Tin; m:r.: omaha. ikiiav. Ti;T,MrF,n p. inio. The omaiia Daily itn; rOl NMCh BY KIVAItl RoSK WATKIl. VICTOR HdflZ WATKIl. KlilTOll. r.ntrred at iinaha postofdi-e second ciena matlrr. TKII.M9 OF (M H8 RIPTKJN. Fundav He. ona rir fatuiuav B, on year 1 aily Hee (without fiundayl. one ) ear tally li-f and Sunday, one year I-.V) It i'J Mi-UVKKKU HV I'AKItlKll fcvenlng Hre (without Sunday), p-r wees. c kvenlng !- (with Monday), per week 10c i'ally Hi (Inc luding .-iiniln y, per we. .15c l-ally Ji, without flunday), per wvi-k..lic A3'lin all complaint of Irregulantlaa In delivery to -City Circulation I'rpaTimeni. OP KICKS. oinlia-tha liw building. afouili Omaha 2 .North Twenty-fourth btrf-t Council !'lufre-16 Frott Ptreet. Lincoln ui, Utile Hundlng. . nitaao- IMS Marquette rulMlng. New York -Rooms 1101-lHiJ N . J West Ttilrtj-tl.lt J MtVet. atshlngton - Fmitteenth fltieet, N. W. COKllLSPO.NDLNCK. Communication r:latlng to new and editorial matter should be audresU: Omaha bee, Mittorial Department. RKMITTANCtS. Kentll hy draft, expresa or petal order payable to The Bee lubllnhlng Company. Duly x-rerit siuQipa rerniveu in payment of n.ail account, t'ernonal cHkn -wept on Omaha ami eantern exenangu accepted. 8 TATKME.V i" OI CI R(:;i,ATlON. Btate of Nebraska, Douglas county, aa. (ieorge JU. Tzschuck. treasurer ot Tha Kee I'ubllHhliiK company, being duly sworn says that ilia actual number of full an complete ropier of Tne Ually, Morning, livening and Sunday Ilea printed ouiIdk the inoiitn of November. 110, was aa lullowa 1 3,6C0 II 430 17 44,81)0 It 44.080 II 43,760 tO 43,900 21 43,910 II 43,530 21 43,930 24 49,080 ill 43,740 21 43,150 27 43,980 21 43,380 29 43,340 10 43,840 I 3,80O 43,000 4 43,870 1 43,930 44,200 T 48,330 I ....... .. ,43,810 t . . , 64,680 10 45.470 11 44.640 II 43,980 It 44,200 14 43,30 15 43,950 Total.... Returned cople . . . 1,390,880 . . . . 15,431 Net Total 1,308,404 Daily Average 43.515 OKO. B. TZSCHUCK, Treaaurer. Subscribed in my presence and aworn to before me this tOtn day of November, ii. m. i-. walk kin, (seal.) Notary fuo.lc. Sabacrlbera leaving tin c l lew porarllr akonla kata The Bee Malted to theaa. Aildreae will be ekangjeal aa ofteai aa reijueated. Don't forget the Ked Cross Christ mas seal. The Grim Reaper knows no treed aud recognizes no cult. Somebody ought to crack that Bath Tub trust and let the water run out. A band-organ man recently died rich. Just got It monkeying around, too. Champ Clark is very modest to ad mit there are no oratora in congress today. Our pet little weather-maker is do ing his best to get Into the Christmas mood. The price of oysters Is going up. So slick, too, it seems they would go down more naturally. Arizona's constitution is said to be the shortest ever written. No, Mr. Bryan is not its author. "Are betrothals binding?" asks one of our fussy feminine writers. Evi dently many of them are not. The Christmas spirit is gaining with each day. "Do It well" is Just as good a motto as "Do It early." "Peace on earth, good w ill to men," sings Dr. Cook. But his notes have a harsh, metallic sound to them. A New York woman says it costs her $4,000 a year to keep her pet dog. How would you like to buy her hats? Nebraska's share of the nlne-bllllon-dollar crop is enough to keep the wolf from the door for one winter at least. Bellinger will play Kanta Claus In Wash ington this year, Just the came. Record Herald. Who will ring the bells? A Boston woman has lost her reason over Tolstoi's death. Had the good woman concluded the count would never die? Omaha's indoor athletic meet de serves both attention and support. The success of last spring can easily be repeated. One thing this recent Mexican re volt haa done is to bring again into prominence the Mexican prisons as important state edifices. In cutting down expenses, of course, Attorney Brandeis will not force rail road officials to travel In anything less than a $10,000 or $26,000 car. "I have no sore spots on roe," re marked Senator Burkett on his return to Washington. Evidently not, riding in that hU'Uly-ornate, seven-passenger auto. New candidates for state appointive offices are developing with each day The old game of allowing the office to seek the man has been temporarily abandoned. We have respected Mr. Edison's wis dom about material science, but hts opinion of the hereafter will have to be taken for no more than that of any other man. Perhaps those Toronto pay-as-you-intrrs were not as convenient and commodious as those of Omaha. At any rate, it always was dangerous to hold a mass meeting