Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska. Fslr.
For lows Fair
For weather report sco psito -.
VOL. XL NO. loS.
Upper Chamber Orerrulei Dictum by
Mieraan that Senator Haying- Pair
Could Be Counted.
Similar Ruling by Chairman Previ
ously Starts Dispute.
Measure to Codify Postal Laws Causes
the Discussion.
'ereral M ambers Attempt to Take
A4tiiIii of Parliamentary Rule
ta Attain Their Object Wlth
oat Avail.
WASHINGTON. Iec. lS.-As the result
f a ruling by Vice President Sherman
that a senator having a pair with another
en.eor caum u. cuumeu .u w. - . and manl;rd according to their Judgment,
quorum, the senate today, on motion of, After Mrs rudany., annun,. , ,,ald ,t
Benator Hale, refused to accept tht dictum. dlrectpd tcn of chndr,n ghau be
verruling It. 7 to 17. The refusal of the , pad annuRllv OO0o for flva vear, and l0
lenate to accept the decision of Its rre- Jol)n shw of Cnlralro J500 annuanv for
ildlng officer followed a protest voiced five Jearf, The chndren Bre Mrs Wnilam
farller In the day against a similar ruling j p Nclson ,Va,.t T. cudahy. Clara A. Cud
made by Mr. Sherman Baturday. The hv M , . H ,..., of Kn vsten
;lah today, as was the case Saturday,
tame up during the consideration of the
omnibus claims bill. The senate passed
a few minor bills and adopted the house
resolution agreeing to adjourn on Wednes
day for the Christmas recess, reconvening
January S.
The house early In the session fell Into
a parliamentary wrangle, which developed
when the bill to codify the postal laws
was taken up. The measure was still un
der consideration when the house ad
journed. Several bills of minor Import
ant were passed.
Both houses will be In session tomor
row. Senate ta Determined.
By Its vote of today the aenate again
emphatically announced Its determination
to resist all efforts to alter Its rules In
, any way looking to the establishment of
clotre In that body.
In connection with votes on amendments
to the omnibus claims bill a vote was taken
on an appeal by Senator Hale on a de
cision by the chair similar to that of Sat
urday. All of the seventeen votes In favor
of sustaining the chair were cast by re
publicans. Of the thirty-seven votes against
the chair twenty were cast by republicans
and seventeen by democrats.
In the roll call the point was made by
Mr. Heyburn that only by unanimous con
sent could a senator be excused from vot
. Ing. even In observance of a pair, and
after the call was concluded Senators 111
lingham and Martin were compelled to
rls and ak to be excused because of
- pairs. . '
No objection was made. '
Postal l.avrs BUI In Moose.
The reading was begun In the house to
day of a bill for the revision and coJlTka- j
tlon of the postal laws. This provides for
a practical reclassification of the postal
service and for the appointment of a di
rector general of posts. The latter would
be a permanent government official sub
ject to dlmlssal for cause only, and would
be the pi actual manager of the entire
Fostofflce department.
This would no tdlrpense with the cabi
net position of postmaster general, and the
latter would be the real head of the de
partment, giving his attention, however,
anno entirely iu uit uruaurr ejueawu.,, i
policy af reeling the .department.
Hat her slow progress was made with the
reading of the bill, which la a long one, be-
cause some of the members were anxious
to have taken up a pension bill providing
pensions for civil and Mexican war veter
ans more than 02 yeaia old. Every parlia
mentary rule these members could think
of was resorted to, but without result.
The house did not adjourn, however,
without a struggle, two calls for quorum
and three roll calls being necessary before
It wn decided to give up, for the day at
least, all efforts to get the pension bill up.
Mann to Introduce .New Itllt.
As the result of the conference with New
York and Chicago business men today Rep-
resentatlve Mann of Illinois, chairman of ' country will dominate the butter quota
trie house committee on Interstate com- ; tlons for the coming year. Representa-
merce. will tomorrow Introduce a substitute
for his bill amending the pure food law re
lating to the branding of ackages of food,
drugs and medicines. The substitute pro-'
vides that If the net quantity of the con
tents ot the package are not plainly and
conspicuously marked on the uo.slde in
terms of weight, measure of numerical
count the article will be deemed mis
branded. The sub: tltute allows reasonable varia
tions and provides that tolerances shall be
M.abllshrd by rules and regulation made
under the pure food Ium. iiiu bill Is in
truded to take el feet inuii.d.ately on pas
vsge, but no penalty or fine. Imprisonment
w confiscation will be ttifui'tid for any
.'lolatlon ot Its provisions as ti products
Mepared prior to elghtetn months afar Its 1
Panama To'li llr.isurr Pre pn red.
