10 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 0. 1010. I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET i Low Cables Reflect Bearish Condition in Other Countries. I.IORE GRAIN IS COMIKO IN Inrn Rales tVrnk and Lower wltk tae on la Wkral ana the Mark More Liberal Reeelpts. CM AH A, Dec. 8. 1510. Imr cahle reflecting bearlshne nlir"Bd and freer offering by the country lifter the recent snow, cou()le1 with the cither indifferent fortng a to the govern ment riH.it. caused wheat to decline, al though tiHile v.a. liKlit unci Inactive. I'mn followed wheat and general bearish feeling in the result of lllxral Belling by fi.nnere and the slackness In the shipping dennnd. The outlook I tor a slowly de t'llnlnir market. Wheat broke (sharply and showed no sus taining power, support being withdrawn an the government flRitrea were taken more benrlsh when prsint stocks and possible recovery In the winter wheat crop la con sidered. Local rash value were very weak and dales were reported lc lower. lorn ruled weak and lower, with the slump In wheat and more liberal receipt. The sh mark"t sagged off Vc. being fea tureless and shippers staying off the buy ing side, of the demand rash has fallen oTT l'rimary wheat receipts were Mi. bunhels and shipments were 1-.5.""0 bushels, SKiilnst receipts last yeiir of ?:'a.0"0 bushels and shipments of 2T3.OO0 bushels. Frlrnary corn receipt were ti'O.OOD bush els and shipments were S.X3.0OO bushels, egslnst receipts last year of 841.000 bushels and shipments of l!.0f) bushels. Clearance were 15.0") bushed of corn. $.000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour eifiial to lSl.mm bushel. r.lverpool closed 4d to W lower on wheat, and unchanged to d lower on corn. Omaha f'nmh rrlera. WHEAT No. 2 hard. WBSo; No. 2 hard. ,1'2v. No. 4 hard. Bu-!"; rejected, hard. 72i 7Hc; No. 2 spring. 'J"f'J2c; No. S spring, b'iii'. f'dllS-No. 2 white. 4?','7?4ric; new. 10"? 40tc; No. 3 white. Ww, new, 8V(0 i'itc; No. 4 white, 41'i'iT4:,c; new, 38 V' Riijc: No. 2 yellow, 42'-v a 4:iv4c; new, SSMytf" 40'ac; No. 3 yellow, 42VM3o; new, !f.tn tfi'ic; No. 4 vellow, 41'(j-tl',4c: new. XSHW ffl't-c-. No. 2. 42'u424.c: new, 4tf40Wc; No. :i. 4ya42H-e: new, 4040,,c; No. 4. i4f414; new. ns-yWlo. f "ATS No 2 white, M'WHr; standard, Wi'COe: No. 3 white, :vri SOVjc ; No. 4 white, 2'.ifr1ic: No. 3 yellow, 2VlfVo; No. 4 yellow. 2!i'.i"S.W4c- HARI.KY No. 3, 7(Wr?6c; No. 4. MQlOc; Ki 1 feed. fW.4c; rejected, frvJftfVs. HTB-No. 2. "(yuTGc; No. 3. 74i,i&c. The following cash sale were reported today: U llfCAT No. 2 hard, t cars, WHc; No. 3 hard. 1 car, 894c. CORN No. I yellow, 8 cars, new, 40Hv, No 4 vellow, 1 car. old. 414c; 1 car, new, SVic; 1 rar, new, 3!c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, old. 42'tc; 2 cars, new. 404c; 1 car, new, 4fl'4o; No. 4 mixed. 1 car, new, 3Uc; 1 car, new, SxVic OATS No. I white. 1 car, special. 30-vtc; cars, .".0!y; No. 4 white, 8 cars, Wf, No. 3 yellow. S cars. 80io; No. 4 yellow, 1 car. 30'-4r: 2 cars. 30c; no rrade. 2 cars, 2yr; 1 car, SSVic Garlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn, Oat. Chicago 11 384 236 Minneapolis 240 Omaha 23 37 34 Dulutli 47 CHICAGO GHAIV AND PROBI9IOX Featnre of (he TradlnK and C1oIuk Price on Hoard of Trade. CMlCACrO, Dec. 8. Wlieat proved a heavy load today for the bull. - (feat acreage In this country, fine harvest In Argentina and lower iiuotatlons In Kurope were bearish. A weak close resulted, with last prices He to Vfc'tlV" below last nlKtit. I'orn showed a net loss of iiio to H'i'-4c Oats fltiished Vic to 'iQS0 uff and provi sion were unchanRed to 10a advance. 1 -at est sale of wheat brought the leant money of any. Argentina weather and crop advices became so Kood that carRoes from ISueno Ay re were offered freely at reduced figures. Every European mar ket sent lower quotation save Paris, where the rise was unimportant. Buffalo reported 7.0H0.O00 bushel afloat there In addition to warehouse total. Thla amount In marine storage ia nearly double that of the corresponding period a year ojro. From start to finish the market felt also the effect of selling;, due to the un precedented extension of the area aown to winter wheat. The May option ranged from 9"eitc to WHiWiHc, closing at HtiiO down at Dti'uStOUc. Corn dropped because consignments from Iowa were berlnnlng to arrive and a bl run wa expected by the middle of next week. May fluctuated between 470 and 47-V with the close KICo. net lower at 47Vci'471,4 Cash corn was weak. No. 2 yellow finished at 50C(j(Jo4o. The oat market was relatively firm a compared with other grain. May varied from SfcirWtoC to 34-Vo and closed V40 off at 34,c. Realizing sales caused a backset In the provision pit. At the end of the day. pork held MilOo of the uplift, lard wa the same a last night and ribs 24jo to 2SSK lower. Lradlnu tuture ranged as follows: Article. Open. High.j Low. Close.) Yes'y. Wheat Ilec... May... July... Cui n I ec... May... Julv... Mav... July... Tork Jan..., May.., Lam Jan... . . May.. !2H1 S2H ! 40WSil 47V4iJW 45 4K4146ltiffTi 47 TU 47 48 34'4tfi S4H 34 SiUH 4XV 4S: I 31NWSI 81H 31VifSl 344-:i4V; 34V" 3S 84V:34VUV IS 20 17 25 IS S2, 17 3i I IS 20 18 20 17 mi 17 30 IS 15 17 22H 9S5 I f2Vi S5 rv4l n m SO t 6ft 30 K5 IS 00-2 S7Hf 35 9 40 I No. t Cash quotation were as follows: FLOl'R Steady; winter patents, U OfVij! 4.70; winter straights. S.17&rt4..fi6; spring etralglit S4 STmM.W; bakers, il.&Oij'l 85. R V K No. 2, 81c. HARLKY Feed or mixing, 60JJ72c; fair to Choice maltlllK. k.Vt(K7.i SFi:i S Flux, No. 1 southwestern. No. 1 northwestern, $2.ilVx. Timothy, Imoo! Clover, SH.75. I'KUV ISioXS Mess pork, per bbl.. ron 01S2u. Ijird, per 1W lhs., S9.87V4. Phort ribs, side (loose). Ji 54,i 10.00. Short clear sides (boxed). fci.S7Wai0.o0. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to llil.(kO bu. Primary receipts were G47.0" bu.. compared with S22.0U0 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, l"i cars' corn. 347 cars; oats. It cars; hogs, ,24 0""6 head. S Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No I red 94 i :;; No. S red, 82iri4He; No. S hard' tKVti'."6'c; No. S hard. 2(i"j6c; No. 1 northl ern. SI OS ul. OS 4; No. 1 northern, SI turf LIT1; No. S northern. 1.04& 1.07; No 2 spring, l"S-i)tl.0S; No. S spring, 93c'(.-f.04' velvet chaff, McfoJl.03; durum, SSyWSo! Corn: No J. 4x'c; No. S white. 