in Toronto. Bsllinzer. The majority report of the Bel linger InvrstiRsMnR committee, giving the spcrptary of the Interior 8 clean bill, m no mirprtip. H hart been fully foret anted, first by the rontrary report of the minority member of this committee. Without taking up the 'old discussion of the, merits of the case. It I. enough to say that the re gret of fair-minded men must be that it could not hsrs been determined on It merits. It la moat unfortunate for everybody concerned that the minority members of the committee should have stooped to the level of using It a a means of making political capital for themselves and their side. It was far too serious a thing for that. U would have been hard enough to settle on its merits, without bringing In so much personal and extraneous matter, for the two men by which the princi ple charges were made, unfortunately. were also the two by whom the chief testimony was given. In addition the minority of the committee took up the fight of these two men and made It their fight because they saw an oppor tunity for making political capital out of It. Then, to cap the climax, came that so-called "Conservation congress" at St. Paul, which developed Into such a complete farce as to disgust even some of its sponsors. It is too late now to expect this Ballinger-Plnchot controversy to get a fair hearing. Most people prefer to Avoid the tub ject entirely, for every time It is ap proached in a spirit of fairness It in vites a renewal of the crimination and recrimination process that has gone on from the first, blinding people to the facts. Progressive Crop Values. Secretary Wilson in his report for the Department of Agriculture says: "Nothing short of Omniscience can grasp the value of the farm products of this year. At no time In the world's history has a country produced farm products within one year with a value reaching $8,926,000,000, which Is the value of the agricultural prod ucts of this country for 1910." From time to time we hear the criticism that it is costing $1,000,000. 000 to run this government one year, and at once our economists of the more pessimistic turn of mind begin to worry over the prodigal waste. To begin with, we are not spending that much money in the conduct of the government a year. Last year the total outlay did not quite reach $700, 000,000. But even if It did go to a billion, that would only enable us by comparison to partially comprehend something of the amazing wealth of our farms. The products in one year bring enough to run practically nine btlllon-dollar governments. This, it would seem. Is in itself a pretty good argument for the back-to-the-farm- movement. Yet, we are nowhere near content with that showing. We are convinced by actual demonstration that without expanding our area of cultivation, the soli is capable of pro ducing more in crops and money and so we are continuously applying our intensive methods to bring about larger results. But the most significant feature of Secretary Wilson's statement is that our crop values are progressive. The increase has been continuous every year since 1899. That was just two years after the long republican rule set in upon the heels of the last demo cratic panic. It required about two years for the republicans to undo and do over things preliminary to building up prices and markets. This, they did, and we have the results to show for It. True, a change in administra tions could not effect climatic condi tions, and yet it will not do to say as much about the soil, for the great reclamation service put into operation by the republicans, with its concomi tant of Intensive farming methods, stands out too boldly as proofs for that. f The fact is, conditions that made for better prices of farm products. finally enabled the farmers to take advantage of improved systems and machinery, and, of course, the direct resuU Is counted to them In dollars and cents. City Government. There will be time enough for Omaha to decide on what form of government is to be adopted when the matter haa been fully considered from every side and all its various phases have been gone over to the end that a complete understanding may be had. Advocates of a. radical change from the present form should temper their xeal until due consideration has been given to . questions Involved. The "Des Moines plan" has been most ably presented by one of its ardent cham pions and it would be doing hlu small justice if he did not gain supporters. Other advocates of government by commission have been presenting their case to the citliens with such plausU blllty as has gained momentary sup port, and yet It will not be wise for Omaha to rush headlong into any new plan. The mere form of government does not In Itself provide the remedy for abuses complained of.