Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1910, Image 1

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    aily Bee
The Boo U the only paper ad-
rnttte-d to thousand, of homo.
Womwi are ths bayera. which v
counts, h part, for the remark
able retorn to oar lTrttni.
Kor Nebraska Kalr and warmer.
For Iowa Fair ami warmer.
For weather report nee page it.
VOL. XL NO. 149.
Fhe Omaha
Secretary cf Tiewnry Sng-gf its Many
Eefonna in Annual Eeport Pre
tented to Cong-rest.
Tantt Monet&ry Quettion Detached!
from Sectional Consideration.
Gorerament Must Make Decision at to
-v. the Future.
Cutemi Service hoM Re Free
from Practical Politics aad Pay
ment of Datles by Cheeks
WASHINGTON, Dec I. Currency re
form, extension of tha ecopa of the. na
tional banking laws, In tha event of no
Immediate general change of the mone
tary system; civil servlca retirement; a
customs service free from "practical" pol
itics; business-like methods In the dally
transactions of the government and a gen
eral abolition of red tape wherever It
clogs the wheels of the government's bus
iness, are among the recommendations
contained In the annual report of Frank
lin MacVeagh, secretary of tha treasury,
presented to congress today.
Th eipenses of the government In the
fiscal year 1912. for which thla aessMn of
congress la asked to appropriate, are es
timated at JS30 494.013. L2. The estimated
expenditures on the Panama canal are
given 'as IM.MO.MT.fS. making a total of
$'.7,414.Mn 1. The estimate. If carried
out. represent net savings of about $1.
tt".0o9 In the executive departments ail
compared with the appropriations for the
current fiscal year.
While the secretary- report estimates
the total expenses of government at $iS7,
414.8W, the estimates which have been
transmitted to congress ask for f748,414,Stl.
difference of tHl.aW.00rt. Congress Is asked
to appropriate this extra tM.OOO.OOO to make
the sinking fund law effective. It would be
an appropriation to permit the treasury to
begin applying 1 per cent a year to the
discharge of the national debt. The law
authorising auch a procedure has been a
dead letter for Some time, as congress has
never appropriated any money.
Receipts for West Year.
Receipts for 1911 Secretary MacVeagh
estimates, will be ItSfW.oro.OOO. which would,
leave an ordinary surplus of around IWI.
000.000. If the treasury should continue to
pay for tha Panama canal out of the cash
drawar, as at present, such a surplus
would be turned to a deficit of t7.. Secretary MacVeagh expresse th hope
that tiie menrtary nuewHoti will conte Into
congress detached from sectional or po
litical consideration.
"Our system can fairly be called a panic
breeding system," he saye, "whereaa every
other great national banking and currency
system la pantc-prsventlng. Aa long as we
continue under our present system we are
liable to panics, and tha devastations of
panics reach republicans and democrats
and all parts of the country alike, ranlcs
are no longer necessary and no longer re
spectable. It la for tha government to aay
whether we shall have panics In the fu
ture or not. It Is a mere matter of choice.
"We hava bo system of reserves; our
banking system deetroys them. It concen
trates In New Tork what are pretended to
be reservea and then forces) the Hew York
banks to lend and abolish them. Our sys
tem. Instead of building up a reserve, de
stroys It as fast aa It Inclines to accumu
late." In connection with his criticism of tha
money system on of Becretary Ml
Veagh'a mot Important recommendations
concerna , future Issue of Panama bonds,
of which tSO.000,000 were authorised by the
tariff act. Tha secretary renews tha rec
ommendations ba made last year for leg
islation to tax the new bonds at lMi per
rent If used by national banks for circula
tion, and Intimates, aa wa announced In
news dispatches a few days ago, that It
might be more prereraoie io iur u
securities for Investment purposes only at
a rate of t per cent
1mm os Bank Notes Sagaested.
