! THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1010. QUAINT NEWS OF THE YEARir, .lERDMAN JURY IS STILL m'TZZ? rZZ Earthquake Reported y thud hi-. vunert rti-lmnx1 Fredrick j , out amin." If T "I IT '( iroui ituwur Otimui urn i Odd and Interesting Hunnfnin Bunched for Review. Ilmt altered Jr., ami BARIOUS "BUGS" OF HUKASITY (nlnrldfnm aad ( prr n f Infinite Variety Wfclrh frif Hptrr for C nrrfBl , 'Ilumin Int.rMt." Trin nwrpor rentier. conmioilv or not. I ali" looking for II, aid it takes no ln xrwr1nc to Kiio him tt.at li- la not l't to find It "firM la(. top nil- , umn." Hint r y may b rlmmirlpil U.rre. but, a nd Hannah Wore once wrote: I " "Tla trifles make tlie tim of human thlnfta." and "hark" In hl papt-r, half burled, perhaps, among" the real estate ItemK, will be uaually come upon the un considered "little thins'" which beet tell tha Joya and aorrowa In refpor.ae to which the world's heart beat. Nineteen ten hM proved thin over and over again. January began the story on It very first day when a Fhlladelphla man. Frank Anelo. reported himself at the Pennxylvaiiia hospital for treatment. Ida heart waa giving; him. no end of trouble evry time he looked at a pretty girl. He'd turn dlniy and the pavement would rlae and fall like the deck of a ahlp at aea. Tha doctors sal.l they hadn't had a case on the record like It sine '81. and Anajelo, when dlamlaeed. took a aolemn row al ways to look tha other way when passing tha Quaker Ctty maldena. To Jump acro tha continent, tha aame Initial month of the twerve, brouKht tha oddeat of happenlnRB to P. W. Severaon of Portland, Ore. Back In '. rather than Ion a week's wages and a shotgun, which ha had lent hla employer, ha took (under proteat) a corner lot. WxlOO feet. On the day In question It aold for Just tO.OOO. Looking for her ahare of something of a Ilka sort, Mr. Bumeral Dennis of Pade vllle. Ala., entered a claim for a pension In January, and lo! the bureau's annals showed that her very patriotic husband bad died threa Umu; In U1S, after service In tha war of 12; In '47, after having been prevent at' all tha Mexican flrhtlng, and now (again) a few yeara atto, with a civil war experience for a grateful government's consideration. A Bolomoneaqa Rale. Under the Identical date of this last dis patch, Indianapolis told the world of a local Solomon, Mayor Shank, hearing two cases of violation of the saloon closing law, ordered the saloons In question shut up until the owners hod attended church on at least one Sunday morning and had remained throughout the service. The clergyman mt atu t the fact In writ ing. Alderman Donohue of Wllkesbsrre, Pa.. did as well as this when, last March, he decided that John Buckson, arrested for drunkennesa, couldn't fairly be fined the usual dollar as he had a wooden leg, which naturally waa not affected. "You're prob ably two-thirds drunk," was the decision. 'It'll coat you Just 67 cents." Wken Judge Mulowney of Washington, examining William Thomas as to the state of his mind, asked him the name of the president of the country, and heard the reply: "Ah doan rightly know. Jedge. There's Mist' Taft an' there's Teddy!" he found the .man wholly sane. Most curious of all the legal causes of tha year, however, was one reported from Stockholm, where Albert Vystroem had been fighting In the oourts for his skele ton -Some years ago he signed a con tract with the Royal Institute of Anatomy making over hla body, after deatn, m re turn for a present sum of money. Then he oame Into an unexpected fortune and tried to cancel the deal. The case waa not only decided against hlna but he was or dered to pay damages to mo pVj v second part for having had two teeth ex tracted without their permission. Another couple of Items of not dis similar sort were these: Judge-Lea of El Paso ahowed hla regard for Bt. Patrick by releasing all Irishmen brought before him on March 17 under bail of a sham rock each, and an Eat Liverpool (Ohio) grand Jury found George Brown's theft of some ostrich plumes, valued ordinarily at $50, only a petit larceny, as It was a bargain day when he helped hlmeelf-th plumes had been marked down to IJ3. (And poasibly the figure suggested the attempt!) , W Spencer Smith of New York, dining at the St. Cnarlee at AtlanUo City, made a yet better bargain on January . for In a single oyster he bit upon no less than nine pearls, which later proved worth several hundred dollars. A fomlght later, Andrew Carnegie announced. "I ve mad up my mind not to make any more money If I can help It." Us a matter of polnt-of-vlaw as to which happening waa the odder, , Navel