.m.-"i"i i. 5 L3J cdL IT li U, Z-H- CQ IsT M 1 II "-J ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. FOR CHRISTMAS (Continued. HELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) HELP WANTED MALE MONEY TO LOAN Want - Ads Waat ads wrlt at aar ! la lasare proper classic leattoa be pnwatf before IS 'elk la errata caltloa aa4 fara p'rlork at ntIh "dY reeel'eg Vfto "", are their first tasertlos aradla "Taa Lata ta Claaalfr" Haiti apply ta either Tka Dally at aaday Baa. Alwara als wardt ta llaa. cah MATF.a roi wawt A0 RKOVI.AR CLAMiriCATIO laaertloa. 1 1-S aaata war " , raat pr ward far aaak ?" laaertloa. Back artta ? add days, 1 1-2 aaata per llaa per aaaatk. Weat ad. far Tka wee mar at aar af tka fellawtaa- dra ,or'" aaa la ya "nf ar"-"-""' arc all braack afflaaa far Tka ad year aal will ka laaertad aat a preuptlr aad tka eaaaa ' sal effloe la Tka fcaa. '.( aad raraam atratt Albach, W. c. oh and Farnam. Beranek, B. A., 1408 B. lth M. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nan. Bemls Park Pharmacy, Id Cuming. Blake-Braiiish. tnt Sherman Ave. Clifton IIIU Pharmacy. 2218 Military AT. Caughlln. C. R.. 4th and Plero Bts. Crlaaay Pharmacy, 24th od Dak. Coouey Pharmacy. 8228 8. 14th St Cermak. EmU, 14-4 8. Uth Bt Ehler. P. H., SMt Leavenworth Bt. Poatar Arnold!, 811 N. 26th St. Fray tag J. 1., 1914 N. lth St. Fregger Drug Co., lim N. lth Bt Florence Drug Co., Florence, Nek. Ore en Pharmacy, Pnrk Ave. and PaSin Oreanouirh. Q A , 105 S. 10th St. Oreenough, O. A., 10th ana Hickory. Golden Pharmacy, 4th and Laveiiwortli. Haydn. William, 2928 Farnam Pt. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1601 B. tn v Hlntartong Drug Co t Ava, and ar eata He Holat. John, ?4 N. lfth Bt. Huff. A. U. tU Leavenworth Bt. Johanaon Drug Co.. Mth and BpaidiBg King, H. B.. i23? Farnani Bt. Kountxa Place Pharmacy, M04 N. Jathrop, Charlea K., 1324 N. th Bt. Marea. Fred L... Ml Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., im N. 24th 8U Peyton Pharmacy. 7M 8. WtH Bt. Saratoga Drug Co., Wth and Amej Att. Bchaafer a Cut Plica Drug Store. 16Ui and ChlcaKO Kt BrhaXar. Aug., 31 N. 16th. Bchmlut. 3. H.. 24th and Cuming Bte. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 4Uth and Cuming ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO& mtbalmera. 1614 Chicago. D. W. B-SBM. COAL I At cut prlcea. ALL KINDS. We a t a y ou too to 11.60 a ton. Quantltl and quality KObKNULATT's- CUT PKICB COAL CO., 13 NICHOLAS T. BOTH 'PHONE8. MISS LUT1E BRTANT wlahea to an nouiice to ladlea that aha haa added to I er balrdreaalng, manicuring, batha, salt glow, body tnaaaage, Bwedlah movement, by Battle Creek graduate. Mia Bryant thatika her palrona for their gencroua aupport In .ha past and aollclta their patronage for the future. Koomi 31 and 118 Bee Bldgj ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafera aiaka clear, white aklna. By mall 80o and 3. bharman MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. DOUULA8 Printing Co., Tel. Douglaa 644. MONEY I TO tiN-LOW HATE, in auma to ault, 110 Bee Uldg Phnna Douf. UNION LOAN CO. 1LE11 GRAND HOTEL Turkish Batha ZTl h the treat.. Howard Sta. Ftltara, filter repalra. 1110 Howard. D. IS1J fOAI. Beat coal; leaa money; I ba HAKRT W. MOOL, Engineer. Dealgner, Draflaman. 161 Brandeia Theater. D. 1)1. JOHN K. mUOH. ahlrta. a Putoa Blk. TVh.NTY iter cent leaa than Omaha prlcea UUMK runniitina v.a Tacnty-lourta ami L ata.. avuta Omaha. l.'H lillTUMHY fchUta No. t. full dsara. Cafe In oonnacUon. Ill b. Uth t. B. V. Wurn, opUolan, 441 Brandeia Bldg DAVID COLK CREAMEKI CO. W. C. CATT1N, plumbing and heating; hew and repair work. 110 No. V4th. D. liji. V. 11. ROUS ac CO., kaya and lockwork. ITUli Leavau worth. Both phone. I1! I AT. Nubile Market Bpeolal, nut, 14.00. lump, ltt.40. Premium wlLh cash Order. Partiidne-Thomaon Co., 1610 Harney auvet. Douglae bitii. lud. A-3toU. YOUR magaalne order will earn 16.000 for chanty; every bleaaed order or renewal tarua too. write lor particuiara ana cata lugua, or uaa any. I duplicate any printed otter; lu0 already earned; keep it going. Addled, Ci union, The Magaxlna Man, umaiia. Dougiua libi. WG HAVE Jut received one new full lea white nearae, aiao one ailver gray, full alae. In addition to our livery bual nsae; your trail la reapeotfully aollclted. Lavi & uornian, itii-a L.eavenworin. liar oey