Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1910, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Beb
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Kalr.
For wcstliei import e l'gge 2.
VOL. XL. NO. 156.
2Um Vivien, Niece of PriL
BagiLEL, Will Marry Han Mi
Older Than Herself.
i .'-
Sride-to-Be Younj Girl Who Haa Not
Made Her Debut
Number of Genuine Love Affairs in
Cross-Sea Marriages.
Aawloaa Dollars Contribute
rail ta Vpkeep of Foreign
Nobility Wnea Record (
Year la Ilea.
Km TORK. Deo. 18.-(Special Tele
gram. )-While ths family of Miss Vivien
Oould does not confirm the engagement of
that charming young daughter of the
house of Gould to Lord Decles, they do not
deny It and aoclety generally accepts It aa
a fact
And It may be said also that society ii
discussing It with no little interest. While
Iord Decles Impressed those lie met during
his rertjnt visit to New York ns a fine,
clean cut example of the English gentle
man, It is recalled that he is well past
the forty mark, while Miss Vivien haa still
to make her debut Into society and Is etill
practically a school girl.
In connection with this new approaching
International marriage, other recent mar
riages of the asms sort are being discussed
and attention Is divided on the question
whether this will be a happy one. There
are examples which would seem to lend
force to the arguments either way.
There Is for example, the Countess John
Alexander Mourik Ie Beaufort, who was
MIs Irma Klllgallen of Chicago. The last
heard of the countess she was still In a
Chicago hospital nursing the broken bones
che suffered when her noble lord chased
her about the house. " The Count De Beau
fort Is now turning a penny In vaudeville.
One Real Love Match.
There la the Duchess De Chaulnes, Who
waa Miss Theodora Hhonts, and who waa
most sadly widowed upon her honeymoon.
It was believed by - every one that the
marriage of the Due Ix Chaulneea and the
American heiress waa a true love match.
The Baroness De Graffenrled waa Mlaa
Jrroa Btern, daughter of Louis Stern, one
of the wealthiest merchants In this city,
llaron De Qraffenried Is an expert horse
man and for ten years has been captain
Instructor of the military riding academy
at Thoune.
The Princess Miguel of Braganza was
Miss Anita Stewart, daughter of Mrs.
James Henry Smith, and heiress to 11.000.000
liiider the will of the late American million
aire, her stepfather. .The sumptuous cere
mony which united Miss Btewart to the
pretender of the Portuguese throne. Is of
sufficiently recent date to be well re
membered and the fact that her dowry Is
being used to push the claims of her
husband to the Portuguese throne, adds In
terest to this wedding.
The Princess Canlancuzene was the
daughter of Genoral and Mra. Fredeiick D.
Grant, and the marriage Is said to be a
very happy one.
The Countess Carlo Dentice dl r'raso was
visa Dorothy wiido, daughter of Mrs. j
Henry Htegel or this city, aiibs v hub
marriage with the Count Dlarasno was an
other reputed love match and thus far
nothing haa transpired to dispel the belief.
The duchess of Roxburgh was Miss May
tJoelet, said to be one of the richest young
women In the world. The fortune founded
by Miss Goolet's grandfather, Peter Hot-let,
anr which haa greatly Increased since. his
death, was at that time estimated at SJS,-
There la no reason to believe that
this match was not a happy one,
(nlFM fi'htnl Mill Happy.
The Countess l.aslo Szechenyl was for-
imrly Miss Gladys Vanderbllt. youngest j
daughter of Mrs. Cornelius Vun.1i rt.llt. Her ; not De sciecieq. is u.u.
striding to the Hungarian nobleman tuoic liu
place at the Vanderbllt residence. KUth.fJIL PIPE LINE TO OMAHA
avenue and Fifth street. They are reputed
to be atlll In love with each other.
The duchess of 'Manchester was the
dsughter of Eugene Unmet man of On
clnnett. The duchess was busily tnxaged
ta tills fall making changes In the Gros
vi nor residence the clul.e Inherited fror.l
tils mother. She hus made the duke a fig
ure In Rngllsh affairs.
