! Want - Ads I Want art received at mr lltte, ael (a iMirf pro ele.slt Iratlaa aaast j ! presented Defer 13 o'rloeat n . I j la rtralit rdltloa before Ti"" ! e-'elark of the yrrtltll ttfilif ( I tnnrnlas sad Kaiilar edllleae. Waal j ade reeelved aftrr eara hears wUI ! aradliac "Tot Lai la Classify." j Rata aaalr ta eltker Ta. Dallr at j Mana-a? Baa. Alwati ran ' ward 1 a liar. j CAMI MAT'1 roit W1T API. f RKOTJI.AR CLAiiriCATIOt ! fasertlea, 1 1.3 casta word aa real aer word far aaeli '' r laeertlaa. Each 8aeertlea aede I add dara, 1 1-a eeete aer ward. lrr llua 9r tmom ta. : Wnt a .la far The He mr 'M j at aar aa folloetlaa- dresj stores ( aaa la year 'foiifr drais" ' ' ara all braark alflcr lor Ta ! aad yaar ad will ba $aaeriea Jost n lroaaatlr aatl aa tha """ Ik a.ain fllcf a Tba Bc baHala. ' aeveateeala aad ItrnaM airee'ei Albach. W. C. 401h and Farnam. Reianek. 8. A., l 8. 16th bt. Hftiion Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. . Hemls Park Pharmacy. l& and Lumln"' ; Blake-Bradish, 2M Sherman Ave. i Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military A. f Caughlln, C. R., th and Pierce oi. 1 Ctlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Iake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 S. 16th St. Cermak, Kmll, 14-8 S. 13th St. Khler, P. H., 202 I.eavenworth t. Kmttr It Arnold!, 2H N. 2oth 8t. Freytag J. J., 1914 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co.. 1302 N. lth St Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Nb- ... i Oreen a Pharmacy. Park Ave. and 1 acme V Oreenough, U. A., 106 B. W;h ' v 1 Oreenuugh. O. A., loth and lLkory.- t1 V Golden Pharmacy, 24th and Leavenwortn. ltayden. William, 2-M Karnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, UM th Ave. ' Hlnterlong Drug Co.. 31st Ave. and I ar- I nam t. ; Hoist. John. 24 N. Ifith Bt. ' Huff. A. I-.. 2K24 Uav.nworth Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding King. H. 2234 Karnam St. S Kountr.e Place Pharmacy, 3.!04 N. I llhrop. Charles E., 1324 N. 24th ht. 3 Marea. Fred L.. 2J1 Central Blvd. Patrick t'rug Co., im in. :' Peyton Pharmacy, 72t H. lth St. Baratotta Drug Co.. 24th and Amei Ave Srhaefer'a Cut Price Urug Store, lbth and Chicago Sts. Schaefer. Aug., 2S3t . lKth. Kehmldt, J. II . 2lh and Cuming Bts. Walnut Hill I'harmacy. 4vth and Cuming DKAIII AM I IXEKAI, NOTICES. aw iTfHiiHwiiniwiiiUiiiiaVLa BA CM ER John, aye 70 years, December 8. Funeral arrangements later 1 he oe ceased I survived by a wife and four chil dren. H ERZICH Henry, died December 7, 1910. huneral at Crosbys chapel Friday, De cember . ut 2 o'clock, interment Holy bepulcher. O'NEIE-Mrs. J. K.. 2P10 North Eighteenth street. . , Funeral t Sacred Heart church, 9 a. m. Friday . WE CARD l! I II A Mi M. We wish to hereby extend oitV heartfelt thank to our many friends and neighbors, . .........iuu.. iki. t..i-Miilviii-i and Dress- men. lor the many kindnesses shown u during the Illness and death of our wire and gi anduiotlii r. jei ry W. Ueaver, n liani Groiihe, Mr. anil Mi. J. J. Orouba. Mr. and Mis. H. O. feleis, Edith Oroube. Kayniond Urouhe. MARR1AUB 1-ICE.NSES The following marriage license were Issued today: Name ano Residence. t.tio Schioeder. T.ll.lard. Neb. Age Anna VVrage, thalco. Neb Archibald B. (irlfflth, Omaha 22 Mary I,. McClenathan. Omaha " S.inon H. Btiell. Omaha M Montrose Akulind. umaha " Bay K. Ktalnlnger, Denlson, la 18 1 aiiIha llnrare Kennebec. S. D 20 Harry I... liMoiit. Hillings, Mont 32 Blanche Fish, Reed City, Mich 21 Leslie P. Roger, omalia -1 Anna Grady, Omaha 23 ii. Oleye Townsend, Fremont, Neb 21 Edna Neafus, Fremont, Neb Vi Jean A. Coffey, Beatrice. Neb 22 Lillian B. Howell, Parkersburg, XV. Va.. 2i Oeorge W. Von Scoy, Tjuth Omaha i) Agnes M. Hennel, c-juta Oiiiana Li BIRTHS MI DEATH. Births- J. A. Coul. on. girl: J. . Nelson, 2115 North Tweuty-iunm strict, gin; Andrew KoseiKjulst, 3217 lallioima H.ive., 0-.y, t harles it. l ike, 4l. .uiim T.teuiy-elgiun atreel, bo ; o. G. L.yoi. ali ixoi'tn roui leenih streil. boy; ,unn Englei, 221 Dor cua street, gin; li. II. Speevr, lila bourn Twelfth Bluet, boy; tama j.j pocak, 1JI3 boutli Fourieeiith M.iec nl; julian Fro lich, 111- isJalne street, girl; Max Yoselsoii, luU North .Miieieeiitu ki.Li, buj ; Ld Mur ray, 1J Houin i wenty-iittn a reel, boy; John V. Herioii, l3oi r'uiK avenue, girl. Deaths Hairy v imams. i. l orticiii and I'oppieton avenue; Eila M. Sautee, bu, Aio bruia; bertha Kunkle, (-'! isorth Twenly aeventh street; George ll. Txscnuck, u, J17 South Twenty -ft tui street; Anioue bum uieruian, t-iuteeiith and Ccnier sireuis. