14 TTTE BEE: OMAHA. TTT.SPAT, DECEMBER 20. 1M0. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Btari in Wheat Get Encouragement from Liverpool Cables. CORN MARKET SHAPE LOWER rtc-rlp(e Are Urr l.lfceral Demand ta l.err and BotnK la Moetly br the r.letator Hoases Mar ket is ( atttiora). ; as onmi'lled tv the New chnna-. aa a fillowa hu ; increased ai' nil. York Produce e Whftl. 4.' !.in Corn. ! f'4 ) on ; Increased :.4 oa) l,u data. i: 711 bu.; In- ct'-4 Si2.te'i !!. Rye. 47.C" Ir.i. : In, l eas d 7."u tm. Har.ey. I.iuj.iaio nil ; decreased UJ'.Od b'i. The 1slble ami'ily of whrit In lntl last Sqtnrc'ay ttu lo.SJJ.OOO bu., n Increase of 470.ooo bu. WKW YORK vrARn. MARHRT jaolatlona a arloaa OMAHA. Dee. IS. 1910. De.ldrdly weak l.lvetpool cables gave wheat bears eu outngement and ITU1 weie raxed off as the opening conditions aid sentiment rtlcs bearish, but a la' He concentrated holding in lle tnarnfl litems tne ri, llrs, making a at uliborn and flght 1 11 w mark!, subject to the sharp reactions. Ueaiili conditions still i ule the corn mar ket, but good buy Inn on weak spots pre vent any severe t.roaka and any let tip In receipts causes holdri to ligliten values. Tua opening break on lowet cablet was u.lil throughout the !on. Kearly scll n wan the. only feature and following thin the market dull bii1 inactive, t n e)i Milea were "tr lowar, fairly liberal offerings coin rather alow owing to the la, !i of good shipping di-mard. The t orn iiui ket was a shade lr.wer but acted stubborn In the fare of bearish bear ish stitlsiios. Receipts are verv liberal and the stocks arc growing steadily, hav IHIT weakening effect on ca-sh valuea. which ware '4(11,0 lower. Demand was alow and buvlng wai mostly by elevator houses. I'Hmary wheat receipts wera 1.304.C00 bushels and shipments wera 197.000 bushels. gainst receipts last year of 616.000 bushels tnd shlpmenla of 197.000 bushels. 1'iimury torn re. el''ts were l.&uO.OOO bueh tie and shipments were fj7 000 bushels, against receipts last year of 629,000 bushels ind shipments of 232.100 bushels. Clearances were 135.000 bushels of corn, I.U.bu bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to M.oon. bushels. IJverpool closed Id lower on wheat and Vad lover" on corn.' The following cash aales were reported: WHEAT No. 2 bard. cars, rWc; No. 3 hard. 1 car. !NV4c; 1 car, 8ic; 1 car lc; 1 car. Sac: No. 4 hard, 1 car, 87c; No. 2 mixed. 2 cars. V; No. 3 mixed, 1 car. He; 1 car. sse; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, tlhuo, I car. S7c; 1 car. etc. i'oRN-No. 4 white, 1 ear, S9Sc; No. 3 c-ilor, 39'.ic; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 33Vic; 23 cara, 3o; 2 cars. 3Sc; No . 4 yellow, 1 car. tic; 4 cars, 3o; No. a mixed, 8 cars, 39c; II cars. 3S4c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car. 41'c; 2 cars. JK'ic; 1 car. 3Sc; 1 car, 37'4c; no grade, t car.'isc; 1 car, S7e; 1 car, 3le. OATS-Standard. I car. 30c; No. 8 while. It cars, 2r4e; $ cars, 2Vc; No. 4 white, 3 ears. ISVtc: 2 cara. 2'4c; No. I yellow, 1 car,.29'c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 20VjO. Omaha, a Prices. WHEAT No. f.hard, 91'4c: No. 3 bard. 8e91c: No. 4 hard, Sli(i7'o; rejected, bard, 71V4flk4fl;' No. ! spring, "84jc; No. 1 aprlng, He80'4jO. 4'OKN-No. 2 whlta, 424fi4?c; new, 'i 6S4iiC; No. white, 42irM2Ve; new. l!c; No. 4' white, 41V(S42c; new. SS,i$ Wc: No. 3 color, 41V.i-'io; new. V'nc; No. 3 yellow. 4141',c; new, .'I'sSSBc; lo. 3 yellow. 41Vny4io; new. MyiiilSc; So. 4 vellow, 4H"MM: new, tnHe; No. . 4H441e; new, 3-,H(33c; No. 3, 41Wtt l4c; low, 38Vj39o; No. 4, 4tiftUc; new, 7Va'iC. OAT8-N0. 2 whlta. 29;tf4c: standard. .Mn: No.' 3 white. sSVu-'c: No. 4 white, No. 3 yellow, H'ffW'ic; No. 4 yellow. SMllS'c. BAKl.l'.Y No. a. 7UtiT6c; No. 4. 43'0o; No. 1 feed, OCifOo; rejected, 64'ii2c. RYE No. 2, 77VJ78Vc;.No. 3. TiWiTlhia. Carlot Rrcetpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 23 469 170 Minneapolis 78 Uniaha ; 8tS 141 Liuluth 48 NEW sprlrg patents, t 4 4. Ji; winter rlrars, I.I6ii4 40; $t.i(K;l.7o; winter anvas stralkhts f the Par 4 antuiodltlee. YORK. I'er. " H.FIUlR Quiet ; 1 f 5 . ; winter rtraiabta. pHtentS. M 4"'(l 1 .0; spi IllK winter extras. No. 1. extras. No. . $J iVnS 4; t4.N'i4.75. Hyv tiour. to CHKAliO ORAIW AND PHOVIIIOM Featareanf (he. Trading; and CloalB Prices on the Board of Trade. OllCAOO, Deo. 15 With primary ra ceipis mora than double those of yesterday and with ahlpments very scant, the under tone ot the wheat market today waa heavy, 'n the absence of any great selling pres mre, however, prices closed steady at a .let loss of VaUc to a. latest figures for corn were off Vc to mi'ic oats showed He tain to 'iO decline and provisions 2V loss .0 We advance. Although the chief Item of. Immediate Import was the piling up of stocks of wheat ,t the principal centers, unite an Imposing irray of other bearish facts claimed a iliare of attention. World ahlpments were l.uOo.COO bushels larger than at the cor responding time' last year, but 8.400,000 bushels less than a weak ago. Argentina waa offering freely for early shipment and ;hera were' reports .of a good outlook for Russia and Australia. In bo.h Canada and the United (States . the visible kupply ex hibited a liberal increase- against a de cided falling off twelve months before. The upahot was to keep traders and prices most of the' time in. a- state .of auspense. May fluctuated between 96Sc - and WVic, with the qlose "siO down at 9Sc. Uhlpplng and export demand tor corn to day was the poo rent of. the teaaon. May tanged from 47c to 47c and closed c tower at 47WM7l4c. Caan corn waa weak. No. 2 yellow finished at GolCsHiC. cats followed the lead 01 oiner grain. May sold from 3J3S:ilo to 34c, and was ac net lower at lU'tC, at the end. Higher prices for hogs made provisions advance, but tree realising acts?, as an offset. Ijist sales were 2Hc net lower for pork. Eyi0c up for lard and a made otf to 70 aln lor ribs. -.-.lies In Chicago furnished by the I'p ailio Uraln Company, telephone Uouglts 24,8. (i lirandels building, Omaha.- Articles. I Open. Hlgn. Low. Close. i Sat'y. Wheat- Lec. . . May.. July.. Coin-- Dec..,' May.. July.. Oats- Uec..., May,. July.,, ?oi k Jao... May.., LAld-r Jan... May... May.. I ' ' I - I. I 1 9U SlUi 90 likVWHi . W, H I 45' 47 Ts I . I Sl'i 9oH i'Ut ,484 I I 31H14 (33;.U3I I aj'.i I 3H.I ' 3im 84 33.S; 33 33iu i,. fO'ii i4As',!47r4jj- 4i 4i4tiia vs 314 31 33l 34 19 60 I 1 35 18 21SVi 11 U6 ! 19 (0 I 18 30 j 10 3741 10 40 I 10 3-' 10 io 1 10 10 1 iv u:1 19 to u is .1 19 25 I 10 30 8 7m 19 47', 18 17 10 30 I '. 10 40 I 10 30 10 074! 10 024 10 37 10 10 44 t bi (.'ash quotations wera aa follows: l''LOL'lt-Steady; winter palenta, $4.(i6a 4 i0; straights, 3.7Di(4.50; spring straight! 14.ij4.Si'; bakers. o.4004 9i. UVE No. 2, Slitc. ;AltLKV Ked and mixing. W(u70c; fair to choice maMmg, kJ87c. SttD-Kiax. No. 1 southwestern, 1123; No. 1 northwestern, U3H; timothy, 310.0O clover, $1500. PRoVIHUtN Mefs pork, 119.21) 19 o0. l,ard. per 100 lbs. $10.42 Vl 10.46. Short ribs, sides tloose), $1.07Vq 10 37i; short clear Idrs (boxed), 10.3i . a H 60. Total olearancva of wheat and flour were tqual to ZM.ooO bu. Primary receipts were l.Jvt.uX) bu , compared Mill lili.OHj bu. the (oriespundlng day a yoar ago. The visible supply of wheal In the Lnlud Htatea In rreaseU S.iUJO bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage tlrereascd JM.ikW bu. Estimated receipts fur tomorrow: Wheat. 