4,V4c; No S yellow, &ol.,';iC'0-c; No. S, 4MMKtc; ji0 j'. new. 44M'46'c: No. 3 white, 4&44SH0; No! S while, new, 44Vu4.Vo; No. 3 yellow, ioi ffli-c; No. 3 yellow, new. 4"i-(i4c; No 4 47uf47Sc; No. 4. new, 42a431.so; No. 4 white', 47y4,"Vc; No. 4 wlilte, new, 42l-'a434c; No! I ehow. 4.'1vH4.sc; No. 4 yellow, new, 44t Uc. Oat: No. t, J1V; No. S white, 3;i.i iH: No. 3 white, 3V4-(I:Ccj No. 4 white, Sl't ttT'v.c: standard, SJV.u3.io. lU'TTKR- Moady; creameries. da rie. 2.4iI7c. ' K(?"iS Receipts, t.WW rases. Market steady; at mark, cases Included, lS'.jfriJic firsts. ?lc: prime firsts, tic. CUKESB Steady; daisies, IfX'TtSe; twin 14-"il4SiU: yming America, l4V(14So; long lli'tns 1 41- (jr !fc. I'OTAToES Firm: choice te fancy, 4w 4Sc; fair to good. SJ42c. IY)l l.TRY-Firm; live. 17c; dressed, ?3c; fowls, dreesed. lie; live, 11c; spring,' live' 11c. dressed, 12c. YFAI Steady; SO to Mb. welirhts. iv) 10c; w to to-lb. weights. lUfllc; g to 110 1b. welk'hta, 12c. Mlletaakee Grata Market. MII.WAI'KKK. Dec. l-WIEAT-No. 1 northern. $l.urV-fi! O: No. 1 northern, $1.9'Jj lu:v,; May. s"H, u ifcc. FIjOI'K-Steady. OATS-Standsrd S3V. 11 AKIJ-:y fittiiiple. MijtfSo. Minneapolis Grmla Market. iMlXXKUnLIS, Pec. 8WMKAT-Pe-ceinlver closed ll.Ol1,; Mav, SI 04W,; Ju'v, $1 U.S.: ih No 1 hnrd $1 ("4: No. 1 northern. $1 "'?.. u 1.03V,: No. 3 northern, 93c ti10- No 3 wheat, Sn'c ii $1 (i. I'illl-X,i.' 3 jellow, 4-'T HV. FLOCK First patents, $t-tj5 36; second 92 92Vi MV(e4 patents, Jl Tr.uS r.; first clears, $3 3rri "S. (wound clears, llii oATH-No S while. JWVjSlV. F I .AX Closed at HI K-No 2. 7"iiii";v. liKAX-ln 100 pounds sacks. I j 2.0a SKW YORK t.F.F.RL MARK FT Quotation of the Par Yarloa Com mod I lie. NEW TORK. IVc. n -Fl,orR-Qtlet; si.rmK patents. $,",. I.f.'ii5 R0; winter patents, $4 44.7r.; winter extras. No. 1, $.14i3.70; Kansas stralKhts, 14 XuA 7f; winter strals-ht. $4.l"fti4 2T; sprlnK clears. 4 1 4 4"i; w inter extras. No. 2. $3.2,(i J.40. Kye flour, firm $.'.i' per 1"0 lbs. CORN M KA 1 Steady; fine white and yel low. t.il',i..U; coarse, JlJiriiLlS; kiln dried, WHRAT Spot market, easy; No. 2 red, !"7ic, elevator and H'tic, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Iuluth, SI. 17V f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was quiet and easy on lower cables and further selllnir on yesterday Kovernment report. elos:nif V'f net lower. I cniber. Itilv''! !7'4C closed ",',c- May. S1.02S'u1 02'V closed S1.U2H; July. JHS.: shipments. ,r"..s:a bu. CORN Spot market, easy; No. 2 new, Trirc; No. 7 natural elevator, domestic basis to arrive, anil L.c, spot, f. o. P., afloat. Futures market wa without transactions, closing at VSC net decline. December closed. Rc; Mnv, t".c; receipts, 3H.J75 bu.; shipments, .". Wvi b'l. OATS Spot market, easy; standard white, 3s'..c; No. i. "c; No. 2, 3Sc; No. I. 37'irc. Futures closed unchanaed to c ni-t lower. lecniher closed ?-vlic; May, 40c; Julv, 4oc. all bid; receipts. f"'.4:'.i bit. II V "inlet; prime. SLID?.-1.12'i; No. 1. $1 10; No. 2. SlfKV,i.-,; No. 3. WCic. lllDI-X-Wulet; Central- America. 21iC; lloKota. 2-'i'J.ic. I.KATH Kit- Firm: hemlock firsts, VMQ 21 Wc; seconds, 21Va23c; thirds. lH'yfs;; re jects. p;--,;T7c I'ROVlSI'iNpt-rork, firm; mess, J20.10: family, J.'l Oiv,, :'4 .); short "'lears. S '".!)'1;" 22O0 j;eef. steady; mes. fl3 0011'i; family, iS.M'n 19.00; beef hams. S'.'t.WW 27. W. Cut meats, steady; pickled belli"-, M to 14 lbs., $14 Wit It! W. pickled hams, Ji:..'" Inrd, steady; middle west, prime, J10 L'OfrlO.ISO; refined, .pi'et; continent. Men.,--: South America, 111.50; compound, r.v,ii no TALLOW Dull; prime city, hhds . 7Vjc; couiitrv . 7,h';7c. HL'TTF.R Firm; creamery specials. Sn'ia "lc; extra, ffl'd .".I'tc ; third to first, zyalWc. i '1 1 1'.ksr Sieadv ; skims, 12c. KOOS Steady; wstern, fathered white. S'a4f.cv fiesh natheied, extra lirst. 3t-'u40e; fresh gathered, first, 3;V.i.'!7c; fresh gath ered, seconds, 3tVji?4n; refrigerator, Hpeeial luniks, fancy, In local HtoiaKe, 2o; refrig erator, first, 24ViV4c; refiigerator, Bec onfls, 2:1';; 24c. POl'l. THY Alive, stea-; western chick ens, 12.'((lSc; fowl, 13fal4',c; turkeys, 12 1". Dressed, steady; western chickens, 1J 17c; fowls, liil7c; turkeys, 16"Ulc. WEATHKIl I.V THIS GRAIN BELT Nebraska and Honlh Dakota ftenrra.Hr t loody Fair to We. OMAHA. Dec. 8. 1310. Except the generally cloudy condition that prevails along the Missouri river In Nebraska and South Dakota, the weather Is generally clear In the central valleys and west to the Pacific slope. It is un settled on the slope, and light rains are falling on the southern Oregon and north ern California coasts. The weather has be come fair generally In all sections eantJ Of me Mississippi river, except uuiibiuci wum cloudiness prevail in the lower lake re gion, with light snow In the St Lawrence valley. A change to colder has occured in the upper lake region and west to the Mississippi river. It Is slightly warmer In the southern state. A marked rise in temperature, within the last twenty-four hours has occurred throughout the ex treme northwest and the Indications are livorable slowly rising temperature In this vicinity tonight and Friday, with probably fair weather. Temperature and precipitation at Omaha dining the last twenty-four hour, com pared with the corresponding period for the three preceding years: 1910. 1909. 190H. 1!W7. lowest last night 15 5 21 41 Precipitation CO .00 .00 .06 Normal temperature for today, 30 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 14.87 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1909, 4.49 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, S.SS Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 8. WHEAT Futures lower; December, 95c; May, 97!i''i71c; cash, firm; track No. 2 red, ll.01fcUl.01; No. 2 hard. 94cf1.02. CORN I x wer ; December. 44T4e; May, 4CVc; cash, lower; track No. 2, 4c; No. 2 white, 4flHc OATS Lower; December. 81V4e; May, SMc; cash, weak; track No. 2, 82c. No. 2 white. 3m,c. RYE i nchanged. 8mo. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, S4.40Ka 4.80; extra fancy and straight, S3.60H.30; hard winter clears, S3.304i3.DO. SEED Timothy, S".00j9.u0. C ( R N M E A L $2. 40. RRAN Steady; sacked, east track, S1.00 1.03. HAY Iiwer; timothy. SUVOO19.00; prairie. Si 2.0tMri5.00, PROVISIONS 1'ork, higher; Jobbing, $18.00. Ijird, unchanged; prime steam, 'J.ti7V,ti9.77Vti. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra short. $10.75; clear ribs, $10.75; short clenxs, S11.00. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $12.00; clear ribs, S12.00; short clears, $12.25. POULTRY Firm: chickens, 9V4c; springs, 10c: turkeys, 19c; ducks, 13c; geese, 10c BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 25jf29c. EOGS Higher, 294c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000 11.000 Wheat, bu 5S.000 000 Corn, bu 63.000 21.000 Oats, bu...., .54,000 27.000 I Kiwi Cltr Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT, Dec. 8 WHEAT De cember 90c; May, 944c. seller; July. 90Vf flOic, sellers. Cash unchanged; No. 2 hard, HMiOSc; No. t. 91(t)6c; No. 2 red, 95.1i!c: No. S. 93(&c. CORN December. 43"ic, seller; May 4'7o bid; July, 4;Sc, seller. Cash un changed to 1c lower. No. 2 mixed. 43Hc; No. 3, 42Ws?43Vjc; No. 3 white, 44a4ic; No. 3, 43c OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 83ff34e; No. 2 mixed, 81 V" 2.3c. KYE No. 2. 7(ii74c. 1 1 AY Unchanged ; choice timothy, $14.00 614 50; choice prairie. $11.501912.00. BUTTER Creamerv, 28c; firsts, 25c; sec onds. 23c: packing stock, 19c. EGGS Extras, 31c; firsts. 29c; seconds. 20c. Receipts. Shipment. U'-beat. bu 46.000 ) 00") Corn, bu S9.fli0 20 000 Oats, bu 4.000 S.OuO I Irernool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. S. W"H EAT Spot, trong; No. 2 red western winter, 7 3d; futures, quiet. December, 6s9'd; March SsllHd: May, 7. CORN Spot steady; American mixed. 5s 4d; futures, quiet; January, 4a 44d; Feb ruary. 4s SHd. PEAS Canadian, firm; Ts6d. nalnth Grain Market. PfLCTH, Dec. 8. A udden flood of selling orders broke the flax market Just after noon today. December flax going down seven points to S3 47. and the Mav i option going down 6V points to $J M. There was no apparent cause for the break except an unexpected amount of offering. Peorfaj VerUet. rBORIA. Dec. 8 CORM Lower; No 3 yellow. 4M4e; No. S yellow. 44Vj'45c; No. 8 mixed, 44c; No. 4 mixed, C'ffuyic; ample 40o. ' OATS Lower; No. J white. SZc stand ard. SJc; No. 3 white, SlVts. Metal Market. NKW TOrtK. ree. S.-MKTAIS-Stand-ard co;per dull; Iieceniher, January, Feb ruary, March. $12 JTvof Vi 46: lxjndon firm; s;mt. 57 2s tfd; future 57 15s ad. Ixical dealers report a quiet market and while It I said that small lots are being offered at concession, lake copper la still quoted at $13.XM13 2i: eltctrolytlc. $12.87H'U H 00: casting, $12.5".il!.75. Tin, strong; spot Ste 40 ti f 7a; lieoember. $34 3b i as 75 ; January, February and March, $:;s.2.. i 6o; Ixindon, excited; spot 174 17s 6d; futures, 174 ISs. lead. quiet; $4 4.S1f4.55, New York; S4 Stf'f 4 rvt. Fast Bt. lxxila. Ivndon. 13 Sa M. Spelter dull; So le.Mi6.S0, Kew York; S6.7ii"cf 5 so. Fast St. lxul; LonJon. 11A 2s Sd. Iron. Cleveland warrant. 4Ti 10Sd In Lon don. Locally Iron was - nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. Sla.7.f Id 2t: No. t foundry northern. $15 .ton 16 ou. W'u.tatton are heard in the trade ranging tih under and a love these price. tT. UH'IU, Uec. 8. METALii Lead, at $4.40. t-prlter, steady. Refined rtoaar I Advaaeesl. NEW YORK. Hec. S-AU grade of re fined uer were advanced twenty cents A hundred pounds today. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trading Mostly Dull and Distinc tly Ineg-ular on Market HILL STOCKS ARE QUIETLY FIRM l official Advices from St. Paal Assert the Resralar lHrlteads Will Re Sarelr Declared Hext Mortk. NEW YORK. Dec. 8 Trading during the greater part of the session wan dull and distinctly Irregular. The professional cll(Ue wa rather more Inclined to buy than sell, but in the early hours advances were met with sales. United States Steel fell to 70. the lowest price of the present movement, but was so well supported at that level that it re bounded alinoKt immediately, and resulted In an all around covering movement, which was maintained to the close, when best prices of the day, with some very material net gains, were registered. The Hill stocks were quietly firm, and unofficial advices from Bt. Paul asserted with some authority that the regular divi dends of Great Northern preferred and Northern 1'aclfio would surely be declared next month In spite of Uh decreasing gross earnings shown by both lines. Trading here for Luntlon account was very light, probably aggregating less than o.'.'V shares. The most striking feature in the weekly exhibit of the bank of France are the enormous decrease of $37,&UO,0UO in bills discounted, and a decrease of more than Sio.ooo.io in circulation. The bank's advanres increased over $4,0JU,OU) while the gold loss was nominal. The bond market ws generally firm. Total sales, par value, amounted to $2,110. OuO. Government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: alM. Hlcn- Low. CIom. AlllR-Oialmem pfd 1714 Amalnited Copper S4,'K) 6Mk 1H "4 American Artrk-ultural 2,4'"" 4f. ia 4f.v4 Am. b.t sur i.rtoo a ?v- Anmrlrtin Cui ,,( , ,7. ,,4 American C. A r I.31M) 4PH U4 4 Am. Cotton Oil 1.800 67". 66" M Arr.ertran H, L,. pfd 2c)", Am. Ir Srrurltlro J00 17 ITS Amtprlran Linntwd u Amerlrui LocomotlT 419 -34 srlii S14 American B. t It, I7.i0 72S Am. S. R. ptd J.j.n) 194 10:lV Am. Steal Fixjndrte 200 a 40, 41 Am. guitar Refining. 7'0 114 m 117 American T. T 0 1404 139' 140 American Tobacco pfd 2i 4 KS, M American Woolen 6K) II 30 3014 Anaconda Wining Oo 700 40 g 391, Atobl.on lyo ai Atchison pfd yi Allantlo tXMtst Lin 1W) lis lis. Ill maltlnmr aV Ohio. MOO 10tL lid Bethlehem Steel jg4 Hrooklrn Rapid Tr 1,700 7tt, 73 74V, (Canadian Paclflo 00 ltilvt 11S lli'i Ontral Iallier S.700 II WVa 30V4 ntral Leather pfd ..... 106 Ontral of Naw Jerr.., J7S Chesapeake & Ohio 400 loi, 7 l Chlcaso r Al'on 14 Chicago Q. W., new 100 21 21V. SlU C. O. W. pfd w 43 "Tllcro A N. W sod H4VJ 14(m 4JVl "., M. st Rt. P ,M0 13114 mvt 121H v-' "i. u juw 4 "M eo Colorado r. at 1 1,4.x) si jo 3014, (lorado Routhern 200 66"4i (4 6"Te (loniolldated Oas l.toO 1S1 132 Corn Product too 15"4 14'4 16 Delaware 41c Huriaon 400 1: 12H4 lt Denyer A R. O Mo !S 174 WV4 I). R. O. pfd BOO M14 "VI Distiller Seourttie KM) 3114 31 "4 31l Krl 1,8.10 27 MS 2H' Krl let pfd LJO0 4.144 33 4:114 Kne M pfd 400 S3 If3 33 "4 tiVneral Bleotrte 600 161 H lr4 l.'.n, Oreat Northern pfd S.O0O 12H4 12") lit Oreat Northern Ore cits... 1,600 66 64 M Illtnoli lnu-al 133 Interhoroujh Met 1,00 20"4 1H 20 Int. Met. pfd 4.SO0 IKii4 6.IV4 lmernatlonal Hanreater ... 100 lOSVa 10, l' Int. Marin pfd 16 International Paper 200 IUT4 134 2 International Pump 1,100 40V4 40 40 Iowa Uentral frO 17V, 17 17 Kinauj tUty 80 400 3"4 JOVJ 3014 K. C. BO. pfd 3) 65 (547, (4 Laclede Gal 300 10314 103 1084 LouiiTlll A N too 143 141 141V, Minn. Bt. Lout 300 z, 2u 24 St., , P. ft 8. 