he Omaha Sunday Bee. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT WEATHER FORECAST. For Nrbraka Fair. For low a I'nnettlpd. For wenther report gee page : VOL. XL-NO. 27. OMAHA SUNDAY MnKXlNU. DKCKMI.KH ( is. KM0-KKiHT SKCT IOXX-1'IFT Y SIX 1WUKS. S1NULK COPY FIVK C'fcXTS. ONE MILLION MEN TO DEFEND COAST Talk of War with Japan it Revived, General! Hodges and Grant De claring for Great Army. INVASION OF PACIFIC COUNTRY Army Officers Contend Landing of an Enemy it Practicable. CLAIM DEFENSE IS INADEQUATE Insist that Uncle Sam is in No Wise Prepared for Contest. VIEWS OF CONSUL YAMASAKI Representative ml Japan Kara There la Nothing la the Warlike Talk aaa that Hit fointrr 1 afar Peace, CHICAGO, Dec. 17. (Special Telegram.) General Charles L. Hedg'-s, commander of the Department of the Lakes, today de clared that Japan could land an army on the Pacific coast with ease at any time, because of the weakness of the t'nlted States army, as pointed out by Hecretary of War Dickinson, who recommended Im mediate steps be taken to correct this weakness. He also declared the 1'nlted Htates would finally be victorious after a long and hard fight. General Hedges was seen at his . office In the federal building end asked what he thought about the prospects of a war with Japan and what he believed the re sult would be In case Japan landed a huge army on the shores of the Pacific coast. "I don't believe Japan Is looking for war," declared the general. He knows something ' of the Japs, as he -saw con siderable service In the Philippines and had soma opportunity of studying the Japanete army and navy. "Of course, an Invasion of the Pacific coast Is entirely practicable." he continued. "The Paclflo coast Is not adequately de fended. There Is 2.000 miles of shore lying long our western coasts, and an enemy would have little trquble In landing an army." General Graat Saya More Men. General Frederick Dent Grant, com mander of the Department of the l'.ast, who waa formerly stationed In Chicago, declared In an Interview In New York that out oountry was In no way prepared for war, "We need 1,000,000 men to defend our coasts," declared Central Grant. "W need a larger standing army. In case of war we would have to draft GOO.OuO men to defend our coasts, and It would take weeks to properly equip them. The whole equipment would have to be rushed and It could not be done In time to check the enemy. This. Is the situation that we must consider and there la no dodging of It." In speaking of ihls phase of the matter. General ILodgoa said . - . - . i . -. "The Paclflo coast, too, would be the first point that Japan would attack. In case of war. . ",. ! . "The Japs have a great. navy 'and have a larae' number of transports with which hv eouM aend a ble- army to' our "shores I under convoy of battlf ships, which could j protect the transports easily.' The landing on the coast would be accomplished almost without opposition." loare ta Only Talk, Says Yamaeakl. "All this scare about war with Japan is talk mere talk. "There are no reasons why the two ooimrlea should fight each other, and they will not. "Japan wants to com pete" with the United States, but to compete commercially and i not on the field of battle." These three brief sentences quotations from an Interview with K. Yamaaakl, Jap anese consul to Chicago, Indicate the views of the Chicago Japanese regarding the present scare: "This talk more talk about a war be tween Japan and the United States Is ab surd, "further declared Mr. YamasakL "It makes all Japanese laugh. Japan wishes to compete with the United States. We all believe that comietltlon Is a fine thing, but the competition should be friendly and of purely a commncial na ture, and not on ibe battlefield, with rifles end swords, trying to see which army tan kill the greatest number of Its opjwn enU. "We think," continued Mr. Yamaaakl. laughingly, "thut this war agitation Is being forced by certain American business men. to whom a war scare would be an advantage. We can see no other reason for it. "Do you remember a report from thu west that certain American girls bad re fused to dance with vlnlllng Japanese offi cers? Well, tliut rport was absolutely groundless. I liae it from high Japanese authority that mv country Is sending out no spies and Intend to send out none. Japan Is for peace. Thero are no reasons why the two countries should fight each other and they will not." SIOUX CITY SALOON KEEPERS ARE LEAVING SECRET ORDERS! Reela-aatloM Arc Krault .of rroeeen tlnn of Rika. HU anil finales I ntier Miur l.nw. KIOVX CITY, la.. lev. 17.-tSpeclal Tele gram.) -Wholesale resignations from the, Kiss, Owls and I'.aiileJ lv!(!cs on the part of the saloon men and uw-n uOterwIee Iden tified with the tale of liquor ure the result ' of pronoculiuu lioiil.t SKBlnxt the lodge' by the Antl-faltion 1. 