Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1910, Image 3

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Eaiilg? Offered as Solution of Stock
C wo KenHee Ma4e Available few Pr
iriln of Wee a .4 Milk Prat.
HNkr Klalalaa U'll
t. sr. rMrai.
a jnrt tn making beef out of com.
In fa'-1 many si yrk tm havs ruffrd
SCt'ial loeps
"The value of f-ei ha b I !l doubled In
:he ' -n years. Tie cost of corn le mor
thaij twice as taNth. Ta ;rwr not -t -t.nir
twve aa much f-r hu stock. Still I
thina that he is getting raom The prob
lem hu rt'ired l.eif to acnf'.flr fH:n
an-1 the elimination of w n .t e. The alio la
a solution of that problem."
Prof. Hae'kr' figure on the coat of
pr-v) 'ict ion nf enrllaKe. compiled from re
port mulf by alio maaera In Iowa. Ne
braska. Kansas and Wisconsin follows.
forty per ernt af the wtm corn crop i
g- -p ti wnti noh year.
Part of the edjcaslonal display of the
Orraha land snow will be devoted to
sons on the fotiMrriuim of tha com crop
and tha utilisation of the tut. The ailo '
Ft r m of ir; a Unir tn entire crop available j
for tha feeding of catt. the process by
w Men ao large a. porton of the g"a:n
t!i of tha NbraKa farm la converted
Into money, wtil be detailed to the visitors.
Prof. A. L. Haecker. until recently at j
the bead of tha dairy department of the ,
J'tate College of Agri cult .ire. will give iec- '
t ires and conduct an exhibit showing the
advantage, of alio feeding.
But per cent of the total food value '
of the corn plant ta obtained from the '
grain." "aid Prof. Haeckrr In a discussion ;
of hta subject. 'The remaining 4 per cent
is In the stalks and leaves which are now !
allowed to go to waate and destruction as !
a total lues in the f rts. By the uae of '
the alio thta very valuable per cent can be '
turned Into money Further, the process la i
ao mevpenet-. riBt a ilo euir-merit la
paid for by Its sarins for one y&.
"Another way to show the economic
value of the silo Is hv a comparison of its
value as a food with Its cost of production.
t,nallae la worth n.t ! tbaa Pi a ton.
probahly mu h more. K costs, with every
possible Item tt exuenriitur included. Jl 3
ton. j
a 1 oe Heron 4 featiaaate. I
"It !s difficult to write the va! le of en- j
si tie In terms of rcuney. however, for !
the j-eaaon that many cf its properties
which have an actjai and obvious val'ie I
cannot be o meaaured. For Instance, while
an axial- sis will show probably no nwr-1
food units tnan man; another food, en
silage has euccunoy, civing It much of th
rronertlf-s jf grass. Tins means that the
stock will eat more of It and anKimtlate It
more readily .Still one cannot expreea mat
value In figures. It takes far lees storage
spare than ha or other feia, pound for
pornd of nutrient quality, a savins; In stor
age spaxe and the cost of bulldlnini and
their maintenance. Iartre herds can be
fed tn a short time with little labor, dearly
saving;. Another and far greater con
sideration to ha dairy farmer Is the In
creased production of milk from the feed
ing of ensilage. It has been proven beyond
controversy that -caws may be made to
produce milk m a constant quantity the
y-ar around by tha f:-eding of ensilage.
Tet many of the creamery men will tell
Tou that they axe receiving; mora than bait
of their butter fat in three months of the
Tear. By the silo tha farmer Is enabled
to put butter fat on tha market when it
Is worth the moat. Tha silo is one of the
scientific developments which Is making
the farm a wnre-nf -atvidends the whole
year around.
estlac-e-a tie Paatire.
"In one of the meet productive dairying
districts of Wisconsin many of the dairy
men own no pasture. - They feed winter
and summer on ens-Cage. Tha success of
the Wleconam dairymen la a sufficient
argument. '
"The necessity of tha silo Is nig-hly sp
parent. Tha red let urn of pasture areas,
tha high cost of oora and feeder cattle
has mad It a serious question If there
Cast of Prowae-rloa-.
Rent --f land, pel a-re f 4 Vt
Powin ana harrowing, per acre 1
Sieed com. per a. to .25
P-anttn. per acre .