83 cars; corn, 9;o cars; oats, at)0 cars; hogs, 27.0OU head. Chicago Cash I'rlces-W'heat: No. 2 red fc:HWW No. 3 rid, MyMVjc; No. 2 hard' M-ititw; No. 3 hard, lfc04c; No. l northern' $l.u1.08; No. 9 northern, U.(syi.(in: No 3 northern. $101rl o4; No. 3 spring. Vucijioj No. 3 spring. Wi $1 .01 ; velvet chaff, wva $100; durum, kl'.iy'c. Corn: No. 2 47Uc No. 2. new, 4i?S'4c: No. 3 white. 47j47Uc: No. 3 white, new. 4r44tl'4c; No. 2 yelio'w' toi4c; No. t yellow, new. 4txy4t)i,c; No 3 t.tjTHiC; No. 3. new. 3'tj.-,c; No.' 3 wtilte, 78474o; No. 3 wlilui, new, -a 43Hvi; h'o. 3 yellow. 47Vu4Sc; No. 3 yellow lew. 4'u44c; No. 4. 44(47c; No. 4. new' lli(414e; No. 4 white. 414047c; No' i white. new, 415 414c; No. 4 ye" 'ow. 44i3'":I No. 4 yellow, new. 41S4ic Data: No. 2. 31c; No. 3 white, 3i43.V- No' I white, 2J(j3-Vc: y0. 4 white, 3143uc'' ttandsrd. :i4tj3-ic. -.. lil.TTKlt Suajy; creameries, i3a;:c dailies, ilyiv. u KUttS Steady; receipts. 1.42 cases- at marl;, cai.es Included. 19Su22'o; firsts 2c pi line flrals. 31e. ' ' CllttSi Steady; daisies, 144,i1ic; twins w !'- i young Americas, l4.61; long "Jlllis. 14alic. J'oTATutJi Steady : choice to fancy, 4J ic; fulr ta good. 3i$t4lo. IMl'l.TRY rsy; turkeys, live. 17c; Jr'ed. Sic; fowls, llv. loc; dressed, 11c; spring, live, 10c. VtAI-htad ; 10 to 00 Iba. StflOc; 80 lo Its.. 114:14c; 8- to 110 lbs.. i:c furrier; fan to good. $1 J"u4 35; choice lancv. $4 4'i(4L.',. Hucknlwat. dull. $2.25. ci.i(.N.MKAIr-St'aj; fine w.ilte and yellow, 1.2(y)1.3u; coarse, Jl.Ul-o; 1"'" dried, $2 15. 11K.AT Spot maiket ran) ; No. 2 red, 974c elevator ami 1. .,. b. afloat; No. 1 northern.' $1,174. f. o. b. afloat. Futures niaiket easy on cables, larger receipts an J the nbsence of consumptive demand, t-los-Itig 4(y4c nel lover. Iieceniher closed at !',o; lav, i.01,rl.OI4. cliwfil at $1,014. Juiy cloned at $1 '. ReielptH, 27,uiO bu.; shipments, 149.18.; bu. cCHN-rtpot market easy; No. 2. new. 'tr, afloat. Kutities market was without transactions, closlnR 4',c net decline. December. M4C; May. 5.,4c Receipts. 90. fV bu.; shipments, M..!4 bu. OATS Spot market easy; standard white. SSc; No. 2, 34ci No. 8, :S74'; No. 4, 37c. Futures market was without trans actions, closing 4c lower to 4c net ad vance, liecember closed at Sc; May, 39Lc: July, 3'.'4e. Receipts, M.4,' bu. MAY-yulet; prime. $1.1": No. 1, $1,074:9: 1.10; No. 2. $100; No. 8. (n,!c. HlUKf 'Jinet; LVntral America. 214c; Hogota, I2i2ac. l.hAllU.K-Flrm; hemlock firsts. 234 2T4c; seconds, rvwaac;- thirds, l!f&20c; re jects, HiffHc. MIOVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, $2100 21. M); family, $22 Otfi 24.00; short clears. $2000 V2200. Beef, steady; mess, IU.Oitftl4.00; family. $1S .0tf18 ..VI; beef hams. $24. . 37.00. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies, 10 l.H pounds, tl$.SOUla.7G; pickled hams. $73.. Irfird, steady; middle west prime, ll.rMt 10.60; refined, steady; continent, $11.00; South America, $11.75; compound. JS.tttVii'fc 9.00. TALIXW Steady; prime city, hhds., 7c; country. 7Wtc. KOOS Steady; western gathered, white, 33'Ii40c; fresh gathered, extra first, 3i'Xc; first, 32'i!33n; seconds, 28'g31c; refrigerator, special marks, fancy. In local stores. 2.Vg 2.',4c; first. 234'2'4c; seconds, 1241? 2,1c. Rl'TTKR Easy; ceramery specials. 3tV(i 304c: extras, 2c; third to flrsi, 2:i'li2sc; held creamery, second to special, 244 30c; state dairy, common to finest, 2iia29c; process second to special, 221?28c; Imita tion creamery, first. 234244; factory. June make, 2823 Vc; current make, iKu 'CHKKPE Steady; skims, 12124c POIILTKY Dressed. easy; western chtckena, 1216c; fowls, 13WlB4c; turkeys, 18tf24c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Greater Activity and Higher Prices Characterize bto:k MarKet. Omiha i". i t. Ry , eom as fi. N' Bank tr.li. 9o, Omslis. le f's- 'fir r. T. ;.. MJJ ;, kr Mt. Pelt. Tel. Co so t "l"n ftork Vr" st r k ri " nn iate uas snl glertrlc U 1" '4 4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET UNITED STATE SI EEL HEAVY Ailtanee. Hesalts tensive' Short l.nraelr (overlnsr by from Kl-Treidera nmmlsslnn lloasea Report larritmral Teiand. WEATHER IK THE GRAIN BELT Fair and NEW YORK. Dec. 1? Greater activity and higher prices rharactr f(d today s movement In the stock market ivl-h b.-t-terment In bonds well su ta ned. The ad xanee In stocks resulted larrely from it-tc-nsiie abort covering by trailers, althoiith commission bouses reported a moderate Investment demar d. Much of this came from Boston, Chicago and soutiiw-estern points. The coal stocks were irpecnlly stronK during the gratr pnrt of tne dm', although l.ehigh Valley iibsenu ntly lost nil Its gnln. The stiennh of the Harr'man Issues Beenicd to come from the bitting by Inter ests commonly recognlxed as substantial and may have had Ita origin In the excel lent statement set forth by the Southern l'ao fte company Ittst week. '1 he heaviness of I'nlted States Steel was In marked contrast to the tone of the !ceiiral list and by common consent was ascribed to the preva.ling conditions In the steel nnd Iron lnduatrles. There was, however, a good demand for steel sinking tund bonds. Western railroad officials reported a heavier movement in merchandise and the eastern roads made a better showing In the way of Increased tonnage. Transactions for London's account In this market were estimated at 2o,000 shares, w-lth a fairly large balanoe on the buying aide. London's own markets were feature less. Local monetary conditions are un changed, while greater ease Is shown at western reserve centers anil all fears of a Stringency, however temporary, are now set at rest. The bond market reflected the general Improvement shown In that class of securi ties. Total salea, par value. $2,830,000. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Sal -et 1 nrk Money Market. NF.W YORK, Dec. 19. VON EY On call steady; 3734 per cent: ruling rate. 34: clo1ng bids. ."P. nee cent: offered ir (cent; time loans, weaker: tlxtv dava and ninety days. 3fr4 per cent; six months. .iVu per cent. 1'RIMK MERCANTILE PArER-5t44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Strong, wit, scaial business In bankers' bills at $4 S2e-i ti4 s2.0 for sixty-day bills and at $4 SS for demand; commercial bills. $4.S1ft4 824. SILVER Bar. r4c: Mexican dollars. 46c. H i.N Ls-Ciovernment steady; railroad steady. dining quotations on bonds today were aa follows: .Atn int. Met, 4H " ..liInt. M. M , M', ..lot Japan 4a Mi . lot do 4Wa !5 ..1164 K. C. 80. 1st .... 13'i ..ll.WL. a. e.b. 4a H.l ... 