fafe;SL Hone 'THep 1000 , h-. Want - Ads Waat ada reeelved at ear tle. feat fa Insare proper classification m is I be presented before IV o'elooat in., laa events edition aad before T e'rleck at lha nrevlstas tmtaf f 30 far Moral. a.d fta.d.r adltla. W ads reset Tad after seen Boars ' bar thai first Insertion I will the beading! "Taa Lata Classify" Rate- ! is alihav Tba Dally r rd o Ha. ' CjtMI HATKS-roit WA!T ADt. RfcJOCI.AH CLAtStriCATlO insertion, t M caata aar word and ? aant per ward far naeb laaartlaa. Each laaartlaa "" " d ilars, 1 1-31 eeata ar uar llaa aaa aeoatsi. Want far TTTnra n..y at mt af laa follOTVln drag 0"'"' aaa la year "rsrm draKBlst" tbr ara all branch off!- far Tba Bee aad tssr ad will ba Inserted ' " promptly aad tba earns " ha main oflloe la Tba Bra bnlldlng. nteeots aad Faraaw sH""' Albach. W. C. 4th and Farnam. Hers nek, 8. A., 13 8. lf.th rJt. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. . Bcmls Park Pharmacy. 3d and Cummi. Hlake-Briulln, 218 Shermcn Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, IS Military Ava. Caughlin. C. K.. 6tii and rierce Bts. Crlsney Pharmacy. 24tv. and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 8. 16th St. Cermak. Kmil, ly- S. lth St. Khler, P. H., 2tt Ieaenworth St. Foster & Arnold!, 218 N. 25th Bt Fieytag J. J 1314 N. JHh St. Fregger Drug Co., 1302 N. Wth St. Floienre Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Parle Ave. and 1 anno. Ciretnough. G. A , 105 S. 10Ui bt. Crtenough, O. a., ioth and Hickory. Golden Pharmacy. 24ih and Uavmworin. , liaydn, William, ZOO Farnam Ht. . Hart.scom Park Pharmacy, 1MU S. 2Jtn Ave. Hmterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and ar Cain St. HolM, John, 24 S. I!lh St. 1 lu rr, A. L.i 2?;.'4 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drue Co.. 24t!i and Spalding King, II. H., Kil? Karnam St. ivouiitae Placi Pharmacy, 8.04 N. 2tn. Lathrop, Charles 1'".., 1221 N. 24th, St. Mares, Fred L., 201" Central BWd. i atrtck Drug; Co., 1W2 N. 24th St. Peyton Phuimacy, 721 6. ltiil St. KcratoK Dtu Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. bclit. tir'. Cut Price t)t ug Store. Wtn ana Chicago tsts. trhaefeV, Aug., 2ii.11 N. lCth; htlirnidt, J. H . 24tn and Cumins Bta. Walnut Ulll Pharmacy, tutli and Cumlpg- ItKAI'll AXH FtXCIlAL TICKS. AVUl'STAT Mra. Maria, at her home, .,S boulevard.. ',,', Fimei ai troiu the rewldence at 2 o clock Tuenday. HUG11ES Martin, age. 8 year, died Sun Oay'at 1 P. at tlie.Xtni.ly, residence. jl.i in. list Bt. Kunu.al Weunekday tnornlna; at 9. to St. Cecelia s church at 9:ja. interment Holy Sepulchre, , . , KK.N'NPDV-Mrs. Mary, age 62 years. Futieial Tm-sday morning. Iec. 13, -at ( a. ni. from the family residence, 251 So. 13lh. Interment' Si. Ma,ry's- remetery. i "ANNOUNCEMENTS L j t. - . , , . J . A. UKNTLEMAN CO., iinlalmns. Ji.14 CMraico. U. ik,j. lt-ii PARLfTRlWATilR llivjil CLA.-S VAl-i'uA ILL., 1 Foil li)o; rnstinces, be Vuu vlh not ueU 4 mhoiiU li viiailon after ynu hae keen ou, show one. At rut Jirlcus. ALU KIN US VW a . you Iw; In uJ a tuo. Quantity (j.aniy fcOBtSNuLAi i' b CO'!' 1'BiCU COAL CO., fc'l'. IlOi'll 'i'MDXE VOUIt hisaasine ordeu will earn JG.uOO for cha,rl;yi every blesur oiuei o.- lenewol air ((V. Write lor pi tieuiars and cats lokue, r us- auv. I utipueato any priuteO offer; fcvJO already earned; keiu it going. AuUkd Uujiluu, Tl.a ilagteins Mail, Omaha. lJeUM'as 71S1 . y MONEY To Loan low BA I K, in sums t cu.t, 4 tte cidg. l'roue Loutf. jjuL LNioN UJAN CO. OOOD MEKCJJAKT3 LUNCH r. rVnto Jtlt-tl iu. Louglas btieU -wCUia l. '.Vurn. Or'lclor., in taranu, u.; MA4JCJAHI' Vao 4; ptorags. pack. mo.s. ti:i and slap il. H. gooJs. I ivv. It sux HAnrtY W. MQOL. Engineer. L)Uncr, Li4,Iiinu. 'viz Uraudei incitier. U. .A. LA'1U COLK CHKAiltiUV t.'O FLKN ATORS ntPAlKKL",- fvelght. p (ti.grr. J. 1L Kuudy. M W. 13ih. 1. Hi 11.4 HKV W. VIClvlCna. civil engineer. 120 Paxtun Ulk. Doug. lni . 411 i. g. It. v'ola Sin Co.. 1. S".6k. 13; Karusiu I. II. n-C K CO.. keys and lockwork. T'm L'.kuo."..i . UkU .Nonefc. 1LEII GltAND liOTKL rincst In me west. TlilLUli liillhs Iktu and HoaM bla Aun,lsU iJUlIlb I a1ia' and ants' chine pnrlura. 220 S, li. W. C. CATTiN." plumbing and liceting; and iLair wink. JiV o. -lli. U. lnJ. Flllsis, filler repairs. Ui.' HoArd. 