The Duchess De Vaiencay was Miss Helen
Morton of New York. The djke Is
brother of the Prince I 'e agun. who mar
ried former Anna Gould.
The Countena figray wan Alius Harriet
Daly, daughter of Marcus Duly, the copper : miles. Brunch lines will be run to nearby
king. Count f'lgray officiated us best man j towns along the route and also to Chey.
at the wedding of Count Szechenyl and , enne, Greeley, Fort Collins, Boulder, Iove
Mlns Olsdys Vanderbllt. aml' LonKinnnt and Denver. The hlgh
The Baroness Speck von Sternberg Vu I gra(lt, lubricating oil, which Is being used
Mlaa Lillian, May of Louisville. ffr f U( , pur,,,,,,,., by the Chicago A North
Tile baron, who la dead, waa at one time j WMlern railroad with good results, will be
German ambassador to this country. , ... . f),r..,,h lm. monster nine line and
The ducheta if Marlborough waa Mlts
Consaelo Vanderbllt and was married to
ths rVuke at the ae of 17 years. The duke
and duchens are now sepuiated.
The countess of m mouth was MUs Alice
Tlaw of PlUfburn. The countess Is living
marriage will, (he earl ol Yarmouth h43 Hue and Its arteries. in. . ..
been annulled. jupply of the oil In the trait creek and
rrlncesa Hello De Sagan was MU Anna ; ''lo Asle fields-enough, experts say. to
Gould, the aunt of MIhs Vivien Gou d. wli j f "pply the wo: Id with fuel for many years,
la to marry L ecic. The princess i und its lnli-..di'ctlon for commercial pur
ftist niarii.d to Co.iiit lionl Do CusieUune, ! I'oscs will rot only afford the people
a cousin of lit r present husband, mid ao- j cUuper and belter fuel, but It will result
sequently divorced him. The muinmntal j in cheaiei coal, or else the coal companies
difficulties of the Prince lie Safari aro ! must so out of buines.
piol.abl) biiter I. noun to the pubic iliun
those resiiltiuK liom
tiunal uiariutfce.
any other interna-
Hesldruta of Wu.itiuatoa Hate .Notrl
Plan la Hid County of
SHAKlN. la.. D.o. IS.-8. S. Gilbert l aa
received u ruiuett from the Mute of Wash
ington for l,'.c.' cats. Thu rnjuest U made
ill a letter fi t ri Albert J. llandall. for
ui rly of Miaron. but ticxv a i cedent of
Okttlligan coiiily. In tile weelern Mate.
He Willi a ll at he will visit Pennsylvania
within a month to pick up all the slia
eats tliut can be delivered to him, f r
v illi h lie l willing to pay u full pile.-.
Mr. liamlall ha ujooctatcd with him
trvcral piopvrty w nets, determined to i Id
okatiuaan iwunty of gophei-s ihut destroy
(.KrOVio and Infest farm I aids. Five thou
sand tats are to be shi; ped to Washington
A4.rH L
Railroads Use More
OU as Fuel During
Year; Results Good
Two Battleship! Equipped with Plants
of This Kind In:rease in
. Dee. 1?.-The use of oil
- 'fuel on the railroads of the I'nlted
Rata grestly Inrrrascd last year and the
results of Its Introduction In the Vnited
States navy have fully met expectations.
Steamship rompnnles also are equipping
their vessels with oil-burning plants.
In the navy, two battleships, the North
Dakota ami the Delaware, were thus
equlpred anil four battleships now In the
course of construction will burn oil as an
auxiliary to coal. Fifteen destroyers also
will be thus equipped. In several European
countrlea similar experiments are being
The consumption by the railroads In VfX)
amounted to 19.939,394 barrels, an Increase
of 3.050,324 barrels, or 18 per cent over the
previous year. They use mostly crude oil.
