14 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY DECEMDETT 14. 1010. ' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Openi Steady and Remains Un changed During the Day. KO SPECTACULAR FEATURES Hmtt Primary Receipts Weaken tk Core. Harkrt Elevators Hedge oa Cash. Piirham Loral Cash Market Attire. OMAHA. Pee- -Wheat opened steady and unchanged with no particular feature. IJrerpool cable were weaker and lost aorne of the advance of yesterday. News from the western winter wheat belt continue bullish on lack of moisture nd oomplalnta of failure of Read to germi nate. The more liberal movement In corn l having It effect on each prices and the market hut a heavier tone. Sticks nra accumulating and with the present shlp ilntr demand It In doubtful If present prices can be maintained. Extreme dullnens characterised the wheat market, range of prices wae narrow nd trading was very llgbt. owing to the lack of any feature. Without any Important news traders are predicting only a scalp ing market. There was no change in the raah situation. Heavy primary receipts weakened the com market today. Klovator houses who were the best buyers were hedging their cash purchases. The local cash market was fairly aotlv with values .ranging Ho lower. Primary wheat receipts were tn,.ono bu. and shipment were 2TO.U0O bu. asainst re ceipts last year of 415 bu. nd shipments of 4M cmo bu. ITImary corn receipts were 1.17.000 bu. and shipments were 621.000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 760,000 bu. and shipments of WO") bu. . Clearances were 100 bu. of com, 100 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 87,000 bu. Liverpool closed 4d lower on wheat and fcd higher to sd lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat No. 2 hard, I cars (semi-dark). BOHe; 6 cars, 0e; No. 8 hard, 1 car, 89c: No. 4 hard, (common mixed), 8:tV; No. 2 mixed. 1 cars. Wxvs. Corn No, It color. 1 car, ,W,o: No. 3 yel low, 1 car (old). 42c; 4 cars (new). lMc; No. 4 yellow. 5 cars 'new), 3o; No. 3 mixed, 1 ear (old), 42c; No. 3 mixed. 19 cars (new), 31'i.c: one car (new), W4o; No. 4 mixed, 4 ears, Ho. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car, SOHe: standard, 1 car. 8014c; No. 1 wh:te. 6 enrs, soc; 6 cars, Mc; No. 4 white, 2 cars, c; 1 car, 2liHc. Omaha Cask Prices, WHEAT No. 2 hard. gSVilttHe : No. i hard. 8'44f01Vic: No. . 4 hard, 81Vii4e: re jected hard. 728Mc;- No. 2 spring, 89V4 .lV,ci No. 8 spring, 8CVifi9Hc.' CORN No. 2 white, 41iH2V4c; new, 30W t'c; No. 8 white. i.'aA2ic; new, H4(8 Wc; No. 4 white, 41,itf4H1c; new, SaVo1 t9c; No. 3 color, tlVcIHc; new, 88Vtf Sc;No. 2 yellow. 41ii&42VeC; new. Wff 8Wic; No. 3 yellow. 41H6-t-c; new. i9.Vrc; No. 4 yellow, 4iymvc; new, 38Htj29c; No. 2, lMiAZc; new. 3itf39if: No. 3. 41V4'JH'.ic: new, 3Kft34r; No. 4. 411'HlHe; new, no (rede, 3ti((i40c; new, 8V83Sc. OATS No. 2 white. SOw.tOVxc; standard. i(3i'Hc; No. 8 white. 29Vr(30c: No. 4 white, 2U!4ftV:'e; No. 3 yellow, aVMi3c; No. 4 yel low, 2("u'-1'Hc. UAKI.EY No. 8, 70076c: No. 4, 44P70c; No. i feed, 66'370o; rejected, ' 64gJo. RYKNo. 2, 077'sc; No.. 8. Carlo! Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 63 876 313 ! Minneapolis 260 Omaha ...38 43 8: Imiutii lue CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featares of the Trading; and Closing 1'rlces am tbs lloard of Trade. CHICAOO, Deo. 13. Statements that the outlook for winter wheat southwest had become the worst In 20 years formed a sus taining ' Influence today for prices here. Texas received some rain but dry weather and no snow ooverlng were reported in Kanraa and ' Oklahoma. Compared with last night, the market closed M4c higher to a shads lower. In corn, thera was a net decline of Mi'Hc. ' oats - finished un changed .'to H'n'ie up and provisions at an advance of 2H4!-o ' to 12Vo. , Aside from the drouth, news regarding wheat was of a bearish sort, but there was no material selling pressure. The Russian crop situation and the prospects for continued heavy shipments were excel lent. . The Argentine harvest was pro grecslng under the best ef conditions, and It was stated that samples of the new yield arriving In Rurope from Buenos Ayres were of splendid quality. Notwith standing all this, sellers were chary, and seemed not to relish a telegram from Kan sas City that all the wheat let go now would be wanted back at 20o higher. Throughout the day prices here kept In al most perfect poise. . May ranged from 96 k, 43'iOe and closed a shade off at SoWrSSo. Huge receipts made the corn market heavj. May fluctuated between 46T'xf47'4C with the close at 4iC, a net loss oc '4c. Caah corn was weak. No 2, yellow fin ished at MfaSlHe. i-hurt aales I air buyers of oats. - May sold from 83iij34Vsc, closing o up at Provisions advanced on buying but eased a bit under offerings from manufacturers. At the end of tire day pork showed a net gain of 7':iol2!c; lard, 20 to 6c and ribs 6 to 5r?T7Ve. ...... l.taduig futures ranged as follows: Arllelus.l Open. Hlgh. Lw. Close. Vea'y. Wheat-1 I Dec. May. July. Corn Deo.. 90"i 1V 931 HuVnHi 2x DS 93tyv, W'4iHj.i I I 140'43'V I ' I ' I . l 45 45H 471 46 ' 47 '47i'oV i( 47.f7Sa 47 St 4 lai,aiMim biu 4 3S-Hj 34jpS!33'a'..4 831 33i!- t3 33T4 May 4iV July. ..t47',ii 4 Oats- I I lec... 31' I May... jury... iay... 831 83 i '. 1 : I : -i I IS 96 18 66 I IS 83 18 73 18 66 j : 70 U ! II TV 117 67-W 17 60 Lara- Jan. ...I 10 00 10 17Vj! 10 00 8 714I 9 W 15 92 , 10 10 74 9 M 60 Mtt'...iO sUSa1 i;il I Jan.... 7j 80 9 75 9 40 9 874; idtiy...!9 4v4i lit I- Caeh quotations were as fotlows: V FLOUR steady; winter ' patents. 34 Ofyff 4.7u; straights. a.l.i'5)M.6o: spring straight. a4.ikn4.u(: uakera. 8a.Mta4laV. ltYlC No. 2. 814c ... BA1U. ICY teed or mixing, 0'alQc; -fair to ch ile.! malting, eH Vtv 7c. SLtL'S-Klax No. 1 smith est ern. 32 324; No northwestern, 32.404; timothy.' 810O0; clover, 815.00; PltVl(Slt.S Mesa pork, per bbl. 187',rVl:-OU; laid, per ltM lbs.. 310 15; sho.t rlhcs. suits, (uu.se). 9 750W.; ghttrt clear 1 Total cu-at-wto. oi wheat .and flour I the evk, as shown by Werw kiuliil to n. ik.v hii.hl ' relfta were 1v0i0 buihels. compared with 1 buahela the vorresuynaiut:. day . a! B... .... ..v.... m naiuit; eui.U, a known uy luausueci a IM.t.i.Va) buanela The amount of breadstuff on ocean po Stigo, l'Jl.Nfir.OuO biiahels. Estimated r t .il tu for tiiiiiortow : wheat, r cars; coin 147 cars; oats. U cars; hona, Si,0u head Chicago Cash Prices- heat: No 3 red Wo; N- red, 91ii.Cc; No. 2 hard Uii t,c; No. 3 hard. fi-(i4c; No. 1 northern 81 u 1.07; No. 2 ma-ttirrn, $I.04.oI.ob; .No i rorthern, 1.02Ul.t6; No 1 tprlng ' 94cb' 31 .044: No. 3 sprint, S.VUJ.04; elet chaff Occjtl.41; durum. kluMc. 1'orn. No I 41,1 j 4c; No. 2 w hite. 4!nnSc; No. S yellow b' 814c; No. J, 4N44c; No. 3. new. 43Uni4L.. No. 3 white, 4-;a4c; No r.o s white, new. 43s 4'J'i('j04c: No. I yell t44vc; .o. j euow, iv nsw. 414H424c; No. 4 white. 4;i4r4o- ,o' 4 white, new, 4Hjt)4:,ic; No. 4 yellow 4-. 