'g The Mien who liaxe resiKited t a oat Injunctions against' the ldea wcul.l ity to Individual niein. . bera and make t!e:.i I.aMe to contempt prn ceedlnua iul Tines. Among thote who i'l he cr.J. !:'. iJ f:o:n "tllrsatly selling U'iukis" ii m-u'uI inlnlsteia and priests. FORMER WEIGHERS SENTENCED Men nt leleil ut Takluu II r I bra fur I Bernrltklns Hnsar tiltea Ten lloalbi r'.arh. NEW VKK. lec. 17. Charles l. Mif v an.l Charles II. Nardell, former "iH" KOerniiient wflghei-e, ho were eonvlcte'l lact 8r4emher In the I'nited States clrgult court of tKln bilbo money from Thniuai P H la. emplnyed on the Arliui'kla docks In UrooKlvn. for the falf.- welclinic of lunar, were sentenced tixlav lv Ju.lKe Martin to ten months each in tiie Ne.v Vork penitentiary on niackwell's (aland. Judit" Martin granted a slay for sixty (U) b, so that the convicted men may appeal. Bond Indorsement By Trust Company Causes Liability Decision by Ohio Circuit Court Estab lishes Precedent Which May Cause Total Changes in Methods. CINCINNATI. O.. Dee. IT The circuit court of the First Ohio district, by re versing the rase of Charles I Prelfus against the I'nlcn Pavlnas Hans and Trust company, today establish a precedent which may rause every trust compnny In the I'nited States to change the Indorse ment which It Is customary to place on bonds. Drelfus received from Holzman A Co., who .afterward failed, six bonds Indorsed by the I'nlon Ravines and Trust company, as folloms: "It Is hereby certified that this bond Is one of the series of bonds described In the mortgage or deed of trust within men tioned." The Indorsement that was used was au thorised by lawyers at the Instance of the American Bankers' association to avoid the liability, whleh in the ease the cmrt has decided to the trust rompany. The service which a trust company performs as an Increase Is merely that of certifying j that the bond Is one of a series and only j a nominal fee Is chanced. 1 If the rt.ell.,n .tn and the trust com. pany becomes liable for the security men- tloned In the deed of trust. It will mean i that Instead of a nominal fen bring charged, every bond Issue will entail a large aiini being- paid to th trust company to prevent over-Issue. The mater has been under discission at every meeting of the American Hankers" association and It thought that there would be no possibility of a decision like that of tody. The I'nlon Ravings Rank and Trust company, realising that this Is a test case which trust companies throughout the oountry arq Interested will carry the mat ter to the highest couns. British Coalition Gains Two Seats as Result of Campaign With Only Eight More Pollings Gov ernment Majority in Commons Practically Unchanged. LONDON, Dec. 17 With only eight con- I stltuenclea remaining to be polled today and Monday, the elections are pVactloally ended and to all intents and purposes the new Parliament will be Identical with that chosen In January last. Barring further gains or losses, the government will have a coalition majority of 126 as against Its previous majority of 124. . Today's totals are: Unionists, 170; coalitionists, 392, com posed of 267 liberals, 72 nationalists, 10 In dependent nationalists and 43 labor mem bers,. The latest returns give the liberals, unionists and the nationalists each another gln. . . . ... ,. r, . . Montgomery borough has reverted to unionism, while the Banbury district of Oxfordshire turned eut the Unionist mem ber. Captain It B. Brashey, and ' seated the liberal candidate, Eustace Flness. The veteran miner member. W. Abraham, bet ter known by the name of "Mathon," was again elected by- the customary huge ma jority of the laborltea for the Rhoneda division of Glamorganshire. ST. JOr- HEARS FriOM CENSUS Jury Cointnlealnn l.atv of. Buchanan County Void Been nee of Derrraae. JEFFERSON CITT, Kfo., Dec. 17.-The supreme court held In an opinion today that the law giving authority to courts of appeals to transfer causes from one court to another unconstitutional and void. The Jury commissioner law of Buchanan county wae held to be unconstitutional on the ground that since St. Joseph's population has been reduced below 100,000 the law does not apply. WINNIPEG CARS ARE RUNNING Imported Strike Breakers Act as M o- raadsctora. WINNIPEG. Man.. Dec. 17. The street railway rompany started running twenty cars this morning with Imported strike breakers as motormen and college students as conductors. Two policemen were on each car. The Una was well patronized. Prominent Speaker Who Addresses Traveling Men 4 ' ": . , i . -, .. . ' jr i ALTER t. MtXJUY. Walter 1 Moody, general manager of the Chicago Chamber of Commerce, who la to speak