THE BTX: OfATTA. TTrrRSPAY, DEOEMBTTn 15. 1010. r S r i 5 ( Mi ' 1 1)1 i y -A NO EMPLOYMENT FILING FEES , License Inspector Says Collection of Advance Tecs Must Stop. FAY AFTER SECURING THE JOB PrufllM of t haralnsr Two Hollars! ' hen aril Ira t Ion for Position la Made in to He D1 ron 1 1 fi or t. F.mplovmant Mir'mn hare been wrnl h "ly T.ti-rns Tnspe-tT Hchnldar that thev are not living tip to the ordinance remlatlng trfr rnlMneas and all flllnir fs muet ha discontinued. The. law expressly pro v Mm tl at ro chance shall be made until nftof definite position I eacured for the applicant, anil then It mupt ba accord ing to a definite sraia of prices, a I an speci fied tn the law. Moat of the agencies charge an Illegal f-e of 12 for the mar formality of registering an applicant, anil It la this practice, which la o often a hardship on strangers, tiiat Mr. Rehnelrfe expects to, atop. A meeting was held Tuesday of some of the men Interested", and It was decided to ask the council to consider aome modifica tions of the present law. Complaint have 1 been made that unllcenaed business concern suoh aa saloons have been engag ing In the employment agency field. The new agency licenses will be laaued January 1 and If there are any more vlolatloni of the law aome of them win noi om again. i FATHER P. F. M'CARTHY DEAD; (Continued from Page One.) J kind. Tha atory of hla actiniae-, ma, struggles and hardship In the early mission field, hla experience with varloui shades and 'condition of humanity, and the Joys and sorrows with which a clergyman cornea In contact, would make a rare vol ume of romance and reality; of pathos, adventure and tragedy. tlntll a few montha. before hla ordination. Father Mc Carthy had not settled on hla field of work. He discussed the matter frequently with hla student chuma, several of whom were from Pittsburg.. In the (all of the previous year, RL Kv James O'Connor , ,u Installed aa bishop of the vlcarate of Nebraska. Hla brother was blehoo of Pittsburg. Knowing- tha brother bishop and th greater opportunities for work tn a new (Hoceae, very naturally tha Pittsburg students suggested and urged Nebraska. Father McCarthy was agreeable, his aer vices were tendered and accepted, and thus, by a coincident. Nebraska became tha field of hla labora for a third of a century. An j unfailing etore of humor, coupled with the optimistic ' disposition of the youth, aaved him from desertion at the outset. Ha laaded tn Omaha, In the height of a summer dust atorm, ao thick and blinding that he could not see the spire of Bt. rhllomena'a as he drove by the bishop's residence on Ninth atreet Cabby turned him Into tha Metropolitan, with the remark that It wae tha best hotel In town. Mext day ha presented hla credsnUala to Biahop O'Connor. "I waa wonderfully arrayed for tha tnaetlBg." the father, with many a chuckle. MUa related, aa ha described a combina tion ol light-colored trousers, a coat, cut sermour fashion; striped necktie and a oft trtU to matoh. Tha austere bishop Viewed tha spectacle lor a minute or two tmuta astonishment, and burst into a-htsr as tha Innocence of tha newcomer Umim manifest. In the years thai fol lowed tha Introduction, aa each had op portunities for measuring tha worth of the (there Wahop. and prleet became devoted rienda, and none waa more' devote?) Seal-' us and loyal than he whose first salste Shattered tha severe Una of episcopal care. Trial in tbe Mission Kiel. Father McCarthy's mission flold ern need various atatlona from Teoumaeh. Johnson county, to Bpaldlng. Greeley Bounty, being shifted from one to the other aa tha needs of tha servloe required, dur ing his five years In the oountry. .Life on tha mlaslona thirty years ago was a thor ough test of tha phyalolal and mental atamlnar of a soldier of the oross. Fami lies were few and widely scattered, requir ing mush travel. Hard times held tbe oountry In Ha grip and poverty was the J-uie. 1 "I recall one Instance of the hardships farmers struggled against In tbosa days,'' 'paid the father In relating his experiences. "One of my farmer friends drove Into Siulo, Klohardson . county, with a load of corn duetng tha holiday season of U7S and aoM It for enough to buy a pair of boot or hla boy," . : As might he expected In the conditions prevailing accommodations were of the primitive sort, but auoh aa thsy war tha priest was always welcome. To one fresh trom college and , reared In a city tha transition to 'roughing It' In tha new west was a crucial teat." He waa not