3' 7R' L. N. unl is MS ....NlH.. K. A T. lat 4s...Sa 4s.. 1044 do gen 4'a M Sl" Mo. Pacific 4 77H Cattle Are Ten Cents Higher and in Some Cases Fifteen Hizher. HOGS OPEN HIGHER, CLOSE LOWER Fat heet anil l.eiiuhs Steady to Ntronaer, with Feeders Firm and All Kinds Unnd, Active tellers. SOUTH OMAHA. Iec. 1. Cattle, llog' Allk-f'halmara pfd ArrslsamatH Coppsr . amarlian Arrlrultural . Am. Rtl Bugar Amsrlran Can Amarlran r. A r An arlran Cotton Oil.... American H. aV L. pfcl., Am. Ire Rerurltla .. Amsrlran Llnneed oil... Amerlran Loromotlrs . Amerlraji a. A R Am. a A R. pM Am, Steel Poundrlas.... Am. ir Refining.... Amarlran T. A T Am. Tobacco pM American Wnojen Anaconda Mining Co... Alrhlsnn Atchlaotl pfd Atlantic (.'oast Una Baltlmors A Ohio Rathlnham Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific , 'Vntral Uaihtr ('antral Iathr pfd Vntral of N. J Cheaapasks A Ohio fhlcaso A Alton Chicago o: w., new (. w. pfd ,'hlcao A N. W C M. A St. p C. C. C. A Bt. L Colorado r. A I Hlnh. Low. t'10 Kl 10.100 444 414 ii.sno 41 i' '404 Ut v t'i Kfl tl 60 ion M t4 100 is 23 0 114 ITS jfW 37 ' 10. I'D 7S 744 pio toas loss Indlratlona for Contlnaked Sllchtlr Cooler. OMAHA. Dee. IS. 1S10. An area of high pressure overlies the western portion of the country, and gener ally clear weather prevails west of the Mis souri river. Temperatures have moderated In the valleys and throughout the moun tain districts, and warmer wieather prevails In all sections, except that It la slightly colder In the gulf states, and on the Pacific slope. A disturbance of consideia- mnA HI .nwrenea vallev. It la causing Colorado A So... high winds on the lakea. and snows ar. I "'prL.0" general In the upper Ohio valley and the ?,.Pr?T 'Hua-"'; lower lake region, with rains along the D,nv.r ft K(0 0r,n4e uprer Atlantic coast. With the high pres- d. i R, o. pfd sure and generally clear weather prevail- ni-tlllsra' Securltloa ., in nvr the east, the indications are for Erie continued fair In this vicinity tonight and ?rl V" I'M Tuesday, with somewhat colder tonight. Temperature and precipitation at Omaha during the last twenty-four hours, com pared with the corresponding; period for tho three preceding years: 1910. 1900. 190. U07. Lowest last night 35 6 36 00 Precipitation uo .00 .uo .00 Normal temperature for today, 37 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 14.70 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1909, 4.&2 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 4.21 Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. l.lr. 400 1 1.000 I. wo ) 700 40O 400 4 Tou $.' 4.0 J0 144 4 40 ir14 103S 117 10H JS 74 ms 314 1014 1414 4 24 4 101s in?s ms loss 2 74', sis 103 S 4,800 8I 80S St. I.oala Gcueral Market. 8T LUU1B, Dec. IS. -WHEAT Futures, lower; Dec. 44c; May, 4c; July, We. Cash: lxwer; track. No. 2, red, 9t4jvic; iSo. a hard. SJ4-01.ijo. ! rnurj lkwer: December. '443j;c: Mav. v ...- . - - . r. 'tii Amriran Lower; tiack 1N0. Z. 4oc; I xortham Pacific 1 Pacific. Mall December, 814c; May, Weak; tiack .no. 2, 814 .iiriaj4c. 8I40. 464U40C' Cash: No. a white. 46c. OATB Steady ; SS'VjriaHc. . Cash: to&iu; white. R Y K encnangeu, Krlo 2d pfd ; Oenoral Klrctrle Orsat Northern pfd Orast Northern Ors otfa.. Illlnola ontnir Inisrborough Mst Int. M.'t. ptd International Harrestsr . Int.. Manns pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaaa City Ho K. VI So. pfd , Laclede Gas Louisville. A Minn. A flt. M., 8t. P. A M., K. A T. M., K. tc T. pfd Missouri Pacific National Biscuit ....... National Lead .,'. N. K. II of M. 2d pfd. New York Central N. T.. O. 'A W Norfolk A Weatern Nin-th American N Louis... 8. 8. M. ltl 200 (00 t.oon 300 4no "j.ion 3.0OO ") w 4'X) 4.4O0 1,800 (en Mo l.S'K) 1,000 400 'moo 1.SA0 l 100 ? Too 200 800 ' ' 'loo I.800 too 22s 4S S 142S 12J M 32 i its IMS 2 Wi 34 2S 41 9S IMS 1244 MS ros M 1114 ls II 404 US ilS ior.s 1444 2:4 MS 44S 142 123 V. 314 ins 144 14 2 s 33 S r 4F 34 S 114 124 ; 'tni, ih 111S 1S n 40S 1S 80S 1044 144 274 Clse. tt 4S 4S 41S S KS 6f'S 2IS K4 111, 31 74S ions 42 114 1414 84 S 81 S .TVS lf'14 IMS lis 1o4 ;a 7fS Id.'.'-. s 101s 2fc) 14 J1 S 4.'S 142S 123S M 314 87 114 US 13 24 10 u 21s 4 144 136 124 57 S 1.10S 20 4 ri. I'. 8. ref 2a. do coupon I'. S. .ia. reg.... do coupon .... I 8. 4l. res.... do coupon .... a'iIk-i ha! 1st ia M.4. As oa Am. T. A T. cv Am. Tohacro 4a 4a. do da Armour A Co. At.'klaon sen. do ct. 4a do ct. oa . C. U 1st 4 Hal. A Ohio 4a o.j mi do 8. W. ISs nroos. Tr. , Ten. of Oa. Cen. Leather fsl '. of N. J. . f cns. A Ohio 4Sa do ref. fts Chlcaao A A. ISe. C. B. A Q. J. 4a.., do sen. 4e L . ai C. K lilts!. R. R. of M. 4S S 4Se-. sN. Y. r. 1. ISa Ms A H. 4s.. v do deb 4a . .l"f N. T.. N. H .10"', ct. da 1S8S . 4N. A W. 1st e. 4a.. 4 . pa do cv. 4e tills . M No. Pacific 4a s .31 do is 7s . I!' O, S. L. rtds. 4s 1 .10S Penn. rr. ISa I41B..M . S '1o ron 4e MS 1J St. L AS T. fg. 4a 81 .H'l'i do sen. f.a 4S . S St. L. 8. W. e. 4a... 75 . 7' da 1st gold 4s.. . as 4 S. A. U 4a . 97 Bo. Paclfle col. 4a A 8. P. IS do cv. 4a I. A P. a, 47JS8o Rallwav ta.... do rfs. 4a. folo. Ind. 8a Colo. Mid. 4a C. A 8. r. A D. A H. ct. D. A R. O. 4a.... do ref. 8a Distillers' ia Erie p. 1. 4a. do gen. 4s do ov, 4a, per. A. do aeries B Gen. Rise. ct. ea....ljo III. Cen. lat ref. 4a 7 Bid. Offered. 4a. MS do 1st ref. ....74 do Kn 46 Union Pacina 4a 44s ?S 00 ct. 4a .... S 4o lat A ref. 4i .... M V. 8 Rubber 4a. .... 8 U. 8. Steel id 4a. 77S Va.-t"aro. Cbem. a..1ooi, .... M4 Wibam lat 8a 10U 74S do 1st A as. 4a.... 44 71 Western Md. 4a 14 H WSwest. Kiec. ct Is... 434, Wla. Central 4a t- Mo. Pac. ct, 6a tlS ... 80 ... 74 ... 2' ... 14 ...107', ... M4 ... 744 ...1104 ...104 ... 17 ...Wi ..lot' 110. Sheep. .' 10. M 8 !"s 13. SMI " lfl J k., ?"1 . .'I-' 3IS .511 ,'J.'4 .? 0 2:4 .213 i'.K .K7 1 H 7 f.' 7 K". 1VI 4 7 M i .V, 7 y 1 jillKU' ... 7 S7S l.'O 7 57 S lircelpt.t -a. n 77. 71 H it. 2i :2 . 14 ::i .:. 2.1 ui 714 ?07 .22.S 7 7 f . 7 a 7 7 .. 7 7 K. 7 . 7 ' : slr.able F.stimate Monday 4.0 S.m ianie riav last week ... 6012 S.3IH Snme day 1 weeks ago.. 8 4:. 2 Same rlsv 3 weeks nn.. 4 4n Fame dav 4 weeka ngo.. 7.4f.S 4.4hi fame day last year.... 2.897 4.6.16 i.NJ The following table shows trie receipts ! rattle, hogs and sheep at Fouth omabs for the vear to date, aa compared witn last year Cattle llom Sheep wo ...1.1!W.r.!.i ..l.S'IS.528 ...2.918.547 tana 1.09,02t 2.0a7.57S 2.U8.3fi tne Dec !,Tl 'J49.4kt misi i tne average The fnl!nalntf i.l.u ai.nwa prices of bogs at South Cinaha tor the last several flajs. with comparisona: Dates. 1910. jl0.,190S. llsOT.IlOOfi.irXSilSM. 7 mT Dec. Dec. Dec. Deo. Doe. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dec. Deo. .1 I t SSI S 68, 4 3 6 111 ' S 85 a 411 4 4"i Hi'" ,' , 7 6S4I I lil 4 III OS 4 SSI 4 41 7 40i S 29 I 4 49 flfl 4 SS 4 41 7 88 Si I 8 -IM 5 "81 4 ! B OS. 4 K-'l 4 H IS 7 54! S 0 S 371 I HI 4 Sl 4 3. 1S...I 7 t!Ui I 14i & 301 4 23! 14 '.Si 4 1 17. 18.. 19. 7 6041 8 Su S Mi I 47 1 18i , V S 811 6 32 4 40 6 18, 4 81 1 7 6841 5 SI; 4 ll 84 1 4 o0 Wundav. Receipts and dlapoaltlon of live stock at the Cnlon stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S p. in. yes terday: RECEIPTS CARIXJA DS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. II r s. P.... New York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Bar State Gas.... Bneton Cone Iluite Coalition . ('actus Chlno Chief Cons Fraction Devla-Paly Bly Central Kir Cona ......... Biy witoh Franklin Olroux Ooldfleld Florence GoldMeld Da lay . Oreone Cananea . .. 