President Tuft is hm ins the draft of a
ill prepured to carry out his
deaa as to the collection of tolls on the
?anama canal. Kepresentatlve Mann of
iLuoU. chairman of the In.erstale com
as roe committee, which will deal with
b subject, has conferred with him and
It all probability will Introduce the ad
liinlstratloQ measure.
The president believes the tolls ought not
o exceed SI pi r net ton to ubtaln a gross
ncume of . nearly JT.Uk.Oxj. The malnte
lance and d eration cost Is estimated at
Ipwards of fci.COi.iU) ad his view is that ul
Jmatfly, with the no nisi Increase In
lade, the Income will approximate the ln
eresl on the $V..0Cv ujO investment.
Mrs. Nellie Knlffeu Is Held In ('
nertlua stlih Murder ef
Her Husband.
DF.TROlT. Mich.. Dec. 19. Francis Kn"-
fen was found dead In ed early today
with his head spill n. at his home. J7i
I.eMay sver.ue. Ills widow. Nellie Knlf-
fen. who was taken Into custody by tlie
police. gae the neighbors their first re-
port of ths trageely. the said that she was
occupying a room In a net tier part of the
house and she was aaakened by her hue
hand s groans and found him In a dying
condition. A bleKKly axe was found In a
Michael Cudahy
Leaves Estate of
Eleven Millions
Hospitals and Other Institution Given
Specific Sums Annuities to
Widow and Children.
CHICAGO. Dec. 19 -Michael Cudahw
founder of the Cudahy firm of meat pack
ers, left an estate worth J11.KW0 accord
ing to the will which was mud publ e
today. Of this sum I9.f00.00u Is In pcr
sorsl property and the remainder Is real
Under the term of the will the widow.
Catherine Cudahy. will receive an annuity
of PO0O0 to I paid from the ortste hv
the trustees, who are: H a daiifhter, Ml
Vary T. Cudahy, his son. Joseph M
Cudahy. and Alhert F. Rorrherdt.
Several hospitals and similar Institution
are 1ven specific sums and his seven chil
dren are to receive annuities.
The will was made In inot. There are
Indications that the decedent gave much
property to Mrs. Cudahy and the children,
other than that named In the will. The
whole estate, real and personal, oualde of
certain personal effects, and some Pasa
dena (Cal.) real estate Is willed to the
tn.stees. to be held In trust for five years
;Cal.. John F. Cudahy. Joseph H. Cudahy
and Edward I. Cudahy.
To Mrs. William Cudahy of Milwaukee,
widow of the decedent's brother. Is given
$,XI0 a year for the trust period and at
the end of that time she Is to be given
fc.OOO. The following bequests are made:
St. Joseph's Orphan asylum. Chicago $5 eon
St. Vincent's Orphan asylum. Chicago. 2.'v0
St Elizabeth's hosp:tal. Chicago I.Vfl
' St. Joseph's hospital. Ch'caeo 2 500
Uttle Sisters of the Poor, Chicago 6.00)
Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Mil
waukee 5.0fi0
The remainder of the yearly Income Is
to be given to the trustees also to be held
In trust, and when the estate finally Is
distributed $000,000 Is to be given to Mrs.
Catherine, the widow, or her heirs.
Albert F. Borshordt, the trustee. Is sec
retary of the Cudahy Packing company.
The will was filed late today.
British House
of Commons
Shows No Change
Final Polling's for Three Seats Today
Fix Government Majority at
About 125.
LONDON, Iec. 1. The new Parliament
Is complete with the exception of three
seats, which are being contested today, ln
only one of the constituencies, Wick
Burghs, in Scotland, for which yie" sitting
member, R. Munro, Is a liberal. Is there
any possibility of a change, and so the
House of Commons will be made up of Z?i
or :73 unionists. J70 or T!l liberals. 84 Irish
natlonr is and 43 labor members. This
will iiiue a coalition aggregation of 311
or as, giving the government a coalition
majority of 124 or 126, the same as It had
In the preceding Parliament.
' The three previously unannounced re
turns from Saturday's pollings were made
known today. They show no change. The
Wilton division of Wiltshire returned
Charles Balhurst, unionist, with a major
ity of 7ST.