m. lad., HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 611 Bee Bldg. DR. ML'.NbO.N. 26 11 Sherman Ave. W. iuVi. S. 11. Cola Sign Co.. D. Stol. 1114 Farnam HOW 13 TOUR COAL BINT Tel. D. 4U& W'rb. tilA. Coal all kinds li. 11. MOHE110USE CO., AKl'IVll? vJ New and aecondhand Dy UAV'AvyiiJ namoa and Alotoia; auto all kiiHla of eleotrlcal repairing. lBrua biucii'icai orka, an B. Kin. uo'.a t'hoaea. LOOK FOlt C. SCllLANK'S PltlCK LIST. Uuokenheimer Buiiud in Bond. l-'uu guan U.00 Old uvti hull Bottled la Buud, t uil W"rt U.0 old llip Buttled in Bund, I'Ull yuan i.oo OoKku Ivaven Bottlad la Bund, luil Quart l. w tUI. water Bottled la Buad, hull yuan li.O) Uia oti i cpper cornea in uoiia. 1-uil wuart ll.M old Lis iiunter uottiou in bond. r uil viuart 11. g Old 'iai -Bottled la Bond. Kull wuart 1.0 Schenlvy Hye Bottled la Bond. Kull (Juarta 11. X lo. K. i'apier Buttled In Band. Full Quart II. ti jur Brt 10-Yrar-Oid Wlil.ky-Uilllnner Penn. Pure Rve. Pull Quart Lj6 With earh purvhaaa wa ili glva abao lutaly Firm one bottle of The Beat Cali fornia Uie. C. SCIILANK, Give a Fine Ring Special sale Monday and Tuesday only, on our famous Mexican White Sapphire Gems, set in 14-k. solid gold rings $5.00 up. We also have 75 14-k. solid gold rings set with genuine Dia monds weighing 1-16 to 1-2 carat, $7.50 up. ' We are wholesalers and re tailers closing out our entire stock of samples to the public at 50 per cent discount. We say to many of our cus tomers who ask us what to give, that giving would be a cruelty if friends only gave what they thought each other lacked or was not able to buy. We say, give what you can that is trood and lasting. In our stock will be found thousands of the very best gifts. We have selected them for their appro priateness. Give a ring, stick pin, brooch, necklace, a watch, chain, ear rings, bracelets. We have an endless list from which you may select. If you will drop in between 9 in the morning and 9 in the eve ning, we can assist you in mak ing a pleasing selection. DeLong Jewelry Company McCague Bldg., 15th and Dodge 2d Floor, 202-3-4. Entrance on 15th St LYNCH BHOS. uum?nAli0 REPAIR WORKS. 1701 Jackaon St. D. 1477 OH. TOO PARADISE! flminda a-iuld Anmmn't lit U.nnlti... . trema whan vnti hitrn Atii P i P i lilup COAL. To cut down your coal bill take our auvico ana ourn fttraaiae. Will aave you i.do to ton. uotn phonea. J. W. BUDFORD, !Uai Cuming St EAT KOBHEH HOME COOKlNa. ARK1NS. U B. 16TH. UPBTAJRh. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH ft nnia JETE'8, la Douglaa Street. el8 NAQOARD Van A Storage. Pack, move, atora ana amp n. ti. uoooa. u. I4us. u-MHt. vi.irviTnna nffDitDpn fr.ih. aenger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 8. Uth. D. ZW. HARRY W. VICKERS. civil anglneer. fctv raxion oik. uoug. mo. ina. hu, AUT0MCBILES "Bmaah up" your auto. "HKII" into a poat "TEAR" vnur luu. And bring It to the beat place In Omaha ic.r an Kinds or repairing DRUMMOND Corner lath und Harney hi.. Auto Impairing ,f,vrr r? ca. ON CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The Paxtun- anienetl Co., SOlO-ll Harney. D. Jbl4; A-2011. Auto Painting "U"PH f'1"- ANDREW MURPHY a, SON. 111 Jack.oQ. WRITE for Hat of automobile bargnlna, n. c rrtoricuaon Auto Co.. OuiatiA. POK HALE-Model 10 Hmrk roiiliiu eiuipped itu Prea-to-lite tank and axtiajai iiiie, an narney Wl. STORAdE Aul repairing painting . , "in. ,rl'liieftar Carriage t A.avvirwui'ih. Hed BUSINESS CHANCES io or.1 ib or aui et iuiuu rail aa uiituaiiu eve lie atiug. iek't. Ui7. CA!SAI)Y p' Tttl '' '"n nd trty for aale or rvni. Qulok return, ti. vv. vumvr jio ana iougiaa. iel. loug. liMt. LA10E FIUE KlWi'ff ta2S Utely the last month thia ad will run; laka unuii ui u. DtocKa lor aale DIV1 IJtNUS. Ageuta auld. Caaaady Co., jveni. a. . l ur. niu aim Uoua laa. omat.a. Tel. D. Ii20. a. D. C. CODDINGTON. W Board Tiade Bld(., buaiueaa cliaavea. bond, veaiuienta and real eataia. la BEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST MENT COM f A.N V (or big bargains la farm or raucii lands. Llat your piupeny lor sale Willi ua. All kuius of txciiangea u N. V Ufa Bid. FOR bALK Mora building and clean stock of merchandise In ainall town in mcalern Nebraska. Good lovalioa and good trade. Addreae Hevera biwh, Ujaiiuia, N ea FOR BALE My brick yard, capacity 30.