Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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AmBxsmwm mtokk opkx kvkxix(;s tim, cimiflTMAs
What, a Christmas
Without SLppers!
About as well a Christmas
without "Santa Chius." .
Witl, tlttrt iffd be no $urh A'mq in
Om'ihn, mill, from pr'ttnt M ling,
bolt lik'. V'l'c. o'l eiviH'ti for retry
nn'iU fofl lit (hnnk't Yet there art
t'.inc icU or; sliifirrUns; or you may
bt perpl-xtfl ab iut iriu( to give there
fore th) hint-
Boudoir Slippers
Of red anj tan kid leather for
glrlg, misses ar.1 women:
Sizes tf to 8 8.
Klzfs 11 to 2. . . . 1.00
Sizes 3 to 8 81.25
High cut red felt with fur top
Sizes 5 to 8 85 Sizes 11V4
Opera Slippers
For boys and young men red
leather only
SIms 5 to 11 SI. OO
Sizes 11 H to 2. . .81.35
Sizes 2H to 6 $1.50
m ytjuj
Explosion in New York Probably Due
to Slippery Rails.
Three Hanrtred Persons Are More or
Leae InJnreU -Ilnndreda of I.n
hurtri Clearing fivtnr
the Debris.
NEW TORK. Hoc. 20 Investigation of
the mute of the explosion In the Nw
York Central power house yesterday,
which resulted In ten death, the Injury
of more than 100 person and a money low
estimated at upwards of 12.000 000, was con
tinued with eeal today by city and county
authorities.. .
Although the exast source of the disaster
haa not been determined. It may be found
that a handful of sand or the different
plnc'riK of a timber pile would havt saved
the city from the shock and tremendous
damage of the explosion. It Is generally
conceded that the first cause of the up
heaval was a runaway train of electric
cars In the Central cut near Fiftieth street
and Lexington avenue, that crashed over
a bumper against th power house, brol'e
a feed pipe and caused a large quantity
of gas to accumulate In the power house
This was detonated, possibly by an elec
tric spark from a short circuit. The mo
torman of the train. Albert Seagroett, was
unable to. stop the ears in time to avoid
their disastrous crash Into the bumper.
Investigation by Coroner Holtzhauser and
the other authorities, who are making In
dependent, inquiries, Is proceeding with a
view to dve'.ormc the circumstances of
the first hmk lh'the feed pipe, the time
which elapsed between this 'rupture and
the explosion.1 thei preventive means em
ployed to avoid an explosion, und all other
details. . i .-
Searching: the Hulns.
Meanwhile,, search of the ruins pro
gressed for. bodies. - John P. Quthler. an
electrician, 'died In a hospital during the
night, adding one to yesterday's list of
nine known, deed.
All during the night hund.-eda of laborers
were kept busy In clearing away the
twisted Iron framework and heavy beams
The authorities believe tne number of J
deaths will not go over elevto. Ten ar
known to he dead. The officials think thai
perhaps one man may he dead in the
ruins. This man, whose name cannot be
' learned. ' has not been accounted for. and
he Is supposed, to have been working near
the scene of the wreck. The total number
of Injured Is estimated at 800.
W. II., Mho Wit Preparing
to Celebrate Seventieth Wedalns;
Anniversary, I Dead.
K1RKSVILLK, Mo.. Dee. tO.-Wllllam
Howard Sheeks, whose proudest boast was
that he had never told a Ho. or quarreled
with his wife, and who had celebrated more
wedding anniversaries probably than any
man la north Missouri, died yesterday at
hie home near Klrksville, at the age of h.
He aud his wife were planning to celebrate
their seventieth wedding anniversary on
December 14. His wife, aged 90, is pros
trated. "Una reason we bave lived so long is that
we bave never .quarreled," eaid hs a few
days ago. "I don't believe we ever said a
cross word to eaah other during our long
married Ufa. So far as I know. I have
never told a He In my lite."
Supreme Conrt Make latercstlaa; De.
cisloa la Case Involving Houd
el Contraetor.