As a check against tha use of the bonds
as the basis for a further Inflation of the
national bank currency, he suggests that
a circulation tax of even I per cent would
hava the effect of making thera unprofit
able for lianks to use for such a purpose
and at the same time would make them
attractive to Investors without injuring the
t per cent bonds, of which more thgn $700.
Ooo.OuO ara outstanding. Another means of
accomplishing tha same end, tha secretary
suggesta, would be for congress to author
ize an Issue of tiO.Uuu.OOO or $WO.0u0,000 of
the bonds at t per cent, without the circu
lation privilege.
If there la no prospect of Immediate
change In the monetary system the secre
tary thinks the American national bank
ing system should be developed to per
form sn International fuuctlon. There Is
a clear need of banking facilities In for
tsn countries where there Is American
eemmerce. he says.
"Wa shall never be a full-fledged com
mercial nation." he says, "unless we have I
merchant ship, ot our own ana
banks of our own. e snouia ii un
at all ports that are Important to our com
nierce." The treiisury's relation with the busi
ness communities are unbusinesslike, arti
ficial and burdensome, the secretary de
clares, and be recommends legislation to
permit the payment of revenue to the
gov eminent by certified check guarding
the government axatnst loss.
The recommendation thai the treasury j
ba autloi1ed to Issue gold certificates
agaimt gold bullion and foreign gold coin
la renewed.
reoperation ot Fraada.
Tle1ev Ing the discovery of frauds and
the sub-euuent reorganisation of the cus
toms service. Secieiary MacVeagh urges
appropriatione fur reaards to those who
aid the government. The rehabilitation of
the tus-toma serweu at New York haj
beta nuu-ked. be . by a decided elim
ination of spoils Influences and practical
"American tralers are more and more
reaii::rg the indefentfiblenes of aniug
aiiiiM. It rank dishonesty and lis bad ex
ample and Inf 'uenc," a the report.
Leciuintrnd:!ig a study of the clarified
s stein of employes, the secretary de-
(Continued an Third Page)
President Taft Makes
Retort Courteous
to W. K. Kavanaugh
Basinest of Court to Hear Witness No
Matter How Much He May Abuse
Court at Corner Grocery.
"WASHINGTON. 1 ec. S.-Prsldent Tft
and W. K. Kavanauch. who made an et-
tack on the former during the recent
I waterways convention at S. Iuls. met in
I the White House toJay. The president
j Rave a respectful hearing to Mi. Kav
anaugh a ipokumm of a committee
which called on him to present a resolu
tion adopted at St. Iul asking support
for a fourteen-foot channel from Chicago
to New Orleans and then said:
"Mr. Ktvintugh. I was on the bench
long enouKh to learn that It Is the duty
of a Judge to listen to the testimony of
any man, no matter how much he may
have been abusing the court at the coiner
Fallowing this "retort courteous" the
president .promised to give the matter his
earnest consideration.
Mr. Kavanaugh la president of the
Lakes-to-the-Gulf leep Waterwavs asso
ciation. In a xpeech at the last convention
he declared that the president had lost In
terest In the Mississippi project; that he
hr.d appointed engineers unttfatvorable to
the project and that he had unduly favored
the Improvement of his own river. the
British Coalition
is Still in the Lead
Unionist and Liberals Gain One Seat
Each in the Balloting of
LONDON, Dec. .-The counties of Eng
land which voted yesterday remained
staunch to the unionist cuuse and the gap
between the coalition forces and the union
ists remained about the same today, Mie
government coalition having a majority of
thirteen In a total of "91 seats for which
elections have been reported.
The state of the parties early thla after
noon was as follows:
Coalition: Liberals. 131; nationalists, 10,
Indcpendcnt-nationalldts, 6; labor members,
Jb; totul, 3C.
Opposition: Unionists, 1S9.
The unionists scored a gain in the Ksk
dale division of Cumberland, where Claude
Low ther, a relative of Speaker Lowther.
turned out Oeoffrey Howard, but the lib
erals evened up matters In Radnarshlre.
Sir F. Edward turning the tables on C.