1). iau Ull TOU PABAIMSF.: Kyunas guod, tiorsn'l it? ilahpinpss su rieme urn you uuin our PAUADlsfc lUAL 1 o cut uovo jour cual ui.l taks Out advice and Lira laid-. Id wit )ui lliJ to -W t'n. But 'i uruD.'k. i. V. Utt'H'UU, -m4 Cimi.i.g Si. 1 '( ) 4 I Public llarket Special, nut. Km, lulHp. r M). I'ISIIUUUI Willi order. Pariridge-'l nuuiauu Co., l'ilit liaiuy rtieel. Lou; suU. lui. A-J4J. LmTiriJirosr1'1 iMsu KL1A1U WOlttCdl 17US Jackkou CI. O. 1477. . by ion or LaSKtl dshvrred aoy x-w"" plait. F.ncue j.icr iil, A-ii.. IJOI'ULAS l'rtuting Co. Tl. Douglas tilt MlsjljlL'THi UiTyaNT wishes to an liuuuco to iudies laai she fia added to ler liairdrensiug msnicuriiig. oattis. salt p'ow, tudy massage, bweumh inovemenl. liy battle Clack graUcat. Mi Lija.it tnanka ner palrun (or their Ktrou ku;Hri ii. ilia pat and buiiclv iiiuir paliuhage (or tUa lulu.-. Kouiu 416 ai.J Ui Bee iliUg AltdMC ar.d lHO. i-uuipitxion l!'i n.Ska ciear, w lute m liy mail oo auj II. auariuau ji.urik I'l.ii i.uai MCl'INllfS New and recondlmnd l'y .uAV'AtkJ ,1Jim iotr; aij all l.li.il of e'ettiiial itpain.ik l.eliiuo i.l.nrt. l Wurss. l:i rf. lit Bull, 'phoo. HoRXUY Blue I'not Co.. 518 B7 Bid. Vn. IIVNSOS.' H aherman Ave. W. Ilfj. rr a t ANNOUNCEMENTS IConunued.) LOOK FOR C. SCIILANK'S PRICE LIST. Uuckenhelmer Bottled lu Bond, . Full uuart 1W Old Uverholt Bottled In Bond, . Full Uuart II W Old Ktpy Kottled In Bond, Full Quart tlM Golden Haven Bottled In Bond, ' Full Quart l w (Stillwater Bottled. In Bond, Full Uuart tl Old Oscar Pepper Bottled In Bond, Full yuart WW Old Lewis Hunter Bottled In Bond, Full Quart H-W Old Taylor BotMed In Bond, Full Quart 1100 Old Crow Bottled In Bond, Full Quarts 1125 Pchenley Bye Bottled In Bond, , Full Quarts II 23 Jot. E. Papper Bottled In Band, Full Quarts 11.25 Our Best 10-Year-Old Whisky Dllllnner Penn. Pure Rve. Full Quart $125 With each purchase we will (rive abso lutely Free one bottle of The Best Cali fornia Wine. C. SCHLANK, Pour. 641. 1W7 Douglas Rt. Ind. A-1641 HOW IS YOUR COAL BIN? Tel. D. 4128, Web. 3ia"i. Cual all kinds. It.. II. MOliEliOUSE CO., PRACTICAL nursing, 508 N. 21st. D. 679. JOHN E. HIM OK. shirts. 830 Paxton Blk. TWBKTT i.er cent less than Omsha prices HOME FURNITURE CO. Twenty-fourth and L ts.. (ioutii Omaha. ED ROTIIEIiY f'ot XJ SS cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 11th St. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINrt. ARKINB, 816 S. 16T1L UPSTAIRS. AUTOMOBILES "Smiish up" your auto. . "SKI IV Into a post "TKAR" yotir top. And bring It -to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUM.M0ND Corner IStli and Harney St. " AUTO LIST Oet our list i an new and used electrlo cars fine , for winter. P. & F. Flectrlo Oarage Co., 2318 Harney St., Omaha. Auto Repairing rp- ""JS CALT DAV OR NIGHT. The Paxton Mitchell Co.. 2010-18 Harney. D. 7&24; A-201L Auto Paintinc- "murphy did. it.- ANDREW MURPHY ec'SON. 1412 Jacknon. THE only exclusive electrlo garage In Omaha; expert battery maker; all work ruaranteed. P. & F. Electrlo Garage Co.. 2318 Harney. . . . .. WRITE for list of automobile bargatns. H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. FOR KA LE Model 10 Bulck roadster, equipped with Pres-to-lite tank and exhaust whistle. Call Harney W2. SrlY)RATlE Auto 7epalrln & painting. OiUllAUL VVm phleffer. CHiriage .ivorHH. i,tn s. j.eavenwortn. jied rctii tijiitiimjiiLHi) laine, engraving nan and other tools, also a quantity of material at P. & F. Electric Garage Co., 2318 Harney. BUSINESS CHANCES lo (JET lu or out nf business en II .u (JANG8TAD. 404 Be Bids. Te. I). 8W7. T QTVI'' l'er"on"1 attention to collect " tlon; no collection no com- minion; 12 tir' expeneiice. Jensen, ad NL VILLI! BLOCK. 'i'HO.Ng IHUU. 41. (J SADY Co - Ta1 "tte loans and Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Quia returns. 8. w. 'orner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 1524. LARGE FIRE iffiRA??."s i.COM- PAY. J nls Is posi tively the last month this ad will run; take advantage of it. Stocks for sale. D1VI IH'NDfi. Agents wanted. Casxady Co. Fircal Agents, H. W. tor. 14tli aud Doug las. Omaha. Tel. D. 1520. O. D. C. CODD1XQTOX, 220 Board of Tinde Bldg.. hukinens chances, bonds, In vestments and real estate. CIGAR store, pool hall, at 4106 N. 21th St.; a good place lor the right party. Call kOOIl. BKK the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST. MENT COMPANY lor big hurgalns In ffcini- or tani.-h lands. List your property fur i-glb with us. All ku.ds of exuiiangea. 7 N. y Ufe Bldg. , Foh A IX Drug siore and stock in good town eastern Nebraska; for further pur t'culurs wrue C. H. Petersen. 