Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Cables are Firm, Giving the Domestic
Market a SUady Opening.
Jutv. 47. filers. Ciifh corn was iin
chaimed to "c hisrher; Nn, 1 mixed. 4.,c;
o. i i;, 4-c, .no. 2 vw.lle, 4.u44-ii;, o.
3. 4- . .0.
OATS I m-hanss-d; No. 2 whit, S3;rc;
No. 2 mli.-d, Sivi3-'ic.
HYi:-.o. 2. V.'.Gc.
1 A Y I nolmriK. I ; choice timothy, 114.00
Jj 14 .ti; clique pialrm, j.-.V).
EVra(or Ileeeea arc the Rnt Bor'"!'1"'
of Arrivals and "ample Offerings
are t'arhana-rd to Hall
Oil Illher.
OMAHA. Pec. 15. 1310.
Cabin cam firm and higher, glvln our
doimstlc m, cut markets a steady opening,
lesuiciaya advance nan well maintained
and snorts wore buyers, forcing l"e
market nao a nironiier portion. Bull lead
era ta.wiig In the slack and giving good
support on HiaK spots.
Hie I faction in coin waH due alter a
steady bifttK In ca.h values, which aliut
off country uulos. With tine advance re
ceipts should become heavier and a bettor
run of corn Is expected.
iod.iys wheat market was a continu
ance of yesterday s advance, helped r.y
higher cables and support of the bull lead
eis lorcmg noru to buy. Cash trading was
a;tlve and values were strong, offerings
bringing Ho to o over yesterday.
A further advance was made In corn
luday, the maiket loMosved wheat and a
let up tu country soiling c-u-ed snorts to
cover. Klevator hounes are tne best ouyers
of arrlvaii and sample offerings were re
ioried -unchanged to c higher for the
uay s trailing. . ,
iTlmary wheat receipts were 749,000 Da
and shipments were 11. bu.. aKalnt
receipts last year of 603.WO bu. and ship
ments of mow bu.
Primary coi n receipts were 754.000 bu. and
hlpinents were i,.,tuu bu., again- receipt
last ear,et Wt,wu bu. and mupmeuta oi
iv,uw bu.
Clearances were 227.000 bu. of corn, l-Zo
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal t0
bi.uuo bu.
Uverpool closed Hd to 14d higher on
wheat and Mid to Vd lower on corn.
'lu following caun sales were reported:
WHEAT iNo. 2 hard, i cars, tdarkj, tfljc;
t cars, 1)1 V; cars, SHo; No. 9 hard, 1 car,
e"H4i rejected, 1 car, 7c: No. 4 mixed, UKo.
CuitN Noi 9 yeiiow, 7 cars, tnew;, 40c;
Nik 4 yellow, 1 car, Kfc; No. 2 mixed. It
cars,. (new;, 40o; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, (oldj,
41'c; 1 car, (ntw), 4oc; tf cars, (new), 4oo;
cars, (new), c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car,
tne), Bsc; no graue, l car, (new), ,lc.
OAT B No, white, 2 cars, au',c; 1 car,
BUVac; No. 4 white, 7 cars, c; No. 4 yellow,
1 tar, a)c.
Omaha Cash trtres.
Wit EAT No. 2 hard, WHfc!lc; No. S
hard, MWilfiW, No. 4 hard, 2-i,tf !H4c; re
jected hard, a'ac; No. I spring, Msf
WlVsc; .No. 4 Kpring, 87'i(aalV4c; No. i whito,
42W44it4c; new, MSatoc; No. 8 white, U
4i4iic; new, auVilOu; No. 4 white, -41 i-i'tftic;
new, a:Ul'uC.
COKN No. 1 yellow, 42i(424C; new, 3S
fcJc, No. 2 yellow, new, ,V'tf
40c; No. 4 yellow, 41-iu4c; new, i(j.ic;
No. 2, 41Vj4i4c; new, 4)''u 4UV,c; No. 8, 41
4j41'ic; ' new, Wj(ij40Mio; No. 4, 404(frilc;
new, iJUkrfu-atft;- io grade, Si'a-tOc; new, mx
WVkC. , ,
OATS No. 2 white, S0bU31c; standard,
aoHWuo; No. i white, mftc; fro. 4
white, -JiiliiiMc; No. 3 yellow, 2a-iHj3uic;
No. 4 yellow, Hirii2'io.
UAKLUfNo. a, ioy76c; No. 4, 64G70c;
Js'o,. 1 feed, 64;0c; rejected, 64!jf62c.
KYK-No. 2, (7w78c; No. , 7tKtf77c,
4arlot Kecelpts.
Wheat. Corn, Oats.
Chicago ID a-4 la
Uinneapdlls 34
Oniaiia 40 67 84
Jjuluth , B7 ... ...
Features of the Trading; and Closing-
Prices on the Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. tec. 15. Estimates that the
world's wheat crop Is greatly In excess of
the average" for the last five years acted
as a hammer today on the market here,
doting figures were at a net decline of
Vii'40. Corn finished the name as last
night, Htl!4o up; oata fci&Wo off to a shade
advance and provisions varying from loc
liae to too decline.
According to a high authority, the
-world's wheal yield Is a, 672,000,000 bushels,
aualnst a live-year average of 8.S7,000,OuO
-bushels. Although this year's total Is less
than tuat for the previous twelve months,
the cpmparlKoq otherwise disheartened the
bulls, especially as early In the day ah ex
port hoube baa been selling here for Uver
pool account.
.Foreign news gave the market a bearish
Ktart. Kroiu the Argentine In particular
came word of large shipments and favor
able threahing returns. As the day. pro
gressed a material show of strength re
sulted from purchases of corn by wheat
bulls, but, the effect of this maneuver was
lust when, tho depressing figures came out
regarding the world's crop. May ranged
from tH'ilKc and closed easy at Vbvt'O1
fco'tc, a net loss of c. .
Curn, atiw an easy opening, advanced
because of large purchases. The close was
steady. May fluctuated between 47 Vm
410. finishing a shade up at 47 frc. Cau
corn was firm. , No. 2 yellow sold late at
HHc. ,: '
Oats waknd after shorts had covered.
May had, as high and low limits 34((i3Cr)c
and S4t?, with the cloue HUVc off at a4'c.
Provisions were exceed and hlglier in
the early trading, but the rise met with
heavy sulllug; from the puckers. In a sin
gle transaction more Uiun l,Otrt),O0O pounds
of ribs ufcanged hands. W hen the pit was
cleared poik was 2ytO higher to 2io down.
Lard Was oft -7v'u li-,c, . and ribs changed
all the Way from 12?o drop to a nise of
a dime. 1 :
Whfat. bu.
Corn. bu. .
Oals, bu. ..
Recplpts. Shipment.
141i) : 0
4-i O-O 2s.i
,0ti0 i.UiO
t. I.eali (ieirril Market.
ST. IX)Via, Dei-. 15. WHKAT Steady;
December. Stjic; May, 7sv'iC7c; July,
it'.'-e. I'afh. stroni;; track No. 2 red, Wit
No. I harj, i..'u$l.2.
C'oHN Steady ; Uecenilier, 45l-jo; May, 47c.
Cash, hlgner; track, No. 2, 4o'-c; No. 2
white, 4bc.
OA'1 8 Steady ; December. 32c; May, 3c.
Cash, firm; track. No. 2, 31!c; No. 2 white,
hV B 1'nchaiiRed, SlVic
FLOCK Steady; rel winter patents. $4.40
(fi4.S0; extra fancy and straight, 13.104.30;
hard winter clears,'a;! .!.
HKKD Timothy, lfc.00'us.10.
CUKNM K A lv J. 40.