Venables Llewellyn, who had defeated him
in the January elections.
The majorities In the counties generally
were smaller In the cases of both liberals
and the unionists, but thts Is accounted
for by the reduced total vote cast.
Interesting personalities among those
whose election was announced today are
Moreton Frewen, who comes to the House
of Commons from Corlv county -to support
William O'Brien, the InUenpendAit-national-lat
leader: H. Spender Clay for the Ton
brtdge division; Kent and Lord Wllloughby
de Fresby for the Horncastle division of
Lincolnshire. All three married American
Eighteen Injured
in Traction Wreck
Passenger Car Runt Into Freight Car
Jutt East of Springfield,
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Dec. S.-Elghteen
persons were Injured today when a pas
senger car of the Illinois Traction system,
bound from this city for Danvtll, struck
tha rear car of a freight train at Starnes,
Just east of Springfield. Slippery rails
caused tha accident. Jarnes T. Upper
grove of Chicago, who suffered a broken
rib. was tha most aerlously hurt.
Tscesia Ordered to Puerto Cortes
Meet Aut Emergency that Slay
WABHIirrjTON. Dec. S. In view of
alarming reports of an Impending revolu
tion In Honduras against the administra
tion of President Davllla, the Navy de
partment has ordered the cruiser Tacoma
to Puerto Cortes to meet any possible
emergency that might endanger Americans
or American Interests. The Tacoma left
Cristobal today and probably will arrive
in the Honduran port on Saturday
It ! said at the Navy department that
no official Information has been received
In regard to prospective revolt and the
action In sending the Tacoma to Honduran
watera waa merely a precautionary meas
Base Ball Paa Darned with Theft
of Bali Willi Damages for
False Arrest.
NEW YORK. Dec. 8. Suit was begun In
I the supreme court In Brooklyn today by
Frank Schmidt, a Brtxtklyn man, against
I Christy Mathewson. pitcher of the New
York Nationals for alleged false arrest.
i bet,n nnloh ,nd Nw York at Wa,h.
Ington park on Airil 2K. IS, of which
Schmidt was a spectator, the bail disap
peared. Mathewson declaring that Schmidt
took it as a souvenir, tv-hmldt denied hav
ing taken the ball, but was arrested
later discharged.
Recovers His Diamond
Dropped Off Speeding Train
Seated In a barber cha r in a Farnam
shop, H. a. Harricks of Red Oak. la..
transfixed the barber who was attend ng
him by a remarkable atory of luck Thurs-
day morning. Mr. Harrkks breathed a
sigh of satisfaction and chanced to re-
mark that he was the luckiest man in
eighteen statea
He thertun Informed the barber he had
dropped a 110 diamond fruro h.s ring
through th wash basin slot of a Burl ng-
ton train moving at the rat of forty miles
an hour, and later regained the gem. Mr.
Harricka further declared h had recov
ered hla gem by merely getting oft th
Funeral of Mn. Mary Baker Eddy
Marked by Simplicity and Ab- j
sence of Mourning. j
Judge Smith Reads from Bible andj
Offert Prayer. I
Correlative Passages from ' Science !
and Health" Presented. I
Face of Founder of Krllsrloaa feet
Appears Teotkfol Eipreuloa
Praeefal, Ithoat la of
BOSTON. Dec. 8. The followers of Mrs.
Mary Laker Kddy. the founder of the Chrto
tlon S. lem-e church. jerted with her vleible
iorm toaay at a runrrai service that was
marked by Mtnplli Ity and absence of osten
tation: that yielded no expressions of sor
row, at l.-ast. not by her followers; that
"is sjiTounded by no trappings of mourn
Inir. but was, nevertheless, sufficiently Ira
prsle to linger long In the memory of
131 tersons who attended.
Judge Clifford P. Smith, first reader of
the mother church, read the greater part
of the services prepared by himself, which
consisted of selections from the Bible, cor
relative passages from Mr. Eddy's book.