304 Harnsofl St. Council Bluffs. Ia. Full SALE Meat u'.rsat m county iieut towp of about 2.000 Inhabitants; has been doing a good buklneks; nn tieaf and muwt get out. Is the only reason i want to sell. M. Alexander, Geneva. Neb FHYSICIAN with hospital experience de sire i.attnershlp with elderly physlclun who does i.ot wish to do outside work Y Tit. Bee. 1S.OO0 WILfTbuy the best paying hotel In Ilia city of its kind. Address U-tMi. Bee. Ladies' children ami misses' c loaks Some dry goods. About 1.5"0. Cheap for rath. This Is a barsatn. Time If wanted A. 15. Cook. 1714 Faruam. FOR SAl.K-Pool hall; three taMe and barber outfit; central location. Call at 1314 I l.mard. Roller. . FOR KAI.E-I.V-acre fnrm, well located aUo small millinery stock and fixture1 renson for selltnir, HI health. Address Box iOi. liubbell. Neb. WANTKV-i" head of calves, either sex lo kip for 3 years for half the Increase. I lave an abundance of the best ranpo Aildrra.4 Clark. P. O box 47. Straiton. Colo tl.0 LOAN with service-; salary 120 uer week. V. 4M. Bee. V FOR KALE At great reduction the best dry goods propiicltioii In Iowa; good clean Miu-k of lio.o-o; also k.mhI store building and residence. Will H1 either scperatc or botli toxetlier. Situated In ltlchlund, la. Call on or addreks A. F. Dunkonbring, hiihland. la. 1500 00 or 11,000 00 for an lnvst-nrt rtlvideiida U per feet. Addreas K-491 He. KXCKPTIONAL opportunity for party with IS. 000 to Join me In a lucrat.ve hiiMl-ne-. Answer for interview only. B lutf live. Ill laa- Hoases far Vale. K( HIM I NO l.oni-e for sale, furniture of 8-rooui flat, soixl as new, complete, for liuusrkevping; tatle linen, b.dding. disiies. curtains; have luid at ."; anxious to Uae cil; will kacilfice ft.r Ha: Kotda In uied fur U.JOJ: raid tip for three years; loomer more llian pay rent. 222 N. 2C.ili Mt. Theie Is no better investments thsn a weii-iui-aieu roonung nouse. we have them; any &ri.-e and m-jsl any terms. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., tJS N Y. Life Bldg. phones Red 19v. A-K2L BUSINESS CHANCES Rooming lloasea for Sale Cont'd. IF TOU want to buy or sell a rooming house, any price, any location, see HAN SEN, 12s Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. toil. ' A DESIRABLE 4 -room apartment, new, 2ft. J7S 27th 8t. Harney XkmJ. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. cWropodl"t, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. Itll Farnam. D. 2333. DR. ROY. IMt Pamam t Douglas . DENTISTS BAILK.V m VKCH. td floor. Paxtan. D. 103s. DETECTIVES Omaha Becret Service Detective ago.. Inc.. bonded. 428- Paxton blk. D. m0; Ind. A 131SI. CAPT T. COKHACK, 7 K A REACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS HELEN LADWIQ, 1808 N. 17th Bt. First cla.s dressmaking CHILDREN'S dressmaking 4641 Lafar tta Ave. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailor. Mis Malone. 2213 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 4736. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. 3718. MISS STURDY. 821 S. 24th St. Tel. D 7214. FLORISTS Bennett s Flower Dept., East entrance. HESS, ft 8WOBODA. 1413 Farnam St J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la., largest greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1211. J. II. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. A. DONAHUE, 1C07 Farnam. D. 1001; A-1001. EDUCATIONAL HIE FIRST WINTER TERM Of . Boyles College Is now open in both tne any and night ses sions. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Be gin now and receive that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Teleg raphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The - catalogue ia free. Address H. B. Boy)es, President, Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. Official Training School Union Paclflo R. R. Telegraph Department. Mosher-Lampman college? Unexcelled courses In Business. Short hand. Penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Mot Interesting catalogue published In Omaha. Send for one .oday. WINTER TERM NOW OPEN. ENROLL AT ONCE. . MQSIifcK A LAMPMAN. ITth uiid Rsrnam Sts . Omnha. Neb. FOR CHRISTMAS $100 TYPEWRITERS Send us fj for a starter and we will send you an Oliver at ftt. a Remington at 130. a Smith Premier, Fox or Densinore at t& or an Underwood at 137.50. every one guar anteed for a year. If satisfied, pay the balance.' If not. we refund money. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. . , . ISv7 Farnant. THE BEST XMAS PRESENT Is a scholarship In the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. Its great benefits last a lifetime. Send to MOSHER & LAMPMAN, 17TH AND FARNAM 8T3., FOR CATA LOGUE. TERMS. ETC. BIG LOT OF DIAMONDS Jewelry left on If&nd for sale; special low prices. 'Fur-lined overcoats and sealskin caps. Friedman's Loan Bank, 201 S. 13th. PUT BOMB XMAS MONEY INTO A COLUMBIA. Tha graptiaphone of quality. A gift for the whole family. Moat people buy on time, and that suits us. Terms are easy. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1211-1313 Farnam St. '"IRST CLA nrtKSSMAKINO: ChrMf. mas articles. TYLER 1414. &21 8. 25th Ave. MY BACK IS BROKEN I earned J! .('JO for infants' home latt fall. oiir older and renewals this fall win earn ' , 7 , .i r .1 n .. n i ... . . f.,vw lur Alio uiiereni ui tins iiiuiiejr will iuov!ie for Rn InvaiKl s maintenance for lifo and later pay nurse's wages or en dow n h'jspltal cot forever. Mut have 4I0 suhvcrlptions to Everybody's, Delineator, !tO; Woman's Home Companion, Mc ( 'lure's. l!.a; every order or renewal earns 50c. I positively duplicate any printed offer. Write for catalog end story; $sii0 already earned. FOR MFRCY SAKE GET THEM IN. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN, OMAHA. Write or phone Douglas 7163. BEFORE purchasing you? Christmas gifts call and see our complete line of fine Jewelry at manufacturers' prices. We will rave you 100 per cent on all kinds of Jewelry. Direct Importers of Diamonds and precious stones. DE LONG JEWELRY CO., 202-8-4 MoCague Bldg., Cor. lEth and Dodge Streets. Open evenings until V p. m. iTlf'wDVK CUT FLOWER DEPT. IJllVlMrjl. A )arpe unppiy of holiday needs. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen at special prices. IOWNEY'S- tor XmM Saratoga XMAS suggestions alt now for photos; plenty of time for Xmas delivery, lleyn, for high quality, if.tli and Howard. 73 DIAMOND RINGS kracrm,? ISO per karat. Metropolitan Loun and Jewelry Co.. 1124 Douglas St. i 110 up. Most acceptable gift, one of our rebuilt machines: good as new at half price and !-aa. We ship everywhere, Oliver, bnuth Premier, 1-3; Kemlngton. $2t; I'mler wood. 37; Chicago, l!.i0. Personal interest taken In each and every order. Order early and get b st choice. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. ISi7 Farnam Kt. GOOD EYE-SIGHT Is n.ar.klnd's greatest blessing. Cnpsult u. Coluinb'an Optical Co.. :V-!1 S. loth St. Ljta exsn.ltivd. Glasses Fitted. HAND -PAINTED China tin sale fr Xmas Mlfs M. li itiai.ilflit Theater Bldg. R. Emig. I; REFC'RE buvlng your hand-painted china for fhrlntmas see what Mrs. II. H. l.lgyett has for sale at the office of J. C. Wood A- Co. 1.VJ1 Howard St, or at her home, .'4 N. 2th St FOR CHRISTMAS tContlnued.) NEW DELICATESSEN J;;n ua quiet and homelike. IMS Farnam St. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNG ATE, china firing. 870 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Webster 6975. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 76c A large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. U N. Iflth Bt KLPLINGER'S XmM c- pt". uumituianj uth and Farnam. CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes. 6e to 15. Sherman-McConnel Drug Co., ietu and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., IStli and Harney. Tifrphmpnt Muslo aervlca for IVClIt'SUUiems .wddlIlgi 4 dancealnor out of town. Call or write Alfred Jones. Jackson. Tel. Har. 1868, Ind. A-2.W. TEN days special prices on tailored and fancy waists. 206 North 23d St. B-14S1. CHRISTMAS perfumes, dainty packages, loo to 110. Bherman-McConnell Drug Co., nth & Dodge; Owl Drug Co., lbtb. St Harney. V Af C A membership makes a present v for every day In tha year. HOHSON'S Beauty Shop, 1508 Doug goods for Xmas. We make doll wigs. PENNELL'S' e,r y Let IT nnivsuxju p make Your Fur Hat. AGENTS Xmag goods coming In every day.' Coma and get busy. U . 16tb. BUY A CAMERA Th:n4 5 per rent discount' Mageath Stat'y Co. FOR XMAS present have your photo S. taken at Stutsman's. The Bassett Studio. MME. FRAYER Adelight hair food; does grow hair. Megeath's, Kith A, Farnam. AUTOMOBILE GLUVES . . ' MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. Give Iler a Membership . In the Young Women's Christian i Aas'n. DRESSMAKING ' and alteration, first nlsss work: prices reasonable. Miss Eliza- jseth O'Connor, 2011 N. 18th. Webster 1410. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Doug. 4750. Ind. A 8821. 1909V4 Farnam St STENCIL outfits; 6 styles; suitable for presents; picture framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper and a full line of Kherwin-Wllliums Paints, brass polish. liquid veneer and all brands of floor wax. a XTTTT7 O BuY yur Box Candy LAIN iJlllrO ?" Olympia Candy VXxil Kitchen. 1518 Harney. 