kng. how ever. In Imbibing the pioneer spirit, and tbe liardshlpa of yesterday were softened by faith tn the rewards of tomorrow. Father McCarthy entered Into the spirit of tha struggle with ardor and hopeful ness, encouraging and cheering those with whom ha minified, sharing their Joys and assuaging" thulr .sot-roes. No matter what the distance or the weather, winter or sum mer, a call front the sick never went un answered. Kegerdless of other engage ments such, oeRi he considered tha first of all duties, and Invariably found him where needed- a qulokly aa possible. A winter storm In . Johnson .county or the cyclone which ; wracked the church building In O'Connor, Orealey county, seudlng a beam through the building within a few feet of where he naa standing, had no more ter rurs for htm tlen a trip to tha Douglas county peat house to minister to tbe dying ' Crisis tn Hie Life. No ens of IU mauy positions held by Father McCarthy Secured aa strong a hold on hla at'ectiuns as the old ft. Phllomena'e laihediav and pariah, from the fall of lsi to inid'mner.' yeare of the boom and Hie re-sslou, he managed lis affairs. He became very much attached to the peo ple, ana the ; people reciprocated with at reitionete good wlu. When, therefore. uiMiop Scanned temoved htm from the raatoiatt' on July t Uj3, the unexpected blow wounded him to the heart. A pastor ate of equal merit was assured hi in and on Until. tie contended that a bile the bishop ait within his rights In removing a latiied.el paiof ' at will, he protested aain; tl.e tnanutr of rnuovtl as degrauV lug 'o las character aa a prieet. On this Uue I u Ui or Ma.'auhy appealed to Arch- ui.ihop .-atolil. spoktuUc dolrgate at Wash mgiuii. i uu;iig action on the appeal. Father McCarthy nent to his home in -New Jei, aud ' orfefe.l a place there, but the Mint tt the n et ta la iki Ulood and aoulj iioi mix alttt salt sea air. One raw evening In the fall of lbSt he cslltd at the houw ut a fiieiid in Omaha. In a stale if tijjla mutual d pieslun. The appeal to the '!o delegate had been rejrvied. . He J ulicd to consult about the publicatluu vf a letter he written. In t... letter le ipfewe.1 tUe grievance ioin out o l.u renatva) , from the cathedral, and p'i-i3 Lta reepecta to all per n n concerned in iilw removal, TUe letter va a rarvaell tw Ins piofelon. It u lead uitr 'afu;ly sua repteUly. eveiy ?i teiu-e caorfjl'.i e.i.ed. aoj the ptxh . t.e r'.ir 1V l;if fut.i.t ,.f tu author dl foi 'ini .t tue couclHsioti wf Hi, .::vuh u t in ietwi- tt.ron. Into ti e iih ijiiiTfci.ig -aa t,,e tcudiuon of the dlatfested priest waa ep'.lned to iilahep fl. anuell. end before the second day l ad paused bishop and priest acre brought together and a reconciliation effected. Protest mm the Iteaslt. One of the guiding principles of Father McCarthy's life waa obedience to law. Obedient to all lawful orders himself, he Inalsted on like obedience to law by higher ofticlsls to the church; and hi contribu tions to the rellirtou press on thla line at tracted considerable attention. An Instance of his vigor which wa productive of re sults occurred In IS91. When the time came for recommending candidate for the va cant bishopric of Omaha, the bishops of the rrovtnce assembled at the residence of Archbishop Kenrlck In ft. Louis. Three names were selected, approved and for warded to Rome. The consultprs of the diocese were not notified to convene and submit three names, a the law required. At the Instance of Father McCarthy the conaultors met In Omaha, drafted a protest against the Illegal action of the provincial council and Bent It to headquarters. In due course the action of the bishops was an nulled and Archbishop Kenrlck notified to proceed aa the law directed. On the sec ond occasion the names of the consultor' nominees were forwarded with those of the bishops of the province and the outcome of the Incident waa the promotion of Bishop Bcannell from Concordia. Kan., to the nee of Omaha. . Father McCarthy was a scholarly man and a atudent all hia mature years. He had an unusually fine memory. Whatever worth while was stored there waa Instantly at his oommand. His style of speaking was on ths conversational order without ges tures and rarely a florid sentenoe. He used to scoff at sensational preaching, "eccles iastical ralnmaklng," he called It, "which dnllghta In bombarding the clouds, drown ing a soantlnees of truth In a volume of sound." And yet he had a keen relish for oratory and delighted to see a speaker clinch a point with