Though the production of oil , In this
country for 1909 Increased slightly over the
production for the preceding year,' there
was a decline In value consistent with the
market. The total production In 1909 was
1SI.134.Z74 barrels, as compared with 178,527.
3E5 barrels In lf. The value of the 1&09
production was tia6.243.7K3, while that of
1908 was valued at $19.079.1X4.
California, Oklahoma and West Virginia
added greatly to the Incerase In produc
tion. California gained 21.35 per cent, Okla
homa, 4.6 per cent, while West Virginia In
creased 12.83 per cent. Utah and Wyoming
produced only 22.137 barrels.
This waa a gain of 24.55 per cent over
their combined output in 1908. All other
states showed a decrease, the greatest be
ing in Louisiana, which declined 47.15 per
South Dakota Press
, Association to Meet
Farmers Who Buy by Mail to Be Com
pared to Hardware Men Who Use
Axle Grease Stationery.
SIOUX FALLS. S. I., Dec. 18. (Special.)
John T. Oogan of this city, secretary of
the South Dakota Press association, states
that the mld-wlnter meeting of the asso
ciation, to be held at Pierre next month,
is certain to be one of the best attended
winter meetings ever held by the associa
tion. It Is expected that the Ben Frank
lin clubs of the state will meet at Pierre
at the same time, and the two organiza
tions will confer on matters affecting the
business Interests of the editors. It Is
expected that. In all, about 300 newspaper
rren will be at the Pierre meeting. The
date has not been definitely fixed, but It
Is expected the meeting will be held Jan
uary 12, 13 and 14.
K. J. Mannlx of Ploux Falls, editor of
the Commercial News, has been secured
to deliver an address on the subject of
"How Does the Farmer Who Patronises
the Mall Order Houses Compare With the
Hardware "Man. Who Uses Axis Grease
Stationery?" There "will be other ad
dresses by newspaper men of prominence
on matters of special Interest to newspa
per men In general. The program will be
completed In a few days.
Exposition Boosters
Are Hard at Work
Committee on Rules Decides to Settle
Location Question About the
Middle of January.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. (Special Tele,
gram.) The location of the Panama canal
exposition in 1915 will be settled so far aa
congress can settle It shortly after the
holidays recess. The committee on rules
today decided to bring It to a vote by the
middle of January, at the latest.
Both New Orleans and Ban Francisco
have a corps of enthusiastic workers here
and If any congressman doea not know
exactly why of thee cltleB 'houl
Wyomlnar Fields to Be Connected with
Gate City as Heaolt of Hecent
j Convention.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Dec. IS (Special.)
One result of the recent convention of the
oil men of the west In thla city and the
formation of the Wyoming Ol miens' as
soclutlon will be the construction of a pipe
line from the oil fielda of the Popo Agle,
near lender. Salt creek wells northwest
1 of CahDer. to Omaha, a distance of .00
marketed In Wyoming. Colorado and Ne
) tu a; Ka. It la po'nted out that the oil Is
I mud: cheaper than coal, produces an even,
moie Intense and belter heat and It la ex
Iptetid that its use will soon supplant coal
in ull sections reached by the main pipe
One New York Ileatanrant Waa I. ays
Duna n ltnl as to Ills Place of
NEW YORK. Dec. IS. tBpecial Te!e-rvnm.)-Tli
long-debated question of
: whether women will smoke In New YorU's
' restaurant was answered decidedly in tho
affirmative today, so far as one fashionable
; dining place was concerned.
' . The new Csrltons tnaneyer. Karl Kroell.
announced that wonwn eouUl puff their
clur tt at any time nud In tny place In
1 his. restaurant. Hon body v, U:s;"eri d In
hi:' tar today that atvrral i f his feminine
KUiM-i were tniohiiig carmn in
I the palm court. The mamger ind.s
, Hunt that on one ehou.d q jest Ion the
I rights of hla patrons to do what they
; pleased so long as they were circumspect
: and did not give offense or infringe on the
I rights of others.
