Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
For Nebraska - Fair.
Tor low I'nM-ttlrd.
For went tier lrport fco pe 1
Vol XL-NO. 1.V5.
Prospective Speaker of Democratic
Home Says He Don't Care to
Appoint Any Committees.
Falls in Line on Revision of One
Schedule at Time.
Had Been Importuned for Statement
on Two Subjects.
Will geleet Wars Mrui Com.
salt tee sua Rales fomnltlrt Some
what larger Tki Freseat
CnimlflH of
WAJBHINOTON, Deo. 18. Representative
Champ Clark Issued a statement tonight
fully outlining his platform as tha pros
pective speaker of tha democratic house of
representatives In the next congress, lie
proclaims himself In favor of the appoint
ment of committees of the house by a
committee, rather than hy the speaker
and he states his belief that the tariff
should be revised, schedule by schedule,
rather than In one single bill. Those two
subjects, says Mr. Clark, are the ones
upon which he has been continually lm;
portuned to make some statement
The democratic members of the house
sent out a call today for a caucus Janu
ary 19, of the democratic membership of
the next house of representatives. Mr.
Clark's statement la both an explanation
of the call and a declaration of his own
platform as the probable speaker of the
The caucus will select a ways and means
committee and a rules committee, some
what larger than the present committee
of seven. Mr. Clark believes one of these
committees should be empowered to select
the other committees of the house.
Two Theories on Tariff,
"There are two theories of tariff re
vision," says Mr. Clark, In his statement.
"Revision by one general bill and revision
by separate bills for separate achedules.
This Is a matter, not of principle, but of
"Individually I prefer the scheme of sepa
rate bills fur separata schedules, taking the
schedules with the most obnoxious features
first, perhaps In certain eases having sepa
rata bills for particular Items."
The statement proceeds to say that what
ever method la decided upon a full hearing
as comprehensive as that which preceded
tha framing of the Payne-Aldrlch law will
be had by tha new ways and means com
mittee. "Tha assumption, growing out of Ignor
ance In certain quarters," says Mr. Clark,
"that President Taft or Senator Cummins
or any other republican has discovered
something new in tariff revision by the
separate schedule scheme is preposterous..
As far back as tha Flfty-aeoond eongress
Chairman Springer Introduced separate bills
for separate achedules and even for par
ticular Items, which were denominated
'Springer's popgun bills' by ribald repub
lican speakers and writers, and several
years before Mr. Springer was chairman
o the committee on waya and means Mr.
McKenzle of Kentucky achieved great
renown and tha sobriquet of 'Quinine Jim'
by the seourlng of a bill putting quinine
on the free list and touching no other Item
whatsoever In any tariff schedule."
No Democrats Excluded.
- Mr. Clark declares that he Is heartily In
fovar of inviting to the caucus all the dem
ocratic members-elect, lie goes on to any
that his efforts for the last two years have
been directed to the unification of the dem
ocrats In the house, and for that reason the
members-elect should be given every oppor
tunity. If that unification Is to be main
tained, to express their choice In the nam
ing of tha members of the committees.
Two questions, Mr. Clark aaya, Interest
the country how the democrats will select
their committees and what the party will
do with the tariff. This last question has
been answered and proceeding to the first
he aald:
"As to tha mode of selecting committees
In the event of my own election to the
speakership, I would not care the snap ot
my finger to exercise the power of appoint
ing them. I have stated that to every dem
ocratic member who cared to Inquire my
opinion. The exercise of that power would
undoubtedly have certain unpleasant fea
tures." Of the two plans tor the eleotion of com
mittees by the democratic caucus or di
rectly by the house ltlf, r. dark favors
tha last named. This Is based on the fact
that In the debatable states the Independ
ent voters appear to favor It. and the fu
ture speaker of the house frankly acknawl
dgea that It may be adopted because of
the Influence It would have In returning -a
democratla president and a democratic con
gress In 11X
Winnipeg Car Lines
Tied Up by Strike
Students from Three Colleg-ei Volun
teer Themselves as Strike
breakers. W1NNIPTO, Man.. Pec. 1.-The atreet
car system here Is tied up by a strike
which began early today. After a session
lasting from midnight to S a. m., the em
ployee decided to strike, the company hav
ing refuied to reinstate prominent union
officers, who have been disciplined for
di inking In a bar room.
