12 THE DDK: OMAHA, i t'T;,SPAY. "DECEMHKR IX 1010. See the "Dolls' Country Club Dance and Reception" in Pompeian Room. Shop on a Transfer. It Will SavevMuch of Your Precious Time. twn BtRnBiRMWunflBviiBncRanBigr,' Only 11 More Shopping Days Until Cliristmas. - Santa Claus Has a Gift for Every Little Boy or Girl Who Visits Him. El The Largest Store in the Vest Filled With Appropriate Gifts for Christmas Do your Christmas shopping early this week. The stocks are all complete and in perfect order now. Vpu can have all the advantages of the greatest possible selection of gifts. See the store that is filled with thousands and thousand of presents. Your Christmas money will last longer and buy more presents at Urandeis stores than anywhere else in the west. The store with wide aisles and perfect ar rangements. 1,000 experienced clerks. CHRISTMAS GLOVES Gift Gloves Fine French Kid Gloves. 2 and 3-cIasf effects, In all the newest shades. for street and evening wear at, pair...,...:... ....... ...31,05 8I.75 and 2.00 Dainty, .Christmas Boxes free with gift gloves. Women's Cashmere Glove3 Pure silk lined black only worth 5c a pair, at, pair 3 Great SDeciclls in Chrkfmn Ha rllror-Mrfc - - -- at A a m m Sk a, llA a. ' 1 Af1.1.!.n 1..... 1 I.I I T I 1 t 11 t I" 1 m-m i-iuuma immi fiuuiuiueiva line sneer jiiieii, ii'isu mm v rencu nana em broidered corners, Aijmenian lace edges, fancy embroidered sample' hand kerchiefs; women's and men's latest novelties a r- for r Aft in pure linen initial handkerchiefs worth up gj K V.faC to $1.00 each-three big bargain lots at, each Uif V Large Size All Silk Chiffon Veils, Aito aal Nzck Scarfs 49c 1 . Up to 2 yards long all colors, beautiful giftsworth up to $1.00, at, cue n I VA .''Vil VIT 4V W V Wa M WV V W mmm. - . . . V . HW'W H If. M l'2A..IV WIMTG1!! I'll A TV? -J irvwiiM u UaVJU UJAfllJJ If 111 ILilV IVrHO Make Suitable Gifts for Christmas "VTrir. We oiler all the Women's Heavy Winter Cloaks from a recent big pur- chus, actually worth up to $18-nt....;V. $10 All tjie "Women's High Grade Winter Cloaks from 'our recent big purchase actually worth up to $27.50 at. $15 Stamped Pillow '.Cases On best quality tub ing, .45 Ins. wide, our rcg u 1 a r 70c v a 1 u rs, stamped in all of the new est designs for eyelet and French embroidery for one day, per pair. 48c Wm! Rogers' Guaranteed, Silver ALL XV FAXCT BOXES. lowest Prices Ifir Quoted oa Thaee Reliable Goods. Tea bpooiiH, worth at 69C Dessert Spoons, worth $1 at ii.as Table Spoons, worth l-M!.1), at B1.44 t'offee Spoons, worth at 760 Berry Spoons, worth 11. in, at i 78o Orange Spoons, worth $1.50. at 980 Cream Ladles, worth $1.0i, at 490 Oravy Ladles, worth $1.2, at 75o Oyster Ladles, worth $2. mi, at gi.as , ,uiie. worth $;i.oo, iV fa.as Cold Meat Forks, worth II. at. .' . 43o Salad ' IWrku, worth $2.f0, at fi.75 Oyster Forks, worth ll.r.0, at. . . ... 81.00 'hl.ld's Set, worth $l.f0. at.-. 73c Salad Bets, worth $3.00; at. . . .;. $3.35 Butter Knife and Kitfrsr Slrell, worth II. R0. at 75o Knives and Forks, worth 14. set of 12 pieces, 3.33 26-Plece Set Chest at $5.80 Men's Sample Bath Roks and Lounging -Robes A very useful Klft .at a Hm-lnu- In nrl,.. blanket cloths, !n stripes and allover figures. Oath Robes of Terry and Bath Robes, worth up to $3.50 at 92.25 Bath Robes, worth up to $5.00 at $3.08 and $3.50 Bath Robes, worth up to $7.00 ftt $4.8 and $5.08 Bath Robes, worth up to $30.00 at -90.08 $1.50 and $21.50 Men's and Toys.' Fur and Furllncd Gloves and Mittens worth up to $10 00 $1.50 to $0.50 MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS and HOUSE COATS Just the present a man wlU appreciate these winter evenings will save XL the wear on his business eoat scores of styles. In various fabrics special - ..