Harrowing and cultivating, per acre..
Total, per a re
At-tsk" y'eid. per ai-re. tone.
oet ir ton to rrow
Hleri-n m-n at tl pc dir ...
wmi teama at TJ JS per dar.
"n traction engine, per day.
Board for men
...I w
. .. 'C2'
T y
.... 3
.... 4.U
Sl':ae cut per day. Ti tons; cost to put
In alio per ton "1
Interest on m--nev Invested tn alio KS ( !
Interest on mcney invested in ma
chlnerv li -
reire-utlf-n and repairs on silo and j
machinery "J (m
Taxes and Insurance .'.
For IMMon silo
For ma h:nerv and storage, per ton... I
"st of gro-v1n. per ton 72
Cost of putting tn silo 74
Total cost of corn slleaga. per ton..U.!4
Dajfclea Crwa Valne.
It Is safe to state that until the feeder
an find a tord eiual to corn ensilage for
even twice the cost, he had better seriously
consiuer the silo. Vnder present conditions
I believe that one-fourth of ail the farm
ers keeping slock in the com belt will
find the silo an economical equipment.
An acre of com put In the silo, la valued
at &5. while the same com standing In
the fie'd and huesed in the usual manner
la valued at ET. This la accounting for'
ill cost of harvet-t'n-r. Then, an aero tn
the silo Is worth two in the field, or. put it another way. the silo doubles the
val jo of the corn crop.
"The growing recognition of the value
of tha alio la becoming apparent. In the
last year the number of silos on Nebraska
farms haa increased from fifty to nearly
Ik. In Iowa Un-s years ago there were
about fifty allow tn nse. the next year.
UK: while this year there are i50. I ex
pect that the next season will And LOW
on Nebraska farms.
"One Iowa farmer in a burst of enthusi
asm at a meeting the other day. declared
everything on tha farm will eat It but
the hired girl.' ".
PMtBMter of Fleiewam Will Go to
HsebauaoVa Flel4a of Uksr 1st
as rraerleFS.
Miss Prudence Tracy, for fifteen years
postmaster at Florence, and Frederick R.
Wedge, Presbyterian minister, missionary
and former pugilist, were married at the
homo of tha bride Saturday night.
With Mies Tracy marriage tha Florence
posto tT!c-e passes out of tho hands of the
Tracy family, members of which have held
tha postmasters hip for thirry-Bve rears.
Tha groom Is ontraged tn missionary
work on tha "Barhary coast" of San
Fran ciaco. Ho win be accompanied on his
return to his labors there by the bride.
Onaia Bar Association Fickj Him as
Saccessor of Ja3?e VaaDeva-iter.
Reewsaaeeaosttaae Are Tel-re pee4 to j
Wekraak Detraction la f'ooaremo
aad Are A la to Trealdeot
Endorsement of the candidacy of My-n
l Learned for appointment to sjcreed
J idge -vnills Va--.r'evaner as J'lrire uf tl:e
L"n:ted States oi-cuit curt In the ..ghtS
di. lal district was glv-n bv t":e ima.".a
lar aot'ia;..jn tt Its nicrthly meeilrg in
.he county butidlr.g Saturday n.irht. On the
f.:st formai i..ut Mr I. earned w-n tne
endorsement over H. H. bald rig- Judge
W. H. Merger and R. V. Bretkennde .if
Omaha and Sui'reme Justice Jscub Fawcett
of Lincoln, securing orry votes, a majority
of the seventy-six votes cast.
The association ordered that its recom
mendation be sent to the Nebraska sena
tors and repreaentaiives at Waaiiina-t -n a::d
1 1 rresident Taft- The oMer .u carried
o il by telegram last Tilt o Pres;d.nt
Weaver and Actirg Secret a :t Foster. For
mal notices of the action of Ue association
w:u oe ir.a.;ifMj iit.. .
Approval of the association was Given a .
scheme for a new system cT e- ir-n j :'jrors
in the district cca-t, dev:s-l Ijy a special
committee named for t-:s purpose. The ,
committee was instructed to work out t.e
details of the plan. Incorporate them in a !
bill and present It to the next state logis- j
lature for adoption. I
Charles B. Keiier offered a resolution pro- j
t iding that the association multe a recom-
mendatiun to fill the vacancy caused by j
the advancement of Judce VanH-evanter and i
providing a method for eleiung the man
who would be so recommended. Ills plan j
provided that there should bo no nominat- j
Ins speeches. Trwt the selection bo made .
from the members of the association, and '
that a plurality vote should elect.