In Omaha at the great Travel Ids Men's dinner of the Commercial rlub. knoas the traveling sales business from the ground up and the top down Ills experience has enabled him to writs suc cessfully a book on the theme. It bears the title. "Men Who Sell Things." CHARGES INVOLVE HOARD OF TRADE Government May Enmesh Many Chi cago Brokers in Investigation of Bucketshop Deal. "FAST WIRE" IN OPERATION System to Anticipate Regular Quota ' tions is Suspected. AFTER WESTERN UNION MEN? Prosecution Possibly to Include Tele graph Officials. i BEFORE GRAND JURY MONDAY liinrrniurat Kipecti Return of In dictment a )rry Few Day a Case Ready for Presentation In Detail. CHICAGO, Dec. 17. (Special Telegram.) Government searchlights may be turned upon members of the Chicago Board of Trade on Monday, when the new federal 'ana Jurv oegine investigation VI cuu- "itlons among brokerage concerns here as rMuIt of ,he rald on ,he offlre8 of ,he I capital investment company ana me ar rest of thirty men. Charges that the raided concern used a special "fast wire" to bring stock quotations here ahead of the regular reports led to rumors that other brokers had resorted to the same methods. Plans were laid for a sweeping Investigation as a result. An announcement that the bucket shop combination would be the first matter taken up by the new grand Jury led to the cliculatlon of more reports that high offi cers of the Western Union Telegraph com pany might be Involved. No attempt waa made though to arrest W. J. Lloyd, traffic manager of the Western Union. Will Hold Hooka.- Meanwhile George Scarborough, counsel for the Department of Justice, and Special Agent Dewoody conferred with Attorney Sims. Tbese officials decided to resist any attempt which might be made by Sid Mc Hle to obtain possession of the confiscated bucks of the Capital Investment company. They said they feared he would attempt to secure the books through a court order based on his wish to reimburse clients of the concern. Government officials Interested In the j case declared that It would be so carefully prepared when It Is presented to the grand Jury Monday that very little time will be needed for Its consideration. Indictments, they said, might be expected Monday or early Tuesday. Only nine of the men for whom warrants were issued when the Capital Investment company was raided remain to be arrested. Five of these were expected to give them selves up today. The most Important man who has not yet given bond Is William K. Holligan, .McHle's chief lieutenant, who Is In New Tork. Holllgaa is the brother-in-law of Traffic Manager Lloyd of the West ern Union. Reports that many Indictments would be returned by the grand Jury In, connection with the bucket shop case .were circulated and It waa said prominent 'men not yet mentioned, would be Involved. Lien Against Iowa Traction Company Atlantic Northern & Southern is Sued . by Contractors for About Eighty Thousand Dollars. ATLANTIC. Ia., Dec. 17. f Special Tele gram.) Shughart & Barnes of Des Moines, grading contractors, today filed a mechan ics' lien against the Atlantic Northern & Southern railway for the sum of 179,144.74. This company did the grading on the road which Is supposed to be completed by Jan uary 1. Their entire bill Is I1J29.869.S4. They have been paid $50,000. The Hen will not prevent the completion of the road, but It Indicates that the road Is In close condi tions financially. The Atlantic Northern 4 Southern la a private road, being built by subscriptions and taxes In the townships of Mongomery and Cass county, between here and Vllllsca. The managers of the road state that they are temporarily em barrassed by the Inability to get funds. The taxes which have been voted them are tied up In the courts. Other taxes voted do not come due until January 1. Mr. Moody began hla career In Detroit as a stock boy. later became a house man and then a com merles! traveler. Then he organized a Jobbing house of his own and waa vice president and Kmropean buyer for thla. Then he resigned to become the sales manager of a Chicago house, which la the largest In the world In its line. He promptly Joined the Chamber of Com merce on removal to Chicago, became chairman of Its commlttae on membership and his work on this committee, on special committees and In promoting trade ex cursions brought him more prominently than ever before the business community. It finally resulted In his election, Ie-em-hr r, 15, IX)?. rs business manager and on January 5 of lant year general manager of the association. Mr. Moody Is therefore the active and titular head of the largent business asso ciation In the world with corresponding powers and opportunities. Ills coming to Omaha to speak here Fri day. leeomber 30. at the Auditorium