Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1910, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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Officers of Commissioners' and Clerks' Ass'n
King Georpe and Consort Likely to Go
on Lonj Koy&l Tour.
r t ! - ! """n
Trnlilhr tllnrmrr -t Trip Inrlnrtra
turtle. Afrlrn, Canada and tke
tnatrnllnn Ioflona of
the Kmplre.
inST'OS. c. lT(Kerlal t'l The Be.)
The annoonrrnnt Piat thi king and quen
have dp'rldcit to attrnd n ' rorunatlon Hur
ler t Iplhl In .Tan'iRry, lVlf. has given rise
to no little talk: . i i
It will l; th flr.-t imi In the history
of the empire thnt tt.' reigning monarch
and hip ronn'irt hs vlattfd the over-
Already there Ik talk of so arranging the
voymf that thrlr riinjitli' may visit the
Fouth Afrhnn union on the way to India.
nd vllt Australia and Canada, on the
return trip. While thla hns not been
definitely decided. I am Informed their
majesties have the prnpoaltlon under ser
ious consideration.
The outline for thla visit are now be
ing considered by the responsible nulhorl
tlea. and it la understood that they will
follow very closely upon the lines of the
great Durbar at Ielh for the Coronation
of the late king. An Interesting proposal
has been broiiKht forward that their ma
jesties should be attended on this tour by
those officers still living- who have held
the appointment of eominnnder-ln-ehlef In
India. Thero are three of those, and each
la fiald marshal. Karl, Roberta. V. C: Sir
George White, V. ('., and Lord Kitchener.
It la also probable that the prince of Wales,
Prince 'Albert and Prlnoesa Mary will ac
company their parent pn this tour, but
this has not yet definitely been decided.
Lord ( arson !Holn Spirit.
It Is also stated In well-informed circles
that the proposal for th king and queen
to visit India, and to hold a Durbar on
the historic plains outside Lelhl, first
manated from Lord Cureon, who aaw In
this an ecellent opportunity to combat
the spirit of sedition In the dependency.
His majesty. It la further atated, waa Im
mediately struck by the Idea, aa waa the
queen and further consideration deter
mined King George to attempt to put It
Into affect.
Ixrd Curzon Is likely to be Included In
the royal suite, and will probably act aa
chief attendant on the king at tha Durbar
and all the other stately ceremonial! now
being Considered. Their majesties' stay In
India will necessarily be comparatively
brief, since the king expressed his desire
to call at South Africa on his return voy
age. Neither of the royal yachts are to be
employed by the royal tourists, but a bat
tleship of the dreadnought type, probably
the Indefatigable, now undergoing repairs,
will be specially fitted' up for their ma
jesties. (ieorsre a Stajnp Collector.
For some year Xing George has been
president of tha Royal Phllatello society,
lie haa been no mere figurehead, for there
Ja no more enthusiastic stamp collector In
tha world than his majesty. Ilia collection
la estimated to be worth $500,000, and his
knowledge of stamps Is such that on sev
eral occasions collectors have had to thank
him for throwing light on uncertain scien
tific points concerning the study of stamps
Furthermore, whenever a philatelic con
gress has been held his majesty haa evinced
the greatest Interest In the proceedings,
and on several occasions has Invited for
eign stamp collectors to meet him In order
that they might discuss phllatello matters.
Even, aa recently as March of this year
tha kitjg showed his great Interest In
stamp collecting by a donation to (ha
Royal Philatelic society of a magnificent
collection of envelopes, postcards and
wrappers representing practically all the
stamps Issued In Great Britain and the
colonies. Thla Included some extremely
rare things the Marltius 1 shilling yellow,
which Is one of the six rarest envelopes In
the world, and la today of great value. The
Ceylon envelopes of the first issue ara also
extremely scarce and the postcards In
cluded by his majesty In his gift to the
society comprise varieties catalogued at
many pounds apiece.
toert Lints Closely Censored.
