
Xclectici of Linccln Oppose Censor
ship of Health Report
Ma Who Is to ! Warden Objected
to on firoand that lie Don ot
Reaard Prison a, He-formitorr,
he raid the overcharge wai due to his own
mlstsks In transmitting an order. Bids
wer referred to a committee for compilation.
Bell Company Buys
Five More Exchanges
Telephone Plants at North Flatte and
Near Cities Disposed of by
Present Owners.
From a Waff Correnpondrnt.)
t,fCOIr. Ken.. Pec. M).-(Speclal.)-The
tteiapJt-of'pr. farr of the State Hoard of
TTeattr! erTarlea to censor the report of
the examiners and itlve out what he de
sir about the conditions they found In
ths madlral colleges of the state, Is raising
a rumpus that promises to assume con
siderable proportions.
This morning rr. H. B. Cummins, the
eleetU meipfter of the board, sent a letter
to If. Carr' In which he dpmanded that
he cause to be published a full report In
full, on th irround that that which he
did not glva out was Indirect and Incom
Cart la a homeopath and the other two
members' are allopaths, and the report
Monks' slightingly of the eclectic school In
this city. Naturally the eclectics don't llks
It and they Say that not only did the ex
aminers not make such an Investigation
as would be worth anything, but that the
secretaries agreed that a hearing should
ba grVfitted all. colleges before the report
was (Ivan out. for publication.
Dr. Cummins proposes to follow up his
dsmand by giving a thorough ventilation
of the whole affair, Including all of the
facta connected with the Investigation, and
how the examiners arrived at their con
clusions. It lalfUlmated that before the
trouble Is ended It will be shown that the
visits of thr axamlaers to at least two of
tha colleges covered an extremely limited
period 'of Jtlrns,
' Delehaatr Under Fire.
Fix or eight Lincoln men responded to an
anonymous Invjtattpn to ba present at a
meeting-to lx held' at the Young Men's
Christian association this noon to discuss
ihe propriety of tha appointment of James
lelehanty as warden of the penitentiary.
No other action was taken by those present
than to tqrm an organization to Investigate
the charges against tha newly appointed
warden, to ask men who have first knowl
edge of his fitness or unfitness for the
plaoa to . testify before tha organization,
that It might b able to lay Its findings
befora the ovrnor, thereby either proving
tha rumors on' Mr. Delehanty or exoner
ating him. A. committee of four tvs named
to aea If first hand, testimony could be se
cured, which committee will call a second
meeting when it has 'secured more tangible
evidence. '.'''
Those present were: J. Q. Cordner, for
years a teacher In the prison Sunday
school; C. T. Powers, for many years the
superintendent of the prison Sunday school;
C. C. Flansburg, the present superintendent
of this school; J. B. Ferguson, Dr. George
K. Howard. O. 'A -Chapman, R. C. Ozman,
Mr. Hyde, Frank A. Harrison, and for a
few moments. Rev. A. L. Weatherly.
Mr. Cordner announced that he had sent
out the Invitations, but since he found that
thoae to whom the requests for attendance
were sent were not Ukely to appear unless
the circular bore a signature, he whined
that he had signed his name, that he had
nothing to conceal. He stated that he had
no first-hand evidence against the gov
ernor's selection! that Mr. Delehanty had
always treated him all right, but that dur
lng his long '-Service 'as a Sunday school
worker durlnlr the time the appointed
warden served In less authoritative posi
tions he had heard persistent rumors as to
his conduct.
The) Cm Aaratnat Him.
He charged that Mr, Delehanty was not
In sympathy, with the idea that a peniten
tiary Is a reformatory and that he Is not
pleased with religious services for the con
Other and far more serious charges were
made by other men present, but none of
these was from first hand evidence. It
was declared a known fact that Governor
Shallenberger had retained the deputy
warden, Mr. Delehanty, at the request of
'Warden Smith and that he had removed
him also at- the request of the warden.
who had avsked this action of the governor
because of speclflo objections he had to
hla services. P. C. Johnson, formerly chap
lain at the penitentiary and now repre-eeotaUve-eleot
from Johnson county, was
to have been present at the meeting with
faota observed by him during his service.
but he telephoned his Inability to get
away because of serious illness In his fam
It was stated at the meeting that the at
tentloa .the governor-elect - had ben
oalled to,, toe, objections against Delehanty
an dthat tie, was possessed of full second
hand Information. The next move, it was
thought, was either to give the appointee
a clean bill of health or to substantiate
the rumors which, have been sent to Mr.