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,T- a mbainieia. lbli Cmcago. L. toij. ti-lti&. PARLOR TH t ATtR HlL.ll tl..4 l.tu..l I1.L-. i Jli lv., inatinevs, tu. luu vil. iui i.va a sacoiid i.i vitation alter you haw seen uur tuuo unc. T At cut prices. ALL g I l I l.lNu. n. a. Ill f- I we l at Ml a uu. V 1 J ua.iiuy auJ Mua.itj u v.r iiieeu. Iws.u4...i k. i 1'iui.Li tOAU CO., M C TT In ' V ia i iuZuX itt UJAN t.v. TONGE Flrkl-ciaas l:.or.nrf. lud couta' Ijaiii4a. uuMttu wii. GOOD MERCHANTS Ll NCU ( .,,.. . It. p. urn. upi.uiai:, Uianueia liui 6. H. Cola Mgn C o.. D. 2Ib. 1.. j-anu i. V. II. Ri.HJS Jk. CO.. kea and lockwork. S.tJ Leavens orin. Both pilot. .. . ) A I by ton or basket delivered ;in ,JAU j,Ufl. -..,. a VUt'll inauaitne order will earn 8.",0aJ lor cl.aiuv, eveiy bles-ed un.e. o. .ec.eu.i tains &Oi Vite loi pai itc.ai a anu c.j loat.e, or um ay. 1 uupiuan uuy pr.iiltj oliei; k'M already iiti.iro; Kee ll a;..i.ia. Audit ss Guidon, Ti.a Ma.a..n Ma.i, Umaha. lougiaa 71& ARaENlC ai.d IKON cuuip.nxiun (-r l,ak t.iei, .uiie aa.uid. ay inaii Uk; an l 11. Bhrinan Ju. C-i-ueu Di .g -... ii.inui "TsJL'GLA.S Printing Co. Tel. Douglas C.t. l ( i'I'I 1 lv 'n Ne and aecondliand Dy lv,uo iiai.io and .Mwtoia, also ail kinds of eleiiiital ip.i.n. i.ei.io.i LlitliLal Wet a... )J s. Lt.,. Hutu 'Phono. HORNBY B'-te Print Co.. US Bee Bid. DR. ML'NSON. 2M1 Sherman Ave. XV. how is roin coal bin? Tel. ! a'-. Writ. Sioi. Cv on ail kind. r. ii. Morehouse co., '"PRACTICAL nursing, 6uS N. 21st. D. JOHN E. H1MOE. slurla. t-J I'axion P.U A MVP I i ' Weight Coat Co pricea. lath and Davenport. Ttl. Doug. :iu. b-m-2. TlVfcMV per cent Urss tha Omaha prlcaa HOalK FLRN1TLHE CO. Taenty-luurin ami L out., eouia Omaha ANNOUNCEMENTS iCnntlnued.) I LEU GRAND HOTEL rinent In tha well. 11th and Howard ta Turkish Hatha ladle' and nente' ahlne parlora. . U. FJVT KOSHER HnME OHiKIMl. ARK1.N8, 31 S. 16TH. I P81A1RS. W f. CATT1N. p:utnhlng and leatln. new and repair work. KID No. 24Ui. ! loi. VI P ITU VU V hiit No. t. rmi tiW IiUilUjlll 1(ne f liquors and clgara Caf in connection, ill S. 1 1th St. ANCHOR FFNCE CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper 'llian Wood. I.aeta a 1 lfetirne. 207 N. 17th bt. Phone P.ed 814. UACUAIIlJ Van Storage. Tack, move, fr and ihlp II. H. good. D 145. B-24:. HARRY W. MOOL. Enclneer. Designer. Diaftimn. i".2 Brandeii Theater. U. 21. DAVID CDLK CRKAMKRV CO. iv Public Market Special, nut. 0.(0; nl, t'remltim with ca'-h order. Partridge-Thomson Co.. 1fU0 Harney Street. Douglas W42. Ind. A-3042. REPAIR WORK?. KM Jacl,on Bt. Lt. 14H. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight. r" nger. J. K, Kennedy, 1U4 S. 131 o. D. 2KJ.. IIAKKV W. VICKERS, civil engineer, B20 Paxton Ulk. Doug. 7415, Ind. 4416. OH. TOU PARADISE! Rounds good, doesn't It? llapplnesa au prerae wnen you bum our PARADISE COAL.. To cut down your coal bill tak our advice and burn Paradise. Will aave ou ILaO to I- OD ton. Both phone. i. W. BEDFORD. 130 Cuming St. Flltera, filter repair. 1310 Howard. D. 91J ('(AT. Publlo Market Fpeclal, nut. WOO; lump. W 60. Premium with canh order. Partridge-Thomson Co.. 1610 Harney Street. Doug I a MMi, Ind. A-3M2. MIS3 LUTIE BRYANT wishes to an nounce to ladles that he has added to her halrdressliii: manicuring, baths, salt glow, body maseag. Swedish movement, by Battle Creek graduate. Miss Bryant manna hei patrons lor their Kenerous support In the past and solicits their patronage for the future. I toon. 816 a;.l !il Uea Bldg. AUT0MGBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" into poet. "TEAR" your lop. And bring It to tha best plac In Orantl for all kind of repairing DRUMMOND Corner IMh and Harney St. Auto Impairing RlZVr Won CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The Paxton Mltchell Co.. 201U-H Harney. D. 7H24; A -3011. Auto Painting '"VSi? IT." et our riricea now. ANDREW ML'RPHY & SON, 1412 Jackson. WRITE for list of automobile bargain. H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. FOR SALE Mcdel 10 Bulck roadster, equipped with Pres-to-llte tank and exhaust (!i2 ' all H n r n e y Wl. BUSINESS CHANCES BAKERY. Confectionery, Cigars and canned goodr. Inquire 2916 North 16th St. Hi GET lu or out of business call G ANGST AD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tet. D. 137. 8600. 00 or 81.000.00 for an Investment, dividend 12 per cent. Address E-40t Bee. FOR SALE At par. one share of stock In Happy lioirow club. H 474. Bee. WANTED By physician, location In eastern half of Nebraska; particulars In first letter. Y. 787. PHYSICIAN with hospital experience de sires partnership with elderly physician who doe not wish to do outside work. V. 2U8. Bee. WANT to buy or rent, furnishing and lease of good country hotel In west, or would furnish new hotel; must be money maker. 471, Bee. FOR SALE 83.000 stock of general mdse. Good farming community at.U good town. Write Box 2,. Ayr, Neb. LARGE FIRE insurance com- UAllulj 1 iLXJ PA N Y juat entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Aent wanted. Cassady Co., Fiscal Agents, 8. V. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. D. li-V FOR SALE Small grocery; good loca tion; vent cueap, Mou cah take It. W. 6160. 1 flTVK Personal attention to collec tlon.s; no collection uo cora misbion; 12 yeur' experience, jenaen vi NEVILLE BLOCK. 'l'Hu.t DOL'G. 'tte4. L' S V DY Co r'Rl B,ate loans and Insurance. List your prop erty for bale or rent, yulck return, s. w corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug, ljjj' FOR SALE Furniture In 60-room hotel witn lease. City of 2,500; doing uood busi ness. Box 33i, David City, Neb. v POOL hall and barber shop for sale, 3 tables. 