gestures of grace and force. He wae keenly sensitive and high strung at times, but his Irritation waa ever tempered with humor and goodwill. All In all, be waa a sterling type of the Amer ican priest Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone Are Outdone by Mysen County Clerk of Adamg County Had Many Thxillin" Experiences in the Early Dayi. . Daw ProcWatt and Daniel Boone really had nothing on George Mysen, county clerk of Adams county. Mr. Mysen Is now engaged In repelling such Indians of Omaha as assault him at the commission ers' convention; back In UM ha fought the real thing. Part of the early history of Nebraska 1a wrapped up In Mr. Mysen, and If the small bov could set him In a corner In a con fidential mood the small boy would never read cooper again" and would toss Castle man Into the waste basket. Just one little sample Incident: Mr. Mysen and bis brother were attacked by Indiana In Adams county and the two fled on one horse. An Indian arrow transfixed the two. My sen's brother waa pierced through the heart and killed. Mr. Mysen himself received an ugly wound in tne shouldsr. Another time he esoaped the Indiana by mounting a buffalo hull and tiding him eighty miles before tha animal stopped Its headlong tUght. hniiMM raait like fa! rv tales, but they are true aa the reoordsof the" rocks. Many a roan at the convention can teetiry of hla nersonal knowledge to the truth of these and other lnoldents. In the Indian fighting In which Mr. My Sen took part he and his fsllow wTilte settlors wsre foroed steadily back from the Platto river to the Republican. He himself does not tell of these events, h. ta modaat about recounting his feats of Indian fighting and his hairbreadth es capee. Nor will ha narrate the numoer of times he avenged his brother's death. Lost Girl is Found After Mother's Death Elie Selion ii Picked Up by Police Had Wandered Away from Her Home. Sight . hours after her mother had died, little Elsie Nelson, 14 years old, fell Into the hands of the police Tuesday evening after having- wandered from home several days before. The girl waa overcome when she learned her mother had passed away while, she was away. The girl's parents lived at VOI Martha street. She was found by an offlosr at Seventeenth and Howard streets. CARRIES STRANGE HOARD, IS HELD AS A SUSPECT Joseph D. Van H"seses Arrested In Connection with Attempt to Rob Auto "hop. The police are sure that they have the burglar who entered the store of the Omaha automobile oompany, at IWO rarnam street. Monday night, in the person of it van WutnML whom they ar- uwvju -' ' rui,ii watxrdaw evening. kf tha time of hla arrest Van Wagenen had his pockets full of an assortment of automobile bearing", pens, penholders and articles of a desk and several bank books, all belonging to the Omalia Automobile company. He was traced by the descrip tion given and by a pair of glovee which he left In the place. A Viper In the Stomach Is dyspepsia complicated with liver and ki.lnev trouble. Klectrlo Bitters help all such case or no pay. We. For sale by Beaton lrug Co. Marriage Meeneee. The following licenses to wed wei e Issued up to noon today : Name and residence. James J Pale. Jr . Omaha Marie Mulaiiey. Knoxvtlle. la Frank K. lUmUII, Rogers. Neb... Klhel C. l)an. tichuyler. Neb Cevll B. Frederick. Omaha Nettle J. Owen. Kansas Cliy, Mo. Krank Kappjiieyer. Oelweln. Ia ManUe BUMS. Oelweln, la Chart. A. Carlson. Valley, Neb... Hlliua C. Olson. Valley, Neb Harry Keitly, Omaha Sarah Hall. Omaha Henry Harris. Omaha Lena Se-nan. Eat Omaha l'aul Wollhaus. Omaha Ieua Johnson. Avoca, la Joseph Kestilck. Omaha...'. Ijnie Goldfarb. South Omaha Panlel B. Itollck. WUner. Neb Martha K. Ureutkerents. Wlsner, N Melvtn J. Ivinmert. Hauawn, Mont. l-avh:a Joues. Ituulap, la James Musters, liuiavllle. Neb... Effle Winn. lAulevllle. Neb Mfnry Alberta. St. Hdwards, Neb. Margate! Kemrer. benson. Neb... Wncel !l pater. S-outii Omaha Cliiistlna !!. S.nlth Omaha Charles W. Pt-ai .-ii, Lyons. Neb'... Nil. a Andersou, Oakland. Neb Age. .... i .... M .... M .... 24 .... ) ....30 22 .... Ik .... 4 il: .... 3e .... xs .... si .... ao .... M .... a .... 13 .... 