- It Is f'l enough to talk about fixing responsi bility and placing authority in the hands of responsible officers, but the first thing to do is to secure responsi ble officers. The present form of city government in Omaha, despite what may be said to the contrary, is ultra popular. Thv city officials are nomi nated by the people at a direct pri mary and are then aelected by the peo ple at a secondary election. It will not do to say that the people have not had their t holce, nor tan any form of government be devised which will give them wider or better opportunity for choke. The reforms that ar needed In Omaha's government are not such as demand radical departures from its present form. The commission form of government has Its attractive qual ities, and Omaha may be ready to adopt It. but this condition does not alter the fact that the citizens of Omaha are directly responsible for the j officers who now administer the busi ness affairs of the community. Fire Traps. It now appears In the course of an omcisl Investigation that the recent wholesale death of factory employes in Newark might have been prevented had one door been unlocked. But the person responsible for that door being unlocked had "forgotten." Regrets for the dead and punishment for the living are alike futile In this case. Neither will remedy the matter, but the lesson ought not to be allowed to go unnoticed. We have been too easy In such matters In this country. The Newark disaster should stand as a solemn warning to employers who oc cupy large buildings, whether the pen alty of the law Is visited upon the one who "forgot" or not. Divine Right end Dueli. Emperor William may be an exam ple of atavism, but he Is so entirely unique among crowned rulers for his courageous utterances that not even the caustic criticism of Reichstag so cialists can deprive them of their re freshing Interest to a people accus tomed to having a man say what he thinks. That Is why Americans, alien as they are to the lazy notion of the divine right of kings or the foolish fancy that personal honor can only be avenged through the medieval process of balancing one's life on the keen edge of a sword, find time to become Interested in the kaiser's advocacy of both these dead Usues. Yet his own Reichstag is not so pa tient. It has just got through scold ing him very severely for his famous Koenlgsburg speech and it will no doubt take a decisive iBsue with his justification of the duel as the best way of protecting personal honor. The emperor is a sincere man and does his best to practice what he preaches about his divine-wrought authority, and one may scarcely question his readiness to fight a duel should such an improbable challenge of his valor force itself upon him. But if the Reichstag feels like re buking this latest outburst of the kaiser's, has it not enough power to denaturlze the duel as France has done? There it Is the easiest thing in the world to fight a duel, for the law gives the family of the victim the right of civil damages. This thought ful restriction has worked admirably. Without lessening the high sense of the Frenchman's personal honor, it has thrown about the duel enough safeguards to guarantee results for the most picayunish life insurance agent. The dictum of the courts Is, "Fight all the duels you want to, but remember, the other fellow's folks have a come-back at your pocket book." Now, strange as it may seem, this allusion to the pocketbook, even in the case of death, has fallen like a wet blanket on the passions of Insulted Frenchmen, so that it seldom requires, nowadays, more than the faintest sug gestion of a sword's touch to satisfy the most sensitive hair-trigger honor In the republic. More than that, it seems about to have done away with dueling entirely. For even now some of the best blood of France is stirred over the popularity of the plan to set tle all personal matters hereafter with the fists. 