George w. Shieida offered amendments
making aay lawyer in Nebraska eligible
to recommendation, permitting nominating
speeches and providing tiat a majority vote
bo required.
Tv.e Keller resolutljn as amended was
adopted. It was agreed that there should
bo one informal ballot.
No nominating speeches were made. John
L Kennedy stated that ho was not a
candidate and asked that no one vote for
him. saying ho wished, his friends to vote
for Mr. Lamed.
Tha informal ballot resulted as follows:
Learned. 38: Baidnge. S: scattering. 18;
total, 78. Tha formal bailot resulted aa
Learned. 40: Raid-Ire, 2; Munger. 12;
Breckenridge, 1; Fawcett. 1; total. 78; neces
sary to choice SS.
On motion of Mr. Keller, tho recommen
dation was made unanimous. Mr. Learned,
called upon for a speech, thanked1 tho as
sociation for Its endorsement, saying; the
honor paid him Is a great one and even
greater in view of tho high character and
ability of others named.
Iae weave Jorv I.a w.
The special committee named to devise
a plan for an Improved jury law which
would result In a reduction of tho possi
bility of Jury corruption and raise the
standard of Juries, consisting of U. C.
Promt. T. J. Hahoney. IL H. Baldrijre and
C. J. Smyth, offered two plans: Appoint
ment by the Judges of the court of a Jury
Hippodrome Prodacfcon Vill Tan
Back East Eere.
A j
r V i . f
Ft- pa ra fleas ta
lailis af Bl
Preeeat "let
Her f
aertaelra To
reo of I.Ue
oa PrilHes,
I nmaha will be the fsrt-e-t western potnt
'in the toir of the New T rH H'-PP-viromo
I shew, which romes ti ti-e Auditorium Jan
! --a-y The Sltubert Theatrical company
' decided to run tl.e show wMch appealed all
' t?-e Minn at the most co.osal
1 theater In America on a tro this winter
W tOWTt! "f l"e .io
cotitpanv nun-.bee w
I ,.. it a tram of -n cars to nam
Four Mail Clerks
Are Caught Asleep
Morpheai SLxed witJi Eury is Dia
aitrout Potnater Thomas
Creates Some Vacancies.
commissioner or commissioners, whose
duty It wou.d be to select jurors, the plan
ill vogue in the United States district and
circuit courts, and sew-ctiun bv drawing
Tho latter was approved. fnder thia
pian each county commis.uner wuld de
posit in a box tickets numbered from one
ta ten. from the box a ticket would be
drain ones a year or ofteter if necessary.
The number on the drawn ticket would
be known aa the "key number.' Tha Jury
list would be made by taking from the
rl-r;u:a'i the oe-t
1 west. As the co'
tn. It takes a tram of
the scenery, the undertaking la a st jpen- cnsxi-es
dous one Tie oilier c't es visited are ; cnarg
Philadelrhia. Pittsburg, t'.eveiand. Indian- j w1I, fce
apdis. Louisville, Kansas C"ty. St. Paul. ,ct,n.
Cincinnati and CT.lcairu. j
The show s a sort to whirn Omaha peo-
n. c otti a. nutomel in tl.eir hon
tiei.ters. but many of the members of tn.;
company ha v.? wide reputations.
hr-alded as tl.e greatest af ctowna, H one
1 the best known, and lie Will have con
spicuous pa'-ts In the spe-m,-l H'e com
pany rreeeitts, A whole trlbo of efaort
war lors which give the actual perfarm
ance of the "Sun dance,'- also part ot
the organisation, and a whole circus com.