Bargalaa. Somewhat like the Swede and hla skeleton was a Chicago man who offered his eorpae (when there ahould be one!) to the highest bidder, and a poet-chap In Omaha who advertleed to lease hlm.elf for a y' under reaaonable terma. but Cornelius Pace of Beverly. N. J., went all these a few better. He was sell ing a shoetnaklng bualnws to one Auto Bl" Flourers. and his wife deciding that rimirtri to Pace, she was sua (n" - thrown in" for full mea.ure: shop, i,uMin( owners for S0. This naturally brln.s the ladles Into the ouasUon. and 1810 made aeveral entries concerning them, in the firat place there was Mrs. Elena 1. Smith, who for five years posed successfully as a man. all to . ifiin ht from a Boston physl- Th. there was Mrs. Amy D. Win ship of Racine. Wis., who. In spite of her to years, entered the Ohio State university at Columbus, electing pmu.i.-j. .- -chology and literature a. studies best suited to supplement the time she had Just been spending at a summer school near her home. In October. South Bend, Ind.. witnessed the marriage of U.ace Gilbert and Gilo. K. CelV.n, the out-uf-the-ordlnary detail hare being that the bride had a beard eighteen inches long, while the groom could boast of no more than a very elim niualai iie. Hut Dalhaxt. Texas, beat all of these with a aew version of the widow's cruse parable. Mra. Josle Pettis Uvea near there, her lltUe farm barely supporting her. Late lu January, during an unsea sonable and aevere thunderstorm, a bolt of lightning ripped up her hillside pasture and uncovered a spring of cruds oil thst has ever since been running a couple of hundred barrels a day. Yet another of the fair sex to figure tn Uie twelve-months news was Mile. Olga Preobralenskale, who has been appearing: at the London Hippodrome, "supported by twenty dancers." The number was not much to be wondered at considering her name, and yt she has not wished to change it. Not so with a lioston Norwegian (that la he had been natual;sed In the Hub of the lulverse. having given up the North Cape for good, who applied to court to change the name he had then chosen. Kruse was he born, but Crusoe waa he aaturallaed. ai'4 Robinson being hla first earn be found the combination Ureaome. ''""k Thirey. and he had thotifh tlie rw y l im John H not Hohert Psry. A Itlval f Kan M. New Jersey liai always oefi almost as prolific as Kansas In Its peculiar dolna. and the last fw months have rod no i . exception to that mlr. For a thf to rrtnrn a stoh n pockithook. with Its $11 in 1 touched, the wi;ole accompanl by a con j tritp apolosry (which was what happened j at Newfleld ,'n the sprlnr) miRht have j taken plar sn where, though It's not sn ; ever j day port of or-rurrence. after all. tvit where rls- In the wiile world could a mem oir of a sleeping hotisi-hold have heen awakemd by a buxzing moS'piltn to find out Jkat the bul'dl-vr waa afire? That waa the exprrien,-.. of Chnrl.ji Brows.m of Hev- f'1 no,n- aflpr " oa" hd l,0Pn in ReporU at Noon that it is Unable to AgTee on Verdict. ESTELLE ORDERS THEM BACK - n Made Dnrlna Twenty One Hoars the Mew Had Been . Hotelcfs dis?crenint over the orestlon tti'lVr or not Frank K'flm.in Is irulltv of : attempt na to murder Tofit lennisnn with I an Infernal n-ar'-'ne n Mar 21 w;i rc IK.rted hy the Krdman rae Jury to Jtidgo i R-i( lie In rilstiict coJrt at li;1 Tuesday wife erly. aa told by the morning paiwa of September 10. It Was left to Jersey, too. to set the hardp't of all questions askrd sppll'mnts for pos tiona as enumerators. It ran: "How would you rliysifv a child born on the hlxh seas of a French mother, to a Gtrman father, and brought to Atlantic City to liver- Caldwell. N. J., has announced the find ing of an albino muskrat. and at the Wfst Jersey depot of Vlneland the freight hand lera had roast chicken, thanka to the third rail system. Biddy happened along P o'; ln up stray gralna and atepped on (hat rail ami before a wooden pole could he secured to push her body away. It was done a rich golden brown. But Rocksburg, Warren county, takes the palm. The cover was left off the apple mash trough at the cider mill In fctoher snd ten up-to-the-then Innocent cows got at It. Their frlskings, their attitudes, and at last their don't-care lethargy was the talk of the country aide, and a nearby "vet" had a busy hour bathing bovine heads In Ice water. Hew llanpenlnas. Vlneland and Rocksburg do not. however, monopolise the chicken and cow dlapatchca. Half the country has been Interested in Washington's riddle, "Is a hen a bird?" raised by an egg Importer who wanted to get around the Payne-Aldrtch tariff tax. Then came