LEXINGTON, Neb., Pec. 20 (Special
Telegram.)-E. M. F. Leflamr. Eben D.
Warner and Alf K. Grantham, through the
I'awnon County National bank on Monday
of this week sold to the Nebraska Tele
phone company their telephone interents at
North Platte and went. G. E. McFarland,
G. II. Tratt and U B. Wilson were In
Lexington representing the Hell Interests.
The consideration Is supposed to have
been tioo.or.
The North Platte Telephone company
owned five exchanges at North Platte, Big
Hprlngs, Brule. Keystone and Oca I al In, In
cluding over 1,000 telephones and a copier
long distance line from North Platte to
Julesburg, Colo. Eben D. Warner was man
ager and Alf E. Grantham president, and
their lines covered about one-quarter of
the a'.ate.
Mr. Warner will remain as mantger for
a time and will develop S40,XX) of Imme
diate Improvements that the Bell company
has In prospect. This Is the first of his
state Interests that Mr. Leflang has sold.
&ives Quart of Blood
For School Tuition
John Goodnough Submits to Transfu
sion at Lincoln, Saving Life of
Mrs. L. C. Keck.
Obssjss 'Piled with Supervisors Con
' aerslnsr Con d net ejf Standard
'Company's Hen.
LINCOLN. Dec. 20.-Speclal Telegram.)
Mrs. L. C. Keck, the wife of a promi
nent business man of this city, owes her
life to the heroism of John Goodnough, a
university student whose home Is in Chad-ron.
Mrs. Keck was suffering from an acute
attack of blood poisoning and her life was
despaired of Monday evening. As a last
resort Goodnough consented to give the
woman a quart of his blood. Goodnough
was sorely In need of money with which to
continue his university work and received
1100 for his blood.
The operation was performed Monday
night and the woman is now on the road to
recovery. Goodnough is now In a weak
ened condition, but will pull through.
outsMe sjiniril. William rhlsholm. Jncob
Kiiss and F. II. Pope, hoard of trustees. j
GOKI'ON-The series of meetings In the
Methodist Ep scopnl church in Gordon
closed Inst tiKlit sftcr s.x weeks of soul
stlrrinit re'lvnl work. These meetings were!
in rhartf of the pasii-r. Kev. Id-njamin
Kuliler. assisted hv Mr. U. Carrmllne of1
St Ioiils and Kev. Will Huff of Sioux I
City. Eully H'V) people have been to the'
altar for prayers, and with few excepvjons !
tnese HHe soKht Bret obtained the Mess
ing of holiness. Plans for a new n.()
church edifice are under consideration.
CHAMRON Dawes county district court,
wit n W. H W'cMow r presiding Judge, ad
journed after a four dnys' session until
February . 1!11, at which time the Jurors
from the farm feel they can better afford
the time to henr cases. One criminal case
against (!us Nelson for embezzlement was
tred. with verdict for defendant; the other
aiialnst James Williams for robbery was
d.smlssed by the county attorney. A few
civil cases, of only local Interest, were
tried, and eiKhty left for the adjourned
CENTRAL CITY-Derlarlng that by
pleading guilty to running a disorderly
place. Oscar lilevlns violated the ordinance
under which he was licensed by the cit,v
to operate a box bowling allev, the council
at Its reKular monthly meeting declared
his license revoked and the license monev
paid by him forfeited. I'pon complaint of
Ed Foster. Mr. Hlevins was haled before
Judge White Hnd charged with keeping a
disorderly pla e, in that he kept open on
Sundays, allowed miners to frequent the
place, and allowed other undesirable fea
tures to exist.
REPI BI.TCAN CITT-W. H. Bright, aged
f years, Niled Sunday nisht In this cltv.
He had been suffering from heart trouble
for the last two or three years. He came
here -with his family about six months ago
from Colorado and ensaqed In the confec
tionery and restaurant business. He was a
member of the Ancient Order of Un ted
Workmen. Mr. Bright leaven a wife, six
sons and three daughters to mourn bis
K's. Funeta; was held Tuesday in the
Methodist church, conducted bv the pas
tor. Kev. W. H. Haskins.
CENTRAL CITY Word has reached here
of the death of H. Anthony at Long Hcach
c'al. Mr. Anthony was for years one of
the wealthiest and most prominent citi
zens of the county. He was Interested with
bis son, Arthur Anthony, in the famous
xnthony sheep ranch west of the city, and
when they finally moved from here a few
years beo. this big ranch was divided Into
small farms and sold Mr. Anthony came
of a distinguished family, being a near
relative of the famous Susan B. Anthony,
and of Colonel I. R. Afthony. founder of
the Leavenworth, Kan., Times.
