Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Finding of Court-Martial for Militia
' men Made Public.
Tot Mcb Dishonorably IHwharsrd,
Oa Meets Same Fat and l lnrd
Rvstrlssanda for the Rril
of Thfm,
(From a Klaff Corrv-pnn1rnt )
MNOOLJ. Dtc. 7.. (Special. )-Tha find
ings of tha court-martial of national
guardsman, held a few ago, have
bon prwmulsaleil hv Adjutant General
llartUan, after having- been approved by
th governor. Trtlrty-neven private wer
railed before thla board of Inquiry and
dealt with according to their diwrls. The
charge! were all the way from drunkr
nesa, desertion and theft, to mere dla
- obedience of orders In not deporting for
duty at the time of the Fort Riley ma
neuver. Of the thlrty-fieven tried by the cotirt
martlat five w-eere acquitted, two were
discharged without honor, and one,
1efever of Lincoln, was discharged with
out hrmof and ordered to pay a fine of
i. The rest either received reprimands
In the general orders, oh that sentence
plus a small fine. The fines In almost all
Instances will come out of the per diem
the men received while undergoing the
court-martial. In every cause represented
In the orders, the men appeared for trial.
TVtvate Byron HLowrII, company f. First
resrlmmit, 'tjeneva, ditinlc and disorderly,
discharged without honor and to pay a fine
T'rlvste Orsftrm Jnlirumn, company
Becond regiment, Nebraska City, absence
without lev and dlsoledlence of orders,
to be reprimmanrted. In general orders.
Private Meller f'hom, company A, Flrfft
vglinent. York, absence without leave and
llwledleiii of oVders, acquitted.
Private Atigeloah Miller, company A.
first rnrinieiit, York, absence without
leave and dUwbsiIlenre of orders, ac
quitted. t'Hvate Frank Moore, company II, Second
regilmniit. Aurora, absence without leave
end disobedience of orders, to be repil
manded In general orders and to pay a fine
"f .
Private Vernon Randall, company C, First
regiment, Hea'rlce, absence without leave
and disobedience of orders, to be repri
manded In general orders.
Private Kvan Oaddls. hospital corpe,
IJncoln, almerue without leave and dls
olwvllence of orders, to be discharged with
out honor.
Private Samuel K. Brldensteln, company
K. ssScxmd regiment. Hohuylcr, abwnoe
without leave ami disobedience of orders,
to be reprtauinoV'o! In general orders and
fined fl.
Private Harry I.,. Sain, company F, Sec
ond regiment. Lincoln, absence, without
leave and disobedience of orders, acquitted.
Private Roacow-M- Kdwards. company H,
8vond regiment. Reaver City, absence
without leave and disobedience of orders,
to be reprlmended In general orders and
pav a fine o $lv. '
Private Petr F. Peterson, company M,
Second regiment Albion, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders 'and pay a
fine of $2.
Private Fred W. Inhmann. company M,
Becond regiment, Albion, absence without
leave and rUsobedlence of orders, to be
reprimanded in gneral orders and pay a
flna of 12.
Private J. R. Spauldlng, company F, Keo
ond regiment. Lincoln, absence without,
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded in general orders.
I'riiui. Hav Hammond, company It. Sec- I
ond regiment, Aurora, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders and pay a
fine of $6.09.
Private Carl Stednltz, hospital corps, Lin
coln, absence without leave and disobedi
ence of orders, to be reprimanded In gen
eral orders and "pay a fine of 8 00. . .
i .... T 1 .... A Tn rat
rnvnn inui " j " j - -, - "
regiment, York, absence without leave and
disobedience of orders, to be discharged
without honor and to pay a fine of $10.00.
Private Russell Huford, company A.
Second regiment. Kearney, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders and to pay
a fine of $5 00.
Private Jesse C. Foote, company II. Sec
ond regiment. Albion, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders and pay a
fine nf 12(10
Private Joseph B. Gardner, companv M.
ci i 1 . . A I V. ( . . nKaannA Ullthmll j
nminu rfssiiiirciii. imL,ti, . ... ...... u
leave and disobedience of orders, to pay
a fine of $2.00.
Private Forest M. Norton, company M,
Seocnd regiment. Albion, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders and pay a
fine of $5 00.
Private Edward Perkins, cobpany B, Sec
ond regiment, Beaver City, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, ac
quitted. Private Kdward Jenkins, company K.
Second regiment, Schuyler, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders and pay a
fine of $5.00.
Private Alfred Mayo, company B, Second
regiment Beaver City, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be rep
rimanded In general orders and pay a
fine of $5.00.
Private James Kennedy, company V, Seo
ond regiment, Alma, absence without leave
and disobedience of orders, to be repri
manded tn general orders and pay a fine
of $L00.
Private Iee Iefever, company F, Second
regiment. Lincoln, desertion and theft, to
be dishonorably discharged and pay a fine
of r-'5.oo.