-$3.08 $5.00 nd $7.50 0 aY.co.icr ..uaiB, in I Men s Hand Made Sweater Coats plain and fancy trimmed., worth up I All colors, with or without military to $1.00. at tv., .....39 Men's ,and Boys Wdot and Worsted Sweater Coats worth up to $2.50, at! 98 and $1.39 collars, worth up to $10.00- at.... .. . $2.50 to. $4.98 Men s Street and Dress Gloves In Fownes, Dents and Perrina make at $1.50 to $3.00 ' A Great Sale of ORIENTAL RUGS Next Saturday Th pile jHu Mis Were bought hy u frum Urn I'nlted Htatea I'uHtoma liouae ul 'fleers, who suld them at a iiiimr eir(irrt1nrlly low price on account uf uupuid d title. Christmas Gift Dressings add greatly to any gift and show the giver's taste and thought fulness Holly wrapping and tissue paper, empty holly boxes, Cliristmas tags, cards, labels, stickers, gummed ribbon, gold and silver cord, etc., shown in great profusion Stationery Dept. ri, I 0 WOULD PAY 0FFCITY'S DEBTS Finance Committee Will Ask Provi sion for Sinking Fund. SECURITIES NOW NEAR THE LIMTT ObllKaiio Only Million Orion Ml I urn in KI.- by Nereaaary to Maulrli.nl Credit, SH ( (loirllmiiii Sheldou. The Houglaa rounty lenlslatlve delegation Mill be asked to introduce a Mil at the next esalon rrovlding for a 6 mill levy to a'.d In theNeolurton f Omaha's financial iroMem. . V f The rltji' Va 'Increajted It bonded In debtedness until It la only Sl.A00.0u0 within the limit net $y law and there la no pro-xl-'Uu In tie arrangement of city finance fi r retiring bniulx. The sinking fund levy la now 5i' mills. i 'it It li used up ahnoist entirely In leaving inlernt on Inrnds and the only bonds that tie ever taken up are laid from money :-ued bv chanv ri-onomles In the ad- ii Inl'tratloB. "We have come so close to the l'nilt that v. e an go only a little way farther In veiling booda." aald W. S. Sheldon. obalr ii. an i,f the finance commlltee of the coun kll. "and ai aholutely up aatmtt It to:- come way tJ ret re our bind. A lew of & in 11 i Muiini hrlng In a revenue of icvei ill hundred thout-and dollar a )eur and would keep tin koIiik for years. "And lUiU.uiuie iniiMjitant i the fact that we i.iutt auuii make a practelce of re i:tins oine of our bonds reguiaily or they wl.l fall u'edi.y m value on ;ho uiaikel. It We Uk ui l-VJ.uui titiy nan' U.y l would remain at gilt edge value. A similar bill was Introduced at the last legislature, but was tabled. T Increase sh. "The extra levy would not make taxes high and taxes are c-rtuin to go up very noticeably In the next f.w .n-u...... J We are running out of money every year, ana no department hus adequate funda. It is absurd to Bay that taxes are high In this city. Mr. Drjant. the government statistician who was here for two weeks or more examining our books. uiH ti. j Omaha has the lowest levy proportionately of any city of Its standing that he lias seen. t need nuim mnnv t, - - . j v, . i ii j kllllli,, as this year expedience has so unfortu nately proved." The present limit of bonded indebtedness according to O. W. Kead. bond clerk in the treasurer s, office. Is 6 per cent of the ilty'a assessed valuation. The last valua tion was lHi.su5.Sj3, which allows more than :.0u0,0uu indebtedness. At present bond are out for .,,KS).ui.io. The