1 .... Xi eb. Zi 17 ti 25 ii OPPORTUNITIES OUT IN UTAH Chance for Fortune Offered to Tiller of Soil. I OGDEN DEVELOFENQ RAPIDLY City Gains t'aaaaal Recognltloa from Insurance Company Apiary Ilnet aees Mnch Neglected In View of Field Offered. OGDEN. Dec. 14 A fsrmer driving to town with a load of carrots, when Ques tioned a to the productivity of his soil and the profit In carrot culture, said he had produced thirty tons to the acre for which he. received IT a ton at the livery atahlea and dairy farms. At that rate of production and at that price, carrots are more profitable than fruit and a carrot farm more to be desired than an orange grove. While Salt lke Is In the slmigh of dee pond, suffering the effects of a collapsed boom, Ogden Is taking on a more cheer ful aspect and business In all branches Is Improving beyond expectstions. Within the last few days ground ha been broken with excavating for half a doxen large business blocks. Including a three or four-tory structrue for the Com mercial National bank, on Grant avenue near Twenty-fifth street. and a large creamery for Blackman ft Griffin, adjoin ing their present place of business on Washington avenue. A. B. Corey has commenced work on a two-story garage and livery on Washington avenue, near Twenty-sixth street. Bnlldlnsj for Brotralna, Browning Brothers, at present erect Ins; a three-story factory on Hud son avenue, on the west side of the newly opened street, are to build one of the largeet business blocks In the city with a frontaa-e of 104 feet on the east side of the avenue, opposite the building they are now constructing. The height has not been decided on, but It will be three or more stories of slow burning con struction and most attractive architectu ral design. John M. and M. S. Browning are the In ventor and the business manager, respect ively, of this company, which Is credited with placing more firearms on the market than any other company In the world. John M. Browning Is the Inventor of nearly all the Winchester guns and he Is the genius whose patterns on the automatic pfstol restored L1e:e, Relictum, to high rank In Europe as a manufacturing oenter. He Is also the Inventor of the Colt rapid fire gun in use in the t'nlted States navy. The royalties from the Browning guns Is raid to exceed 11.000 a day. Much of this Immense Income Is going Into the up building of Ogden, the birthplace and home of the Browning boys. Coast Bayers Are Busy. Heretofore heavy shipments of rattle have been made from Utah and Idaho to the Omaha and other markets east of here, but this winter Pacific coast buyers have been searching out the fatted calf and the best mutton and as a result nearly all movements of live stock are westward. Last winter one firm of buyers obtained leas than a tralnload of cattle for the San Francisco market. Thla season the same concern has sent out 6,000 head of cattle and haa contracted for 6,000 more to he delivered by the middle of March at Pa cific coast points. It Is. estimated that tha total shipments will be not less than 15.000 head. Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash., are Invading this field and bidding for the live etoOjk .trade of Utah, southern Idaho and western Wyoming.' Of late, Utah, as a source of supply for the Omah and Chicago stock yards has been 'completely overlooked and the In difference has allowed the Pacific coast to capture the business. Packing; at Ogden, The Ogden, Packing company la perfect ing plans for sending dressed beef to the San Francisco market. This company la now fattening 4,000 head of beef cattle for the west, but, by this time next year, In stead of being shipped on the hoof, the dressed product will be sent out of Ogden In refrigerators by the tralnload. And sheep are to be handled In the same manner for the eastern market. A week or ten days (ars required to ship spring lambs to the Omaha or Chicago stockyards from here. The killing Is to be done at the local plant and the dressed lambs placed on the market within four days after being loaded Into the refrigera tors at Ogden. The experiment promises to be sucessful and to develop a most ex tensive industry In the slaughtering and preparing for markets, both east and west. of the cattle and sheep raised In this .re gion. First Loan on Realty. The Equitable Ufa Insurance oompany has made Its first loan here on real es tate, and It la the first of the large In surance oompanles to recognise the merits of this city as a safe Investment. Until a city reaches a population of 60,009, tbe big financial concerns of the country are not Inclined to offer money on real es tate, but after a careful Investlgatlob of Ogden's resources, and the solidity of Its manufacturing and other Industrial In stltutlons made by a representative of the Equitable, thla rule wae disregarded by the placing of a large sum on