tttt: r.Ki!: omatta. nirnAT. detem?.t:t7 i. ipw. 3 Nebraska Nebraska CAEPOS SITE TO LEGISLATURE l:. XiDcritj tf tefLti "Will Aik &ions to Drcidt Location. t COITIASI) Ail KAT.TLS JC3 I-lr F.iprrr4 to Learn hrlkrr Mate 'Will i-nd It . 7 tale rrn nr Prwt l,e-atftfia. of that pe-1 ff the re-ord j d the hund'.n.- aro-pted knd i rF,.u"I the Ftfe JCl;or 1c Ipnu a 1iir-at.t for the Ir."1 ftymfri. I..."" So , , the contractor ha his m"nc . Vr Ciil' na.-ne :f on t!it bunding and h.s approval , it- hot -'t (net) to the co:mtrurtioti. ; The rommirsiohfr still lnsirte thtt hir j I:llTI"fr .!. li te Cf.lfM ll'd out of tl,e S'.onf Attorney General Jtfullcn declares that he j if F"ii g lo p td word lu the r ut tv !- I tori. of At.!.::;! county thai i atti'iupu to ueiact the hiuiJiis ARMY ENTERTAINS WITH BALL' military Folk of TVo Gamnom and Eeacqu&rtcri Hosti. ATT AIR CF E.AT.E EEHIIA5CT EZ2 RrtlKipittl awd National (nlort I tnanee Splendor im Fnwrtlnw Mwalewl V ra rm tn aref allg Se l-c-d. Arrr v ar, one . tion In w inch In i ff,cer (Frnm a Fta'f 'rresp.-nleT't i Ujeroi.N. Jtfr (?;., .nal Following the r.-p'irt rl'n out fr:,:n the cloned " 1m "T the IV'! of nt ycci'-rrlty. the r"p"rt having "ie d;rotly from the rhan eeMur thfct four of tt.e k.i rt-gerrts hnd voted not to pian tn ri"ve toe i:ti! ver'y building to the F"ae farm ly gradual ef fort, and to make the b,eiun:v! report to the gnrvernor and re'-ommeniitl" fr fu--ther Improvement on thut I. cent Coupland hat Issued a n a lenient In be show Hint the f.H't in hot ended by any means I .... Oi' a state bu,id:nc. he sha!! at ohi'e pro ceed to proHvouie. 2ttlei.r,whiie othi-r mate cr a-i vin'iif the littie tni if: with i coiiFidei aole oe nrrte'fd Ibr la I ma. Governor Fiiulltriitw-T per jiromj'tl.v fllrerted hi cini-T cieik this niurtuiig to remove thoiw it-n. In hm X"iv, .'.one liii hici, re lenffi to i'l-ivate hn'if: c.KiatiLf caiia. The ri i k adnuu 11. t tiie nuF'.aie a htK o n l.nd that tht- Foieriior ilid iiot loik oer tl.i IiH The ftate h :ar J ha dminiioaed : the Ciaim of C. ii. IV'.ariuei (f iht KeLriie j InduHU-ial achool for ten vhune caila to I the eeciftarj it tiie jio;iul.m nvate coiu , m;!tee Jum telore eieouon. and also the The natement of Jli cvrA Couplanfl Intl- j talk he had with the chairman of the re- mate that vtian the report of the tmtvemity le f.ied a minority rejmrt "lli aiao t fill In wlilch the governor will te anked to re mimend to the b-cilat ure thin oneMion of the jxrriiaii-t.t lo-ation of ttie camou and aak It to wUie the mtttttir for frxifl and alL Kejrenta Cliujiland and Haller are raid to be hackJnir the retnovaJ idea and to had at one atare of the dmouBFion a tt.trd ! rerent 1th them. The blotitna! rejiort 1 franwd on the aanunijiUon that the jTi-aent Jnnide catnpua -will be the locution of the p-eneral oollnf-e buildiiipa in the future. It reMimmendatiiint to the university for fur ther Improvement are on that bawla. Thm in the reaaon. It In naid, that the dmsentln rerenta are anxtoue to have the matter foiurht out by the tnmltipr liplBlature before any further Improvements on the jinnent campus can be an additional bond to pre vent Ui filial removal to the ouuudrta of the city. Re-vent (Blaad'a Attltade. Herent oCupland statement follows: "There ha run; af-;'i'r'fl recently aome In timation that a plan looking toward the oonKilidation of all colleges of the unirnr alty upon Uie state farm campus was under r.otiKlderatlon by the I.oard of ruipents, and that at our meetinu yesterday the board had reached a decision to continue the preaent policy of eiteiidln the university plant at the lty canipus and property con tiguous thereto and developing at the (state farm lt api cultural collere, I think It Is only ri-ht to say tliat a minority portion of the board atrorujly dlasented from this view, bellerlnr It would be an unwise tiling for the state to allow such a policy to per manently obtain. Tor that reason they are filing a report with the govamor. stating the grounds upon Which they base their opinion, believing the question la of such vital Importance to the Institution and jwople of Nttbraaka that It ught to le