John A. M. McDonald and Sir John
llenry Kethell, both liberals, were re-
,i.cted ln Kaiklrk Burghs and Romford
division of Essex, respectively, with ma-
jorltM ot 2.0ZI and 3.2t"..
j '
Contest for Control of
Elgin Butter Board
Representatives from Wisconsin Are
Insisting on Electing Two of
the Directors.
ELGIN, Dec. 19. Neaiiy every member
of the Elgin Butter bourd was preent to
day for the annual election of directors,
which Is to determine what section of the
lives of the Chicago commission mer were
hero to elect two of the five directors, if
poFSlble. and Wisconsin delegates were
eqiiully Insistent that they have two repre
sentatives on the board.
Reported efforts to move the meeting
place of the board to Wisconsin were not
expected to develop at this meeting.
Railroad Officials and Enclneers D'
Not Look for Heanlts from
Weill's Efforts.
CHICAGO. Dec. 19 No results were ex
pected today from the efforts of Mediator
Charles P. Nelll to adjust the differences
between the Brotherhood of locomotive
Engineers and the sixty-one rallroails from
whom the brotherhood Is Miking Increased
nagcs. It was announced today loth rail
road managers and engineers said the
chances of the mediation resulting ln set
tlement appeared very unfavorable.
Fire Alarm Calls Villagers
Away from Wedge Wedding
The village of Florence is proud of its sound came; she gaspeel a little and the
volunteer firemen ard is proud also of the
faet that the evangelist-pugilist. Kid
Wedge, was married In Its First Presby
terian church. During the eereinony the
l Vrid Ut mU'd "n1 J'"8,er W"
. reault.
To show their in'erest inost of the men
of Florence turned out bunday night to
1 attrnd the weddlnt' of llev. Frederick It.
1 Wedge ard Miss Prudence Tracy. .st-
master of the vlllsise. They glowed with j
! ,ymtny nj took the ntit breathless
n:erest In the whole proceeding. When
r Wed was asked If be "would'' his
manly affirmative thrilled them through I
; and through. When M.s Tracy was asked
; tf for better or for worse" she would take,
etc., there was not a sound. It was not
hard to read In her blushes her erfect
willingness to respond, but In the face of
that gaping multitude of horrid men. how
I tould she? She moved her lips, but no
v .dCUS
..e To-
During Afteraoc ..A
v V'"' .vn.
A. Ollis of Ord Assured of Share
of Patronage.
Will Be Held in Lincoln Afternoon
of January Second.
J. F. RriMn peaklna- for ftatherln
Says A areed to Keep Liquor Ques
tions In Background Daring;
Fourteen "wet" democratic senators met
In Omaha yesterday "to talk over" the
coming session. Thev held a pow-wow
during the afternoon at the Hotel Millard,
after which J. E. Reagan of Douglas made
a statement for the company:
"We have not been organizing here. We
Just met to talk things over, and have de
cided on nothing except that we shall orga
nise the senate when it assembles. By
consent of all, Including the 'dry' senators
of our party, liquor Issues will be relegated
to the extreme rear during the session."
Also In Omaha yesterday was one of the
three "dry" democratic senators, this being'
J. A. Ollis, Jr.. of Ord. Mr. Ollis was not
at the meeting, but he saw various mem
bers of the "wet" caucus, and these as
sured him that he and his two "dry" asso
ciates will not be left out ln the cold when
the senate Is organized.
, The two absent "drys" are Senators Lee
and Lynch and Bodlson of Kearney.
Will Recounts Days.
"I am informed that we shall be recog
nized In the organization of the aenate."
said Mr. Ollis. We have made no prom
ises In return and the Information that we
are to be recognized came without solici
tation on our part of such recognition."
It Is apparent, nevertheless, that Mr.
Ollis and his associates were sufficiently
Interested to have a representative In
Omaha yesterday.
It was announced after the meeting of
the "wets" had adjourned that the demo
cratic senators will caucus at Lincoln
Januay 2 at 3 p. m. and will then make
out their list of senate appointees. No
slate was made out at the afternoon meet
ing yesterday, but In the evening, follow
ing a dinner at the Henshaw, several dif
ferent groups of the senators got their
heads together.
Tom Flynn and George Roger were also
at the dinner In the evening. Mr. Rogers
told the company that "since Mayor Dahl
man seems to be going to enforce the
laws, you'd best leave the charter alone."