At noon today the students of three city
colleges offered their services to the street
railway company to take place of the strik
ers. Their offer was accepted. The city Is
quiet and no cars are rui nlng.
4'lator Adaui of Fort Osuaas, tilvrs
I p I Bill Monday, Wkri F.uglae
of Hie niplanr Ciore Wren.
Clarence F. Adams, former sergeant In
the vtgni(l corps at Fort (.Una ha. made a
xallant attempt to fly In his new biplane
on the parado grounds at the fort laat
entng. Adams encountered trouble with
his engine before he left the balloon shed,
and when bo alttmpted to speed across tha
field for a start the aires attached to the
steering plane broke. The avator gave
tip Ms attempts for the day, announcing
that be will try again Monday.
H. H. Wilson's Name
Given to President
For Judicial Place
Lincoln Lawyer Being Urged for
Appointment to Federal Bench by
Senator Burkett at Capital.
(From a Staff Correspondent 1
WASHINGTON, D. C. Ihc. IS. iSpeclnl
Teles-ram.) Senator K. J. Purkett pre
sented to the prenldent today for con
slderstlon the name of Henry H. Wilson of
Lincoln for a place on the circuit ben-h
In place of Judge Vanl evanter. Mr. Wil
son's legal attainments were gone over and
his exceptional record, not only In hl pro
fession, but In other public ways, were
presented by Mr. Burkett In su"h manner
that the president la giving Mr. Wilson's
name serious conslderat'on.
With Congressman Mann of Illinois,
Senator Burkett saw President THft today
on the letter's boiler Inspection bill, Con
gressman Mann having Introduced the bill
wholly different from the Burkett bill,
which necessitates a conference In order
that eorne remedial legislation may be en
acted at this session. Burkett and Mann
will have another conference with the
president tomorrow morning on the same
Senator Gamble today formally endorsed
James D. Elliott of South Dakota for a
place on the circuit bench made vacant
by the promotion of Judge Carland to the
court of commerce. Accompanying the
endorsement of Senator Gamble were
highly eulogistic letters from Governor
Vessey, the lieutenant governor, all Judges
of the supreme court and many Judges of
state circuit courts and letters from up
wards of HO leading attorneys.
The nomination of O. H. Ravendale of
Sioux Falls to be consul at Constantinople
waa sent to the senate today. This nom
ination la In the nature of a promotion.
Royal C. Johnson, attorney general-elect
of South Dakota, Is In the city on his way
home from New York. Senator Gamble
today presented Mr. Johnson to the presi
dent. Deepest Floods in
Great Britain for
Over Thirty Years
Many Villages Are Under Water and
Sea Walls Along the Channel ,
Are Broken Down.
LONDON, Dec. 16. It Is thirty years
since England has known such floods as
are now devastating Immense stretches of
the country. The deluge practically has
been Incessant since December 1, only two
days out of the sixteen being without rain.
The farmers have suffered heavy losses.
Large areas of territory are inundated,
and the water in some parts of the coun
try is twelve feet deep.
In many villages houses have been
flooded and the residents are living In the
upper stories.
Today a severe gale swept, the coast,
causing havoo at sea. Side towns like
Worthing. Hastings, Cowes and Dover,
where sea walls washed away and thou
sands of tons of sand were deposited In
the streets.
In the neighborhood of the seafront
houses have been floated. Yachts have
been tossed ashore and several minor
wrecks are reported. Off Shernens a Brit
ish naval tender occupied by 100 sailors
who were going ashore on liberty time was
capslxed and five of the men were drowned.
The others were rescued. Much damage
has been done by the heavy sea at Ports
mouth. The outlook In the Thames valley is
grave. The river has risen in the Henley
district within the last thirty-six hours
and flooded enormous areas. Many resi
dences have been ruined.
Longer Workdays for
Government Clerks
President Taft Decides to Add Half
Hour, Requiring Employes to
Report at 8:30.
WASHINGTON. Pec. 16. -President Taf.
and his cabinet deeded today that nil
government clerks employed In Washing
ton shall work a half hour longer each
day. The decision Is in line with the pol cy
of the administration to bring about
greater efficiency and economy In the
government departments.