3411 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. FOR SALE One 60-foot bowling alley, In good nhape, very cheap. Address Y 7k4 care Omaha Dally Bee. O. D. C. CODDINOTON, 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. CIGAR tore. pool hall, at 4106 N. 24th St.; a good place for the right party. Call soon. PARTNER WANTED A man with aome biiKiness experience, who can Invest at least 81.O00 in a new thriving manufacturing business Addrens D 470, Bee. SEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST MENT COMPANY for big bargain In larru or ranch lands. List your property lui sule witii us. All kinds of exchanges. ;iu N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR SALE-Pool hall; three tables and barber outf.t; central location. Call at 1214 Howard. Koller. Itaoiiilaar lloaaea for Male. IF TOU want to buy or sell a room'n house, any price, any location, see HAN fcr.N. 2J' t.ri.uei '1 healer Blug. Doug a6; uO cash, balance eacy monthly paments piive, iM, uiul tais include a' line piano! we can biio.. uiiy Kind luoiniiii; bouse you v.bi.i. lini.i 1 1 ran. NoiVAt'A LAND i: LOT UO w New iork Life li.'li' '' lnoms; Led VJM. A-L.'l. A DKSlltAHLF rocjni uimrtnieu;. new CM l. 2. in SI. limine ,'ls.y). , Theie l m better itivoMneiits man a '.M i.- .v v a l a 1 oon.i .1 l: h, it. .. i 1, ...... . any pi lie and si any lenii NOWATA LAND & Lu i' CO CS N.Y. Life Bldg. Phones R,d VJ.'.i, A -1721. BOARDING house for sale, furniture of S-ioom Hat, nuwd os new. compile o, liourekeei in,-; tahie linen, bedding ili'i,s luco curtains, have held at biixiouTo ea.e c.ty; will sucritic- for $4, 1; Kood ... i:,ed for 1.2..i: , a u up Icr t,,,?e 's ruumer more than ,uy rent. 2.'2 N. 2,.tu tit CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, tnanlcurtni,- hair Oieing. hair aoods. lilt Farr.air.. D. jjjj. I.R BOY. Im.: Fain nil Si. lioula l," DENTISTS liAlLKV & M Jd fl oor. Paxtnn. D 103i DETECTIVES I Omaha Secret Ser :Ce Detective ac Inc ' bond.u. L- Puxton blk. ii. l.ij; 0j. A 4J jr.wv t iiKiiti'K ;.i: u a ki:achbljI DRESSMAKERS CHILDREN'S Jrefcsmaing. Lafa '.te Ave. FIRST-CLASS dreeamaklng and tailor. Mlaa Mi lone. 22 U Douglas. Tal. Doug. 4.i. DRESSMAKERS (ConUiiued ) M1UI.1.NFRT nd drefamaklng. Ind A.'TJt DRESSMAKING, by dsy. Weh. S718. MISS STURDY. S21 S 14th St. Tel. D 7: 14. EDUCATIONAL THE FTKST WINTER TE1JM Of Boyles College Is now open In both the tiny and night ses sions. Yet It is not too late to enter. He gin now and receive that mental discipline thut will double your earning capacity. Business. Bookkeeping, Stenography. Teleg raphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue is free. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boylee Building, Omaha, Neh. Official Training School Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph. Deiartment. MosherLampman college! Unexcelled rouraes In Busine". Short hand. Penmanship and English. Nona but xperierced teacher. Day and night sea dons. Most Interesting catalogue published In Omah Send for one today. WINTER TERM" Now OPEN. ENROLL AT ONCE. MOSIIER A LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam Sts.. Omani Nea. FLORISTS Bennett' Flower Dept. East entrance. A. DONAHUE. 160T Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluff, la., largest greenhouse lit west; beautiful flower for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. HESS 4c 8WOBODA, 1115 Farnam St BRANDEIS' cut Tower dept. new gtore. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Dougla 1218. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Dougla -WO. FOR CHRISTMAS $100 TYPEWRITERS Cn y3 Send us ." for a starter and we will send you an Oliver at a Remington at 30, a Smith Premier, Fox or Densmore at $-' or an Underwood at f;)7.60, every one guar anteed for a year. If satisfied, pay the balance. If not. we refund money. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, ltxrj Farnam. IVtliesiIIIie Lll.a Meijings and danced in or out of town. Call or write Alfred Jones, 43IS Jackson street, Telephone Har ney 1853, Jnd A-2.S67. WANTED Dolls to dresa for Xmafl. also dainty apron made. Phone Tyler 1331, or A-li20. My Back Is Broken Your magazine order earned $1,000 for Infant' home last fall. Your order and renewals this fall will earn ' 85.000 for charity. H'he Interest of this money will provide for an Invalid's maintenance for life and later pay nurses' wages or en dow a hospital cot forever. Every order or renewal earn M cents. Also any pub lication whatever at the other fellow price. Write for catalogue and particu lars. Jl.OfiO In Bight. FOR MERCY SAKE. GET THEM IN! GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. Write or phone Douglas 7163. FIRST-CLAPS DRESS MA KING; Christ ina articles. TYLER 14H. 621 S. 2oth Ave. MRS. I. A. SMITH of hand-palnted china for Christina. Phone Doug. 4249; Re., Doug. 3737. Room 307. 1514 Howard. IIP A VFilVTSi CUT FLOWER DEPT. L)iVl LL(XO A iarge Buppy cf holiday needs. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen at special prices. I OWNRY'S for Xrna. Saratoga FRAMING Best work- lowest t? IVAlUllNtJ prtce. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 707 So. 16th. D. 104; A-2S5L NEW DELICATESSEN jcwtth ua quiet and homelike. 1!U6 Farnam St. GOOD EYE-SIGHT Is mankind's greatest blessing. Consult us, Columbian Optical Co., 2W-11 8. Itith St, Eyes examined. Glassea Fitted. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 76c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. n22 N. litli St. 75 DIAMOND RINGS i?, o per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co.. 1124 Douglas St. KIPLINGER'S JJisr- CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, 6C to 85. Sherman-Mc'Jonnel Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney 4 Rfl-psliniPTlts J1"."!1.' . 'frvlce fo weddings & dances In or out of town. Cart or .. i.iu ,,...ru Jackson. Tel. Har. 1853, Ind. A-2j(i7. TEN days special prices on tailored and fancy waul. 20! Nut tn 23d St. B-24K1. CHRISTMAS perfume, dainty packages, lie to 10. Shei man-AlcCoiineli Drug Co., loth s. Dodge; 01 urug Lu., lotli &. Harney. Ttf p A membership make a present -1 v xor every uay In the year. HOHKf iN'S Beauty Shop, 1608 Doug- HC7JJOt-l O la!( j;,;, oul. ljno Qf ,mir good for Xma. We make doli wigs. RENNELL'S Save you 40. Let u mak Your Fur Hat. AGENTS Xma goods coming in every day. Coma and get busy. fcM S. loth. AUTOMOBI LE"G LOVES MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. Give Iler a Membership in the Toung Women' Christian Ass n. DRESSMAKING and alteration. first etas work; pikes leasonable. Miss Eliza Lain O Connor, 2ulJ N. lith. Webster 141a. I'lllVA Hand painted. Order taken, v-,ll-'''i reaonable. 2Io3 Cuming. H-3S1. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Doug;. 47iiO. Ind. A SS21. !dO!Vt Farnam St. STENCIL outfit; it atylea; suitable for prtsenls: plctuie framing ill moderate prices; ula-. wall paper and a full lm.. of 1 sherwln- illianis l aitus. brasj poiiali, liquid veneer and all bra.ula of noor wax. V Vnili,k-i' roa,s rellned. Mi:-a Chase. M., VtxtiiU J;lk jyll.r lx3 Xlmmermnn Sr Crowe Furniture Co.. Hi Irav euw ortn. Get our plan. Nut aad.' UIIV , (V li'lf V K'-ihg this adv. 6 per rent liisoour.t. Mcealn Stat'y Co. l'CR XMAS present have our photo S. taken at Stutsman's. The bassett Studio. ' MME. FRA YEll A delight linlr food; does grow hair. Mei;euth, 10th & Farnam. CiOOD T1IINCS Dlt',- an'1 ".'nk Fallttaff Buffet. Board of Trade Bldg. Al'.K'S ILU.R GRAND PHARMACY. Xn.ai gifts. m-Kcusin. r-oc to 2.on. Iali'.er noveliies. all kinds. Xinas caiiuua, peifuine. Clears a.ii pipe-. TRY our lie cra n bread; always fresh, llworth St. Bakery. 27u7 11 worth. H M'.'. The Mickey Music Co. We are r.ow loca'eo 1:1 our new nnme at JjSt S. iSth St. with a splendid line of Ali as pteent. Let us uliuvi )ou. "i-m.vic II GIBSON I'll ii fnrn!sninir ' the i-oftee for the church hiizaai in t lies Bee Bldg. 1K IT. I'lioim D..iik. JJ "What Rotter Clnitinas g.ft couid oj make a aoii. a daughter nr a fru nd than I lie retenl of a sciiularonlp in llie Businei. lieokke-pluu. Stcnogi aphy. Te.ej.i a.h -. Civil Set ice or Salesman -ai Deia'i tiiients of lluvles College? Fcrslatent Advertising la the Road He Big Bat urn a FURNACES ANO REPAIRS WATh R ftonts, lurn. n.l tov r tir8. fuiiiHC and cornulntiion hut VMivr bivr. i ntpi ini.'eiit una unk hvi ei t. uiimhtt. tStuv Hppalr ui itt. l-XM-i-.4 HELP WANTED FEMALE llrflial aa4 Ulflr. WANTE1 ldy buokkeepei ; reference required, napheai 1'red Co., 13th and l-ar-iiain. Karlarr aaat Traatea. GIRLS to leain halrdressing. Oppenhelm Parlors. 2ao-24u City Nat I Bank. U. -si. WANTED A cook, 3612 Harney St. Tel. Hnrney WANTED A 11 experienced girl for gen eral housework. No laundry work; best of wages. Mrs. Ben Cotton. Harney 62. LA DIES -Wanted to take piece work tioinc. steady, profitable. 416 Brandels 1 heater. G1UL for general housework. H. Wllln sky. lol2 N. 2"th. WANTED-Competent girl for house work; no laundry. 115 S. Mh St. WAITED An experienced nurse maid; refernces required. 117 S. 3Hth 8t- WANTED A girl for general house work. 2630 8. 7th St. WANTED Competent girl for house work; no cooking. 63 S. 24th Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family. 106 8. 36th St. WANTED Nurse girl over 1 who will do some second work. 814 N. 40th St. Harney 172. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 616 N. 2Sth St. WANTED A strnnar woman for reneral housework; good wage. 4340 Seward St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1106 Brlgg. A WIDOWER with four children desire a houekeeoer. mlddle-aaed preferred; good home. Charles H. Piderlt., Ravenna, Neb. . WANTED A woman for general house work; Christian clenca preferred. . 2004 Davenport St. IV'ANTHtl-i ntiraa artel over 18. 1304 S. 36th Bt. Harney 741. WANTEDCompetent girl for general housework. 6!2S. 264a Chicago Bt. lei. Red WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 116 S. 86th. WANTED A girl for general housework; must be cook; good wages. William Stull. 123 8. 3ith St. WANTEDCompetent girl for general housework; (mail family. 2108 Cas St. WANTED Good girl for general houaa work. 616 8. 29th St. WANTEDCompetent" girl for general housework. 