UHAN Firm; sacked, east track, I1.0j(f
HAY Firm; timothy, 114.0019.00; prairie,
$12 U"u 16 00.
FHoVISIoNS Pork, steady; Jobbing,
$13 00. Laid, lower; prime steam, $.!r
111.00. Iry salt meats, higher; boxed extra
shorts, $10.75; clear rlhs, $lu.7o; short clears,
$il.2i. Hacon, higher; extra shorts, $1X23;
clear ribs, $12.25; short clears. $12.50.
FOUl1 KY Kasy; chickens, He; springs,
Vc; turkeys, 17c; ducks, ISc; ' geese, S'-jc.
U UTT Kit Steady ; creamery, 26ilJC.
KUGS Kower, lc
Receipts. Khlpm'ts.
Flour, bbls S.i H 7 'I
Wheat, bu ...34.000 5S,0t
Corn, bu ; la.OuO ao,iW
Oats, bu ;:...4t,uuo
Mtnneapolla Grain Market.
cember, $l.oo7i; May, $1.0314; July. l.04:4;
cash. No. 1 hard, $1.0S'; NO. 1 noi tiiern,
ll.Ol'ltttl.oJ; No. 2 northern, 98c$1.01;
No. 3. 7VWC-
FLAX-Closed at $2.30.
COKN No. 3. yellow, 42Vj8 43!c.
OATS No. 3 white, . 3ofuo0c.
HVK No. 2, 7a77VsC.
UHAN In lOOrlD. sacks, $21. OtVa '21.B0.
FLOCK First patents, $4-7685.25; sreond
patents, J4.Ui.uo '; urst clears,. $i.2uuii.i.t;
second clears, $2.152.75.
Artlcle rOpenHlh. Low. Close. yea y.
Dec. July.
. Deo..
Folk. ,
tu o
92 VI
; i 1
4HI '
IB 22 I 19 40
Is ii-J0 U 30
i ioas 10 as
Jlu 1K-16 10 la
. 1
.! 10 12 1 10 26
, i07ij K 7b
I 19 OS
I Ja W
I 10 26
1 V 91
82Si 92V. 923
46 4fW4
477,4. vci''
81,31&T 81;
34. tii.i34'lKiuk
I 19 20 119 17-JO
1 U ooH.ia ao-3
I 10 26
I 10 07
I 9 l6
I 10 22
I 10 10
10 17
1.9 67
10 07
9 t7u70
Indications are for an Vnsettled Con
dition Friday.
' . OMAHA, Dec. 16, 1910.
The depression that was noted over the
lake . region and Bt. Lawrence valley In
the preceding report has developed Into a
widespread area of . low pressure that now
overlies the lake region,- upper Ohio valley
and eastern states,- with Its center ott the
upper Atlantic coast. The development of
the low has caused a change to warmer
weather every wnere .east of tne Mississippi
river and a general xise. in temperature is
shown In tho lower itesourl valley and
south over the West Mlf states. Cnsettled
weather continues . in' Uhe extreme lower
Mississippi valley aod ' rains are falling
this morning at New- Orleans, Shreveport
and Memphis. An axe of high pressure
still overnangs the Wtt and -the weather
Is generally clear wieat of the Missouri
river. Conditions are tavorable for cloudy
and somewhat unsettled weather In this
vicinity today, followed by fair tonight
and Friday, with slightly colder, tonight.
Temperature ana pieuipitauon at omaha
during the last twenty -1'uur hours, coin
pared with the corresponding period for
the three preceding years;
, A, 4910. 1909. 190s. 190.
Lowest last nlght,w) 20 -13 33 80
Precipitation .00-..00 T T
Normal temperature for today 28 degrees.
Deliciency In preoipiUiUoa since March 1,
14.58 Inches. " ', , '
Kxcess corresponding period In 1909, 4.62
Inches. v , :
l ei'.ole.icy ccrrespondifig period In 1908,
4.09 Inches. i
L. A. WELSH,. Local Forecaster.
Csh fluotatlona were as follows:
FLoUlt Steady ; winter patents, $4.0&3
4.7o; straights, $4.75&4.o6; spring straights,
$4.abb4u0; bakers. $3.uUuv4.96.
HViS-No. 2. biVc.
UAltLhJY-FeeU or mixing, 604jT2c; fair
10 cnuioe mailing, ngvao.
BKJa4.ij Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.27;
No. I northwestern, $2.40; timothy, $10.00,
clover, $li).oA
PKOVtAloN-Mesa pork, per bbl.,
SUi.UVsUlH.2a, Lard, per luO lbs., $1U25.
bhort ribs, aldea (loose), $0.8710.31;
Short clear sides (boxed), $10.S, Wlv.oO.
Total (Clearances of wheat and Hour were
e4ual to 67,vuu bu. Primary receipts were
74K.UUO bu., compared with boa.ouo bu. the
oorrespundlng uay a year ago. Kstlmated
roelpvg for tomorrow: Wheat, 9 cars; corn,
4bi cars; tu, M) curs; hogs, 18,0o0 head.
Chicago Cash Pikcb w ueai; No. 4 led,
9-ijiHK.; No. 3 red, tutKic; No. 2 hard, au
rv-c; No. 1 iioi'tnerii spring, $1.001.1(1 ;
No. 2 nortiiaru spring, tl.ot.ul.Ub; No. u
spring, 9iAU$1.0l. Corn. No. a cash, 4a V, a
tsc; No. 3 basil, 4i'c, No. 8 cash, -to
(tfstc; No. I white, it',tf-49c; No. white,
a'ytt-".'i No. 2 yellow, olywlV; No. a
yellow, toiuou'o. Oats: No. a cash, iisc,
No. 2 wune, iajjc; No. S wiiite, aw
aj c; No. 4 wiiue, ijo.';, suuulard,
lor lard and $9.70iai.76 for ribs.
BUT TtU Oleaoy; citainory. J3429c
dairy. iiiAj
KcJGS-Steady ; receipts, 1.212 cases; at
mark, cases Included, li-u vie; firsts, 31c;
prime lirMa, 33c.
. CllKLSU Firm; daisies, 14gi5c; twins
14Vc; ' young Americas, lialc; long
horns, 14-VJtio.
1-Hi'tAToiiS Kasy; choice to fancy, 434s
etc; f-cir to good, 3S4;42c.
POl LTUY Lasy; turkeys, alive. J7c
dressed, 21"4c hens, alive, 11c; dressed, 12c;
api-lntts, alike, loc; dressed, 12c. '
VKAI. steady; 60 to o-lb. wts., 9?ji0o
0 to KS-lb. wis.. HullVcr 86 to 110-lb'
Wts.. 12o.
4aotatlona of the' Day on Various
NEW YORK, Deo. 16 FLOUR Quiet ;
spring patents, $b.l6tio.&0; winter straignts-.
$4.1iitf4.!f0; winter paients, $4.oi4.'i; spring
clears, $4.1iJj4.4o; winter extras, No. 1, 3-"
03.70; winter extras, No. 2, $3,4043.60; Kan
sas straights, $4-t(tf4.76. Ky" flour, steady;
fair to good, $4.oo4.25; onolce to taiicy,
$4.25!U4.46. buckwheat flour, steady; $2.5
per loo pounds.
COKN MKAL Steady; fine white and yel
low, $1.20tu-1.26; coarse,- $1.15U1.2o; kiln
dried, $2.tio. , -
WHEAT Spot market steady; No. 2 red,
9840, elevator and f. o. b. ailuat; No. 1
northern Dulutn, til1, f. o. b. afloat
Futures market was steady most of tne
day on small offerings, due to the dry
weather In the southwest, but prices eased
oft a little late under liquidation, closing
VliVo net lower. December -closed at 9iSkc;
May, $L02V(&l oaV4. cloeed .at $1.02; July
closed at $1.0us. Iteoeipts, 8,600 bu.; ship
ments, nil.