security furnished by the D. H. Peery estate of this city. This Is an Important concession to Ogden, as thla cheap outside money will materially assist In maintaining the high record of building activity now being made, and it will do much to stimulate other industries which so far have been denied the finan cial assistance necetary . to their fullest development. The honey crop of thla valley ia a negli gible quantity, the possibilities considered There are thousands of acres of alfalfa. which In the time of bloom should furnish nectar for countless thousands of bees; there are orc.iard blossoms and wild Tow ers, and these secrete the sweet flow at such periods as to supply the bees with honey from April to March, and still few farmers or orchardlsts have seen fit to at tempt to make bee raising a pleasant and a profitable diversion. There Is one apiarist In Weber county, of which Ogden is the county seat, and that I man. It. T. Khees. has grown wealthy watching the t usy little creatures that are J a part of the emblem of Utah deliver their i golden stream of w ealth Into his keeping He has l.Suu hives, from which he gathers honey by the carload, to be shipped eoat and sold at a net profit of 6 to 8 cenis a pound. This honey Is of the same quality aa that which is spoken of In the Bible, and it comes from much tho same couiu.-y as was visited by the chlldreu f Isiat. Hloaaunaa Alwa Mealy. In the spring of the year the bees have the fruit bloom. In the summer tbe alfalfa, the dandelion and the sunflower, and the sweetcluver In the swamp bottoms and along the Irrigation ditches; In the fall the Itocky Mountain honey plant, generally known by the lues euphonious name aa the stlnkweed. and the sugar exuding lllow. The average ylj-ld of a liive is sixty rounds of rich proWt. marketable In Ogueii at K cents a pound. One man i-mi care for ?0 stands. Although this rich in ducement la offered to the farmers of this district, few thm hIiow any Inclina tion to etaMIh sn aplsry. Richard Rnwtham of 1WI Twenty-eighth street. Ogden, has twenty stands in the rear of his home, and he haa taken as high as 224 pounds of honey In a season. The bees travel from two and one-half to three miles to gather their luaclous of fering, and. foraging on distant nlfalfa patch and orchard bloom, they reoulre only room enough at home to displace a worth leas box, or a rubbish heap In the back yard. The winters are so mild that bees re quire no special hoiislnR- The stands re main exposed to the weather with A gunnysack, an absorbent of tho moisture generated within the hives, aa the only protection during the wet season. This part of Utah awaits the coming of a few bee men from the eastern or middle statea to he made to appreciate the value af an apiary In a vale ambrosial, so over flowing with wasted nectar. Cuts Throat With His Pocket Knife Anthony Dougherty of North Bend Goei to Sioux City, Where He Seeks to Die. SIOUX CITT, Ia.. Iec. 14. (Special Tele gramsAnthony Dougherty, aged 38, of North Bend, Neb., unable to find work, slashed his throat with a pocket knife this morning and cannot live. A passerby found him in a dying condition on a vacant lot. ARGENTINA AND BOLIVIA ON FRIENDLY TERMS NOW General rando Admits President A 1 cortn's Declaton In Bonndary Dispute Waa Jnst. BUHNOES AYRF3S. Dec. 14. Friendly re lations were re-established today between Argentina and Bolivia. The trouble be tween the two countries originated In Bo livia's resentment of the decision rendered by President Alcorta. the arbitrator of the Bolivia-Peru boundary dispute. It being alleged that he favored Peru. Recently General Jose Pando, former president of Bolivia, opened negotiations with the Ar gentine government, the latter country be ing represented by Foreign Minister Por tela. As a result, General' Pando has de clared his recognition of the fact that the award of the agent executive was Inspired by a spirit of Justice. Today General Pando and Senor Portela signed articles re- The Standard For 63 Years WHEN the time comes around for you to put a new stove or. range into your home don't zo at it blindly. Be guided by the wisdom, choice, experience and approval of the largest portion of our American homes for the last sixty-three years. During this entire period , Charter Oah Stoves and Ranges have given the best service by far that was ever gotten out of any cooking or beating apparatus and there are thousands of housewives that will back this state ment up. , When you purchass a Charter