8. M. tH") 12X4 in 1274 M.. K. A T 700 i4 80V4 tn M . K. A T. pfd... 1O0 02 (2 t MlaeouTl Palflo S.") 4H 44 S 46'4 National Blarult 1(4) 103V, 108"4 107V, National Lead 1,000 6114 UltilVi N. R. K. of M. 2d nfd 66V1 New Turk Central 7.100 lirvl 10914 111 N. T., O. A W 44 Norfolk A Weatara "0 M M North American roi) 2 1'4 "31"4 Northern Paclflo S.0") HS'A 112" 113V4 racino Mall 400 81 lo 30V4 Pennsylvania 7,100 1284 127 V4 12S Peovle'i Oaa 2uft 104Vb 104 P.. O.. C. A Bt. L. 100 6 fXS 7 Pittsburg Coal 100 r'4 17 17 Pressed Steel Car 800 ta 3 29 Pullman Palac Car 16v Hallway steel gprtn.g loo 31 31 3' Headliw 144.600 145 143V4 144 Republic. B(e4 0 80"4 ) 30V1 Itepubllo Steel pfd 800 S3 214 93VL li(k Island Co t.Ueo 29)14 MS 2)4 Hot k Im:u Cj. pfd l'O " 60 0 fct. U A 8. F. Sd pTd 0 3D 34 38 St. Louis S. W 100 221 2244. 22V4 Sl L. 8. W. pfd ll il t 67 Blnes-tSherrield 8, A I T 49 V4 4S4 44 Snuihsrn Paclflo 11,6110 113 1114, llji. Souchern Railway 1.400 24 24V. 24Vi So. Kx,llwar pfd 7O0 t M fcV, Tennessee Copper 400 244 S3V4 84 Texas A Pacific too 2.V U 28 T., Bt. L. A W 100 21"4 2,1V4 SO"4 T , St. L. A W. ptd 700 634 82V4 63 Union Psdfto IM.loO 1K4 1(4 1K Tlnlon Paclflo pfd JK) l 2 I'nlted State KeaJtr 100 68V. '4 47 U, United Bta(e Rubber 8H4 S3 V 82V, United State Bteel 3I,200 1Z 10 72V4 V. 8. Steel pfd. eOO 1164 1164 116V4 trtah Copper 1.0)0 464 4414 4f.4 V a. -Carolina Chemical ... S.Ono (ovk 6vi 6i4 Wabash ") 1614 lfS 16J4 Viabuh pfd 1.(00 13 V. 3i!14 1344 Weum Marrlsnd lis) 44V4 44 '4 44 "4 Westlnshous KlecUio 4 66V4 66 f4 Western Inion 300 70 . 4 Wheeling A U Lehigh Valley 1th r 1 177 1744 lT4i Total sale for the Say, 726.M0 ahare. London Stock Market. LONDON, Deo. 8. American securities were quiet and steady during the early trading today. Prices opened about un changed and then advanced on light buy ing. At noon the market was steady and from V to V higher than yesterday's New York closing. Onsols. money . 7t 15-14 Loulerllle A N 146 do arannt 71 I 14 M.. K. A T 6144 Amai. OtppT 6 N. T. Central 114V, Anaconda H Norfolk A W r Atchison lo'H do pfd (0 do pfd l"Mv, Ontario A W 4I4 Baltimore A" Ohio. . .lot) Pennsylvania 46 Canadian Paclflo 1ST "4 Rand Mine H Cheaapeak A O I?4 Readlni 74 "4 Chicago O. W n Boutbera Rr 1444 (Til.. Mil. A St. P.. 124 do pfd V, Tie Beers -744 Southern Paclflo 1164 Denver A Rio O.... BO Union Pacific 172', do pfd 70V, do pfC tv, Erie 174 D. 8. Steal 744 do 1st pM 46V4 do pfd Il)v4 to 2d pfd 66V, Wabaak 164 Grand Trunk........ S3V4 do pfd 16 Illinois Central 114 npanlsh 4.... M HIUVKH Bar, 25d pnr ounce. HONKV 2 Vis? 3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is Z per cent; for three months' bills, thi per cent Local Bee-arttlM. Quotations furnished by Burns, Blinker ft Co., 44V New Omaha National bank building: BIS. Asked. Alma, Neb., municipal I luo City of Omaaa se. 10U 101 (I 12 CI iy ot Omaha 4s 1121 1U"4 iuJ4 City ot Umaiia 4s. lo lu4'4 City Nat. iik. Bldg. 4. 1 Hi 74 CMdahy Psxkin Co. 6. 1M 4 Ce.umbus. Neb.. R. U 6a. 124 1 IKV. Chicago Telephon 'o 123 Colorado lei. Co. (par M) 66 V ralrtnont Creamery 1st (. 4 per sent 4 100 Hardy. Neb. (municipal) M lot Hvdraullo Pressed Hrkk pfi) 4t lows Portland Cement JM 4 ' tM Kanaa elty Home Tel. Co. 6s, 1H3S.. M14 17 Metropolitan St. Ry. Cm. 6s. UU M ldlchlan Stat Tel. la. 114 M 10 all.hu.o flat Tel. Co. pfd ti K7 New Knsland T. A T. Co. 4. ISM... 1 Omaha Gee ia. '1117 7V4 4714 Omaha Water Is. 144 WV4 Omaha tt. Ky. te. 114 lvu'e Omaha A C. B. 8, R. is. 1M M VV4 Omaha A C. B. St. Ky. ptd 4 per ct U e4 Omaha A C. B. It ty.. com is i Packer Net. fck. etoca. loalit Omaba 140 160 parirto T. A T. com 44V4 V4 Pacific T. A T. se. 1M7 rV4 t'V KcHr Mountain bell Tel. Co 60 614 Union tiock Yards stock, ea-die 44 M western Klectne Co. e. IM KM) Kew York Mlnlnar Stocks. NEW TORK. Dee. I. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Allr 114 Utde CAl I Cum. Tunnel stock. . II Mexican 7 do binds II Ontsno .......rtst Con. I'sl. A Vs. Tl Opblr 10 Horn Silver so 8".ndar4 se Iruo Blleer Is Yellow Jacket sLe.d.ills Cub. I 1 , . .. uttered. Baak of F.sglaad statesaext. I.ONl"ON. I0. 8. The weekly itatement of the Eajik ok L'ngland shows the follow ing changes: Total reMerve Increase, fl!9O00; circula tion decrease. fl'.!.(M); bullion Increase, fs.lM: other ecurltle de-rease. 1.0o7 0"; other deposits Increase, l,tiu,O0Q. public deposit decrease, f 1,3.' . CO); botes reserve 1 Increase, tjjs.imj; government -curttles In crease. t;;M"'0. I'roportlon of the bank's reserve to lia bility this week :).' per cent; last week It was b) J per cent. ew York Money Market. NEW YollK, Dec. 8. MONK Y On call, firm st S ij per cent; ruling rat, 3'4 per cent; closing bid, SV per cent; offered at SVj per cent. Time loans, dull; sixty day and ninety dnvs, 4i4 per cent; six month. 4'04' per rent. PK1MK MKKCANT1LB PArER-Wji1 per cent. STKHI.INQ FX CHANGE Hnrely teady. wltlT- actual buslnes in banker' bill at $4.SJf4a4Jbrt for alxty-day bills and at 4 for demand; commercial bills. S4.M 4(4 W. SILVER Mar. o4'e; Mexlcnn dul. . 4-. lONl'Si Government steady; iilroud, firm. Closing quotations on bond were follow: V. 8. ref 2a. re,....l"H tnt M. M. 4's 44 do coupon 1( sj.pan 4s fc'H " V. 8. .1.. re 1 dn 44 M- do coupon Ii2 K. C. So. irt 3s . ";'" V. 8. 4. reg 1M, u 8. deb. 4s 1P.U.... tn rouimn 114 U A N unl. 4e 4 Allls-Chsl. 1st 6.... 76', M K. A T. 1st 4s.. 7t Am. A. 6s loin do gen. 4Vjs 4 Am. T A T. rt. 4..ln:ll Mn. Psrlflr 4s 7S4 Am. Tobacco 4 Ml N. It. K. of M. 4Ss (S do s K. Y. ('. ( -,B 8!"4 Armour A Co. 4V.S. 91", do drb. 4 83 '4 Atchison gen. 4a t N. V.. N. II. A H. Mo cv. 4a "M Cv. 6s 13.1"4 do ct. 6s iM N. A W. 1st c 4... A. C. U 1st 4a f?.4 do ct. 4s. H"4 Hal. A otilo 4s S No. Paclflo 4 "lo "-, S3 do 3 7 ' do B. W. It, 9u O. R. U rMg. 4 K'i Brook. TT. ct. 4s U Penn. cr. 3S 1916... fX-4 Cen. of a. 6s loti7, do con. 4s l'.u:. Con. Leather 6a Reading gen. 4s 4 C. of N. J g. 6s .... 1 22 S. U A 8. F. Ig. 4s S"l"4 CTies. A Ohio 4V,. ..U.I14 do gen. 6s do ref. 6s 4"4 8t. U 8. W. c. 4.. 7.,"4 "4ilcsg. A A. IS.. 70 do 1st gold 4s " C. B. A W. j. 4a.... Sf.14 8. A. L. 4s 7644 do gen. 4s 74 80. Pao. col. 4s 9i'v, C. M. A 8. P. g l"4s !2'4 do ct. 4s ft C. H. I. A P. 0. 4s. 724 do 1st ref. 4a 5 do rfg. 4s g s0, Ralle-sy 6 1074 Colo. Ind. 6 76 do gen. 4s 764, Colo. Mid. 4a. 44'4 Vnlon Paclflo 4s Ion. C. A 8. r. A e. 4S ."', do ct. 4s 1(M D. A H. ct. 4 '., do 1st A ref. 4.... '4 D. A R. O. 4s (', V. 8. Rubber 6e I"i14 lo nrf. 6s e.. 8 V. B. Bteel 2d 6S....10.JI, Mstlllex' na 77'4 Va.-Caro. Oiem. 6. .lu" Erie p. I. 4s 14", Wabash 1st is 1"4 do gen. 4 73 do 1st A ex. 4s 624 do ct. 4s. er. A.. 70 WcKlem MiL 4 46 uo series B SV4 eweit. Blec. ct. 6.. 