4c; No. 4 yellow, new. 41ti4KH,c. Oats-' .u 2. tltilio; No. 2 whue. liVnia'ac; .V0 i white. S-'TSasc: No., 4 white, Slu32c stur.tlard !UVtJ2c. . UL'VTEll steady; creameries. Vfits,.. dsirtea. twr'-Te. ' EUiiS Meovlpta, S.Vii casea. Market toy; at uiHik, cases inelu.led. lMj52Sc" tttsts. 31e: prime firsts. HWe. " ' ' l't)t'I.TRY-rirm. Turkeys: Uve. t"c rlres.ied 'e. l-'owli: Uve. D'o: dressed! 12c Knrinss: Live, loo; drrstted. 12a CIIEEHK Sieady; da airs. lllic; twins :jwK4-. Young Anurkas, 14'thl4a; long hoi in 144 it 14o. VEAI. Steady; 14 to OVlb. weights. ff 10c: to to ;-lo. welKhta, lUrll'ic; S3 to 110 1b welt hi 1. llo. POTATOES Steady; choice to fancv, 48 ijkc; fair to Kood, 53 .(tic I'kila Jrlpbla Prailara Market. I'll I I. A I .KI.I-HI A lln ' MUMTTt-n 1 - - - - - - - . air- iv - i rum, ir wt air ill creamery. .f : nm-bv pi in!. 84c. ' 1 .i.iii-Kirm; Pennsylvania and other a.suly fli-sts. free casos. sssc at mark vuisot rtcvlpta In returnable caawg 7c 'at mark; weatern firsts, free canes, ,To at mark; current receipts, free eaten, lie at marlr. I'M EKSF Firm: New Tor full creams, fancy. September. 16c; October 13t14o; fair to good, It'uKV. WRW YORK UKIERAt MABKKT Qaotattnas ef the Day Varloee Commodities. NEW TORK. Dec. 13.-FLOUR-Qo.lot; spring patents, gC.lK1Sr5.S0: winter straights. 8416fl4.30; winter patents, 34 40-j4 76; spring clears. 34.1544.4(1; winter extras. No. 1. 13.40 t3.70; winter extras. No. 8, 33 40 3.60; Kan sas straights, f4.i'f4.7R. live flour, firm; fa'r to good. 84i4.26; choice to fancy. 84 254 .45. Buckwheat Hour, firm; 82.28 per 100 pounds. Con.VMKAT-Bteady; fine white and yel low, 31. 201.28; coarse, fl.lttjl-Zv; kiln dried. 12 96. WHEAT Spot market, barely steady; No. 2 red, 97 elevator and 97'y f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 81.17 f. o. b. afloat. Kirturei market was dull and fra tureleaa with small price changes. The un dertone was steady on light offerings and at the close prices were steady and tint-hanged. December closed at iWSc; May, 1 Ml; July, 31 00. CORN NJot market, easy'; No. 2, nSc, nominal elevator domestic basis to arrive and 63jC f. o. b. afloat, botn newi Futures market was without transactions, closing vtfc net lower. lcember closed at Mc; May, WiVjC. OATH f pot market, easy; standard white, Si4Qi No. a, 3Vc; No.-8, 37c; No. 4, 37',ic Futures market closed unchanred to Sc net decline. December, ;c; May, 89-Tio; July. 30'c. HAY Dull; prime. 3110; No. 1, 31.07HU l lo; No. 2, 11.00; No. 8, 80TfS5c. I HQi'3 Firm; state, common to choice, Jf10 crop. lii 23c; 1W9 crop. 164jfl3c; Paclflo coast. KlO crop. H7jl7c; 1609 crop, louUo. HIDHiS Steady; Central America, 21c; tiogota, lyQtlc. - LKATHk-H Firm: hemloak firsts, 23V 2r,vjc; seconds, 21H6-2Sc; relecU. lsfllTe. ' PHOV18ION3 I'ot k. firm; mees, 3-T0 r tl.0i; family, fS.OOQ 24.00; short clear, 320.00 fj22 00. Heef, steady; mess. 313.0014 00; fam ily. lK.prrls.D0; beef hams. 824.nO'a 27.00. . Cut rmats, dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., 81.1 bnni.lu..u; pickled hams,. 312.E4. Iard, strady; middle west, prime, tffl. 405 10. 60 ; re fined, quiet; continent. 310.80; South Amer ica, 311 &; compound, t& .7.V 9.00. 'i Al, LOW Steady; prime city, hhds., 70; country, 77140. I'OILTHY Alive, nominal Dressed, steady; western chickens, lOHc; fowls, 10rl7c; turkeys, 18Sj24o. . " ! CHliESK Firm; State, whole milk, September quality. specials, Ifi'i'cT'lT'ic; fnncy white, 16V;c; fancy .choice, 14Vtl6Vio; skims, 129 e. , hX3ClB Steady; state. Pennsylvania and nrby hennery, white fancy, 65c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery,' gath ered white, 40tS,Vc; ctate. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, brown fancy, 4T84c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, gath ered brown, 4284.'; state Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, fair to good, 35(&40c; west ern gathered white, S5?(4So; fresh gathered extra firsts, 3S"u'40c; refrigerator, epeclal mark, fancy. In loonl storage, 26c; refrig erator, firsts, StMi'&iSVic;' refrigerator, seo onds. 2HHffj'24e. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials. 32c; extras. S0ViS31e; third to first, 23 29c; held creamery, second to special, 24Vf5(31o; state dairy, common to finest.- 2330c. . WEATHER IN TUB Gil A IX BELT Temperatarea Rise Rapidly la Vpper River Valleys. ;' OMAHA. Dec. 1J, 1910. An area of unusually high pressure over ties the entire country with its crest now over the middle Mississippi valley. - The weather is cooler on the Pacific slope, and the Increase In pressure over 'the eastern portion has caused a change to colder In the eastern and southern states. Tempera tures have risen rapidly In the upper Mis sissippi and upper. Missouri valleys, and northwest, during the last twenty-four hours,' . and the weather is very much warmer In these ' seotlons this' morning. Light snows are falling in southern Colo rado, New Mexico and the lower lake re gion, and It Is raining In Texaa and Louisi ana. The weather is generally fair In all other portions, and it will continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with warmer tonight. Temperature ana precipitation at Omaha during the last twenty. four hours, com pared with the corresponding period tor the three preceding years: , , 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. Lowest laat night 22 . 22 83 . 82 Precipitation .00 .08 .00 .01 Normal temperature for today, 29 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation sine March 1, f.4.62 Inches. - Kxcess corresponding period' In 1908, 4.67 Inches. . j Deficiency ccnespondtng- period In 1908, 4.03 inches. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.' St. I.onla General Market. . ST. LOUIS. Dec. 1! WHEAT Steady; December, 94c; May. 974c; July, 92Vo. Cash firm: track, No. 2 red, 9;r9o; No. 2 hard. 9141131.02. , COUN-Lower; December," 444c; May 44e. Cash, strong; track, No. 2, 44444c No. 2 white, '454c. . OATS Steady; December, 814o; May 83Hc Cash, firm; track,-No. 2. S14c: No' t white, 33iUo34o. RYE Unchanged. 814c ...... ' FLO ('ft Unchanged; rtd winter patents, 34.4Wr4.SC; extra fancy and straight,- S3.504f 1.30; hard winter clears, S3.St&3.90. ' S1"E1 Timothy, 1o.00hj9.60. ' - i C'H RNMEAL 32.40. BRAN Higher; sacked east track, 81.01 $ l.OO. , . HAY Steady; timothy, 814.00ai9 00: prairie. JlJ OOrtf 14.00. ' . . . PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, 318.76. l ard, higher; prime steam. 63 87 4j) 9.974. . Dry salt meats, higher; boxed ex tra shorts,- 10te: clear ribs, 10c: short clears, 110. Uacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, 13c; clear riba,144c; short clears, 12-Ho. POULTRY Steady : chickens so: nm,. 4; turkeys. Ifiic; ducks, 13c; gees. Uc" EGGS-Steady;. 2940. ....... Receipts. Shipments ....11,S , 11.W0 .::..50.0 M.OoO ......97.0t. S'lO'V 78.000 37,000 riour, bbls Wheat, tou. Cirn, bu ... Oats, bu ... Ivansaa' City Urn in and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec: 13.