Oak you get the best that can possibly be built, and that will stand up and do tbo work that you require. You get stove, or range that will do your cooking your baking your toasting your roasting as you want it done; one that you will be proud of. You get a stove or range that is built scientifically by experts men who have made stove and range construction a life study. If you burn coal you get a stova or range that has a five year guarantee behind its Fire Back. If you burn wood you get a twenty year guarantee behind the Fire Back. No other stove or range on earth would give you such a working life and guarantee It. The Charter Oak does. , Charter Oak Ranges have the most wonderfully and practically constructed ovens ever made. Your bread is always browned and baked evenly and thorough ly. Just place it in any part of the oven. No shoving it sll over to try and find tha heat. A sorry and under done pie cruat never came out bf a Charter Oak Oven. It actually caooot burn, char vr scorch your cake or biscuits. Thsir fuel consumption is lower than most other ranges. Made of the highest grade steel sad Iron carrying the heaviest linings. A Charter Oak will outwork and outlast any other. If It Is Inconvenient for you to go to the dealer write us for our free books. You can't afford to buy a stove orrsnre until you have found out all about the Charter Oak. Charter Oak Stove & Range Co. St. Loui - Akr7"L- Mo. AND FURNACES, Maryland Rye Whiskey years old, per full quart 75c, gallon . .2.&rt Most any standard brand bottled In bond whiskey, per full quart bottle, $1.00 Bavarian Malt Extract, very strengthening, bottle at lOo Mall and telephone ordera. Cacklcy Bros. Wine Merchants 1J1 No. 16th St., Opp. P,' O. Both Phones The difference remenbsr this it mar save your life. Cathartics, bird shot and cannon ball pills tea spoon doses of cathartic medicines all depend on irritation of the bowels tin til they sweat enough to move. Cat tarets strengthen the bowel muscles so they creep and crawl naturally. This meant a cure and only through Ciscarets can you get it quickly and naturally. gga Cascarett lOo bos week's treat ment. All aruerUti. K licgest teller Id the world uiiliioo boses a month. DROWN'fl E120NCHIAL Troches are prepared tn convenient form of simple medicinal suheiancea, moat bnhVl in Uia Uaatment of throat affection.. Free frum opiataa ur ot her harmful tngraiiients. fries. 2Sc,SO ana S1.0O. Sample free Jckn 1. Brawa A Son P(.,tm. Maaa. siimlng diplomatic relations. Portela was succeeded as foreign minister today by Senor Hosch. Garrison Denounces Frauds at the Polls Justice Says that Election Crime Are Worse Than Assassinations of Presidents. CAMDK.X, N. J.. Dec. 14 -Pallot frauds were declared a worse crime against na tional institutions than the aasnsslnntlon of presidents, by Justice Garrison of the supreme court in hla charge to the grand Jury, which will consider several alleged election crimes committed In this county. "It has been the unfortunate history of this nation to thave three of its presi dents assassinated. " he said, "but terri ble as these things were, they had no tendency to destroy the Institutions of our government. No matter how exalted may have been the charscter. or how use ful the chief ruler of this nation, his tak ing off by an act of violence did not af fect the stability of the government. "But a single suppression by fraud or m j -i-i-i-inriM-u ii iiLMii-w-wi,, Join the Sewing Machine Club .1 ; 'v 4 "it jhmi-q-' i saw mai' i. "a j tn . 1 ji Waa in M ii -'ii,al 1 Is -the onlv ps sowing M The Doctor a ' This ia to certify that I have thorough knowledf . , ol ths ingredients or drugs used in ths manufacture Wevsnlock. I consider it a skillfully prepared ' rstntdy. in casta involving dandruff or tb loss of . faair, I hsvs found its use surprisingly effoctlvs. It iU ol injur tb faair or scalp. F. U M. BRISTOL. M. D., 610 Jefferson A., Detroit, Mica. " Wavenlock " is a hair and acalp medi. cine that gives quick and lasting results. Is oot greasy, does not dye. ' At druggists - barbers hairdrgaaora BEATON DRUG CO., "th ana Farnam OMAHA AGENTS. ipiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LUTHER a f V v A A bold, vigorous and masterful life of Luther is the only kind of life to do justice to a bold, vigorous and masterful man. The monk w ho defied the Pope and brought about the Reformation is but little known to the present generation of readers. This need of a modern biography has been met and well met by