Liberal Nationalists and Laborites
Come Out of Fight with Hundred
and Twenty-Six Majority.
Veto Measure is Likely to Come
Squarely Before King- George.
Many Concessions and Some Big Sacri
fices Are Possible.
Tariff Reformers Are Ineasy, While
Home Rnle la Neat Parliament
Is Expected ta Be One of the .
Important Isauea.
LONDON, Dee. 18. -(Special Cablegram.)
With the practical ending of the elections
yesterday, there are only one or two con
stituencies still to vote, the question as to
what will be done towards settling the con
stitutional questions Involved In the elec
tlons comes up for answty.
The liberals, nationalists, and laborites
came out with a majority of 11, Just two
more than they had In the last house.
And the next move Is up to Prime Minis
ter Asciulth.
. In the opinion of well-Informed observers
Mr. Asqulth must push his veto measure
and when It Is turned down by the House
of Lords, as It will undoubtedly be. he
must put the question squarely up to King
George, With a demand that a sufficient
number of new peers be created to pass
the bill, i If the king grants the demand.
It is probable the lords will recede and the
new peers will not be needed. .If he should
refuse, .Asqulth could either resign, 'or by
a combination of the moderates of both
parties, carry on the government.
The probability Is so strong that It Is
almost a certainty that the veto measure
will be pushed to the limit. Not only will
the Irish nationalists Insist on this, but
a majority of the liberals also strongly
favor It.
There Is a good deal of talk of further
conferences and compromises, but It Is
to be noted It comes almost entirely from
the unionists.
Views of Unionists.
One of the most moderate of the union
ists Insists today that the entire consti
tutional Issue should be dealt with Imme
diately by a representative body having
the confidence of the nation to an extent
not enjoyed by the "council of eight," and
declares that "this Is the view of all sensi
ble persons not blinded by the prejudice
of birth or the passion of socialism." He
wamlngly contends there -must be "large
concessions, and big sacrlflcea, " In both
principle and principal" If the kingdom la
to avoid "'what It would need, but a few
more blunders and a little more obstinacy
to .expand Into a Mood red -catastrophe."
"Tntg'OPHnen-'clirflea all" the" more weight
because expressed by A sharp critic of Mr.
Balfour, who, also Is supposed to be In
favof of a new conference with a broader
base of authority. ,
King George Is giving the situation more
attention than ever and has laid aside
temporaryily work on the coronation pro
gram, a matter he Intends to keep within
personal control.
It Is asserted that the king will urge
Mr. Aaqulth to make a more comprehen
sive attempt to reach a compromise aa to
the scope of the aecond chamber before
Increasing its membership.
In the unionist ranks the cleavage caused
on the eve of the elections by Mr. Balfour's
suggestion about a referendum for tariff ;
reform has been deepened thla week bv
Austen Chamberlain's defiant, "I never
would have made It."
Son Sneaks for. Father.
The son of the author of the policy Is
speaking for the father when he repudiates
the tactics by which the tory freetraders
were brought Into line. .
Moreover, the younger Chamberlain
never omits anything In a speech or action
that might promote his ambition to lead
the unionist psrty against free trade and
against home. rule. He is loud In hla de
mand that the situation created by Hr.
Balfour's Implied promise be eonuldered In
all Its aspects.. This seems to forecast
civil war' In the party.
The Morning Post repudiates the refer
endum altogether.
The Standard says it is Impracticable.
The Times hedges delightfully.
The Telegraph backs Balfour's policy.
Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Smith oppose
It. The tariff reformers are uneasy. The
IIKapbU milnl, . U I 11. ..... J . . i .
- w".V: . ' ' I ,.:
en ' ' v. n , a ujiimiiliu KeniUS Will
never let discussion become a source of
absolute division. As regard horns rule,
the prophets are at variance, but most of
them fix 1914 or 1915 as the earliest year In
which John Redmond could touch the goat
If the parliamentary procedure contempt
and In the Asqulth bill for ending the ob-
atruction 01 the tory House of Lords U
Statement ay Redmond.