pany of midgets, ca-led "person s Lillipu
tian Crcua." Tho little people are capable
athletes and give a complete cirrus bill
Four mail clerks, whom Post master
Thomas is lenient enough to ca.l Lrttle
Nemo No 3, 2. J and rather than by
their real names, have heen suspended
from the serrice for thirty days
The auartet. employed on the early mom-
.ng shift at the poatoffica. was djcovered (
by the msn higher up Friday morning, j
cuddled tosether upon a pile of mail sacks, j
putting their best nasal endeavors Into I
"Tlp-I-Addy-l-Ay-I-Ay." all of which was j
more than caeuphony to tho man higher I
un. j
Charges of sleeping on d ity were nd i
ajtainst the men bv the postmaster They j
alll be given ten days to answr the j
and then their answers, the
and tho testimony of witnesses
sent to Washington for ofTcial
tnm o( State Bar
II We Helo Hero
eraiaer S7.
with their own miniature
Ta Esteool tho !.
poll bo ks the came the position of which ) To give the spectacles room, tho huge
on the poll book corresponded to the key ' stage of the Auditorium that haa been used
number and every tenth name thereafter, to seat hundreda of people will have to be
For Instance, if tho key number were j extended out into the body of tho houee
seven, the list would be made by begtn- '; thirty feet and special arcs wi'.l be pi t tn
to light tt.
Tho three numbers that rnako up tho
Hlrmodroma sroatrain are called tho "Bo-let
mng with the seventu name on the poll
book list and taking every tenth name.
This would maka the selection of Jurors
wholly a matter of chance. TTnder the
prewnt system tho names of Jurors are
furnished by tho county commiaaioners.
ravto Bar Mewrtsug.
The association voted to co-operala with
the Nebraska State Bar association in that
organization's annual meeting to bo held
in Omaha December 27 and 2S.
Charies G. Ryan will act aa toaatmasler
at the banquet the evening of December
2L The following will respond to toasts.
Lynn Helm. Los Angeles. Cal.. president
of tho CaJfornia Slaia Bar association.
George Whiteioca. Baltimore, secretary of
the American Bar association; City Attor
ney John A. Kine. Omaha; H. A. Bru
baKer, Superior. Neb.i Supremo JuaUca
Jacob Fawcett, Lincoln: John L Webster,
rrorit La Kavaio at Afterwooa
.leatoaauit eweo. Prasaee-
tlve Creaav lo M Ia.
Tho engagement of ITlsa Mario Crounso
and Lieutenant Storra Bowen, artillery
corps. United State army, waa announced
at a tea given by Mrs. George Mclntyro
yesterday afternoon.
The date of tho wedding haa not been
decided upon. Lieutenant Bowen la sta
tioned at Fort Columbia, "Waah. Ho la
spending two weeks' leaver here.
of Jewels." "Pioneer Days.' and --A Trip
to Japan." Tho entire company takes part
in these combinations of dancing, acting,
pantomime, and circus. Ml la Albertlno
Raarh la premiere danseuso. and Mlas N An
nette Fhvck. prima donna. Marcellno and
his companions will bo frequently seen.
"Pioneer Day a la a presentation of lire
on tho plains with all tta picturesque fear
tures of Indiana, prairie schooners, oow
boys and adventurous Ufa Tho spectavi-lo
tells an exciting story of tho dangers at
tha settler and frontiersman,
"A Trip to Japan" Is a spectacle and
ballet for which R. H. Bumslde. stage di
rector of the company, wrote the book, and
Miinuel Klein, leader of the Hippodrome
orchestra, tho music Arthur Voegtlln.
scenic artist for tho Shuberts. planned a
number of surprising and beautiful effects j
and his representation of an ocean liner f
putting out to sea Is said to bo very vlvia.
Tho concluding scene of this number la
a fete of flowers which takes place In
Use gardens of tho mikado.
"Tho Ballet of Joweia ' la more strictly a
dandnc number and la under tha direction
of VInoenso Romeo, ballet master of tho
oompany. M'.le. Rasch, tho leader, waa
formerly a dancer In the Hofhurg opera In
VI eons.
There will bo a daily matinee la tho
Auditorium after tha opening performs-! oe,
whiah will be Monday evening. January a,
during; tha week's enfafanieat,
Tho eleventh annual meeting of the Ne
rraaka State Bar aeoociation will be held
!n Omaha December T. and 3. The session
w'.;i be held in the assembly room on the
second floor of the Board of Trade build
ing. The annual dinner will be held at Hotel
Roma an tlie evening of December 3.