the Life of Luther, which begins in The Century for December. Dr. McGiflert, a distinguished scholar and an enthusiastic student of Luther's time, is the right man to write it, and The Century, the medium for so many epoch-making biographies, is the right magazine to publish it. This December number i the Christmas number of The Century, and Christmas Is celebrated in it with something- more than the uiual Christmas good cheer, some stories being essentially Christmas stories, and others being just good stories. It Is need less to remind those who cere for The Century that it makes s gnod gift to others. CEN MAGAZINE M cents a copy. U force of the right of suffrage strikes at the Institution of the government more than would any number of assassinations of presidents, of Judges, or any other set of officials." Plgger, Petter Pusler That Is what advertlalng In The Bee will do for your business. VALUABLE HOME RECIPE Will Break TJp Beereet Ccld ln a Day and Cnre any Curable Conga. Mix one-half ounee of Concent rated p ne compound with two ounces of glycerine and a half pint of good whis key. Shrike thoroughly each time and use In doses of a teHapoonful to n table spoonful every four hours. Smaller doses to children according to age. Any one can mix this. This formula Is given out by a mte.l medical authority who.e remarkable euros are well known to the profession. I-ocal druggist any this mixture will work wonders for the treatment of all throat and lung ' tllsea-ies Anv drug store can supply the Ingredients. The Concentrated pine comes nnlv In half ounce bottles, each enclosed In a tin top alr-tlght esse, hut he sura vim get only that labeled "Concentrated" Hundreds were cured here by this las! winter. And You Get "The Free" Sewing Machine as Soon as You Join. It affasfl A Week It is (lie most convenient nnd satisfactory way to buy t he easiest running and best of all sewing ma chines. "The Free" is demon started daily in our Pom ein Room. Says II ID IBs MB "H Bl M 1 I i -gf ii V lit L i El ID !ll4JL24J-1 rn I H HOmr-allAN ROO.Vt .WITTENBVR a year. At ell book stores, or Tbe Centarr Co., Union "MIDNIGHT ROUNDERS" iWom Ia) light fSontlenirn After Ta. Ing Uia Nfnl 8-Day Cur, for III lrtnk Ma bit. Tt Is a vary easy matter nowaday ta become cured of the drink habit since tha N'eal I day drink-habit cure lias beea perfected. Ths hsrdest part of It usually Is to convince the erring one that lie needs It or for the erring ots: to ronvlnce him self or the adage. "Once a drinker, always a drinker," unless cured by the proper treatment. A man's money, business, reputation and friends qulck'y drift sway. Ilka tha fog before tha euiv, when the flowing boat Is tapped tco frequently, and It does not take long for him to be pointed out and whispered about aa a "rounder" and a "boose fighter." When a man gets mat name hla reputation for business honesty and Integrity suffers a sever change. Ths contamination of alcoholism exerta Itself In (nora than one way. The Omaha Neal Institute fa located at H0J South Tenth 8t Fatlenta are re ceived at all hours. Tha genuine Neal Cure Is also administered at ltot W. Charles St., Grand Island. Neb. For full Information address, Neal Institute Co,. O. B. Boutn Tenth St. l,et um help you olre the gift question by suggesting these Useful Christmas Gifts FOK MEN- Handsome dress boots for street and occasion wear Slippers ln low cut, Romeo and all styles, all leathers and colors. FOIl WOMEN Felt Romeos for the house, fancy beaded sltppers .In castor, kid and patent, 'street and party shoes. FOB THE BOV AND 5f ISA School snd storm shoes and fancy serviceable slippers and pumps. FOH THE IITTLE TOT Cuts little kid booties ln fine kid and satin. ' FOIt THE Olil) TEOPLE We have a fine line of felt sole shoes and slippers from $1.00 up. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam St. 8a Beautiful Tooth There sre but few people who have them. Uooil Teeth every one might have If they would go to Ur. HraUbury. The quickest, easiest and least painful are the only methods employed by us and hundreds of our patients, both In and out of the city, will aladly tell you about the good dental work and our up-to-date ways of doing things. Crowns and bridge wcrk from lu.00 per tooth. Platee that fit from $4.00 to $12.50. I'ainleas extrac tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed, without hurting you. Work warranted ten years. DR. BRADBURY, THE DENTIST 17 years 1SOS rarnam Bt. location. Vbons S. 1TS0 Square, New Tort.