Mr. Redmond, In restating the require
ments of Ireland, said:
"No alteration of the constitution on the
supremacy of the Imperial Parliament, but
merely to take our place in the ranks of
other portions of the empire some twenty-
1 eight In number which In purely local af
fairs are governed by institutions of their
John Devlin says his recent experience
In the United States convinced him that,
"When our American friends hear across
the Atlantic the calls and howls of the
tulles, the man who gave up to win want
to add another 'fiver' and the man who
gave one eagle will wish to aend two."
Feeling In Ulster does not Improve. It
Is pure sensationalism to assert that actual
steps have been taken to procure arms in
large quantities to resist home rule if
forced Into law by the coalition govern
ni. nt.
But the "orange defense fund" has
reached large proportions and the unionist
associations throughout lister are In a
first-class state of organization.
Pop alar Blind ot Made I'd, Sa)s fclr
Horace Plnnkett.
It the United Kingdom electlona have
settled anything. It Is hard to determine
( ji.ait what, according to Sir Horace C.
j I'l'jiikett of Dublin, who Is in Omaha on
I his annual visit to inspect hla proprl
I here.
1 "The British people are slow moving
compared to you Americans," said eir
Horace, "and the elections now going on
(Continued 00 Second Page.)
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Engineers Working on Plans to Avert
Floods in Washington.
Senator Heybnrn Will Attempt to
Seewre Early Action on Measure
for Federal flapervlslon of
Cold Mora " Plants.
(From a Staff (Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Deo, 18. (Special.) The
geological survey has' been engaged dur
ing the last month la a work which prom
ises to be of the utmost Importance to the
city of Washington i as well as the sur
rounding country as car as Baltimore.
The upper PrrtoroaoiirrUBt outside the
District of Columbia ssd In, the state of
Maryland, 'falls with great rapidity . and
an enormous volume of water Is constantly
discharged frotrr the watershed, and. In
times of flood, great damage has been
done to the business Interests In the cltv
of Washington. For the last thirty days, a
foroe of some thirty engineers, who have
returned from their western and southern
field work, have been assigned to the
duty of preparing a detailed topographical
aurvey of the Potomao river and In secur
ing data concerning Its control, as well
as the precise levels. Three sets of dam
sites have been surveyed, and complete
maps, on the scale of 600 feet to the inch,
ro now a prepared. tn aaauion to
tn. otner mapa i,uw. leei to me men,
showing the geological and geographical
formations of the shores of the river along
Its entire route, from Great Falls to the
District line, are also In course of prepa
ration. The geological survey Is using
every possible effort to prepare complete
data concerning the flow of water, topo
graphical conditions and possible means
of harnessing the floods, for presentation
to congress during the present session.
It Is predicted that in the construction of a
proper dam and the consequent control of
the flood waters of the upper river,
water power enough can be developed to
supply, the electrio needs - not only of
Washington, but of Baltimore and Alex
andria and the surrounding and neighbor
ing towns and villages. There are, how
ever, many difficulties In the way of car
rying out this project, the principal one of
which Is said to be that the power rights
of the upper river are owned by private
I Individuals, who, although having had con-
' '
1 trol of the water for upwards of thirty
years, have done absolutely nothing toward
developing the power. Congresa, however,
is expected to take the Initial steps to
ward damming the river, not only with the
Idea of eventually utilizing uhe power
j wh,eh wlU thu" be dv'l(1- bu w"h the
further double purpose of Increasing the
portable water euppiy or tne city of
(Continued on Second Page.)
make Christ
mas shopping easy,
The Bee is running
a "For Chr stmas'.'
column on the first
want ad page.
In this column almost every
thing suitable for Holiday
Gifts is mentioned, with the
name of the person from
whom it may be obtained.
You may find here an ap
propriate and inexpensive
present, or suggestion of the
newest things offered this
It will save worry and time
and money to consult the 'For
Christmas" Column before
you 6tart out shopping today.