Michael Singer of Chicago with a hen minus the beak. Instead of which the lady had almost human lips, with a first rate Imitation of a human nose above them; she had to be fed by hand, quite naturally. Finally, Tomklnsvllle, Staten Island, produced a socialistic tale Of a partnership home run by a hen and a cat. There were eight chicks, and there were four kittens, and these, with the two fond mothers, shared one, and when pirate rats came nosing after grain Tabby took them in, thereby both protecting one act of youngsters and feeding the others. As Nfor cows, what could be more sad Oan the story Stamford. Conn., now tells of Maude, onee owned by Dairyman William Olmstead? She had been deserted by her husband, her only child had been rudely torn from her, and as melancholy settled darkly down she came upon a box containing four sticks of dynamite. What followed waa a foregone conclusion. Maude ate the dynamite and that's all. ' The comet brought yet another ben-hap pining. William -Scott of Ithaca keeps chickens and never have they acted as chickens should not till the Ilalley talk began to fill the papers.' Then a hitherto perfectly proper member of the flock laid a oomet-egg, with a well-developed tall of a good two Inches, covered with something noticeably harder than mere shell. ' Adam Toms, residing in the outskirts of Budapest, committed suicide because of the aerial visitor, leaving a note saying he pre ferred to die by his own hand rather than be killed by .a wondering star. (taatat MUobi. - - Lawrence, Mass., set! a record In July, when Mayor .White went to Jail for three years, convicted of conspiracy to bribe, and there continued to fulfill the mayor alty duties, even to appointing an excise Commission within an hour of being locked up. In September a record of another sort was announced from Bowling Green, Ky when -the hair of 7-year-old Walter Coving ton turned pure white without rhyme or reason, and Richmond, Ind., has produced, In Mrs, Everett Parker, a grandmother at 28. Herself married at 13, her 16-year-old daughter, now Mra. Charle Lane of Indian apolis, became a mother In March. Mrs. Parker's mother and grandmother are both living, so that five generations now figure In the family's present-day history. L. M. Raynor of Rlverhead, L. I., away back ln,190 lost a watch and chain to the woods hear his cottage, nor did aeveral re searches bring them to light Last June, passing through the grove, he suddenly saw the watch dangling from a stout twig at about the level of hla eyes. He believes he must have bent the branch down when passing there eighteen months, ago, and that It picked his pocket for him. A Detroit woman, with a new hat In mind, drew $10 from a bank, and a gust of wind drew It from her and sent It flying across the street. A small boy, driving a goat, chanced by, and Nancy calmly and expeditiously ate the ten. The woman charged the small boy with the theft A policeman. y called In, and the youth proved his Innocence by killing the goat Then the Treasury department, issued the woman a new bill. No one has as yet issued the boy a new goat In October there were married In the national capital a couple who separated within an hour of their nuptials, never In tending to meet again. Mlaa Eugenie Sauer of Vienna found herself helreas to a dead uncle's fortune, but It was stipulated In the will that she should become a wife within forty-eight hours of the announce ment of her legacy In order actually to ob tain possession of It. She adve. Used for a highly temporary husband, offering $J0 ror his brief services at the altar. Seventy eight offered to accommodate; a likely fel low was chosen; the service was read: chilly good-by s were exchanged (and two new $lu bills) and the bride started for the steamer which waa to take her to Austria. If there Is here obvious material for a new novel under the well-worn title of "Maid. Wife or Widow?" surely, too. It must appear that there Is much raw ma tenai lor romance as well as humor through all the "little events" of an av erage year. New Orleans Times-Democrat, SASONEFF DEAD IN PRISON laferaaatioa Give Oat fcr Officials that Death Is Dae la Salvlde. ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 11. The report that M. Sasonoff, who on July tt, 1X4, as sassinated Minister of the Interior Von Plebve. had died In the prison at Zarantul waa offual.y confirmed today. The death Is attributed to suicide. Recently rumors that Sasonoff bad beaa fatally Injured by a flogging were Id cir culation. According to the governor of the prison, the officers discovered a plot to release the political prlaonere en masse, A large sum of money had been collected, of which 2.4 had been amuggled lo Saaoo off. The authorities thereupon reinforced the prison guarda and stopped all communi cation between the convicts and the outer world. They also ordered corporal punish ment of two convicts. As a protest against these measures, three of the prisoners sev eral the arteries In UitJr wrists and three others. Including aaouotf. took fatal doses of murptilue. Jury's hands for twonty-on hours and forty t-iinutes. Judjre Es'.elle Instructed the Jury to resume its rftorts to airree and sent tt out again. Jury Haillif Klrkendall then took the twelve men to lunch, the rarty returning at 1 o'clock. The Jury'a report confirmed the "dope" of speculators on the result who at t o'clock Monday night declared 'their belief that the jury would "hang." The theory was thst the jury became so divided Mon day afternoon that there was but one hope. that being that inspection of the Dennlson and Deutsch premises might change the opinion of one aide or the other; that In stead of so doing the Inspection merely convinced each side more firmly that Its view was the correct one. Judge Estelle. John O. Yeiser, attorney for Krdman, Sheriff Brailey and Deputy Sheriff Mead were In the court room when Jury Bailiff Klrkendall, under Instruction of the court, brought tn the Jury. When Judge Estelle aaked If a verdict had been agreed upon George T. Zimmerman, fore man of the jury, arose and gave a negative reply. "What are the prospects T" qeuettoned the court. "There are none," was the answer. "It Is hopeless. We have made absolutely no headway since wa ent Into the Jury room and took the first ballot yesterday." "This Is a aerlous case," said the court Mny Kers Jrr I ons Time. Jmiee ltelle Old not ask how the Jury st.md. After the Jury had been taker! to hineh he was asK-d how long he would have ihe Jury de'lberate before accepting a verdict of disagreement and dinrhargliig it. "I have not decided." he said. "1 have known Juries to be kept out sixty or seventy hours." lHputy I nlttd States MuiKhal Tom Clatk of Cation (Ity, Colo deputized by tlie warden of the Coloiado state penitential y lo rot.ie to frnaha and take Eidman buck to the western state penitentiary to serve 1:0 Mtuaininti two yer.i-s or a 8 ntence Tor Kiaut larceny, was not in tiie court room Tifiiay. To:n Pfrmlyon and Detective Steve Marine.- upt-nt a.i hour waiting f ir a verdict Mr. I'rnnlscn raid tint MapK'e Smith, hi servant, who left his service the day after the finding of the dynamite suitoafe, hm returned. She has asked him to tele phone her immediately If Krdman Is ac quitted and given his liberty, declaring she will leave the house again If such Is the result "I am a goner In this trial." Erdtnan Is quoted a having remarked shortly before the case went to the Jury-. "But that won't hurt; I'll get pardoned out by the gov ernor." The prisoner msde these observations to a deputy sheriff at the county jail In the course of a discussion of his cae. Erdman Is said to have pointed out how the evidence against 'him appeared con clusive and conviction certain. "I am a good Judge of testimony and I can see that I have no chance," he said. Sine Shocks B'-orded by the Seismo graph at the St. Louis University. ST. LoriS, Dec. 11 Nine earthquske j fhockr were recorded by the St Louis , 1'nlvfis'ty seismograph between 6:10 and i 7.3H o'clock this morning. The center of , the disturhance was estimated ti be 110' nile southwest by west of the lower! coat of California. I Washinalna llecords Karthanake. WAMIIMSTON. lec. 13 An larthquakel of moderate intensity lasting over an hour j and a quarter was refolded today by the seismot-'inphs of the weather bureau. It j btgan at 7;0J o'cl K-k this moining. Oft!-4 cia's estimated the orinln of the disturb- j anre was at a distance exceeding i,JV0 or 6.W0 miles from Washington. An accurate estimate could not be made owing to the ; absence from the record of certain charac- j tcristic features. The motion was chiefly in the east-west direction and maximum occurred at 7:36 a. m. BARBER SHOT IN THE BACK Peter Betolml Instantly Killed When He la Oat Trrlasr to Collect a Bill. GREENSBCRG. Fa.. Dec. 15-Peter Petolml, a barber of New Madison, Pa., went to a boarding house early today to collect a bill. A quarrel ensued and he was shot In the back, killing him Instantly. Troopers raided the house and arrested twelve. THREE MIGHT RIDERS GO FREE (Irar. Boaart llavrkloe Aeqeltted on Charge of Helping to M or der Cooper. EDPYVILLE. Ky.. Dec. lS.