water works purchase bonds of .jtt).0i and the schools bonds are not Included in this reg ulation. "We need not only a t-niill sinking fund for retiring bonds." baid Mr. Fead. "but we need also a levy of about j a mill to furnish an additional fund to i-av the cit interest .n warrants. W ai rants are Issued againft the new levy at the fhst of the year, and the money is not available until May 1. The city pays 7 per cent interest on these warrants and It amounts to about Jl.tu) a year, if ue could establish a fund by a small bjvy and carry It over from one year to the next we would t-ave that amount In unnecetf ary interest." Hie city departuuuis are luakiog uf a B a a a i a ;f K ,B bi P lb ! is m n a a R ! H n , m El H IB r, jc u in In u 9 a I. 0 a li B ii !B in i? n ii B ii n n a a a is ii fi a a i B i n F B B H B Ii i m n Morning Shopping is the Wisest Plan j i nM m t 12 1 I I t u 1 1 mon days left now to in yajr X ms sii)pp ii G.yc the Womja Giits That They Can Weir 10O Itlaukct and I'laln Kider (Toun ltli Hobes, In many different patterns and styles .trimmed with satin on edges, and tollar, has a large cord girdle and two large pockets. - These bath robes are remark ably well made and finished; extra value and a very thought ful, serviceable Xmas gift for the women folks, at.. $5. 00 A Dependable Far Set or Fur Coat is Nice Hlackai'rench Lynx Set; In rug muff and large shawl collar effect, trimmed with headu and tails; big values S10.OO Mack Fox Sets Long shawl . collar and rug muff, trimmed with beautiful fox tails at $30.00 Mark Pimy Coats 62-lnch length. Skinner satin lined $C0.00 value; this week at .$15.00 Mark or Brown Coney Coat 30-ln. model, lined with Skin ner satin, $40 garment; this week $29.50 Book i for Xmas Gilts We have them In larger as sortments than any book store or section In this part of the couritry. Oceans of books at prices, so that your money will actually carry you twice as far as you thought it would.' Great Special liook - Bargains for Tuewlay Only . Regular $1.50 Editions of jhe poets, bound In padded lea ther; just the thing, for the gift giver 49 Including Whlttier, Emerson, Moore, Holmes, Ixiwell, Iong fellow, Bryant, Byron, Burns and Scott. 2,000 beautiful Pieces of Imported Hand Painted Ci na, bojgit at leu than imjnrier's cost goes oa sale in our China Amei Dept., Dreis Goods Aisle, main Hon, Tuesiay In addition to our great 25c and 49c China Annex Sale, we Just pur- chased for this department 2,000 pieces of very high grade China. consisting. of vases, sugars and creamers, syrup cans, milk jars, cups and saucers, bon bons, placques, plates, salad bowls, footed bowls, ete.-j-direct from an Importer of Oriental renown, at less than cost to import. Not a single piece In this extra purchase would ordinarily be bought for less than $2.50. Tuesday's great China Annex Bargain; your choice, at No better Xnias gifts anywhere than those found in bur great China department. H.njkerciiiefs Make Very Acceptable Gifs ' Never has ' there been placed upon 'nny merchants' counters sufh a reinnrka Me Xmlis display of liand- Kerc filers every ami when we ay our afoiortment varies from Be to 12S.no your Ideas urn still m-t working- upon plans large enouch to grasp the greutnenK of Our Oreat Xmas Hand kerchief Iilsrilay: Real Kose Point, Im ported DiioheHHe and Princess I.ace, Beau tiful Madeira and French Hand Kmbrold ered, Beautiful One-Corner Initialed Handkerchiefs, and hundreds of other pat terns. We