Ths lists for the next season's courts will
ie very rigorously revised and a certain
American element .will be much less than
was the case Id the last reign. The desire
of Americans to "be presented'' Is one of
the most dominant of transatlantic ambi
Uons. it is not only In London, but In
Vienna. Home, Madrid and Paris that the
eaergetlo siege goes on.
Kins; I'lajs Ilnnrh.
it Is not generally known that King
George's custom of appearing with hi
right hand gloved and the other bare haa
Its origin In something more than a mere
iwhlm of fahton. The wearing of a clove
on the right hand hy a- monurch Is a dis
tinct survival of the days when the sov
eretgn s touch was held to be a certain
cure for all kinds of d I senn a, especially
scrofula. .
In the days when at certain dates It
was customary for hundreds of nick men
and mendicants of all kinds to bo laid out
In the courtyard of royal lalaces, awaiting
. the healing touch of "the anointed of the
lord," uionarcha found It necessary to wear
a glove lu order to escape Infection. Thus
arose the hublt which during modern times
has passed into a mere fad of fashion, the
significance of which has lung bevn for
gotten by the majority of people.
Direct Taxation
Hits Poor and Rich
r T- i
m German Empire
Incomes of Servants Are Assessed and
Their "Keep" Counts in Mak
ing the Total.
BKRLIN. Iec. 17. (Special to The Bee )
In thla empire direct taxation hits the
poor as well as the middle class and the
rich. In the kingdom of Saxony, one
might reasonably expect a servant earn
ing only ills to
a most elastic t
be exempt. "Income" is
rm. It Includes the ser-
vsnt'a food, lodyinl:, Christmas box and
other gratuities, the money value of all
of which items the employer Is bound to
declare. over hta signature. Taking, then,
the salary at ailK, food, etc., at the low
est computation the authorities will pass,
say a, e r-t W as ths servant's to
tal Income. 1 C j triors her Into class
S ot the tie-i r ... ta !!. taxofir asks
from her, ui. i s t
of Dresden, t..r , : . :., i
e. 4e ; the city
ii-oofS. 3s.; for
. : d. The
... . w cording
. I !-
schools. .Sb. Sd.i . .1 t i. 1
:,rvh and sctwul v.. . . u i
hether people aj i .
or leva The lutttr t .y
M the girl bate a ( i
: h must o'w'ire r.rr ri-o
. fcnj if the said I
"y of hr !
t. . IU the f riint s
:e, bclooa lo it
'. 1- . si .1 i .
Philip A.. Kennedy of McCool Junction
was last week re-elected president ot the
Nebraska County Commissioners, Super
visors and Clerks' association for the third
time, so that this was his fourth election to
the office. Mr. Kennedy was again honored
because he Is personally the most popular
man In the association and because the
members recognize that through his efforts
and those of Secretary O. Hill of Hastings,
the association has waxed large and pros
perous. Mr. Kennedy Is a broad-gauge man,
equally at home In city and country, at the
county commissioners' table or behind a
plow. It was not he who rode up In the
elevator of the City National bank building
to the top floor and then Inquired of the
elevator conductor.
"Boy, how much be the charge for riding
up here?
The elevator boy waa on the Job and re
Perishing Soldier
Deserted by Officer
French Private Broke a Regulation
During a March and Was
PARIS, Dec. 17. (Special to The Bee)-
There may be an Inquiry Into the case of
a private French soldier who was left to
perish In Morocco. Last June, the Third
mounted company of the First regiment of
tho Foreign legion left Forthussa for
Taourl. Owing to the scarcity of animals
there was. but one mule for two men, who
walked and rode alternate stages.