It waa decided to add the extra half
hour to the forenoon and the time for re
porting each morning was fixed at
o'clock, Instead of , as at present.
Cashier Is Held I'p at Point of Oon
aad All Money la Safe
TULSA, Okl., Dee. 16. Robbers held up
Cashier J. II. Comer of the Prue State
bank at Prue, Okl., at the point of a re
volver today, took what money was avail
able and scaped. The amount has not
been aseertained. Cltlxens aie gathering a
posse to pursue the robbers.
The College Professor Answers
Thone and Giveth Out "Dope."
Ths college professor, who Is a near
humorist when not on the classroom Job.
dropped Into the editorial rooms Just ss a
news editor was deserting his desk snd
telepHone for a midnight bite.
"Mind the 'phone a minute, will you?"
said the news editor to the professor. "I'm
going out snd the others here are busy."
"Sure." answered the pedagogue, bor
rowing the "makings." He Is addicted to
clpnrette when in such mephitlc surround
ings. Presently the tetenhone rang and the
Frofessor, after a couple of helloes, was
htard to exclaim:
"Oh. that court house .Inscription again:
Certainly, my voting friend. iladly ahull
I elucidate It for you. You are puziled. I
gather, by the third letter of the word
'Douglas.' To you It seems to read
'Ik-o-v-g-l-a-a,' does It not? 'TIs like this,
Horst o- The third letter is a sure enough
IV There are two ways of carving or
writing the letter 'IV This A" looking
thing Is the ancient Assyrian or cuneiform
Representatives with Bills Take b
to Reach Agreement on Powers
of Commission.
Body that Collects Data Shall Not
Make Recommendations.
This Seems Bone of Contention on
Which Agreement Hangs.
Inbeommlttee Hearties Derision, but
No Certainty l pper House Will
I Called on to Consider at
an Early lnte.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 16. As a result of
the conference over the tariff commission
plan in the house Representative Ixmg
worth of Ohio, a member of the ways and
means committee, probably will Introduce
a measure which he believes will best meet
the views of the committee. Mr. lxug
worth and Representatives Ienroot of Wis
consin and Good of Iowa, both of whom
have Introduced measures for a committee,
have been conferring for some days, and
succeeded In harmonizing some of the dif
ferences. . '
Whatever measure Is finally worked out
will provide that the commission which is
to supplant the present tariff loard with
enlarged powers shall collate and assimi
late data, but will not oe empowered to
rt.ake recommendations.
There are various noints yet to be set
tled, the most vital being the question ot
the right of the committee to require the
production of papers and files by any cor
poration It may see fit to call on for such
Popular Vote on Senators.
An agreement in a subcommittee of the
senate has been reached on the measure
declaring for popular election of United
States senators.
The subcommittee has been considering a
resolution introduced by Senator Bristow of
Kansas, but the measure adopted waa tne
Tucker resolution, passed by the house In
1892. The Uilntow resolution was held not
to provide sufficient machinery to put Into
force direct elections of senators, but the
end sought by the Kansas senator Is de
clared to be accomplished by the measure
agreed upon.
Whether the sente will be called to act
upon the resolution at the present session
depends upeli the attitude of the Judiciary
committee Monday. The report of the
majority o fthe subcommittee will be pre
sented by Senator Borah. It is expected
that Senator Dillingham will make a
minority report.
Tfcft constitutional amendment"' favored
by Senators Borab and Hay nor contains
Ihla provision:
"The senate of tha United States shall be
composed of two senators from each state,
elected by the people tl ereot for six years
and each senator shall have one vote. The
electors In each state shall have the quali
fications requisite for electors of the most
numerous branch of the state legislatures.
"The times, places and manner of hold
ing elections for senators shall be as pre
scribed in each state by the legislature
Commission Ruling.
"A series of administrative rulings of
the Interstate Commerce commission was
announced today. The regulations affect
the technical operation ot railroads and
construction of passenger and freight tar
iffs. They are of ebpeclal importance to
railway operating officials:
Among those of general interest are:
Persona traveling at the expense of state
or territorial governments are not entitled
to free or reduced rate of transportation
unless they be Indigents.