Call Tyler 1000 for Want Ads.
Something to Crow About
Grahame-White Falls
to Ground in Trial
Flight for Big Prize
English Aviator Rendered Uncon
scious, but Has No Permanent
DOVER, England. Dec. IS. Claude Ora-
hame-Whlte, the Kngllnh aviator, who re
cently won the International aviation oup
at Belmont park, ha1 a narrow escape
from serious Injury today. His machine
was wrecked and he was badly cut about
the face. . .'-'
Many aviators -.have been waiting for the
last fortnight to compete for the prize of
130,000 offered by Baron De Forest for the
longest flight . awss,Ue .pngllali, channel
In 1910. .the. flight to be made by an Eng
lishman In an English-built machine.
Grahame-Whlte this morning ascended
for a trial flight In a strong wind. His
machine began to rock and he was unable
to restore It to equilibrium. It turned over
and plunged to the ground, and was com
pletely wrecked.
The aviator fortunately fell a little to one
side. It was thought at first he had suf
fered concussion of the brain, as he was
unoonsclous, but he soon recovered con
sciousness and it was found that he had
received nothing more than some bad cuts
about the face. It Is expected he will be
about again within a week. He has ordered
another biplane of the Wright type from
Bristol and will make another attempt to
win the prise. '
A second competitor, Sopwlth, fared bet
ter. He left East Church, Sheppy tSland,
at 8:15 o'clock In the morning, crossed from
Dover to Calais and descended at Beau
mont, Belgium, a distance of 190 miles.
Porter Charlton to
Seek Release Now hy
Habeas Corpus Writ
Attorneys for Defense Sav if Proceed-ing-s
Fail They Will Anneal to
Supreme Court.
NEW YORK. Dec., IS. Porter Charlton,
demanded by Italy to stand trial for the
confessed murder of his wife, Mary Scott
Castle Charlton, at Iake Coma, will be
taken tomorrow morning from his cell in
Jersey City to Trenton, X. J., where he
will seek release by habeas corpus pro
ceedings In the United States district
court, as against the decision of Secretary
Knox of the federal Department of State
that he may be extradited.
Charlton's lawyers say If the habeaa
corpus proceedings fall they will appeal
to the supreme court of the United States.
Porter Charlton has been held In the
Hudson county Jail since June 24, when
he was arrested aa he, atepped from the
deck of a steamship. His family contend?
that he Is Insane.
Arizona's Constitution
May Be Adopted Soon
Richard E. Sloan Says Prospect of Any
Delay is Matter of Grave Con
cern to People.
WASHINGTON, Dec. IS. The election on
the adoption or rejection of the constitu
tion for ArUona prjbably will be held by
January 10. mil, and If adopted may be
in the hands of tho president and congreas
for approval before the end of the present
senelon. according to the annual report of
Richard E. Sloan, territorial governor of
If thla program Is carried out. he says,
"there la every reason to expect the new
state government will be in operation by
the end of the present fiscal year." Dla
cusslng the matter further. Governor Sloan
"We anticipate auch beneflta from ad
mission that the prospect of any consider
able delay or the possibility that the con
stitution whicli may be adopted may not
be approved are matters of grave concern
to the people of the territory."
Prosperity continues In the territory, ac
cording to the rep-'it. Crops have been
good, especially In the Irrigated sections.
Prices for farm products, lie says, have a
tendency to Increase, while the prices of
land under ditch with water rlghla have
also Increased soineW
Minister from Chile to United States
. Passes Away.
Taft Offers Vm of American Battle
ship to Transport Body to Native
Lasd Faseral to Be Held
WASHINGTON", Dee. 18. Senor Don
Anlbal Crus. envoy extraordinary and min
ister plenipotentiary from Chile to tho
United States, was stricken, with heart
failure at S:tC o'clock this morning and
died ten minutes later. He had attended
the banquet of the American Society for
Judicial Settlement of International Dis
putes last night and retired, apparently,
In' rood health. ' when he was stricken
physicians were summoned, but the end
came before they arrived.