promise you a larger and more complete stock than you will find any where. Prices from 5c to I25.00. ------ .. . l'e have fathered this great stork li-om iry 'nook and comer, the world over. Hake All Your Xmas Gifts Useful Ones Linens Are Always Neid ' cd, Specials far Tuesday Fancy Linen Dress Scarfs and Squares and Centers lace , trimmed drawn work and embroidered, worth up to 75c, big Tuesday special at 39 Bed Spreads, hemmed for bed size, heavy Marseilles patterns; $1.75 values Tuesday .... -81.25 A Timely Sale of Domes tics, Bl.nkets for Gifts xtlHnket Special Hoavy, Soft, full lied size; extra quality of goods and well made and' nicely finished; $1.60 value;" Tuesday's great special; pair for 91.00 Calicoes Choice of our entire line; the very beet designs and quality; Tuesday So Muslin Heavy unbleached goods; fuU-p Inches wide; 7 Vie value; Tuesday only, one day, at, yard Sko i BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ' Coffee Sale 3.600 1-pound packages of Ben nett's Capital Coffee fresh roasted our regular iiKc pack age big . Tuesday special, at, only 920 Bennett's Golden Coffee, splendid quality special offer Tuesday only. pound 820 Teas, sHsortod. 68c grade, lb 80 Tea Klftlngs. pound package 13c Bennett' Capllol Pepper, can. at. . . . WO 6 Stamps. B. C. Baking Powder, 6-lb. can.. $1.00 And 100 Stamps, tlalllard's Olive Oil, pure, qt. can 750 Hartley's Orange Marlainade Jelly. Jar. at .8,0c Benuutt's Capitol Mincemeat. $ pack ages, it 850 10 Stamps. Swansdown Codfish, S packages. .85o 10 Stamps. Seeded Raisins, package. ........ .loo Macaroni, Star ai)tl Crescent, 3 pack ages 350 10 Stamps. -Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle.. 180 20 Stumps. Candled Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, pound land 10 Stumps) . . . .350 Marshall's fresh Herring, large can, a. . . loo Old Mission California Kipe Olives. BOc can for 350 Chef Brand Boneless Herring, 8 10c Jars for. . a So 5-lbs. New Navy Beans.... 950 IMamond Crystal Table Salt, t sacks for -.loo 10 Stamps. 30e Jar Tea Garden Preserved Kins for SOo 19 lbs. Granulated Sugar, lxiuble Stamps. .91.00 Green for. . Turtle Meat, tl.00 stse can 60O Do Your Xmas Shopping on j a Transfer. It's Nora Convenient and Easier, Too a. E lii a 1 B H E E ti 6 U 13 E B a ii n r- t 0 98c 1 J M Si 3i b B n Si ii D B D i a B iP B ft B a their estimate of their next year's ex penses and the campaign for a charter re vision that will give the city more funds is being nursad by all the officials. THIEVES GET RICH JEWELS Housebreaker Takes Pearls a ad Hlngs front Kesldeaee of J, V. Kornniayer. Valuable Jewelry' and a rare collection of unset gems were taken from the home of J. V. Kornmayer, -1J13 Park Wild avenue, early Monday morning by burglars. The theft Included a one-half carat stud, one-fourth carat emerald, gold enameled watch, eight rings, twelve unset pearls, one pair of opera glasees, a jeweled back comb and a eat ings bank containing M 30. in B O U (! WasT at rs The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. is IT U I M aiakt;4 te kiu otl as elvet. lu.piuves any coniplcxlua. liet sliaiupuo luada ciiV1 1110a I skiii eruptluns. Munon'a liair Inviguiator euros dan iruft (tops hair from falling out, mak4 l.air grow. If you have DyvPla. or any liver trouble. ue Mui.)uii 1 l'a-Paw PiIh. i'hey cure Blllouinvs, Coiijitipatlun ai.J li le all l.i.p.ii lllo fro. n 11. a blood kluuyou's atoiuaopalluo Muui Keuedjr Co- hll.4.liliia V k f