Freight transported from foreign coun
tries not adjacent through the United
States to an adjacent foreign country is
subject to the commerce act and carriers
must file with the commission tariffs cov
ering such freight movements.
it is held that except in case of accidents
the commission has no authority to look
Into the competency of railroad employes
or the physical condition of block signals.
Proceedings la Detail.
With the exception of an hour spent .in
transacting morning business, the senate
gave its attention today solely to consider
the omnibus claims bill. On the third day
of his speech, seeking the elimination from
the measure of the 6842,000 item for the
payment of the century old French spolia
tion claims, Senator Bristow met defeat by
a tie vote, 27 to 17. He Immediately moved
to recommit the entire measure and this
was under di-uston when the aenate ad
journed. The house also considered the legisla
tive, executive and Judicial appropriation
bill, which carries t3&,.219. It still was
being debated at adjournment. The urgent
deficiency bill, carrying $N6O.O0O. waa re
ported shortly after the house convened.
Both houses will meet at noon tomorrow.
method snd fashion rf making a 'IV It
does not end in an helicoidal section like
the common or Mary variety of "U." It
Is cut like a ball gown of the vintage of
"Pon't know what a hellcoldal section
Is? Met:
"It Is a sort of paraboloid; not a para
bolic curve dear me, NO. but paraboloids!.
LKm't eer get these two confused."
'They chose the Ashurbanlpal or Bel
shaszar variety of 'V because the archi
tecture of the building has a pronounce!
tendency toward the Ninevahan. You fol
low me?
"Come to think of It, you saw the writ
ing on the all and so d'd UrUlianar.
One cuuld almost niuke a 1u!p out of this.
n'est-c pas? Tom Flnn noticed It, too.
"But all this has nothing to do with the
high price of shingles."
"You're welcome. Ring up again any old
From ths Baltimore American. MWU 0 Y n'
The Mariner Will
Insurrectos Are Concentrating Forces
Near Cerro Prieto.
Associated Press lllaputch Trlllnu of
Sunday's Fight la Held Up at ( hl
hoaboa Troops Enroote
to Juarcs.
CHIHUAHUA. Mexico, Dec. 14. (Delayed.)
A special tratn of box cars was quluky
made up here this afternoon to accom
modate 100 soldiers destined for Juarez,
Just across the Texas line from El Paao.
Some other city In Chihuahua, probably Is
their ultimate destination, as Juares is
General Hernandez In an Interview today
stated that General Navarro's Inactivity
following the battle of Cerro Prieto last
Sunday was due to his (Hernandez)
orders that reinforcements be awaited
before pressing the Insurrectos further.
Advices from Pedernales tonight state
that small detachments of revolutionists
continue to arrlv In the vicinity of Cerro
Prieto and Ranch Santiago, making good
the Insurrecto boast that when the federals
again attack It will be against 1,000 men.
Navarro himself expects that the next
engagement will be more serious than that
of last Sunday. General Hernandez denied
the story that Navarro executed thirty
wounded anti-re-electionists after Sunday's
battle. The story was told, however, not
only among the revolutionists, but In
Navarro's own camp.
The reinforcements destined for Cerro
Prieto arrived here today. They numbered
ISO. General Hernandez stated that the
disaffected district would be flooded with
soldiers, and that he intended to place
guards along the railroad, so that he could
use It In forwarding troops. Blnce the
attack on the train at San Andres a
month ago' no attempt has been made to
use the line for military purposes, as the
Insurrectos threatened In such case to
blow up the bridges.
The censorship tightened here Monday.
The Associated Press dlsaptches sent from
Pedernales that night and telling of Sun
day's battle reached Chihuahua over the
railroad telegraph and was delivered to
the federal line, but It fell Into federal
hands and thereafter never saw the light
again. It offended, presumably, In placing
the insurtecto loss at nineteen, whereas
the official report says eighty. The federal
loss Is said to be considerable.
There was no fighting today, although
the revolutionists predicted an early at
tack by the federals. If Navarro continues
to await reinforcements and the Insur
rectos do not themselves attack. It will
be several days before an engagement Is
Tc; make Christ
mas shopping easy.