dinner Is a tribute not only to Omaha as a business center, but to the dinner Itself, which In respect to mere slxe and to commercial Im portance U the MkccH thing Omnha has ever known. Approximately l.joO men will dine to gether that evening and of these about 1.00 or 1.C00 will be active traveling sales men. Ciia dinner Is noteworthy not only In resepct to !r.e tut for the enthusiasm lth which the Idea was received when first announced by the Commercial club. Jobbing houses and manufacturers fairly tumbled over one another to get In line and fl'i d thrlr rell s so fast the rlrb forced to call a hslt and ask for sys tematically filled out answers. A mistake was m uie Ly the club In announcing Ie i ember 23 as the last day when houses can answer Invitations. The announcement should have read, "Monday, Uecetuber 19th." r - WISE OLD SANTA MUSIC JIATfj CHARMS v LODGE ON TARIFF REVISION Bay State Senator Supports Amend ments by Sections. HEYBURN AGAINST MEASURE Idaho Sinn Sara He Doea not Want Any Expert 'Pencil Men to Tell Htm .What to Do. WASHINGTON! Dec. -17. - Asserting wholesale revisions of the tariff to be an unmitigated Injury to the business Inter ests of the country and ruinous to the party that undertakes them." Senator Lodge In a speech today In the senate sup ported amendment by sections. He spoke on a motion to refer the Cum mlna Joint resolution to the committee on rules. The house, he said, now had power to bring In special rules to cut out amend ments. He believed the senate could adopt a similar plan. Therefore, he did not be lieve necessary a general law such as Is contemplated by the resolution. Senator Lodge announced himself In accord with the president's tariff commission plan. Hpeaklng of the desirability of the amend ment of the tariff In separata parts, rather than as a whole. Mr. Ixdge said such changes could not be undertaken without entering; on a complete revision of all the schedules. "It may be said." Mr. Lodge argued, "that It Is easy for the majority to vote down objectionable amendments, but the range Is so great as to render It Impracti cable to offer any amendment that does not open up the whole subject." Mr." Heyburn announced direct and un yielding opposition to the Cummins resolu tion and to all efforts at piecemeal revi sion. "We want no expert body of pencil men to tell us what to do," he said, adding that there waa no telling where such a system would lead. He then expressed apprehen sion that the "finespun scheme" might bring about a revision of the wool schedule because the manufacturing states want wool treated as a raw material. Then, referring to the talk of foreign compeltlon, Mr. Heyburn declared that such talk was resorted to for purposes of coercion. The resolution was left on the table for further discussion. To make Christ mas shopping easy. The Bee is running f a "For Chr.stmas" column on the first want ad page. In this column almost every thing suitable for Holiday Gifts ia mentioned, with the name of the person from whom it may be obtained. You may find here an ap propriate and inexpensive present, or suggestion of the newest things offered this Eeasou. It will save worry and time and money to consult the 'For Christmas" Column before you start out shopping today. Call Tyler 1000 for Want Ada. rV'ng and Going in Omaha r i iff Pi ww4vmmzM& ,. . . m Mjk 1 . 17 r. 'f I a. ws t r f a i a u - sTn .ww sjl 1 COM DIKED BUJIJfESS AJTD PLEASURE COONTY COMMJS&JOJfEJtS tKUrVETfTtQir rMMMmi " OMASA CLD3 rroT or BY GRAVY ft Events of the Week, as Viewed by The Mail Pouch Stolen ; : . at Marshalltown Two Employes of Transfer Company Charged with Stealing Kegis v tered Pouch.' " ' MARSHALLTOWN, Ia Dec. 17.-(Speclal Telegram.) Amos Cummlngs and Kalph M. Purcell, aged 20 and 21, were arrested at noon today for theft of mall sacks stolen here Thursday night. Purcell confessed and took officers to where registered mall packages had been rifled. Both are em ployes of the transfer company from whose wagon the pouch hud been stolen. A pouch containing a large quantity of flrst-claas mall from the west on the Northwestern was stolen from the wagon that carries the mall from the station to the postofflce. lte Friday afternoon boys playing shinny knocked the can they were playing with under a barn and found the pouch. It had been ripped open and part of the contents rifled. This In the third pouch that has been stolen here In that number of months. MILLIONAIRE KILLS HIMSELF Philip Medart of tit. I.oola Comiulta flnlrlde Becaoae of 111 Health. ST. LOL'IS. Dec. 17. Following fifteen hours of secrecy the family of Philip Medart, millionaire manufacturer, admitted today that he had shot and killed him self last night. It was not until this morn ing that a