Tin: BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER Ifi. 1910. BRIEF CITY NEWS Have Koot Print It. r. 3. Crsadoa tttns goal. ese Year FrUtliif to tee Tliaea. r . - -. - ... m Muyr-auiimMfilDQll VQ, Kiuekart Photographer, ltth Far m. The Kb. Iitibii ft Loea ass'a hm marie it possible for many families to own Uilr home. 10t Farnam Btreet. Board of Trade UulMing, Omaha, Idle money earns ho dividends. Invest monts In the Neb. Paving & L.an AMn ly per annum. ItOS Farnam Stree:, Hoard of Trade Building, Omaha. A rrlvate Safe In our burglar and fire proof afe deposit vault for only $3.00 per : -r. lJirg storage vault for allverware, Hr. Entrance at KM Farnam street, or U tough the Omaha National tank. Stolen Aatomoblle The owner doesn't wurry, fur our automobile fire insurance policy also co-ient theft of the machine. Creitch, Balilrige Co, 'phone Douglas "09. Most liberal policies, lowest rates. Chinese Oooda Ml.o Philbrlck la hav ing a holiday sale of her embroideries. robes, mandarin coats and bag, carved Ivory, jade and cloiaolniie. vases, etc..' second floor Wend Building, llth and 1 ai nam treets. Phone li. 7379 and H. '.:.. Xmas la Coming If you want any lubber toya you can get them at the Rub ber store. Kubber bells, rubber dol:s and everything else that is rubber. The Omaua Kubber company, E. H. Bprag'it), presi dent, 1608 Harney street. "Just around the turner." eld as IHpeomaalao Joseph K. Von Wmchwi, the youth who was arrested after several attempts to rob the Omaha Auto .Supply company, was sent to the 'unity Jail Thursday as a dipsomaniac, to be given a in(l!('nl examination. The police declare their suspicion that the man may have i mniultled several other serious burglaries which occurred during the last ueek. Paroled to Tnelr Wives Charles Welch and W!lllm Howell, pleaded guilty to charges of larceny In district couit Thurs day morning and were paroled to their wives on i ecommaiuletlon of County At torney Kngllsh, by Judge Estelle. Ben 8. itaker, attorney for the men, said they never before strayed from paths of hon esty, lie said tliey are hard working "men. who treat their families well and always turn their wages over to their wives. Mr. KngllHh said he understood this to be true. Welch and Howell had been out on bond, Weirdies' friend having given bond for him and Howell's employer having pro vided his security. Boys' Clot) InitiatesThe Hirst Me morial Boys' club made a visit to the X. X. club, which Is the boys' club of the Pearl Memorial Methodist Kplscopal church, last evening and gave the X. X. club the first degree, which all members of the Hirst Memorial Boys' club must take to belong. The X. X., club had about a third of Its membership present to take the degree and the balance of the mem bers will receive the degree In the next two meetings. Those taking the degree were l-eo Harthelmess, Marion Dameron, lloy Cameron, Lloyd Mason, Fred Ross, Clifton Wood and Mr. K. P. Daniel. There will be a big union meeting of the two clubs on January 10. WHOLESALERS TO INVESTIGATE1 Funeral of Priest Friday Morning Lumbermen are to Seek Reason for High Retail Prices. LEVEL OF 1907 IS MAINTAINED 4 onaamer t.ttra no Heneflt of He dactloa rreialllne a Rrsult of fats Made Beeanae of the Paalr. Retail lumber prices throughout the west are to be the subject of investigation by the national organisers of the manufact urers and whllpsalers. The producers of the lumber industry are seeking to restore building operations and the consequent consumption of lumber to a point where the condition from over stocking will be relieved. It is their con tention that present retail prices, incon sistently high In relation to cost, are re sponsible for restriction of consumption. Steps to be taken when the findings of this Investigation are completed have not been determined upon. Wholesalers In the larger western distributing centers are be ing Instructed to report observations on conditions in their territories to the asso ciation to which they belong. The situation has by peculiar trade con ditions placed the wholesaler at odds with his customer, the retailor. The policy of retrenchment and conserva tism adopted by the railroads aa a re sult of the 1907 "panic" left the lumber manufacturers with their capacity devel oped to a volume of production perhaps 40 per cent greater than consumption. Wholesnle prices fell and have been a fig ure far below those of the prosperous period preceding the stringency since. Meanwhile, the wholesalers say, the retailers have maintained their prices at a constant level, disregarding reductions In cost. Fall to Produce Figures. An Omaha retailer who protests that the statements of the wholesalers are Inac curate, declines to quote figures showing that reductions have been made in proport Hon to the falling of wholesale pri-es. The figures given by wholesalers com paring prices on certain common grades of lumbor show reductions by which the retailer has benefited. Wholesale Prices Material. Pec. V.tlO. No. 1 plank. 