On the third day a recruit named Wels
roek, whose father distinguished himself
under tha French flag In 1K70, refilled his
water-bottle during a halt. Lieutenant
flnvartn had given orders that' water was
not to be taken from the streams for fear
they were dangerous to health. , Welsrock's
dlsobedlerice was detected, and ' he was
ordered to walk. Being new to the service,
Welsrock felt his punishment, for his feet
were bad and he found It Impossible ' to
keep up with the column. For laggtnr be
hind he waa ordered to march another
stage, making three In succession. Out of
pity his comrade offered to let him ride,
but Welsrock was told he must Walk:
Seeing the man's plight, however, a cor
poral told him to hold to the tall of his
companion's horse. This kindness did not
meet with the approval of the lieutenant,
and calling Welsrook a foul name, he
ordered him to walk alone.'. The man
obeyed, but soon collapsed. - When his ab
sence waa noticed the lieutenant ordered a
corporal to find Welsrock ' and 'take his
rifle from him. This was done, and noth
ing has been heard of the legionary since.
He was, It Is said, attacked by hyenas, and
In his feeble state, without a weapon to
defend himself, was an easy prey.
(Continued from Page One.)
budget. And these are the people whose
descendants hurl at us the epithets ot
'robbers,' 'thieves.' 'spoliators,' because We
dare put a tax of a half penny on the land
they purloined.
Maat Be on-Pro4 erera.
'My friend, the home secretary, and I
the other day paid a visit to Dartmoor,
and on that bleak, miat-eodden upland I
saw an old man In s, convlet's garb.' He
had been sentenced to thirteen years penal
servitude because, under the Influence of
drink, he had broken into a church and
stolen 2 shillings. (Crlea of 'Shame1-) : And
the next time I anv called a thief and a
robber by one of these noblemen I will aay,
'You are living now, and living well, upon
ths proceeds of church poor boxes your
ancestors pillaged.' (Cheers.) Then I
would ay to the Australians. 'Have you
anything to match their And they would
say, 'We never have been quite as bad aa
that in our worst days In this country.'
you our tw
u-auniuer inen I would say, 'I am
cannot help you. We have given
o best qualities. We might go
on and spread out a few more. The peer
age Is created to ennoble the Indiscretions
lJon't you think you could find an aristoc
racy, or something of that sortr They
would say, 'Rather than be governed by
men like that, we would have a senate of
kangaroos.' tLaughter and cheers.)
Mast be Non-Prod ecrrs.
'Then I would go to Canada and ask the
Canadians the same questions about hav-
i Ing a hereditary chamber made up of very
exclusive men who did not work or think,
and If they thould Inquire as to how this
, to h done. I would say. 'Pick out the
most ancient atock In tli land. They must
have something to do with the land, but
take care that they have never cultivated
It themselves (laughter) neither they nor
ancestors. They must not do any work;
they must hunt, Tide, shoot recreations of
that sort.' 'Ah,' says the Canadian, we
have got a sort of people who meet that
description. They have never done any
work in their Uvea. They are the most
andent atock In our country. They do
nothing all day long, yrr after year, ex
cvpt hunt and ahoct and rtde; never have
done a decent day s work. They are very
.i .iii ; they are tery dignified; they are
n.iv li!i. In fart, they have every quail
' :...n vf mi urtaLocracy. but we shut
i .. tijtis to keep them out
v isrty Is doing Us
. ; bid horse. It Is
"Kitty cents."
The visitor forked It over.
Mr. Kennedy had a good sized convention
to preside over. At no time were there le.s
than 2.V) delegates In tl.e hall and generally
twenty-five or fifty more were present Be
ing polttMer and irllanicntarlans all,
points of order were as numerous as dele
gates and i constant grip had to be kept
on the situation. Mr. Kennedy had tight
rein all the time.
To secure the picture of Oeerge Mysen of
Hasting, president of the County Clerks'
association, a little strategy l.nd to he
utilized, for Mr. Mysen is modest and whs
not happy over publication of Ills Indian
killing exploits.