-WHEAT-De-c-mber. uoy,e, sellers; May. SSHt'ajo, bid; July, Mc, bid. Cawh, unchanged; No. 2 hard, 914u31.l; No. S, W't'Mc; No. 2 icl. 94tl97c; No. 3. 944c. . t'OHN-Deeember. 434Uc, bid;' May. 4..Vic. sellers; July. 46'4c Cash, unchanged to 4c lower; No.-2 -mixed, 434($444e; No 3 4-"4'!l424c-; No. 8 white, 4i(444c; No. 8, Wfcn 43 V. c. .... . OATS4-l,nclianged: No. 2 white,' CS34e: No. 2 mixed. S14KHe. RYE No. 2, 7i,u7iic. HAY Choke timothy, 3I4.XX8'14.i0; choice prairie, 312.00. hUTTEK-"reamery. tSc; firsts, 25c; sec oiids. ?Sc; pHcking stock, 19c, EOGti-Extras, 30c; firsts. !Sc; seconds 19c. . W'heat hu i-iSX g' l !" .r... ' ' 'Ou0 Receipts) Shipments 53. TOO 32. OK) 6.0U0 allnll gap pi lea of frnln , NEW.YOllK, Dec. U.-Speeial cables and i. ii mt ainuc cuinmunicai nin reniv., wu Bradstreet's -show tua following changes in available supplies. . as compared with last week: Wheat, I'nlted t-'tales esst of the Rookies decreased 2.J.COI) bushels; Canada Increased ft.!) bushels; total United STutes und Canada incr.ased 643.000 bush. ,,-,VJ?V''aJ 'Pr and In Europe decreased 2. 167 busfe's; to-al Ami lcan and Euiopeat supply decreased 3 15TA4) bushels. Cora. I nlled States ar.d Canada increased 40 'M bushels; oats. Cnlted Btates aiid Cari a ia (Wressed 1,696,000 bushels. Liverpool Urum' Blarkel. UVEni'(K)U D.c. .lJ.-tVHEAT-Spot. stead; No. 2 red western winter. 7s H4d' futiirs, quiet; December. Cs 9d: March' 8s 11 d. Mav. ll'.d. ... colts-snot, ouiet: American mixed. 5s Std; futures, dull; January. 4s 84d; Feb ruary. 4s 34d. Mllwaakca Ore In llarVrt. MlMVAl'KKB. Dec. 11 FIM'R-K'eady WHEAT No. 1 northern, II 05", 107; No. 2 rtoi thorn. HOtol.oA: Mav, 97 i9i&.c OATS-siandartl. S2',C-V. HAHI.EY 15ainple. a27e. ... I'rorla Market. Dtc. 13 CtiRN Lower; No. 3 No.-4. any oe!or, 414; samplf. PEOni . yellow, 4'o K'4e. . - OAT.- -Steady standgid. 2i4a No. 2 white, 824J814c; Tarpaatlae awd nala. SAVANNAH. Oa . Dec ll-TURPEN-TINE-Flrm: 74ii"4Vjc; eale .n hbls; re celi.ts. TOT bbls.; slil.menrs, 448 bbU; stoeks. 17 s t.Ma. . . ' HOSIN-Flrm: Sales, t bbls.; receipts. ' bhls.; shipments. 1310 bb!s. ; st cs. TfM l.t.ls. Onote: IVTl1-,; li 3,-..7p: E. 15 774'j. K. t5.8:'V; O S5i; H. 35 ; I. K. I't; K lu.,; M. 3120; N. 37 4V); W(J. UK W W, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Display! Trend Towards Lower Fhcei Darin; Day. BUSINESS EXTREMELY LIGHT Operatloms Coaflaed Almost Exclu sively t Few Isaaes Ksona sec- latlre Leader Kharp Deollne la Forelga Rirki. NEW YORK. Dec. . Such activity as the stock market displayed today was In variably in the direction of lower prices. Pufiness -was the lightest of any full day for some time and narrower than usual, in that eperatlona were confined almost ex clusively to the few issues commonly known as speculative leaders. Trading In these amounted to over 75 per cent of the whole and the professional element had the field quite to itself. A sharp decline In foreign exchange to the lowest point In almost three years on heavy offerings of banker' bills denoted the strenuous efforts now being made to Import gold before the end of the year. A notable feature of the London market Was the easier rate charged In the settle ment of committments on American se curities there. The general settlements proceeded without strain In any quarter. Americans were Irregular In London but closed with a rally. Trading for that mar ket was again nominal. In our own com modity markets, grain was steady with lower prices. for cotton. Exports of mer chandise for the current weeks are esti mated at a figure below those of the pre vious week and the corresponding week of 1909. ' ' . ' Ronds were steady. Total gales' par value 31.762,O00.- United States bonds were unchanged. : Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: galea High. Low, Ciena, 911 , 1110 I"4 i 110 4C4 4ft 44 , I,i0 MS 3 ;m m t s 4v1 ino M W, 11 ino n 11 tl 1U0 174 174 lTUj 11 ' ii'tuO 744 73H 114 104 400 4I4 4!H 424 10 114 114 114 70) HIS 114 1414 3 ' 14 10 34 tA , l.tWO lOOVs S 10" 1014 V 111 118 US vx) IMS m wt 10O in t 2K too lm 7SS 7S 1,000 11 11S l'!1 10 3'S 80S 30 too lot 108 101 8M 8,600 74 79Vt 30 214 444 100 Hl 141 140 , 3.600 122 I31)i Ul 100 SoS 4t AS no at4 si s 500 M 57S 5'S 400 13J 1H2S IMS 500 IIS 1!S 15 10O 163 1(3 K3; r 100 es S Sovi aoo i it us tOO Cli 174 44S '. "t iii" IS24 icl ? 123 m 12JS 100 M 64 bi 100 130S 1S0S 130 100 16 4 1 19H 700 3S M"4 110V4 15V. 13 800 40H 40 40 4UB US 174 US 10 4S 4 100 IMS IMS 104 14IV4 100 r. 2JS M v ins 1S 1S 800 IIS SOS 111 41S 00 43 44S 44S 110 400 5tS 51 M 400 36S 4 VS , l.ioo ins ms ins 40 300 ITS 17 S I7S 61 S 8,100 115 1144 11" S ..... S , 1,400 liSS IMS 124 300 105 1044 104S , M "4 ,. : ri mo n it us . TO.ano 147 IMS HS 100 11 aos 0S MS . 3,000 I9S 14 US ' os 00 II SI 37S 24S m 5S 51 58S 200 4 41 41 , 7,700 lit 111 112S 24 500 61 51 51 I JO 54 34S 34S l 2O0 tts rs 21 tuO 53 52S 51 41.100 lpS 147S 1"'S II . TO 32S 105.100 114 714 72 S 00 114S HI 11 100 4 45 4 I'M 42 IIS 42 ..... 14 imt it tl 13 400 4i 45 S 4iS 100 45 MS tOO 71 71S . 71 8 , 11.100 190 HIS 150 Allts-rialmars M Amalgamated Copper'... Amtrlran Agricultural . Am. fleet ' Sugar ,,, American Can Amarlran C. s" F AmarVan Cotton Oil Amartran H. A L. pfd.. . am. Ira Recurltlaa. ...... Amarlran Llnaaeil Ameriran Locomotive .. Ainarlcan , 8. A K Am. 8. ft. pr , Am. Steal Foundries,.'... Am. Sugar ' Raflnlnf. .'..., Atnerlnan T. A T Am. TohaSco pM. American Woolan Anaconda Mining C.... Atchison ,.. Atohlaon pfo Atlsntlo Coast Una Ball I mora A Ohio....'.... Berhleham Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paolrle C'antral Leather Central Leather pfa ventral or Nw Jerser.. Cheaapaaks A Ohle Chicago Alton ... Chicago Great Western.. C. O. w. pM ; Chicago A N. W , C, M. A St. P a. C, 0. St. L Oilorado F.' A I Colorado A Southern.... Coneolldates Oas ....... Corn Product! Dalawara A Hudaon , n.nt A HI,. 1 1 ... n . (d. A'R. 0. pfd Dlitllltrf Sacurlttea ..... Krla -. Rrls 1st Pfd Erie Id pld Oenaral Elrctrle Great Northern pfd Oreat Northern Ore eta.. Illlnola Central ..... Interborough Mat Int. Mat. pfd International Harr eater Int. Marias pfd...'. Internallonal ' Paper International JPuxnp Iowa Central ....... Kanaat Cur Ro.. K. C. -an. pfd... K. C. Be. pfd,..'. Lacleda uaa Ixul.rllla A NaahTllla... Minn. A St. Lou la M . St. P. A 8. 8. M... M K. A T... M . x. A t. pfd.'. M taeouri ' Pacific National Btacult National Lead N. R, K. -of . M. M pfd.. Naw York Central N. Y... o. A W Norfolk A Waal am...... North American Northern Paclflo ......... Pacific Mall Pcnnarlvanla People Gas P.. C. C- A 8t. L Ptttaburg Coal ' Pra.ned Steal Car Pullman Palao Car Railway Steal Spring.... Reading Rapubllc Steal IKeaublle- Steal Dfd t Kvck Iiland Co Rock laland Co. pfd...... St. U A R F. 2d pfd..., St. Loula 8. W. .......... St. L. 8. W. pfd......... Hloaa-tthetflald 8. A I.... Southern Pacific Southern Railway ...... So. Railway pfd Tcnnesaee ' Copper ....... Trias A. Partfle. T.. St. L. A W. T.. SX. L. A W. pfd..... Union Paclflo Union Pacific pfd United State HcBltr.... ttnltad iataa. Ruhbw.... Cnlted siaiea steal tl. g. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical .. Wahsati Waheas pfd Wertern .Maryland Weetlnahoupe . Klactrlc ., Weatern Union V, heeling U C. Lehlah .Valler Total aalea lor the day, iiMOt tbana. New York Honey market. NEW YORK, Dec. 13.-MONEY-On call steady, 834 per cent; ruling rate, 34 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at 34 per cent. Time loans, dull; sixty days and ninety days 4 per cent; six months, 4 per PKTME, MERCANTILE PAPER-654 per cent. , STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at de cline with actual business in bankers' bills at 34.81S0ty4.52 for Co-day bills, and at 34.8510 4.81V SILVER Bar. 544c Mexican dollars. 4c. HON PS Government and railroad steady. Closing quotations on bunds t.Kiay were as follows: V. 8. rat. It, reg.. do eo'ipon V. 8. 3. ref do coupon U. 8. 4a, r(. ..100 int. M. M. 4s I3S ..l'i 'Japan 4a lTt ..lu2 do 4a to ..12 K. C. So. l.t la 71 . . 11S L. 8, dab. 4a. 1SI... 13 ..115'L. A N. unl. 4a IS do coupon Allle-Chal. lit 5a..... 76 M. K. A T. IK 4e. . 7S Am. A 5a HU! do sen. 4Sa 4 Am T. A T. e. 4i..l'MSMo. Pacitlc 4a 7S Am.' Tobacco 4a 50 N. R. K. ot M. 4S do Is ..'. S. Y.T. g tsa II Armour O. 4.. 2 do deb. 4i 50 Atrhlann aan. la ts- N. V. N. H. A H. do ct. 4a. 104 S CT. I3i MIS N. A W. 1st c. 4a.. MS do c. 4a Wik 11 No Pacific 4i 1 " S do la 1 t 0. 8. L. rtl 4... I H'. renn. CT. 1S It 15-. ). "Jo con. 4a 1 tfS rS rtea.llns sen. 4a S' l; S U 8 F tl. 4a II 101 do (an. 6 54 M1 St. L. 8. W. con. 4l 71 TO do 1st (Old 4a t0 g A. L. 4a 77 do rv. 5a A. c. L lt 4a Bat. ft Ohio 4a , do. ISa do 8. W. ISO... ProtA. Tr ct, 4i.. '4MV. ot Oa. Ceq leather 5a.... . ot X. J. s. ia. Che A Ohio 4.v do ref. 5a Vfllraso A A. IS C. B. A Q I. 4a,. do sen 4a 7 to. Pao. col. 4a 12 O; M.'A S P. ( ISa do CT. 4a " C K I. P a. 4a. 71 do lit rat 4a t do rf(. 4. ao. Ullaar 5i 107 HI... Ind. 5a 71 da o 4a 7ISS Coin. Mid. 4a. 43 Union Pacific 4a.....lw- C. t. r. a. 4a. 17 dc ct. 4a loS 1) A H. ct. 4a do lat A rat. 4a.... n D. A R. O. 4a M V. R. Rubber la I'M do ret. la tl. 8. Klael 2d 5a 1"J Platlllara' Ct T7 Va.-raro. ilicm 5a )' Erl s. I. 4a 14 w'ahaih lat la 1 .tie sen. 4a T4S do lit A ax. 4s lis . ! ct. 4a, aar. A.. It Weatern Md. 4a M do eerca B M Wcat. Bine. ct. 5s... (1 Oan. Euk. r. 5a ..144 Wli. antral 4a III. Can. lat rat, 4a. . 7 Ma. Pac. ev. 5a 11 Hit Mel 4S rlS . Btd. ortara . I.weal Secnrlllea. Quotations furnished by Hums. Drinker A Co., 418 New Omaha National bank bulld . . Bid. Aak1. nritrlca; Cream try pld 17 rs City ot fmi.l.a s. 1)11. is r. l?.ly Nat. Bmk Hl.lg la. 1190 IS Cudshr Parkli.( Co 5a. 14 at ,.'4 ( chiinbus Nb., R. L. 5s. 1U34 - C lurado Tel. Co. (par. kn AS IS Kaii-W'nt Craainarr lat (. I par rant rs iui 4)cncra) Motor pld 1 par cent "I 15 llaruf ' Neb.. nmllH-lpal sW i.e. Uuai4 Rota Co.... , 14 , la l-urtland lanwnt 1st la 17 , f I Kansas On Hume Tel. Co. 5a, ISIS.. 11 ! M-4rupoUlaa at. Kj. 5a. Da 4i Mian (Ststa Tel. 5a, UI4 II ll 1 oiiuiha Oaa "a, M..J. t lxnalA Water is. 1MI M t linuutia li. Hr. ia. I'M ll tMnata. A B. HI. Hu. 5a. 1CI S4 1(7 IHnaaa A O. B St Hr. p(d. I p. c... U M inu.M 4) C. . si. Kr . com e er faasn Nat. lrk ai'.'k. go. Omaha 10 1.0 fa-lllc T. T is iaJl 11 ) fiockf Uouuia)B bail. Tel. Co W s 7 l.KI In art on gtork Market. LONDON. lec. n. American securities opened steady and about unchanged to day. Later prices advanced on llsht covering. At noon the market was quiet and steady and from 4'. higher than yeaterdsy's New York closing. Iyondon closing stock o"ist!ons: CnnnolT, money . . . I II ttulaTllie . Naah ..l4S do acoti.int T0 Mn., Ran. A Teiaa.. 12 Amal yp9t New York l entral. ..115 Anaconda 1 Norfolk at Wettam,.100 Atchlaon I'H do j.'d a.) do ptd 105 Ontario A Western.. 41 Baltimore A Ohio. .101 PennrylTanla Ms Canadian Pacific ....117 Rand Mines i Cheaapeake Ohio.. M Headlns 7F. TM. ureat weatern. t! fknithern Hallway .. I cil. Mil. A 8t. P.. 12.' do pfd 41 pa Bear 11 Southern raclflo 21 t'nlnn Pacific .. 72 do pfd f V. 8. feel 4.i s do rf'l 84 Wabaah MS do sfd ...lir-s ...11.1 ... MS ... 74 ...ins ... ) ... 1 Denver A Rio O... do pfd grla do lab pfd do 2d pfd Orsnd Trunk Illinois Central ,...lm) Spanlnh 4a . SO miv i.it tsar, eteadv at asa per ounce. MONEY lft 14 Per cent. -The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 34ti34 per cent; for :hree months' bills, 8 7-1634 per cent. Boatoa Clnsfna; Stocks. RORTON, Dec. 13. 4T."IORlng quotations on stocks were as follows: Alloues Amal. Copper . A. X. L. 8... Arlrona Com. .. Atlantlo ft. j O. C. A S Butta Coalition Oal. A Arlaona. CSl. A Heola... Centennial .. M Mohawk .. 41 Nevada Con. .. MS Nlplaelns Mines .. .. 14 Nur'h Butt .. 1 North Lake I. II Old Dominion ..... . . 11 tisoeola .. 48 Parrot t g. A C... ..541 Qulnoy .. 15 shannon .. 45 .. W .. lo .. 2 .. .. US ..125 .. 11 .. 11 4 .. 4. .. 0 .. 1 .. 54 .. 15 44 .. US .. 44 .. 14 ..114 Copper Kanga C. C Eaat Butta O. it.., I-Yanklln Ol mux Cork Oranby Oon ,, Ureene Cananea ... lala ftoyal Copper Kerr Lake Lake Copper : La Salle Copper Mtamt Coppar.... Asked. . 17 Superior . US Superior A B. St.. . 1 Superior A T. O. . . Tamarack . 4s tl. 8. 8 R. A M. . 7 do pfdr . 17 Utah Con 1 IS l"ah Copper Oa.... . 12 Winona . tl Wolverine . N'evr T ork Curb Market. The following Logan & Bryan, exchange, 1 Omaha: Bay State Oas.... Hoiton C'ona Iiutte Coalition ... Cactus Chlno Chief Cons Fraction .: ;.. PaTla-Paly Ely Central Ely Consolidated Kly Witch Franklin O trou x Ooldflald Floranoa Ooldflold Daley .. Orsene Cananaa . quotations are furnished by , members New York Stock South Sixteenth . street. .. 14 .. S .. IIS ... M ... 11 1 l-ll. .. 14 ... 11 .. 14 .. 45 ., 11 .. e ... .. 1 .. 1 .. 74 Inspiration La rose INer. Coria Newhoua ......... Ohio Copper Rawhide Coalition Ray Ontral .. .. 4 .. MS .. M -. 14 .. 4 .1 t-1 Swift Pk(. Co Bcara-Roehuck Ca. .102 .190 Bllrer Pick Buparlor it Plttaburg 14 Tonopoo Mining 54 Trinity Copper North Lake Bohemia Ojlbway 44 4 44 New York Mining- Stocks. NEW YORK, Dec. 13. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice 135 Little Chief 8 Com. Tunnel stock.. II Mexican 50 do bonds II Ontario too Oon. Cal. A Va 10 Ophlr : 106 Horn Bihar M 8iandard 125 iron Silver 17 .Tallow Jacket tt LeadTllle Con 10 Offered. Itnnk Clearings. OMAHA, Deo. 13. Bank clearings for to day were 32.588.261.31, and for the corre sponding date last year, 32,346,008.80. OMAHA WUOI.MHAXIS I'll ICES, BUTTER Creamery, No. 2, delivered to the retail trade In 1-1 b. cartons, 81c; No. 2, In aO-lb. tubs, 29c; No. 2, In 1-lb. cartons, iu; packing stock, aolld pack, 19c; dairy, in 00-lb. tubs, 22g:3c. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 164'3-174o; young Amer icas, lie; daisies, 17c; triplets, 18c; llm buiger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18o; Imported Swiss, 82c; domestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss. 13c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs., 36.00 per dox.; over 2 lbs.,-124c; hens, 124c; cocks, 104c; ducks, 10c; geese, 13c; tur keys. 23c; pigeons, per dox., 31.20; homer squabs, per dos., 34.00; fancy squabs, per dox., 33.00; No. 1, per dox., 83 00. - Alive, broilers, under 2 lbs., ISc; over 3 IbR., 84c; hens. 0f94c; old roosters, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, 80; turkeys, 1ij1Sc; guinea fowls, 2Sc each; pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers, per dox., 33.00; squabs. No. 1, per dos.. 81.60; No. 2, per dos., 60c. . FISH tall froxen) Pickerel, lie; white, lc; pike, 14c; trout, .14c; large crapptes, 20c; Spanish mackerel. IRe; eel. lHc; had dock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish?, aoc; roe shad. 3100 each; shad roe, per pair, 66c; frog legs, per dos., 60c; salmon, 12c; halibut, lie BEEP CUTS Ribs:- No. 1. 10; No J 124c; No. 3, 84c. Loins: No. 1, 17c; No 2 134c; No. 8. me. Chuck: - No. 1. 74o No. 2' 84e; No. 3, 4c. Round: No. 1, 9c; No. 2, 7c; No. 8. 74o. Plate: No. 1, 6ie; No. 2, 6c; No. S, 54c. VEGETA H LES Potatoes : Early Ohio In sacks, per bu., 90c: Iowa, Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 7ft'i&c. Sweet potatoes: Vir ginia, per l-bl., 32.60; Kansas, per bbl., 82 00 Onions: Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 2c Indiana white, per lb., 3c; Spanish,' per crate, 31-40: Garlic: extra fancy, white, per lb.. 13c; red, per lb.. lc. Egg plant: fancy Florida, per dox., 32.00. Celery, Michigan, per dox. bunches, 3T.c; California Jumbo, per dos. bunches, 76c. Rutabagas, per lb., lVo Ct cumbers, hotlicusj, 14 and 2 dox. boxl 32.00. Tomatoes:' California, per 4-basket crate. 3160. Cabbage: new, per lb.. luc Ftrlng and wax beans: Per market basket 11.60. Iituce: Ext.-i fancy lonf, per. dox! 40c. Parsley, fancy home grown, per dos bunches.. 40o.. Turnipa: Per market basket S6c. Carrots: Per market basket, 40c. Beets -Per market basket, 36o. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuta: Black, per lb., 2c. Hickorynuts: Large, per lb.,' 6c; e-mail, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuta: Per Rack' 35.50; per dos., 60c. Honey: New, 24 frames' 3,'! .75. ClCer: New York Mott's, per 4-bbl ' 33.76; per bbl., 36.75. Christmas trees: 4 to 4 feet, 12 Ir. bundle, per dox., 31.50; 6 to 8 feet, 12 bundle, per dos , 32.26; 8 to 10 feet 8 In bundle, per dos.,. 33.26; 11 feet, eaori 60c: 12 feet, each. 76c; 13 to 14 feet. e.-h w1.25il.60; 15 feet, each, 31.7542.60; 18 feet, eacn, u.iiuo.uj, a icii, eacp, S3.0O1474.0O Wreaths: Evergreen wreathing, natural or dyed, 20 yds. In coil, per coil, 55c; In 6-coll lots, 80c; natural, extra heavy, 30 yds. In coil, per coil, 11.00; ii-coils or more, per coil, 0c; evergreen wreaths, with immortal flowers, per dox.. 31.26fcl.60; with holly, per dox., 31.it1.5o, uolly wreaths, fancy Dela ware, per dox., 1.25'in.60; extra fancy Delaware, ixtra heavy, per dox., 32.0O; magnolia wreaths, per dox.,- 31.25(yl w. Holly: Lianches, Delaware. 10 lbs. In bbl ', pe.' bbl., 31. W; heavy weight, sixe of cases. 2x11 feet, per case, 34.00. Mistletoe: per lb., 20O. Needle pines, per dos., 32.00. Cotton aMrket. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. The cotton mar ket opened sieady and generally unchanged to 8 points hluher in av 111 oath v with steady j Liverpool cables.' but soon turned easier under cnnuuisHlon house realising In the aimeiice of hull support, and during the middle of the morning ruled about 8 to 7 , points net lower. Spot interests bought January, but sold May, taking no active part In the market however. Much of the scattered selling wits attribute dto the tak lntr of profits. Spot closed quiet: middling uplands, 15.00c; middling gulf. 16 3oc. Sale. 3 .500 bales. ST. litM'lri, Dec. 13 COTTON Slow; middling. 154c. Sales, none; receipts, 3.059 baits; shipments, 3,732 bales; stock, 10,71) bales. The leading cotton futures range as follows: t'nlnn trw- Yarda ato-k 5 Weatern State Uaa 4V P.lee j Months. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Yes'y. Dec. ...114 77. 14 7rt 14 61 14(59 14 T I Jun 14 H6 14 Vi 14 74 14 78 14 K2 ! Mar I IS 10 '.SIR 16 02 15 i 15 10 , May ... 15 2D 16 34 15 21 15 25 15 29 JJuly 1 15 28 16 33 15 IS 15 23 15 37 Hiaporatrd Apples nnd UrleJ Fralta. NEW YORK. Dee. 13. EVA PO RATED APPLES Firm, with small offering on the spot; fancy Is qm.ted at 124i12Vac; choice, 114c; prime. V' 10e. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, firmly held. Quotations range from 6W10c for Cail forniaa up to 30-40s, and feu 10c for Oregons from -3(s. Apricots, firm on the light stocks; choice, 13'yl34c; extra choice. 13 4'ol 13vc; fancy. 13Vl4c. Pfaches. quiet, as buyers object to paying the recent advance In price; choice, 6'(,7c: extra choice, kV. SHc; fancy. s-u.tV.c. HalKins. firm, with little offering; loose muHcatelg. 6cit;v,c; choice to fancy seeded. 6V'74c; seedless, fc"l"; London layers. 3l.20r&1.25. Dry floods Market. NEW YORK. Dee. IS DRY GOODS The men's wear events handling fancy over, coatings are about to oprn their fall lines and are alres-ly getting business cn fancies In a promising way. Cotton goods ond yarns role unlet ard generally firm. Export demand Is light. Omaha liar Market: ' OMAII. Hoc 11 HAY No. I. unlsnd 112; No. 2 urlar.d. in: n. 1 cosrs. $10: No. 2 cnarre, ; mcklnv 17; altalfn. 814; straw: Wheat. 3.3). rye. 36; oats, 17. CA OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Large Everywhere and Price Lower. HOGS ABOUND TWENTY LOWER I.arahs Active Hellers at Prices FaiHy SteaAr wllb Momday, While Yearlings Krres Are glow and Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. Dee. 13. W Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. -..t ... -, . , . .. a oia X SIS 10. ..In Estimate Tuesday 7.300 ." 8.200 Two days this week... .13.812 Rims rtev. la.T orsek . . 15 DfA Rame days 2 weeks ago.. 8.911 name days 3 weeks ago. .i2.t" Same days 4 weeks ago. .le.SeO C I, rr. A Amvm las. 1 3 R74 The following table ehowR trie fT'Pi," cattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omana for the. vear tn data, as compared n last year; . 1810. 1908 'nc U- Cattle 1.184.655 1.078.401 106.064 Hogs 2.8.11. S24 2.044.011 Sheep 8,926.440 2.0CT.178 838,262 Ths following table shows the average prices of hogs at Bouth Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. 1810. 1909.118O8.18O7.lO8.119O6 lW- Dec. ( Deo. 6 Dec. 7 Dec 8 Dec. 7 tOV.1 S 61 4 87 T aau I 111 I 4 71 121 4 M 4 42 5 141 4 M! 4 40 8 211 4 S2 4 35 !!?!!!! !. 4.M 8 16 a 4 87 4 2 4 32 4 38 7 44Vi l 6 481 4 47) f tO I B 041 C til at fill 4 84 Dec. 10... c. 10... T 6 C 11... I c. 13.. .1 7 E o. 13... I 1 4 8 21 va I o mi at vu n " i - ' -. - Dec 11. I 8 851 6 411 4 49 14 ! 