33 Inspiration 34 .. 74 lroae 4 l it . . 194 Ner. Cons 14 .. 13 Newhouae 31 .. 21S Ohio Copper 14 ,. IS Rawhide Coalition .. 4S . . ls Kay Central .1 t-i4Swlft Pkg Co 10 .. 10'i Reara-Roebuck Ce...l7S . . 86 Silver Pick I , .. 12'., Superior A Pittsburg 18s 3S Tonnpsh Mining STr'nlty t opper IS North Lake .... 4S Bohemia T Ojlbway 34 44 34 SS C . M. & fit. Wabash Missouri Paclflo I'nion Pacific C. & S. W., east.... C. A N. W., weat ... C, St. P.. M. A O.... C, B. & Q., east.... C, B. & W., west.... C, R. I. ft P.. east.. Illinois Central C. O. W Total receipts 10 1 t 10 16 60 7 2 48 IS .. 8 .. S ..173 6 1 1 io " 4 14 10 1 3 15 22 4 3.. S 1 1 66 41 1 DI 8POSIT10N-H EA D. Cattle. Ho?. Fheep New York Minima; Stocks. NEW YORK, Dec. IS Closing; quotations on mining stocks were Alice ..- Its Com. Tunnel stock.. 18 do bonde 13 Con. la I. A Vs.... 80 Horn Sliver 40 Iron Silver 140 Leadvllle Con 10 Offered. Bl-dlvldand Little rtilef .... Mexican Ontario Ophir Rlendard Yellow Jacket ... 6 .... 74 ...200 ...110 .... 88 .... 87 Assessment paid. Bank ( Irsrlnsa. OMAHA, Dee. 19 Bank clearlnga for to day were tJ.8O3,40:.03, and for the corre sponding date last year, $2,283,065.79. tIAHA 4 Hl.ts..l-i- l-ltitts. BUTTER Creamery, No. I. delivered to the retail traae In l ib. cartous, 81o; No. 1, In SO-Ib. tubs. 39c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons. 1 28c; packing atock, solid pack, 19c; dairy. In GO-lb. tubs, Kitzic. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins,-lV817Hc; young Amer icas, 18c; daisies, lie; triplets, 18c; llm burger, 16c; No. 1 brick, 18c; Imported Swiss, tit; domestic Swiss. 24c; block Swlas, inc. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 Iba, S6.0XI per oox.; over 2 lbs. 124c; hens, 124c; cocks, 1040; ducks, loc; geese, 13c; tur keys, 23c; pigeons, per dos., 41.; homer squabs, per dog., 14.00; fancy squabs, per dox.. l;.00: No. 1. uer dor. IS 0C Alive. I bro.lers. under S lbs., 15c; over 2 lbs., 64c; 1801, 800 i,s 1.4 IfunheVed KLoCR Hteady ; red winter patents. $4.40 $4.76; extra fancy and straight, 8l0a4.3o; hard winter clears, 3.2.Vi3.60. HEED Timothy. lO.OUtUK.M. CORNMEAL 82.40. H KAN Firm: sacked east track, $1.06 1.06. - HAY Ixiwer; timothy, J13.0oai8.00; prai rie. S11.00 14.00. PROVIKIONS Pork, ateady; Jobbing. $19.25. Lard, higher; prime steam, $10. U). 26. Dry salt meats, ateady; boxed extra ahorls, $10.75; clear ribs, $10.76; short clears, $11.20. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $12.2u: clear rlba, $U.Ti; ahort clears, $12.25. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 9c; springs, 9c; turkeys, l"4c; ducks, 134c; geese, l4c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 26430C. EOOS Steady, Mc. 1 Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 12.200 8,600 Wheat, bu 16.0n0 4.i,td0 Corn, bu 137.000 40.000 OatK, bu 104,000 34,0ft) Pennaylvanta People's. Uaa P.. C. C. A 8t. .L Plttaburf Coal Pc-eaed Steel Car I Pullman Pita. Car Hallway BLeel Spring... Reaillng Repuhllc' 8leel Republic Steal pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St.- L. A 8. F. id pfd.. ft. Louis S. W St. L. 8. W pfd Slose-8hrffld 8. A I... Southern Pacific Southern Railway So. Hallway pM Tenneeaea Copper Tezee A Pacific. Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 19. WHEAT December. k84ft!c, sellers; May, 834e, bid; July, 848Sc. bid. Cash 4o lower; No. 2 bard, 9o40nrjc; No. 3, 894Si)3c; .No. 2 red. Mc; No. 3 red, 944i6c. CORN December, 424c, bid; May, 464c bid; July, 464c, bid. Cash unchanged to 4c lower; No. 2 mixed, 43c; No. 8 mixed, 4:4240; No. 2 white, 434to44c; No. 3, 4;' 43o. OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white, 324VO-34C; No. 2 mixed, 314(j:H4c. RYE No. 2, 73'0'tic. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $14.00 514.50: choice prairie, $12.00. BI TTER creamery, zsc; rirsts, 25c onds, 23c; packing stock. 19c. EGG H Extras, 294c; firsts, Tlhic; onds, 14C Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 131.(410 88.00) Corn, bu 1M.000 2VUW Oats, bu 46,0u0 2.OJ0 sec- sec- Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 19 WHEAT De cember. i'4'il94c; May. $1.02riirl.024: July, $1.0ju.til.034. Cash, No. 1 hard, $10:14; No. 1 northern. $1,004 u K'14; No. 2 northern. SWcij $1,004; No. 3. IskfSHc. FLAX Closed at '!.;I3. CORN No. 2 yellow, 41i'541. OATS No. 3 white. 2Sieiii(Jc. Kl'K-So. 2. 7o4'ur74c UtAN-In 100-lb. aatks, FIjOUR First patents, patents. $4 .lidj6.': first second clears, $2.0uu2.Cii. $21.0021 50. $4.toii5.16; second clears. $:( UflU4j, rkllaelelphla Prodaee Market. PHIIJ.DELPHIA. Dec. 19. BUTTE R Market ateady; extra western creamery, 32c; narby prints, 34c. KG OS Two cents lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby flrats. free caaes, Joe at mark; current receipts, In returnable cases, 3.1c at mark; weatern firsts, free cases, J. at mark; current receipts, free caaes, t3c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, fancy. September, lic; October, HVolic, fair to good. 140'V44c. I.lverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. IS IV H EAT Spot, firm; No. 2 red western winter, 7a 2d; fu tures quiet; December. 6a d; March. As 114(1; May. s J14.d. I'oRN-Spot quiet; American mixed, ta $4d. futures quiet; January, 4s 64d; Feb ruary. 4a 3d. I'KAS-Canadlan, firm; 7s 6d. FLOUR Winter patenta, dull; 2Ss d. Mlln-anke Uraln Market. 1 MILWAUKEE, Dec. IS WHEAT No 1 I northern. $1064; No. 2 northern. Sl.t3ritl.04: aiay. 964c. OATS-standard. J24o. BARLEY t-amplea, ;iio4c. FLOUK-Dull. Available Snnnllra ( Grain. NEW YORK. Dec. IS.-Tha vlalble supply 0( grain In tbo United Statea December 17, CeeHn Market. PEORIA. 111. lo. lS.-CORN-Lower; No. 3 yellow, 43c; No. J, 43c; No. 4. 414c; sample. 4' OATS-fttcady; standard. S2c; No. I white, BV. T., 8t. T.. Bt. I nlon I'nion I'nlted Inlteil InlteO II, A W L. A W. pfd... Pacific Pacific Pfd Rtatoi Realty., statea Rubber. Statea Steel... flteel pfd Vtah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical ... Wabash , W abash pfd Weatern Maryland Westinghouae Electric ... Western Pnlnn Wheeling A L. E Lehigh Valley Total salea for tha day. . l,fv 100 31) . J joo . 8.400 ioo . 1,400 Hon . 8.400 auo 201) .' 'ioo 100 2i) .124.100 '. " ioo . 1, too , 700 io . 1.000 .' '4,'7'firi . 7.200 . 8,700 (00 6-10 ioo t'10 . 8.100 400 400 . 84, MO 700 . l.tno 800 300 7l0 ,. l.iOO. MO . 8.200 .' 80. 4O0 422. 00 47 ii !. at 4 in 414 101s o lies r 12S4 loss 8V4 'i)s leos 81 s 1514 94 304 42 40 244 m . iir.S rs 6J4 sss 2S 224 52 S 171 1 's4 TSS 11M4 4A 424 W 344 4S 7S 44 iios shares, 4S nH 844 344 HIS 41 S 100. 64 1154 IS m i(4 8 ioi ll's 314 143S IS 90S SIS ilS 14 0S iiis 254 624 854 4 22 S 61 S 170S : ii'' 724 114 454 2S 144 844 474 87 4 734 1104 82 S 47 114 MS :M4 1 IS 41 , 4S 114 M4 1294 la-'S 87 S 11 W 159 81 104 US hens, 9rb9c; old roosters. 10c; geese, 7c; old ducks, full feathered. 