1 It Is not at all impossible that If the Reichstag, or some other Influence, would get to work on this proposition It might neutralise the efforts of the Jtaiser to restore the popularity of this medieval custom. The dispute between the attorneys over who was to represent Nebraska before the supreme court in the bank guaranty case almost resulted in set ting the hearing of that case back for a year. Even now the squabbling lawyers decline to tell just how they have arranged their compromise. This edifying spectacle, it will be noted, is furnished by the "reformers." The Nebraska National Ouard gen eral court-mart Is 1 has now pronounced the doom of the culprits whose cases were considered and the world may again steady down on its gudgeon and twirl with regularity. A little more care in instructing the young men who enter the guard in their duties would serve the purpose far better than court-martial punishment. "I hawe no candidate to offer for United States senator." No, that is nrt. the voice of Father Knicker bocker, himself; it Is the dictum of only one of his humble citliens, Mr. Charles F. Murphy. Good Mr. Murphy, he is going to let the people put up the candidate this time. General Blmon B. Buckner of Ken tucky, who surrendered Fort Donelson to General Grant, at the age of 88 has goe to live his remaining days In the log cabin in which he was born, be lieving it will make him feel more like a boy. Remember Tolstoi. Those who are urging the president to appoint a man to the supreme court who typifies the newer fads and vaga-4 rles nuRht to remember how often fnds ; and vagaries change far more often than supreme court Justices. j The government report of the con dition of winter wheat shows a fliRht Increase in acreage and decrease In condition. Nebraska looms up aa sec ond In acreage, with excellent promise for next season's crop. The Washington correspondents have now divided on the supreme I court appointment, and for the present I you will be permitted to pay your' money and take your choice. I l.onk at the Hill.. lnd atiaiHilln News. The knowledne that we have the third largest navy In the world makea up feel mighty rheaty until we look at the naval appropriation figures. This la Official. Topeka Capital. Commander Peary Is quoted a-liHlng nothing to eay. The growing su.-plclnn that Commander Peary's flow of conver sation bad been exhausted Is thus pleas ingly and authoritatively verified. Confidence Mar Be Well Founded. Chicago Record-Herald. The government must feel great con fidence In the outcome of the BtHndrd Oil and Tobacco trust cases, or it would have awaited the result before setting the dogs of law upon the Sugar trust. arrrlner Chivalry Too Far. Baltimore American. In Wyoming a Jury acquitted a murder ess against whom evidence was conclusive, declaring that they did so because they could not hang a woman. Uut even the most ardent advocates of feminine rights and privileges will admit that this Is carry ing chivalry and politeness a little too far for the good of the public health. The Menneat Ever. Chicago Inter Ocean. Nobody aeems to be able to keep the title of "Meanest Man" for very long. The man who sat In the last seat of the last cur In order to save Interest on his money until the conductor got around to him has been displaced by the man who induced a brood of chicks to get under a feather duster and set the old hen on another nestful of eggs. Now a surrogate on lxmg Island has ruled that a 16-year-old girl, who wanted $17,000 a year from her father's estate for her education, can have but K00O, which he declares is all that Is neces sary for any girl of her age. Just think of It! Celebrated Case Recalled. Boston Transcript. A full generation has panned since the close of the "Beecher trial," one of the most sensational cases that ever came be fore a court of this country, causing sharp alignments of opinions and sympa thies in society and even In families. The cause celebre is now recalled by the death of Mrs. Frank D. Moulton, widow of the "mutual friend." Her testimony, like that of her husband, was anything but friendly though it seemed to have but little effect upon the verdict. The figures most prom inent In that unfortunate case have mostly passed away. Borne of the best legal talent in the country was kn gaged by each side. It was a battle of the giants of the bar, and the testimony was a disclosure of strange moods, temperament and re lations on the part of a number of per sona. , Theodore Tllton, the plaintiff, took up his subsequent abode in Paris and died abroad, and one by one the actors In this tragedy of reputations have dropped from memory, that of Mrs. Moulton being briefly revived by her death. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Rome Arctic explorers who are just back consider that they' did something note worthy In eating frosen whale that was 4 years old. They will now be well prepared to take on the cold storage egg of civiliza tion. A "Tight Wad club" has been formed by prominent business men of St. Paul, and they will endeavor to have similar clubs formed In other cities, the purpose being to stop the spending of money for the mere purpose of showing that one has it to be spent. N A Michigan man asks the courts to mandamus a bunch of hungry bears prowl ing between his home and the school where his children should attend. The law makes school attendance compulsory, but the bears object. The court is looking for a deputy with a hankering for bear meat to serve the writ A Denver woman, going from home for the day, locked everything up well and, for the grocer's benefit, wrote on a card: "All out. Don't leave anything." This she stuck on the front door. On her return home she found the house ransacked and all her choicest possessions gone. To the card on the door was added: "Thanks! We haven't left much." Prof. Max Muller, who has returned from a six months' stay In Egypt, bringing with him a valuable collection of pap rl and copies of the hieroglyphics on the doomed temple of Phtlae, it waa announced le to be appointed lecturer on Egyptology In the University of Pennsylvania. Jle will un dertake his new duties, fortified by the re sults of his last expedition to the vailey of the Nile. Our Birthday Book. December S, 110. John Milton, who ranks next to Shake speare among British poets, was born December 9, ItiOB, in London and died there In 1674. During the last twenty years of hli life he was totally blind, and during that time wrote his most famous works, "ParadWe Lout" and "Paradise Regained." John B. Coghlan, admiral In the United States navy, was born In Frankfort, Ky., and died at the age of 64, In m. He played a prominent part In the Spanish-American war. Ernest E. Hart, Council Bluffs, banker and member of the republican national committee for Iowa, was born December 9, 1869, at West Union. Ia. He la a graduate of Tale and has been In the banking busi ness since lxfti. Elmer A. Cope, treasurer of tfle Updike Grain company, waa born December . U7t, In Streator, III. He waa with the Trans Misalaalppl Grain company before going with the Updtkee In Ut. Clarence N. McElfresh, attorney-at-law In tha Omaha National bank building, U Just a today. He was born at Falrmount, W. Va , and practiced law at Columbus, Neb., for three years, locating In Omaha In 1907. John If. Rassman. rlty Inspector, waa bora December t. lbLi. af Chicago. He came to Omaha In 188 and was nine years In the oil buslneee and five yeara In the Insurance buslnaas. Frank Dall.ine, building contractor. Is 72 yeara old today. He was born In York county, Pennsylvania, and has been In building work In t'fnaha since 1X40. He built tbe Cr eight on block In 1S(4 and the Dellone hotel In lit. and has lately been employed under the building Inspector. Christian Science liTtn Tjrploal Editorial X preaalona ea ttas Recant Death of Mary Baker Eddy nr Truth S atema Heed. St. L.mila Time. So far an It la possible to describe Mrs Kdi! s work at this time. It may be said list she hi succeeded In s slcmatir.lng a 'ague truth which the world lias always recognlxwt t he power of mind over nutter. The ancients recognised this law. and In every age discerning men have feit Its power. Yet it Veninlned for a little New Kngland woman to attempt to found a system upon this truth, which had never bfen elaborated or finally defined. Canae and Kffect. Boston Herald. The emphasis that Mrs. Kddy put upon the material aspects of God originally startled most Americans. But It was only reralllng them to points of view con spicuously in oriental faiths from the be ginning of time. Her system of "heal ing" and her union of (religion with mental tl erapeutlcs male a strong appeal to per sons whose earthly sorrows were due chiefly to disease. Consequently, when cures were wrought there followed among her adherents a sort of passionate loyalty, not always dlscernable in the older re ligious bodies today, and the movement has gone- on steadily against covert and open attack on both its founder and Its principles. A Wonderful Imareaaloa. Philadelphia Publlo Ledger. There Is no use In blinking the fact thst Christian Science has made a won derful Impression upon many persons. Meditative, Introspective men and women have been strongly drawn by It. and those of deep and strong emotions have felt Its sway to such an extent that families have bten divided, fi lends estranged and the laws disregarded when the devotees of that faith have felt that they have had to choose