President Taft and Secretary Knox
called at the Chilean legation In the after
noon and offered Senor Don Alberto
Yoacham, charge d' affaires of the em
bassy, the use of an American battleship
for transporting the body of the minister
of Chile. President Taft and Secretary
Knox expreaaed the hope that the body
mlHht he returned to Chile under the
American flag.
This Information was cabled to the
Chilean government by Scnor Yoacham,
who said tonight he expected an answer
tomorrow. Funeral services will be held
at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning at St.
Patrick's cathedral and the body will be
burled temporarily.
Almost all the members of the diplomatic
corps and many itovernment officials of
fered their condolences to Senora De Crus
and members of the Chilean legation.
Career of Senor Cms.
Benor Cms was 45 years old and had
returned to the United States but a montl.
ago from Chile, having visited there after
attending the Pan-American congress
Buenos Ayres last summer.
Senor Yoacham. charge d' affaires of
the legation, was to have left for Chile
on leave of absence tomorrow, but today
cancelled all arrangements and probably
will bo here Indefinitely, pending the ap
pointment of a new minister.
Senor Crus had been Chilean minister to
ti,. iTnit. states for three years. He was
at one time professor in the law faculty
th. university of Chile, and in 1S32 first
came to the United States as secretary of!
the Chilean legation. In 1901 he was coun
sel for the Chilean government In the hear
ing for the -arbitration of various Chilean
He waa at one time a member of con
gress in Chile and the minister of war.
He la survived only by hla wife, a niece
of the late Senor Gana, Chilean minister
to Oreat Britain, who died a month ago.
A brother of Senor Crus la now the
Chilean "minister to Belgium.
(Government Weather Bureau Bays
moderate Temperatures Will
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. General baro
metric pressure distribution over the north
ern hemisphere Is such as to indicate that
this week will be one of moderate tem
perature for the season In practleally all
parts of the country, according to the gov
ernment weather bureau.
A disturbance that covered the great
lakes today will move eastward and cause
snow In that region and snow or rain In
the middle Atlantic and New Kngland
states Monday. Another disturbance will
appear In the northwest Monday nisht or
Tuesday and move along the northern
border and reach the St. Lawrence valley
Thursday. The precipitation attending will
not be general.
In the aouthern and western states the
week will be one of generally fair weather.
ftoliller Pleads Krlf-Ief eune.
CHKVEN.N'E, Wyo.. Dec. 18 (Special. -Private
6tratton of Troop I, Ninth United
States cavalry, who shot and killed Pri
vate Wooden of the same troop Thursday
night, may be able to prove a case of elf
dtfense, for It Is reporteij Wooden can led
a dangerous knife and the blade was
found under his body after the uhooting.
Btistton lmlt that Wooden advanced
upon him alth the knife and he feared be
would be slashed and fired to save himself.
Proceedings in Congress Thus Fat
Have Not Stimulated Much
Public Interest.
Committee Believed to Oppose Measure
Dealing with House Regulations.
Disposition in Upper Chamber to
Await Result of Conference.
Meveral Attorneys Who Are Xovr In
Washington .Will lie Asked to
WASHINGTON. Dec. 18. Congress la ex.
pented to adjourn Wednesday for the holi
day recess and not to resume business
until January 0. The resolution, which
passed tho house, probably will be brought
up In the senate tomorrow. No objection
to the program has appeared, aa It Is prac
tically certain that half a doaen of the
big supply bills will be out of tho way by
Wednesday night.
Business before both houses thus far lias
not stimulated much public Interest nnd
seats In the galleries have gone begging.