CHAPRON Thanks to the energy of
Father liolan, (formerly of Omaha), it hni
been decided to Immediately commence
work on the new Catholic school building,
to be completed the com ng season, at a
cost of not less than 130.000. Chadron Is
determined to keep In advance of sll school
Interests In northwestern Nebraska, having
located Its Congregational academy the
first week of Its existence, being August,
l.vSo. snd ever since making Its school
atmosphere Its first object. This new
school will probably be ready ' for work
at the same time as the new state normal
A Simple Sateanard for Mothers.
Mrs. D. Gllkeson, .Sit Ingles Are
Toungstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by
perlence. "My little girl had a severe cold
and coughed almost continuously. My
sister recommended Foley's Honey snd
Tar. The first dose I gave her relieved
the Inflamatlon In her throat and after
using only one bottle her throat and lungi
were entirely free from Inflammation.
Since then I always keep a bottle of
Foley's Honey and Tar in the house."
Accept no substitutes. Sold by all druggists.
Mexican Troops Fail to Capture City,
as First Reported.
Troop Train that Was Carrylaa; Re
in forcemeats for (ienrral Jla
varro le forced to Betarn
to Bnatllloa.
CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, Dee. 19 (Via El
Paso, Tex., Dec. 20.) It was learned today
that General Navarro failed to capture
Malpaso, despite previous reports from
Mexico City to that effect. Losses on both
sides during the two days' fighting are
reported to have been heavy.
The troop train which left here Saturday
night with soldiers Is said to have failed
to form the proposed Juncture with Na
varro. The train is said to have been
fired upon and many government troops
killed and wounded. It was reported to
night that sixty wounded would be brought
to this city. The train was fired on near
San Andres and returned to Bustlllos,
where the engine is reported to have run
out of water, with none near to replenish
the supply. The troop train which was to
have been taken out of here today by Ad
jutant Smith, an American, did not start.
The passenger train which was held up
near La Junta last Thursday has not been
heard from. Generol Navarro encountered
the Insurrectos at Pedernales and Mal
paso !ast Thursday, and by ntfchlfH'l
seemed to have the fight won. He has
since reported that the Insurgents brought
In reinforcements In swarms and estimated
them o number as high as I.0"0 on Friday.
The next day Navarro seems to have
been uraVle to hold bis advantage of the
day befJMt It is considered significant
that he baa not claimed a victory since
his official dispatch made public on the
17th. " .
Oleomnrsarlne Denier Arrested.
PHF.R1DAN, Wyo.. Dec. 30.-SpcdaU-M.
N. Morgan was arrested by the 1'nlted
States marshal yesterday, charged with
violating the revenue laws. Morgan has
been rtotnjt ' a landofflce business In the
sale Of oleomargarine, which he colored
and labeled as creamery butter. Hundreds
of fanittM fn Sheridan did not know the
differed '" and Morgan's business w as
growing hi' lesps and bounds.
Wyomlnsr Bounty Fend Exhausted.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Dec. 20 (Special.)
The bounty fund appropriated by the Inst
legislature, aggregating tWOPO. will be ex
hausted this week. Stockmen from all
parts of ' the slate are demanding at the
(hands of the In-coming legislature an ap-
proprlatlon for the ensuing two years equal
to that of the last two, and the wool
growers request that the sum appropriated
be not less than 1100.000.
Rawlins Wants Iron Plant.
RAWLINS, Wyo., Dec. (Special.)
The business men of Rawlins will ask the
Union Paolflc to establish the rolling mills
. l
In ic. the plant haxli-i; . n ilntroycd b.
fire at Laramie re.--ntiy. ' It Is pointed out
that l;aw litis Ik 1i y to iJie of ti e
largest Iron oie fli ids In the west, sn.l
that the rav mater al lies right at Its
doors. Committees, will be appointed to
take the matter p with the. railroad company.
Woman Who ne( Former Major of
Topekn for Breach of Promise
(.Hen Five Thousand Hollars.
TOPEKA. Kan, Dec. Jo.-MIss Selln.t
Dalrymple. a school tencher of Milwaukee,
Wis., was Riven damages of t,"..X) by a
Jury In the district court here last night
against William Greene, former mayor of
Topcka. whom she sued of violating his
agreement to marry her. Miss Dnlyrmpln
asked for 50.0n0 damages. The trial was
A Break for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is
made when a 55o box of Dr. Klrg's New
Ufe Pills Is bought. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Fnneral of Chief Jnntlre llnrnrsa.
funeral services of Chief Justice Gavon D.