COKN Hpot market 'firm; No. 2, new,
64Vo, spot, f. o. b. axlDaU F utures market
was without transactions., closing un
changed to advance.. . December closed
at 66c; May, otic. Receipts, 93,336 bu.; ship
ments, 147,ot8 bu. .-'
OATS lipot market -..-ateady. Futures
market was without transactions, closing
Ho lower to &o higher. December closed
at 38'o; May, 40c; July,' 40c. Keceipts, 4,
00 bu.; shipments, luO bu. ,
HAY cjulel; prime, $110; No. L $1.07Vs
1.10; No. 2, $1.00; No. V S04J8&C.
HOPS Firm; state, ooinmon to choice,
1910 crop, 19a33o; 1909 crop, 15!T8c; Pacific
coast, 1910 orop, 14jl7cv..09 crop, lOylac.
HIDES Steady; Central America, 21VJ;
Bogota, 22y23o.
LEjVTHEK Firm; hemlock flrsta. 23V
26!c; seconds, 2142Sc; rejects, lti17c.
PKOVIHIONS Pork, steady; mess, $20.50
21.0ii; family, $22.0O&24.00; short clear, $iio.oO
622.00. Beef, steady ; mess, $13.00(8 14.00; fam
ily, 18.ooial8.60; beef hams, $24.joti27.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.,
l.iujlu.'ib; pickled hams, $12.60. Lard,
steady; middle west prime. $10,40410.60; re
fined, quiet; continent, $10.80; bourn Amer
ica, $11.60; compound, $8.76U9.00.
tAllovV yuiet; prime city, lihds.,
71c; country, 7Hi'?c.
POULTKY Alive, strong; western chick
ent, 13c; fowls, 14"c; turkeys, 18c. Dressed,
irregular western chickens, 12al6ic;
fowls liUfWc; turkeys, liu4c.
KUGd Easier; western gather white, 35
&4c; fresh gathered extra first, 87jj3c;
first. SiVu3tic.
BUTTEK Finn; creamery specials, 32
32Mic; extras, 31c.
POCLTKY Alive, steady; western chick
ens, 13&14c; fowls, 14ai5c; turkeys, 14olSc.
Dressed, quiet; western chickens, U
ltHo; fowls, 1217c; turkeys, 18'a240.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Deo. 15. COFFEE Futures
opened barely steady at a decline of &u'U
points under scattering liquidation, follow
ing yesterday's sharp advance and in sym
pathy with somewhat disappointing Euro
pean cables. There was nothing In the
primary news unless It was the continued
comparatively large receipts to promote
selling and the early trading prices held
Heady around the initial figures. Later,
however, leading roasters, who have been
giving the market a good deal of support,
withdrew their buying orders and prices
eased off under continued liquidation or
local bear pressure. The close was steady
at a net loss of 5(;25 points. Sales, 60.750
bags; December, 10.96c; January, 10!!w;
February, U.o-'c; March 11.03c; April, 10.97c;
May, 10.90c ; June, 10.85c; July, 10.75c; Au
gust, lo.toc; September, 10t8c; October,
K'51c; November, 10.5oc. Havre Was un
changed to frano lower. Hamburg, un
changed to 'i pfg. lower. Klo 75 reis higher
at 7 i-5; Santos, 60 rets higher, 4s 7s $v"0;
7s 7 $'.'. Keceipts at the two Brazilian
ports, 30,000 bags, against 39.UV, Jundlahy
receipts. 17,600 bags, against 16,0o0 bags last
year. Spot coffee, quiet; Klo, No. 7, 13Vc;
Santos, No. 4, 13Tfcu. Mild coffee, quiei;
Cordova, 13'sl5o.
Better Demand for Bonds Salient Fea
ture of Market.
Failure of the Hank of Knaland to
Itrdnre Its Ulneosat Rate Gives
Klse to Some Disappointment.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1R -The most salient
feature of today's market for securities
was the better demand for bonds. Sales of
these issues were the largest In the recpnt
history of the Stork Exchange and a cor
respondingly Improved tone was reported
In direct sales by bankers.
Further Improvement was shown In
stocks during the early part of the ses
sion, but later almost all of the early
gains were wiped out. Over-nlRht devel
opments were of an adverse originative
character. The failure of the Hank of
England to reduce Its discount rate gave
rise to some disappointment, although, this
was scarcely evident In the prices of Amer
icans at London, many of which made
substantial advances.
A fall In the Hank of England's propor
tion of reserve to liability from 60.59 to
44.98 per cent probably aroounted for the
maintenance of the discount rate, while the
decline of 75,220.000 In the aggregate of
checks cleared through the London banks
for the week, compared with the same
week last year may be accepted as an In
dication of the dullness of general trade
In the British metropolis.
That an active stage seemed to have been
reached in the western railroad labor
situation may be gathered from the report
thnt the managers of the western roads
are said to have appealed to the govern
ment at Washington to avert the threat
ened strike of the engineers.
Bonds were firm throughout. Total
sales, par value, $3,007,0no.
Cnlted States bonds were unchanged.
Number of sales ann leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Allls-4'ha.lmera pfd ' 29
AniaimtU Copper 7,400 64 M
Amrnuan Agricultural ... Hull il 47 41k
Am. beet Sugar uu 40 3014 i u
American Can , g
American C. A F l.oeo 60 49S4
Am. fotton oil ) (, eg is
American H. 41 U pM.... lno 21 11 20
Am. Ic Secant! 200 17 17 17
American Ltnaeed 1
American Locomotive .... 400 37 87 37
American 6. 4t R.. el-diT. I,2i 76 . 78 73ft
Am. S. R. pld m i,jj4. 103
Am. Steel Koundrloa 42
Am. Sugar Reflnlluj 100 116 Hi 114
American T. & T 1.700 143Vi 141 141M
Am. lobacco ptd 2oo a4 1131k 1.1
American Woolen t 81 SUt
Anaconda Mining Co aw 40 3 tost
Alulueon t.fcoo lona loo' livi.
Att-hiaiMi pfd lol
Atlantic Coast Line 100 119 li 118
Baltimore, A Ohio 100 108I4 los
Ilelhlehem Steel n 2S - u JSU
Brooklyn Rapid Tr 700 74Vj Hi 74
Canadian Paclllc 1.400 l3'i l3Vj 13
t antral Leather 2,1)00 8H, ai 80Vj I
Central Leather ptd 100 103 103 lictt
central of New Jersey jgu 1
cnesapeaka It Ohio 4,800 10 8014 8oVi ,
Clilcago & Alton ..... 84
Chicago O. vt'., new 100 t2 2i"4 82
C. O. W. pfd (110 46 4J- 44
Clllciilto ic N. W 2oo 142 14H 141
C, M. A St. P 8,00 lZi lZ2Vi 122
C, C, O. 4k St. L ... i;
Colorado F. A 1 200 31X4 3144 3114.