2x10 UK No. I scantling. 2x4 IS Common shlplap 1'i Common sheeting IS By these comparisons the wholesalers Indicate reduction on the materials named of from K to pi a thousand feet. Greater differences are shown, they say. on the higher grades of lumber, as for Instance, interior finishing materials. Figures given by a retailer on a tele phone order for these materials were: Material. Retail Price. No. 1 plank. 2x10 $1 No. 1 scantling 27 Common shlplap 27 Common sheeting 27 Carneys Take Stand in Trial of Gross Witnesses Relate Telephone Conversa tion Overhearcjjiii Office of. Claim Agent. Trial of Arthur W. Gross, claim agent for the street railway company, charged with contempt of court, was begun before Judge Kedlck Thursday afternoon. Thursday morning Deputy County At torney Magney, who Is prosecuting the bribery cases, amended the complaint against Gross by adding a oount charging conspiracy to hinder the administration of Justice. Mrs. Anna Carney and John Carney, Jr., were the chief witnesses for the state, their testimony being practically the same as that given by them at the hearing of John Kemmerll.tg on tha contempt of court charge. They iwore that fow days after the in formation charging contempt against Kem- merilng was filed and while Kemmerring wee In hiding tliay were In Groas' office for the purpose' of pressing a claim for Sl.oOO for Injuries sustained In a street car accident by a daughter of Mrs. Car ney. They repeated their statements that in their presence Gross talked to Kemmer. ling over the telephone, criticising the Juror for not keeping quiet. When court adjourned at 6 o'clock Thurs day afternoon examination of John Carney, Jr., Just had been completed. The 'hearing will be resumed this morn ing. . - . ,. , Aug. l'JOT. 23 to 24 2 to 2 21 to 22 21 to 22 Elaborate Service Will be Said Over the Body of Father P. F. Mc-Carthy. With all the solemn ceremonial which the liturgy of the Roman Cathollo church provides, the funeral of Rev. P. F. Mc Carthy will take place from St. James' Orphanage Friday morning at 10. Bishop Prsnnell will assist at the mass and his attendants will be Rev. M. C. Cassldy of O'Neill and Rev. J. A heme of South Omaha. Others of the clergy who will officiate are Rev. T. J. Smith, St. Patrick's church, relebraht; Rev. J. E. English, Hubbard, deacon. Rev. T. W. Mortality, Benson, subdeacon; Rev. James W. Stenaon, St. Phllomena's church, master of ceremonies. Father Jeannette, dean of this district, hns charge of the arrangements for the funeral. The chanting of the office of the dead will be begun at 9:30 o'clock Friday morning. The pallbearers will be John Sullivan Thomas Swift, Thomas Fltimorrls, John Power, Andrew Murphy and Michael Dinan. marar.'iing expeditions. They he had stolen severs' tombstones from the ceme tery. In stealing pigeons, the boys accom plished quite a teat, emptying the roosts of Mr. White after a number of tripa at night, and placing the pigeons In the shed of young Norton's home. . Jealous Swain Hits Rival With a Skate Follows Man Who Skates With His Best Girl Is Fined by Judge Crawford. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results, and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. They correct Irregularities, Bold by all drug gists. Preacher Talks of Ad Men in Rhyme Pastor of the St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational Church Must be " - a Poet. - ' Negro Teaches Some j Small Boys to Steal Had Moved the Entire Contents of a Pigeon House and Taken Other Things. In the arrest of two small colored boys and a white lad and the recovery of fifty pigeons they had stolen Thursday, Detec tive Van Peusen uncovered the mystery of a series of burglaries. It was found that the lads, acting under the Instigation of Sam Baxter, a grown-up negro, had robbed Forest lUn cemetery of flower frames, including those from the grave of William Krug, and had attempted all manner of other thefts. Baxter, who was arrested previously, Is charged with having robbed the grocery store of W. H. White at 3113 Hurdette street. The boys are John Norton, 10 years old, a white boy living at 3002 I.lndsey street; Cecil Smith, 10 years old, colored, of Thirtieth and Grant streets, and Hugh McLandon, 10 years old, colored, of Thirty sixth and Parker streets. The small prisoners declared Baxter had Bought to have them rob the grocery store which he afterwards robbed, and had on other occasions directed their Admitting the charge of assault and bat tery, John Piper, who waa arraigned In police court Thursday, declared he had been consumed by Jealousy when he struck W. H. Mick across the eyes with a skate. Piper, who Is employed at the Kimball laundry', together with Mick, were skating at Hanscom park Tuesday evening, when the trouble had its start. The prisoner explained that Mick had become escort to a young woman to whom Piper was giving attention. The disap pointed swain, then followed the pair from the park arid attacked Mick at Twenty ninth and Caatellar streets. He was fined I2h and costs by Judge Crawford. 