When approached on the subject he was
presiding over a meeting of his association,
which had Just re-electod him and Secretary-treasurer
F. K. Elliott of North Platte.
"No I don't want my ptclure In your old
paper," said Mr. Mysen after a whisper
f - -'. - .y- v . iSfcf ..-v;
fitting up electric wires to his tall, Just
to make him go for a time, and Lord Hose
tery wants to give him new hind legs.
(Laughter.) Well, on humanitarian princi
ples, I am opposed to cruelty to animals.
I-would turn the poor old thing to grass'
and convert his old tram Into a cucumber
frame. (Iaughter.) All these suggestions
come too late. They are inapplicable. We
want a Parliament that will attend to the
bustneea of the people. Let us clear the
encumbrances from the road so that Justice
may have as easy access to the homes ot
the !eople as to the abodes of the
Scotch Reformatory
Scene of Revolt
Girls Lock Up the Keepers and Edin
burgh Police Had to Be
Called In.
EDINBURGH. Dec. 17. (Special to Tho
Bee.) Extraordinary scenes Were seen In
a reformatory for girls situated about
seven miles from Edinburgh. The girls,
whose ages range from 12 to 17, suc
ceeded" In confining the staff of teachers
to their rooms and broke out In revolt.
Some of them mounted the roof and tore
the s'atra and smashed the windows. The
villagers, hearing the noise, hurried to
the scene, when the girls threatened to
set the place on fire If the police were
called. V,
Eventually the local police, reinforced by
the Edinburgh police, arrived on the
scene, and succeeded In quelling the revolt.
The Ed.nburg officers arrived In a motor
car, and when it was discovered that a
number of the girls had escaped the coun
try was scoured and the motor on c
trip brought back no fewer than ten of
them. ,
At the police court on Tuesday two of
the ringleaders were sentenced to twenty
one days imprisonment, and another was
a Barrel llirr Walls with Village
Belle Brtasrs Death to Osc,
Prisoa to Aaother.
GENEVA. Deo. 17. (Special to The Bee.)
A man named Doe bell, aged 18, and
another named Neier, aged IS, who were
in love with the same girl, qua-reiled dur
ing a dance about the last waits. Each
claimed the dance with the girl. The rlva'a
met In the street after the ball, and Neler
Insulted Doe hell, who. picking up a stick,
dealt his rival a severe blow on the head.
Neler died, and his rival was arrested.
The young murderer, who bore an ex
cellent character, waa tried and several
witnesses stated that Doe bell received
great provocation. A verdict of homicide
with extenuating circumstances was given,
and the judge sentenced Doebell te two
years' Imprisonment the minimum term.
aaalltles as a HssmwII Appeal to
the rstare gahere ot Her
BERLIN. Dec. 17. (Special to The Bee.)
Not even tha empress heraelf la more
popular in Germany than ths crown prin
cess, who. prior to her marriage with
the kaiser's eldest son In 1905. waa Duchess
Cecelia of Mecklenburg. She is a house
wife after the excellent German pattern,
and Is devoted to her three sturdy eons.
Generovis and kind-hearted to a degree,
she set the seal upon her popularity when
she sold a diamond tiara, valued at &.(,
for the benefit of the widows and children
of the poor men who lost their lives in
the Weetphallaa colliery disaster. The
crown princess gave the entire sum real
ised to the relief fund. he la credited
with literary ambitions, and prior to her
marriage contributed to papers and mag
azines. aaflotver fhiloaoiihg.
A woman who has a nice house worships
It like a miser worships bis gold.
You can go Into a dry gu-xls store any
day and find a garter on the flour.
Don t tirow stoiws. even if you are fortu
nate enough not to live In a glass house.
A womun cannot chase a man sc quietly
that everybody n town will not know It.
A young man likes to Impress the girls
that he has no use for a looking glass ex
ce t when he shaves, but It ln t true.
When It cotnss to the morality of our an
cestors none of us can buesl much; the
recoids do not show that idsiu and ve
were married Atchison Globe.
from the emissary. The emissary begged
and pleaded. Nothing doing.