Colorado southern 800 68 67 6;
Consolidated Oa i0 1S314 13314 133
Corn Producta 700 15 15 1474
Delaware A Hudaon 800 164 164 143
Denver A Rio Orajid 5S
D. A R. O. pfd 9U
inetiiienr BecurlUea 82
Erie 1.000 7i u. a.u
trie let pfd 00 4514 45 44Va
a.rle 2d pfd aa
General Electric 1,400 157 15514 154
Great Noriliern pfd 400 l)Vi 1231 123
Great Northern Ore ctt 6514,
iiunoia central 13,,
lnterborough Met 4,400 2014 80 20
Int. Met. pfd 4,100 56 64 64
International Harveater .. 400 112 111 111
Int. Marine pfd ' 15
International Paper 18
International Pump 700 40 40 4014
Iowa Central 200 Is 18 J8
Kaneaa City 80 300 81 11 80 14
K. C. So. pfd 100 66 45 6414
Laoled Oas 100 104 104. 104
Louisville A N 100 143 143 142
Minn. A St. Louis , 800 26 2 26
M.. St. P. A B. B. M 100 12S 129 12K
M , K. A T 1... 200 -81 81 81
M., K. A T. pfd (1
Missouri Paclflo 1,000 47 46 46
National Biscuit 600 112 111 112
National Lead 62
N. R. R. Hi M, 2d pfd..., ..100 89 85 86
New York -Central ......... l.too- 112 111 112
N. T.. 0. A W ,j 40
Nerfolk A Weatern. ....... 1,400 M M
North American, ax-dtv 66
Northern Paclflo 8,000 116 115 116
Pacific Mall 200 28 28 2h
Pennaylvanla 1,7M 12 12ft 12
People'! Oaa 300 106 106 104
P., C, C. I St. L 100 txt 86 V6
Pittsburg Coal 17
Pressed Steel Car 400 80 80 80
Pullman Palace Car 15D
Railway Steel Spring 31
Reading 43,100 148 147 148
Republto Steel S00 81 31 80
Kepubllc Steel pfd 100 4 44 M
Rock Ialand Co LS"0 )J 39 ' 29
Rock Inland Do. ptd 100 41 61 41
St. LAS. F. td Pfd 800 3n 37 37
St. Loula S. W 800 26. 26 24
St. L. 8. W. pfd 20 0 40 611
Bloaa-Sheffleld S. A 1 49
Southern Pacific 200 16 25 26
T.. St. L A W 22
T.. St. L W. pfd 8"0 62 62 62
Union Paclflo 14,700 17o 169
t'nion Piclflo pfd ., 400 2 83 82
I'nlted states Realty 70
tinlted States Rubber 800 83 83 84
United S'.atea Steel 14.2U4 73 73 727,
U. S. Steel pfd 200 11674 116 116
I tah Copper 1.000 46 46 46
Va. -Carolina Chemical ... 800 42 63 43
Wabash 2") 14 16 16
Wabaih pfd K 84 . 34 83
Western Maryland 1.000 46 47 47
Weatlnghouee Electric .... S.000 8 68 t
Weatern Union 200 71 71 ' 71
Wheeling A L B 100 6 - 6 6
Lehigh Valley L800 181 178 180
Total sales tor the day, 284,200 shares.
demand. Commercial bills. H.MMN.SJ'a
tl LV KM-bar, 61 c; Mexican dollars. 4fo.
Hi N18 -Uovernnieiil, steaily; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
ais follows:
I'. S. rf Is. reg... 1 Int. M. M. 4 '
60 coupnai lt- Japan 4s
V. S. 3.. ft H'i do 4s .
do coupon hi K. C. so. 1st 8s.... M
V. S. 4s. reg 111 ft deb. 4a 1:U.... - -a
do coupon 11.-.-. U a N. unl 4 e-s
Allls-I hal. 1st 4a.... 7 M. K. A T. 1st 4. ST
Am. Ag. 6 In.' do gen. 4a s6
Am. T. A T. c. 4s.. 1"4 Mo. I'aclMc 4s i
Am. lolacuo 4a Mi N. It. II. ot M. 4s !M
do 6a 1 o N. Y. C. g. 3s ).
Armour A Co. 4a.. HI do deb. 4s
At.tileon gen. 4s..... N. V., N. H. A H.
do ct. 4a he. cv. He 1.'S
do ct. as lm N. ot W. let c 4s.. tff-
A. C. L. 1st 4s Hi do ct. 4s l'i
Bal. A Ohio 4a W No. Paclflo 4a lo
do 3s 92 do 2s T"S
do 8. W. 8s so O. . L. rdlg. 4a Ki
Broog. Tr. cr. 4s.... : 1'eim. ct. 3 s 1916.. 9
I en. of (it. 6a 107 do con. 4s 1"J
t en. Leather 5a 107 Rea.llng gen. 4s Ml
O. of N. J. g. . 1J2 St. LAS. F. fg. 4s M
c lii-s. A Ohio .o gen. 6s
do ref. . 4 St. L. 8. W. c. 4s.. 75
Chicago A A. 3s.. 70 do 1st gold 4a 90
C. fl. A y. I, 4s.... 96 S. A. L 4s 76
do gen. 4a 97 8o, Pac. col. 4s.... 43
C. M. A IP. g. 3a 92 do ct. 6a '
C. R. I. A P. c 4a . 73 do 1st ref. 4s 93-
do rfg. 4s s So. Railway 6a. K'T
i'olo. Ind. Be 76 do gen. 4s 75
Colo. Mid. -4a. s 65 Union Pacific 4a loo
C. A S, r. A e. 4s 7i do ct. 4a loJ
D. A H. ct. 4a 9S do let A ref. 4a... I
U. A R. O. 4a 93 V. S. Rubber 6a I02
do ref. be I. 8. teel 2d 6s 103
niatlllere' 6a 77 Va.-Car. CJiem. 6a..l(
Erie p. I. 4a (4 'Wabash let 6a 10
do gen. 4a .' 7S do 1st A ei. 4s ... S-l
4o ot. 4a. aer. A... Ti Weatern Md. 4s 6i
do ct. 4s 6f West. Klec. ct. 6a... 92
Oen. Bleo. ct. 6a. ...151 Wis. Central 4a i
ill. on. lat ref. 4s. 9T lo. Pac. ct. 6a 81
Int. Met. 4s 7
New York Curb Market.
The following- quotations are furnished by
Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock
exchange. Ma South sixteenth street,
liny state Gas... 36 La rose
Boston Consol... 64 Nevada Cons..
Butte Coalition.. WjNewhotise
Cactus 23 lOhio Cooper ..
Chlno 22 IKawhide Coal... 4Vs
Chief consol .... 12 uay central z
Fraction liHi. Swift Vkg. Co. .10:!
l'uvls lialy 12 Sears Koebuck...l;io
102 ! Silver Blck ti
121-iHuperlor c4 P.... 14
9 1'onopah Mining, ti
ti-14 Trinity Copper.. i
1,1 North Lake .... 6V4
5 Bohemia 3
7 lUjibway bVa
Kly Central
Kly Witch ......
(lold field Flor...
Ooldfleld Daly..
Greene Cananea.
Local Securities.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brinker
& Co., 44 New Oinaha National bank build
ing: Bid. Asked.
Beatrice Creamery pfd 87 88
City of Omaha 4s. 1913 88 sj
Cltr Nat. Bank Bldg. 4a. 1880 H 87
Cudahr Packing Co. 5a, 1914 83 9s
Columbus. Neb., B. L is, 1924 92
Colorado Tel. Co. (par. 60) 65 65
Fairmont Creamery lat g. 4 per cant 99 loo
General Motor pfd 7 par cent 73 75
Hardy. Neb., municipal 88 100
Howard 8tQVe - Co 80
Iowa Portland Cement lat 4s 87 99
Kansas Cltr Home Tel. Co, 6s, 1923.. 86 87
Metropolitan St. Ry. 6a, 1913 &j
Michigan State Tel. 6s, 1934 84 100
Omaha Oaa 6s, 1917 97 97
Omaha Water 6a, 1946 98 89
Omaha St. Kt 6s, 1914 99 101
Omaha A C. B. St. It r. 6a, 1828 M 97
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd, 6 p. 0... 83 84
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry., com 65 67
Packers Nat. Eank atoi-k. So. Omaha 140 160
Paclflo T. A T. 6s. 1937 87 87
Kockr Mountain Bell. Tel. Co 60 69
Union Stock Yards stock 86 87
Western Stat Oaa A Bleo 100
London Stock Market.