The two "wet" democratic senators not
at the meeting were J. L. Albert ot Co
lumbus and Wes Pickens of Thayer.
The fourteen vets present were these:
J. H. Moorehead, Falls City, First dis
trict. V. B. Banning. 1'nlon, Fourth district
M. U Placek, Wahoo, Fifth district.
R. S. Horton, Omaha, Sixth district.
John E. Reagan, Omaha, Sixth district.
J. M. Taruier. South Omaha, Sixth dis
trict'. T
M. 8. Wilcox, Craig. Seventh district.
3. M. Talcott. Crofton, Kighth district.
Fred Volpp, Sertbner, Tenth district.
P. S. Kohl, Wayne, Eleventh district.
J. H. Buhrman, St. Libory, Seventeenth
C. M. Sklles, David City. Nineteenth dis
trict. Frank Bartos, Wllber, Twenty-second dis
trict. tl. W. Tlbbetts, Hastings, Twenty-seventh
Prison Phy stele n Issues Statement
Regrardlns; Health of For
mer ' Banker.
LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Dec. 19. -Dr. A.
F. Yohe, physiclnn at the federal prison
here, today Issued the following statement
on the health of John R. Walsh, the for
mer Chicago banker:
"The atheromatous disease of the heart
and arteries Is slowly progressing and he
is undoubtedly under cot slderable mental
strain. Rut he has no acute Illness, and j
there Is nothing In the sensational reports i
which have appeared ln some of the
Dr. Yohe stated that Walsh's age was
more to be feared than anything else and
that, other than the trouble from which he
was suffering on his arrival, his physical
health Is good.
Creditors Seek to Have Robert E.
Davis of Boston Declared
BOTSON, Dec. 19 A petition In bank
ruptcy was filed In the United States dis
trict court today against Robert E. Davie,
a young broken, who disappeared several
weeks ago. The petition was brought by
two retail firms and the holder of a note.
It Is expected that other creditors will
file claims, under the petition. It was
stated at the time of Davie's disappearance
that his liabilities would total more than
V'.0"0. j
Ills creditors include prominent persons
in the religious, theatrical and business
evanBelisi-putrillst felt
cnui run down his
...m. nnrf filter 1.
The crowd
leane.1 forward to a man,
inouili open, eyes
aMare. Would she, or
would sliei not?
nly. with an ..armm abruptn.s.!
that pitched three men
rurward to the
e Uar tones of
back ef the next lew t
I the village bell smote
the evening
To a msn the audience rose and fli-w
a man It headed for the fire house.
Bride, wedding
preacher and answer wers
all Forgotten in the wild stamixde.
audience was the volunteer fire department
and duty called. When they returned it
as all over.
Now tho male population of Florence Is
i ot ,ure whether Mr. Wedge Is a benedict
or a disappointed man. llirtory will never
say whether the answer was given or rot. ! months Imprisonment today for the lar-L.-t
at any late the fire was put out and ! ceny of $11. :) fiom Mrs. Wllhelmlna Lynch,
the reputation of the "department" was i one of his victims- Keeler pleaded guilty
From the Washington Star.
Former United States Gunboat Off
for Cape Gracias. .
RUMORS AB0UT . VESSEL Uctcdule .Announced . by Interstate
th-i a-i-in. :..', ' Fiilf Commssion is Eighty Per Cent of
Ibnaterlnat Expedition Is Not
Confirmed' nnd It la Al
' lowed to I.eare Port.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 1.-The former
United States gunboat. Hornet, reported
to have been purchased by Honduras revo
lutionists, cleared from this port at 12:30
this afternoon for Cape Gracious, with a
crew of twenty men, 200 tons of coal and
provisions for thirty days. Included among
the crew are several men who are said
to have been connected with previous fili
bustering expeditions directed against Cen
tral America republics.
Much excitement was created In local
Central American circles this morning,
when It became known that the former
United States gunboat. Hornet, purchased
several months ago from the government
by a local firm, had coaled, provisioned,
signed a crew and would make aa effort
to leave today for Central America.
Statements In local newspapers ara to
the effect that the Hornet will lead In
an attack which revolutlonlsta are alleged
to be planning against the little republic
of Honduras, with a view of overthrowing
the Davilla government, but Manuel Bo
nilla. formerly president of Honduras, and
his right hand man. General Lee Christmas,
an American soldier of fortune, deny that
they have any connection with the' Hornet.