Then tho emissary turned to the conven
tion and made a little speech:
"Gentlemen of the of the County Clerks
association." said ha. "It Is desired by The
Lite that a picture of the worthy president
of your worthy association be taken with a
view of publication. Your Worthy president
balks. Will you kindly make him come
through? I will entertain a motion in
structing Mr. Mysen that the convention de
sires him to stand up and be shot snap
shotted." Vice President Hedelund Jumped up:
"I move you that Mr. Mysen be stood
against a wall and executed at sunrise."
The motion or words to that effect car
ried and Mr. Mysen allowed how he would
obey the convention's order If Secretary
Elliott would lend him the encouragement
of his presence In the picture, Mr. Elliott
waa nothing loath and the picture was
Spanish Students
Riot in a Theater
Were Angered by a Beflection on the
Medical Profession in a
New Play.
MADRID, Deo. 17. (Special to The Bee.)
A serious riot took place In a Madrid
theater owing to one of the characters in
a new play referring to the students at
the college of medicine as outtlnn the
bodies of the poor to pieces to study the
ailments ot the rich.
The medical students bought up all the
seats In the theater that they could, and
when the phrase which gave them offense
was uttered, the' students rose In a body
and there waa an outburst of booing and
shouting. Several of them clambered onto
the stage and getting possession of the
book of the play .tore It In fragments be
fore the whole audience and amid the
cheers of their confederates.
A number of armed policemen entered
the theater. A general stampede followed,
tha police chasing the fugitives, sword In
hand. Home of the students defended
themselves with sticks, several being
Seme tltfseas of Belstlaa Capital Get
Thrill While Animal Is
at Ijirae.
BRUSSELS. Dsc. 17. (Special to The
Bee.) A lioness broke loose from Its cage
in a local menagerie and ran through the
streets. In which were many children re
turning from Bchool. The animal, enraged
by the crlea of the people, made for a
horse, which It speedily killed. The
lioness then entered a private house, the
Inhabitants taking refuge on the roof. The
police arrived on the acene and shot at
the beast, but missed it. A cage with a
lion Inside was then brought before the
house and the lioness entered it. Nobody
was hurt, but all the furniture in the
house was destroyed.
This lonvita f-mlller.
' Detective "Billy" Bums returned the
other day from a tour through the coun
try. In the Interest of the Bankers' asso
ciation. He was profoundly impressed
with the mei-its of Western i'ennsylvuuia
as a place of residence.
"Nothing like it for a man that's In
clined to be a bit low-spirited." said Mr.
Bums. "Thev don't take any chances
with you there, at all. Why. If you go
hito a store and ask for a bit of clothes
line, the storekeeper will open a big book.
" 'What do you want this rope for?' he
" 'The old woman needs it to hang the
wash on.'
" 'And what's your jiameT the store
keeper asks.
" 'Hermiin Withelm rfelfer.'
" '0'n," says the storekeeper, closing
the book, 'iou cant get no rope nere
without a prescription.' " Cincinnati
Bigger, belter, ttusier That la what
advertising In The Bee will do for your
Arc You Fat?
Tou know you can not stay fat, don't
you? That la, you can not be fat and be
In style. The day when a fat woman was
tolerated la passed. Nowadaya all women
must be In proportion or be ridiculous.
Thla does not mean you should become
skinny, however. You should not get be
low the hard flesh line. All you ought
to lose Is the bulky fat That done you
will find yourself to be a well formed
and therefore handsome woman.
Now, how can this be done? By exer
cising and dieting? Yes, and no. Titeae
two means will bring some results, but
not easily nor twn. One Is very hard
work; Hie other Is torture. Hevides.
neither tan be defended on to cause a
uniform reduction. Tney may take iff u
fleshy shoulder, for example, and leave
ths double chin untouched. What you
need, you see, If something pleasant to
take that without injury to uur health
will take the fat off uniformly end
quickly, ssy at the rate of a pound a day
or ao, until It la all gone where you
want It to go.