WASHINGTON. Dec. M.-In order fur a
construction to be a "public work" -It Is
not necessary for It to be attached to the
sol); It may float. Such Is the decision of
the supreme court of the United States.
The point arose In a suit In the state of
Washington as to whether or not the single
screw steamer Lieutenant Harris, being
built In i'.Ki at the Puget Bounld Engine
works for the I'nlted States army was a
"public work" within the meaning of the
statute relating to sureties. The lower
court held that It was within the statute
and awarded a Judgment against the Title
Guaranty and Trust company of Scran ton.
Fa., on the bond and In favor of various
firms and individuals for material used In
lite construction of the vesael.
The supreme court has Just affirmed the
Proceedings Aaralaat Federal Officers
Involving Talrel Dearee Mrta nronnrai.
NEW ORLF.ANS, Dee. SO. Judge Foster.
In the rhlt.d States circuit court today dis
missed the contempt proceedings svalnst
Francis W. Bird of New York, xteclal as
sistant I'nlted States attorney, and Frank
I.. Gurlarino. special agent of the De
partment of Justice, who were charged
ntlh administering the "third degree" tr
w Utilises summoned before the snccta
grand Jury which Is Investigating allege,
frauds In sugar Innovations at this port.
. V.V i i,V
for the Rentier sex ages 4 to 90.
to 2...$1 Sizes 3 to 8.. 81.35
"Ye" Bachelors
Who will be Santa Clau's. in
giving shoes to poor children
don't forgtt that this store is
headquarters for chlldrena
shoes at the "right" prices.- .
Editor Tread well ;
Takes the Warpath
North Dakota Newspaper Man Shoots
Person He Suspected of Steal
in? His Whisky.
ROCK LAKE, N. D., Dec. 20 George
I'iKKlns has a bullet hole in his lung and
Charles Bills has one In his neck aa the
result of the marksmanship of Editor
Troadwell of the Rocklake Ripples.
Kdltor Treadwell Is In Jail at Cando. The
shooting followed the d.sappoarance of
some whisky from the editor's office.
Treadwell suspected PI ft Kins and demanded
from him the return of the whisky.
Igglna denied taking the liquor. Tread
well attacked Plgglns and Bills attempted
to art as peacemaker. Treadwell then fired
at Pig-gins, but hit Bills. The second
bullet lodged in Dlgglns' lung. It is thought
both men will recover.
(Continued from First Fage.) ,
aa strongly as they know how to President
How President Ferls.
.Senator Brown, who has had a number
of talks with the president regarding
Judicial places to be filled, said today that
I ho president was looking for fitness
primarily and that he desired to promote
Judges who had distinguished themselves
by their decision, by their broadness of
culture and by their Judicial attainment
to higher places, which accounted most
largely for the promotion of Judge' Van
Devanter and others of clroult or district
benches. Where' the president could not
find a judge who measured up to the re
quirements that he laid down he would
seek In a distinguished lawyer those qual
ifications that would make for an up
right and Impartial Judge, the appointment
of Mr. Justice Hughes being an example
on kind.
Of Mr. Iearned. Senator Brown spoke
In most enthusiastic terms. Hs said he
had all the requisites of a great jurist
and that In event Judge Calkins would
not be considered In connection with the
Van Devanter vacancy, he would pull
i rung for Myron Learned, because hs re
garded him as one of the very best
equipped men In the whole commonwealth
f Nebraska for such an office.
The Iowa delegation are split up, which
Is not In any wise presented as new and
startling news, Into two samps, Individual
members of the delegation urging upon
the president the appointment, of Judges
Deemer and MacLean for the vacancy on
the circuit bench.
To add to the embarrassment of the sit
uation growing out of the vacancy In the
Klghth circuit. Judge Frank R, Aitkin of
Sioux Falls, B. IX, who Is a candidate to
succeed Judge Van Devanter, Is In Wash
ington for the purpose of furthering his
own candidacy, and this Is only the begin
ning of what the president will be up
against In the next few weeks, for It Is
understood that nothing will be done to fill
the vacancy until alter congress is again
In session on Capitol HUI.