- 000, In good running order, at big bargain. Th omv br ck yard in tne city wm-rt you don't have to have an agent on the road to aell your material. Local demand .a what counts. Reason lor selling: i am go:ng to leave the city. Unless you mean business Oon t answer, j. n. Lruu'nunm, bouth Omaha. Neb. ll.vl nvj i o iivrn uy ruiMin. v. chard for hotel. Best of locations. Inquire of Blanchaid Booster club. Blanchard. la. Wake Up, Old Man, Wake Up! YOUR EYES ARE YOUR FORTUNE Take care of them. Our 1 yeais' ex perience at your service. Consult us. COLUMBIAN UrillAli tU, 209-211 So. lth Bt. WANTED TO nu i interest in automo bile business. Address A. M. Baugh, Gen eral Delivery, Omaha. cud fa a r. it A anA hualnui in Idaho. Groceries and Queenware, fine location on main street. Dulng good business. If you buy we pay your tare. Addreaa P. O. Box Wi Caldwell, Idaho. theater, doing good business In town ot l.tttiu lnnanuanis. Aunreni n. a. jiiauu. Box 463, Clay Center, Neb. T OIVK1 personal attention to colleo x vjxtxj tion.- no collection no com mission; 12 years' experience. Jensen, 201 NEVILLE BLOCK. 'PHONE DOUG. 4964. AN up-to-date bakery and restaurant; Invoices from 11.000 to 11.200; bent location In town; doing fine busineaa; will stand in spection. Box 471, Avoca, la. FOR SALE A good paying business. consisting of dry goods, shoes, ladles' ready to wear goons, in one of the best county seat towns tn northeastern Kansas. Will consider a good farm as part payment. Stock In fine condition; will Invoice about I1.1W0. Address Owner, 2100 D bt., Lincoln, Neb. WILL make a good proposition to a young man who can Invest about 11.000; party win do well securea; preiere a young man from the country; good opportunity and good chance for advancement. Address K 507. Bee. FOR SALE One of the best paying county seat newspapers In the state of Nebraska; republican; terms to responsible party. Best bid by Jan. 1 Is going to get It. ill health. iNorthem Nebraska Journal Ponca, Neb. REPUBLICAN county seat newspaper for sale. Western lowa. Cash or bankable paper. Address Y-2b9, care Bee. CAREY ACT Irrigation project, sur veyed, experted, and ready to file. Want partner with 110,0u0 cash; give control to him. Address tiox 44a, lender, wyo. It omnia a- Hoasea for lal. A DESIRABLE 4-room apart meat, new, 120. 1741 27th Bt. Harney IS80. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 160S Farnam St. Douglas Mrf. MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hnlr dressing, hair goods, city Nat I BR. I). 2333, DENTISTS BAILEY & MACII, Id floor. Paxton. D. 1036. 0ETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age., inc., bonded. 4S- Paxton blk. D. 1210; Ind. A 1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 517 KARBAPH BLK DRESSMAKERS FIRST-CLASS dreasmaklng and tailor. Miaa Mslone, 2Z13 Douglaa. Tel. Doug. 471a. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. 3711. MISS STURDY. 821 9 14th. D 7314. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST WINTER TERM Of Boyles College Is now open In both the oay and night Ses sions. Yet It la not too late to enter. Be gin now and receive that mental discipline mat win double your earning capacity. Busineaa, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Teleg raphy, civil Service and Saleemansnip. The cataloaue la free. -Addreaa H. B. Boyles, President. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union Paoifld & K. Telegraph Department. Mosher-Lampman colegI Unexcelled eouraaa In Bualnoae. tthiirt band, peumanai-.ip and FnglUh. None bat experienced leaclieis. Day and night aaa alone. Moat Interesting cataloaue puuliaued u viiiBiia. nvuu lur one 'CXI AT. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. ENROLL AT ONCE. MG&li E H A UlirNAN, 17th aod Farnam 8u.. Omaha. Neb. FLORISTS HESS at 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. bcnr.ett'a Plotter Dept., Eaat entrance J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la., largest greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shlppad anywhere In U. 8. L. Henderson, 1M Farnam. Douglas If It ). H. BATH. 12! Harney. Douglas at A. DONAHUE. 1007 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001. KUtANDEIS' cut flowar dept.. new store. FOR CHRISTMAS TYPEWRITERS 11 up. Most acceptable gift, one of our rebuilt machines; good aa new at half price and leaa. We ship everywhere, Oliver, bmlth Premier, IJi; Remington. 