Tho program for the meeting follows;
Tueadav. December 17, 1 p. ra Annual
addresa by the president Charles G Ryan,
reoort of executive council on applications
for membership: report of treasurer;
"Needed Leaiaiation and the Wy to Ob
tain It." Hon. B. F. 'rood. Judge of the
district court, report of committee on leg
islation. B. F. iood. chairman, miscel
laneous busiaess.
Weclneertav. 1-eoember TV it a. m. Re
port of committee on Judiciary. John J
(uilivan. chairman : report of committee
on inquiry. T J. Mahonev. chairman, ad
dresa. "Precedents in ex-Presidents." Hon.
George HVhnelock of the Maryland bar,
secretary American Bar association.
Wednesday. December S. 2 p. m. Re
port of committee on leatnl education. V
d. Hastine-m. chairman; addreaa. "National
ism, a Biudy of tho American I'nlon." bv
Hon. Lynn Helm of Loo Anvelee. president
Calfomia State Bar aaaoxr.ation. unfin
ished business: election of officers.
Harry Woods Faila ta Free Himself of
erinasr Wakes His F.iraa fraaa
Depot y efcerlff Wttkla Area a 4a
af Fees C mk r a rwser
Ostlers tteweeleta. one of Ms handcurfa
almost fi:-d :n two and his wrists cut and
bruised. Hafy tVooua. deserter f-m the
arnv a ari-'e.l Saturday n g'lt afte'
esiareng from a deputy sbe-'f? at F"rt
crock resieriav afternoon. Deputy he.-if?
tv.ll i"or.dit of Doi'.ge CvHinty? arresteil
Wo, wis veeterdav morning In Fremont, and
had brought h;s iaptor w t t n the g-eundi
of Fo-t "rook when the escape occurred.
As Cor.dlt i-d his cmrtive were alighting
from a enr at tre Firt Crik grounds.
tV.HHis jerked himself out of the deputy
grasp and ran madly away. Condlt gav
hot pursuit, but was quickly distanced hy
the derter. owlttg to the fact that th
deputy Is enppied w th a cork leg. Cond'.l
hesitated to sliHt at bis man, who aoor
dodged out of sight round some bulldlBjrs
Woods eluded tho ontlrf
dragnet of men which waa thrown ojl
quickly from the fort catch him, and
for' three hours waa at tiberty. Ho mad
h.s way to Bellevue. There he stopped a:
the fsrvn house of a man named Stofford.
j and. concealing hie handcuffed wrists
j borrowed a file from Mr. Stofford. Shortly
i after Woods had departed, tho farm or ro
i called having noticed an object on hit
I caller s wrist, and when ho heard of tht
deserter s Tight.
Worse than an alarm or fire at night
la tho metallic couarh of croup, bringing
dread to tho household. Careful mothers
keep Foley's Honor and Tar In the ho nee
and g1o It at tho first sign nf danger.
It contains no oplataa. Sold by ail drug-gists.
Follawo Mrs. Rlew, Seeorea SVveo or
Eight Dvllaro Taeo Xakej
His Esrsse.
Wild evHtement occurred and a number
of men Joined !n the chase of a nem
when tho latter snatched a purse from the
hands of Mrs. W. O. Rice, r Howard
street, at Twenty-second and Howard
streets, last night.
Mrs. Rico had been downtown shopping
and was walking from tho car Una to her
homo. The negro approached her from
behind and jerked tho purse away.
He made his escape after a pursuit of
several blocks by men attracted to the
scene by Mrs. Rico's cries. Tho purse
contained IT or SS.
he telephoned hla lnfor
! matlon to the fort.
la eraws roadlttoo.
Captain Shehan and Detective Maguiro 4
South Omaha finally arrested Woods at
a lonely spot in the outskirts of "outS ,
Omaha. The office-s found the fuaitlvt
' sitting on a boulder, tro-ough'.y exhstiete
and In great pe;n. with blood drtrping froTt
his lacerated and wrenched wrists. Th
man gave up readily. He said he taac
sawed for an hour at one of his fttertm
bands, cutting the Iron almost througtv
When he thought the bracelet wss weak
ened so that it m-ould break, ho hegaa
pounding the handcuffs upon the boulder
he aaid. Instead of breaking the hand
suffs slipped mtch by notch tighter upon
bla wrists with every blow. The off lea
said that had Woods refrained from
pounding and continued to use his file. h
probably would havs succeeded in treeing
his handa.