-The Jtrry trying the "night rider" cases this morn ing returned a verdict of not guilty as to Part Creek murder, Alonto Gray, Jim Bo xart and Rryan Hawkins. The men were charged with being ac cessories to the murder of Axiom Cooper, a witness for the state. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS F. A. Sesman, claim agent for the Great Northern railway company, Is In the city on company business. Colonel 1. C. Galhip, who haa'been at Excelsior Bprlnga several weeka for his health, returned last week greatly Im proved. Colonel Gallup la one of the most popular and most successful stockmen of Nebraska. of the Court illsBMaS Boo Building 3 Will Qe Held in Large Room South of Court The Following Churches la at TSiesr 171 s 1? 2J Ilavo Their Fair rid 11 D Omaha's New Cafeteria Formerly Robertson's Cafe 308-310 South 15th street, Will open Wednesday, 10:30 A. M., on a Quick, Clean, Pure Food Plan "So different from others." Once tried will give you the habit. All meal books honored at our 16th street basement restuarant. C, W. Robertson, Prop pas 11 For First 1 English Lutheran Church of Benson Home-made quilts, comforters, aprons, and many other useful articles of varied de scriptions. Excellent home-made bread, cakes, etc. .Sanscom Park ?I . Church Kimonos, dresses, coats, kitchen and fancy aprons, corset covers, dustless mops, Chinese drawn work, doll's kimonos, fancy work of all descriptions. Art work scenes of Omaha in water colors and oil, hand-painted dinner favors, original designs. Chicken sandwiches Wednesday noon. Oyster 6tew, Thursday, 25 cents. .orth Presbyterian Church Home-made handkerchief aprons of various 6izes, fancy articles, home-made candies, hand-painted china, Chinese drawnwork. 'A beautiful Mexican drawnwork table cloth on which they hope to realize $50.00. Silk quilts, etc. Don't Forgot to Take Your Lunches Vith ths Christmas Fair ot tho Churchss Served Evory Day From i 1 :30 to 2 Last Two Weeks in the Old Building Help us move and at the same time get the benefit of a big 20 per cent discount on nearly everything in our store. SUGGESTIONS FOR GIFTS Nirkfl Plated Cast Steel, Hard ened Runner Skates, regular price, 11.75, leu 25 per rent, at 81.32 Rarer and Coaster for boy and girls, regular price $2.00, less 25 per cent 81.50 $3.AO Scroll Saws complete with stand and patterns, less 15 per cent $2.98 Chafing Dishes, good lamp, nickel or copper, regular price i&.ou, less 20 per cent 84.00 Coffee Machines', complete with alcohol stove, nickel or copper, 6.50 value, less 20 per cent, at 85.20 Towel liars, all brass nickel plated regular price" $1.25, 20 per cent off 81.00 Five O'clock Teas, nickel or brass, with b6t lamps, regular price $4.75, less 20 per cent 83.80 Brass Andirons, regular 915.00, less 20 per cent 812.00 In all of these we have less expensive Items at the same discount. KITCHEN UTENSILS 20 PER CENT OFF. STOVES AND RANGES 15 PER CENT OFF Fireless Cookers 10 ff Mnl CO. ; It AND FARNAM STS. tr-,"-9;rsm CP o o o o Thursday is Home Day. Don't forget the list which dealers will have for you. You will no doubt find suitable prop erty for a home. Why not make the whole family a present of a home for Christmas? This is probably a more expensive present than you figure on, but you cau buy on the easy term plan make a payment of a few hundred dollars dowo balance in monthly payments like rent. It will only take a few years to pay for it and then they have a present that will be Increasing In value aU the time. In the real estate columns of Thursday's Bee will be found a great many choice home bargains advertised for sale on the easy term plan. , Got them a present they will be grateful for for the rest of their lives. o o o o o i n O O' , -Jj t '"i 'imi"'"j" i4itii'ii'siiniXiiiaTMimri'r','' """"M ", 1 " 1 i Onihe WjO Trail j All winter long, In Sunny California, you may play golf, or tour in an auto over ideal roads. Try your luck at deep-sea -fishing, go sailing, or bathe in the Pacific surf. Visit the old missions, too. And you can stay at great resort hotel world famed for their luxurious service. Just ona best way to "Santa Fe ill ths Way" to Loa AnieK nKm Dirgo, ban Francisco. Juu ona bM train to take The California mrted. Exclusively for firu-rlaM travel. Krrd Harvey duuna-car meais sod Pullman lor Grand Canyoa of Aruons. I will fltiij mi r M rcqwn thrrt an booklet, of till, inla ass trip. femud Lanaer. Cracral Afcac 406 iuoa AmuM. D Molaca leva - (alirniajimited Measure The Dee against other oca) papers m respect of quality as well as quantity of timely news and interest ing articles from day to day and The Bee's superiority will be demonstrat '