Private Vernon Salyers, company L,
Second regiment. Alma, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders and pa a
fine of tX
Private Edgar M. Sain, company F,
Second regiment. Lincoln, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to pay a
fine of $2.
Private 'Walter Reiser, company E. Sec
ond regiment, Lincoln, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In general orders and pay a
fins of $&.
Private Vern F. Baroch company O.
First regiment, lieneva, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
j eprlmanded In general orders.
Private Charles 11. Rlckurds. company
K. Second regiment, Schuyler, absence
without leave and disobedience of orders,
to pay a fins of $2.
Private Fred Freeman, company K. Sec
ond regiment, Schuyler, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
reprimanded In, general ordera
Private Samuel K. Walker, company O.
Second regiment, Nebraska City, absen-e
without leave and disobedience of orders,
to be reprimanded in general orde. s and
pay a fine of flu.
Private Froid. company II, Beond
regiment. Aurora, absence without leave
snd dtsote1ieiU' of orders, acquitted.
Private It. l Davis. Hospital corps. IJn-
on, absence . without leav e and disobe
dience of orders, to be reprimanded In gen
eral order.
Private Then W. Melcalfe. company F.
Rm-ond regiment, Lincoln, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders, to be
lepiliimnded In general orders.
Private 1. H. Rouse, company K. Se
ond regiment. Schuyler, absence without
leave and disobedience of orders. ,o be
reprimanded In general orders and psy a
Pssa W $i
Warrant leed foe sheriff.
AKlIH;rJIORT. Neb.. Dec. 7. (Spwiul.)
County Judge Stuteville today lisued a
frrrant for the arreet of John O. Itelden,
"ttio Morrill county sheriff, on a charge by
Omer Smith with having torn down, cut
rrid destroyed certain fencing. The war
rant being fir the sheriff was placed In
the hands of Victor Anderson, coroner, who
Is now In the country for the purpose of
Labor l.eadrr Killed la right.
HAN FRANCISCO. 1W. 7 Domingo Na
Vrio, president ivf the Scaleis' union, was
1 V'l od killed today hv Augustine Are
Slo. a lu. nd'e'.' of the union one hundred
HOers eie hold in a mvling lo
upiMisiilon union. Navai.n i mtesled
'u lue ensuing riol was allot by Ale-
Rail Commission
Figures on Business
in Nebraska Towns
Comparisons Made for Three Years
Showing Gains and Loieis as They
May Have Occurred.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 7 (Special. )-The State
Railway commission has compiled a series
of tables Indicating the gross business done
by all cities and towns of Nebraska over
the railroads. Tha figures are for the
years 19o., 1M and 1910, and are composed
of freight and passenger business, both
Interstate and Intrastate, the former baaed
on both received and forwarded accounts,
the latter on received statistics alone to
prevent duplications on through traffic
Following are some figures on tha larger
cities of the state, and on the various
railroads. For the most part, where the
total trafflo value In any year fell below
$100,0X) It has not been placed In the table.
The tables show the losses In some quar
ters and the strong gains In other parts
of the state: ,
Bancroft $ H3.!ii) $ 4.4 $ 55.9o2
Blair 63.624 47.005 90.902
Kloomfleld K 7'2 M.7
Craig t.72 81.059 .51
Florence l.4o4 16.154 17,S0
Hartlngton ...j.. 81,075 SS,0
Lyons M.S"9 45.0H2 48.452
Norfolk 459111 , W).J9 , 4S..W
Oakland 46.049 42.721 4o.hs
Omaha 622. Wl 794,055 817,477
Pender 72.377 K3.H76 T6. 603
South Omaha.... HOs.'W 116.25:1 114,45
Tekamah 103,539 Krt.SnS 82,564
Wayne Ski 111,430 117.177
Beatrice $ $ 1S2.738 $ 143. 24H
t air bury 14..4K2 HI. tils 146.700
Lincoln 3700 4oR,6s7 4X...990
Omaha 735.074 821.149 873.W7
Hebron 39.652 3'U12 42.JS5
South Omaha.... 692,9(i6 4(Vs,793 4Si,530
Albion $ 65.892 $ 7S,8!9 $ 79.949
Beatrice 97.258 147,582 110.563
Belgrade 64.363 W.149 60.794
Callaway 107.290 109.840 80.976
Brady Island ... 32.932 37.059 118.9.W
Central City ,88.178 119.1 136.0A2
Columbus 155.737 a. 375 8U.612
Cozad 147.4.33 122.3S9 108,470
Fremont 195.5X4 204,695 235,632
Gothenburg ..... 196.671 179.859 241.767
Grand Island ... a4.4K2 474.409 648.062
Kearney ...t 243.017 309.2S5 843.41
Lexington ...... 213.555 224,201 809,758
Llnco'n 242.23 240,839 250.756
Norfolk 117.632 107.9 115.659
North Platte .... 2.32,478 281,034 625.761
Omaha 2,906.096 2.030,957 2,123.423
Schuyler 170,437 217.9M 230.632
South Omaha... 1,3rKi,0H7 1,475,333 1.517,678
Alma $ 106.689 f 72,467 $ 75,741