7-lmmerman & Crowe Furniture Co., 1715 Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf said! GOOD THINGS; & Fallstaff Buffet' Board' of Trada Bldg. ABES ILER GRAND. PHARMACY Xmas gifts, moeraslnM, ' 60o to ' 82 00 tather novelties, all kinds. Xmas candies' perfumes, cigars and plpas. - ' TRY our lOo cream bread; always fresh U worth St. Bakery, ,2707 llworth. .H. 60 The Mickey Music Co. We are now locateo In our new home at 808 S. 18th St. with a splendid Una of Xmas presents. Let us show you. ..FRA?.K " GlBSON co-' i" furnishing the coffee for . the church baaaar in tha Bee Bldg. TRY IT. Phone loug. 6320. WThat Better Oliristrnas gift could you make a son, a daughter or a friend than the present of a scholarship in the Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship Denartmentk nf Knvl.. rlln..T FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and atova re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1200-1208 Douglas tit. Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE ... Clerical aad Office. INTELLIGENT girl or woman spare time, each locality, address envelopes, mall circulars, pay 15o hour, material stamps furnished free, ftex Mailing . Agency, . Lon don. Ont. WANTED Young ' women ' clerks In Candy department Apply R. C. Phelps, Brandels Stores. Factory and Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdressing. Oppenhelm Parlors, ki-40 City Nat l Bank. D. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Maid for general housework, small family, aood wages. Phone Douglas 707 Mra. Bubb. WANTF.D-A cook. 8512 Harney St. Tel. Harney 8772. WANTED Competent girl for house work; no laundry. 116 S. iWth St. WANTED An experienced nurse maid; reternces required. 117 8. 89th St. WANTED A girl for general house work. 2i.J0 S. 7th St. WANTED Competent girl for house work; no cooking. 62S S. 24th Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family. 106 S. Mth St. WANTED Nurse girl over 16 who will do koine setoud work, till N. 40th St. Huiiity j72. WANTED Experienced girl for general house ark; 516 N. 26th St. WANTED A strong woman for general noukewo;k; good wages. 4i0 Seward St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral hous: work. 1106 Lilggs. A WIDOWER with four children desires a houkekeeper, middle aged preferred; good home. Charles 11. Plderit, Ravenna. Neh. WANTED A woman for general house work; Christian sciei.ee preferred. 2oOI Davenport St. WANTED A neat nurse girl, over IS. 1314 sith tit. Harney 741.- XVANTED Competent girl for general housewark 25-lii Chicago St. Tel. Red -. WANTED A competent girl for general noimeviurk. ufl g. 3iit. WANTED A Rlrl fur general housework: must be took; good wages. William situl!. 123 S. Xith St. WANTK1 Competent girl fo" renersl houHewrk; small f, tu.lv. 210 Cass r-t- WANTKL tlood Rlrl for genera! h iu work. H S. 28ih St.- WANTED Competent girl for geneial houseaoik. Wi Pacific .Su . Haruev 2va4 - W A NT EI) Experienced girl for second work. IM N. Coih bt WANTED-Kxperieaced girl to do cook. Ipg and laundry, tut 0. 8stn Ave. FURNACES AND REPAIRS Housekeepers aad Domestics Caat'd. WANTED A good housekeeper; one who cares to get a good home. George H. Uieer. Florence. Neb. WANTED A good girl to help witn housework; good no run. 260S Lake St WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; . small family. 8174 Farnam St COMPETENT housemaid at 8620 Farnam St. ; good , wages. WANTED Good colored girl at once. Mrs. D. Iedwlcb, S517 Harney St., phone Harney 476 WANTED girl for general housework, where two girls ara kept 614 No. 0th. Harney 172. LADIES WANTED Take piece work, clean, fascinating. 415 Brtuidies theater. GIRL for general housework, two In family. Call at 211 S. 2!Hh Ave. WANTED A housemaid. Call Harney Mlacellaaeoaa. YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are -Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 6t. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places er otherwise assisted. Look for out traveler's aid at, the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE A seals. Salesmen aad ollcltora. YOUNG man well acquainted In Omaha; must - be intelligent industrious and of good appearance; exceptionally good open ing for man who has determination to make good on the Job. . Give age, experience, married, employed, eta H. 468 Bee. SALESMEN traveling wishing to double their Incomes, state territory you cover, how often and size of towns. Pocket sample case; customers everywhere. A gentleman's side line. Address,. Blair's Fountain Pen Co., A John St. New York. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN ABOUT tTO OPEN UP A BRANCH IN THE CITY. IlEQUIRES THE SERVICES OF SALES MEN AND CANVASSERS TO SELL AN ARTICLE DIRECT TO THE CONSUM ERS. WE WANT MEN WHO ARE PRO DUCERS AND TO THOSE -WHO CAN GET THE BUSINESS THERE WILL BB A FUTURE IN CONNECTING THEM SELVES WITH THIS CONCERN. STATE AGE AND QUALIFICATIONS. SALARY AND COMMISSION. ADDRESS 209 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. AUTOMOBILE - tlra puncture. Perma nently repaired In one minute. Agents wanted. Description free. A. D. Ames Specialty Co., Box Z. Klrnman, Ia. Boys. WANTED Keverat reliable boya. Wast trn Union Telegraph Co., til 8. 