Newport Khlpbnlldlaar Compear Will
Build Giant Flghtlaa-'MaeMne
at Cost of Biz Bullion.
WASHINGTON. Dec. S0.r-The contract
for building the 27.000-ton battleship Texas
was today awarded to the Newport News
Shipbuilding company, the lowest bidder at
The award provides for reciprocating
engines Instead of giant turbines, which
are now being Installed on nearly all other
modern warships.
. As no bid In regular form was received
for the construction of two sqlllers author
ised by the last appropriation within the
limit of cost fixed, namely,, $1,000,000, It
will be necessary for congress ta Increase
that limit It these additions' 'are to be
Federal Conrt Takes Temporary
Caarce of I.lae Iron Albia
to CeaterTtlle.
DKS MOIXK8. Ia.. Dec. 20. -Judge Smith
McPherson. In federal court today, named
William Bird as temporary receiver for
the Albla Centervllle rallroad'onnect
Ing these two towns, upon petition' of the
Iowa Central Railroad company.V, 'Injunc
tions were asked to stop two suits on notes
totaling over $100,000 by Centervllle parties
and to prevent the transfer of the property
to the Southern Iowa Traction company.
Boat roatalalaa- a Fishing Party la
Oeertaraed Off Rorkanar'
NEW YORK. Dec. JO.-Flve persons were
drowned off Rockawey Beach this after
aoon, when the boat from which they were
fishing overturned. . .
Serloea laeerntlona
r.d wounds are healed without danger of
blood poisoning by Lucklen'a Arnica Salve,
he healing wonder, lie. For sale by
tieaton Drug Co.
r-r-TYTx ti l fi I .
Dei Moines City Conncil Ends Long
Quarrel Over Him.
Artlvltr In Rrrml Poller Investtaa
tlna Mill t& Re - nf .411 the
Trmlilf Mr. Itiannoii to
rir Farm.
(From a Ktaff CorrespnnriVnt )
l'FS M (INKS. Ia.. Pec. 2n.-(S;eclal Te'e
rram.) A InrK standing quarrel In the city
council over retaining on the police force
tine. Ahner Pay. rsme to an end today
when he eas reinstated by vote of the city
council, or rather his term of suspension
wns reduced to five days and he was Im
mediately put back.
Day had .been suspended by Commis
sioner Ilio for alleged failure to attend to
duty, but In reality the cause of hia In
activity was hij share In securlnn evidence
of mlmnnat,ement of the police force
some months neo. He had acknowledged
a technical violation of the rules, but the
demand of the public for reinstatement was
so great that the council had to yield.
Man In I'ri.nni Wife tn I'nnr farm.
Anotljer tragic chapter was added In
the life of Mrs. Laura Chsnnon. wife of
(ieorse 11. Channon, now serving a thirty
years' sentenco in Annmosa. when she was
taken to the country farm. Channon was
convicted of the crime of assault with In
tent to Mil, pleading guilty to the charge
of slashing- his wife's throat with a knife
one nisht last summer. He was sent to
prison for thirty years.
Thrown Sixty-Six Feet
Off Motorcycle
Oscar Myhre of ason City Probably
Will Recover from Effects of
Long and Hard Fall.
MASON CITV. Ia.. Dec. 20.-(Speclal-A
good deal of Interest Is manifested over
the injury to Oscar Myhre. which occurred
on Saturday. He was riding his motor
cycle In the vicinity of Fertile, and as
nearly as can be learned, was going at a
slxty-mllo-an-hour clip, when he struck the
culvert. By actual measurement from the
point where he left the bicycle to the place
he struck, It was sixty-four feet. While
he has 'been unconscious for hours, his
mind Is slowly clearing up and chances for
his recovery are more favorable. Now the
contention Is made that It was the distance
he was thrown that really saved his life.
Had he Immediately struck the ground
when he left the wheel, It is stated that
he was going with enough force to have
broken every bone in his body, and the
distance he traveled In the air reduced the
Blase, Probably of Incendlnry Orlatln,
Does Heavy Da inn a; e to Monster
Plant of System.