0"4 Gen. Blec. ct. 6s.. ...148 Wla, Central 4 2i III. On. 1st rof. 4a.. M Mo. Pao. ot. 6 il Int. Met. 4Vi-s 7,4 Hid. Uttered. Itoeton Stock and Bonds. DOSTON, Dec, 8 Closing quoUUons on stocks were as follow: Alkwiei 87V, Mohawk 44V, Amal. Copper 4.HV, NevaJa Con 1 A. Z. fu. A 8 2f.v, (NIplKsIng Mine iWi Arlsona Com 14V. Nrrth Itutts exv, Atlantlo 6v, oid Dominion S6'4 H. A C. C. A S. M. I" North Lake (04 Butte Coalition .... 17'i Osceola 120 Cal. A AHsona 4SV, Parrot t 8. A C 13 Cel. A Heel 625 Qulncr 74 Centennial 15 shannon 11 Copper Hang C, C.. 41V4 Superior 41 Kset Butte C. M 114 Superior A B. M. ... 64 Franklin ij Puporlnr A P. C 14 Otroui Con v, Tamarack 60 Granny Oon S74 U. 8. 8. R. A M... SI "4 Greene Canane .... 4 do pfd 4t.7j, Isle Royall Copper. 14 t'tah Con lm Kerr L4LK "4 t'tah Copper Cb 46 Lake Copper S2V, Winona V, 1 Salle Copper 74 WolTerln 116 Miami Copper 1DV, Bid. "Asked. New York Curb Market. The following quotation are furnished by Logan & ilryan. members New York Btock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Bay State Oa 14 Greene Cananaa .... 4 Boston Oon H Inspiration v, Hutt Coalition 174 Iyiroee 414 Cactus 23 Not. Con IH4 Chlno 2(144 Newhouae IS Chief Con 114 Ohio Copper IV4 Fraction 14 Rawhide Coalition.. 4 DsTla-Dalr 14 Ray Central , l'i Ely tntrl 1J Bwlft Pkg. Co 1014 Ely Con 3714 Sears-Roebuck Co. ..178)4 Kly Witch 11 Sllrer Pick 7 Franklin 4 Superior A Pittsburg 1.14 Olreui 4 Tonopsh Mining IV, Goldfleld Florenc .. 14 Boheml IV4 Ooldfleld Daisy 4 OJlbwsy 81 Bavnk Clearing. OMAHA. Pec. 8 Bank clearinr for to day were $2,785,670.17 and for the corre sponding date last year, $2,118,279. 9. OMAHA WIIOI.H.SAI.K PRICE. TiT'TT 1.T? ram.M, XT n - U . the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 81c; No. 2, in 80-lb. tubs, 2Sc; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons 80o; packing stock, solid pack. i9c; dairy in SO-lb. tub.. vtiu-uf v, every Tuesday. CHEESIS Twins, loHOWc; young Amer icas, isc; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; llm burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, ldo; Imported RwIhs. 32c: domestic Swiss "An- hlwu 20c. ' """" POTTTjTRY Treaseu4 hrnll... .... J e ,L - - " v 1 . uiiucr e i i.e. , $o,00 per dox.; over 2 lba, 14c; hens, lSva w.u, jvtu; atitas, luc; geese, ISc; tur- kevs. .'in : ti I win u r,Ae ,i , an. squabs, per doz., $4.0; fancy squabs per broilers, under 2 lbs., 144c; over 2 lbs., SVfec hens. S'aiii-lOo; old roosters, 7c; old ducks' full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered c' turkeys, 13&Jl8c; guinea fowls, 2ic evcn: pigeons, per dox., 6oc; homers, per do. $&00: sauabs. No. 1. nr it,.. ti cu.. xt h per doz., 60c. ' ish (ail frozen) Pickerel, llo; white 18c: ndke. lo: (rnnt I 20c; bpanlsh mackerel, 18o; eel, 18c- had dock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish 20c roe shad, $1.00 each; shad roe, per 'pair' 5c; frog legs, per dox., 50c; salmon. Uc' Vi a 1 1 til f 1 1 s BEliK CUTS-Rlb: No. 1. 16c; No. t. 12c No. . 8V4c. Loin: No. 1. 17c; No I U No. $. 84. Cbuok: No. L 7Vo; No. I 7Vc' No. 8. 7o. Round: No. 1, o; No ,1 1' 7o; Na Wc1"' U : FRUITS. ETC.-Oranges: California na vel 96-126 sizes, per box, $2.76i.ooT small rl. mm v'- Florida all sixes, per box, $3 60. Lemons: Laurel brsnd ex- yc, inu, eo.uu sou Size. L, !b'60; cho'- le. per box fill' H. j i 1. n.F V.r. w . . OA. at .A . " , ev.w, i size. 600 S.elLb0it 'P fru,t: Florlda. 46-64- vo. uua, M.tti ni on. rianana rancy select, per bur.ch. $2.2602.60; Jambo' hunch L!7rtf.17S p.e.. ..TTi'-J."?.?0' , . . - ...... v .inn. 11 1 a. win ter Nellis, per box. V2.86; New York Klfer per bbl.. $3.7Bia4.00. Apples: Home-grown cooking, per bbl., $3.5041 4.00; Missouri Jona than, per bbl.. In. 00; Missouri Ren Davie bHlZ. "'"f in"P-. . Pr T. . -".o-vu, , ue.nu, pur DDIS., 14.00- other varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New York Greening and Raldwln, per bbl., (4 60' Col orado Jonathan, per box, 12.10; Washing ton Graver.steln, per box. 11.60; California Uelleflower. per box. 1.60; Washington Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy 88-15 size, per box. $2.25. Pineapple: Per case, 84.60. Grapes: California Emperor per crate, $1.75; New York Catawba, per 5-lb. basket, ?0c; Malaga. HOiitw lbs gross per keg, I7.004i8.00. Cranberries: Per box' $2.76; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl ' $8.00; Wtbconsln Bell and Bugle and Late Howe brands, per bbl., $8.D0. Dates- An chor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes per box, $2.00; bulk. In 70-lb. boxes per lb ' 6;?c. Figs: New California, 12 12-oz pkgs' 85c; $6 12-oz. pkgs., 12.40; 60 6-os ukars'' $2.00. Figs: Turkish. 7-crown, per lb!. 16o: (-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb 14a' VKGETABLK.S Potatoes: Early Ohio' In sacks, per bu., 90o; Iowa and Wiscon sin, white stock, per bu.. iTvaoSc. 8weet potatoes: Virginia, per bbl., J.60; Kansas per bbl., $2 00. Onions: Iowa, red and yel low, per lb., 2c; Indiana, white, per lb 8c; Bpanlsh, per crate, 11.40. Garlic: Ex tra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red. per lb 16c. Kxg plant: Fancy Florida, per doz' $2.00. Celery: Michigan, per doz. bunches' Sic; California Jumbo, per dox. bunches 76c. Rutabagas: Per lb., lo. Cucum- K.,a ll.ilhni... ILL. en.l S . - - . . . - " . - w.u uue., per HO X , $2 00.. Tomatoes: California, per 4-baaket crate, $160. Cabbage: New. per lb., lv,o String and wax beans: per market bas ket, $160. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf. pr doz., 40c. Parsley: Fancy home-grown per doz. bunches, 40c Beets: Per mar ket basket, 36c M1SCULLANFOUB Walnuts: Black per lb., 2c. Hlckorynuts: lrge, per lb' c; small, per lb., Co. Cocoanuta: per .sack, $6.60; per doz., 80c. Honey: New 24 frames, $3.75. Cider: Mott's, New York, per H-bbl., $175; per bbl.. $4.75. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frell. NEW YORK. Pc. S. EVAPORATED APPLES Strong, with an upward tend ency! 011 the spot, fancy la quoted at l'i j 14c; choice, 11c; prime, Vj iO!o; common to fair, nominal. DRIED FRUITS Prunes firm but less active at the advance. Quotations range from 4(l(rto for California up to 30-4oa and 8Val0o for Oregona from 60 to 80s. Apricots are very firmly held on the small stocks; choice, l.ViiUc; extra choice, 13" WUI40; fancy, UVijHc. Peaches firmer on the small supplies and the strength on the coast; choice, 7Vtf'o; extra choice. I'Vat'ic; fancy. 8V,'o'c, Ralalns are firmer en the Improvement on the coast; loose muscatels are quoted at feti'sc; choice to fancy aoeded, 6ld'7l4C; seedless, 6oc; London layers, $l.miLSj. Oaak liar Market. OMAHA. Dec. 8-HAY-N0. 1 upland. $12; No. 2 upland. $11; No. 1 coarse, B ; 1 , No. 1 course, r: packing. $7; alfalfa. i4, Utraw: Wheat. $6.60. rye, $; oats, tl.M. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Beef Steen Axe Steady to Lower a Spot!. HOGS OPEN TLN CENTS L0WE11 Tradlnsr Reeome Active Towarel Close and Valnee Advaaeesl KHaktly Sheep Receipt Are I.labter. SOl'TII OMAHA, Neb.. Dec. , 1910. Receipts were: Cattle, llog-s. Bueep. Official Monday 8,4.S i.W'4 . Official Tuesday 7,ii"2 4.Si 11. 2U tifflclal Wednesday 6,7s;, t.'.'75 8 014 Eatlinate Thursday 4.6tJ 7.600 2,Nki Four davs this week....2.2!"3 11.185 W,07'. Pame dnvs last week 16.670 22.116 42.113 Name days 2 weeks ngo..l6.7"7 IS 4 3 . 611 Same days 3 weeks ago..31.(S 21.646 109.2'W Name days 4 weeks ago..l."i'-'l 11.170 KS.SHO (Same days last year 24.664 U.0C4 28,7.3 The following table s-ows the receipt of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with last year; 1910. ....1.7sS5 ....2.1102,327 1909 1.063. 1"'7 2.0ISt..v'4 2,063,235 Inc. Dec. 106,893 230,469 834.0S2 Cattle Hog , riheep The following table shows t;ie average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates, j 1910. 190.1908.19O7.190.19t'5-19'i Dec. Dec. Dec. Deo. 1 eo. Dec. Dee. Deo. 7 13"4, 7 12 1 7 26' 7 4.U 8 02 6 79 8 061 & "5 6... 7... 8... 7 41 7 Jl Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the l"nlon .Stock lards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. De cember 8: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.H'r's. C. M. St. P 9 4 4 .. Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 14 1.. Union Pacific 41 14 7 C. & N. W., east 12 10 2 1 C. i N. W., west 33 21 1 C S, P.. M. & O.... 12 8 .; C, H. & Q., east 2 14 4 C, B. & y., west 46 28 .. 1 c, ti. 1. p., east 9 4 1.. C, H. I. & P.. west... 2 .. 1 1 Illinois Central 8 4 Chicago Gt. Western. S 2 Total receipt 176 113 20 4 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. On.aha Packing Co 4:"") 1,415 4-'4 bwlft and Company 1.2H9 1.942 1,131 Cudahy Pecking Co 869 2.3C2 1,060 Armour & Co 1,0" 8,148 1(W W. B. Vansant Co 28 Benton Vansant & Lush.. 75 Stephens Broa 48 Hill & Son 168 F. B. Lewis 73 J. B. Root A Co 110 J. H. Bulla 88 .... ' .... MoL'reary & Carey 156 8. Wertheimei- 96 1 1. F. Hamilton 1 Lehmer Uro 16 Rothschild & Kiebs 94 Hmith & Polsley 35 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 89 Kline & Christy 33 McConnehey 34 Other buyers 532 .... 611 Totals 6,272 8,847 $,936 CA11 Receipts o i-atue this morning numbered 178 car, a very xair run for a U hursday, making tne total lor the week 26,A4) head, a gain of 10,000 head over last ween, anil 01 almost 11,000 head over tne week uciore. bull the receipts are less than 2.000 head larger for the same week last year. '1'he market on beef steers this morning as sieauy 10 posxioiy a little lower in spots, the tendency this week havlna been steadily downward, owing to the large runs nere anu at oilier market points. Cows and heifers commanded steady prloes, there being a good demand and no material change In the market as compared with yesterday. , Feeders, as Is apt to be the cs.se this late In the week when receipts are liberal were slow and lower. Buyers from the country being few and far between, speculators were not anxious to take on additional sup plies with the prospect of having to carry them over until next week. Quotations 011 native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $6.2044.75; fair to good beef steers, $5.4O4j6.20; common to fair beef steers' $4-604i6.40; good to choice cowa and helfors, $4 5")i'R25; fair to good cows and heirers, $3.76ii4.60; common to fair cows ana heifers, f3.Ojii3.76; good to choice (tuckers and feeders, $4. 5047(5.60; fair to good tuck er and feeders, 3.S04i4.60; common to fair stockerat and feeders, $3.264i3.S0; stock heifers, $3.0044.1S; veal calves, $3.504j8.,45 bulls, JLgs. eto., $3,2646.00. Quotations on ramie cattle: Choice to prime oeeves, $6.60',i6 25; good to choice beeves, $5.00j5.60; fair to rood beeves, 14.40 t4.80; common to fair beeves, I3.704M 40 choice cows, $3.804f4.4O: fair to good cows' $3.30S.6a; canners, I2.754j3.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. rr. No. At. Pr 24 10i 4 40 U (Kl ft gn 10 1114 6 10 44 1204 l 60 1 10.T7 6 40 4 U7 4 (A 81 Wl 46 25 Id 24 i 7 COWS. It") I K 10 100 4 0 4 7') I ti It 4 06 4 818 8 30 14 lm 4 10 440 t 50 4 U47 4 10 4 r IK nu 4 I5 104 I Ii04 4 It 4 1046 I 76 4 10f,i 4 11 108 I & 2 116 4 X hWO 4 00 11 1101 4 44 4 1071 4 U0 It lou 4 M I 60 4 00 I U7t 4 ,9 8 U36 4 00 10 Jjet 4 hi 8 M 4 00 U fJl 4 44 T .....ltbl 4 0 HEIFERS. I- I 't 8 .. HO 10 707 4 16 10 740 4 16 10 Ill 4 10 2 lost 4 00 BULLS. 1 1108 I TS l... 1M0 4 16 1 1100 8 '8 1 l'iit 4 15 1 TOO I 76 I UM 4 t4 1 1210 I 80 1 1440 4 46 1 liift) 4 10 1 lint a 40 1 14S.4-4 15 CALVES. I Ifto I 60 1 104 I 60 I.. t 4 W K ft 7 oo 417 4 60 t JW4 I 00 I stil 4 76 1 120 go 1 4f,4 t 00 BTEKR.S AND HEIFERS. I Wi IN STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. tl 41S 4 26 4 ttO 4 TO 4 IvS 4 35 7 060 4 40 11 644 4 40 1 llfl) io 1 746 4 M WESTERNS. Chlvers Bros. Neb. 18 cows 921 3 40 - 28 cows 967 $ 85 13 cows 9h6 4 15 9 feeders.. 797 4 40 19 heifers... 798 3 66 10 bulls 1417 S 76 J. Sabra-Wyo. 17 feeders.. 1136 5 15 2 cows 90S 3 00 5 steers. ...12J0 6 00 W. J. Wright Wyo. 11 cows 101S 4 25 4 cows 975 I 75 28 feeders.. 1061 6 15 8 steers. ...lm 4 85 8 feeders. .1066 6 16 2 cows IOiO 4 25 4 cows 1060 4 25 4 cows 10.10 4 75 4 cows 967 4 23 8 cows 9M) I 75 F. J. Haggle Wyo. 7 cows 7X7 8 26 cows 90S 4 oo 6 cow 8l"l 2 25 6 cows 910 4 00 7 steers. ...107 4 55 Nels Jorgensen Wyo. 69 steers.. ..1101 4 9o 8 steers.. ..1155 4 50 H. Danlelson Wyo. i steers. ...1144 4 90 7 cow 1100 190 P. V. Bommers Wyo. 6 steers.. ..1116 4 90 9 cows 1011 4 10 Ed Steel Wyo. 42 feeders.. 996 4 70 22 cows 835 4 26 10 cowa K"6 8 90 Thomas Jose Idaho, t cows 878 8 4") 25 cow 11 t 80 14 feeders.. s4 4 25 7 feeders.. 861 4 16 I stelrs.... 403 4 76 E. P. McManlgal S. D. 8 cows IOCS 8 00 8 cows 666 I 60 HOGS The market opened this morning. with buyers talking prices that were around 10c lower than yesterday's general market. Bellors were a little backward about cutting loose and when both buyers and sellers got together It was on the basis of price that were generally btfiuo lower than yesterday. If a comparison was mad with yesterday's extremely weak close the market today would hive to be quoted. higher. Bonis of the hug that were car ried over from yesterday brought as much aa 6c more than was bid for them late -tarda. The market while slow In opening was reasonably active toward the close and everything In sight wa aold In very fair -eLon. A good many of the heavy hogs brought $7 26(17.80, with extremely heavy weights below these figures. Mixed hoar sold largely around $7 47 85. with light and butcher weights rsnging all the way from $7 .8"f7 .40 and on up a high aa $7.45 for a few of the choicest. Representative sales: Ne. ! Pr- C- a". Sin ... Tit to la to lm 67 tM 44 T 40 Id ... T 44 I! 144 40 T to Tv il ... Tee ta......Ul 4 I 1X44 14 set 8V T 86 I I t 06 4 911 4 43 I 4 61' 14 81' 4 48 8 03 6 65 4 64 j 6 06 14 48 I 03 B 69 4 63 Uj 4 8l I 6 51 4 671 12i 4 Mi 4 42 8 12 1 4 71 1 6 loi 4 83 : 4 40 8 221 5 41 4 63 6 21 4 92 4 36 8 22 i 6 42, I 16 4 87 4 29 4 Hit 1" f J 7 ) T .. 