9c; turkeys, 13til8o; guinea fowls, 25o each; pigeons, per dox., 80c; homers, per dos., $3.ou; squabs, No. 1, pr dox., $1.60; No. t, per dos.. 50c. FISH (ell froxen) Pickerel. 11c; white, 18c; pike, 14c; trout. 14c; large crappiea, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders. 13c; green catfish, c; roe 1 bad, $1.00 each; shad roe. per pair, toe; frog legs, per dog., 60c; salmon, 12c; halibut. 11c. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1. 1: No. i 124c; No. $, 84c. , Loins; No. 1, 17c; No. 1 Chuck: No. 1, 74c No. 2. Round: No. 1. Be; No. 3. Plate: No. 1. Tc; No. X. ' 134c; No. 3. 94c. ' 640; No. S. 64c. i 74c; No. 3. 74o. 1 6c; No. 8. 40. FK u 1 1 a oranges. California navels, 8is 81 4 sS 25 US 414 115S 27S 34 8.-.S MS 22S 52 171S :s (RS 114 S 11S 45S 42 S 1S J44 48 7S 74 S 8 1804 1 London .lick Market. - LONDON, Dec. 19. American securities opened around parity and later advanced under tha lead of Union Pacific. At noon the market waa steady, with prices ranging from unchanged to a point higher than Saturday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Conaola, money ...74 (-14 LoulsyUla A Nah..l47't ..71 7-14 Mo., Kan. A Teiaa.. U .... 44 New York Central.. 46S 4S Norfolk A Western.. IMS ....104S do pfd n.. lot Ontario A Weatern.. 42S .icrts Pennaylyanla a 4 .lift", Hand Mines ... do account Ainal. Copper) Anaoonda Atchison da sfd Baltlmors A Ohio. Canadian Paclfle . Chesapeake A Ohio.. MS Reading Chi. Great Weatern.. 23S Southern Railway CM.. Mil. A Bt. r..l'i do pfd tie Beers DenTor A Rio 0. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do id pfd Orand Trunk Illinois Central . SILVER Bar, ounce. MONEY 2433 per cent. The rate of discount In th op-n marVet for ahort bills Is 3 9-18 per cent, on lr,ec months' bills, 3403 9-16 per cent. 1"4 southern Paclfle ... . 2ts Union Pacific .7-", do pfd . 28 ,j V. B. Steel . 464 do pfd . 86 S Wabaah . ftS do pfd .1141, Spanish ta steady at 25 5-184 84 1 9-12 alxes, per box, $2.753.00; amall sixes' per box, $3.26; Florida, all sizes, per box, 83. 2S. Lemons, Lltnonlea brand, extra, fancy, 300 size, per box, $5.00; StiO size, per I box, $5.50; choice, 300 size, per box, $4.75; 3,0 size, per box, $5.00; 240 size, 60c per box j less. Grape fruit, Florida. 4-54-64-80 sizes, 'per box, $3.50fp4.00. Bananr fancy, select, per bunch, $2. 2541 2.60; Jumbo, bunch, $2,751? 3.75. Pears, California Winter Nellie, per box, $:'.b5; New York Kelfer. per bbl., $3.i5ra4.(i0. Apples. Home-grown cooking per bbl., $3.5iru4.00: Missouri Jonathan, per 1 bbl., $5.25; Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl., $4 26; Missouri Wlnesapa, per bbl., $4.50; Alltsourl Gano, per bbl., $4.60; other i varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New York Oreen 1 Ing and Baldwin, per bbl., $4.76; Colorado ! Jonathan. per box, $2.26; Washington J Oravensteln, per box. $1.60; California Belle I flower, per box, $1.00; Washington Grimes , Golden and Jonatnan, extra fancy, 88 to 1 125 sizes, per box, $2.26. Pineapples, per ! case, $4.60. Grapes, Malaga, fio to 65 lbs. j gross, per keg, $7.0u&a.00. Cranberries, per iwi, eo.ou; neu ana 1 netry Drana. per bbl., $10.00; Wisconsin Bell and Bugle and Late Howe brands, per bbl., $11.(0. Datea, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkge. In boxea, per box, $2.60; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., H4c. Flga. new California, 12 12-oz. pkga.. 85c: 36 li-os. pkgs., $140. 60 6-oz. pkgs., $2.0" Figs, Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., 16c; I crown. per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., Uc. VEGETABLES Potatoes, early Ohio, In sacks, per bu.. 90c; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 75fj86c. Sweet pota toes, Kansas, per bbl., $2.60. Onions, Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2c; Indiana white, per lb., Sc; Spanish, per crate, $1.40. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 16c; red, per lb., 16c. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz.. $2.00. Celery. Michigan. per dog. bunches, 85c; California Jumbo, per dos. bcha., 75c. Rutabagas, per lb., 14c. Cu cumbers, hot house, 14 and 2 doz.. per box, $2.00. Tomatoes, California, per 4-bsk. crate, $1.75. Cabbage, new, per lb., 14c String and wax beans, per market basket! $1.60. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doz 40c. Parsley, fancy home-grown, per doz' bunches, 4oe. Turnips, per market basket, lie. Carrots, per market basket. 40c. Beets per market basket, lie. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts, black, per lb., 2c. Hlckorynuts. large, oer lh.. fce- Omaha Packing Co 842 722 4,3 Swift and Company 6" 1,12 7 Cudahy Packing Co .... 733 9H9 1,9,0 Armour V Co 62 1.319 731 W. B. Vanaant Co 91 Benton, Vanaant aV Lush 240 Stephens Bros 61 Hill 4 Son , 310 F. B. Lewis 140 Hub, on Co 64 J. B. Root 4 Co 16 J. H. Bulla 86 McCreary A Carey 84 H. F. Hamilton 61 Rothschilds A Krebles.... 173 Sol Degen 19 Kline A Christy 47 Mo. Kan. Calf Co 118 Other buyers 727 4,728 Totals .4,559 4.192 8.531 34 . 77 , 17 ta n4 ITS'. w t5 12US , 17 14 , 30 per Boston Cloelnar Stocks. BOSTON, Dec. 19. Closing quotations on stocks war as follows: ... Mohawk ... 44 s Nevada Con ... 2S Nlplaelns Mines ... 14S North butts . .. ... i Norm Lake M. 114 Old Dominion .. ... 19S nceola . . . 4 far roll ...56& Qulnc.y . . . I4S Knannon . . 47S Superior .. . 11 Superior A S Superior A 4 Tamarack . 34 C 8. g R. e'e do pfd Its I'tah Con 4 I'tah Copper Co.. US V Irw.lia 1 WoiTertne Its Alloeel Amal. Copper ... A. S. U A t Arlaone Com. . . . Atlantic B. A C. C. A S. Butte Coalllloa .... Cal. A Arliorta Cel. A Hecia Ceotannial t op Heme C C... Etat Butte C. M Franklin Olroux (ton. Gran by Coa Greene Cananea ... lale Royalo Copper.. Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Sella Copper Miami Copper S. A C. B. M. P. C. A M. .. 44 .. S .. fV .. 2 4 .. s .. i7S ..127 .. 11 .. 71 .. ns .. 424 ... s .. us .. 41 .. ls .. 4S .. US .. 44S s ..lit feet. feet, each, ench, $2.60; each, Leeal teenrttlea. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brinktr 4 Co., 449 New Omaha National bank building: Hi j. City of Omaha 4a. 1118 Its City Nat' I Bank Bld( 4s ISIS 5 Cudaky Parkins Co. ta. 1924 MS Cclumbua. Neb.. B. U la I tM Colorado Tel. Co (par. 4U U ratmiont Creamery lat f. 8 par seat t General Motor pfd T percent 7J luwa Portland Cement lat ta pas Ksiiaee City II. lei. Co. to. 1428 tes Met. at. Rr. as. Mil Miohlten state Tel. 4a. lJ4 ee unieha Uas (a. Ial7 PI S Omaha Water 4a. 1944 91 Omaha S'. Sr. U. 1914 t Osaka 4 O, B. tl. Rr. 8e. Itit PS omasa ACS. St. Rr. pld, 6 er seat 48 Asked. 39 37 S n, us 100 7e 10U 7S St 10 11.1 a'S H tnian, per id., be. Cocoanuts, per sack. zo.bii; per doz., 80c. Honey, new, 24 frames $3.7f. Cider, New York Mott's, per 4-bbl ,' $3.76; per bbl.. $0.76. Chrlatmas treea. 