"Science and Health." and a prayer. He
was assisted by Mrs. Carol Hoyt Powers,
the second reader, who rendered Mrs.
Eddy's poern "Mother's Evening Prayer,"
with tender expression.
There n as no eulogy, no soothing, except
by the young granddaphter. Mary Faker
Clover, whose crep-cn-ered hat was the
only sombre color note In tha house.
Details of Funeral.
The spacious parlors, where the little
fathering sat for eighteen minutes In calm
thought, was bathed In sunlight while a
rpray of roses on the coffin, and here and
there a bouquet, a If for decorative affect,
were the only evidence of the customary
massing of flowers. It seemed like one of
Mrs. Eddy's metaphysical meetings of years
gone by and one had to glance at the mas
sive bronze casket re-'ting in the rose-tinted
alcove to realize the significance of the oc
casion. There were two Intervals of Impressive
silence. The first Was at the beginning. The
company had been seated and as the hour
approached! the whuvpeting gradually
ceased. There was not a rustle to break
the stillness until the clocks In the house
chlmsxt out the eleventh hour. Judge Smith
then began his reading In a tone fervent,
but unwavering. Aa ha cloned he passages
from "Sclcnca and Health," ha said:
"Wo will now engage In silent prayer to
be followed by the, andtMs rendering of the
Lord s prayer." '
Again the rooms were silent for a little
more than a minute, although It seemed
longer. Then Judge Smith broke the still
ness with "Our Father who art In heaven,"
and all Joined In the prayer. Tha "Mother's
Evening Prayer" fo.iowed.
Last View of ftody.
Those who wished to loog for the last
time on the face of the leader of the sect
saw the small, delicate face of a woman
who looked 80 instead of SO and whose
expression waa singularly peaceful and
showed no sign of suffering.
Eighteen carriages followed the hearse
across the snow-clad hills to Mount Au
burn cemetery In Watertown.
There, before the open doors of the re
ceiving tomb, Judge Smith finished the
services of the day by reading the twenty
third psalm and pronouncing aa a benedic
tion the last verse of Jude.
The coffin waa slipped into its niche, the
door was shut and sealed and a man waa
placed on guard. As a measure of pro
tection, the guard has access to a tele
phone, which the directors of the church
have placed temporarily In tha vault.
It is expected that Mrs. Eddy's will will
be filed tomorrow at Concord, N. H.
The honorary pallbearers ware Honorable
John L. Bates of Boston, Edward P. Bates
of Syracuse, N. T.; Arthur Brisbane of
New York, Judge Charles R, Corning of
Ccncord. N. H. ; Frederick Dixon of Lon
don. Honorable Samuel J. Elder of Boston,
Mayor Charles F. Hatfield of Newton,
Mass.; "William . Johnson of Boston,
Albert Metcalf of Boston and General
Frank S. Streetor of Concord, N. H.
Where the final resting place of the
body will be Is a matter of conjecture.
The Chris -tan Science leaders had prac
tically settled on a large lot at Mount
Auburn,, but Oeorge W. Glover, tha aon.
expressed a strong wish yesterday In favor
of laying his mother away at Tllton N. H.
Harahalltewa Saloon Keener Will
Appeal to the Called Statca
tstnns rasrt.
WASHINGTON, Dec. t Several saloon
keepers In Marshalltown. Ia.. will ask ths
surpeme court of the Cnlted States, prob
ably next Monday, to Issue a temporary
order staying the enforcement of the Ioi
liquor laws, pending an appeal to tha court
in regard to their validity.
The lUjuor dealers filed a bill In the
federal court of Iowa for an injunction to
prevent officials of Marshalltown from en
forcing the law. The lower federal court
dismissed the bill and declined to continue
itv- I a temporary injunction which had been is
andlued until an appeal to the supreme court
cvuld be perfected.
train and walking back four miles along
' the track.