FORT DODGE, Ia.. Dec. "0. (Special Tel
egramsThe Immense plant of the Great
Western Cereal company In this city was
heavily damaged by fire tonight. Fire
broke out suddenly as hundreds of employes
were leaving at ft o'clock and the night
shift was going on. No one was Injured.
The cornmeal mill is totally gone, the
package department destroyed and a brave
fight for the remainder of the plant was
partly i successful. The loss will be many
thousands, wlt)t Insurance large.
General Manager J. P. Gates of Chicago
happened to arrive today. The Fort Dodge
plant Is the largest of tho big system.
Fire started In the cornmeal fill, a new
j structure In the center of the plant, where
operations wouia nave started January 1.
Much machinery and stock was In place.
Ths blase Is very probably of Incendiary
Dlfferencee Over Right to Withdraw
Slainatnrea Canaes Trouble.
FORT DO DOE. Deo. 20. (Special.) New
excitement In the saloon fight here Is
aroused today In a dispute over the length
of time that Is given for securing with
drawals. Borne contend this privilege' Is
extended only ten days after the petition
Is filled and others maintain withdrawals
can be made until the board of supervisors
canvasses the petition. Mr. Wright of the
Anti-Saloon league, holds a supreme court
decision gives only ten days from the time
of filing. The mulct law has no stipulation
concerning this matter, Ic Is asserted.
If only ten days are allowed, the Civic
league has only four more days for ac
tivity, and many feels this means failure
of the anti-saloon cause. On the other
hand, If they can work until the petition
Is psssed upon, they have until January 14,
as the board of supervisors have set that
day for the canvass. The question is being
Today the liberal league, representing the
saloon faction, publishes Its willingness to
pay the expenses of a special election on the
saloon question, to be held January S, with
secret ballot It states that 1,400 voter
will vote yes. Including many not on the
petition because they feared personal polit
ical or financial danger.
Foar Accidents at Marshall tenn. '
MARSH ALLTOWN, Deo. 20.-(Speclal.)-Three
were burned, two very seriously,
and another had his leg crushed In a
series of bsd accidents here and near here
last night and this morning. The badly
burned are Mrs. John Hanks, aged 90. of
Dillon and Freddie Wiggins, aged 7, of
this city. Mrs. Hanks is not likely to re
cover. Stricken with an attack of heart
failure while she was carrying a kettle
of boiling water, Mrs. Hanks fell, splfllng
the water all over her. In falling she
struck the stove fracturing two ribs.
When 'John, his brother, threw a lighted
match at Freddie Wiggins this morning, the
match struck the boy's flannel shirt, stuck
t) it and ignited It badly burning the boy's
back, neck, face and arm. His mother.
Mrs. Mary Wiggins, burned her hands in
saving the boy. The lad's burns are seri
ous. Thomas Van Draska, a Great Western
freight brakeman of Des Moines, fell under
a freight car at Ira last night and had his
left foot crushed. He was hurried to this
city, where the foot was amputated. Van
Draska formerly lived here.
Many Woodmen Initiated.
BURLINGTON, la... Dec. . (Special Tel
egram.) Over 1.8 candidates from Bur
lington, Keokuk, Fort Madison, Rome,
Lockrldge, Mount Pleasant and Fairfield,
Ia.; and Warsaw, 111., were initiated to
night by Black Hawk camp. Woodmen of
the World. Dr, O. H. . Schleh of Omaha,
national lecturer and G. W. Gelger of
Council Bluffs, state manager, were in
charge. Only the holiday rush prevented
K) candidates from appearing.
Plleo Care In to 14 Oars.
Tou druggist will refund money If Paxo
Ointment fads to cure any ease of Itch ng,
Blind, Bleeding or frotrudiug Piles in I
to U days. ut
Steamer Hornet is
Under Observation
Honduran Minister Protests Against j
Its Departure and Revenue Cut- j
ter is Ser.t Alonide. j
NEW OKLKAN8. Dec. 20. The I'nited
States revenue cutter I avv axaln this after. I
noon anchored alonai-lde the steamer Hor-
i net ami speilal cuMoius inspectors were1
Jr'H'til on shot opposite the Hornet s an- j
j chorale with Instructions ' to repjit;
j promptly any actUitls ohs.rved In ronnec-,
tion with Hs pit pi. rations for sailing. j
j WASH NIC, TON, 1hc. 3J.-The Honduran i
minister lod.iy protested to the State de- I
paitnient imainst lermitthig the depaiture .
of the steamer Hornet from New Orleans, j
oil the ground that that vessel t-ontem- '
plates leading a revolutionary expedition j
against President Diivilla. !