1 ' - Dec. 68i I 6 82 4 711 8 03, 4 sx J 40 (29 4 49 8 06 4 88 4 41 Deo. Sunday, Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yes terday: ' RECEI PT8 C A R8. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. St. P S . Wabash 2 Missouri Paclflo 8 I'nlon Paclflo 63 C. & N. W., east 12 C. A. N. W., west 6 C, St. P., M. A 0 12 C, B. A Q., east 12 C, B. A Q., west H C, R. I. & P., eaat 16 C, R. I. & P., woet 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago O. W I Total receipts 814 14.718 18.718 7 son 16.21 g7S 24.026 U AW 80.MW 9,704 70.3 1K.490 23,745 4 2 .23 10 Ml 2 37 5 4 14 1 30 1 7 8 2 2 1 1 . 2 148 ' 82 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 492' H96 633 Swift and Company L5S8 2,060 1,134 Cudahy Packing Co 881 8,358 1.878 Armour & Co 1,807 8,269 865 W. B. Van Bant Co 147 Benton, Vansant eV Lush 167 ..... Stephens Bros 68 Hill & Son 831 F. B. Lewis 165 Huston A Co 96 J. B. Root & Co 818 J. H. Bulla 81 U P. Huss t I Wolf 18 ItcCreary & Carey 60 .., 8. Werthelmer 226 H F. Hamilton 65 Rothschild 45 Smith A Polsley 61 Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co 151 Sol Degen 80 Cllne & Christy ' 100 Other buyers 859 1.330 Totals 7,596 9,683 6,840 CATTLE Yesterday's large run of cattle was followed by heavy receipts again to day, about 300 cars being reported in. There was a sprinkling of range cattle, but the most ot the receipts consisted of half . fat beef cattle and butcher stock, with, quite a showing of feeders. Advices from other selling points were extremely unfavorable, Indicating unusually large re ceipts . for A Tuesday and a very sharp break In prices. Chicago was especially bad, first reports from that point Indicat ing a 26o decline for the two days. As a result the market at this point was slow to open. Beef steers were slow, sellers all morning and It was midday or after before anything like a clearance was effected. Prices were In the main lo&il6c lower, the decline, as hinted above, being due to the unfavorable condition of markets at other points, as well as to liberal receipts locally. Cows and heifers were slow to 10c lower and It was also late In the day before the offerings were disposed of. The best feed eis, both heavy and light, were steady and fairly active. In fact, . cattle of that de scription were the first to sell on the mar ket. Common and Inferior grades were naturally slow. Quotations on native ' cattle: Good to choice beet steers, 36.20e.75; fair to good beef steers, 50.40jtf 20; common to fair beef steers 34. 50(36.40; good to choice cows and heifers, 4 (.045 25; fair to good cows and hellers, 83.75'y 4 50; common to fair cows and heifers, 3.00i8.75; good to choice 'Blockers and feeders, 34.6O-u6.60; fair ' sood atock ers and feeders, 83.604.&i common to fair stockem and feeders, 33.263.90; stock heifers, $3.Xn4.U; veal calves. 33.608.26; bulls, risers, etc., 33 .26ff6.00. - Quotations on range cattle: - Choice to Crime oeeves, 85.&0'ub'.25; good to choice eeves, 35.O0ft5.5Q; fair to good beeves. 34 40 (&4.A0; common to fair beeves. 33.704H4O; choice cows. 33.8044.40; fair to good cows. 83. WaS. 65: canners, 32.75&S.y Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. ho. Ar. Pr. 1 710 4 85 Ml I M t 460 4 40 1 10M 6 15 1 710 4 76 II 1174 3 15 I.... 1101 6 15 18 130 6 55 COWS. II K) 18 T 1OTI 8 71 5 Ill 111 - 4 1071 16 18 140 3 20 19 Mt 10 MS I 15 151 90 1 1055 I tt t list) 4 00 I lull 3 15 54 107 4 00 705 IK 6 1211 4 05 t 465 I 15 ft 103 4 10 561 I 16 1C Kl 4 10 7 i n iois 4 10 1147 5 55' 11 104 4 10 ( H IIS 24 leal 4 10 4. . 760 3 40 1081 4 10 4 1060 I 40 4 fiat ' 4 I Hi 3 54 6 12M 4 10 1 1010 t 50 13 10M 4 50 I 913 t 50 , 1 1115 4 15 t 160 3 10 7.., XI IM 4 IKS I 55 T 1092 4 35 M 741 3 45 HEIFERS. 4C I 75 17....... IM 4 35 10 I"4 1 10 17 IH1 4 55 4 Ill I SO T 711 4 M I .' 4tt I 15 1 110 4 50 10 131 IN IS 717 4 45 7 7f' 4 00 1 iu.4 4 45 1 154 4 04 11 sal 4 45 5 7&0 4 10 . BULLS. t inxi 1 45 1 1010 4 10 1 164 I 45 1 1240 4 40 1 14A0 1 0 1 1.175 4 50 I )2) I 4 1175 4 50 1140 4 00 1 1220 4 50 CALVES. II 141 3 75- 4 ltO 4 50 11 140 4 t 1 ln 7 50 S (M 410 1 130 1)0 I 4 40 1IJ 00 361 4 40 STEKRS4 AND HEIFERS. 1H M 15. .1010 t 75 STOCKERS AND FEBbKHi 3.... I... ... I... I... I... 17... .... 14... I... I... II... 11... i... 40 1 76 4 3.. I.. 7 4 50 4 U . 414 . 145 . 140 . 170 . 400 . 5l 1 . ill . 4l . too . 4a . 774 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 4 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 41 . 644 . 145 . 744 . 161 . II . 715 .10(1 . 141 . 710 . 417 . 535 . 126 lOiVI 4 65 4 65 4 65 4 40 4 SO 4 45 4 5 4 TO 4 Tl 4 SO 5 00 5 10 It. St. 191 4 50 W EST Elt.N' 9-N EBRASKA. 86 heifers... 804 3 80 7 feeders.. 800 8 feeders.. 010 4 70 4 steers. ...126 28 feeders.. 622 4 65 15 cows 84.1 4 cs. & hs. ti7 4 16 6 cs. A hs. kuO E. Burnett Wyo. 32 cows fam 2 2 37 cows S14 13 cows 966 4 10 steira....lu.Hl 11 steers.... (V.4 4 66 4 70 5 15 3 40 4 15 3 20 4 60 V YOMINQ. 12 cows... 34 feeders, 2S heifers. 21 cows... .'it sti ers.. l'l titecra.. 9S9 'i 25 26 cows 1063 fcteers..,.ll 3 cows 1173 4 heifers... two 44 steers.. ..M10 4 00 Id 1016 K19 4 "5 fcteers..,.ll 4 70 4 26 3 cows 1173 8 63 3 45 ' 4 heifers... two 4 i- 4 1) 44 steers.. ..M10 4 30 4 70 10 cows 158 3 50 4 30 34 ieers....U22 4 70 1015 112 72 sierra. ...1I2 John Woolsey wyo. 12 heifers... ani 2 75 10 steers.... 591 4 23 roe s H42 3 25 7 cows Ml 3 W HOtiS Receipts of hogs this morning were very large. 152 cars being reported In. In fact, they were the largest of any day since June A), when l'A cars arrived at the yards. At the same t'me other market points were reporting very heavy runs, with prices everywhere sharply lower. I'nder the combined pressure of 'a.ge re ceipts and general declines at all point, the market here opemd wlti: biiveis bid dim; in many cms. a as much as ilv in-r than yesterday. The tiriy si.les looked generally about 20c lower, and on that lass a large proportion of the hogs changed bands. Toward the last the mar ket strengthened up a little and tome spies men thought at the best time that they sold out at prices that were not over :if 2c lower. Heavy hogs sold largely at 87 Srvjr? 40, hlle the lighter hogs ranged from 87.40 up to 37 .65. The bulk of all the hoss sold at 3.' SK7... The trade was fairly active at the decline, that Is. sufficiently active to effect a clearance In reasonable season in the forenoon. So. .e. sh. Ft. No. At. sh. r-r, 11 1 ... t B TO 14 IJ0 t 40 5 440 ... t K 5 IM ! 1 40 t 140 ... 7 Ml i act . . 7 44 10 414 an T 90 41 1M do 7 so li Sid ) 7 50 54 Ill M 1 tl) II 117 120 7 Ml 17 IV) 40 1 4 41 ! 10 7 n 11 J7 DO t 40 1 14 140 1 BO 4T 147 to 7 40. 4 124 30 1 W 1 Ill ... (to 55 im 1)0 1 15 44 Ml ... 740 M M4 ... 1 H 14 l. ISO 7 40 II 121 ... 1 55 55 XT 40 7 40 67 I I 40 7 15 41 '.KM ... 7 Itu, 41 1!7 ... 1 15 54 fc-4 40 7 42U 54 JK 120 1 JJ 71 1.1 411 1 4i 65 174 loo 7 16 IS o 7 46 61 813 1 li 71 ISO ISO 1 4s 61 1l 350 T 15 10 sn ... 