Kor this purpose nothing Is less expen
sive, safer ur eltnpler that Marmuie 1're
arrlptlon Tablets. Ineiponslve because
one large cue, costing 7a tents only, will
produce results; safe because tiiey cauae
no wrinkles or itomu'lt trouble, but
lather Improve the health and complex
ion, if anikhiiia: and annple. because they
da all the w ik without asking thought
or effort on the part or the taktr. In
short, they are the If you are
f.l and wish to be thinner If your drug
gist Is of the better kind he will have
them. If nut. write the licensees. The
Mariuola Company, bii Farmer Hldg ,
Detroit. Mich. Adv.
ProgTam to be Presented Calls for
Many War Boat?.
Ambassador ltlrh:iril I . Kerens tin
Mnde tinml Ills Denllnits With
the Critics! Aristocrats vf
Ike Aastrlnn Court.
VIENNA, Dec. 17. i Special to The 1'ee.)
Atistilu-llungary has gone navy mad
with the vest of the worl V The naval
building program to be presented to the
next meeting of the delegations provides
for four dreadnoughts., three turbine
cruisers, ten to twenty torpedo boats, and j
four to six submarines. The ei-tlmnted
cost of all these vessels arrtfregates Ji",Oio,
0 The expenditure will be spread over
six years. (
It Is broadly Intimated that this Is but
the beginning nnd that Aurtria ' not
ho satisfied until It hns a mival f e at I
least exiual to that of Italy. This wll. n:iin
more than doubling the present naval
forco of the empire.
Krjane t.lvrn Ovatlou.
In order to nppear in "Satis-t ene" at
Vienna. Mme. liej.ine had to travel all
day recently. She had been unable to
lunch fir dine, and only had time to dress
for the theater. She, therefore, arranged
for dinner to be trrved at the end of the !
flret net. This caused some dulay, and
tl.e audience giew Impatient. An arch
duke who was present sent for the man
ager, who explained matters. The house
was also Informed, and when at length
the curtain went up Mme. Ilejane received
a great ovation.
Ktplorer Loses Ills l ife.
A terrible death hns overtaken Prof
Mahler of the academy at Iglo, In Hun
gary. Despite warnings that a guide was I
necessary tho professor started alone on
October 2J to climb the Baranggootoo peak
In the Tarta mountains. He never came
back, and search parties failed to find him.
Now a party of climbers found his dead
body terribly emaciated, and with both
legs broken, In a shelter hut where he had
starved to death.
Kerens MaVlna" (looil.
The new American ambassador, Hon.
Richard C. Kerens of Missouri, is making
good with the Viennese. Mr. Kerens Is
a devout Cathollo, which la a point in his
favor and he is looked on as a typical
American, breexy, frank and unaffected.
He not only looks after the business and
diplomatic interests of his country sharply,
but he Is Indefatigable In taking care of
his countrymen and women who visit
the Austrian capital. He has mado a de
cidedly good Impression on the aged em
peror, who regards him highly.
A Itncheolr's Ilef lect Ions.
A bride would never get over it except
that she has. to.
When a frlrl negteets to have affectations
she's mighty deep In love.
Most people would rather ride In a cab
and charge it, than in a street car and
pay it.
A woman who can't bear to get up at
9 for herself, will rejoice to get up before
daylight for her family.
Most of the money that goes' Into In
vestments goes fifty times a hard as the
money that is bet on a horse race.
Where there's a will there's a way for
the heirs to spend what it leaves.
If you don't tell a vain man he isn't, he'll
tell you, so you might as well.
It will be heaven sure enough If there are
no first of the month bills there.
The only man who believes in luck is the
one who has tilings against him; the fellow
who hns them with him Is sure his brains
did It. New York Press.