candidfj- and frankly presented to the incoming lpln!ature, so ttiai Uie.jeo ple s authority aluUl be flven aa to what they consider the future policy of the Inau tuUun shall It" l.iadMr'i ReronineMdatloaa. In his report to the governor the clerk of the supreme court, H. C. Lindsay, asks his careful consideration of a plan to appro priate funds sufficient at the coming ses sion of the legislature to build one wing at least of tli Histories ' society -building, with the proaisloa Inserted that tha build ing shall be mad to heuae the supreme court, provide office for the judges of the court, provide a suitable fireproof library room with reading rooms attached and In the and to bouse also the Historical so ciety with lta records. Four years ago fie legislature appropri ated 2E.0( with which to begin construc tion of the building of the Historical o olety. This money waa all siwnt in the excavation for and the construction of the foundation of the building, which waa planned on a most elaborate scale. Two )eara ago the lnglxlature made a further appropriation of 2L. for the erection of one wing of the building. The governor vetoed the appropriation on the ground that there was absolutely no need for the ultimate expenditure of so much money as the historicaJ aocicty wanted for Its records, especially when the state needs room ao much 1& its state houae proier. XI that time it was not intended that the structure should hold the various other departments of the state government. Mr. Undsay now suggnsts that tiie structure be made of manifold purposes and values. publican siatt- committee the day after the election. Tiiej-e political items were all approved by the superintendent before hems i-ent duwn for pa mtiit. air. Manuel is ( i.a.rn.iu. of in vpuiiHi stale coimn.i lee. Hlaat te Hate M arr. A delegation from Hastings argued this afternoon lief ore Stale fr.ujerinte.ndnut E C liihhop their riht to the unpaid part of the state apportionment of school money from iat year, which has been held up ponduig a settlement of a long standing ilifierenee of opinion between the state department and tiie Haatlnps school board. It apfiears that the board of education of Hastings has long employed several teach ers a hu never were accredited by the state, or by the city board of education. The department warned the hoard that it was violating the law and was liable to lose its share of the second apportionment of state school funds, but the teachers were not retired nor certified. The questions being argued today were whether the state superintendent could bold up this apportionment to any district or whether be should not send it to the county superintendent, no matter what the conditions. The further Question was argued whether. If the city were not n titled to the money, the whole apportion ment should be held up, or only that part of which represented the percentage of unoertiOed teachers employed. MAST AT FARMERS' IJtSTITTTE t F-a torsi Jadgrins; Oaie of Import tares of Meetlm. BEATRICE. Neb.. Ieo. 14 fSpeoial.V A much larger crowd attended the Farm ers' institute yesterday than oh the open ing day. At the morning session K. H. Pearle of Lincoln gave an adrtreas on poultry rais ing, which was followed by a talk on draft horses by G. L. T"arleon. A lecture on the subject, "The Importance of Fruit In Our riet," was tfven in the afternoon by Miss Maxwell. The corn Judping classes under the direction of Prof. Nelson, are beoomlng an interesting part of the meet ing. Last evening in the Commercial club rooms A N. Johnson, Illinois highway en gineer, gave a stereoptioon lecture on "Koads and Bridges.." Many farmers were present to hear the lecture, including the members of the board of . supervisor. hoep'tA'ITT had errellert exposi Ornal.a las! evening when the and wrmcr.f"'k of the 1 epart- i merit of the Missou'l. Fort Crook and I Fort Omaha, en.e-tn'ned H'X' or more at j a reception and ball at the Hotel R:ime I The rerpt!on ah:' ba'.l et-Iipsed even tlx ;F.mIlar f crt'vitle of the fall of I!', w hri the army pr.lli&rtlj- ertertained Omaha , society people The scene wns on of brilliancy. Rep I mental and national