IiONDON, Dec. 15. American securities
were quiet and steady during; the first hour
today. .Prices advanced on light covering
and at noon showed gains ranging from
V to over yesterday's New York closing.
uioBiug quotations on stocks were:
Cons., money 7HH Louisville & N...147
do account 7-)H., K. & T 3214
Amal. Copper .... 66 N. Y. Central 116ft
Anaconda 8Norfolk & W 102
Atchison 104H do pfd 91
do pfd '.....106 Ontario & W 42
Bal. & Ohio 10Pennsylvanla .... 66Vi
Can. Pacific lD.Kand Mines n
Ches. & Ohio.... 83 Heading 7fi
Chicago G. W.... 22"So. Railway 254
C. M. & 8. P m do pfd 6H
lie Beers 17VSo. Paolflo 116S
D. & H. G 29,Unlon Paclflo ....176H
do pfd 72 do pfd 4A4
Erie 28iU. 8. Steel 7H
do 1st pfd 4o do pfd 120
do 2d pfd 3 Wabah 164
Grand Trunk .... U do pfd 35
Illinois Central ..136 Spanish 4s 90
SUA" KitBar, steady, at J6Vd per OS.
MONKY 232 per cenL
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 8j per cent; for three
months' bills. 3sfi3V per cent.
.. Xllwaskct Urala Market.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, 1.ku106; No.
t ivoiiturn. $1.04Vol-: .May, :c.
GATS Standard SJi:ilo.
XJAKLKX Samples, sJuobo.
Kaasat 41ty Grata aaa Provisions.
' KAN SAr' CITY, Dec. 16 WH EAT 1 ie
ceiuber. W)Vc; May, 4i,'o4Sc. bid; July,
9ih,oHC, sellers. Cash wheat was un-rhan-ed;
No. 1 hard, 3-a Jl-00; No. J,
jttirt.Vjc; Nn 1 red, Wtf7c-, No. 1, 44iao.
CORN December, ic; May, 4uo, bid;
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 15.-METAI.S-8tand-ard
copper, quiet; spot and l-cemher.
12.274.i 12.45; January, $12 Feb
ruary, tll ixVu 12.46; March, $1A4,j 12 do. Lon
don quiet; spot, 15-i Ins; futures, to7 h's.
lke copper. 913.0013.25; eleetrolvtlc, H2.75
felAOO, and casUna. 112 50112 75. Tin, weak;
lt and Deceaibrr, 1j7 sw'SS 20; January,
;7.tl7Sv3:l7 90; February. UT SS-M' 90;
March, ia7.8ngra. London, weak; spot.
1.3 10s: futures. 774. New York sales, 10
tons January at I "i aO: 6 tons January at
93T 371. l ad. steady; 1C;4 55. New York;
94 37m.i4 4 Kaat r-t. Louis; Iindon, spot
CIS Jfcs. Spelter, quiet; 15 7ii7.i5. New
York; $5.D(i.'.t6. Kant SL Louis; Ixindon.
ot iil lton. Cleveland warrants 4 l "d
in I.ondon. Ixn-allv iron was unsettled.
No 1 foundry northern. l75.S6al'! : No
I. 114. 75iy 15.75; No. 1 southern and No. 1
southern soft, 915.:5il.7&.
Boston Closing; Stocks.
BOSTON, Dec. 15. Closing; quotations on
r-tocks were as roiiows:
Alloues 38 Mohawk 45
Amal. Coi'per 43 Nevada Con Is
A Z L. & 9 24 Niptsalni Mines) .... 1"
Arizona Com 14 North Butta K9
Atlantic North LaUte
b at O I'. A S. ti. II Old Luinlnlon 87
Butte Coalition .... 19 Oaceola 126
t'sl. A Arujlia 41 1-srrott 8). A C 1-!
'al. A Hecla 6i.'J gulncf :0
Centennial 14 Shannon 4
Copper Kanga C. O.. 61 Superior , 42
East Butta C. M U Superior A B. M..... L 4
Kranklln w 4 Superior A P. O l :)a
ilrou l?on 4 "Tamarack 67
llninby Con. 10 U. 8. S. B. A M . . S5'
Oreetie t'ruuiea .... T do pld 47
Isle Royal Coppar.. 17 Ptah I'm L
Kerr Lake 44 Utah Copper Co 41)
Laka Coppar 14 .hiina 9
La Sails Cupper 1 WoU.-j-lne 117
Miami Copper 14
Asked. Bl(L Six- dlTldsnd.
New York Mlnlaa Stocks.
NEW YORK. Dec li. Closing quotations
On mining stocks were:
Alice 1 Little Chief t
tv,m. Tunnel stock.. 18 Muucau al
do bonds 1 Ontario V-0
Cou Cal. A Va ... 80. Oputr 104
Horn 6llvar u Standard 90
Irou Silver 170 Yelloa Jacket 10
lyeadvllle Con. .s... 10
Mew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Dec 15. MONEY On call.
steady, 34(1: per cent; ruling rate, 3
per cent; closing; bid, 3S per cent; offered
at 3 per cent. Time loans, dull; sixty
days and tnety days. ia par cent; six
months. 3I1B4 per cent.
actual business in bankers bills at 54 C.Wu-
4.iJuu for sixty-day bilis, and at 4tw40 for
Dank of England Statement.
LONDON, Dec. 15. The weekly statement
of the Bank of England shows the follow
ing changes: Total reserve, decrease, 346,
000; circulation, decrease, 203,000; bullion,
decrease, 549,000; other securities, decrease,
17,000; other deposits, Increase, 167,000;
public deposits, decrease, 249,000; notes re
serve, decrease, 206,000; government se
curities, increase, 306,000; proportion of
the bank's reserve to liability, 49.98 per cent.
Last week It was 60.59 per cent.
Baink Clearing;.
OMAHA. Dec. 15 Bank clearlnna for
today were 12,637,908.86 and for the corre
sponding date last year 92,399,973,29. .
Rvaporated. Apples and Dried' Frnlts.
KF.W VfVRK' no - PVlPrmiTrn
APPLES Qtllet, but flrmy with prices gen
erally unchanged; on the spot fancy, LJVi
14c; choloe, UHe; prime, 9H8'llc.
unir,u r kuiis- fruneB, in good de
mand and prices are very firm; quotations
range from- BW-loTi for Callfornlas up to
3)L4kl .flit UA i. . ,k Cwr.imr . CA eoM
vi.uu . . v.. . . b'.na llvill
Apricots, active, but steady on firmness
hi tne uuasi, eiioioe, ixoc; extra cnoice,
on the strength In other fruits; choice, 7'4'ti
7ic; extra choice, 8&'SHc; fancy, Skac.
RaislnB. firm on strength on the coast and
small offerings; loose muscatels are quoted
at SigOo; choice to fancy seeded, 6'4rr
73u, scvuicbb, ouoo; iionuuR layers, 1l.J0$
Cotton Market.
changed; middling, 15Hc; sales, 129 bales;
rnr.olr.4e It SAO h.U. nl.lm.,n. r cu: l i . .
stock, 20,719 bales.
The leading cotton futures rants aa fol
Months.f Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y.