Were Raw All Over Was Spreading
to Body and Limbs Used Cuii
cura and was Cured Also
Cr red Daughter's Eczema.
"I had eczema on my bands for ten years.
At first It would break out only In winter.
Then It finally came to stay.
1 had three good doctors to
do all they could but none
of them did any good. I
then uaed one box of Cull
curs Ointment and three
bottles of Cutlcura Resolv
ent and was completely
cured. My hands were raw
all over. Inside and out, and
the eczema was spreading
all over my body and limbs.
Before I had itwd one bottle
ef Cutlcura Resolvent, together with the Cut 1
eura Ointment, my sores were nearly healed
ever, and by tha time I had used the third
bottle, I was entirely well. I had a good
appetite and was flechter than 1 ever was.
To any one who has any sWIu or blood disease
I would honestly advise thein to fool with
nothing else, but to get Cutlcura and get well.
Sly hands, cured by the use of Cutlcura, have
fiever given me the least bit of trouble up to
aow. 1 caanot recommend Cutlcura highly
enough. It has done me and my family so
much good. My daughter's hands this sum
mer became perfectly raw with eczema. Rhe
could get nothing that would do them any
good until she tried Cutlcura. Bhe used two
bottles of Cutlcura Resolvent and one box of
Cutlcura Ointment and In two weeks they
were entirely cured. I have ud Cutlcura
tor other members of my family and It always
proved successful. I recommend It to any one
with eczema. After once using It you will
never use anything else. Mrs. M. E. Falin,
8iwer Jerry, Vs., Oct. 19, 180D."
rottmra Is the mott economical treatment lor
IRtrtiosa of Ml akm nnd nralp. A rake ot Cultrurs
'i sad box of rutlrurm Olnlinert ara oftia
surtlrirat. gold throuctmtit U vnrtd. Potior Drug
I mmi terp, bew fruss. Biatd
For tho Young
Leather goods of all kinds. Pock
et Books, Card Cases, Pillow Cov
ers, Hand Bags, Orips, Traveling
Sets and Suitcases, all appropriate
Christmas articles, at twenty per
cent discount.
Omaha Trunk
V" I
fiw Fianos f
at Ar
paydens X
Twenty High Grade Player Pianos
Must Be Closed Out Before Jan. 1st
We solicit your patronage by cutting prices and making
terms that are within the reach of all. These Player
Pianos are standard makes and are fully guaranteed by
us. Every one a full-size Piano that plays 88 notes. ,
Twenty-five Rolls will be given FREE with each Player.
$500 Playor Pianos Q(j)
Will Bo Cut to. . - -
Just think of being able to purchase one of these beauti
ful high-grade Pianos at such low prices.
one reserved, all go at cut prices. These are grand Player
Pianos as well as Upright.
Buy a Player Piano Thai Anyone C:n Play
Open Every Evening Until Christmas
Give lasting pleagure, service and satisfaction, are of use dally, are the
kind you'll find In our magnificent Holiday stock. Don't delay, hut
come in early and make your detection before the etocka are broken.
Card Canes Address Ketg Iek Hetm
Letter Ilooks Addresfl llooks 1'ortfollos
Pocket lxxtks Calendars Writing Cases
Ilridge Whist Sets Christmas Ilox I'aper Huh Iter Hand 15oes
Crlbbage Sets Paper Cutters Twine lloxe
Poker Hots Ink Stands Ink Htands
llraos Dek Seta Hank Itacka Ktc. Kto.
Tho ftloyor Stationery Co.
161G Far nam Street OMAHA, NED.
Ask to see Beebe's apples at Armour's cold ktoragty
.South Omaha.
Colorado apples have the color, size and 1'Iavor. 1 .45
per box.
IL C. BEEBE, Olney, Colo.
Measure The Bee against other local
papers m respect of quality as well as
quantity of timely news and interest-
ing articles from day to day and The
Bee's superiority will be demonstrated