Man in Corduroy !
Will Be Released !
No Evidence A;punst the Mvsterious !
Stranger Arrested in Connection j
with Bernhardt Murders. j
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 20. Albert Allen. !
the "man In the corduroy suit," held for j
Investigation In connection with the Bern
hardt murder rase, will he released late this j
afternoon. Sheriff Steed of Johnson county, j
Kansas, said today.
"Allen wus the mysterious stranger we
were looking for," said the sheriff. He
was in the neighborhood about the time the
crime was committed and he admits It.
But he told a straightforward story, which
we have verified In every particular, and I
am convinced he Is Innocent. We are still
up In the air about the rase."
Coalition Majority
Hundred Twenty-Six
Returns from Pinal Pollings for New
British House of Com
mons Are In.
LONDON. Dec. 20. The government
party will have a coalition majority cf 126
In the new Parliament as a result of ths
eloctlon which closed yesterday.
James Gilhooly, who as an O'Brien! te has
long represented the west division of Cork
county, was returned with a majority of
2T.,ri, adding one to the independent-nationalists
total. Gilhooly defeated D. O'Leary,
In the south division of Kilkenny oounty
M. Keating, nationalists was re-elected
with a majority of 1,78
Archbishop Keane la Better.
DUBl'QUK. Ia., Deo. 20. No co-adjutor
archbishop will be appointed for the,.- Du
buque arch-diocese, the health of Arch
bishop Keane having Improved to such an
extent that the Holy See declines to give
him an assistant. It was expected that a
co-adjutor would be appointed at the next
consistory at the Vatican.
Get the Genuine A I era r a.
A substitute Is a dangerous makeshift
especially In medicine. The genuine
Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and
colds quickly and is In a yellow package.
Accept no substitutes. Bold by all drug
gists .
The father
FOR NEBRASKA Generally fair.
FOR IOWA Generallv fair.
SHIPPF.RS' BULLHTIN-Prenare fortv-
eight-hour shipments. In all directions from
Omaha, for temperatures slightly below
freexlng. ,
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg.
m 28
C1 8 a.
a. m..
10 a. m..
11 a. ni..
12 m
1 p. m..
I p. m..
J p. m..
1 p. m..
8 p. ni..
s p. m..
7 p. m..
8 p. m..
We advertise watches and we
are enthusiastic when we speak of
them, because we want you to
know the pleasure Of owning a
watch of precision.
You may have a watch now
but 1b it a good one one that
tells you the time correctly? Most
watches don't.
If we could meet you face to
faoe tell you the merits of the
present day watch THE CRUEN
would sell the old one and buy
the new.
"It's the Watch for You."
Better come in and let us tell you.
tOM AHA .1
Note Diamond settings are dan
gerous unless carefully examined
and repaired Let us look yours
Every SOX
and BOX
ol canJTthouU have a box ct CAS
CARETS in the bottom. Then eat
and be merry, but at bd tlnve remem
ber to take your CASCARET, th
one medicine that will help you help
nature get rid of the exba load without
nip or gripe and that awful upset tick
ieeJing. 189
Buy a 10e bos CASCARKTS-week's
treatmentand have it heady la ns
every eight Xmas week.
sb. sor- TTaar; wnji nr jrau-.i.j'MW ssf mi
Our "Bag"
Henceforth, after WM clean our
exquisite gown or expensive suit
we hang It from a neat wood
lianirer. then suspend It In a
Thus It Is delivered In PF.R
FKT shape; the hanger remains
VOl'US; the biijr comes back to
I'S to id CLKANKD before it goes
out again.