Burgess of the supremo court were held
at the family residence here today. The
services were conducted by the Rev. Dr.
J W. Smith of the Methodist church and
w'ere attended by sll the state officers
The body was taken this afternoon to Lin
neus. Mo., where It will be burrled tomor
1 . "
Skeleton of Gabriel Peyton, an Asjed
Farmer Near Callaway, Fonnd
by Hon.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Dec. 20.-Spec!al
Telegram.) Word has reached here that
the body of Gabriel Peyton, an aged farmer
living several miles north of Callaway,
was partially devoured by hogs during the
early hours of Sunday morning. It is pre
sumed the old man wandered from his bed
to the hog yard and was there overcome
by heart failure or something of a like
nature. When discovered by his son, Pey
ton's body was almost a skeleton, hogs
having eaten all the flesh from the knees
up. It is hardly probable Peyton was at
tacked and killed by the hogs.
Institute Asks for Crentlon of State
Hlflwlr Com mission.
BEATRICE. Nebl,' ' Dec. 20." (Special.)
At the closing; session of the Gage County
Farmers' Institute the following resolution
was unanimously adopted:
Be it resolved by the Gage County Farm-
era' Institute, in annual meeting assembled.
that we favor the enactment by the next
legislature or a law establishing a state
highway commission such as haa been In
successful operation In the state of 111!
nols tor a number of yeara. and we request
our members of the legislature to support
sucn a measure.
In the corn Judging contest T. E. Stewart
was awarded first prise, John E. Andreas
second. J. H. Tubba third and K. B,
Claassen fourth.
The officers for the institute 70 elected
as follows: D. 8. Dalbey. president; G. A.
Wieba, vice president; John Essam, secre
tary; W. A. Foreman, treasurer.
In the women's section these officers
were elected: Miss Hattle Summers, presi
dent; Mrs. Henry Essam, vice president;
Miss Dora Jamleson, secretary; Mrs. A. K.
Kldd, corresponding secretary; Miss Mae
Reed, treasurer.
Fillmore Connty Cases.
GENEVA, Neb., Deo. SO. (8peclal.)In
county court yesterday Carl Stevens and
Stanley Worland were tried and bound over
to the district court, charged with assault
lng and taking from the person of Fred
Elchsted a bottle of whisky and ti in
money. Today in the same court Emll
Kohler was tried for assaulting Joe Slezak.
The first case came here from Grafton and
the latter case la from Mllllgan.
University Place Conple Married.
CHICAGO. Dec. 20. (Special Telegram.)
Edward Leigh, aged 61, and Emma Hove,
aged 2, both of University Place, Neb.,
were licensed to marry here today.
HASTINGS, 'Neb., Dec. M.-(8peclal Tel
egrara.r Ftltnif of charges against the
Standard Bridge company of Omaha today
caused, the Aams county supervisors to
put over until tomorrow the award of the
county bridge contract for 1911. Four bids
were presented, but competition was really
between the Omaha firm and the Hastings
Foundry and Iron works, whose attorney.
It.' A. Batty presented a written protest
accusing the Standard Bridge company of
overcharging for work done this year, of
charging; for materials that were not put In
the bridges and of having Imorpeprly In
fluenced members In previous yeara by
giving them presents with a view to ob
taining the county contracts.
Ex-Supervisor D. H. Wentworth testi
fied that the Standard Bridge company
gave him a 160 tailor-made suit of clothes
In Omaha and ofered to pay .his expenses
on a trip to Excelsior Springs, Mo. He said
also that at the contract letting In Decem
ber, 1V08, after the proposal of an Inde
pendent bidder had been read. County Clerk
Misea took the Standard Bridge company's
proposal Into hla private vault accom
panied by Dan Roberts of the Standard's
staff and that on Mr. Mixen's return to
the board room It was found that tha
Standard's bid was the lowest
Mr. Mtsen declared that he went Into
the vault to get a box of cigars; he admit
ted that Roberts went Into the vault with
him, but he denied that they had changed
the Standard's bids.
Mr. Meath. representing the Standard,
eald tfcat while .parts of the superitruc
ture of bridges had been charged for this
year as extras his company had followed
tha statutes strictly. He admitted an
overcharge for work which was not done
according to specifications, but said he
was willing to return the money to the
oounty.' When asked to do so by the board
Nebraska News Notes.