coles formed the 'genera! scheme, and the color guard of i the Foii-th Infantry was Keen str.ndltir proudly hepMe its colors by the people I who parsed the rerelvlnc line, back oT which the color gua-d stood. Inrom't.g guest w-"-e greeted by Gen 1 e-al and Mrs. Frederick A. Bmith. rcpre 1 senttiiF the Iepartment of the M:s-ouri. Major and Mrs. Atkinson, and Major and IMrs. Carr. tiie two offloers In command ' at Fort Crook and Fort Omaha, respec- tlvely. and Colonel I E. McCarthy, chief ' quartermaster. I w-partment of the Mls I eou-1 Colonel McCarthy stood first In I line and formally Introduced all comers to General and Mrs. tmlth. Iecorations lieaides flowers Included the standards and colors of the regiment and Signal corpB. Gold braid of military full dress added a note of brilliant color. The dance cards alno gave hint of mili tary and official life. The cards bore on their front the shield of the Vnited States embossed In gold. The band of the Fourth regiment wan heard In concert selections before the dancing began. The programs called for twenty-four numbers, arid a few extra? were added. The dance music had been carefully chosen, and Included most re cent favorites for dancing The Initial walti was an old favorite, "The Beautiful Blue Panube." and the refrain of the closing dance waa also familiar. Other waltzes included. "Tales of Hoffman," "A Dream of Heaven," "Vision of Salome.," "Benora" and '"Wedding of the Winds." One of the two barn-flances was tripped to "Every Little Movement" from "Madame Sherry." I'ancing laFted until after 1 o'clock this momlnc. The dance ow ed much of its suc cess to the assiduous effortB of the floor committee, composed of young officers, who occupied the first half of the evening so far as their own dance cards were con cerned, to seeing that all feminine guests were having a happy time. Pre i Suits I" at and S-Jj 50 EE3BS inventory Sale Of Suits and Overcoats Thursday morning wc start our regular semi-annual sale to clean up all the small Uts and broken lines f men's Winter Suits and Overcoats before stock-taking January 1. Wc have about 300 suits and 200 over coats that sld for $18 to $35. Wc divided them into two lots, at S12.50 and $17.50 Every one of these suits and overcoats arc our own make; tkis alone is enwuzh to the people that know the merits of Browning, King & Co. clothin; there is no better clothing made than that made by Browaing, King 5c Co. Your size is here, and the opportunity of saving from $5 50 to $17.50 should not be overlooked. O'coats at sn a so LaW I iinT'n.3 and S-j 50 RO WNlNG, KING sawHte CO. The Store of the Town Parnrr Fmtallr Hart. WiUHiPINO WATER, Neb.. rec 14. (Bpe oalt James Flelschman, a farmer living east of Avoca, while engaged in pulling stumps on his farm, waa seriously in jured. The doubletrees broke, allowing the sweep to swing back, striking him across the abdomen. His recovery la doubtful. Nebraska News Notes. KEARNET MIhs Lillian 6. Cheney died at her home here Tuesday after a lingering illness of consumption. KEARNEY Fred Burger, accused of criminally assaulting I'earl Gibson. s held at Levmgton under a bond of tl.iWO. BEATRICE The s-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jack Ernst waa found dead and a physician pronounced death waa ie to acute indigestion. MAXUBON County Judge Batea united In marriage Wallace Burton Johnson and Miss Alta Mae Oarratt. both of Madison. The bride is the daughter of Ike Garratt of this city. KEARNEY The -yt,ar-old child of Mr It Is stated that the governor is not averse i and Mra. W. J. Pleroe. who reaidea ten to such a plau and that he may recommend ! miles southeast of here, died Tuesday of i spinal meniiipiuH. u we soma such solution to the problem In his annual message. LlBdswr Olwea Views. Mr. Undaay a comment on the condition of the library is partly as follows: The capital building in which the library is houstid is admittedly a ( re trap Irom basement to dutne. Its destruction by fire nd the loss of tha library wuuia be a mum orious calamity, not only because uf 'ts money value, but because it would tat- years to replace many of. the rare volumes whicb it now contains. When the legist.! ure meets this wiuler vt Will find the bulidiiitf uruwued to an fullem capacity, regular baro and Pt partmenta without Quarters and no com mittee rooms for its own usti. The ct uauun should be met by it and hanaied fur the boat interests of the state not ignored or passed on to a succeeding iegialaiure wum of a deaire lu make eonnuniy. Four eare ato the legislature made an apjiroprtat-on of 111... not- to the Nebraaka Historical society lor the pur pose of conatructing the foundation a new bulluing for us uae. cou.