Telephone Tyler 1300 or Auto.
A-21'25, and a wagon calls. Ex
press paid one way on shipments
of 13.00 it over.
Drcshcr Bros.
2211-13 Farnam Street
W o . M
Suit Cases,
Traveling Bags.
Traveling Bags, fitted
with toilet articles,
Ladies' Shopping Bags,
Toilet Rolls,
Gentlemen's Bill Books
and Card Cases,
Collar Bags,
Stick Pin Cases,
Jewel Cases,
Music Rolls,
Medicine Cases and
Attorney's Brief Cases,
Hat Trunks,
Wardrobe Trunks,
Reliable Goods, reasonable
Freling Steinlo
Where Trunks Are Made.
1803 Farnam St.
Th&ro ia Only Ono
That ta
Laizatixra Bromo Qsmmrno
Always remember the full name.
for this signature oa every box.
Christmas Sale at
This is ur first Christmas in this location.
It will be a big one, to sne t be Ung re
membered, if prices and stock count for any
thing. For this special sale, that ends Decem
ber 24th, we quote some of the attractive prices
and mention a few mi the lines we carry:
All 60c Perfumes, per ounce B5o
25c Peroxide , 80
cakes Palm Olive Soap 850
2Ko Ati lea Tooth Soap 150
All 5c Tooth Brusnes 150
20 discount on all Hair Brushes.
$5 discount on all Cloth Brushes.
For lVIen
CI gars The very beat brands.
Military Brushes.
Brushes and Combs.
(Safety Rtxors.
Shaving Brushes, etc
Sfi-cS Cut this
A- f- I Jr
btate ot
0 n yH
Gifts for Men
and Women
Wlmt woman but desires one?
No ilnlntler gift posslhle. We've
a splendid assortment, and the
prices are ilc'lrteillv low
91.50 to $20.00
We have a limited number which
we. have pike 1 specially at 95
BSaCTttTS, S3.50 TO 910.00
GENTS' rOBS. .. 91.00 TO 9.760
STUCK CKAIITB .... 91.50 TO 910
Art Glass, Silverware, Cntlery,
Clocks aud scores of other things
of Interest to givers of useful
'Wolf Jewelry Co.,
405 South 16lh St.
Cty National Hank Building
Business Hen
Refuse to Hire
Drinking dlen
Because they feel that their btisine-s
Interests demand clear heads and cool
heads aa well as an ability to perform
manual labor.
The. man who attempts to :eep his
m"i,a,1,.facult!c" w"'tted up to the point
of brilliancy Is making the greatest mis
take of his life, for It Is a well-known
fact that narcotics destroy not only
nervous energy, but the nerves them
selves, so that It Is only a question of
time when the man who Is stimulating
himself by Intoxicants today will find
himself strarded, with health broken and
pocketbook empty and. In fact, so unde
Birabla froii the employers' viewpoint
that he will be unable to give his services,
aside from expecting much of a compen
sation. 'The Nesl Three-dsy Cure has perma
nently cured hundreds, regardless of how
much or how long a man may have drank.
The medicine used Is a vegetable alter
utlve tonic, whioh Is a true antidote to
alcohol, free from narcotlo drugs and
other objectionable features, so that there
are no dangers of any kind to the patient
taxing me nasi vure. urug addictions
aiso treatea. .
The Omaha Neal Institute Is located
at 1602 South Tenth street Patients are
receiver at ail Hours. The genuine Neal
Cure is also administered at 1605 West
Charles street. Grand Island, Neb, For
run information adiress Neal Institute
t o., u. a., lboz south Tenth St
rnrvn t?no who rind their
?ower te
ul vigor
S a work nnrl vonth
weaK and nervous men
one aa a result or over
work or mental exertion should take
win nmu uu eai ana sleep ana be a
man again,
$1 Bog, I Boxes 11(10 by Mall.
txEXMAv ft KccoNin:x.x. smuo CO,
Cor. 16th and Podge Streets.
Ooc 16ta and Varaav sts. Omasa JTefc.