"You see. it was easy enough ouch, be
; careful there." said Harrlcks. "As I was
saying, It was easy enough the way I did
; it. The moment 1 saw th stone flicker
' Uiroucu me slot I looked out the lndow
and noticed a tlegraph pole with a cross
' arm hanging half brvken from Its top. Then
', when the train stopped I Just walked back
i till I cam to tha. pol with th broken
arm. It waa easy to locate the stone almost
oppoaits th pole." To prove his remark
able adventure, Harrlcks displayed th un
set diamond ta Ui astonished barber.
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From the New York World.
Congressional Campaign Committees
File Reports in Washington.
More Than Three-Koarths of
Amoaat Is Dlabwrsed by Reps
1 leans Where the Money
WJHlNOTON. Dec. . The republican
congreastonel committee receve, rf.tfTt. and,
disbursed 74,S73. while tha democratic con
gressional committee received IJT.TM and
dlsbused tV.m. during tha recent campaign,
according to reports filed today with the
clerk of the house of representatives,
Tha largest individual contribution to the
republican fund was made by Representa
tive William B. McKlnley, which amounted
to SR.OOn. A contribution of 15.750 was re
ceived from the treasurer of the I'nion
1ea.jrue club of Philadelphia. The republi
can state committee of Ioulslana con
tributed S2.000: former Secretary- of the
Treasury. Ieslle M. Shaw, as treasurer of
the Manufacturers Club of nilladelphla.
$1.63(1, and John Pitrairn of Pittsburg. Sl.ftO.
The national commltttee gave ftS7.
The largest Individual contribution to the
democratic fund was $1,000 from W. C.
Beer of New York City.
Traveling expense during extensive
speaking tours were contributed by Rep
resentatives Champ Clark of Missouri, A. .
Burleson of Texas and OIMe James of Ken
tucky. From the sale of HO campaign text books
the republican party received $107. The
democratic report doe. not show any re
ceipts from this source
Hitchcock Give. Five Hundred.
Only one member of President Taft'.
cabinet Is shown to have contributed any
thing to tha republican cause. Postmaster
General Hltchocck gave $500.
The diplomatic corp. Is represented by R.
C. Kerens of St. Louis, ambassador to
Austria-Hungary, who gave $Soo, and David
Jay no Hill of Rochester, who gave $100,
Charles Ryer Norton, secretary to Presi
dent Taft, contributed $K.
Senator Root made a contribution of $f00,
his being the only nam representative of
of the United States senate.
Under tha bead of disbursements, the
democratic report shows no extraordinary
expenditures. Expenditures of $200 each ara
shown for the campaigns in the Third con
gressional district of Kentucky, the Ninth
Missouri, Second Nebraaka, Seventh Mis
souri. Sixteenth Missouri and Eighth Mis
souri. In Kansas $00 In disbursements wars
reported, while $300 was ax-ponded In Iowa.
These amounts do not Include traveling
expenses of speakers.
Rraabllran Bill for Sneakers.
The republca.n report shows many large
expenditures In comparison with democratic
Under the bead of expenses of epea.kers,
it Is shown tha Representative McKinley,
received, $1,000; A. C. Rankin of Chicago,
$1,774; Rev. Dr. John Wesley Hill of New
Tork. $2,260. and many other amounts be
tween $M and $XXV The republicans ex
pended $1,000 cash in the Sixth Kansas.
Ninth Iowa. Tenth Kentucky. First Michi
gan, Fourth and Fifth Minnesota, Second
Tennessee and the Seventh, Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Mis
souri district The republicans lost four
seats In the districts named.
In nine other districts the expenditure
of $fciO each were reported. These were the
Flm and Sixth Iowa. Ninth and Eleventh
Kentucky, Sixth and Fifteenth Ohio, First
and Second Oklahoma and Second West
Pay As-1 ea-Eater Care Are Baaalaar
la laeadlea City W Ithoat
TORONTO. Ont.. Dec t Operation of
th newly Installed pa v-a-you-entr cars
of tb Toronto street Railway company
was continued today without further In
terference on th part of those who ar
I said to object to ths typ of cars used
j Eight persons were arraigned for alleged
j participation in last ntght'a disturbances,
i charged with disorderly conduct. No estl-
mat of tha damage done has been made,
but the railway officials stated that It re
sulied largely f rum glass broken In many
ear a.