121); Under wood. 137; CMi-ifO, U.iJ. Personal Interest taken la each and every order. Order early and get bst choice. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, lou7 Farnam Bt. A BEAUTIFUL txl enlargement from your flim, 3oc. In fine oak or ebony frame. Hoc. Have your next roll of film developed free. Commercial Photographic Studio, M Buatun More Bidg. THE BEST XMAS PRESENT Is a scholarship in tne MOSHER-LAMPMAN CoLLEUE. 1U great benefits last a lifetime. eud to MOSHKK & LAMPMAN. UTH AN li r'AKNAM SI'ti.. FUR CATA LOGUE. TERMS, ETC TEN per cent discount with this ad on Xniaa goods at Shook Mfg Co. 422 80. Uth t. ' PUT SOME XMAS MONEY INTO A COLL'M HI A. The grapi.aphotie of quality. A gift for the wl.ole family. Mul peopla buy on tune, and that suits u. Terms are easy. Columbia Phonograph Co., UU-llil Vaxn&ai M. BIG LOT OF DIAMONDS Jewelry leTt on hand for sale; special low prices. rur-nned overcoats ana sesiskin caps. Friedman's Loan Bank. 201 S. 13th. MY BACK IS BROKEN. I earned 11.000 for infants' home Ust fall. Your magazine order and renewals this fall will earn IS, 000 for charity. The Interest of this money will provide for an Invalid s maintenance tor lire and later pay nurse s wages or endow a hospital cot forever. Must have 260 subscriptions to Everybody's, Delineator, 11.90; Woman's Home Compan ion, MctTure s, 11.20. In December to earn the first 11. MO; every order or renewal earns WV; four earns 12 for charity. 1 posi tively duplicate any printed offer. Writ for catalogue and story; twX) already earned. rUK M fcKC I HAKK UKI ill CM l. Write or phone Douglas 7163. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, OMAHA. Und-palnted china cheap. 2703 Cum. H. 1S10 BEFORE purchaalng your Christmas f fts call and see our complete line 01 ine Jewelry at manufacturers' prices. We will save you 100 per cent on all kinds of Jewelry. Direct Importers of Diamonds and precious stones. DE LONG JEWELRY CO., 102-8-4 McCague Bldg., Cor. 13th and Dodge Streets. Open evenings until 9 p. m. RT? ANHFTS5 CUT flower dept. mwHN lACAO x larR, auppiy f holiday needs. Cut flowers, b'.oomlng plants and evergreen at special prlcea. T OWNRY'S ' Xmas. Saratoga ''i'" 0 DrU, Co., 14th aAinsa 75 DIAMOND RINGS iZ!t M per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglaa 6t. NEW DELICATESSEN,;; us quiet and homelike. ISOt Farnam St Hillor'a For holiday wines and whls- CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, to to 13. Sherman-McConnel Drug Co.. lRth and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 16tli and Harney. HAND-PAINTED h'": " Sr Emlg, 334 Brandeia Theater Bldg. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATE, china firing. 170 Brandeia Bldg. Tel. Webster 6978. VIRGINIA DARE wine, TBo a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 123 N. lfith Bt IOPLINGER'S ".nFtrna'nT GOLD lettering on purses and leather goods. E. A. Tryon, Bookbinder, 209 So. :th St. Rpfrpshmpnta Mul0 service for TVUlieBUllltJliia weddlng;i ft (Uncealnor out of town. Call or write Alfred Jonea, 4311 Jackson. Tel. liar. 1163, lnd. A-2367. TEN days special prices on tailored and tanoy waists. 206 North 23d St B-148L CHRISTMAS perfumes, dainty packages, 16o to 110. Bberman-McConnell Drug Co., ISth & Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 16th at Harney. y' T I"! A memberahlp makes a present IIOBSON'S Beauty Shop, UOt Doug good for Xmas. We make doll wigs. PENNELL'S 6aTo you 40, Lot u. man a 101 Your Fur Hat AGENTS Xmas goods coming In ovary day. Coma and get busy. 23 S. 16th. BUY A CAMERA S'yound I per cent discount Megeath Stat'jr Ca DREBSMAKINO and alteration. first clsss work; prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor. 2011 N. lMh. Webstar 1410. FOR XMA8 present have your photo 8. taken at Stutsman's. The Bat sett Studio. HUB. PRAYER A delight hair food; does grow hair. Megeath's. Uth & Farnam. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Doug. 4750. Ind. A 8821. 1609U Farnam Bt STENCIL outfits; t styles; suitable for presents; picture framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper and a full line of Sherwin-Williams Paints. brass polish, liquid veneer and all brands of floor wax. ABE'S ILER GRAND PHARMACY. Xmas gifts, moccasins, 60c to 12.00. Leather novelties, all kinds. Xmas candies, perfumes, cigars and pipes. GOOD EYE-SIGHT Is mankind's greatest blessing. Consult us. Columbian Optical Co., 2UMI 8. 