1 6 17S ... 7 11 16 im ... 7 45 M SM 110 1 16 M in. 40 7 45 4 ... 7 16 Ml 171 ... 7 4 41 SM ... 1 IS 11. 176 ... T 46 II SO! 110 1 35 41 1-0 100 7 4 40 U ... 7 16 70 M) ... 7 46 II 140 50 7 16 t WIS ... 1 46 17 46 ... 116 14 1.T ... 7 474 46 1 O0 7 17V, 1 14 ... 1 60 4 Ml. 40 7 17 V, as ... IM 15 MD ... 117 V, S5 SO0 ... 7 60 34 Ml ... 1 sIV, 74 Mo ... 7 60 II t4 110 7 40 51 m ... 7 50 14 '5 ... 7 40 )4 121 ... 7 SO 4 363 110 1 40 II ,.MI7 ... 7 50 4 Ill ... 7 10 U '.144 ... 7 60 41 ... 7 40 II Ul ... 7 65 II 546 330 7 40 14 SM ... 7 65 41 123 ... 7 40 PIQ8. 8 ... 7 00 BOARS. ' 1 ... 3 00 1 ie ... ftw SHEEP Receipts were light this morn ing at this point, but other markets, espe cially Chicago, were well auppllnd. and early reports indicated a lower range of prices. Very light receipts at this point, together with a rood demand, saved the day for tho selling Interests. Lambs were quite active and the offerings picked tip enrly In the morning at good, steady prices. As a matter of fact, buyers were quoting ineir iamr purchases In some Instances a little stronger even than yesterday, (food lambs sold up to 36.25. which was higher than anything brought yesterday, but pos sibly the quality today may have been bet ter.. Shorn lambs reached 35.75. There were few, if any old wethers on sale, but there were a few cars of heivy yearlings, for which the demand was slow and the feeling weak. Buyers all seemed to be Inquiring for light weights and It took a good deal of persuasion to Induce them to buy heavy weights and posstbly some .ittle concession In prices. Ewes were in .rood demand, selling up as high as 83 65 for the best here. The feeling was a lltt'o weak and salesmen In some cases thought ley had to take off a little as compared with the best time yesterday morning, though, according to buyers' Ideas, the market was steady with yesterday's close. There were only a few feeders here and the demand was sufficient to take care of everything In sight, so that prices remained fully steady. A bunch of feeder lambs brought 35.40 and feeder yearlings 34.50. Quotations on sheep snd lambs: Good to choice lambs, 8r.85'ti6.25: good to choice heavy lambs, $5. 25-35.76; fair to good lambs, 35.2&i?4v!l6; good feeding lambs,. 36.0Ou5.40; fair feeding lambs, 34,50fd.00; light common lambs. 33.OOtf4.00; handy weight yearlings. 34.76i.25; heavy yearlings, 33.6vS4.50; feeder yearlings, 33.76(4.60; good to choice light wethers, 33.754.26; good to choice heavy wethers, 33.5ftir8.76; feeding wethers. 83.2fvai 3.76; good to .choice light ewes, 33.603.75; good heavy ewes, StVoSO; feeding ewes, 322f.f72.66; canners, 31.6Oa2.00. . Representative sales: No, Av. ...106 ...104 ...104 ...104 ... 88 ... 86 ...128 ...108 ... 86 ...105 ...196 ...116 ...155 ...142 ... 78 ... 62 ...108 ... t ... 63 ... 70 ... 66 ... 68 ... 67 ... 84 ... 69 ... 86 Pr. 2 28 3 70 3 70 8 46 C 20 6 20 8 75 t 66 6 25 8 40 8 26 8 40 8 25 6 00 6 80 6 40 3 25 2 75 6 00 8 00 6 25 5 75 00 ( 76 6 40 6 10 20 native ewes, culls, wethers .... wethers .... 178 native 84 native 67 native ewes 46 fed lambs 85 fed lambs 17 fed ewes 230 fed ewes 239 fed lambs 109 fed ewse 86 fed ewes ...(.... 3S fad ewes 17 fed ewes 9 fed lambs 173 fed lambs 40 western lambs, feeders. 369 native ewes 60 native ewes, culls...;.,. 247 fed lambs 268 fed lambs 20 fed lambs 101 shown lambs 8 shorn lambs 218 fed lambs 290 western lambs, feeders. 47 fed lambs CHICAGO I.IVH STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle anal Hoars Doll Sheep - Weak. CHICAGO, fee. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 14.000 head; market dull and weak; beeves, 34.30(S7.10: Texas steers, 83.80rff6.16; western steers, 33.906.90; etocKers and feeders, 83.25 tfrfi 60; cows and heifers, 33.26SB.90; calves, 37.0rvft9.00. HOU8 Receipts, 88,000 head: market dull and 25c lower; light. 37.897.70; mled. 37.35 (07.75; heavy. 17.8687.70; rough. 7.Sag7.60: good to choice heavy, 37.6Wfr7.70; pigs, 36.80 I&7.66: hulk of sales. 27.66iQ7.6S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 80.000 head; market, weak; native, 32 4Afi4 25; western. 32.604.80; yearlings. 34.40fj576; native lambs, 34.256.60; western, H766.40. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Deo. 13. OATTLFj Re ceipts, 17,000 head. Including 800 southerns; market. 15o lower; yearlings, 37 36; dressed beef and export steers, 3S.40rS7.86; fair to good, 34.6006.80; western steers. 34 26 I&S.40; stockers and feeders. . 34.00e6.2f.; southern cows. 82.7&Q4.2S; native cows. 32.76 (fMVSO; native hrlfers. 33.868J6.00; bulls, 33 60 4 75: calves. 84.25i 26. HOGS Receipts. 10,000 head; market. 20c to 25c lower; bulk of sales, 37.60417.60; heavy, 37.50itc7.0: packers and butchers, 37.6ur27.624: light. 37 60f7.67H. SHEEP AND LAMB S Recel pts , 10.000 head; market. 10c to 20c lower; Iambs. 35 85 tjrn.50; yearlings. 34.604i.00: wethers. 33.769 4 10: ewes, 33.00(r3.60; stockers and feeders. 32.75tr3.50. , . St. Lewis Mr ftavek Market. ST. LOUIS, Dee. U.-CATTLB-Recelpts, 4.800 head, Including 1,400 Texans: market, steady: native shipping and export steers, 3 4Of.7.10; dressed beef and butcher steers, 86 nftp.M: steers under 1,000 pounds. 3Rflrwt 6.60: stockers end fenders. 33.765 16: cows snd heifers 31 2647660; canners. 82.7tVT8.25: bulls 326fi.00; cnlves. 36.2rW9.00: Texas and Tndlnn steers, 34.50ffhS.60; cows and heif ers. 33 00774.50. FOOSHeoeipts. 13700 head: market. IRc to 26c lower: pi org and lights. l7.iYr98.60; packers. 37.f0n7.76; butchers and beet heavy, 7.4iS7.7fl. SHEEP AND, LAMPS-Recelpts, B.400 head; msrVet. IRe to 20c lower: native mut tonR. $3'3K: lambs. 35.60W6 3ft: culls and bucks. 82 50473.00; stockers, 32.OOf73.00. St. .fneje-nli l ire Stork Market. ST. JOSPPH. Mo.. Dec. 1. CATTT.R Receipt". 3600 bead; market slow, steadv to teeak: steers. t4.76,6: mwi and helferr erevsKiV); celvee Tt4 Kg. irons Rerelnta l One head: market. 20 js In.-.r; ton. -.D0: twiiv of rales 17.8007 40 SHEEP AND T.AMBS Reeelnta. 8.5O0 head: market steady: lambs, 25 8-34.25. Stork In Slarht. Rerelnts of ll- stock at h five princi pal western markets yesterdsv: Cattle Hoars hn nuth Omsha flt Joseph . . . Wsrs City , t. Tuls Chicago Totals ana ttfUi 14 ftrtft 7 ooe. 10 MV) 4 nn n 7V) 10 ono K 400. SO 000 65. I'M 14 88 0O0 .46,100 92.100 Meal Martiet. NEW YORK'. Dec. 13 MET A T.8 Stand ard enpoer. weak: spelter and fu'orea fH to 112 50 London, firm: snot. TA ia futures. 67 10 Tk loeallv, 1 (W 14 5- elee'rolvdo. 3l2 7Vlfln: raatlnsr. n V t? 7 T'". ev; snot snd futi.e. I3 n r. ga so. oni'on. eapv: snot sd futures 1 (Id Te-s-1. nntet; V- "d j "Of. I J7U. Vnnt P i".(. Tendon. 13 8 r-i.,r wMv; 5"5ft6.t5 New York e'd r. rvr.7fl fB, inula lnon sp"t. its 'd. iron Cleveland wi'rs"", 4"s 7d t Ionrln: lociv. rom'eal. No 1 foun . roHhe. No. 1 foundnr no'UHwri a"d Vn. 1 roupdrv southern ,, 16.25; No. 2 foundry nirthem. r4.7i'ns15 75. ssr MsrVrt. NFW YORK Dee IS. S'GAR R-w. firm: miieeovedo. K test. 8.5V: centrifu gal. 96 "' 4 '' molasses sugar. 