The omnibus claims bill In the senate hnj
failed to attract crowds, and the appropria
tion bills In the house proved no better
Uutalde of the claims bill there has been
no business before the senate, except the
Cummins resolution to change the rules of
the senate and house so as to facilitate
plece-meal revision of the tariff. Several
speeches on this subject have been made
and the Indications are the resolution will
be sent to the senate rules committee be
fore the recess
The rules committee Is generally be
lieved to be opposed to the adoption of any
measure which would undertake to deal
with the rules of the house. The Indlca
tli ns are that some measure may be re
ported out which would give the senate an
opportunity of voting without Invading the
prerogatives of the house.
Tariff Commission Marking: Time.
The question of legislation to create a
permanent tariff commission Is attracting
far more attention in the house than In
the senate, where there lias been a dis
position to await the outcome of confer
ences being held by Representatives Dong
worth, of Ohio, Good of Iowa and Denroot
of Wisconsin. Whether these members are
able to harmonize their differences has not
been made clear.
It Is said that In the house as a whole
there Is uentlment generally for the en
largement of the tariff board, making Its
existence continuous for at least six years.
Some members favor making the life of
the eommisston ten years anil still others
favor twenty years. - 1. ' .,. .
Most serious of all of the questions in
volved Is that of giving the commission
power to demand books and papers of cor
porations. Many member favor having
tho commission call for such documents
where they believe them to be necessary
and In the event of refusal to make re
ports to congress with a View to separate
action In each case.
llalHniter Iteport In Committee.
The report of the Balllnger-Pinohot In
vestigation is still slumbering In the house
committee on agriculture. Minority mem
bers of the Investigating committee are
threatening to demand a report from the
committee on agriculture so that a vote
on the merits of the majority and minority
views might bo had In the house, but no
step In that direction haa yet been taken.
There appears to be little proBpect of action
In the senate.
It Is probable the investigation of Indian
contracts, at a standstill for Several weeks,
will be resumed during ths holiday recess.
Several attorneys who are In Washington
will be asked to testify as to their fee
arrangements with the Indians, trlbally
and Individually. Chairman Burke expects
the Indian Investigation will be closed
some time in January.
The committee appointed by the senate
to Investigate similar charges has never
met. Senator Jones, Its chairman, will
make a report showing that the house com
mittee covered the subject In a manner
that made a second Investigation unneces
sary. It Is understood his report will Include
a statement by Senator Gore declaring a
probe by tho aenate would have covered
the same ground as that made bv thu
Rsraped Convict from Minnesota
Prison Goes to England and Then
Asks to Be Taken Into Custody.
LONDON, Dec. 18-IOuis Fenlon. 22, a
clerk, was charged at Marlborough street
police court, London, on his own confes
sion with prison breaking at Stillwater,
Minn., June 10. The prisoner walked Into
Marlborough atreet police station and said:
"I want to give myself up for prison
breaking at Stillwater, Minn., June 10. this
year, while undergoing a sentence of rive
years for forgery to the amount of 00.
I arrived here about a month ago. 1 am
broke and don't care."
The prisoner was detained and In a
lorker at Itowton liouae, uhere he had been
staying, two prison forms, bearing the
name of Rogers, were found. When the
prisoner saw them he said:
"They may be forgery as well; It is for
you to find out. I gave that name over
Mr. Mead sent the prisoner to Bow street
gopreme Court of Mlkaoarl Kx per led
to lie llrimhllcau for first
Time In Iran.
KXCKI.81DH SPRINGS, Mo.. Dec. Hi -Judge
Gavin D. Burgess, a member of tht
Missouri supreme court, died In a haul
tarluin here tonight.
ST. IjOI'18. Dec. 18.-Kollowlns the deal),
of Justice Gavin D. Burgess at Uxcelsloi
Springs, Mo., tonight, the supreme court
of Missouri Is expeeted to be republican
for the first time t-lm'e the civil war.
Two months ago the court stood 1 to f
democratic. Then Chief Justice James D
Fox died. The republicans elected twt
members at the recent election and It It
considered likely that Governor Jladley wll
appoint a republican to succeed J untie.
Bulges. If this Is dun the court wll
stand 4 to I republican.