...I 14 96 J 14 90 I 14 82
... 14 91 14 96 I 14 87
14 83
14 89
16 18
16 38
15 38
14 87
14 91
15 21
15 42
16 42
Oils and Rosin.
TINE Finn, 7474c; sales, 632 bar
rels; receipts, 276; shipments, 730; stocks,
16,941 barrels.
ROSIN Firm; sales, 2,(19 casks; receipts,
1,951; shipments, 4,911; stock, 76,296 casks.
Quote: B.. 95.70; D.. 96.72tt; E.. 95.75: F..
95.80. O., 95.825.85; H., 96.87; I 16.0?;
K., .yb; m.,; ft., 9.60; w. ti., 91.60;
W. W., 97.75.
Liverpool Grain Market.
steady; No. 2 red western winter, 7s 1W;
futures, quiet; December, 8s Msd; March,
6s 11 d: May. 7b nd.
CORN Kpot, quiet; American mixed, 6s
3Hd; futures, quiet; January, 4a 6Vd; Feb
ruary, 4s 3d.
Dry Oonde Market.
The dry goods primary markets are gen
erally - quiet. Dress goods are In better
call from cutters. Cotton goods are held
steady and considerable business Is being
declined at low prices. Raw silk Is firm.
Yarns rule dull.
gar Market.
NEW YORK, Deo. 16 SUGAR Raw,
firm; muscoado, 89 test, 8.60c: centrifugal,
96 test, 4c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3-2oo.
Refined, steady.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Deo. 15.-WOOL Steady ;
territory and western mediums, 22'tj23c;
fine mediums, 17'tile; fine, laylSc.
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA, Iec. 15.-HAY No. 1 upland,
912; NO. 2 upland, 911; No. 1 coarse, 110; No.
2 coarse, 99; packing, 97; alfalfa, 914. straw:
Wheat, 95.60; rye, 96; oats, 97.60.
Cattle Sell at Prices Steady to Some
Sheep and Lambs In Moderate Snpply
nd Prices Meady to a Little
Illaher, In Spots HeoTT
Weights ealectel.
POfTIl OMAHA. Dec. 15.
ReoelDts were-
Offlrlal Mondav
Official Tuesday ...
Offlrlal Weilneeday
iustimate Thursday
Cattle. Hogs- Sheep.
... 6,013 6.316 10ul6
... 8.074 9..M3 9.87J
4 .V.7 6.:l
... t.MO S.SJ0 4.IK0
FVur days this week.. 21. 'M3 25. !.3K3
Same davs lost week ..26.25 20.770 27.1W
Same days 2 weeks ano. .16.5:0 22.115 42.113
Siime days 3 w eeks ago. .15.707 85.611
Same days 4 weeks ago. .31.068 21.645 l"..2o:l
Some cluys last year 24.711 39, 164 39.0..2
The following table shows ttie receipts it
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, as compared with
last year:
1910. 1909 Inc. Deo.
Cattle l.lf2.4H6 l.(V.i3.320 99,166
Hog" 1.821.658 2.tV.3S2 246.S34
Sbeep 2,938,107 2,106.471 S31.46
The following table shows the average
prices of hogs at South Oinaha lor the last
several days, with comparisons:
Dates. I 1810. 190. 11908. 1907. l0.ll06.WO4.
c. 0...,
Dec. 6...
Uec. 7...,
Dec. 8...
Dec. 9....
Dec. 10. .
Dec. 11...
Dt'c. 12..
Dec. 13...
Dec. 14..
Deo. 15..,
40 Vfc
I 5 58 4 671 12i 4 Mi 4 41
8 12
8 22
8 i
8 l
8 83,
8 36
8 29
8 2.11
8 09
6 41
6 42!
6 4N
6 53
6 411
6 32
' I
6 as 1
5 37
4 71
4 6J
4 40
4 36
4 19
4 32
4 38
6 16 4 S3
6 211 4 92
6 16 14 87
4 471 I 4 84
4 84 211
a 4i ti It! 4 79
4 711 6 03 4 83 4 43
4 491 06 4 8S 4 41
4 261 6 081 4 S5 4 39
6 U 4 61 4 39
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the I'nlon Stock Yarda. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hnura omiinir at n. ni. yes
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C, M. & St. P 5 4 3 ..
Wnhnsh 'X 1
Missouri Psclfio 4 12..
L nion Pacltlo 20 12 4 - ..
C. a- 8J V t a 7
C. & N. W. west.... 29 13 1 1
l'... Kr P M AV O ... a It 2
C, H. & Q., east ... 8 8 2 1
u., 1-1. 61 y., west.... 23 20 4 ..
C, It. I. & P., east.. 3 1 .. ..
C. R. 1. & P.. west.. 1
Illinois Central 6 2 1
C. O. W 1 1 i
Total receipts ....117
Omaha Packing Co 273 H5 367
Swill and Company 895 1,053 620
Cudahy l acking Co M4 942 870
Armour & Co 453 808 980
Cudahy, from St. Paul 272
W. H. Vansant Co 4
Benton, Vansant & Lush 22
Stephens Bros 74
Hill & Son 188
F. B. Lewis 4L
J. B. Root & Co 70
J. II. Bulla 16
1 F. Hum 45
McCreary & Carey 134
Lehmer Bros 2
Lee Rothschild 7
Smith A Polsley 6
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 76
Christy A Klein 109
McCanneaughey 23
Other buyers 472 1,007 ..
Totals 8.754 4,315 3,109
CATTLia There were 107 cars reported
In the yards this morning, a fair run for a
Thursday, but the total tor the four aays
toots up 21,200 head, a falling off of a.uOO
head as compared with tne same days last
week and ot 3,6u0 head as compared wiui
a year ago.
Under the influence of moderate receipts
and a good demand the market opened up
with a good healthy feeling and with prices
at leant steady und on some kinds posblbly
a little better.
Buyers all seemed to want a few cars
of beef steers and, as the supply was small,
the offerings were oon disposed of at
prices thai were a little stronger generally
ihan yesterday. '
Cows and heifers were also good sellers
and the market on that kind was strong
and active. The big bulk of the receipts
changed hands In very good season In the
Although it was too late In the week to
expect a very active feeder trade, still
there was a fair demand and the general
market steady.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, 96.ltO&6.76; fair to good
beef steers, 15. 406.20; common to fair beet
steers J4.6CtoO.40; good to choice cow and
heifers, 14.iAKu5.2e: fair to good cows and
heifers, j.76'&4.60; common to fair cows ana
heifers. 13.0U()3.75; good to choice stackers
and feeders, 94.504)5.(0; fair ". good stock
era and feeders, 13.60&4.6O, common to fair
tockem and feeders, 93.25(jj3.80; stock
heifers, $3 0064.15; veal calves. 93.601(8.26;
bulls, stags, eta, $3,2605.00.
Quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime ceeves, 95 50(36.25; good to choice
beeves, 16.004560; fair to good beeves, 94.40
04.80; common to fair beeves, 93.7o4.40;
choice cows, 93.80(4.40; fair to good cows,
f3.30iiS.B5; canners, 92.76(33.50.
Representative sales:
Final Estimates are Made by- the Gov
ernment Department of
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. Final esti
mates in the Important farm crops of the
country, for 1910, made today by the crop
reporting board of the Department of
Agriculture, are as follows: Corn, 3.125,
713,000 bushels of weight, from 114,002,000
acres; total farm value, $1,623,968,000, or 48.8
cents per bushel.
Winter wheat, 464,044.000 bushels of
weight, from 29,427,000 acres; total farm
value, $418,676,000, or 89.1 cents per bushel.
Spring wheat. 231,399,000 bushels of
weight, from 19.778,000 acres; total farm
value, 9207, 868,000, or 89.9 cents per bushel.