Iionllla and Chrietmss met with failure
when they headed an expedition against
Davilla last July. , They are now ln this
city and the Davilla sympathisers attrib
ute to them the fitting out of the Hornet.
To Meet Threatened Attaek.
One of the rumors current this morning
was that the Hornet would be turned over
to Mexican revolutionists. President Da
villa of Honduras having made extensive
preparations to meet the threatened at
tack. Captain Johnson, commanding the
vessel, says that the Hornet will be used
ln the Central American trade. Officers
from the United States marshal's office
have been keeping a watch on the Hornet
but apparently, have discovered nothing to
Indicate a filibustering expedition.
The Hornet was the private yacht of
Henry M. Flagler prior to the Spanish
American war. when It was purchased by
the United States government and con
verted Into a gunboat. Last summer It
was purchased from the government by a
New Orleans ship yard, taken from Wash
lngton to Norfolk, overhauled and sent to
Ulueflrlds, Nlcarsgua, where it was used
by the Estrada forces. After Estrada suc
ceeded In making himself president of
Nicaragua the Hornet was returned to Its
New Orleans owners.
Notwithstanding the denials made by
Bonllla and Christmas, there Is a feeling
of certainty In the local Central Americtan j
colony and among thoe well Informed In
Central America that these fighters are to
head the moxt complete revolutionary ex-
..... .,. Tv..
jeu.,.u.. t.. . .. ..- K".
net has recently undergone extensive re-
pur and has been fitted with a modern
electric plant. Including powerful sean b
lights. Ki nllla and Christmas. It Is said, will de
part later and Join the Hornet, either at
Cape Oraclas or at Puerto Barrios.
Harry P. Keeley, Who Obtained
Bum from One Victim, Sent
to Prison.
NEW YORK. Dec. 19 Harry B. Keeler,
the dentist, who Is under indictment for
bigamy, was sentenced to four years and
( eleven months and nine jears and ten
to tbe larceny several weeks ago.
The White House Guest
ASiMiilm, mm tin J Ik
te El jiNl I
New Rates for Upper
Berths in Sleepers
in Effect Next Month
Charge for Lower fiertn.
WASHINGTON. Dec. IS Tentative ap
proval of the Interstate) Commerce coin
mission has been given to the. fixed charge
tor upper berths In Pullman cars at 80
per cent of the charge now paid for lower
The new charge Is to become, effective
throughout the United Stales on or after
January to. lDll. " , "
Commissioner Lane announced today that
the Pullman company' had accepted the
conclusions of the commission ln what are
known as the Loftus cases, that the rates
for long distances on lower berths and on
alt upper berths should be reduced. Tbe
commission's statement says:
"It Is estimated that the reduction that
will be made on all of the lines over which
the Pullman cars arc operated In' the
United States, excepting the New Haven
road, tho Great Northern and the MUwau
kee A St. Paul will effect a net reduction
of nearly ll.MO.OOO annually.
The new rates for the lower bertha ap
pear to be based on a charge of U for a
twelve-hour run excepting on some of the
fastest trains, Jhe upper berth rate being
per cent lower than the newly estab
lished rate on lower berths."
Merchants Who Enjoyed Ills Hospi
tality While Hunting- Will Gs
en Bond.
LACROSSE. Wis.. Dec. 19-As the result
of personal solicitation of Miss Myra Diets,
daughter of John F. Diets, the "outlaw
of Cameron dam," business men of Hangor.
Wia., here today pledged themselves In
writing to furnish S2t) bail for her father,
enough to gain his freedom on the three
remaining counta against him. The bonds
will be signed aa soon as formally drafted.
The signers are all village merchants who
have enjoyed the hospitality of the Dleti
family during the hunting season.
Philadelphia Girl Mho Disappeared
Tear Ago with Walter Heiress
to Half Million.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 1.-By the term,
of the will of the late Robert Bulst. the
seedman of this city. Roberta B. DeJanon.
his grandchild, who disappeared from this
city with a hoiel waiter a year ago and
was found In Chicago. Is given in trust the
bulk of his sestate. which Is valued at
about SSOO.OOO.
Chieftain of a Lost Tribe;
Old Ruler With No Subjects
Chieftain of a tribe long since departed
to the Happy Hunting Grounds. Friendly
Horse, the aged Indian now a charge on
the mercy of the Omaha police, is a ruler
without subjects, a pauper prince and a
lonely old man without home or friends.