11th Bt WANTHD Good ad. boy at onoe. Raber the Printer, Bee Bldg.. , , . "Clerical and Offloa. WE can use several bookkeepers, steno graphers and clerks, call or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., INC Omaha Estab. 8 years-Kansas City. 762-8-4-6 New York Xlfe Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drag Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knl est Bee Bid. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs, repair men. and salesmen command big salaries. We teach you the business from A to Z. Lincoln Motor school, 1623 N street. Miscellaneous. WANTED 870 month; customs, Internal revenue, railway mall clerks; list of spring examinations in Omaha now ready; prep aration free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 214 B, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks competes; money earned while learning; big demand fur our graduates; wages, 812 to $20 weekly; constant practloe, expert instructions, tools donated; little expense; be Independent. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. YOU are wanted for government posi tion; 880 month; write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 217B, Rochester. N. Y. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Wagons. WB buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blue barn, rear MlMard Hotel. D. 40!M. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your money's worth, If you buy from JOHN SON-DAN FORTH CO., Southwest Corner Tenth and Jonea Bta. FIVE mares with foal and eight cheap horses for sale or trade; bam back of Millard hotel. 13th and Douglas. Cove a. FOR BALK Jersey cow. 2828 So. ltth. LOST AND FOUND L08T Thursday night at Brandels theater, pony fur neck piece. Finder please return to Omaha Bee. The Teddv Bpnr Expert cleaners and xu" -xcuujr Utsur Vyrrt ms Harney. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical tieatment at Crelghton Medical rollers. 14th aud Daven port bis., kpecial attention paid to confine ment rakes; all treatment supervised college ptofexaor. 'Phone Douglas lltl. Calls answered day and night. . MONEY TO LOAN AL.AMY AMU IU4TIKLI, U CiiiAP AlONlty KUK CiiKiaiMAS 88 41 lis To I1.0W 81 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD U 1$ fL'itMIUWK. PIANOS. SALARIES. IJ THIS JS A NEW F1KM, M M Oigan.zea by the REPUTABLE H BL-I.NksS ai EN of this city lo pro- li 48 te.l honest working ptroi'le in ueed 84 cf tenioiary help Iroui toe exorbi- (I U lant marges ci the so-called loan ft 8) companies. We will loan you all the $1 I ii. on ou want and charge you only W f! I per lent a year. $3 il Mr-ANS YOU PAY $4 18 For 6 10 I mn ivin,nli 81 To 1 :1 M It For 8 2 mo. payments 84.23- 3 2o.38 $t 81 For t lv 8 mo. payments 1 jo.,4 t 14 For $W0 12 tno.paymcnla in 5-$102.! $j Au all oilier ati.nM .Ji il uiior ttun. it II i a- w etkly or Mcnthlv i'aymnts. $t $8 Reasonable Appraisement Charges 81 II A fcl-uco t me auve rat.s will II 1 18 ronviiite you how much ou save by 81 ,14 I - 1 1 n aim us. 84 II NO BED TA I t:. N(l liKUy. 4. II MONEY IN YOl.'R I'OCKlvT 8$ M WITHIN AN HUl'R. It II INDKPKMiC.N l CO. I, (it ROOM M. WITH.EM. Bl ILDINO ) It loug. itHj. N. K ..t.r l .th and Hainev U itt ft t4V Ml! I4UMM 41 JMKJ4I KM U4M4t V MONEY LOANED ALA Kl KD PLOPLB i . . VI 1.- V UKalCINll 1 1 0 1 ; H .. A v n 'OTHERS without security; ea.y paymeuta ! I ('flli.ee In M prtnclfal cities. I'oirr.an. roeia t Ouaoa h.aUoaal La k Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Contlnaed. Could Yon use $50 to a Good Advantage! Don't go to a friend. Coma to as. When you borrow money you want the lowest rate, and we give It We will loan you from i.Du to $100.08 on furniture, pianos or teama, without removal; small and easy payments. 81.80 Is the weekly payment oa a IM loan for M weeks. Other amounts la the eamo proportion. We give liberal die counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall or phone applications receive our lrompt sttentlon. . Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room II Arlington Blk., IBllSs Dodge Bt Phonast Douglas 84As A-tMk. $8 CHEAP LOANS 8$ 88 on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. 1$ M AT PER CENT A YEAR! II 18 Can You Beat These Rates 7 88 8$ $ 10 for 3 months 15c. 88 It 8 26 for 8 months 75o 88 II t 50 for 6 months $1.60 II $ 75 for 6 months 12.26 II 8 $100 for months 13.00 It II . Small charge for appraising. 