Let Down the Bars
I LifV
Man Murdered in
New York Mistaken
For Strikebreaker
xnree Men Held in Connection with
Killing of Young John Warner
of Highwood, Conn.
NKW TORK, Dec. t Secrecy was main
tained at police headquarters regarding the
Identity of the three men made prisoners
lute yesterday, but there seemed to be
good reason to bHee today -the men are1
in custody in connection- with the murder
of John C. Warner, the young engineer of
If igbwood. Conn., who was stabbed to
death on Seventh avenue more than a
month ago. While the detectives were not
ready to admit this, it waa learned they
feel certain they have solved the Warner
mystery and that he met his death
through being taken for an express strike
breaker. Through the statements of the three men
detained the police men detained, the police
today said tbey expected soon to have the
real murderer In custody.
The names of these men, all of whom
were Adams Express company helpers,
wero later made public. They are Charles
Klieman, Peter J. O'Connor. Harry W.
Morton and James F. Mulligan. O'Connor,
the oldest. Is but 13 years old. They are
charged with aiding and abetting In the
killing of Warner.
The authorities are said to have ths
name of a fifth man, who all of the wit
nesses agree plunged a knife many times
Into Warner In the belief that he was an
armed guard or strikebreaker.
New Commerce Court
Under Consideration
President Hat Two Hundred Applica
tions for the Five Placet on
the Bench.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S. Much of Presi
dent Taft's time was taken up today In
hearing recommendations of senators, rep
resentatives and other caller, of various
candidates for appointment to the new
court of commerce. Th list of candidate,
for this court, which will have five mem
bers. Is rapidly growing, and the president
Is said to. have soma 200 namea under con
sideration. The president wilt have a series of Im
portant conferences this afternoon regard
ing the supreme court. Attorney General
Wlekersham, Vic President Sherman.
Speaker Cannon, Senator Idg and Rep
resentative McCall of Massachusetts are
among those who will be at tha White
Th president . had his picture taken In
front of the Whit House with a delega
tion of TOO German-Americans, who came
to Washington to attend the unveiling
yesterday of th statu of Baron von
Plan for Protection and
Development of Power Sites
WASHINGTON. Dec S.-A plan is being
considered by the National Conservation
association, of which Glfford Plnchot la
president, to bring together th advocate
of federal regulation of water power site,
and those who stand for state control,
according to an announcement made today
by th executive committee of the asso
ciation. The object of the plan, which was
drafted by Philip P. Wells, former law
officer of the forest service, Is to afford
" . water power platform on which both
aides of the water power controversy may
unite to protect the pubi c Interest and at
the same time encourage the development
of many m llions of horsepower no going
to wast in the mountain streams of the
far west and th great rivers of the cen
tral and eastern parts of th country."
Tb proposed plan haj ben laid before
a number of engineers of wide experience
la water power development, as well as
Pli !
1 1
am,, i
t.:.1 I
Court Decidet No General Conspiracy
to Restrain Trade.
Jndares lirsnt Prayer of Government
for Injunction neatralalaK Cor
poration from roallaslsg B
Ineas In Violation of I.arr.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. t. The Un'ted
state. eirciUt court fnr the aaatern tfistrlot
of Pennyslvanla today decided that there
Is no general conspiracy among the anthra
cite coal carrying railroads or coal com
panies to restrain trade or commerce nor
to monopolise trade, nor to maintain cer
tain prices, but It decided that the Temple
Iron company Is a combination of anthra
cite coal carrying railroads. In violation of
the Sherman anti-trust law and granted
the prayer of the government for an In
junction restraining that corporation from
continuing business In violation of the act.
The government wins only one of several
points, that in the Temple Iron company
case, and the defendants will not be com
pelled to change the present prices of coal
ns a result of the court's decision.