The arresting officers mercifully unlocked
the cuffs from their raptlve. and placed
him under medical attention. Ho waa ihaoj
taken to the fort, where ha will bo helg
for trial.
At the Omaha poilco station Deputy
Sheriff Condlt declined to give any detailed
information -concerning Woods' original
aaabt lo the Art
and arrested by Dr. King s New Ltfo Pill
bilious headache quits and liver and boweii
act right. 2w For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Dr. Pei i v Jooeph Green, who for the last
three weeks haa been giving courses of
new thought lecturea before the Omaha
fellowship, leaves today for Chicaaw After
visiting a number of the big middle went
cities Dr. Green goes Into the southern
stales and thence to tho Pacific ouast to
bis home in Portland. Ore. Hla trip will
consume nearly a year.
About Bralmi Food
This Question Came Up in the
Trial for Libel.
A. ""Weekly" printed some criticism of t h e rTig. made for
our foods. It evidently did not fancy our reply printed in var
ious newspapers, and brought suit for libel At the trial some
interesting facts came out.
Some of the chemical and medical experts differed widely.
The following facts, however, were quite clearly established:
Analysis of brain by an unquestionable authority, Geoghegan,
shows cf Mineral Salts, Phosphoric Acid and Potash combined
(Phosphate of Potash) 2.91 per cent of the total, 5.33 cf all Min
eral Salts.
. This & over one-half.
' Beaunis, another authority, shows "Phosphoric Acid com
bined" and Potash 73.44 per cent from a total of 10L07.
, Considerable mere than one-half of Phosphate cf Potash.
Analysis of Grape-Nuts shows: Potassium and Phosphorus,
(which join and make Phosphate of Potash,) is considerable more
than one-half of all the mineral salts in the food.
Dr. Geo. W. Carey, an authority on the constituent elements
of the body, says: "The gray matter of the brain is controlled en
tirely by the inorganic cell-salt. Potassium Phosphate (Phosphate
cf Potash.) This salt unites with albumen and by the addition of
oxygen creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Of
course; there is a trace of other salts and other organic matter in
nerve fluid, but Potassium Phosphate is the chief factor, and has
the power within itself to attract, by its own law of affinity, all
things needed to manufacture the elixir cf life."
Further on he says: "The beginning and end of the matter is
to supply the lacking principle, and in molecular form, exactly as
nature furnishes it in vegetables, fruits and grain. To, supply
deficiencies this is the only law of cure."
The natural conclusion is that if Phosphate of Potash is the
needed mineral element in brain and you use food which does not
contain it, you have brain fag because its daily loss is not
On the contrary, if you eat food known to be rich in this ele
ment, you place before the life forces that which nature demands
for brain-building.
In the trial a sneer was uttered because Mr. Post announced
that he had made years of research in this country and some
clinics in Europe, regarding the effect of the mind oa digestion
of food.
But we must be patient with those who sneer at facts they
know nothing about.
Mind does not work well on a brain that is broken down by
lack of nourishment.
A peaceful and evenly poised mind is necessary to good diges-
Worry, anxiety, fear, hate, etc., eta, directly interfere with
or stops the flow of Ptyalin, the digestive juice of the mouth, and
also interferes with the flow of the digestive juices cf stomach
and pancreas.
Therefore, tha mental state of the individual has much to do
(more than suspected) with digestion.
This trial has demonstrated:
That Brain is made of Phosphate of Potash as the principal
Mineral Salt, added to albumen and water.
That Grape-Nuts contains that element as more than one
half of all its mineral salts.
A healthy brain is important if one wouli "do things" in
this world.
A man who sneers at 'Mind" sneers at the best and least un
derstood part of himself. That part which some folks believe
links us to the Infinite.
Mind asks for a healthy brain upon which to act, and Nature
has defined a way to make a healthy brain and renew it day by
day as it is used up from work cf the previous day.
Nature's way to rebuild is by the use of food which supplies
the things required.
There's a Reason"
Postum Cereal Co. Ltd.,
D&ttU Creek. Mich.