Drug Store
1 pt. 60c Bay Rum, per pt 8M
1 pt bottle Witch Hazel loo
All Shaving Soaps, per cake 5o
25o Rnthynol Tooth Paste ISO
26c Zodanta Tooth Paate 15
20 discount on all Shaving
For Women
Brush and Comb Bets.
Manicure Caeeav.
Manicure Supplies.
Kxtia fine Hair Bruahes and Combs.
Mirrors, etc.
out; will not appear again, $3g!l
lUtflling tJott a fflrrry filljrifilmafi
t a credit of $1.50 to be applied on a pair of
Shur-on, or any other kind of Eye Glasses or
Spectacles fitted with the Famous Krypok invisible, or
other lenses desired, including a scientific examination of
the Eyes by our Skilled Optometnsts authorized by the
Huteson Optical Company, Inc.
S ) ' 2" S 16tK Street. OMAHA.
A ;
A rhrlstniaa present of a ralr'of
high grHile slippers Is a very correct
and appropriate gift. There Is pleas
ure and comfort in the Warm and
pretty fur trimmed llomeoa and slip
pers for ladle, misses and children.
$1.00 to $2.00
Every 'nun and boy nerds the com
fort nf a pair of the handsome' Slip
pers we show at ' '
$1.00 to $3,00
A very handsome gift l a pair of
stylish dtess or street shoes. .
$3.50 to $5.00
The price, style and quality of our
goods will help you decide. ,
The Shoers
Sixteenth and Douif'as Streets
Candy Special
for Wednesday
40o Chocolate 9HA.KVT
TEXS, per pound
. . 850
Only one more spedul siiles day l,a
rore Xmas. Our nimlv department
Is the CANDY (SOf 'Of -Omaha.
S have a.idltloniU .help for this
week, and an abundance of f&ESU
HOME-MADE CAN DT, all ready
put up for Christmas gifts. -
plete your Christma
i -. ' vafiAH u.m
s dinner.
A Ilottle of Whiskey
Makes an Acceptable
Christmas Present, "
ho??Lianr '"rd brand
nottled In bond whi.k...
Per full quart bottle .Vl
California Port hr
Claret, Riesling Vines T
Quart bottle 26c! iSc.SOc ll
Mall and telephone ' orders.
Cacklcy Bros..
Wins Merchants .
11 No. lth Ht. OppvP, a
Both ihpne, . '
. . StOWgltl HALL -Second
Urmi tx.m. v.k ... T.. ..
In nutbamailce and lanauaiU. SlK !
Book. Bea, writ for Yaar
VDEW-' 'rtnolpal
Omaha, Nsbrasks.
Tonlt-bt, all week and icatlaaea.
M-.5,1P Btlsnt Compear la
eats sow on sals for Next week,
A "MTIg FAN." '
atatlaee Every Day at SH5.
Ins. A 1191
VanilHll.U.. m
Dar. BllB! Bnn B., m.- . . V
- . . w . . m. m . i n ..i.
a lamina; Viaielti S
Circus; Waterbury Bros, and Tonny;
Mignonette Kokln- Hnn uu . 1
M.UJLnl B,.'i Walter Grahams'
Manikin Musio Hall;, Klnudj-omo:
Orpbenm Coneert Orchestra.
Measi lse, BBo. coo, a Few at T5e '
Tonight at 8115. .
With famous Tallow Kids
-T.grlL,Z---j rati ot,sow
Tonight, all week, floe to 9 at re!
dooed prices, The Old Homestead
4 days, starting Xmas, Mats. Moo.
Tnss., Jan. ad. 4 p. mv, Mme Sembrtoh
Bvaf. $8 85 SB Tee
Dili, Mat.. ia-aa-ana
-,.IeorU.Krra1' "mutch" Cooper end a
tired sliopi rs" Mat. liaiiy. Ladles, 10.
Extra Frl. Night Chorus Girls' Contest.
Saturday Night Only, leo. 14, Kdlth Spen
cer Stock Co., In "The Strangle."
entitles the holder
Omiha Ag ants tor Miur-on Eye Clasies
and Kryptok Invisible Lansos