3024 Paclflo St. Harney 2004. WANTED Experienced i girl for second work. 620 N. 33th St. -4 WANTED -A good housekeeper; one who cares to get a good home. George H. Greer, Florence, Neb. WANTED A good girl to help with housework; good home. 2609 Lake St. WANTED Experienced girl to do cook ing and laundry. 403 8. 38th Ave WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family. 3174 Farnam St. WANTED A girl for general housework, good wages, no washing. 210 S. 37th St. Harney 6314. COOK'S helper. Apply Manager, Omaha General hospital. WANTED Kitchen girl for Clarkaon hospital, 21st and Howard Sts. WANTED Experienced girl to cook and do general housework; small family; no washing. 2102 Douglas St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing; small family; good wages. 101 S. 33d SL MIsoellaneoaa. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoe or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE A lien (a, galeenaaa aaat Sollollora. YOL'No'man well acquainted In Omaha; must be Intelligent, Industrious and of good appearance; exceptionally good open ing for man who ha determination to make good on the Job. Give age, experience, married, employed, etc. ll. 468 Bee. WANTED Experienced dress goods sales men. Apply to superintendent, Brandels Stores. A BIG, strong, aggressive life Insurance company In the northwest wants an agent for Nebraska. Must be man who has ex perience with old Una company; must have good acquaintance In Nebraska and be capable of selecting and managing a force of sub-agents. The company will pay such a man good salary or commission and will back him up with strong advertising cam paign. Addref. J. T. D., care Bee Pub lishing Company, Omaha, for further In formation. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN ABOUT TO OPEN UP A BRANCH IN THE CITY. REQUIRES THE (SERVICES OF SALES MEN AND CANVASSERS TO SELL AN ARTICLE DIRECT TO THE CONSUM ERS. WE WANT MEN WHO ARB PRO DUCERS AND TO THOSE WHO CAN GET THE BUSINESS THERE WILL BE A FUTURE IN CONNECTING THEM SELVES WITH THIS CONCERN. STATE AGE AND QUALIFICATIONS, ALSO GIVE TELEPHONE NUMBER. AD DRESS. Y-m9. CARE BEE. Roys. WANTED Beveral reliable boya. West ern Union Telegraph Co., 212 8. 13th St Clerical mmd Olflce. TRAVELING SALESMAN, oil. EXPERIENCED JEWELRY CLERK. 840. GENERAL MDSE. CLERK, 8. EXPERIENCED Drug Clerk. 8rt0. EXPERIENCED railway freight clerk, WESTERN REF. & BOND APS N.. INC., Otnaha-E-taljIi.Jhed 8 Years Kansas City. 7C2-3-4-5 New York Life Bldg. WANTED 3 young men who have had experience In handling bouts and shoes to wuili tn stock tn a uholesale house: Mate I mt. whether married or sinum and give i leieren es. Address O 23, care Bee. Factor) ami Ira ties. Drug Elores isnapsi. Joua. Knlesi. lies B!4 PRINTER WANTED Good all-round coui.try printer, lapld composilor, aalary 8J0. Board can be had at . Hand preBes ul pres. nt. power In a few months, u ire or write Mundard. Lusk, Wyoming. I RIN-rr. WANTKD All round man country v.eekly; must do good work and jM.-t on local news; state waves and experltncu in lirst letter and w nen could loine. 1 -u-iliively no boozer will be kept, 'i he Argui, Rid Cloud. Neb. WANTLD 87t month, ruatom. Internal inem.e lailway mail clerks. Lit ,r apt 'li examination In Oiuaua now ready i lepaiatuii fiee. Fuinkiin Institute, uepc. ;A. J.ociiasier. a. , a larfllaHfiilia WANTED Two experienced men to grade tier a.iu inal.e gratis at r'leinoni nursei le. innulre if B. L. Fields dc Son, i-ie. li. ullt. Neb WANTI'D- -Men to learn barber trade, piactice tLiiiislied by iret- Murk; rarefui iiiaiiuilioiis l. expert."; few weeks cum I .et; tiHils i;iven. hoard srruied; expen erne in "hops before completing; catalogue mulled tree. .Uoier Barber College, liu 8a. Hlh St. Mtl.K U KKMH.i:. MliN AND WOMauN hustlers; city work, paying proposition. Call 9 to 12. tat Paz tea lock. Nellie J. Ho baa. Dlst, j. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harae aaal Maiaaa. WE bur and sell all kind of borae; Blue brn, rear Miaiard Hotel. D. FIVE mares with foal and eight cheap horn for cale or trade; bsrn bach of Millard hotel, l.ltll and iouglas. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse Markets, lap rohe.. etc., and surely get your monev's worth. If vou buv from JO 11 N SO N - D A N Ft UTII CO. . Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones St. Cora a. FOR SALE Jersey .cow. ?T2 So. 12th. LOST AND FOUND IXST Bet ween Brsndies stores and 13th and Ijeavenworth street, package contain ing 8MJ.O0 worth of postage etamps, and voucher. Finder please return to Smith Manufacturing company, 1216 lxavenworlh St., and receive liberal reward. LOST-Black lamb muff, on N. 23d St. near Webster. Return to 704 N. 23d and get reward. WILL PARTY' that picked up lynx muff on Capitol Ave., between 16th and 17th. please return same to Stewart Seed Store and reoelve reward? The Teddv Bfnr "-Prt eener and AUW ACUUV AOCar 1)yeri, ww Harney. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sta. , special attention paid to confine ment rasee; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglaa 111. Calls answered day and night MONEY TO LOAN ftALAHY AHO CHATTELS. 