Friendly Horse, starved, weak and with
ered with ears. stumbled Into the police
nation one night last week. He was given
food and shelter. There he has since re
mained. The police have no place to care
for the aged chieftain and the federal au
thorities declare thenidelves powerleta to
take up the cae.
The old man Is unable to speak any of
the Indian dialects known to ths Inter
preters aailable. Through the sign lan
guage, which has remained unchanged as
It has been handed down from generation
New Hear! of Supreme Court Takes
Oath of Office.
Only rrsreuttta la a Line) of BIstrk-
Robed Jos tires from Roblngr
Room to the Chamber of j
the Court.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Edward Doug
lass White, for sixteen years an associate
Justice of the supreme court ofthe United
States, today became the ninth chief Jus
tice of the nation. The simple public cere
monies of Installation were held In the
presence of the bench and a distinguished
gathering that filled the lltfle court room.
The oath of allegiance was administered
by Associate Justice Harlan Just before
the court took Its place on the bench.
The new head of the court, obviously
embarrassed, marched to his usual place
on the bench ln his capacity as an asso
ciate Justice.
, As he took hia seat, he smiled at his
wife, who sat In a reserved seat alongside
his brother, James White of this city, and
other relatives.
Justice Harlan Administers Onth.
Presiding Justice Harlan, who has headed
the tribunal since the death of Chief Jus
tics Fuller last July, announced that after
orders of the day had been made public,
that Justice White, who had been ap
pointed Chief Justice of the United States.
was present and ready to take the oath.
He extended the congratulations of the
court to the new chief Justice and directed
Clerk McKenney to read his commission.
This done the presiding Justice turned to
his right, where rat the new chief Justice,
and ln the presence of the standing gath
ering administered the Judicial oath.
The senior Justice bowed the chief Justice
into t'he chair at the head of the court, ex-
j tended his personal congratulations and
himself resumed his old seat at the right
of - the chief Justice.
For the first time In history an' associate
Justice had been appointed to the chief
Justiceship, and for the first time a presi
dent and a senate of one politloal party
had honored a member of a rival party
by placing him at the head of the highest
court In the land.
trnoir la SI mete.
Because of the overwhelming modesty of
Chief Justice White, officials of the court
were uncertain ss to the exact details of
the ceremony of the day until they had
actually occurred. In a general way, the
broad customs attending the Induction Into
office of the head of the court were fol
lowed. L nuke the inauguration of a president
as the head of the co-ordinate branch of
the department, the Induction Into office
of a chief Justice of the Ualted States has
(Continued on Second Page.)
to generation of the redskins, one inter
preter has gleaned bits of the old man's
Many, many years ago Friendly Horse
was the leader of a great people lu the
southwest. He Is believed to be a survivor
of of the nomadic tribes of Arapuhoes.
With upheld fingers and strange gestures
he told a tale of long life of privation and
hardship out beyond the edges of civiliza
tion in the desert regions of the southwest.
Wandering from city to city he has been
moving eastward. Just why he cannot ex
plain. A wlerd series of Indian drrama and tra
ditions is mingled with the patched bits of
his Incoherent story.
Old Chief Friendly Horse Is traveling
toward the rising sun that Is aU.
Manhattan Island Shaken by Terrifio
Crash in Power House of Grand
Central Station.
Property Damaged to Extent of Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Foundations Are Jarred and Walls
Shaken Out of Plumb.
Street Car Picked I u and Dropped
on Ante, KIHInar Knnr Ocen
pants -WlndOTre In Many
llnlldlnsts llrnken.
NEW YORK. Dee IB The heart of .Man
hattnn Island was shaken this morning by
a terrific explosion ot Illuminating gas in
the auxiliary power house of the Oratiel
Central station. Nine persons, two of
then) women, were killed. 123 were In
jured and property was dsmsged to the
extent of .'.00.100.
Four workmen who arc missing are be
lieved to have perished, and of 1C3 In
jured ninety-eight were removed to hos
pitals. Of those eight may die. An In
vestigation by the police Is under way.
Traffic on the New York Central rail
road ceased entirely for some hours and
was disorganized for the remainder of tho
day, but the new "station Itself, now In
process of construction, was not damaged.
The dead:
NICKOIjO GAl.rcci, laborer.
PATRICK )ltlAN. laborer.
K. H. UVKliMOHB. Pullman car in
spector. C. M'MARROW. laborer.