4 to ( feet. 13 In bundle, per doz.. $1.60: to 1 12 In bundle, per doz., $2.?6; 8 to 10 6 in bundle, per dox., $3 26; 11 feet, 60c. 12 feet, each, 75c; 13 to 14 feet Si. 26 to $1.60; 15 feet. each. $1.75 to 18 feet, each, $2 76 to $3.50; 20 feet $3.50 to $4.50. Wreathe, avirar... wreatning. natural or ayea. 20 yds. in coll per coll, 90c; In 6-coll lots, 90c; natural! extra heavy, 2o yds. In coil, per coll. $1.00; & colls or more, per coll. $1.00; evergreen wreaths, with immortal flowers, per dos, $1.50. with holly, per dos.. $164; holly wreaths, fancy Delaware, per dos., $1.60; extra fancy Delaware, extra heavy, per dos., $2 00; Magnolia wreathe, per dos $1.24 to $1.60. Holly, holly branches. Dela ware. 10 lbs. In bbl., per bbl., $1.60; heavy weight, size of rases. 2x1x4 feet, per case $4.00; Mistletoe, per lb., Joe; needle pines! per dos., $2.00. Oils aaa Maila. SAVANNAH, Ot, Deo. 19-TURPEN-TINE Firm at 754c; sales. 34 bbls.; re ceipts, 69 bbla; shipments, 1,567 bbls.; stocks. 15.722 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. $044 bbls.; receipts, 2.715 bbls.; shipments. 9M) bbls ; stocks 79 625 bbls ; H. $6 80; D. $5 824; E, $( $',; f' $590: a. $5924; 11. $6924; 10; H, $7.00; M. $7.16; N, $7.J0: WO, $7 40; WW, $7.50. Dry tioeaala Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 19. DRY OOODS The cotton goods market ruled quiet and steady, with agents showing a firmer dis position In the matter of accepting late business at current prices. The yarn trade la quiet. Overcoatings for fall of 1911 were opened during the day In all range of value. Raw allk la aomewbat easier.. CAi'lbB-Receipts of cattle were very liberal this morning, 167 cars being re ported ia the yards. At ihe same time re ceipts were d,w head short of the big run on Monday of last week. The arrivals con sisted largely of warmed-up beet cattle and cow siuif, with quite a little sprinkling of feeders. Reports from other mark a points Indicated moderate receipts aa a general rule, with prices - everywhere uetter. Under the favorable conditions prevail ing and with the aid of a very good buying demand, prices on beef cattle were gener ally l'uny loc higher and In many cases as much as lojloc higher on the more desir able kinds. The trade was active at the advance) noted and pretty much everything In sight changed hands In good season In the morning. What lias been said regarding the market on beeves would apply very largely to cows and lieifera, which were 10c hlgner at least, and In some caaes lOftf-loc higher. The plain cows were possibly not so much better. The demand was good and an early clear ance was affected. Feeder buyers picked up the desirable kinds of cattle at about the same advance as shown by killers, that la around loiUl&c higher for the good kinds, with everything showing more or less strength. All in all It was a Very satisfactory market from a seller's standpoint. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers. d.i034. 6; fair to good beef steers, $6,4026.20; common to fair beef (teers $4 6036.40; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.604j6.25' fair to good cows and heifers, $3.154.50; common to fair cows and heifers, $3 Ou4j8.76; good to choice atockert and feeders, $4.60y:.k0; fair tt eood stock era and feeders, $3 80ra4.60 common to fair ttockerai and feeders, $3.263.80; stock heifers, $30034.16: veal calves. $3.6008.26; bulls, atags, eta.. $3t,o.00. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime Beeves, $6.54.25; good to choice .beeves, $6.0046.60; fair to good beeves. $4.40 484.80; common lo fair beevea, $3.7utfl.40; choice cows, $3.8v$r4.40; fair to good cows. xj.sudji 00; canners. tz.76Q3.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No.' At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 13 491 4 76 1 1160 4 60 It M7 4 ) tl ( so t 1011 4 10 1 1250 4 81) 4 lost 8 15 It 949 6 40 t 10SS 8 It tl 1114 I 76 T 1011 4 SO It 407 M II 1174 6 24 4 1075 4 to 41 lf8 6 86 It UN 4 00 11 1168 8 40 COWS. S Ml 8 10 I..... moo 4 00 3 M4 III 4 1J1J 4 10 3 190 I K 8 70 4 10 5 920 I it 4 10SJ 4 18 8 loot 8 40 4 1071 4 18 4... 1150 8 46 8 list ill 14 1100 3 71 10 1000 4 26 $ 1014 1 71 IT 11S0 4 24 8 1044 3 76 3 1M0 4 84 6 lit 8 71 4 1124 4 15 3 1113 3 80 8 1104 4 40 13 1071 I li It 1130 4 41 13... 1011 8 90 , 1 1M0 4 60 S3 974 4 00 U 1111 4 M 8 102S 4 00 HEIFERS. 1 174 8 48 3 690 4 88 8 Ml IU tfl 4 40 8. 371 3 80 t MT 4(9 19 18 IN I lot 4 60 85 tM 4 14 14 177 4 64 11 647 4 8 I I 4 65 16 944 4 14 t 447 4 It BULLS. 1 1M 8 Tt 4 ISM 4 14 1 1M4 4 AO 1 1140 4 85 1 170 4 14 1 1400 4 85 1 1410 4 14 1 Um 4 40 8 list 4 36 1 1310 4 4 CALVES. 11 4 4 an 1 30 8 74 1 190 4 60 1 110 T 00 8 Ml t "O 1 110 T 60 1 100 4 00 1 120 J 76 1 100 t 16 STOCK ERs4 AND FEEDERS. It 701 4 46 t 978 4 90 T T01 4 40 4 1.10 4 90 41 417 4 ft) 4 1011 8 00 6 171 4 11 looked anile mis morning, 1 tiiri v-n ine cars lieing re ported In. Although the run was about 2,tki head short of lust week It hs Inrcer than a your aso by almost l.'"" head. About half of the rerelpts consisted of feeders, there being unite a string of rine sheep and lumbs nmoiiK the offerings. This nieiins (list the supply of good killers whs by no in.aiii large. n Th, t It ns really smaller than on moM dn hint week. Huyiis ill seein. il lo want a few g unl killers ami the market on the deslmhle kin,l was steady to a little stronger 111 spots. A iritty Rood kind f fnt lambs sold up lo 8'i.oo, very fHlr yearlings, but rnther welchtv, brought tlAO. ami a prettv go.'il kind of old wethets 1",5 Utpk ewes soul to n killer at .Ti. The trade wan fairly active and prettv much every thing that would do to kill elinigetl hanila in good season in the morning The demand for feeders vo.s good and active, the same hs It hs been fur prar tiiallv every day for some time bac k. The offerings thnncrd hands verv readtlv at good, firm pliers. .otilh Dakota lambs that had bt en run on field pens sold to a feeder buyer a S5.eS, with western ranRers at $5.30. one strlnn of rlht cars of Wyo ming feeder wethers brought $1 io. with ewes at $3.10. All In all the market wa. very satisfactory from a seller's stand point. (Quotations on sheep md lambsr' Oood to choice llpht lambs, $."i.76iiii 00; good to choice heavv lambs. So nr'fti.VSO; Rood fiedlng lambs. $.'i.2fV!(5.nO; fn:r feeding lambs. JISOIJ .i"; light riimiiinii lambs. $.T0O',4no; handy weight yearlings, $4 .60'(j.-,.0o; heavy venr llngs. $:i 80,14 60; f. eder yearlings. $3.7!J 4V good to choice light wethers, :( ''.'Vifji 3 90: good to choice heavy wethers. $'i.,Vfr $3 SO; feeding wethers. $3.?.fr3.6!i: good to choice 1 k li t ewes. J13TT(3t,(); iroo'l heavy ewes. $noi'u3.'0; feeding ewes. $2 runners, tl.6ntii.00. 2' western yearlings 17 western wethers 104 western lambs, wethers 104 western yearlings ill western ewes SCOTS CELEBRATE IN OMAHA Plan Big; Festival for Birthday of Robert Barns. INTERSTATE CARNIVAL HERE Acceptances Hate llffs Hecelrd from 8roU All 4rer the West. Who r They Will lie un Hand In Force. ::,y3.oo; 4 western culls lift western lambs, culls 327 western lambs, culls .. 101 western cvves 69 western lambs 501 Wyonilnrr wethers, feeders... WM Wyoming wethers, feeders... 472 Wyoming wethera, feeders... 2."0 Wyoming wethers, feedern... 14! Wyoming wethera. feeders... 