-d with the provision that the a.iciety should socure an approved aita. The a te. a ha.f lilacs lying immediately east of the cap lot rrounds and admirably suited f.r the pu'i'i., ui procured and the foundation part. any com pleted The p,aiis and lira-Uoiis li the proposed bistoriiul souietv bu.ld r.g might be m.Ki.fied a a to iii'i.i." ampie rHim for toe l.hrary. upreme court, travel. ng librarx conim;Ht,ion attor ney general and l.uiuncal society . and 1 un derstand that su ti an a"? antenient iiuiJ be satisfactory to the hifc.;or:rai society. The rtioms now used bv tiie supreni'-- tHU'-t and lltirarv on the auond and th.rd f.o. rs W. H. McCowan Ends His Life by Shooting Prominent Kan of Curti. Deranged toy III Health, Shoots HimBelf in Sight of Friend. CntnS, Neb.. rec. 14 fppeclal Tele gram.) Within view of several of his neighbors and only two blocks from his own home. W. H. McCowan, a well-to-do resident of this city, yesterday shot and killed himself, dying before those who saw the deed could reach him. A revolver which had been hidden from McCowan by his family was fotmd where be fell atd was the 'trusty gun" referred to in a note which he left as being the weapon which would end his life. A widow, four sons and a daughter sur vive the dead man, all of whom, with the exception of one son. who lives In Mich igan, are residents of this county. McCowan was a prominent member of the Grand Army and the Masons. Ill health through long per.ods of exposure while in the service weakened his mind. He was recently sent to a private sani tarium for treatment and returned here only last Friday. His condition had Im proved sufficiently so it was thought he could be better cared for at home. A change for the worse occurred early in the week and ended with yesterday's trag edy. The funeral sen-ice wHl be held with Masonic rites tomorrow. much original investigation along the diseases peculiar to this part of the coun try, estpeciaJly the com stalks disease, lie is a graduate of a foreign veterinary col lege and also of this country. The Weather For Nebraska Fair. For lows Fair. Temitrature at Omaha yesterday r ! Peg. 1 . I Hour. f "V t a. m. ji . X. Jk I ' t a. m - 2i- ""-JL I 7 a.m..- S gC i a m iI i ifSXsU "--v".:v:.v.v.v:.l. ! fcMa3S 11 a. m '. QJ "pm 41 ' siw' P- m!"";"""!!!" tt VCJT- 2 P- m 44 J--' S p. m 43 f p. m. 42 7 p. m.... 41 k p. m. ti other children are dangerously ill of the same disease. KEARNEY J XV. Hlgglns, rhalrman of the county board of survlsors, Jesse H. I ean, county clerk and Commissioners E. L King and J. Fit are at Omaha at tending the convention of County Clerks and Commissioners. BEATRICE Word 1s received announc ing the death of Edward Not'es son of Mrs. W. L. Marshall, at Tuma. Colo. Tir was H years of age and unmarried. The remains will l interred at Crab Orchard, the former home of tiie deceased. HASTINGS The police are looking for Theodore Kuterliffe. aged li. who is wanted for attempting to paps several bogus checks In llastlhtie stores The checks presented by him were made payable to George Itrow-riing. w hleh be said was his name. HOLJ'KEGE After a trial of nearly four days before Judre liarr in the county court. I 4. . . .. . . T 1 . ....... . record f or i ' ........ , Aur.iii nan iu rpinii tti .i u-iiu niLereni xor , prof etiKloiial services retidered. was given 1 to the Jury yesterday afternoon and a ver ; diet returned for the plaintiff after brle-f ' deliberation. Hastings The projiosltlon to reiwat the i Central Neliraska Fall Festival next year ha beer, euhnittted to a referendum vote of the stockholders. It Is quite likely the .stockholders will vote In favor of repeat -i lug tite event. The receipts of the enter prise this ear were Si.tkxi In eaceas ol the -x;-ndn ures rEATniOE At the rerular meeting of ; the city council the sjiecial commtrtee which nspected the water and liirhtlng plants at llastinrs and Cirand Island last 'wt-ck f ied Its report, which was adopted ( ! A niass meeting lias T't-n caned ne.rt Frid.nv venlne at which tiie uuestlon of oi tn capltol bunding would accommodate insi ailing en t-lectric jilant with the water the neeo of the legislature an.l oth w oraa e' stem will I d st uaaed. tate officers for some ears to come MINI'UN A reception at the borne of Thle tie thiKiriri: states of i n, .rain j jj rnunari waa flier, by the P. E . Iowa, lltino s. iMcouflin and Minn. -s.ita . society IkfI Tiie program con liave appreciated tiie real econoiuv oi cu - siHed if music and a lerture I t Ixictur In for th-ir jiroperty and provided l.apeman on the sul iect of his trtn to the safe. commodious ciuaners for t -tr ', Hi walian Islands. It. Hapeman has keec bbraxlea. .Si braska is free from dt bl. lierja boianiMt til bis life ano tolleced many !p!r are proieroua. She hat a mag- thounand sperimeiia on the trip to the ti ficent Iturarv in piKirlv 1 hted ponrlv Hswalian Isianda veuuiated rramjied unsafe rooms 1 trust 1 KEARNEY The fulk wirg are the win- our excellency may n, M'ur niesnate to ,,w . m ,,, g-rir- in., a , mean, the leia.a:uie direct afei ;k,i, to tl.n , tnd fcg-icultural contests held In matter ana make aui h recommendation ks i:uffaio i-ountv: Jeae Knox of K verdale Uie conditions warrant. ! lt, vrIir, (J., vvn.n S-oit of Kearney. 13 ears old Gladys Adams of p.easanton. DEATH RECORD. Mem. J. H. Woo. ATULNTIC, la.. rec 14. Ojiecial Tele gram ) Mrs. J. H. Wood, aged 7. of tlds city, died last night In West Sprlngf.eld. Maaa. 6he was the widow of J. H. Wood, formerly a banker here, and mother of Ben. U. Wood, a prominent Atlantic oltiien. While traveling in Germany last August Mrs. Wood was a victim of ptomaine poison at a hotel. Bhe partially recovered from the effects of the poison, but was taken down later In Paris and was removed at once to the home of her daughter in Massachusetts. The body will lie brought here, where the funeral will lie held Friday afternoon. Mra. Wood was a prominent woman in the Pythian sisters and the order of the Eastern Star. Kfararr Cowtr PI MINT'EN, Neb., Ic. 14. (S;eclal.) C. H. AJdrich's selection of Ir. Boetrom of this city as stats veterinarian, has met with favor all over this oounty, where ha has practiced for twenty years. He has done '"LITTLE BINI'V PRESCRIPTION ! JCnraa athenmatlem' and Backache tn a Xurry. This prescription originally came from a prominent doctor and got its nick name from Its powerful action on rheu matism and backache, although the In gredients are Quite simple. The follow ing is the formula: "Get one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparllla compound and one ounce of Tcris compound. Then get a half pint of good whiskey (or sherry wine If it is preferred) and add the other two Ingredient to It. Take a tableFpoonfu". of this mixture before each meal and at led time; shake the bottle each time before uaing." This wa previourily pub tshed here and a great manv of the worst cases were rure'i by Its use In a short time. The good effects are said to be felt after th first few doses, but lt houid be contlnoed until permanent results are assured. Any good druggist has these ingredients in rtork or will Quickly get them from his whole sale house. Adv. "Juat Say" HORLICK'S H Betas Drifted rsi Eerdsi MALTED 17! ILK TLt Fcfd-irir.a fer All iges. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Aeet with the weakest oujeatjon. - Deliciouv, icviparating aad nutritious. RirH mi'k, rnaltwd pram, powtia form. A quck lcncli prepare i Lb a minute. Take bo niadtnte. Aak far BORLICTS. Er Others ere imitations. SOME FURNITUE CO. All Street Cars Go Right toy Our Door Christmas Giving Made Easy On Your Pocketbook Our Prices Are 20 Per Cent Less Than Those of Omaha Furniture Stores At this season -when everybody is planning to give, many feel a drain on their pocketbooks that cause giving to be slightly unpleasant. All like to make gifts that will be appreciated, but they don't -want to pay more than really necessary. If you're looking for substantial gifts come to our furniture store; our line is as complete and as stylish as that of any Omaha store, but on account of low rent we are able to sell our poods 20 cheaper than the Omaha dealers and still make the same margain of profit. Think of it. Every time you buy $10.00 worth here you save $2.00, and a $100 purchase saves you $20.00, and we deliver as quickly and as carefully as any store in Omaha. Thats Why You'll Find This the Place to Make Your Money Go Farther i I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Th Beat rarm rap. Owe Dollaur Par Yaw. till al l oas.-re.eaaa. Tha Plate Hoard tif public Lands and Buildings baa developed another interest ing phase of It controversy over the carv- tng of the tun of the men, !-- of the board and sundry contractors and t?ha!len- 1 14 ears old, IVarl c-ini.kt-1 of tnwi(l 1S years Old Three conesis wee it-id and ! more than 4' pupue participated. The win ners wl l r-present nuTTaio county at jjii- co:n and win I riven a tree coarse 11. I agrtouitural and domestic science HAeiTlN'5 Tiie erina of Intersee- lergcr apiKilnteea on tiie Hastings public tlcus in tut jiaving districts created this buiVng After the board accepts tne!,"r v 1,1 ,rb U of the . . , 1 ( lMernex-ti'in lind tssue voted last sti oi by a vote of tur, to on, and ai- j niollth Ti rirr rtera will at once adver lowol tLe oucher fur the final t-sumai ; nw for ropoaais on the honaa Tiie tuniuiiaaioner Cow ! rttuaed to Bign the : arau. will l mad January & and the . ... i m, i... .. i Ixinds will I Ceiiverea to itif purchaeera voucher unleas bis name was firrt re- Mkr,.h , trx. w lien thev will herin craw- I moved. The secretary of the board, who is , Ing Interest The bonds will draw tnieretit tVicretary of Ftate Junkin. carried away t,f i ''r ': tbey will tw pav- ai e in ieni jmui ana auxijvci ia cau keep year teeth white and tvound, your breath tweet until old are. Remove tartar, will not venvtch enamel. 25c 50e avt Ail Ltt-a-lal. Dr. 1.1- tlILVVE5 lllintll aV I rt . -t I feaavriSJa I tba unsigned vouclier In some beat, made after five years. Whitman's Candy " for Inas We have the eselusiv acenry and ar. Immense line of this candy Tou had beet leave y,ur oroer early that you may nave it specta-.y f..ied and se' ure i ll vou need C. A. KILCUB baC6 CO, ft. X. Cot. lTia a&d fuuui kia. GIFTS m - tZi??2'-7- r .-':",! -ill' lW?Ss---2Xc-:.: ),V For Good Bookcases Books TWrtticke An even more wofitnLle pft th&n a (rood book U a good bookcaa. A einfle section mey eont a no: rifle than one volume, but books are ciren in anch profuBion that it la a problem to know vbere to put them. fjloVeUtriTlcVg Elastic Bookcases add value to books worth keeping, by displaying them to advantage, and at the same time prouuev iug them by their duet proof doors. C . ..t! 1'Vm.v uta w-iicH wpsi l.BVe 4. VU A.uuu. J w - placed on erluk-on this wek, We sell at the same pncee as quo tea ij im iacwory, auiu amp cat oi town freigLt paid. Sliie reaerraUuiis before too lata.' J ORCHARD & U1LHELM Uk-iS-lS tOVTH SWEET Stop. Think! One death in every ten in your locality is caused by Tuberculosis. Ycm can help ftatcp out this disease. How! Cse lied Gross Christmas Seals on your Holiday Letters and I'sckages. 'arr.V jk e'v.r I5r. js n Cost One Cent EUxh. Anyone nc? them. Everyone tbocld tuy tbem. Distnbuting bfeadqusrters for Nebraska: 807 Erxadeix. Phone Tyler 1C87. ADDRESS rULESSULOSIS SECRETARY. r!LSirlUhu5S Tli la saa4MbUa a ptm.Uv- Uui Eawia kr fiaMia a Mittmry PU444l ta lk4tlAj l'lawasMSaT M UI aV QUacm , til If T tl TM fl "sf tsm fca utitmm tau. t avTf iMitcaa CXAMlHATtOM riU AT WHEN CURED . If I mtmmnt, y mux mmm, I vu rmuvw eun hoy wu Mm. OorqU Ida IT r my diiuauu-dalaMI waB lsii au 1 dsiM'Ul i OreRATIOC.. CMLWIOf 0M CTMEI mullm mo mai-i cjsaiT vrtia- aw woda u u iiuua f uo 1 Oil AWT GEKEML AHAtSTMCTtC iMMiimtM fc, . lAHttl, fcwtw tT4 m tmiih, tfc. I PCWMHEHTUt CURED WtTMOUT tifJl 1 R