The Bee is running'
a "For Christmas"
column on the first
want ad page.
In this column almost every
thing suitable for Holiday.
Gifts is mentioned, with the
name of the person from
whom it may be obtained.
You may find here an ap
propriate and inexpensive
present, or suggestion of the
newest things offered this
It will save worry and time
and money to consult the 'For
Christmas" Column before
you start out shopping today.
Call Tyler 1000 for Want Ada.
A Beacon Light
See His Way Through the Rough Weather Ahead.
Dr. Frederick A. Cook
Will Reappear in
New York Next Week
Brooklyn Traveler Makes Further
Statement Regarding His Trip
Toward North Pole.
NEW TORK. Dec. 1.-Dr. Frederick A.
Cook, the Brooklyn traveler, has sent word
to his friends here that he will reappear
next week following his self-imposed exile
of one year. Dr. Cook win arrive from
Kfirope probably on next Wednesday. The
doctor has confessed that he did not
know whether he reached the north pole
or not, and In tomorrow's Issue of Hamp
ton's Magazine he tells of the mental and
physical stress he labored under on his
Journey northward. Dr. Cook, speaking of
the trip over the ice, says:
"There was little In the white waste
about me to occupy my attention. Some
times a spot on the horizon or the twist
of a dog's tall would fascinate me and
hold my attention for many minutes.
"Durlii this time, from the early days of
our Journey, as I want to show, everything
centered about the Idea of the pole. Then,
to bewilder one, to set one laughing with
silly amusement or to fill one with a sense
of awe, there early began a procession of
milages and optical Illusions. The mental
effect I find it difficult to analyze. Some
times these exaggerated transformations
had the effect of bringing far off objects
apparently near uf This often caused
confusion In estimating distance.
"We made wide detours; at other times
we had to retreat and. find new passages.
Perhaps, in so doing, I did become con
fused and over-estlmattd my progress. If
that Is so, It Is a fact neither I nor anyone
else can settle now. Wherever I went,
however, I maintain It was northward and
I did reach a spot which I believed to be
the pole."
Charges Against
Weather Fureau
James Berry Alleges Gross Misman
agement, Extravagance and
WASHINGTON, Deo. 18-James Berry,
who resigned as chief of the division of
I'nlted Ptates weather bureau last August,
as he alleges, "under circumstances that
left no other recourse.", has addressed a
letter to President Taft. charging Willis U
Moore, chief of the weather bureau, with
"gross mismanagement, extravagance and
Irregularities," in the conduct of the affairs
of the weather bureau.
Mr. Berry charges that, among other
things. Chief Moore wrote a book on de
scriptive meteorology, In the preparation of
which he is alleged to have used the ser
vices of government employes In their
working hours and to have made Illegal
use of the mailing frank "In disseminating
no: Ices to promote the sale of the book."
Civic Association Discusses
Billboards and Typhoid Fly
WASHINGTON. Dec. H.-Blll board nui
sance, the smoke problem, the ravages of
the typhoid fly and the organization of
efforts to eradicate them for the improve
ment of community life constituted the
general trend of the discussion outlined
for the closing session of the American
Civic assixlal ion.
"t'lvic co-operation toward a clean city,"
was the subject of the opening address to
be delivered by Mr. Caroline Uartlett
Crane of Kalainaxoo, Mtih. Miss Zona
Gale of Portage. Wis., was siheduled to
follow with a paper on "Hrlendshlp Vil
lage Improvement Society."
In developing the topic. "I-gl Control
of the Bill Hoard." Clyde U Day. assist
ant corporation counsel of Chh-ago, was
expected to show the legal methods that
may be Invoked for the abolition of the
Revenue and Expenses Over Half Bil
lion Yen Each.
Public Debt Will He Reduced Fifty
Blllllon Ten Yearly Larger
Appropriations IV ceded
for XTy.
TOKIO, Dec. 1.-The buget for 1911-12
as finally completed, waa announced' to
day as follows: Roceltps ordinary 492,13,W
yen; extraordinary, 48,795,973 yen; expendi
tures ordinary, 407,113.274 yen; extraordi
nary, 103.SJ1.699 yen. A yen Is equivalent
to about 50 cents In American money.