The case waa heard by Judges George
Gray, Joseph Bufftngton and William M.
Lannlng, last February. Three opinions
were handed down late this afternoon and
each dlffere from the other.
Judge Gray dismissed all of the govern
ment's charges, except that relating to the
Temple Iron company, which he sustained
Judge Buffington dismissed all the
charges except the one against the Temple
company and the one relating to the
per cent contract existing between th llg
corporations and the Independent coal
companies, sustaining tha charges of viola
tion of law on these two points.
Judge Lannlng dismissed all the conten
tions made by th. government.
List of Defeadaata.
The suit waa filed In June 1907. during
President Roosevelt's administration. The
defendants Included the Heading company,
Philadelphia & Reading, Lehigh valley,
Delaware, Lackawanna Western, Cen
tral of New Jersey, Erie, New York, Sus
quehanna. A Western, Philadelphia & Head
ing Coal and Iron company, Lehigh Valley
Coal company, Lehigh and Wllkeabarre
Coal company, Pennsylvania Coal company.
Hillside Coal and Iron oompany, New York,
Suatjuehanna and Western Coal company.
Temple Iron company, and about forty In
dividuals or so-called Independent coal
The three other anthracite coal carrying
railroads were not Involved In the suit as
they were not competitor. In carrying
anthracite to tidewater. They ara the
Pennsylvania; New York
Ontario and
Western and Delaware A Hudson rail
The theory of the government', casa
waa tiiat all the defendants had long been
(Continued on Second Page )
various officers and managers of hydro
electric power companiea, and Is said to
have met with their approval.
The basis of the plan Is development,
"withaut delay, wast or th sacrifice of
other and higher uses of flowing waters."
for this plan declares private capital must
b aided by tb statea or federal govern
ment through corporate franchises, con
demnation of prtvat property and license
to us public lands and obstruct puhlle.
waters. The power companiea ar to hav
certainty of tenure for a reasonable time
and a rhanc for "generous profits on
their actual Investment." For th publto,
the plan promises, "good service, fair
prices, full publicity aa to coat, honest
capitalization and fair rentals for public
property used by the companies."
Ths federal government. It is conceded In
th plan, has no Jurisdiction unless Its
land Is to be occupied or navlgabl streams
All Lawyers Talk Before United
states Supreme Court, Finally
Dividing Their Time.
Gets Only Fairly Well Started When
it it Time to Stop.
Judges Closely Question Point
Raised in Defense of Law.
lorrana Assigned to t ontmlttees !
lloase lid trnae Where Death
Made acenrlro No t nui-
PmIhm Funds In Nebraska.
WASHINGTON. I ec S -(Special Tele
gram.) The Ncbiaska hank guaranty case,
coupled with the Kansas tae uf th saiu
character, wan oinpn it-il toilav, attorue) a
for the two states having agreed to divid
tiie four hours allotted to the cases Into
five equal parts Jilin I.. W'ebter ot
On aha and ex-Si nat i- Long of Kansas
occupied the remaining time.
C. O. W hedon. who was first In the field
I tit he retMlno.1 aa i-fiiinel fur fhe KtAte'B
prosecution of the bunk guaranty tase".
ir.iough concession- of Attorney General
Arthur Mullen and J. L. Albert uf special
counsel for Nettaka, Mas permitted to
cluhc. and the court did Mr. Whedoti the
honor not only of listening to him, but
Interrogating htm upon points he brought
out In the twenty-five minutes allotted lu
lit in as fifth counsel In the ra.-e.
By permission of the court and a.'ter long
conferences held previous to today's pro
ceedings. It -was decided that all of counsel
representing Nebraska and Kansas should
have an equal chance before the cuurt. At
torney General Mullen had but twenty-fiva
minutes, which he used In KenerallUs. In
fact. Mi. Mullen did not gel started before
the flag fell. He served, therefore, as Intro
ducer of the talen which followed, Mr.
Albert and C.' O. Whcdon.