88 CHEAP MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS 88) ll 810 To ll.Ovu 8i l LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD 84 88 FURNITURE. PIANOS, SALARIES. 83 88 THIS JS A NEW FIRM. 88 18 Organised by the REPUTABLE! 81 M BUSINESS MEN of thla city to pro- 81 88 tect honest working people In need 31 88 of temporary help trom the exorbi- It 8 tant charges of the so-called loan 31 83 companies. We will loan you all the 31 88 money you want and charge you only 31 88 I per cent a year. M THIS MEANS YOU PAY 88 8f For 10 6 mo. payments 81-70-8 10.20 38 88 For 3 26- 6 mo. payment 34.23-3 25.88 31 88 For 3 60 mo. Davments 88 4-3 60 6 88 88 For 3100-12 mo. payments J8.68-3U0.O4 88 Ana all other sums in proportion. 88 Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. 31 88 Reasonable Appraisement Charged. 3t 13 A glance at the above rates will 33 18 convince you how much you save by 33 13 dealing with ua M 38 NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. U 88 MONEY IN YOUR POCKET II 18 WITHIN AN HOUR. 81 13 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO, 31 83 ROOM 204. W1THNELL BUILD1NO. II II Doug. 6046. N. E. Cor. 16th and Harney. II amwuwuwjmwwvNswms.m$m: Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage? Don't go to a friend. Coma to us. Whea you borrow money you want tha lowest rata, and we give It. We will loan you trom 86.0U to lluO.OO on furniture, planoa or teams, without removal; small and easy payments. 81.20 Is the weekly payment un a 860 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts la the same proportion. We give liberal dis count on all loans paid off before due. Mall or phone applications receive uur prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room l'i Arlington Blk., I6IIV1 Dodge Bt, Phones: Douglaa 244 A-Z46. C1LRISTMAS MONEY We are prepared to make loans to thos needing funds for CHRISTMAS. As low rates as any advertised. Easy payments, square deal and every transaction confi dential. ' RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Phones: Doug. 1411. A-HU- limilllllllllllimWW 3W83U3383S33t833ml 2 CHEAP LOANS. M 8 ii g 83 81 II II 8 a Furniture, Planoa or Salary. AT PER CENT A Y&ARf Can You Beat Tbeaa Ha tea? I 18 for I month loo t st for months iso months 11.64) months 32. 3 month 83.00 I (4 for I 16 for 3100 for Small charge for appraising. OMAHA liVAMClAb CU.. Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 8. lbth St. opposite Branaala Dug. km. A-2U3. 1)0 YOU NEED MONEY T We will loan you money tn your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity st LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or phone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1356. Ind. A-13E4. 220 Bee Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. a FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. Tel. RED soil. MONET LOANF.D SALARIED PEOPLBJ WOMEN KEEPING- HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payment. Offices In 66 principal cities, lolman. room 803 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. Telephone Douglas 3i4. Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. cleans your carpet on your floors; electric vacuum cleaner. 804 8. 16lh; 309 8. 17th. O. 4163. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES MRS. J. ALBERT BECKER, teacher artlatlo plauo playing. 2iui spencer. JAMES 8. COLVIN, piano atudlo, Boyd Theater Bldg.. 506 . D. 418. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Reaoaa. NICE single room with board; also large front room fur two; walking distance. 1J1 Lata St. Tel. Douglaa Ida. ST. JAMES steam heat. Path, Eur., a mar. rate. H-. up. weekly, to. up. double. DESIRABLE rooms; board. St. Dougla MA. 212 S. 2tn LARGE l-eautlful furnished room en suite or single, with lavnioiy, lama closet, excellent board. 70s Georgia Aw. CHOICE modern room, southern ex posure; better see it; excellent home cook ing. Phone Doug aa 2253. ROOM and board in strictly modern home; very desnaule location. 21b ai. .Mai y s. EXCELLENT parlor for two men, hoins ll cooking and prl lieges. Reasonable. Ms ri. 26th tt- NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for I two, modern, private iauni. goou bwiaru. ljtia S. 2Sth. TAHI.F. BOARD. meals lid). California. 'FOP. RENT Two nice steam-heated rm.ins; hoard if desired. 26il Leavenworth St. ' FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, homu tiuklbg. 640 S. ;4tli Si FOP. RENT-Large room and board for two. 2213 Douglas St. FOP. KENT Neatly fnrniahed naim. with or wit hot, t board, l.'.lj .V EMh St. FOR RENT Large frrnt ronm ilei-nable fur four, ateJin healed, nicely luinlslieil. 17.3 I 'oiifce St. ROOM and boa id fi r nup! of men in pr.vato faml y. t' S. 31st. FINE boa id and room; 1724 Spring it good location. NICILT furnished rooms: private taoUri maWUat baaavra. aaa tV. sKa tjt, I OFFERED FOrt RENT Roaral aad Itsmnie t'oallaaeit. UTOPIA, board with or without rooms NEWLY furnished rooms with board; strictly modern. U blm ks from Farnam street car. .OS So. 2Mh St. Faralshed Raaaaa. FDR RKNT Nlcel furnished frent rm. (17 8. ftth 8t. Very convenient to business NICELT furrlabed rooms. W 8 31 't 4 CHOICW front room, suitable for two; warm: trictly modern and well kept; pri vate family; phone; walking distance: alse convenient to goou tar line; reasonable. 