All wheat, 604,443.000 bushels of weight
from 94.206,000 acres; total farm value,
1621,449,000, or 89.9 cents per bushel.
.Tobacco, 954,349,000 pounds from 1,233,8)0
acres; total farm value, $91,459,000 or 9.8
cents per pound.
Rye, 24.510,000 bushels of weight, equal to
6.930,000 bags of 1S6 pounds from 722.800
acres; total farm value, $16,924,000 or (7.8
cents per busbel.
I Kt! 1 10 4 8K 1 80
M 3 10 .j J l..
i 8t3 8 20 if,
1 473 1 26 1 "H 4 f'O
1 &4 8 25 4 IIS 4 00
46 3 25 1 , 1010 4 00
1 840 I 25 7 1007 4 00
7 10 4 I 23 1 1010 4 00
1 SS5 3 15 21 743 4 00
10 Ill, 1 25 II 192 4 06
940 1 30 4 1094 4 0J
4 101)6 1 35 1 430 4 10
t 0 I 35 4 102., 4 15
1 941 1 86 Ms 4 13
1 1000 I 40 14 1032 4 15
1 1"0 1 60 4 1116 4 10
7 192 3 d0 15 491 4 20
1 1250 :: W 8 1047 4 28
1 ..i060 I 50 20 1014 4 26
0 44 3 60 1 1041 4 16
J M6 lit I H.16 4 14
1 1 1 45 4 12i4 4 16
t 851 I 64 17 7 4 16
4 4 2 1 66 6 lufr) 4 40
J 116 1 76 I tsl 4 40
1033 I 76 2 1200 4 40
8. 1031 I 7 14 Pins 4 44
t 1 75 1 J... 1260 4 40
1U 2 1 W M 4 4 66
1 1006 1 M 4 1206 ( 06
13 Kl 141
1 ...
I. ...
II. ...
I. ...
1 ...
in 50
I 26
1 60
1 40
1 0 .
1 40
I 40
1 86
I 45
3 86
I 86
I W'
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 10
4 16
4 16
4 16
.... 430
.... 736
4 20
4 10
4 26
4 25
4 26
4 24
4 30
4 M
4 46
4 16
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 60
4 60
4 66
4 44
6 00
, 407
4 )
, 467
. 6i4
. 434
44 '
I 26
4 00
4 20
4 25
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 64
4 40
4 56
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 4
4 40
... 80
... 24
... 171
... 927
... 441
... Ill
... 177
, 420
. 474
, 4u4
, 4!0
, S71
, 417
, 771
4 70
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 00
6 20
6 15
1 60
1 64
I 40
I 74
1 80
1 lu
I 40
1 40
4 00
4 00
4 UO
4 00
4 Us
4 00
4 10
4 15
4 16
10. '"
11. '.'
. 464
. 481
.. Kil
. 177
. 871
. 184
. 833
. 701
,. 121
.. 171
. 47
.. 776
.lit J
. 460
. 840
. 441
. 7l&
.. 561
. 4
. 411
. 461
. 604
. 764
. 768
. 766
. 82
. 171
. 166
. 40
. I Ml
. 4vl
lu 3
.. 141 4 00 II 867
4 46
4 44
4 46
4 44
4 10
4 10
4 76
4 75
4 75
4 80
4 8)
4 86
4 40
4 40
I 40
4 40
;4 0
4 15
I on
4 00
4 00
I 16
4 II
4 16
4 14
4 26
4 34
4 16
4 40
4 40
4 4ft
4 10
4 60
4 441
4 71
4 75
4 40
4 80
6 Ow
I 10
1 M" 4 M 1 1 oil 7 0(1
I r3 4 1 l! 7 ;
1 4(l 4 05 1 K0 ? .S.1
4 4 .i 4 lrt 1 1s.11 7 75
8 425 4 IS 1 1 7
5 3.i 4 75 1 1 i i.i
I l.i 4 7S 1 11 8 ini
1 8i 4 75 1 lo I '
4 5 14 I m I 00
1 5 6 16
H. J. Johnson - Colo.
No. Av. Tr No. Av. 1'r.
I steers.... 12 -4 T.i 17 cows ! S S5
2;: cows S6 3 60 9 cows M7 3 35
J. L. V.'tn Fleet ldnho.
17 feeders.. 913 IK 6 feeders. .1150 4 75
6 bulls 1342 3 60
H. F. Hooker-Nib.
34 feeders.. 9;". 5 -10 1.1 feeders.. 919 8 40
9 hfs.&strs. S61 3 75
H. U. Woeppel-S. D.
88 feeders.. 129i-. fi So 20 steers. ...1231 C 06
10 steers.. ..1013 4 75 13 cows 7! S ?5
23 heifers... MH 4 W 12 heifers... M 3 SO
IS feeders.. 868 4 75 1;; heifers... 771 4 00
11 cows 870 3 25 17 cows K1 3 68
K! cows 650 3 i5 10 feeders.. H.M 4 "0
17 cows 7v 3 Xt 2J rows 7A 8 65
11 heifers... 7:3 4 00 19 calves... 1-M 5 ."-0
18 cows 807 3 $5 8 feeders.. M 4 75
HOU. There was a fair run of hogs for
a Thursday, 63 cais being reported In,
which makes the total for the week 26,300
head, as against 20,700 head for the same
days last week and 39.P4) head a year ago.
Hogs sold fully 15c higher this morning
and In many cases 2tic higher than yester
day. The big bulk of the early sales went
at $7.554(7.tiO, with the lighter loads at
$7.65 and on up as high as $7.70 for a top.
For a short time the market was very ac
tive at the advance and a good share of
the early receipts changed hnnds In a
very few minutes. However, before sellers
all had a chance to unload buyers seemed
all of a sudden to come to the conclusion
that they were paying more money than
necessary and the trade came to a sudden
standstill, with fifteen or twenty loads of
hogs still unsold and with buyers talking
lower urlces.
The trade continued slow until the close
the maiket winding up dull and fully lc
lower than early. A few cars were lft
unsold at a late hour some of them being
hogs that came in on late trains. In other
woids a good dhnde of the morning's ad
vanto was whipped out on the close. Taking
Into account lute sales the bulk of all the
hogs sold at $7.5ory7.60 as against a bulk
yesterday of 9;.a.".itj 7.45. The top, $7.70, was
15c higher than anything brought yester
day, and the highest price for the month
to date.
Representative sales:
No. t. Bh. Pr. No. At. sh. Pr.
" 4; ... 7 45 71 140 120 7 65
7 462 80 7 45 2 229 ... 7 65
" 277 ... 7 45 64 264 130 7 66
64 308 120 7 60 62 110 ) 7 56
5. 2'0 ... 7 60 57 124 440 7 55
" 25 ... 1 60 40 1l 20 7 5.1
62 810 140 7 60 71 237 120 1 674j
8 815 2.) 7 61) 16 2h 120 7 57Hi
61 349 80 7 60 16 201 ... 1 AO
' 360 ... 7 60 64 Ii7 ... 7 40
44 276 140 7 60 63 jij ... 7 M
41 28 ... 7 60 10 211 ... 7 40
74 264 ... 7 50 74 228 ... 7 40
41 189 ... 7 60 4 263 240 7 60
69 800 160 7 60 , 63 244 140 T 40
83 216 40 7 60 60 2..1 120 7 60
40 238 ... 7 60 74 237 80 7 60
58 270 80 7 50 62 1V8 ... 7 60
16 277 ... 7 61) 67 271 80 7 60
40 ti ... 7 62V4. 60 246 40 7 60
67 824 440 7 65 69 27 1 40 7 60
18 810 ... 7 65 42 804 ... 7 40
24 2i.3 80 7 65 7 2:.J 40 7 60
38 2S5 ... 1 66 89 27. ... 7 44
67 296 120 1 06 63 274 40 7 60
60 112 160 7 55 87 240 120 7 60
66 834 60 7 55 89 218 ... 1 62Uj
lu 804 ... 7 64 49 248 10 7 65
67 348 180 1 65 44 139 ... 7 45
41 Ill ... 7 65 CO Ill ... T 65
64 281 ... 7 65 7 9 191 ... 1 70
70 146 10 1 66 64 HI ... 7 70
10 10 ... 7 60
SHEEP Receipts of sheep were very
light this morning, there being no great
number of any kind In the yards. After the
sharp decline yesterday the feeling was a
little better today, especially as buyers
all seemed to want a few good killers. This
resulted In a good steady to stronger mar
ket, some sales looking If anything a little
higher than yesterday. Still the Improve
ment In the market was not very great.