Twelve Days More M To do your Christmas Shoiiplng. If you will spend a faw minutes in our store we could offer some sugges tions that would help you In the selections of your glftJ. There are so many things In otir stock that will in terest you. Manicure Pieces, Cut Glass, Jewelry, etc. LOOK TOB THE KAME, Ony II Litre Buying Days Uiiil Chrislmas mix oarly you'll find it hotter in liiany wjivs. Stocks wore never more eomnlete. more Im ii t i f nl. X'X . ' 1 ' than now.j CfrTZ more nttractively )rieed tli; BUY AT OMAHA'S CHRISTMAS STORE Winter Underwear of All Kinds On Sale at About Half Regular Retail Prices. ' " VISIT TOY KAIIIY L.M Smith KiMini Muin Floor Xo Stnh-8 Mm 4 r. n ro 5 m V. ' .... p ! EL1AEJI.E STORE " So t)nr lifg Sanil I ilno of SnioklnK Jackets 0.1 to $t.n tVfcrvo'ous Bargains in Vjnler Coais i,uuu iinnusome new eoat 8 secured by our buy er at n tremendous bar gain will be placed on sale Tuesday. Never Before has Sicha delightful bar gain opportunity been offered Omaha buyers. f.VI.OO Cloth Coats 923.00 1,000 of them. Including many lots from our own regular stock the very chokent pf the sea son's styles, colors, , fabrics best ever bargains. -325.00 $:tO.O( Cloth Coats $U.OO 250 of them In fine broad cloths and fancies, misses' and ladles' sizes, made to sell to $30.00, jour choice. 914.90 SOO Beautiful Ono-lMoce lrenes Silks of woo! fancies, rich new colorings, "charming de signs that sold fto. $25.00 choice, Tuesday at.. ..$7.95 any Suitable Gifts in Cloak Department Fins Furs of all kinds, most moderately priced. Silk Waists', Kimonos, Silk I'ndersklrts. Children's Fur Bets, Infants' Celluloid Bets, In an almost', unlimited assortment. (OKI Ilf TEB.ESTIWG SPECIALS rOB TDEBDATB SAJL Ziona; Silk Kimonos, Eiderdown and Blanket Itobes, worth up to $10.00, Tuesday at 14.95 X,adlas Mid SUsses' . Tar Soarf a, valuer, up to $7..ri0. choice. .S1.S9 Baautlfni Bilk Undaraktrta, mnde of Hlmmond's tieat taffeta, 17. BO vnlues, at S3. 95 Woman's Tlannalstts DtiiiUf Bacqnas, regular value to $!.-. at 690 WIHTCa DaOBSWEAB Oa AXL KINDS OBI BAI.JJ AT ABOUT HALr thb HOPLia aetaii. ymioiis. -Anyth!n2 Tou Want In Groceries tor Xmat, We Have it a am wi'U bats TOtr tboh as rEB CINT TO BO FEB CENT. ' 20 lis. Hest Orunuiated cSunnr. . .Oo it-lb. Sack Rest High Patent Flour, nothing finer for your puddings, pies and cakes 91.30 16e Package Best .Golden Rod Macaroni 100 40 different kinds Assorted Cookies, per lb 100 Oil or. Mustard Sardines, per can 4Ho Tall Can Alaska Salmon ..laVkO 2-1 1. Cans Fancy Hweet Sugar Corn, Lima Beans, Wax or Green Beans, per can , 7Hc J-lb. Cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Ijirge glass German French Mustard at 8 l-3o Squash or Baked Beans. . . . . . .8 l-3o 1-lb. Cans Assorted Soups. . .,. . . .TH Imported Sardines, per can.... 8 1-30 .Iarge Bottles Assorted Pickles, Wor cester Sauce and Tomato Catsup. at. . -8 1-30 DB.IED FBUITS TOB TOTXB FUD- . BIWO8, FIXS AMD OAKE8. Fancy a-Crown Muscatel Kalslns, per lb. . . V30 Fancy Muscatel' Seedless Raisins, per lb. . . . 8 1-30 Fancy Cleaaexl Currants, lb. : ... . . lOo Fancy Sultana Raisins, lb Fancy Mulr Peaohes, lb 10o Fancy Cal. Cooking Figs, lb.,.. 