8 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., II Room 810 Brown Blk., 207 8. 16th St. II Opposite Brandels, Do-ig. 2036. A-2030. immimmmiiuiimmiiiismKimimiiiiii LOANS $10 NEGOTIATED QUICKLY. CONFIDENTIAL. COUR TEOUS. SUUARE DEAL. LOWEST RATES. No advance Tp FEE OR APPRAISAL CHARGES, HELP U8 BUST THE TRUST. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., ' ROOM 216, SECOND FLOOR. BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. ' : 'Phone Douglas 2296. Write or call. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1EU TVwIm Tel RED U CIUUSTMAS MONEY We are prepared to make loans to those needing funds for CHRISTMAS. As low rates as any advertised. Eaay payments, square deal and every transaction confi dential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Phones: Doug. 1411, A-141L DO YOU NEIMONEyT" Wa will loan ' you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity at LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1354. Ind. A-1868. 230 Bee Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. Telephones Douglas 884. Independent B-U4L .lUiUl V & V M. ff-13 A fit -. your carpeta on your floors; electrlo vacuum .1.. n.p . llCU si kIA a tn U j. . o. AUtl. i. SIPS. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES MRA. J. ALBERT BICKER, teacher artlstlo piano playing, alua bpaaear. JAMES 8. COLVIN. piano studio. Boyd Theater Bldg.. 606-8. D. 4WS. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Aa LARGE, nicely furnished, room, modern -best board; private family; for gentleman' Harney 45. T. JAMES steam heat. Bath, Ear.. Amer rates. $1.26. up. Weekly. $6. up, double' DESIRABLE! rooms; board, nj K.h St. Douglas A12S. ' " LARGE beautiful furnished rooms' en suite or single, with lavatory, Ursa close ta. excellent board. W Georgia Ave. CHOICE modern room, southern ax nnaure: better aei it: excellent hum. ai. lug. Phone Douglas 2268. ROOM and board In strictly modern home; very desirable location. tig 8t Mary'a. -I NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for two; modern, private family, good board. 1509 S. 28th. TABLE BOARD, 22 meals $4 00. California. 1914 FOR RENT Two nice steam-heated rooms; board If desired. 2654 Leavenworth St.- ' FOR RENT Neatly furnished room home cooking. .640 S. 24th St. . FOR RENT Large room and board for two. 2213 Douglaa Bt , FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, with or without board. 1615 N. 28th St. ' run alii i ii irvni room aestraDie for four, steam heated, nicely furnished. 1728 Dodge St. ROOM and board for couple of man In private family. 334 8. 31st FINE board and room; good location. 1724 Spring St. NICELY furnished rooms; private family: excellent board. 622Vs S. 19th St. UTOPIA, board with or without rooms. NEWLY furnished rooms with board; strictly modern. 1 blocks from Farnam street car. 6u3 So. 28th St. FINE furnished rooms with board; home I rooking. ?40i Harney bt. r aiai, riirrij, iiiuunn nroni, close in. excellent home cooking Tel. Doug. 22..3. NICELY furnished rooms with board; i walking distance. Tel. Red WKI. 308 X. Hd. I ItoOMS with or without board: very best. List with me B. HIGIIBY, 410 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 762. Famished Hooms. FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished front room. 817 8. 2Cth St. Very convenient to buslnesa NICELY furnished rooms. MJ 2Jd 8t CHOICE front room, sultsble for twej verm: strictly modern and well kept; prl vets fsmlly; phone: wslklns distance; also convenient to goou car line; ruasonabl 110 N. l'4th 8t. NICELY furnished room, good location. 2ti 8. 17th Ave 210 N. 17th steam heated rooms, 68 cents tid up. ' .,,r.tc,,n., Z . j . .,.,..,. f.KNforHF;ttr,C,!,ewVllm ! KC S. Stli St i STRICTLY modern room to gentle- ' man; l ihaie family. 2409 Harney Ht. -. . SH'PERB large steam-heated room, SZ"! N. 2d. I NEWLT fu-nished modern rooms: these are all outside rotms and have tha beat of light, heal and gas and vary eeavenleot 1 ta bualeaa dislrlat. 8MJ Dodge. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Ilaoms -Conllaaed. NICELY furnished rooms, electrlo light nd bath; near car llne...all Captltol Ave. Phone Tyler 1425. - IDEAL rooms, fiirnlrhed, In new brick flat; electrlo lights; 3U, blocks west of Rome hotel; good location. 63S S. lth. Tyler 1528. TWO furnished rooms. Tel Webster 578. 1619 N. 20th St. ONE furnished room, 1004 S. 20th! I tin-' furnished. 811 8. 21st. THE cosiest, neatest furnished rooms tn city within 6 minutes of buslners district; strictly up to date; price reasonable. 