between their "religion" and the mere authority of man. Christian Science churches are to be found in every part of the United States; their "readers" are numbered by thousands, and the hierarchy of which Mrs. Kddy was the hesd has been maintained and extended with an ability and skill that have cer tainly furnished evidence of a wonderful achievement In administration, manage ment and leadership. What of the Fataref Boston Transcript. What will be Christian Science's future? Will it die with ito founder? Was the be lief In her own personal lmmortsllty the rock upon which the church was built? Probably not. A - religion that waa pro jected by Ideas and grew strong by them will continue through . them. Whether It will not have a temporary check Is an other matter. In this church the world outside has a considerable Interest. The old resentment has largely passed away. Whatever I defeat and decay that church experiences will come from within rather than without. That danger is certainly present. The world outside has rather a feeling of sympathy so long as this church benefits anyone In health and does not bring misery upon others. Idea a Traairaatrd Into Churches. New York World. It may be said of Mrs. Eddy's work that what Is true In It Is not original and what la original Is not true. Such elementary Ideas aa these axe In "Science and Health" have been floating around the world In one form or another since the dawn of time. Mrs. Eddy herself had only a vague and Indefinite comprehension of them, but nevertheless she built a new church out of them, drew Into It persons of culture, education and property, and framed the structure of a religion that Is one of the unmistakable Influences of the century. Regardlese of the merits or demerits of Christian Science, It Is a social and psy chological fact that long ago compelled general recognition. he Waa at tienlna. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Mrs. Eddy has been called "clever" In her methods of propsganda and organiza tion. She waa far more than clever; she was a genius. Her debt to Qulmby was mucher greater than she In later yeara would acknowledge; but conceding, as we do, that she gained the germinal Idea of mental suggestion as a therapeutic agent from him. It was still Mrs. Eddy who had the force, the tenacity, the faith even of a prophet to organize the movement and to crown It with that consummate stroke of genius, the presentation of It to the world aa a religion. She was fortunate In that the times fa vored her In Introducing the religious and ecclesiastical elements. She could not have accomplished what she did half a, century earlier, because the assault of modern science upon the churches had not yet de vitalized the old theology, and by tts at tack upon revealed religion had unsettled many minds concerning the older form of faith. It was this vast unsettling of the masses, particularly in the Protestant world, that made it comparatively easy to attract suffering souls to a ew form of faith that offered a refuge from pain and disease, which emphasised the Joyous as pects of life and which seemed almost to cast out sin and death Itself. Will the Chur-b SarvlTe. New York Times. We are aware that large numbers of well-meaning, reasonably well-educated and generally law-abiding persons are members of the cult of Christian Science, and we have no desire to do Injury to their susceptibilities when we declare, with the knowledge that the majority of their fellow citizens will heartily agree with us, that the triumph of this woman and the cult she founded in defiance of common sense, not to speak of practical science, was an anachronism In an age of enlightenment. Yet, because of that prodigious success, and the great follow ing she had secured, and the honor of recognition she had received from at least one government tthat of France), every body must be aware of a certain feeling akin to awe at the announcement of her death In her ninetieth year. For forty four years she had exerted her Influence far and wide, for thirty-four yeara she had been a power to be reckoned with, j Another Mahomet has been translated to . the state of sainthood. Christian Science will survive Mrs Eddy's death. There Is more In It than ignorance and self-delusion, though It must be admitted that they seem to tiie outside world Its preponderating elements. These are fallings we Cannot deny to our fellow men, and they carry their own punishment. But they must not be per mitted to endanger the common welfare of society. The law of the land must be upheld. On Ilia HesraUr Job. BoMton Transcript. The weatern railroad presidents ho thought they could bluff Mr. Brandeis did not know him so well as hia fellow Doa tonlans do. Iolng supreme public service gratultoualy la his oecupatlou tbeae days. 4) WHITTLED TO A POINT. "Is tlieic sn exception to the great rule tlisl Ilk pmlmce like'" " Vrtaliil v " "Nicm one,'" ''loit on gel liaid cish from a soft tiling?"