363 South Dakota lambs, feeders 14.1 South Dakota lambs, feeders 07 western lambs 60 western yearlings 132 western ewen, culls 69 Wyoming yearlings 64 Wyoming yearlings 25 Wyoming ewes, culls 17 Wyoming ewes 19 Wyoming ewes, culls 219 Wyoming lambs 974 Wyoming ewes, culls !7 lf4 11.1 94 63 78 124 77 9.') PS 93 96 93 83 S3 78 109 S3 89 90 86 105 82 86 87 4 80 3 sr. 3 75 4 75 3 30 3 2.1 4 W 6 00 3 15 6 S5 3 65 8 iS 3 6r, 8 06 3 (55 5 65 6 66 5 90 4 35 2 75 4 2. 3 30 2 25 3 30 2 25 6 00 2 60 CHICAGO I.I V El 8T4ICK MARKET AH Classes of Htork Are Higher In I'rlee. CHICAOO. Dec. 19. CATTLE Receipts. I9.O0O head; market 10(fi20c higher; beevea. $4.,V4i7.55; Texas steers, $4.10(a5.2.i; western steers, $4.10386.90; storkers ana feeders, $3.75 tS.m; cows and heifers, $2.408.10; calves, $7.26''ci9.26. HUGS Receipts, 33,000 head; market weak to 5o lower; light, $7.367.70; mixed, $7.40 7.75: heavy, $7.35S7.75; rough. $7.86tj'7.ro; good to choice heavy, $7.60(7.75; pigs, $6.80 4)7.75; bulk of salea, $7 5(V(1'7 70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 26.000 head; market strong; native, $2.6yg4.40; western, $2.Gnft4.40; yearlings, $4 40f(j5.75: na tive lambs, $4.25(rj6.40; western, $4.50&.35. Kanaaa Cltr Live 'Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. 19 CATTLE! Receipts, 12.000 head. Including 700 head aoutherns; quarantine steers, $6.80; steers, 15c higher; cows steady to 10c higher; dressed beef and export steers, $5.U0r6.75; fair to good. $4.6oro.50; western steers. $4.00 (& 5.40; stockers . and feeders, $3.50&6.30; southern alecra, $4..W(ffi.G0; southern cows, $2.75rq'4.26; native cows, $3.0O3,4.75; native heifers, $3,764)6.00; bulls, $3.7043 4.80; calves, $4.00ru.26. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; bulk of sales. $7,554(7.65; heavy, $7.S0r7.6u; packers and butchers, 7.564r7.65; light,, $7.46&7.66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.000 head; market strong to 10c higher; lambs, $5.60'b6.26; yearlings, $4.6O5.50; wethers, $J.85 Hi 4.25; ewes, $3.0O4'3.76; stockers and feeders, $2,504(3.60. St. I.oala Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Deo. 19 Recelptg, 8.300 head; Including 2.300 head Texans; market strong to lOo higher; native shipping and export steers, $6.604i'7.25; dressed beef and butcher ateers, $H. 254)7.00; steers, under 1,000 pounds, $5.50477.26; stockers and feeders, $2.764j5.'2o; cows and heifers, $S.756.60; canners, $2.76 4i3.2T; bulla, $3.6(6.26; calves, $5.264T9 00; Texas and Indian steers, $4.60r6.60; cows and heifers, $3.00414.50. HOGS Receipts. 11,900 head; market, 10c higher; pigs and lights, $7.2587.76; packers, $7.7041-7.80; butchers and beat heavy, $7. 6t.il 7.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpts, 2.S00 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.60 4j'4.00; lambs. $5.6u4j6.$5: culls and bucks, $2.5047 3.00; stockers, $2.0033.00. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. IB. CATTLE Ra ce! pts 1.8H0 head; market strong to 10c higher; steers, $4.5O4i6.50; cows and heifers, $2,764(5.60; calves, 4J.OiKu8.2S. HOGS Receipts 8.000 head market strong to 6c higher; top, $7.70; bulk of sales, $7.56 7.66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1.600 head; market 10420o higher, lambs, $4,604; 6.30. Stock la Slsj-ht. Receipts of live stock at tha five principal weatern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4,000 6.5,0 8.600 St. Joseph , 1,8XI S.O00 1,600 Kanaaa City 12,(i0 8.000 4.O00 t?t. Ix)Uls 6.300 11.ii0 2.20a Chicago 19,000 30.000 26.000 Totals 42.100 63.400 42,200 HOGS Hogs opened 10c higher (his morning, at leaat 6410o higher, but the de mand early was limited largely to the light and butcher weight hogs. Buyers werel through the yards picking nut hogs with I quality and weights that suited them for I which the advance noted above was paid. These orders, however, were limited and I were filled before salesmen all had a chance to unload. Other buyers were hold- I Ing back, doing little or nothing and as I soon aa the more urgent orders were filled I the market Immediately weakened until It was no betler than steady with last week's close. For a time there waa little or noth- ' Ing doing. I The condition of the trade did not im- I prove any buyers standing pat and re fusing to take what waa left at any more than ateady prices with last week's ri.,.. In fact, on heavy hoga they were not In all caaes bidding aa good as Saturday. While the light and medium weight loada sold largely at $7.6U4j7.70 early and on up as high as $7.76 for (he top, the heavy hoys had to sell at $7 35.7.65, the late aalea being mostly at $7 354)7.40. Repreaentatlve sales: Na, A. Ik. Pr. No, . BU Pr. It 4lt 7 11 II 2M 40 T 40 44 1T1 1H Hi 11 in H Hi 41 4 ... 7 IS 14 le ... 1 M 44 3t 110 7 H 44 Ml IK lit II itl ... T 40 so ; , J o 10 171 44 7 l tt 164 40 7 40 41 "J 40 1 4 T7 ill ... ICO 44 164 40 1 40 17 sul a) 1 0 tl 144 BO 1 B ii !7 1M 7 in 47 40 1 44 l In,) 1M 7ID M sal St t 44 (1 241 M 7 l 74 4 let 7 60 42- 141 4") 7 40 tl Ct S IU tl 247 44 t 10 44 171 ... 7 1) It 17 ... 7 0 M fcll 140 7 40 74 244 ... 1 to 10 M (U Tt IIS ... 1 frl 11. f W I 64 U 14 Mi) t to M M ... 1 b II lU ... 7 Co M J0 . . 7 tit, 71 tt 4 7 fcl 17 IM ID IU t 2.4 ... ft - 11 ... I 44 44 lr ... I tit Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. COFFEE Fu tures opened ateady at a decline of 6 points on December under a little scattering liqui dation, but generally unchanged to 4 points higher In response to firm Brazilian mar kets and fairly steady cables. Thore was little demipd. however. Receipts at the Krazllinn ports are running heavier than expected and later the market here be came eaxler under realizing through com mission houses or local bear preaaure. The close was steady at a net loss of 64(12 points. Salea. ;2.0oO bags. December and January, ll.oor; February. 11.02c; March, 11.03c; April. 10r,c; May, 1092c; June, io.bsc; July. 10 Me; August, 10 71k-; September. 10.71c; October, lo.tilo; November, 10.6iic. Havre closed net unchanged to m lower; Hamburg unchanged to higher; Rio. 25 rels higher at 7 $7.60; Santos. 1u0 rels: 4h, 7 $6 00; 7s, 7 $o00. Brazilian exchange on L ndon unchanged at tlr9 3.M. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports. .TO.irno bags, against 24 000 bag laxt year. Jundlahy rei-fclpta. ll.HiO bags, against 14.100 bags last year. Private rabies from Klo estimate the next Rio crop at 3,000.000 hags and report that the government has fixed upon 16d aa the minimum exchange rate. Spot, quiet; Rio No 7, l.rvic; Santos No. 4. 137,e. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 13'q 16 The New York Coffee exchange will observe Saturday. December 24 aa an extra exchange holiday. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. COTTON Spot closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling up lands. ir,.26c; middling gulf, 1560c; sales, 4.. too bales. ST. Ijri8, Dec. 19 COTTON Quiet; middling, 15 7-lSc; salea, 10 bales; receipts, Li.3 bales:, shipments, ) 353 bales; atock, 20.630 bales. The leading cotton futures range as follows: Months. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yes'y. Jan 14 92 14 94 I 14 71 14 94 14 e9 Mar. ... 16 21 16 27 15 21 15 25 15 1 May .... 