policeman was admitted Into the Medart house. Medart was 72 years of age and was In 111 health. South Dakota Federal Judge Named for Commerce Court ... ... ,. . , . ' ' ' ' V Xrzr- . J) ' f t i ' ' . ' " ; ; . -1, . . i r Jl'lUK JOHN K. CAKMNli, Slou Falls. S. I. Those who have for years watched the course and been familiar with the great fairnt-a of Judxe John K t'arlaml of the I'nltfd States court at Sioux Falla, w.ll coucede that his elevation to the new com merce court by Ptesident Taft is a pro JTEfV&nSHED THE BRUTE "' Bees Artist. CLEAN BILL FOR LORIMER Senate Subcommittee Gives Out Basis of Its Report. DOUBTFUL VOTES ELIMINATED t. A -it aasjaaassBBMssa -' It Days that the Senator Coald Have Been Elected Had All Members I'ndrr ' Charges Voted Aa-alnat Hint. WASHINGTON. Dec. 17.-Scnator 1-orl mcr of Illinois, was given a clean bill ol health today by the subcommittee of th senate committee on privileges and elec tions, which Investigated charges of brib ery made In connection with his election to succeed Senator Hopkins. The report of the Investigation was made to the full committee on privileges and elections, which then adjourned until Tues day to give the members opportunity to study the evidence and the sub-commlttes report. Kvldence that there waa money passed between certain members of the Illinois legislature was not Ignored by the sub committee, but It was declared that If th votes of members charged either with re ceiving or apying money had been elimi nated. Mr. Lorimer still would have had a majority of three votes. Not Connected with Jackpot. The subcommittee waa a unit in ascer taining that the evidence did not show Mr. Lorimer had been connected with the al leged distribution of a "Jack-pot" or any money to Influence the legislature In the preferment of himself to: Hie senatorshlp. The subcommittee was composed of Ben- (Oontlnued on Second Page.) motion-worthily bestowed. No federal circuit judge In the country ranks higher for personal Integrity and Judicial ability than Judge Carland. While presiding over the federal court for South Dakota he has been called upon to de cide a number of cases of much more than state Importance and ' Involving ex tensive financial Interests. All of his de cisions have been sound and rare examples of directness and clearness. It ts rarely the case that a decision of his has on ap peal overruled, appeals from his decisions as a usual thing resulting In his decisions being affirmed by the higher court. In addition to being one of the bent posted judges in the I'ntted States, Judge ."arland long has been noted for his prompt nens. After cases have been argued before him, It Is his practice to without delay enter upon the task of preparing hla decision, and he works long and hard and sticks at the task until It is completed. While some Indues permit weeks or months to elapse before rendering written opinions In cases coming before them, with Judge Carland It has been a matter only of days. Judge Carland also Is a great stickler for court etiquette, and, to use a slang, phraae, "no monkey business" goes In his court. His court Is conducted with a quietness and dignity which reflects honor upon himself and Increases respect for hla court. That Judge Carland's legal ability Is acknowledged by the Jurists of the land is ahown by the fact that on a number of nccaasions he Ikij accepted Invitations to sit on the I'nited States Circuit court of Appeala at Ht. Paul. t. Louis and Den ver. ind has aided that court In hearing cases and rendering decisions. Personally he Is blunt and direct, a hater of shams and a tiled and true friend to those who have demonstrated that they are honest and capable AlTIIOIMilATlOiNS LEADING TARIFF Money Measures Hurried in Congress Though Upper Body Takes Up Cummins Motion. URGENCY BILL PASSES IN HOUSE Judicial and Legislative Bill Giyen Due Consideration. MACON OPPOSES ALL INCREASES Puts Block in Way of Measure Carry ing Large Sum. L F. E ITER'S NAME IS SENT IN President Prnpoaea Name of Srr Mat for Poatmaatrrahlp at Kontk Omaha herley Una Reso lution. WASHINGTON, Dec. 17--The house pacsed the urgent deficiency approprlntlon bill today. The measure, after amendments had been made to It by both the hojse and senHte, carried 11.0)10, ill 5. In the senate there was sharp debate ovrr the Cummins resolution, which would amend the rules of the senate and house to permit revision of the tariff law. Sen ator l.oilsc and llerbiirn both criticised the Instrument, the latter declaring his In tention to oppose Its adoption to the end and closing his attack only when Mr. Cum mins consented, to let the resolution go over. The senate then took up the omnibus claims bill, which was still under con sideration at adjournment. The house