110 N. Hth 8t. DEWEY" European Hotel. 13th Farnam. 210 N. 17th, steam heated rooms, 50 cents and up. VERY DESIRABLE steam heated front rcom; walking distance. 220 N. ltd. FURNISHED, steam heated room; private family, for gentleman; walking distance. 602 S. 2Sth St. STRICTLY modern room to gentle man; private family. 240S Harney St. SUPERB large steam-heated room, N. 23d. 23' NEWLY furnished modern rooms! these gre all OUtsida rooms and hiva fh hst nf light, neat and gas and very convenient iu ousiness district. ES12 Dodge. NICELY furnished rooms eleetrlo light and bath; near car line. 2618 Captltol Ave Phone Tyler 142i. MCELY furnished. sttirtlv modern rooms; close In. 1922 California St. NEWLY furnished front rooms, strictly modern: close to Crelghton college and High school. 2612 Chicago St. Tel. Red 6196. FOR KENT-Nicely furnished, modern, frcnt room; breakfast If desired. 3321 Davenport St. Harney 3778. I' NICELY furnished room, with board convenient to business district. 2006 St. Marys Ave. MODERN furnished front room with cove, also smaller one. 2423 Dodge. NICELY FURNISHED front room, suit able for man and wife or three or four young men, 618 So. 26th Ave. Phone Har nev 4668. STRICTLY modern south room, suitable for two; bath room floor; 82.50 per week 267S Harney St. TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished Tel. Ind. A. 100. Reasonable. THE BEST heated room In tha city 3221 Dodge 6t. S, 8 OR 4-room suite of modern furnlehed or unfurnished rooms: private family; walking distance; references. Tel. Ind , B 2466. 2224 Burt St. NICELY furnished front room; modern; Close In. 2666 St. Mary's Ave. MODERN south room; also on on bath room floor. 2677 Harney. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room for lady; Bemls Park. Harney 3287. SLEEPING ROOMS. 31 per week. 418 S. 24th Ave. FURNISHED ROOMS, furnace heat. 11.50 per week. 1914 California St. NICELY furnished front room; close In. 2025 Howard St NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2411 Capitol Ave. LARGE touth room, nicely furnished; suitable for two, use f bath. 2309 Douglas St. Tel. Douglas 7245. NICE1LY furnished, well heated room. 403 No. litth St Phone. Red 7882. FURNISHED rooms strictly modem; suitable for two. 820 N. 23d. 'Phone R 5671. FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms; modern. 1810 Chicago. NICELY furnished room, good location. 62 S. 17tU Ave. ALL modern room, bath and heat good location. 2302 N. 27th Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, good location, walking distance. 107 S. JOth St. FOR RENT Steam . heated rooms, up stairs. 1708 Jackson St. FOR RENT One nicely furnished sleep ing room. 202 N. 19th St. NICE east front room, modem, well heated, to refined gentlemen. 602 S. 24th St. 2fi28 CAPITOL AVE. Nicely furnished room for two; heat good location. FOR RENT-tfJIcely furnished rooms. 11J Capitol Ave. ' FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for couple. 1919 Cass St. TWO extra fine front rooms; fine furni ture; modern; walking distance. 320 N. 20th. No sign cn house. NICE, clean south front room, private family. 114 S. 19th St. NICE, clean room, good location. Harney St. 2682 TWO nicely furnished rooms, with run ning water. 406 8. 24th Ave.- NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. 32 S. 28th St. FOR RENT Nice south front room private, suitable for two, reasonable. Ill N. 27th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, private family. 21 S. 29th Ave. FOR RENT Nice, large room, nicely fur nished, stationary wash stand. 2003 Burt St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 818 N. 17th St FOR RENT Nice front south parlor for two. 1924 Douglas Bt "Vor RENT Nicely furnished room In modern home. 2812 Bt. Mary's' Ave FOR RENT Modem room, good location, completely furnished. 320 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Steam heated room, nicely furnished, modern. 1718 Nicholas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. 18 8. 19th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, light, heat, bath, good location. 2618 Cspl tui Ave. FOR RENT Nice front parlor and sleep ing room. 112 S. I'itli St. FOR RENT-I.arge front room and al cove; private family. 21 Dodue St FOR RENT -Two front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 2HL' Leavenworth St TO LADY ONLY-Front ;onm. steam heated f:at. close In. Call Red 624?. HEATED. furnished or housekeeping rooms, sunt werner. nar Fi'RNlSHED rooms In strictly inoder i home, suuth of Uu.libgtnn station. D. 4248. . --- - - - - I N1CKLV fuinlslied rooms, elose to busi - neVs district, steam heat. MS Harney 'Phone Hamey 31,3. Thr Omaha Bee gained 651 inches in want ad business last month over November last year. lis, nearest competitor lost one half jiage a day every day of the mouth. The l?ee moves forward, gaining all of the time, because it pays advertisers. la important IusLubm daiaU'irtioBji it leaxia its cxraptUtori. OFFERED FOR RENT tarnished Rooms .