16 41 15 45 115 40 15 44 I 15 39 July .... 15 40 1 5 47 I 15 40 15 45 I If, 3; Aug. ... 15 09 16 13 I 15 9 16 11 I 16 06 Dec J 14 89 14 94 14 Ha 14 93 14 8 Wool Market. ST. LOI IS. Mo.. Dec. 19 -WOOL ateady; territory and weatern mediums, 314-'2' fine mediums, 174) 19c, fine. t24)13o. Klalai Bailer Market. ELOIN. III.. Dee U-BUTTER Firm; 10c Output, 427,100 Iba. Between 4"0 and UX Scot will rthcr m Onmlia January 21 and 27. f"r the Intel s'.'H Burns Birthday festlxal. The Metropolilar club will be the scene of the rulmlnatlna festivities on the evening of the 25th. Sing ing of Scotch songs and dniiolnu of Cule (Ionian ('nines by dancers ot wide fault will be ft attires of the program. It Is likely that nt this affair steps will be taken toward the rrallxntlon of a long cherished plan f.-r the erection In Cinaha of a great monument to the tttepioty of Robert Bums, a memorial whhjli will coat about $10,000. Scots ate coming here from South I ' kota. Minnesota and lown besides Ne- ' braska and Omaha. From Sioux City will come member of the St. Andrew's society flnd the Interstate Caledonian soeleiy, the second being headed by l'a"t Chief Dr. Grant ltiss. From the Iowa city also will come a iuar(et of f-'cotch singer and Miss Zeiie Reed, famous on the Orpheum vaude ville circuit for l.er highland flinging and other Scottish dancing. St. Paul will send to Omaha members of (he Clan Campbell and a Lincoln clan will be well represented. All Omaha Scots, Clan Gordonltes and others will bo present to a man. James Cameron Is chairman of the Umaha committee on art angemenls ami James Unilsay Is secretary. The monument has a considerable nucleti for a Flatter. About $'-'.. '.00 is now on hand and more mibscrlptloiis will be easy to obtain. The location of the monument may be something of a problem, but there is eonsldeatble feeling In favor of Omaha. The Interstate Burns festival has bad the support of the publicity bureau of the Commercial club and many plcdes of at tendance have been received by the bureau and by officers of the committee. Bagpipe music will bo furnlnlied by A. Brodle Cownle, who Is reputed "some plplst." The Crulckshank boya, three famous South Dakota dancers, will vie with Miss Reed In tripping the L. V. toe. II la; Profit In Farming;. PIERRE. 8. D.. IVo, 19 (Special .) Two men, Teggltind and Horton, twelve miles from Onlda, cleared about $20,000 this year In breaking and farming. They had an oil-burning engine and gang breaker and with these they broke plenty of land and got gopd prices. They broke 900 acres which they sowed to flax, securing 6.000 bushels, which they sold at $2.47 a bushel, making $14,620 from that Item alone. Hun dreds of men could have done the same within fifty miles of Pierre. The land la here. Fernbank Dam Finished. CINCINNATI, O., Deo. 19.-The dam at Fernbank. ()., Just below Cincinnati, la finished, according to an announcement at the headquarters of the I'nlted Statea en gineering corps here today. The structure Is known to the government engineers as "Dam No. 87," and Is one of the series of fifty-seven designed to give a minimum stage of nine feet of water In the Ohio river from Pittsburg to Cairo. The maxi mum depth will be about eighteen feet. Preacher Commits Kolclde. KNOXV1LLE, Tenn.. Dec. 19-Rev. W. A. Catlett, pastor of the Baptist church at Maryvllle, Tenn., waa found dead In his home today with a bullet wound In his head. Mr. Catlett had been 111. Melnl Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 19 METALS Stand ard copper, easy; spot and futures, $12 20 4312.46. London, steady; spot, 57 2a 1d; futures. C77 lis 9d. Lake copper, locally, $13,004? 13.25; electrolytic, $12.7N3.00: cast ing. $12 504)12 75. Tin, steady; spot and fu tures. $38.238.60. l,ondon, dull; spot, 174 17s 6d; future), 176 2s 6d. 1ead. quiet; $4.45414.56, New York; $4.37474.40. East St. Louis. London, spot. 13 6s. Spelter, weak; $5.704i'5.80, New York; $5 47'4'a 5.52H, Knt St. Louis. London, spot, C?4. Cleveland Iron warrants, 60s lHd In London. The local Iron market was nominal; No. I northern foundry, $16 2.vgi6.25; No. 2 north ern foundry, $14.75415.76; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft foundry, $L5.-"( 16.76. ST. IjOTHS, Deo. 19. M E T A LB Lea A, $4.40. Spelter, $6.45. Iggar Market. NEW YORK, Deo. 19.-SUOAR-Raw quiet: muscovado, 89 test, 8.60c; oentiifugal, 96 teat, 4c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.25c; refined atetdy. CITIX SEBTICB OOMTASTT Tha Dlrsoton ef the Cities Rem Ine Orrnipanr hare declared a dlrldend of ltt on (he preferred stock and 44 of 1 on the comnxm stock, parable January 1st, Mil, to bolderi of record en Decem ber 10th, 1110. Thereafter dividends on tho preferred lock will bo paid at tbo rait at l of 1 a irmnth to el'va bo in ere of resort oa tho loth of aaofc preceding month. CAAU B. OtLBZlT, Betfy. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Tho Royal Hail ItetJaSaP. tirelawe Oa Vmmm ee Cabi-Weaf ladle. Paagatt-BurseaitU aaTTKarrv tlirrTin.sni.n uao west laisei r,een er Trweaa. Jr "AVftM 3iti " - - w . . . - r. TSkanl ak f aro) at -!. ls (Jere) star. (1 a.ye) rasiMpm - - - -1 - n mi 1 1 - 1 -4eej,u,iMM.Meaeo WMieOsetatoeaaee. Weakly Salllaeo frost Hew Pier 41, tr t. , . T, Bcrmgdi.Cubg. Jamaica mZZ'TZXlm On Alienate Salients re toy West Ms Hell gleomera s4 Interv.eliif SeiiirOHva hy Lee R.M.S. P.'TREIIT" Jii taMnittJ) SON, U.$4 Stat tL. tfew ferft 149 La' EaUe Bt., Chloago. W. E. DOCK. 1524 t'aruam bl. DWJGHTrCl CRUISE TO Til a. ORIENT Te eAVIenry of 22 years' oipoiioare aleo Cnreee to the Weat Irwlire 1 ..uutiH mi Tvenu V- , y-sy HAlrirR(J-MICICA! 11 -a r 151 Kandulll St.. I'Mraxo or IjovM Axents. 6 i SO DAYS Leaves lew fork JAN. SS). ten. irt c ri cvci tun the .J. OLLItLAftU Hilfi 111.. LEGAL NOTICES STCX'K HOLDERS' MEETING - OFFICIO hi i.rr-,iiiif-niiijicrBi!n iiaraware COII1- r"1'. v.. . . on, ioi riuuer v, tyio Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of Lee-Olaa-Andieeen Hardware Com pany that (he annual meeting of the atock holdera of the company will be held at ,,,, office of the ald company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in the city of Omaha In the state of Nehiaaka, on Tuesday, Janu ary, 10. A. D., inn. at 3 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing a boaid of directors for the company to rrva during the en suing year, and to tranaact such other bualnesa as may be presented at such meet. n ". J. LEE. President. Atttat: W. H. GLASS. Secretary not 1 1.' k. Stockholders' meeting of the Union Land company. ' Notice Is herehy given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the I'nion Land compsny. for the election of five directors and the transaction of surh other business as ma legally come before tua meeting, will he held at the office of (he (ieneral Solicitor. I'nion I'aeiric Head quarters Hulldiiig. Ninth .ml 1'arnam streets. Omaha. Nebraska, on Monday th Dlh day of January, mil. at 10 o cloek a ni The atock transfer hooka lll be closed 10 days previous lo the meeting .. ALEX. MILLAR, secretary. New Tork City. N. X., Deo. U. l,o. DlMJ0(