53 test. t.30c: refined, oulet. Coffee Market. vr-r" 'ov. r.er. y r-n w r-v v.-t -!--ep.'rl steadv e a net edvsnes of r-11 rolnta: rsle- tl i'A hare: D"--"her '1 1"--'n-isn'. UK' Fehrusrv 11 t M"reVi 1 ffr: Ar"" '0 9: June. 10.7- .luly. lle: August, lO.fle; Beptrmber, 10l4e; October snd November, 10 44c. Spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. 13UK"; No 4 Santos. li:c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 134iiro. Wool larket. ST. LOl'IS. Mo.. Dec. 13 -W'OOI-t'n-changed; territory and western mediums, DEAD LETTER OFFICE JUNK Aaaaal Sale of 3 selslmed Arllrlra Feature of Washington Sport. Preparations are being made at an auc tioneer's office In Washington for the an nual sale of articles accumulated In the division of dead letters which will be dis posed of tinder the hammer by older of Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock. The sale will open at 10 a. m. on December 13 and will be continued dnlly until the whole lot Is disposed of. There are to be 7.301 packages of unclaimed articles offered for sale, and of these 6.714 are miscellaneous srticles. 1.222 are books and the remaining 456 packages contain varied assortments of Jewelry. I'nder the term miscellaneous articles, listed as Schedule A, are odds and ends of almost every conceivable thing that Is not too heavy to be carried In a mall sack. Among some of the curious things that are to be sold to the highest bidder are tele scopes, skeins of floss, combs, pipes, doll dresses, bicycle spokes, spark plugs, card cases, harness, crockery, cards, leather moccasins, raiors, mufflers, flags of a half a doxen nations, music, fountain pens, gloves, rubber collars, hotwater bottles, belts, lace curtains, shoe laces, monkey wrenches, needles, soap, surgical Instru ments, dried fruit, harmonicas, small bas kets, dollies, neckties, tools, slippers, chamois skins, cardholders, cigars, sephyr shawls, violin chin rests, suspenders, laun dry bags, hatpins, toys, postcard albums, hair rats and switches by the dozen, pocket knives, fans, tennis balls, whips, toilet sets, cheap watches, piano scarfs, toothbrushes, and an extensive and varied lot of women's wearing apparel, including many pairs of silk stockings, real laco, embroidery and dainty bits of flimsy lingerie so dear to tho heart of every woman. Then, too, along that line, there are so many kinds of in fants' clothes In the collection that any mother would not have the slightest trouble In finding the right size If she were look ing for bargains in ready-to-wear garments for her small children. Bundle No. 3537, which bears the stamp mark of a town in Florida, contains the following:: "Aigrette, three cheap ostrich feathers, lace-trlmmed corset cover (3(1), three spools of thread, book pressed flow ers (Holy Land), cheap necktie, and a pie knife. It does help a lot for a pros pective purchaser to be able to bid on such a varied assortment of useful things. The government of course In offering package No. 3637 for sale sll In a lump Is taking, a big chance on the bidder being a woman to whom all the articles In tho bundle may not appeal. She may not care at an for articles of personal adornment and yet alio might be fond of pie. In that case the pio , knife would strike her fancy and she would ' buy the bundle for the knife alono and take the other things for good measure. On the other hand, the woman might not be a pie eater, and as she would have no use for the pie knife, she might wish to outbid the woman at her left to acquire tho aigrette, ostrich plumes and the rest So the government expects to "get 'em com ing and arasgig-' at this rummage sale. Package No. 8604 win indeed be a prise. It contains "six slate pencils, forty lamp wicks, bicycle pump, corn plasters, thir teen steel traps, two paint brush, .n undorwalst, a muff and a rattlesnake skin." ine postmaster general says that he pre sumes this bundle of odds and enri. .rri strike tha fancy of some man and that any one of the several articles should prove useful, no matter who the purchases was. mere he lived or what business he was In. ' The contents of another lnterewtin n...u- age should sound promising as it com prises "a straw hat (sllehtlv four furniture casters, six harness buckles' worsted sweater, e-utomoblle goggles, dry ing pan. rosary beads, shears, hnttnn. boxes fish hooks, three speedometers, elder- aown aressing sack, violin strings and rub ber heels." It Is A pretty sure thlnsr that m. bundle will not go begging. Mr. Hitchcock thinks, especially when It will be offered for a mere song when the sale starts the opening day. There are hundreds of different books, with hardly any two alike. The range ot titles: runs from Shakesneiara tit Vl I n rtn Glyn, and from Dr. Johnson to Victoria Cross. There are big and little copies of the Bible, modern plays, novels, diction aries, collections of poems and sdentlfla reports along with books in the following foreign languages: Choctaw, Danish, Fin nish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian. Italian, Japanese, Latin, Nor wegian. Polish. Iortua-uaA. B...n iah, Swedish and Turkish. The list of Jewelrr comnrlaaa artcirnina eerrtnga signet rings, -watches, brooohea, knives, forks and .spoons, cigarette cases, watoh chains, pendants, lockets, cuff-buttons, key rings, gold-mounted nirwa i.r.. and cigarette holders, cut glass dishes, gold, eyeglsswes, beauty pins, fraternity ping (Al pha Epsllon Nu, Beta Sigma and Alpha Delta Phi), watoh charms and gold-mounted umbrellas. Because most of the unclaimed packages that have found their way to the dead let ter office at the Postofflce department were Intended for Christmas presents last . year and never reached the destinations In tended because of the carelessness or Igno rance on the part of the senders, this an nual rummage- sale Is conducted by the government each year about the middle of December. The net amount realised each year through the sale of unclaimed r.r. 1. averages 3S.600. Boston Transcript A chorus of voices called for a speech from the stranger and he entertained them for half an hour by relating In his Inimit able way a number of amusing and Inter esting Incidents that had come under his observation during three wars. At the clo they voted that he belonged on all sides. Bigger, Better Busier That Is what advertising In The Bee will do for your business. fa.-e.n.-!;.Nn..-n:-1!.n.nn.mi.r.n One or Several $100 Bonds n Yielding B4 Interest will make a gift valued by every re ceiver, a enn or daughter especially. It cannot lie sausniivrej. It dees predate. not de- It encourares sav ing and thrift i'lie interest I psld at . our office every six months, on do.-iiand. Aleo the bond Itself, When flue, nr anv lire- t.efore. Denominations 0- . 90). f -iS,-!rr,.re-. w ',. a a,.a-4 ST. Lien to I880 4rstMs0vaia 19 0!