F.niTH OKH'NKR. stenographer.
MAHY H. POPE, residence ltoston. Mans.
CHARLES ROBERTS, expressman.
FRANK 8TAOU. watchman.
JOHN RYAN, laborer.
This Injured Include laborers and other
employes of the railroad, pedestrians, by
standers and others In the vicinity of the
accident. ,
Trolley Car Thrown from Truck.
A pa suing surface car. carrying seven
passengers, was lifted from 'I tracks and
hurled on an automobile running along
side. Four of the seven passengers were
killed outright, but the chauffeur of tha
motor car was only cut and bruised.
Of the nearly 100 In hospitals, the follow
ing are most seriously Injured:
Unidentified woman, fractured skull.
Michael Ryan, fractured sklull and In
ternal Injuries.
Vetta Ahrahamson, fractu.ed skull and
Internal Injuries.
Theresa lyotta. fractured skull and shoul
der. John Smith. Injuries to the head.
Francis Kelly, policeman, burned and
John Tunnlngham, burned.
Unidentified man, Internal Injuries.
For some hours It was believed dyna
mite alone could have wrought such In
stantaneous and demolishing havoc, but
later ln the afternoon Fire Chief Croker
said he was convinced the whole explosion
was due to a mixture of air and Illumi
nating gas, used In lighting railroad cars,
touched off by an electric spark. The gas
had accumulated In the auxiliary power
house from a broken pipe, snapped oft by
a runaway passenger car.
Foundations were Jarred, walls shaken
out of plumb, windows blown In by tha
thousands, ceilings came cruxhlug down
on the heads of those beneath, and the
pavements were littered with pulverised
Loss Half Million.
The full amount of the property damage
Is yet unavailable and may exceed the
rough and conservative estimate of I'jOO.OOO.
The loss to the New York Central Rail
road company Includes the physical dam
age done to the power house, which was
utterly wrecked; the delay to construction
work, and the damage done to cars stand
ing near the power house.
The loss to shopkeepers ' and property
owners In the vicinity will spread over a
wide range of Items.
The explosion, which could be heard for
many blocks, partly wrecked the fire en
gine house near by and prevented the fire
men from getting their apparatus Into the
street. Monslgnors Lapotte tnd Hayes and
Fathers O'Connor, McQuade, Sinnott and
Byrnes of St. Patrick's cathedral, hurried
to the scene and administered the last
rites of the church to the more seriously
At the postofflce sub-station at Fortieth
street and Madison avenue, the explosion
slightly Injured several clerks and threw
the mall all over the floor. In the New
York nursery and Chllds' Hospital, ceil
ings were partly shaken down and the
windows broken, but fortunately none of
the 300 children there were badly hurt.
Unique Features ot Accident.
A workman was standing on a scaffold
on top of tbe power house when the ex
plosion ocourred. The scaffold was
wrenched from under him and as he fell
he grasped a dangling rope, hanging there
until rescued by firemen.
Of the seventeen firemen In the fire
house opposite only one man was InJureJ,
though ln adjoining buildings scores were
thrown from their feet and hurt.
A little school girl was about to enter a
candy store at Fifty-first street when the
blast came. She was picked up bodily and
carried through the plate glass door of the
store and dropped uninjured In front of the
candy oounter. There was not a sorauu
on her.
There were many rescues by the police
and passers-by.
Fire Chief Croker said It would be at
least a day before his men can get at the
bottom of the debris covering the Lottery
room, where me explosion occurred nd
where the bodies of five mUslng workm-n
are supposed to be.
I.lrl's lea Rio vtn Off.
Patrolman Tooiney was on a Lexington
avenue ear wnert me shock came. Jui
ahead of him a girl was killed, cue eif her
legs being blown off. we lie Toomcy him
self was blown clesr across the street and
his uniform almost completely torn from
him. He got up ami was siaiting to help
In the rescue, wrrk when he fell untu.
A gang of more than fifty bricklayers
sixty feet In the air on the big ixiwer
building mar the scene of the expl ji-Iuo,
had a remarkable escape from death or
serious Injury. An air cushion, funned by
by the explosion below, hoisted up the bit;
scaffold on which they were worUlnir,
tilted It Inwardly and tossed the men over
the wall they were building and on a lli ni
scaffolding e-onstructed on the inenle. Only
one man of the gang was Injured, und l
only slightly.
One woman la the wrecked irullcr r