8. -&A Knocks Out Cold r thrott m eur. For ct.ts.rrh, hr Ovrr, conftm. inautni reiix Writ postal (or Sample Free Bold by vrr s&.ono rirntrmita. Always wrj nmiy mc or ova tube In Ui boust or pocket. Kondoa Mfa. to. Minneapolis. Minn U i BR017EIELL HAIL Second term begins Feb. 1st, 1911. New classes are organised In all sub jects. Beginners' elunses Itt mathe matics nnd languages. Write for Year Book. MISS MARSDEN, Principal. OIUKA, - KEB My Wife's Cake Is Better iti g When she uses the one reliable most satisfactory wninffinmdl . AN ; Rev. A. Alexander Jenkins, pastor of the St. Mary'a Avenue Congregational church, was so impressed with the recent ad men s banquet. that he has broken forth In poetry aa follows: The Ad ' Cinch. The preacher wrote a sermon, The playwright wrote a play. The teacher wrote a lecture, The crank, his expose. The poet wrote some stansas, rue run niiea up nis paa. The student wrote his thesis. The ad man wrote an "ad." A brother read the sermon, A critic read the play, A freshman read the lecture, "Crank Two," the expose. A lorn maid read the stany.i?. The cub's chief saw the pad, A bald Prof, read the thesis The public read the "ad." The preacher got oblivion. The playwright got disdain. The teacher got retired. The crank, an outbound train. The poet got the attic, The cub, his settled hash. The student got a Ph. IX The ad man got the cash. James Alexander Jenkins, Omaha. A Horrible Death results from decaying lungs. Cure Coughs and weak lungs with Pr. King's New niscovery. 60o and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. THE WKSPLESOMEr BAKING POWDER It is lighter more delicate Always just rights ,' Jevcf . . . t i -.l' - f I- a n i . i l a lasie Oi aium or outer loicign uavuis. it accpe ucsa Innnai mrA i murVi mofe rJioMhkleV Rlimfnrrl 1 certainly the best of the high-grade Baking Pofcvders. It la Assures Good Results A li vj' ..A Sorosis Certificates Are again on gale at our store. You give the certificate, and on presentation after Christmas we fit the shoes. You can buy Sorosis certificates for 93.50, 4.00 or $3.0O, and the recipient of the certificate selects the style shoe wanted when she s ready for them Duplicate certi ficates are on exhibition In our windows. Black suedes and buckskins, velvet tops and velooze button, stage lasts and modified stage, with heels to match the high arches. Open evenings until Christmas. Sorosis Shoe Store 20S South IStli 8t. FRANK WILCOX. Mgr. Or for a red, rough, coarse, pimply, blotch ed, unsightly fekin, there is nothing better than A.D.S. PEROXIDE CREAM A grease less, fra- re - t & i ui, enccxive toilet cream, which removes impuri ties from the pores, and tends to make the skin soft, clear and beautiful. Oat it at any A. D.S. Draff Store. li Leek for the lA7"OULDN'T you prefer your Christmas Gift to be a new suit instead of the many small ar ticles fr which s few men find any use? Why not drop a hint to this effect at hornet Re mark that you saw some splendid suits at "The Nebraska" for $12, $15 and $18. We'll guarantee that both you and your family will be more than pleased with any one of these handsome Suits. They are notable for their stylish ness, the quality of their fabrics, their at tractive new patterns, their faultless work manship, their perfect fit and the fact that they'll keep their stylish shape until they're worn out. Three to five dollars elsewhere won't buy as much as you'll get In thesa Hen's Suits at $12, $15, $18 9k0ni4fiaCfotfbi liilnni "THK HOt'SK OF HIGH MKIUT" rnnn pflD who rind their power to rJJU lUtt wor, and youthful vigor NFRVFS Weak and nervous men gone as a result of over work or mental exertion should tak BRAT'S NERVE FUOD PIL.L.8. They will make joa eat and sluep and be a man again. tl Box, I Boxes 12 K0 by Mall. IXXltMAI ft MOGOW1HSX.X. DBU9 CO, Cor. 16th and Bodge Streets. OWL DRVO CO MP AWT. Oor. 16tb and Harney ata, Omaha Hen. TWENTIETH CENTUftY FARMER Our Dollar Per Tear. TAKES ALL BLAME ON HIMSELF Maa lharaved Jointly with Halting 1 says lie Aloae Is ' Heaaaslble, I Marry Collins, who was charged jnlntlj i with Ueorge Schotter aa having raJaed th- j value of a che-k, took upon himself entire I rcKpuiixlhlllty fur the act, declaring 8cht- I tcr haU not figured in the act at all, wlisn arraigned Thursday. Collins walvrd p-f-1 llmlnnry hrarlng and waa bound over to I dlatrlct court under X40 bonds. j tk-hetter Is being held pending the ar- i ilval of an..' officer from Jasper county, Missouri, whoro the prisoner Is salet to bw , vunted for breaking a parole. Take Tare. Imenilitr that when your kidneys ar affected, your iifit In la (lunrfor. M. Mayer, Rochester, V. Y., says. "My tiouble started with a sharp shooting tain uer my back which, brew vor dully 1 felt BluggUiu and tired, my kidney action was Irregular and In trequent. I started using Foley Kidney 1 ills Each dose seemed to pit new life and strsugth Into nut, and now I am completely cured and feel better and klroniitr than fur years, hold by all drug- glkU. 