2704 Farnam, Harney Sil. CHEAPEST ROOMS IN 1824 WEBSTER. OMAHA, FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modern, front room; breakfast it desired. 8321 Davenport St. Harney ST78. NICELY furnished room, with hoard, convenient to business district. 2005 St. Mary'a Ave. MODERN furnished front 'room with al cove, also smaller one. 2423 Dodge. NICELY furnished tront rooms; modern; close In. 2505 St Mary's Ave. MODERN south room; also one on bath room floor. 2677 Harney. NEWLY furnished, modem, front room for lady; Bemls Park. Harney S2S7. TWO extra fine front rooms; tine furni ture; modern; walking distance. 30 N. 20th. No sign on house. NICELY furnished front room; close In. 2026 Howard St. FOR RENT Room to two Baraca boya, 1817 Davenport. DESIRABLE MODERN room; private family; good location. iai No. 31st Ave. FIRST CLASS room In private home. 8217 Sherman avenue. Web. 62S9. ALL modern room, bath and heat, good location. 2302 N. 27th Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, good location, walking distanoe. 107 S. 20th St. FOR RENT Steam heated rooms, up stalrs. 1708 Jackson St , FOR RENT One nicely furnished sleep ing room. 202 N. 19th St. NICE east front room, modern, well heated, to refined gentlemen. 602 8. 24th ' Bt- 2628 CAPITOL AVE.-Nicely furnished room for two; beat good location. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 191$ Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room fer couple. 1919 Casa St. NICE,, clean south front room, private family. 114 8. 19th St. NICE, clean room, good location. : 2588 Harney 8t. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with run ning water. 406 S. 24th Ave. NICEiLY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. 682 8. ZSth St. 1 CLOSE-IN, three newly furnished, nice rooms, all modern: no signs. 610 North 20th St. 'Phone Douglaa 6681. DBWEY European Hotel. 13 Vh & Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms single: also rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. B. 8418. LARGE south room, nicely furnished j suitable for two, use of bath. 2309 Douglaa Bt Tel. Douglaa 7246. STRICTLY modern, large rooms, on oar line; private family. Phone Web. 662a LARGO room, nloely furnished, strictly modern, suitable for two gentlemen, walk ing distance, on car line. 221 N. 26th Bt FOR RENT Nloe south front room, private, suitable for two, reasonable. 114 N. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, private family. 119 B. 29th Ave. FOR RENT Nice, large room, nicely fur. elshed, stationary wash stand. 2008 Burt fit- . i FOR RENT Two nloe rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 818 N. 17th St.- r- . 4 FOR RENT Nloe front south parlor for two. - 1924 Douglaa Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In modern home. 2612 St. Mary'a Ave. NICEILY furnished rooms, close to busi ness 'district, ateam heat 2oug Harney. 'Phone iiarney uix ... FOR RENT-Steam heated room, nloely furnished, modern. 1718 Nicholas St FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. 618 8. 19th St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, light, heat bath, good, location. 2518 Capi tol Ave. FOR RENT Nice front parlor and sleep ing room. 112 8. 28th St. FOR RENT Large front room and al cove; private family. 2G7I Dodua St. FOR RENT Two front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 2bl2 Leavenworth St.- : FOR RENT Modern room, good location, completely furnished. 330 N. iSlh St TO LADY ONLY Front room, steam heated flat, clone In. Call Red 64X FOR RENT Two nicely furnished room. 1 ood location. 1807 N. 17tn Mt , . - .,i Z?o,J& 'd" ' rrrrr,,,.; " ; ' r.rni.hf rnnma rr .Bfcfc or four furnished room, tor reasonable. tH&'s N. 2Cth St I I S 1 I I ' ' ' . i FOR RENT Four rooms on ground I ,i,,r. fn ini-atlon. Inouire 2701 Cumlna. . Hotele aad A part meat. NICELY rURNlHHfiD ROOMS for gew tlsinen THE CHATHAM, 110 a. 18th BL DODO E HOTEL 18th and Dodge. All out. side cool rooms; special rates y the week. STEAM heated loom a 82 to 87 per week. Osilcn hotel. Council bluffs. SUITES-ltf up; meal book, 85 50. Gentle men preferred. Tel. Haf. 561. JplI Geo. Ave. Apartments and Fist. rilKAP WINTER RENT 6-room flat lUi yi4 jjj gi cloi.e In. very choice. $! 50. 7-rocm collage. 9017 Jackson St.. edge of rl'rreY'l",r,0t' "" 0 0 ' , , FRKH RENT until after Christmas for -r. urn hrl k flat; firct !-. eleetrxi ilglil aim ga; klthn lange; ehadea; brat fur- nace iguaranieedi: lo blo-ks from high whool. 2fith and Capitol Ave- Call Tyl 1114 for information. FIVE-ROOM t Ituta Tat. modern, 1HM also 4-reom, til. list 87 U k4. Bararl T' I