TTTE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 14, 1910 t T' ' "" 11 " " ' ' ' ! ' ' ' MU MWOWMMW II I llf 1 1 IHM IflM OlTHJI I Ml IMlinWl Ill ' MMaaMMMWMliai(MMIIMMaWl j I III III awWMWalWl IWWIiM HMIi MWWWWI II !! M Willi II m ''"MM"WMMWWmMWWMMH Utd laMMH n n u iM i MgH".BJ!B Rl !k M Af "Jk i k "k II I - 1 a KLk i V m.W km Wdr U M - I, - um F r r i mm mr mm mw mm mr mm u m. j 1 Land hp water sunsnme 3 ii The West has the land that will never wear out Some portions of the most productive section of Eastern Colorado and Wyoming and "Western Nebraska are comparatively rainless, thereby eliminating the washing away of soil, and thus enabling it to become richer with each succeeding year of cultivation. The greater parts of the states of Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and California, have the volcanic ash as a soil basis. This soil, when given water, is the most productive in the world, and it never wears out.(It is the same volcanic soil of Southern France and Italy that produces the rarest wines, fruits and vegetables known on the market today; that produced the wines and fruits for the tables of the Roman Caesars 1800 years ago. . ' THE WEST HAS PLENTY OP WATER AND SUNSHINE It is a well known fact that a greater part of the inter-mountain west re . ceives but little rain that the sun shines nearly 300 days every year but this same section has hundreds of rushing streams that are fed by mountain snows, and these streams are being darned up and diverted, and by skilful methods, made to water a soil more valuable than gold in its producing power. The records show that Colorado has 2,500,000 acres of irrigated land; Wyoming's irrigation proposi tions projected and completed represent an outlay of $50,000,000; Utah as an agri cultural state would be impossible but for irrigation. Its agricultural products and fruit in 1909 were worth $45,147,000; Idaho has 5,000,000 acres of irrigated land; Montana has thousands of acres that will be under irrigation in the near future, and the rainless sections of Washington, Oregon and California have hundreds of irri gation projects developed and many that are being ravidly pushed to completion. THE STORIES OF SUCCESS THAT COME FK, . THE WEST . Simply show -that there's no uncertainty in store for the man who casts his lot on irrigated land. , ' ; . """ . ' 1 BECAUSE: Irrigation gives the farmer the same control of moisture conditions for his various crops that the woman has ' who waters her window-box geranium every evening from a watering cati. Irrigation is simply the artificial supplying of water to land where it is needed just when it is needed. v " Irrigation makes possible the extremely profitable small farm of from ten to forty acres in extent. Irrigation makes possi ble diversified crops wheat, alfalfa, berries, things on which quick money can be realized, allowing you to bide your time for apple, trees, cherry trees, orange trees, the slower maturing things to become marketable. Diversified farming allows the far mer to dovetail his time, his water, his market .to the best advantage. ' , Diversified crops on an irrigated farm of from ten to forty acres will support a family in present comfort and ultimate luxury. A country of small, intensively cultivated farms mean3 social life, good schools, .churches, telephones, rural free de livery a life that is worth living, not just bare existence. It means something to have for your old age and to leave your children after you. The Mestern Land ducts Exhibit I 4 i! at Omaha January 18 to 28, 1911 WiW help you to acquaint yourself with irrigation its possibilities and limitations And in such a way as would be impossible under any other method of research that you could possibly devise. By simply step ping from booth to booth you can see what has been done what is being done by the man in the west and all booths will be in charge of men who will be pleased to talk your particular case over with you. v . ' Hie oisilba, IBee a,odl he Tweotleiilh .Century Farmer Wish to convince the people about the wonderful possibilities of the west, and they are backing up the Western Land-Products Exhibit because they realize that an exhibit of this kind will show people more of the real truth about this wonderful section than any amount of pure talk and the real interest in the upbuilding of the empire is due to the fact that they realize that it is upon the west that Omaha must depend for its future progress and greatness. Go west and fgWou with it! S f VI r Land information bureau So many of our readers hav written us from time to time, asking us for. reliable information as to soil, climate and value of land in localities in which they were thinking of locating or buying for investment, that we have decided to establish a Land Information Bureau. . 'This bureau will make investigations, and gather data, so that it able to either answer inquiries direct or give par ties wanting information the names of reliable persons to whom you can write. "" When writing, address, Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. n r is Go west and grow with it! ".1 1 to ;1 I? A A 4T El J I J in i ft