'I AMI FOH tittlC AT IAI.E. Rrsudrli lleulm Nrc-ou.l Flour. Old Mi.re, in Hult of ( lochias;. I aiur'.ay we vl'.l placo on sale our Im mense purchase of the entire surplus stock 1 of llti-sh-Wlrknlre & Co. of Chicago, maker of the highest grade men's hand- j tailored overcoats and suits In America. This I a nle of an unusual character , and In order to conduct It as a s-cal event we have arranged to devote prac- ' tlcally uur entire second floor of the old ! store to this sale. This will give an oppor- tunlty for thousands of men who appre- ' elate hlxher cktss clothes to make their' selections away from the noise and confu- ' slon of the regular shoppers on the ground floor. I Aery effort will be inada to en- able Omaha men to select exactly the ; clothe they prefer from the moat extraor- j tl'.nary sale "of hlKh-clasa clothes ever at- i.'ir.iiled w-Mt Of Chicago. Thesu stii rtu grade overcoats and suits i . 11 lie Mild foi evict ly one-third off. ,S,-p. h ,i i salesroom .-evonU floor, Urandeis old J 1- UKANDEW & SONS. Something New For Christmas MALTED MILK BREAD We are pleased to announce our readiness to supply Omaha tables with some thing superior in the line of bread. Maltl Milk liread Is especially desirable for peo ple who need a food that is easily digested. It has a flavor that is pleasing, and It is as near predicated as it is possible to make bread. Sold at All Grocers 5 and 10c per loaf Save the Labels. Sundgren's Bakery 720 South 28th Street. Phones: II. 3657 A-3817 I ' l'M" - wm i jumyjULi til Give a "Victor" Talking Machine or an "Edison" Phonograph A Christmas visit to our store ife not complete without an inspection of our cozy new "Phonograph Parlor" in the Pompeian Room. In thi3 department is gathered the larg est and complatest array of phonographs, talking machines, records and supplies ever ex hibited in a western establishment. We ask all our friends and patrons to linger here; to hear the new selections and to paticularly notice the selling plan we are featuring in this announcement. 66 Joim the CMb 99 NOW AND OWN EITHER MAKE OF TALKING MACHINES BY PAYING VERY SMALL MEMBERSHIP DUES. $1100 A WEEK THE EDISON PONOGRAPH m SB ' W 1 1 n i rmaJLum $1 aft00 and upwards, secures a com IV ,iete "Victor" TALKING MACHINE. $1 Q.50 and up, purchases an "Edi- son" Phonograph equip ment. Hear the late records it's just like hearing vaudeville. f MAIL ORDERS FILLED rl Be Sure to Visit the Phono graph Parlor in Our POMPEIAN ROOM W lvS.. No. at Six O'Clock Leaves Union Station, Omaha, 6 P. M., arrives Union Station, Chicago, (in the heart of the city) at 8:00 A. M., via the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY A superbly appointed train al: a con- ' venient hour, carries standard sleepers with longer, higher and wider berths, buffet library car, comfortable coaches 'and chair cars and diner solid electric lighted. Two other trains leave Omaha at 7:57 A. M. and 11:43 P. M. Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam Street, Omaha p FLORIDA-CUBA H Gulf Coast Resorts H New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola nd all other principal resorts In tha south reached by quick and Sri convenient schedules of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad either t:m in soad through trains or sleeping cars from Chicago, St. Louis, Cin : clnnaii, Louisville, Evansville and Indianapolis. Complete dining car service. Round trip tourist tickets, good returning until June 1, on sale daily at reduced fares. Greater variety routes than any other - . line; diverse routes to Florida if desired. Homeseekers' tickets on sale First and Third Tuesday each month at very low rates. li The Most Attractive Way South IjH For full particulars, rates, tickets, descriptive illus ? trated booklets and sleeping car reservations address r. W. MORROW, N. W. Pais. Art, CHICAGO J. L DAVENPORT, Dir. Pat. Aft, ST. LOUIS etseF- ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the best manner and punctually delivered when promised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT. Incorporated 1210-iai2 HOWARD ST. PHONE D. 1604 j;