FULLERTON I-ast Friday evening the
members and congregation of the Presby
terian church tendered a reception to the
new pastor, the Kev. James K. Driver, and
family. 1
LEXINGTON Chancellor C. A. Fullmer
of the Wesleyan university, addressed a
large audience In the new Methodist Epis
copal church. His address was along the
line bf a ChriHtian eaucauon from tne
schoolmaster's standpoint.
BEATRICE Word was received here
yesterday from Omaha announcing the
death of William Eby, Jr., a former resi
dent of th a county, which occurred In St.
Joseph's hospital there of typhoid fever
The body will be brought here for interment.
FULLERTON The weather has been so
favorable for work on the new school
house and Preaby terlan church that many
workmen have been employed nearly every
day rushing the work, and the buildings
show rapid development. The laat week
the dome was placed upon the church.
and with continued favorable weather the
buildings will be so far advanced that work
Inside can be done during stormy weather.
CHADRON Knights of Columbus Mon
day night elected the following officers fur
the ensuing year: J. W. Finnegaa. grand
knight; F. H. Pope, deputy grand knight
Will am Chaulk, treasurer; E. O. Dugan
financial secretary; Charles Dargan. chan
cellor; Thomas Power, warden; Daniel
Burna lecturer; William Chishoim, advo
cate; N. Frits, Inside guard; M. Letcher,
Cures blood diseases and re
stores health and strength.
There is no "just as good"
medicine. Get it today and be
gin taking it at once.
In usual liquid form or In chocolate
coated tablets called sWraataks.
jLjkjn -in. uiijj
Helps For
rihe Undecided
The memoranda on the ''
reverse side of this Tag-Policy
Is guaranteed to correctly
represent the exact status of
the article to which this tag
was originally attacheN-tr
only are the facts exactly aV
stated, but no essential fact
is omitted.
Be certain that the article '
is named, that its construc
tion is specified, that all
trade terms are avoided, and
that the guarantee Is clearly
This Tag-Policy Is Issued
as Insurance against mis
understanding of sales-statements,
trade terms, etc.
Every article sold by this
house is tag-insured In this
Miller, Stewart
& Beaton Co.
$7.50 Marble bust of Aphrodite beautiful as the
story of the goddess sculptured.
$10.00 "Craftsman" solid oak stands built
along substantial lines two drawers.
$12.00 Inviting dressing tables mahogany ve
neer on birch polished deep set mirrors.
' $3.75 Strong desks and chairs for children oak
finish on elm certain to please.
t $2.00 Leather foot stools soft and responsive-7-.
I'?-. several in light and brown shades. . ,
$3.50 Bulky looking brass jardiniere's right di
mensions for the rooms.
$3.25 Trim medicine cabinet imitation oak, mir
ror front small but roomy solid shelves.
$12.00 Sewing chair massive mahogany with
inlaid rocker neatly upholstered- '
$3.50 Perpetual calendars that are accurate
solid brass beautiful and useful.
$8.00 Superior musio cabinets selected birch
neatly arranged sure to delight.
$7.00 Rope portieres superlative in quality
pretty colors and dainty arrangement.
$7.00 Artistic brass candlesticks nearly two feet
tall, with large base Colonial.
1 ' " -1
1 i
' ti
0 H
Policy ,
is the
of Making
Each Tag
a Policy
Insuring ,
and Price
$20.00 Top post beds, mahogany finish on birch;
serviceable three-quarter and full 6izes.
$7.50 Solid oak Dressers with three drawers, rich
dark finish highly polished.
$4.00 Exquisite solid oalc tables for your pri
vate room they look dainty.
$2.50 Commodity boxes, in shirt waist sizes
hard pine with Corean matting cover.
$0.00 Skirt boxes-long enough for all skirts
deep enough for many. Hard pine.
$15.00 Daghestan rugs fanciful designs allur
ing colors rare gifts at rare prices,
$2.25 Fireside rugs lend cozy effects to . the
room thirty-rfiix by seventy-two inches.
$1.50 Royal Smyrna bath rugs, high class article,
eighteen by thirty-six inches.
$3.25 Handy cabinet one you can place on any
wall, and it will: look neat solid oak.
$10.00 Electric, stained glass lamps, artistic
quality and spelndid values spread glow.
Inevitable! Good furniture may be cheap, but "cheap"
furniture cannot be good.
Open evenings
Established 1854
tewsirt &
o8Ltn Co
413-415.417 Suth Sixteenth Street. Omaha
. f