16th gt. Eyea examined. Glasses Fitted. AUTOMOBILE GLOVES MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. Give Her a Membership Id the Young Women's Christian Asm. CANDIES ?tuyaoj assj XX1.1 LSAAwkJ KRCu.ni 161 Harney. Kim merman Crowe Furniture Co., 17u Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf said! GOOD THINGS t'hV nd drtn Fallstaff Buffet, Board of Trade Bldg. TRY our lOo era -a bread; always fresh. 11 worth St. Bakery, 27o7 llworth. H. The Mickey Music Co. S e are now located In our new home at Kill H. mth St. with a splendid line uf An aa pieaents. Let us show you. FRANK H. GIBSON CO. Is furnishing the coffee for the church basaar in the Bee Bldg. TRY IT. Phone Doug. 6320 What Better Christmas gift could you make a son, a daughter or a friend than the preient of a scholarship In the Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telrapli v. Civil Service r Salesmanship Pepaitmenta of Boyles College? The Van Sant School Wishes All Readers a Merry Christmas. and Invites young men and nomen and their parenta to call at the school ofiicu soma time before January 1, ak the busi ness men about Van Sant graduates. Elizabeth Van Sant. Prlnilpal. lune C. Duffy, Proprietor. Weed Bldg., Omaha. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Therinottaia and lank heat fit. Omaha Stove Bepuir Worlcj, l-Hn-lAe liougla St. Both 1. hones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. '.". fcienonrai'her and cashier, insurance, 171. Hler.oxra'iher, private sec, $x to 7j. office clerk. 14 per week. If you are a cometeii; stenographer DON'T KAIL to see us at once CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Uli Ctqr NaUouU Iteaa Bldg. lea. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlora, 236-240 City Nat l Bank. D. &M. V ANTEI At once, women and girls. Steady work. Good wages. Great Western Cereal Co., Fort Dodge, la. LADIES and girls to help on holiday orders decorating sofa pillows at home; ex- p Hence unnnecessary. can iorenoons. 2307 S. 13th. WANTED Experienced girl for halr dresslng and manicuring work. Katherlne Glblln, 127-30 City National Bank Bldg. Heaeekeepers anal Donaeatlea. EXPERIENCED girl to cook and do gen eral housework; small family; no washing. Inquire 2102 Douglaa. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Tel. Harney 4658. 401 N. list St. WANTED Nurse girl over 11 21 U Maple St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 205 S. 15th Ave. WANTED At once, good second girl. S23 S. 37 th St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 101 S. 29th St WANTED A good girl for general housework: no warning; must be cook. Apply flat Z. Davldge Bidg, 18th and Far nam. upstairs. Phone Douglaa 4194. WANTED A girl Ito help with house work. 861 Farnam St. WANTED A girl for general housework. to S. SMh St. WANTED A good housekeeper by bach elor. Wm. Grim, Harrison Neb. WANTED A middle-aged woman to keep house and care for child. Call Sun day between 1 and 4. 1614 Chicago St, flat B.- . WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family. 8315 Harney St. WANTED A girl for general housework. 2223 Dodge St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 1801 Binney St. WANTED Competent girl for housework; must be experienced. 1002 Dodge St WANTED Competent cook and house maid, family of three. Inquire 411 S. fun St. WANTED Girl for general housework. 607 S. 88th Ava. Tel. Harney 4066. WANTED Girl to help with housework. going to school or working. Call 3608 How ard St WANTED Girl to help with general housework; references. Call Harney 2110. WANTED A good, competent girl for general housework. 110 South 17th St 'Phone Harney 6114. LADIES WANTED Take work home, applying transfers. 416 Brandeia theater. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 606 Park Ave. lllscellaaeeae. TOtTNO WOMEN eomlng to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at tt Mary's Ave. and 17th St- where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoes er otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler s aid at the Union station. WANTED An elderly lady to care for an Invalid lady; good wages and a good noma mr inn ngni party. Address Rev. L. E. Phlfer, Tllford, S. D. HELP WANTED WALE Ageala, lalesmea anal olleltora. SALESMEN wanted to sell a strong shirtwaist line In the territory west of the Mississippi river. Those attainted with the trade preferred. Addresk 1-301, Bee. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN HAS OPENED UP A BRANCH IN THE CITY. HiiWClRES 1 HE 8 fa.lt VICES OF SALES MEN AND CANVASSERS TO SELL AN ARTICLE DIRECT TO THE CONSUM EKS. Wis WANT MEN WHO ARE PRO DUCERS AND TO THOtfK WHO CAN GET THE BUSINBS8 THERE WILL BE A FUTURE IN CONNECTING THEM bELVES WITH THIS CON CUR N. CALL AT 301 KARBACH BLOCK, lal'H AND UOUGLAS STS., AFTER i A. M. t- AGENT8 WANTED Either sex to sell Ureka Nasal Irrigator. Will prevent, relieve and cure colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis .Scarlet Fever, Measles, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, Infantile Palsy. Agents making three to six dollars per day. For prices, territory and description address Box tttti, Waverly, Neb. WANTED GOOD RELIABLE MEN TO solicit .for nursery stock; good proposition to offer; write today. James Truut at Sons, Chanute, Kan., Nurserymen. EXPERIENCED silk salesman wanted. Hayden Bros. Roys. WANTED Several reliable boy. West rn Union Telegraph Co.. HI S. ma St Clerical and Office. EXP. grocery man to take charge of bmall store; must bo able to buy; salary depends upon experience. AsHiatant bookkeeper, Collector, loi. Snipping clerk, must be able to make small investment. Stenographer with R. R. exp., 175. WESTERN REF. ft RON D ASS .N, INC., OMAHA Eatab. 8 years KANSAS C1TV. 7i2-3-4-6 New York life Bldg. FIRST class shoe salesman wanted at once. Don't apply unless you are experi enced. Nebraska Clothing Co. IF you are competent In any commercial line, DON'T FAIL to see us at once, as we have in exceptionally large list of vacancies to be filled Immediately. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., lulj City Natlonii Buok Bldg. Kartorr aud 1 rades. Drug flora, isnapei. Jobs. Knlest. lie rmi WANTED Printer, good two-thlrder will do: who is cornet or clarinet player; on county seat weekly; excellent chance for advancement for good man. Two lallroads; population wjQ. Addiexs C. O. Smith. Union, No. 1'ak. WANTED Experienced cabinet maker and tlnli-lier; steady place for light man. Apply Rube I Furnl.uis Co., loU-Ulj How aid. Mlarellaneooa. WE WAN" men to learn the barber trade. Good barbers make g-ood money and lnuku It tan'. Wa make gnod barbers uiul make them easy. Few wek completes I'o barbers now take apprentice, tliut a why I ha demand Increases tor our giadu aie. We (five practical experience by free lhaves and instructions by expert. Wattea in finishing department. Tools donated, hoard if desired. Write today. Jut aay. send particulars. Mulsr Barber College, 11U M. 14Uk bl -Coallnued. WANTED 170 month; customs. Internal revenue, railway mall clerks; list ot spring examinations In Omaha now ready; prep aration free. Franklin Institute, Dept 14 U, Rochester, N. Y. YOU are wanted for government posi tion; 1MI month; write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 217B. Rochester, N. Y. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea aad Wagoas. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth, If you buy from JOHNSON-DA N FORTH CO.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sta. VB buy and sell all kinds of horse. Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel. Doug. 44. WE want to buy 26 head of horses. The Blue Barn, read Millard hotel, 13th and Douglaa Sta. Ceres. FOR SALS Jersey cow. 2314 Bo, 11th. FOR SALE Full blooded Jersey eow. Just fresh. Call Harney 3322. Hogs. THOROUGHBRED hoar hog, cash or time. 43d and Center. LOST AND FOUND LOST-SMALL BLACK PURSE, CON talnlng money and personal cards; reward. Tel. Harney 207. LOST Silver mesh purse containing small brown pocketbook and sum of money Saturday night between 26th and 28th on Dewey Ave.; liberal reward for return to 2St Dewey Ave. or telephone Harney 63aS. The Teddy Bear TZ'?. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment aupervlaed by college professor. Phone Douglaa 1167. Call anawered day and night. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. tsmmmstmmituuu sumimummM 11 CHEAP MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS 11 110 TO 11.000 M LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD (1 FURNITURE, PIANOS. SALARIES, ft U THIS IS A NEW FIRM. M 11 Organized by the REPUTABLE 11 tt BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- It 11 tect honest working people In need U tt of temporary help from the exorbl- tt 11 tant charges of the so-called loan H x cminanlea. Wa will loan you all th U 11 money you want and charge you only U 11 4 per cent a year. M U THIS MEANS YOU PAY U 11 For I 10 mo. payment 11.701 10-20 11 11 For 1 25 8 mo. payment h z- w 11 For 1 60 mo. payments 18.441 60.74 II 11 For 1100 13 mo. payments 18.6s-liv2.rt 11 11 And all other sum In proportion. t U Easy weekly or Monthly Payments. H (t Reasonable Appraisement Charge. i It A glance at th above rate will l it convince you how much you save by 11 It deallnsr with us. it NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. H MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. 11 WITHIN AN HOUR. 11 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., 11 ROOM 2o4, W1THNELL BUILDING. 11 Doug. 61H6. N. E.Cor. 15th and Harney. CHRISTMAS MONEY 1 Christmas Money 1 1 Christmas Money!! LOOK AT OUR NEW PLAN. MONEY ON CREDIT. SOMETHING NEW. Any amount on your FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSES, WAGONS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS and PERSONAL PROPERTY of all kind without re moval. Also loan on SALARIES. A ateady Job Is all that I required. THE PEOPLES COMPANY, who guarantee a SQUARE DEAL AND HAVE NO "REASONABLE APPRAISE MENT FEE." See the point 7 We don t charge to look at your furniture a th trust does. Remember th Place and Save th Difference. American Loan Company, 1618 Farnam Street. Room 80S. Take Elevator. Call or write. Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage! Don't go to a friend. Come to us. Wheel you borrow money you want the lowest rat-;, and we give It. W will loan you from tO.uO to 1100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; srruill and easy payments. 11.20 1b the weekly payment on a SO loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall, or phone applications receive our prompt attention, fitric ly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlington Block, 1511V Dodge St. Phones: Douglaa 241W A-24C5. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W C FLATAII 1:14 Dod Street. . Vy. r UA1AU, Telephone Red Mil. twmmwwms? mttumummttmiimmt 11 CHEAP LOANS 11 It on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. U 11 AT 4 HE Ft CENT A YEAR! M 11 Can You Beat Thes Ratei? 61 It 1 10 (or 1 months lite. II 11 t 25 fur 1 months "Ss 11 11 t 60 for 4 months 11.60 M 11 1 7a for 4 months 12 25 1) M 1100 for 4 months 13. uO tt Fnutll charge for appraising. 11 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. 14 It Room 110 Brown Bik., 7 S. Hith Bt. II It Opposite Braiitiel , Ho i. Hum. A-20:di. tt Ready Money WTien You Need It. plenty of money. .uick loan. llaica reasonable, terms .o auit. Honesty our policy. We advertiae no misleading- rates or impossible terms. Will loan you on any kind ot security or your plain note. Open Evenings Until CbrlBtmgg. THE J. A. HUTTON COMPANY. ili Paxton Block. I0 VOL' NEED MONEY t We 111 loan you money on your furnl ture, piano. Iiva etotk or any other se curity t LOWER HA'lES THAN Uliilitn ADVEKTldE. Courteous treatment anj strict pilvacy. Call or pnwne ana convince yourxeif. . a E1HASKA LOAN' CO., D 11". ind. A-1H54. .'JO lies U.dJ THeToMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK Loans money on furniture and pianos. Low est weekly or monthly paments. OU ADDKA.M4, 1404 F ARA AM BT. Mlsellaaeoaa Salary and Chattels I ontlnaed. CHRISTMAS MONEY e are prepared lo make loans to these needing funds for CHRISTMAS. As low ates as any advertised. Eaay payments, squsre deal and every transaction confi dential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., w Paxton Block. Phones: Doug. 1411. A-1411. READY MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT. Plenty money, quick loans, rales reason able; terms to suit; honenty our policy. V advertise no mlsleHdliiK rates ot Impossible terms. Will loan you on ny kind ot secur ity or your plain note. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. TUB J. A. HUTTON CO., 616 Paxton Block, ISth and Farnam Bt. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLW, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AN U OTHERS, without security; easy payment. Office In M principal cities. Tolmsn, Room 603 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mor-Ing; furniture packing, fireproof storage. Telephones Douglas 394, Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN 4 STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electrlo vacuum cleaners. 804 S. 16th; 309 8. 17th. Doug. 4161. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES JAMES R COLVIN, piano Btudlo, Boyd Theater Bldg., 606-6. Phone Douglaa 41198. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. TABLE board; prices reasonable. ?nod horn 114 Harney. cooklngi Red m. LARGE beautiful furnished rooms, en suite or single, with lavatory, large closet; excellent board. 709 Georgia Ave. CHOICBJ modern room, southern ex posure; better see It; excellent home cook ing. Phone Douglas 221. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for two; modern, private family, good board. 1609 S. 28th. FINE furnished rooms wfth board; bom cooking. M07 Harney St NEWLY furnished rooms with board; strictly modern. IM blocks from Farnam street car. 608 So. 88th Bt UTOPIA, board with or without rooms. Bt. James, 418 8. 13; tm, heat, free batnj Am., 1L2& up; wkly., 15 up; meals, 26c. 118 NORTH Wth street. Two healed rooms with modern coavenlenoes; men pre ferred. Phone Harney Rl6. WARM, cheery, modern room, close In; excellent horn cooking. Tel. Doug. 2268. NICELY furnished rooms with board; walking distance. Tel. Red 43T7. 308 N. 22d. LARGE, nicely furnished room, moderns best board, private family; for gentleman. Harney 46. ' FOR RENT NIc furnished room; heat and gws; meal If desired, lull Cuming St FOR RENT On larg room, also two single room; good board, hit S. 26th St. WANTED a lady to board; private family. 8404 Chicago Bt TEN MINUTES' Walk, Good board, Nle room; Reasonable; All conveniences; New, modern; Private family. 817 North 21st FOR RENT Large front room, desirable for two; board. 2211 Dougla St FOR RENT Desirable room; horn cook ing. 2212 Dougla St FOR RENT Nic modern room; board. 102 N. tUt St PLEASANT room for lady. 1408 Caa 3t Faralahe Boom. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 117 B. 86th Bt Very convenient to bualnesa SINGLE room, two light housekeeping. Modern, conveniences. 824 N. 19th. WARM, double parlor, all modern, to four gentlemen; also room with aloove. for three; reasonable rent. (01 S. 27th Ht. STRICTLY modern room for gentlemen. 8507 Farnam street Phone Douglaa 6366. CLOSE-IN, three newly furnished, nice rooms, all modern; no sign. 610 North 20th street Phone Douglaa 6582. NICELT furnished room. 632 8. 22d Bt, CHOICE front room, suitable for two; warm: strictly modern and well kept; pri vate family; phone; walking dlxtauce; als convenient to goou tar line; reasonable. 110 N. 24th St FURNISHED, steam heated room; private family, for gtntieman; walking distance. 602 S. 28th St. NEWLY furnished modern rooms; these are all outside rooms and have the best of light, heat and gas snd very convenient to business district 12 Dodg. SUPERB large steam-heated room, 2J8 N. 23d. IDEAL room, furnlohed. In new brick flat; electrio lights; 8' blocks west of Rom hotel; good location. 648 S, 19tb. Tyler 16.4. TWO furnished rooms. Tel Webster 6976. Kit N. 2(nh St. ONE furnished room. 1004 B. 20th; t un furnished. 11 S. 21st. THE coxiest, neatest furnished room In city within 6 minutes of bualnes district; strictly up to date; price reasonable. 2704 Farnam. Harney sal. SUITE of rooms, elegantly furnished, running hot and cold water in room; price iraftouable; suitable for two or three gentlemen; walking distance. 2068 bt Mary's Ave. NEAR postofflce, newly furnished mod ern Improvements, 12.50 and up. Cuss St Hotel, lit Cans St. LARGE furnished front room, all mod ern, electric ilfht and bath. Phone D. 6M1 ku 8. 21 St. TWO large south rooms. All modern convenience!! Ited 5286. TWO modern front rooms, close In 624 N. 23d. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modern fr'.nt room; breakfast II desired. Xi'l Davenport St. Harney 1771. MODEHN furnished front room with al cove, also smaller one. 'JA2i Dodg a NICELY furnished front rooms; modern l 'l close In. 2.'a St. Mary s Av. M'iDKftN south room; also one on bats) itK.ni flour. w.I Harney. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room fur laily; Bemls Park. Harney HXJ. NICELY furnished front room; slua Uk. Suit Howard Ml 1 i 1y J i 1 i it