Marquis Katsura, premier and minister
of finance, takes a .hopeful view of the
financial situation. He says that the af
fairs of the current year and the finan
cial program have worked well. This
program will be continued. During the
last year the .government has had a par
ticularly heavy burden to carry. The navy
has called for an Increased expenditure In
order to avoid the criticism of neglect In
the face of the advances made by other
powers. The annexation of Korea and
disastrous floods have added materially
to the extraordinary expenses.
Marquis Katsura lays down these two
rules as effective in directing the policy
of the government:
Will Avoid Loans.
Kirst to maintain the balance of revenue
and expenditure In the general estimates,
and not to look to loans as financial re
sources. ' '
Second, to maintain the program of an
nual redemption of the public debt by an
amount of 5O,OuO,0UO yen or more.
He says the government has committed
itself to these principles. In the next six
years 62,000.000 yen will be spent In supple
menting and improving the navy. Fifteen
millions Is appropriated for the next fiscal
year. The minister says that ths "conspic
uous Innovations" adopted by other powers
In the types of their warships has made it
necessary for Japan to somewhat increase
its naval expenditure, not because of any
change arising from differences with other
countries, but because the navy of Japan,
while not endeavoring to compete with or
surpass those of other nations must be
kept up to a modern standard. Incidentally
the minister states that Japan's relations
with other governments are most amicable.
Money for Hallways.
Next year's estimate for railways Is
nearly 62,000,000 yen. This amount Is re
quired, the premier says, because of the
determination of the government to Im
prove the railway system. Commencing
next year, the reconstruction of the main
line Into a broad guage road will he un
dertaken. A loan for this purpose problbly
will be raised, but It will be In the nature
of a special account for which the railways
will be made responsllbe. The time and
place of raising this loan will depend wholly
upon economlo conditions at home and
bill board. "There Is only one phsse of
the bill board nuisance." says tha asso
ciation's announcement for today's session,
"snd that Is the legal phase, for public
sentiment la very marked In opposition to
Cyrus I-ocher of the Chember of Com
merce of Cleveland, ()., was expected
to speak on the "Hmuki Nuisance and
the Uw," outlining as the method of
achieving relief from smuke evils the
drafting of ordinances to be adopted af
ter a thorough study of the question.
Dr. I.. (. Howard, chief entomologist of
the Department of Agriculture, is to be
gin the afternoon session with a paer on
"The Typhoid Kly." Dr. Woods Hutchin
son will answer the question, "Why Is a
Fly?" and I-eroy Koughner of Minneapo
lis mill tell shout "The Newspaper as an
Educational Factor Against the Fly."
Government's Crusade Against Persons
Accused of Usiug Postoffire for
Swindling Schemes Continues.
Four Officials of Syndicate Are Taken
Into Custody.
New Jersey Land Improvement Com
pany Among the Number.
Officers of "ew Jrrr I .mid iminnuy
Walte ttrnrlna and Are Held In
Five Hundred Itiillnra Hall
for Trlnl.
rHILAPKl.T'ttlA. Dec. id -Nineteen s
rest; were made Hoday lv postal Inspector
In Pennsylvania and Nw Jersey In tho
government's crusade against prr.ons ac
cused of uslns tin- nul ls to defraud.
The defendants were given heurlnc le
fore I'nlted Slates comm'ssloncrR and held
In bnll for trial or for further hearlims.
Seven of the defemlanlH were given hear
ings In I'h-lmlelphla. These Include offi
cials of the Chain Shoe stores syndicate,
with stores hero. Two constitute the fine
HelKhts company, a New Jersey land Im
provement concern with Philadelphia con
nections and the seventh Is a. local phy
sician. The-complete list with the resulls
of their hearings Is:
Chain Shoe stores syndicate. IjOu's I..
Klce. president, I'hlludelpli a: Andrew C.
Patterson, first vice president of the syn
dicate, also president of the Kxrelslur
Trust company of Philadelphia; Edxur
Pohllg. second vice president and treas
urer; George II. Hrooks. third vice presi
dent, Philadelphia.
Pach was held In 11,000 ball for a fur
ther heurlnff
The Pine Heights company. Hubert tk
McMorrls, Philadelphia, and Harry F.