took up and parsed the urgent deficiency measure Immediately after It convened. The remainder of tho time w given over to consideration of the legis lative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill. It was under consideration at ad journment. ' Hoth senate and house will reconvene at noon Monday. Stntaa of HI mils. The army appropriation bill carrying a little less than HKS.000,000 will be ready to report to the house from the military af- fulrs committee before congress enters upon Its holiday recess. Final action, hov, -ever, may bo delayed so as to prevent the submission of the report until after the recess. The postofflce appropriation bill will not be ready for report to the house until about February l. The house committee on postofflces has Just completed tho hear ing on the measure, and a subcommittee to draft the bill wl enter upon its labors early In Januai . . Congress pasxtd the urgent deficiency appropriation bill today In one hour and forty minutes. As the measure carried Sl.060,615, this was appropriating public funds at 110,000 a minute. As reported In the house the bill carried ISOO.OOO, but when It reached the senate It had grown to" (09S.672 and the senate added the remainder. Chief among the Items are $5M,0O for ' continuation of work on the dry dock in New York Navy yard and $39,780 to pay the expenses of the new commerce court. The sum of JXO.000 is Included to pay Richard Parr, the I'nited States customs Inspector the remainder of the reward of 1100.0)0, which he was awarded for bringing to light the existence of the sugar weighing frauds In the New York customs house. The bill now goes to the president for Ills signature. To l.lmlt Appropriations. (' For the purpose of limiting appropria tions by congress to the amount actually In sight In the way of government reve nues, Representative Sherley of Kentucky Introduced a resolution In the house today providing for a committee on estimates and expenditures. The committee la to be, In substance, a budget committee, which will consider the available revenue, appor tion It amongst the various branches and departments and systematically prune down estimates until they come within the available funds. The Bherley resolution provides for the committee to Include the chairmen, four ranking majority members and three ranking minority members, re spectively, of the ways and means com mittee and the appropriations committee and the chairmen and one ranking minor ity member each from the other commit tees which pass upon appropriation bills. In thla way all committees having to do with raising or appropriating revenues would have representation on the budget committee. The resolution was sent to' the house committee on rules for consideration. A budget committee along somewhat similar lines, known as the committee on publle expenditures, waa created by the senate two years ago, but It ha not actually taken up the work of passing upon all con greaalonal appropriations. Macon atops Wheels. Because Representative Maoon of Arkan sas made a point of order today against practically every Increase of salary, no matter how small, provided for In the leg islative, executive and Judicial bill, alow progress was made In the house, where the bill was under discussion almost the entire day. Efforts were made to. dislodge Mr. Macon from his attitude, but without re sult. Representative Uvlngston of Georgia spoke In a humorous vein, saying that some members, If they could live long enouglw would be legislating In the same old rut a thousand years from now as was followed a hundred years ago. He pleuded for the house to have some confidence In the work of Its appropriations committee. The various savings brought about by Mr. Macona objections amounted to a few thousands of dollars, as compared with more than $30,000,000 csrried In the bill. INTKBSJST IX (LARK! tOTKT Committee on Comroltteea aeteit Flrat by Nebraska Member. (From a Btaff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. tBpecial Tele gram.) Now that Champ Clark, who will undoubtedly be speaker of the sixty-second house of representatives. Is out with a statement thst the selection of committee membership should not be vested In the power of one man, but be controlled by a committee of which the speaker shall not even be a member. It is pertinent to recall that this committee on committees wa originally suggested by George W. Noi l is, representing the Fifth Nebraaka district Judge Norris on June 1 last Introduce I the resolution which was referred to the committee on rules, providing for a com mittee on committees and defining tin manner In which members shall be ele led. No definite result haa been reached I i the contest for the postmastershlp at Nc-