8 1-30 Fancy Cal. Hartlett Pears, lb.,..17Vt0 Fancy Cal. Prunes, lb 8 l-3o The Best Lemon, Orange or citron Peel, per lb goo BIOHX.AHS KATE I. OBANOES rOB XMAS, per dos. ...flOo, 8&0, 300, 35o (The orango of Quality, Rich, Rlpo and Juloy.) Hallow'een Dates, per Ih 7o THB BEST MIXED XVTS, lb.... loo TOU BATS tO FEB CENT TO 100 FEB OEHT OV FBE9K TEOB. TABLES. . FOB FBESH VEQETABLEI Baydana' X.aad AU, and Save Ton From B0 to 100 Fer Cent. 1-lb. Duxes Fancy llonie-Grown Hothouse Mushrooms, for. 3B0 Three Bunches Fresh Beets. Cnrrots, Turnips, Shallots or Radishes for 100 Large Head Lettuce, each 7 Ho Three Heads Fresh Hothouse Letif Lettuce for 60 Two Bunches Parsley ,.60 Two Bunches Fresh Celery Bo Rutabagas, per Ih., , go Jersey Sweet potatoes. H BVo SEE OUB X.IBB OF CIQABS FOB Xmas. BOX PRICE A SFECIAXiTT. GOAL Lump, Net, Per Ton mestic Lump. Not, Per ron We Handle ah oraoes. Satisfaction and Weight Guaranteed. Quality Do .'6.75 .86.00 GOAL DON'T FORGET TRY IIAYDENS1 FIRST IT PAYO 4' Men's feXmas 1 I Slipper s L If you really Jo. 0$ will enjoy every day as long as fin he has them and then, too, they i. -m iha 11, tin thlnca that U T e m w - want to pl ?ase 4J him give him aomething that he K j. n.r nf v,v really needs. A nice pair slippers Is something that he 9& 4 1' are one of the little things mat HU .k hnmiL mnrA fittrflC- helps tive. a 1 In S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street ti''j 1 & This is the quality store tufl aiimiera as well as in shoes and this season we are showlil? a &n V larger and better selected line y of slippers than can be found V &5 anywhere In town. They are Vjf the kind of slippers that you :yu will be proud to give or glad to receive. Our slippers are the highest quality only. We have them In all styles and the fol- lowing colors reds, blacks, tans ana grays, rrneo iBusiub DEIIIIMVAIIIA LINES TWO TRAINS NIGHTLY FROM CHICAGO WITH ndianapolis Sleeping Cars Leave enrtso tso M. uiiiiiitpaus 4.W i. a. ArrlTS Leave CBIfiGO 12 0IMdBt. lhtHKiPOUl t.uO a. H. Aniva Paatengcra mar occupy btrtha sntll 7.30 m. Indlanspnlls Daylight Train with Piirlr Cur, Lllirary binolilnc t'nr and ale spr vice, uImi Ouwhes, lmvt s ( lilonu D M a. iu., dally, arrives Indiaiiapoliaii.20 p. ui, tor ruiul!ircoiiuit tiaiU. sddjmal W. II. RowUnd, Trivelmg Ptnvwtr Agwil 213 Board of Trade BHg.. Oniahi. Neb. v from $1.00 to S5.00 - .... - ... - !L- . . -. . . .T 1 - - r f j "jr.! Compare for yourself 1 Tai lor llus Hall Free for the litle folks. From now on until Xmas we will give one 1. Iu..Im ll'ia ItMll tfaiiii i I UUIlMC HI ..mct. witn earn uurcuast- .'-i '6 girl's shoes. papers m respect of quality as well as quantity of timely news and interest ing articles from day to day and The Bee's superiority will be demonstrated EXEL 'A ChriGlmas Gifts I12 IIAIINKY STHKKT (Quality IUk'lit. m. Trices Idxht. Sewing Sets. Manicure Kels. Poclift Knives, ScUuors,, Carvers, Safety Ita?oi. , KvtryOilUK la Cut ter, 1 (Ih, Ska tg, (Jo-Carls, Etc. oii .r. r' t- t a ii v t .Tl I l I I II I r' 1 '"I - fK) Roliablo f Dcntistrv lilljy Tail's DBDlal Roems Beautiful Tooth There utti lut l;W peile whir Iium llieni. liuoil Vecth rry uuu mlKlit liaie H lliry uoulil K'i tu i:r, irailliury. '1 !, guU-H("it, e.i-l-l anl Ih.u.1 tulnful aiJ I lie on y iiiellujtl' eui)liii-(l !' us a:il liiiiiiln-iis or ii.il' rm'rfii.. ii'Ui In foii't out vt the 1 1 v , will uliuliy tell yen alnl tlia K'hmJ I i 1 1 1 .1 1 in Ii ui.iI i i r up-tu .l.ilo i,( il.jini,' tlni Ks ' iouiis mi l liiiilye wi i k from u.0u i. c lu im. I'lnles tin.1 fit fii.m $1 (iu $12. SO. I'iiiiilcMs vatriu lion uf l.elli. N-ret ( f th reinoei without muting yn ' Woi k wuiraniaJ leu yetrs. ' DR. BRADBUf.Y; TKE CEKTIST 17 fsars same location. 1SOS raraaa rauae X. 176a N r . -4 4