Stanton, Ocean City, N. .1., wa ved hear
ing and were held In 1&00 ba I each for
Other Individuals arrested were:
Individual Arrested.
Dr. J. B. Hornsteln. JSO0, Philadelphia;
Charles H. McKee, Huntington, Pa., $10 0,
for a further hearing; J. S. I.epsch, Itldg
way, Ta.. 2,Mu, for further hearing; John
A. WelUal. Incastcr. PrA. H.orv), f r
trial; Ahram Stauffer and Oscnr A.
Stauffcr, Palmyra, Ta., $5,500 each, for
court; William 8. Lenm. Lebanon, Pa.,
$500, for court; Abram H. Stauffer, Pnl
myia, Pa.. $4,500, for court; Ira U. Webster,
Newark. N. J., $1,000, for further hearing;
Oscar Uustavson, Jersey City, N. J., $1,500,
for further hearing;, S. Joseph Silverman,
Pittsburg, Pa., $2,5U0. for court; liewls
Conrad, Conrad. Lots and William Ring,
ham. officers of the Correspondence Insti
tute of America of Ccranton, $1,000 each, for
further hearing. Thin organization has no
connection with the International Corre
spondence schools.
The government alleges that the Chain
Shoe stores syndloate sold stock through
fraudulent representations.
Dr. Hornsteln, the Philadelphia physi
cian, Is accused of sending through the
malls circulars advertising a remedy and Is
charged with making fraudulent statements
In his literature.
Conrad, Lots and Ilingham are, respec
tively, the president, secretary and treas
urer and manager of the Correspondence
Institute of America.
t'hara-e 'Fraudulent Letters.
The postal Inspectors allege that this
concern procured lists of high school stu
dents and wrote to them saying their
names had been recommended as those ot
persons with artistic talent. On this ac
count the Institute offered a $42 course of
art Instruction under Its faculty of flno
artists for $18.00 It was said there was no
faculty of artists, but there were 60.0U0
students enrolled In the books ot the con
cern. McKee, who was arrested In Huntington,
traded as the Charles 11. McKee Commis
sion company and the Hunting Fruit and
Produce company. It Is alleged that he
bought produce of farmers through ths
malls and failed to make payments.
Lepsch Is 'a jeweler and Is alleged to
have defrauded the Adams Express com
pany with a false claim for $3,000 damages.
Ills claim was an alleged loss of $it.0UV
worth of jewelry, which he said he had
sent to a Philadelphia jewelry firm for
appraisal. It Is charged that Lepsch merely
sent an empty box by express.
Weltxel Is accused of buying bronze and
Iron castings through the mall and neglect
ing payment. Gustavson is said to have
sent Improper literature through the malls.
Silverman Is alleged to have collected
money for a supposed charity, using the
names of Pittsburg people , without their
The arrests. It is said, were ordered hy
the postmaster general, who had postal
inspectors at work on tha cases for a
month and a half.
Officers of hboo store Syndicate and
It rally Company Arrested In
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 1.-Klx men were
arrested today In connection with the gov
ernment's crusade against persons sus
pected of using the malls improperly.
Those arrested ar Ixuils I Klce, presi
dent; A. C. Patterson, first vice president;
Kdgar Pohllg, him ond vice president and
treasurer, and George H. Hrooks, third vice
president, of the Chuln shoe tiioie xyndl
cate, and Itot.ert U. McMorrls, Philadel
phia, and Harry F. Stanton. Ocean t'lty,
N. J., officers of the Pine Hilghts com
(.abrlel H. Ilnllla ul soath Dakota Is
omed fur Consul tieucrnl !
WASHINGTON, Dec. M-President Taft
toriuy sent nominations to the senate ai
To be consvil generals:
W. Stanley llollls of MasiaclniHetts. at
Beirut, Turkey.
Gabriel H. Ilollls of South Dakota. Con
stantinople. To be consuls:
Edwin 8. Cunningham of Tennessee, at
Bombay, lnd a
K II. Dennlson of Ohio, at Dundee. Heoi
land. Nathun H. rite wait ot G oi'Jin. at Dur
ban, Natal