- Baltimore Ainert, an. "Mrs. Puffrrly Is tlckle.1 to rtrsih with the wav slie fooled the customs Inspect'1!" ")lnw did she do It ?" "She rihtn't huv a thing abroad." Cleve land Plain IcleT. Man With the Bulging Brow -I hear you lost inoney on that wrestling n'Sti ti In Krlngs' bsrn the other night. How ril't that happen? Iitdn't you have a sure tip.' Man With the Bulbous Nose 'Hp not h In! It tinned out that the match was abso lutely on the S'jusre. Chicago Tribune. Willie Here's a sign I got from the post office. Mis. Ctllmson Why. Willie' What do on menn? It'a the sign "For Transients.' Yoti Just take It right bsck. "I thought yon might like to bang It up In your kitchen." l-lfe. l,ittle Bessie Mamma, how' II I know when I'm naughty? Mother Your conscience will tell you, dear. l.lttle Bessie I don't care about what It tells me will It tell you 7-Harper's Weekly. "An actress In her makeup reverses, the usual rules of art." "How so?" "She rlnts first so she cn draw after ward." Baltimore American. Watching her chance. Mrs. ClilUicon Kearney caught the Information editor In a group of educators. "Mr. Nollejus." she said, "there Is some thing I have been wanting to ask Jou for a long time. Will you please tell me In a few woryls what Pythagoras taught? ' formation editor, "but thst would be tell ing tales out of school." Chicago Tribune. It's Only Natural to Think of "Hospe's" When You Think of a Piano or a Player Piano .V'. t And These if if, af J, St i2 Exquisite Art Pictures -r Music Books Sheet Musio "Victor" Talking Machines Test the Taste and You'll TastQ the Best Wc have the choice of all the fruits of California and we choose the best. Our name is known from coast to coast. It is no boast to say that we put more than care into every can of Hunt's Quality Fruits "Tha HUM Thmt tm HOT If twd" None but the be6t full-flavored, tree-ripened fruits can wear the Hunt label. It is the badge of honor of California's richest crop. Thev cost you no more than the ordinary kind although they cost us far more. Ask your grocer today for Hunt's Quality Fruits; he knows how good they are. If he hasn't them he can get them and he gladly will. Hunt for the Hunt label. Find it today. Packed by Hunt Bros. Company San Francisco California Selling Agents in Omaha for Hunt's Quality Fruits WATCHING AND WAITING. W. tNrbil In Chlcstn I't" 1 rnct the did Cool hllter. It '. SU 'Ih' I In oiigh I lie ton n Ills rsrs ere co,k. Httcntlvelv, his tin." ss In a froan. I iiskr.l him. "Are oil sf.T nic ' , moment thst wc met. He answirnl missut ins iv but hope ' Not !." i And then be snt him clow n and said "I 'i. simply watting brie For some one who Is due right soon II" holiH up r cry par. I've got mv biu cl.ih icaily. and the niiiun. he arrives He'll wish h" were a cit smi hud a goo.i supply of lives.'' "la hv the mini who rocks the boat'.'' ' ask'-d, ami lie sa'ti, "No." "Is b the man that ttainpa on folks In side' him at the show'.' "Is he the man who bans on you when o i the trolley car. "And breathes into our car. our Utile romfort thus to mar'.'" "Is he the man who calls you up when vn-i are nisheil with blr. "And asks you In his merry toncrf: can you guess hn this Is?' "Is he the man who tells you he will men you Just at S "And keeps you standing In the coM be cause be Is so late "Is he the man w ho tells his woes repeal -eclly until "With all the sympathy you hnve. ou wish him furttirr III? "Is he the man-" The Old Fool KUler Interrupted me And. "None of them is on my list for this event." said be. "The man I'm walling for is he who In a solemn mood (lives out a talk that bubbles from his righteous rectitude. And says his conscience tells him that nil honest mas ami pas Should tell their children that there tsn t any Santa Clans." I ' - Mill ' y j iGSf Very Names have a Christmassy1 Sound Petite Christmas (itrds, FAa. Craftsman Jewels Statuary Small Musical Instruments Unique Brass and Copper Wares Rare Copyright Prints Music Boxes Den Novelties "Victrola" A Marvel of Sound and the A few good uaed Upright Pianos are here now at aa little aa 186.00 each. A. Hospe Co. 1513-1515 Douglas Street SZ2322S