61 .Vil m 7 f 4 14 . I .V 47..'. '4 ... 7 ?:. 76 y 1 tl I I 4 7 M. .M 1" 7 ?S t I i 1 ff. M it ... Ill .Ml "J !00 T XX 44 ... T J. H ... 7 J --. M 7 M 4 ft to T :5 in ... o .in ; it ki ... T is 40 Mi 40 7 a M r ... 7 js fit Ill 40 7 It 71 ro 40 T IS 47 r lo 7 js i jm io IB M tJ 4" 7 X 74 SM ... 7 J. 64 2 1 T IS 4" :'4 4" i II 1 YI 1J0 T IS 41 1 t I IS 11 .K ... t It 47 Wl 140 7 40 KM ... T "S 44 ?: ... 7 374j 41 SS.S ... Tit 41 S3S ... T 7, 4 "Si ... T tt 11 J" ... 1 40 4 1T7 ... T W tt m ... 7 4.1 6 ISO T so II ?" ... T 40 m I4 SO T SO 40 1S4 ... 7 40 H 147 40 U 43 17 ... 7 4i 67 SHI ?" T 10 4 fsS ... T 40 M 104 MO 7 10 M Jon ... 7 4'l 64 I ... 1 ) 41 Ii 40 7 40 4 . IO "III TO Ml ... I (il "1 T 30 71 14 ... T 4" tt 'J T40 T 30 IIO ... 7 41 tl rt lie T at ?is ... T 40 tt 13! 44 7 SO M !'. ... T 40 . rt ... 7 30 : tn ... 7 cv, 17 t ... 7 Jo 15 f'l ... T 4.'. f,9 SM 40 7 S' 46 2.1 ... 7 47. 76 170 ... T S2"4j 71 207 ... 7 46 ID J61 ... T IT"4 iSTAClS. 1 650 10 T JO SH EEP .Sheep receipt were light again today, only eighteen carloads being reported In the yards. This leave the total for the four day at 26.1KO head as against 42.uk) head for the same day hist week and 6.N. 9"1) head a year ago. It will be noted from thla that the arrivals arc running very email for this season of the yeiir, but the reason for this being the case Is to be found In the sharp break that took place at the close of last week and also In the weakness developed on Tuesday of thl week, when the large receipts created a dull and weak market. It would look a if the country were following a cautious policy and Is holding bck supplies. With a very fair demand this morning buyer c;ot down to business In good sea eon and picked up the offering In a short time at prices that were safely l(Vi 15c tdgher and in come cases perhaps as much as 26o higher, iamb especially showing the most advance. Today's advance make up for any wenknns that may have been de veloped on Tuesday and more, too, lea vine; the market at least 26c higher than the extreme low cloeo last week and In some cases mure than that. It will be noted, however, that the market Is very uneven, due in part at least to the fact that pack ers are discriminating very much In favor of light weights, both sheep and lambs. Thus while a packer in order to get some thing light will spring the price all buyers are bearing down hard on heavy weiuht regardless of how choice or well finished they may be. Shipper can hardly under stand why their choice heavy native lnmbs sre selling atlri.ODir6.50, while . light wes terns are bringing a high a $6.00 and oc casionally better. Thus today right good western lambs of light weight sold up to $6 10. There were very few feeders In sight this morning, but as noted every day this week, the demand Is far in excess of the supply and offerings have met with very ready sale at good, steady prices, there be ing practically no change In the market for a number of days back. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice light lambs, $5,7546.10; good to choice heavy lambs, $5.0tj'&.40; fair to good lambs, $6.0O(?5.6O; good feeding lambs. $4.60"d5.1r; fair feeding lambs, $4.0")4j4.60: light common lamb, I3.004i4.00; handywelght yearlings, $4.754f6.15; heavy yearlings, 3.8"fr4.50; feeder yearling. $3.75Tf4.35; good to choice wethers, $3.tX34.00; good to choice heavy wethers, $3.004f3.50; feeding wethers. $3.154T3.50; good to choice light ewes, $3 5043. 86; good henvy ewes. $3.254rH.R0; feeding; ewes. $2.2n4?2.65; canners, $1.5(M12 00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 222 fed yearlings Ill 4 40 112 fed yearlings 110 4 40 138 fed yearlings 113 4 40 41 fed lambs 93 6 75 32 fed ewes and bucks 116 3 35 87 fed lamb 74 5 W 20 fed lambs, culls 56 6 00 100 shorn lambs 78 6 75 55 fed lambs 74 8 00 43 fed yearlings 77 6 (to 218 fed lambs 73 00 260 fed yearlings 87 b w 26 fed lambs, culls 60 6 ( 337 fed lambs 77 6 1") 60 fed lambs 61 4 40 257 fed lambs 64 5 (4) 67 fed lambs 107 6 40 6 fed ewe 140 3 tx) 85 fed wethers 137 4 10 CHICAGO LIVE BTOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Hosts Slow ftheep "tron. CHICAGO, Dee. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 8.000 head; market slow and weak; beeves, $4.4037.20; Texas steers, $4,1035 26; western steers, 4.104!8.a0; stock ere and feeders, $3.25 (fio.OO; cows and heifers, $2,204(4.10: calves, $7.0O"i't 00. HOGS Receipts, 82,000 head: market low at decline; light, $71.r"t).7.6714: mixed, $7.167.66; heavy, 7.164V".66; rouxh, $7.15 4)7.30; good to choice heavy, $7.30rj77.55; pigs, $(j.6.V(f7.46: bulk of sale. $7.40417.50. BHEBP AND (LAMBS Receipts, 2.1.000 head: market strong; native, $2.254T"3.50; western, $4.50$.25. Kanaa Cltr Live Btoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 8. CATTLB Re ceipts, 8,000 head. Including 700 southerns; steers, steady, strong; cow, steady to 10c lower; dressed beef and export steers, $5.50 Si8 75; fair to good. $4.K64i,5ft; western steers, $4 .S0?r6.60; steckera and feeders. $4.0o4j6.25; southern steers, $4.2f6.35; eouthern cows, $2.5tX(f4.1fi; naUve cows, 2.75'ti5.00; naUve heirers, 3.71kU6.50; bulls, $; calves, $3.8047 25. HOG-Receipts. 7,700 head; market steady; close, strong: bulk of sales", $7,404) 7.50; heavy, $7.4547.50: packers and butch ers. $7,4037.60; light, $7.4047-7.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt), 1.000 head; market 10 to 15c higher; lamb), $6.25 476.35; yearlings. I3.754i6.00: wethers, $3.5tY$ 4.00; ewes, $3. 6633.75; atockers and feeders, $6.003.75. 4. Joseph Lire Bteelr Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec 8 CATTLE Receipt 2.500 head; market steady; steers, $4.50ff (60: cows and heifers, $2.6046.60; calves, 83.OiK38.26. HOGS Receipts 6,000 head; market slow; top. $7 46; bulk of sales. $7.3.va7.40. 8HEEP AND IAMB-Recelpts 1.000 head; market 154726c higher; lambs, $4.60 6(1.25. ' Btrerk la Blsrbl. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western markets westnrday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4.500 7.600 2.800 St. Joseph 2.600 Kansas City 8,0 St. Louis S.9O0 6.000 7.700 9.000 32.000 1.000 2.0H) 2.400 26.000 Chicago 8.0O0 Totals .26,900 62,200 33.200 Bt. Loots I.lve Btoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 3,000 head, including 1,600 Texans; market mow At this icasn of the year, when the Cround and street car platforms arc apt to be cpvered with snow or ice. especial care should be taken by pa.scngers in getting on and off cars. REMEMBER Assist Us In Preventing Accidents Hmolin ?. .T.tA..'$ri trial DK.XP Street Railvay Company st,ilv; nstne shipping and export "'r. ;sv,,T dr. Ped b.cf nod Mitcner .;,..,-.; st.-er oii'ler 1.0" pr.un'1. $ i SO; ste. k.-rs and feeders, . VM '-.: lw" and heifers. 1 1 7;.'o6 ;:. runners $. . i bulls, $.: iv.n-..i'. calves. $v. '.'. n' TrJ"" and Indian steers. $ I : rows arwi heller. :.4 . , . Hot!. -4 Ueclft-. SOX) bend: market f-x lower; pigs and lluhl. $7 :Mt7.M): rj'- 17 4.vi7.."4i; butchers and best nea, " 1'sHKKP AND I.AMns-Recelpt. 1400 head: mnrkrt steady; native muttony $t.0 4r.10: lnmbs. I'. .. .."': cull and bura. 2 tO-'iR.OO. stooke-, $j 2Ti :i Coffee Market, NEW YORK. Dec. 8 COFKKK,-Ftitire oiiened stetidv Bt an advance of ten po nt on Decern Iwr, but generally two P0,"' lower lo five points higher, the irregularlt v being due to easier Europenn market a opp.'el to continued firmness In Itraril. and lo the unsettling Influence of denial ilint the valorirHtlon sale talked of ye tenlnv hsd nctimlly tnken r'"- At offer were pretty well taken, but selling w heavy later Slid price rased off In conscuuence with the cl.so steady. nl a net devil tie of .In 17 slnl. Whereas. f teidav there wn a feeling in the market thnt a large amount of valorisation had been absorbed without disturbing value from the unsettled tone today suggested some little nervousness as to the effect of such offerings, should they actually be made. Hales lU-7. bass; December. H.liV; January, ll.Oi'.c: February. 11.03c: March. l"i.!)v; April, 10.93c; May, lORSc; June. 18 8"c; Julv, in.;2c; August. lOBSc; fHeptemher. 10 61c: (ictoher and November, 1") t"c. trtpot, (inlet; Rio No. 7. 131"'; Santo No. 4. 13;os tiomlnnl. Mild coffee, unlet; Cordova, 13 5iloc nominal. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Dec 8 (OTTON!et closed quiet: 20 point decline; middling uplands. 14.80c; middling gulf, 15.05; sales T."H bale. Cotton futures closed easy; December. 14 46: January, 14.50c; February . 14 .6TV; March. 14 7:V; April, 14.7rK: Mav. 14 86c; June. 14S2c: July, 14S2c; August, 14.60c; October, 13 26c. ST. I AH IS. Dec. S. COTTON Quiet; middling, lr.'.o. Pales, none: receipt. 2.27S bale, shipments, 1.678 bale; stock, 19.424 bales. ' Philadelphia Prod nee Market. riULADKT.PIITA. Dec. 8 -RUTTER-Firm; extra western creamery, Slc; nearby print. 33o. EtillS Bcarce and firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free case. 89c, at mark: current receipt In returnable cae. ?7o, at mark; western firsts, free cses, 79c, at mark: current receipt. S7o at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York, full cream, fancy. Heptember, 15c; October, 14016c: fair to good. llvM'ic Tnrpentlne find llssln. SAVANNAH. Ca.. Doc. 1-TrnPEff-Tl KB Firm. Wu'W. sale, 425 bbl.; re ceipts, 639 bbls.; shipments. 1,081 bbls.; stock. 16.975. ROSIN Firm: sales. 101.1 bbls.; receipt I.8!Ki bbl.; shipments, 4.87") bbls.; tock. 77.0S3. Quote; B, $5.70: E. $5.7iV1f,.72H: F, $5.72'4.T.'..75; O. t5.77Wo.80: H. $5.t5; I, $6.40; K. $6.50. M. $7.06; N, $7.104T7.20; WO. $7.46; WW, $7.55. Dry (ioodi Market. NEW TORK, Dee. 8. PRY GOODS Th cotton goods market ruled steady ami quiet; worsted warp broadcloth for fall 1911 are to be shown shortly at alight price reductions. The cotton yarn markets rule aulet. star Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 8. SI 'GAR Raw, firm muscovado, 89 test, 85nc; centrifu gal. 96 test. 4.00c; molasses sugar. 89 test, 3.26c; refined susar, firm; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 4.90c; granulated, 4.S0c. IVonI Market. BT. LOT'IS. Deo. 8. WOOT-Qtilet; terri tory and western mediums. 21i(22c; fine mediums, 174flc; fine. 12Cal3c. NEWS NOTES FROM YANKTON Tranters and Faenltr ef Yankton Col lege Fntertaln Cltlsena Wednes day at Bnpper. TANKTON, S. D., Dec. 8.-(Sperlal.l Wednesday night the trustees and faculty of Yankton college entertained the cltlxens Ul laimiuu Bl B 1 1 1 . 1 . ' 1 1 ci. tm f. " i - - The Institution I In immediate need of financial aid and 1 now $25,000 In debt. The present small endowment, with all oiner source oi revenue, sie nuuoiy in adequate to the need of such a big, grow ing establishment s the college ha proved to be of late years. If the present In debtedness can be wiped out the college has assurances of substantial endowments which will place the Institution beyond the need of debt raising campaigns for many years to come. The citizens were Invited to meet with the college management to discus ways am) means to solve the big problem. Henry Gunderson. a Yankton college man, has been notified, curiously enough, from far off Oxford, that ha has passed the Cecil Rnodes examination and will be admitted to Oxford next year. Gunderson recently took the examination in thl state, but had heard nothing of tt until he received word from M. A. Brown, also a Yankton man. now finishing at Oxford, that Gunderson's name had been posted there. Gunderson la from Crofton, Neb. Dakota lodge. No. 1, the mother lodg of Odd Fellowship In both Dakota, has elected Frank Rlsling, noble grand; C. T. Lingo, vice grand; 22. Rlchey, secretary, and William Ward, treasurer. The Rebekah lodge elected Mrs. Mae Montague, noble grand; Miss Bessie Slear, vice grand; Mrs. Nellie Owens, secretary, and Mrs. Belle Lingo, treasurer. In the annual declamation contest for academy young women, Miss Margaret Gardner won first place. Miss Edna Lee, second, and Miss Zide Frost, third. Ths cash prixe of $25 was divided between these three. Coasrressman mil Flies Contest. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 8. Congressman Patrick H. Gill of the Eleventh Missouri district, filed a notice of a contest of the election of Thomas F. Catlln, congressman-elect, today. Among the charges In the notice of contest wa one that Catlln attempted to buy the support of a member of the democratic city committee of St Louis. Catlln denied all the charge made against him. amd Ice WAIT UNTIL THE CAR ST0PS1 GET OFf IN THE K UdT w AY! V