( nndnned. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, good location. 1W7 N. 17th St. STRICTLY modern room for gentlemen. 2e07 Farnam St. Phone Douglas t...i. THREE or four furnished room for light housekeeping, strictly modern; rent reasonable. W-S N. Xth St. FOR RENT-Four room on ground floor; fii.e location. Inquire 37P1 Cuming llotela aad Apartnaeate. NICELT FURNISH F.D ROOMS for geSj tlemen THE CHATHAM. 110 8. Hth 8t DODOK HOTEL 13th snd Dodg. All out fide cool room; special latee by the week. TteaM heated roome. 13 to I? per week. Ogucn hotel. Council Bluff. " SUITES- V8 up; meal book, 85 50. Gentle men preferred. Tel. Har. 6S1. 1012 Geo. Ave. Apartment and Plata. ' FIVE-ROOM St. I-oul flat, modern. $23.3", also 4-room, $21. 1740 8. 2.th St. Harney S8.S8. CENTRAL, steam heat, 4-rootn flat 8- N. 2Jd. MODERN 6 room flat, ground floor, walk ing distance. 2 blocks from three car llnea 21)i N. 22d St. Inquire 2-'0 N. 22d St. tlK.0i i-roum modern flat. 1M8 N. 16th Si. l pats Ira lnguire eu i. lOtn at. Call Wat, u;;. CHEAP WINTER RENT 5-room flat 614Vi N. 22d St.. close In. very choice. 1.2 (. 7-room cottage. 3017 Jackson St., edge of West Farnam dlatrict, only 820. Telephone owner. Red 62M. t BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment In one of the best apartment houses to parties without children. S 4.ti Bee. UNEXPIRED lease In new Hamilton apartments; very desirable; can give posses sion Dec. 16. Apply M3 Hamilton apart ments. j 909 No. 17th St., 6-room. mod., heat fur nished 3.1800. 562 So. 2t.tli Ave.. 9-room. all mod., $30.00. J. W. Rasp Co., Doug. pi&J. Varnished ItoaaekerplaaT Room. STRICTLY modern housekeeping rooms, close In, 2210 Harney St FOU RENT Six ruin:stied rooms fof light housekeeping; also sleeping rooms. Dodge tt Tyler loos. TWO front rooms with alcove for light housekeeping, also other rooms. 006 S. 29th. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms to couple without children. References le qulred. 866 N. 40th. WARM, cosy housekeeping rooms; ail modern; gas furnished for cooking and laundry; also double parlor nicely fur nished, for three or four persons. 603 S. 27th Bt MODERN light housekeeping room at 1814 Chicago St. TWO or three front rooms, partly fur nished for light housekeeping; rent reason able. SUM, N. 26th St. THE MANUEL four-room apartments, $18. The Howard, two-room apartments bed In wall, $X. Heat, Ice and Janitor free. 21st and Howard Sts. APARTMENT, four rooms front? cheap; main floor, complete for housekeeping. 2ul Davenport 8t LIGHT housekeeping rooms; cooking gas and laundry privileges. Price reason able. 2671 St. Mary s Ave. FRONT and back parlor completely fur nished for housekeeping; also housekeeping room for man and wife who will attend furnace. 660 b. 36th Ave. FOR RENT Modern rooms for housekeeping. 22L3 Douglaa tt light FOR RENT Nicely heated front parlor for housekeeping. 2109 Douglaa St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; good location. 2618 Davenport FOR RENT Modern rooms for light housekeep.ng, laundry privileges. 2218 Har ney Bt FOR RENT-Rooins for housekeeping, good location. 1712 Jackson St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for' housekeeping. 8J 8. I9th St. FURNISHED rooms for light hooaekeattv! Ing. 2116 Chicago Bt- NICE front parlor for llgHt houaekees. Ing. 3426 Dodge St aep- fonlaBSt ?u'k9tpia rooms. tOM Call- FOR RENT Two room for light houa. keeplng, good location. 2670 Leavenworth St. NICELY furn1hed rooms for houaMkaan. Ing, good location. 113 8. 24th SL-T FOR RENT Three-room oottaga, mod em, nicely furnished rooms, gmil Call, fornla St. FOR RENT Rooms for housakeamlnsr everything furnished, good locaUoa . Hamey St TWO heated and nicely furnished room for housekeeping. 2676 Harney St. TWO large front rooms, furnished, bath. gae, good location. 1007 N. 20th 6t FOR RENT-Nlc front parlor for house keeping. 1919 Chicago St. FOR RENT-Thre nicely furnl.hed houaekeeplng rooms, steam heated. $18 N 23d St. TWO neatly furnished rooms for house keeping. 2220 Grace St. FOR RENT Three large rooms, single er ensulte, 3601 Spalding St. Web. Stoi. I'af araleaed Rooms. FOR RENT Four room and bath. 3d floor. 1836 N. Ht St.- FOR RENT Three or four unfurnlsbsd rooms. 1212 N. lth 8t. Web. 3767. FOR RENT Three large rooms, single or ensulte. 2601 Spalding St. Web. 3N.8. .FOR RENT Four rooms, modern exoept hest. 2721 California St. Douglas 4224. FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 2211 Burt St. FOR RENT Large, modem front room, ground floor, unfurnished or partly fur nished, good location. 647 S. 21th Ave FOR RENT Three unfurnished house keeping room. I6.;5 Park Ave FOR RENT Three unfurnlhed rooms, M't Jackson St. FOR I'.ENT T'iree unfurnished rooms: Cfod location. 122 8. 20th St. FOR RENT Flva nnf urnlahed rooms, modern except heat. 222i California St. FOR RENT Three southeast rooms fcath, hot water, ne.sr car line, good loca- uon; ieferei.ee. :'.:'lo Cans St. .. . -FOR RENT Three l, l-e unfurnished noma; good location. 1411 N. Lin St ' i - K i