Ji hn G. W'ebMer had an hour and a halt
and It is said by court habitues that his
argument not only was one of the bast
heard In the historic chamber for yeai.
but several of the Justices remarked upot.
Its clearness and Its forefulness. In fact,
one ot the associate Justices did remark
that Mr. Webster possessed material fuf
an associate Justice of the supreme court.
Committee Change.
Republican Albert E. Dawson of lows
has been assigned to membership of tb
committee on appropriations to succeed the
late R. P. Brownlow of Tennessee, de
ceased. This Is a very distinct honor ant!
waa a committee assignment sought bj
many older members. Mr. Dawson will
undoubtedly prove a ost valuable addition
to the house committee and appropriation
as h'.s work sine coming to Washington
has had to do with great problems whch
annually confront the several appropri
ation committees of house and senate.
Chairman Tawney has assigned Republi
can Dawson to the subcommittee In
charge of preparing ths pension appro
priation bill.
It Is understood that Senator La Fayette
Young of Iowa will be assigned to a plact
on the committee on postofflce and post
roads vacant through the death of Sena
tor Dolllvar. An assignment on this com
mittee, one of the most Important of th
senate, la deemed a high honor.
A. H. Kneiile, superintendent of th
Omaha and Winnebago Indian schools, ar
rived In Washington today from a visit
to his old home In -Byron, Geneseo county,
New York.
Abbott Hetnrns.
F. H. Abbott of Aurora, assistant com
miastoner of the Indian bureau, arrived
In Washington. Since casting his ballot
at Aurora Mr. Abbott ha made quite an
extensive official trip In the Interest of
th. affairs of tha department over which
ha In part presides. He has been In
Omaha looking Into the warehouse system
ther. and In Montana, and spent th last
two weeks In th vicinity of Santa. Fe
making personal Investigations of condi
tions among the Pueblo Indians.
Representative Klnkald has Interested
himself in a bill to grant three months'
leave of absence to homestead settler. In
Nebraska, so that If they desire to leave
their entries to seek employment eleswhere
during the winter they will not los credit
In making final entry because of such
absence. A bill similar to that adopted
last year for relief of settlers will, through
efforts of Judge Klnkaid, Include Nebraska
citizens upon new homesteads.
Representative Frank Mondell of Wye
mlng has returned to the capital, com
pletely restored In health.
Kmnde la ( aiupnign.
The republican committee's report sub
mitted today shows that organisation did
not send a dollar Into Nebraska to alo
those struggling either to "com. back" or
to reach the goal as original propositions.
The democratic committee did not "loosen
. up- very much. but they did send $ for
use In the Second district, and this double
century piece of currency helped elect C.
O. Lobeck to th Sixty-second congress.
Pension Agencies Hemala.
There will be no necessity for Repre
sentative Hull to make a fight this win
ter to maintain th. pension agency at De
Molnas In the new fiscal year beginning
July I, UU. Th pension appropriation
bill, which Is nearly completed, will soor
b. reported to th house. For the flrai
time la four year. th. provision discon
tlnulng the eighteen agenclea. among their
tha on at De. Moines, will not appear.
Representative Kelfer, who handle, the
pension bill, has gtvtn up th. ghost.
There', no use trying It," h. said to
day. "These agenciea with members in
whose districts thtey operate will stay.
If ws had abolished thte agencies hiee
years ago aa proposed tha government
would have been ths gainer by $l,Wi,
000." Omaha te Lose Indian Warrhoaae.
Tha Indian warehouaee at Omaha. Chi
cago and four other cities will be abolished
on July 1. 19U. If the senate concurs In
action taken by th house today. Th hous:
approved that section of the Indian appro
priation bill which, In effect, legislates th
warehouses out of commission, by falling
to make provision for them. After con
sideration of reports from Secretary Ua!
Unger and Commissioner Valentino, the
house committee on Indian affairs decided
that ther was no further use for the In
dtan warehousea. It was shown that it
they wer discontinued tb. goveruuicui