Good lambs brought as much as $6.15, with
good handy weight wethers at $3.90. There
were western fed ewes good enough to
bring 93.40. Practically everything In sight
that could be called desirable changed
hands In good season In the morning. It
might be added however, that buyers want
the light weights and that heavy stuff is
more or less neglected every day. This
means that buyers select the handy weight
killers first, leaving heavy kinds until the
There was the usual good demand for
feeders and a bunch of range lambs sold
to go back to the country at 95.66. A
feeder buyer also paid 93.00 for western
ewes that had been on feed a short time.
As high as $3.65 was paid for choice native
ewes to be taken back to the country for
(Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to
choice light lambs, $5.756.15; good to
choice heavy lambs, $6.0uip5.50; good feeding
lambs 96 S.VW5 "P; fair feeding lamhs. 94 FAvf
;.i.. His m t .iiiinon mini. 93.t'ii4oO; handy
weight M-arlltigN 9u'".i "; heavy jr
IIiiks. 9'; feeder yearliiiB. $3 100
4 .; good to 1 hone light wethers, 9 "f
3:.i. good to choice hertvv wethers. 9.1..1(4
M; leeiHiiM ether. 9.. :V'uS.7T; good to
... ... ... .... ... , i 0.... a L-itml heavy
I Mill. I' 11.11. . " . V- - 1. ' . , .
! !; i:i.::e: feeding ewes, 93 2WM
tanner, 9l.6t'w2l1.
ltini-eienlHtlve sales:
no. r!.-
M.I ted ewes l's :;l
6s fed lambs f.
64 fed ewes l's
11 led lumps " 5 r J
25 I fi it w ethers I''3 J ; '
31 fed wethers ls" J V
2S ted lambs f
23 fed ewes ! V
fi .u... HI 10
21 fed lambs
l: native ewes, culls .. native ewes
lis fed ewes
4l!' fed lambs
fM Idaho lambs, feeders
4h fed lambs
60 fed rwes
S3T fed lamhs
66 fed lain is
83 led euea culls
l.i native ewes, culls ....
20 native lambs, culls
237 fed lambs
Lvi led ewes
.... S3 6 K-i
.... 81 8 25
.... 91 8 00
....106 3 40
..,. 66 6 S
,...62 6 55
. . . . 0 6 oi)
...AM Z 40
.... 80 6 15
....101 5 25
....123 25
.... 64 t 75
.... 32 3 00
.... 45 4 90
....91 9 2.
Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady
Hubs Slow.
CH1CAOO. Dec. 15 CATTIJO-Receipts.
R.500 head; market steady to a shade
higher; beeves, 9 354)7.25; Tenaa steers,
93.l"6.00; western steers, $3.90'y5.80; stoi'Kl
ei s and feeders, 93 . 2T.'iYf 60; cows and hellt
ers. 92.25(.S5; calves, 97.OtVdT.90. '
Hot.SS Receipts, 21.000 head; market slow
and weak at advance; light, 97.66fi7.76;
heavv, $;.36-b7.75; rough, 97.3.'"l7.60; good tu
choice heavy. $7 2.r7i7. ,5; pigs, i.(txsri.iu.
hulk ,vf snlM 17 MV,i7 7ft.
SHEEP AND 1 ,A M IIS Receipts. 1W
head; market steady; natives, $2.4tU4.2.
western, 92.604r4.25: yearlings, $4.80irf.66; 11a
tlve lambs, $4.iVhi.30; western, $4.5096.25.
Kansae Cltr l-v Stools Market.
Receipts, 6.000 head, Including 1,200 south
erns; steers, luc higher; cows, steady;
dressed beef and export steers, 95.60di7.Ui;
fair to good, 5.40; western steers.
4.2.Yii5.50; Blockers and feeders, $4.0lXu6.40,
southern steers, 93.xoii5 65; southern cows.
$3.mti4.25; native coins, $2.60u6.00; native
heifers. IS-OOeO; bulls, $3.40;4.75; calves,
$4.008 00.
Hi u.s Receipts, 6.000 head; market 15o
to 20c higher; bulk of sales, 9i.65.fl7.72';
heavy, $7."i04) 7.76; packers and butchers,
97 lii.fj7.':r; light, $7.60i47.72'.4
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1.2
head; lambs, 16.25tl6-25; yearlings, $4 .OwU 4.76;
wethers, 93.4o-J3.9o; ewes, $3.00u3.i0; Block
ers and feeders, $2.75u3.60.
St. Loula Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS, Deo. 16. CA TTLB Recel pt s.
3. I'm head, including 600 Texans; market
strong; native shipping and export steers.
tti.OOjiMO; dressed
$G.O0(u6.90; steers und
6.50: Blockers and
ners,; bulls, 3.2o'(4.r.oo; calves,
$5.26((f9.00; Texas and Indian steers, $4.50o
6.50; cows and heifers, $3.00(8 4.60.
HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market KM
25c higher: pigs and lights, 97-V S.00; pack
ers, 97.KKU7.IM; butchers and best heavy,
97.65W7.80. X
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,300
head; market steady; native muttons, 9110
((74.00; lambs, $6. 50a 0 00; culls and bucks,
$2.5Ou3.0O; mockers, $2.0Od(3.O0.
Ipping and export steers,
teef and butcher MeeixV
Jiider 1.000 pounds, $6,001
I feeders. 93.2.,((4i.50; can-
Stock In Slnt.
Receipts of live stock at the five princi
pal western markets yesterday:
cattle. nogs, nneep.
South Omaha
St. Joseph ..
Kansas City
St. Louis
Totals ....
21.000 18.(
44,900 26,400
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Dec. 15. CORN Higher; No. $
or better. 4Sic; No. 4, 42Hc; sample, 400.
OATS Hlglier; No. 9 white, 32ijj83c; No,
3 white, 32c; standard, 32c.
Clyde Liner, Enroot Prom 11 oat on to
New York, la Unmanageable.
NEW YORK, Dec. 15. The steamer Colo
rado of the Clyde line sent word by wire
less this afternoon that It was unmanage
able In a gale off the coast on Its way
to this city from Boston.
top! Think!
One death in every ten in your locality is
caused by Tuberculosis.
You can help stamp out this disease.
IIowT ' -
Use Bed Cross Christmas Seala
on your Holiday Letters and
Cost One Cent Each.
Anyone may sell them.
Everyone should buy them.
Distributing headquarters for Nebraska:
807 Brandeis. Phone Tyler 1687.
4" .....
mow amid Ice
At this icaLSn of the year, when the
ground and street car platforms are
apt to be cevcred with snow or ice,
especial care should be taken by
passengers in setting on and off cars.
Assist Us In Preventing Accidents
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company