Alliance 813.168 r8.ix8 468.184
Aurora 194,024 227,070 215,118
Ashland 140.296 71,564 83.010
Beatrice 2934,18 811,389 286.825
Broken Bow 146.748 168.619 176.586
Crawford ' 176.774 225,275 846.896
Crete 156.089 142.728 146,190
Eustls 106.906 63.096 61,017
Friend 128,077 98,056 106.813
Fremont 1O8.081 116.826 145,100
Grand Island 817,490 817.494 441,619
Hastings 412,661 444.008 491,106
Holdrege 282.268 270.537 267,353
Kearney 133,623 136.311 130,056
Lincoln 1,983.078 . 1,894,760 1,046.210
McCook 264.508 222.636 232.196
Minden 148,440 130.238 138.5K)
Mitchell 1(13.560 127,613 110.678
Nebraska City... 870,006 849.070 377.366
Omaha 8,729,779 4,122.758 4.763.193
Scott's Bluff 135.327 152,643 323.060
South Omaha 2,676,397 2,465,29,8 2,810.090
Superior 114.589 127,418 131,622
Sutton 140,073 108.563 102.433
Wymore 123.970 1 08,422 101.489
Tork 184.350 177,883 185,449
Lincoln 212.66S 298.725 $41,605
Omaha 877.464 1,146,584 1,186.526
South Omaha.... 236,726 243.860 274,294
Chadron 115,756 114,124 133.092
Fremont 266.0ol 818.391 805.720
Gordon 81.972 109,873 112.294
Lincoln 218 118 241.089 261,383
Omaha 1,236.821 1.4i9,616 1,491.563
South Omaha.... K99.229 1,106,567 941,302
Valentine 90,624 121,679 133,809
Colonel Beltzer
Wants the Position
of Sergeant-at-Arms
Osceola Man on Deck Asking; Demo
cratic Legislators to Name Him
for -Place in House.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Deo. 7 Speclal.) "Colonel"
Belier of Osceola la camped on the trail of
a poult Ion of honor. He wants to be ser-geant-at-arms
of the house of representa
tives next winter. He has sent out letters
to the democratic members-elect and has
received a reasonable number of replies.
The "colonel" would not be new at the
job If he secured It, nor la he a novloe at
the task of hunting for some such position.
He has seen exeprlence. While that ex
perience all dated back to the time when
his cherished party, the populists, were In
control of the legislature, still he Is not
without a strong hope that he may be
smiled upon by the democrats as a matter
of "fusion." Mr. Beltier was assistant ser-
geant-at-aj-ms away back In 1891, and so
well did he quell with a stern soldier's de
meanor the turbulent spirits of his populist
friends within the railing and of tha lobby,
lsts without, that he was selected for the
same honored position a second time In
It Is said oClonel Beltzer still has the
same hickory stick with which he formerly
beat his .desk at the rear ol the hall of the
house till the roar rose above the tumult
and made It possible for the speaker- to
yell for ord-r.
The State Railway commission has denied
the application of the Harvard Telephone
company to be allowed to discontinue the
free switching service wRh the Clay County
Rural Phone company on the ground that
where such application Is based on the
construction of a contract which has been
In existence, the commission Is without
Jurisdiction. It orders the complainant
company to continue the free exchange of
service under further order from the com
mission. In 19v5 the Clay County Rural Phone com
pany had an exchange In Harvard, which
at that time was sold to the Harvard com
pany. A contract was entered Into at
4ie time, the respondent Clay county com
pany declaring, under terms by which free
exchange over the Harvard switchboard
should be granted to the rural Una fo ra
period of twenty-five years. This the Har
vard company denied. The evidence showed
that during the last six years the Harvard
company has charged other rural lines en
tering Harvard a monthly charge of 50
rents per subscriber, but that It has never
made this charge against the Clay County
H-.ial line nor' has ever attempted to
do so.
The biennial report of tha Peru Normal
school has been filed with the governor.
It Shows that the managers will have to
ask for feflclency appropriations In some
departments Inasmuch as the funds cannot
hoi dout until the rear appropriations be
come due. State Superintendent-elect J.
W. Crabtree was principal of the school
until ths first of last June an D. W.
Hives since that dale. Kach principal
might point to the other as the cause of
the depleted funds.
Witness in Murder Case Advances
Theory of Assault
Brother of Defeadaat Described Trip
Taken with William to IMsoa on
Ik Isas- of the Marder of
PONCA, Neh., Dec. 7. (Special.) Evi
dence by the defense In the Flege murder
case today was of a character Intended to
show that an assault had been committed
upon Louise Flege, as If to indicate that
she met death In this manner. Coupled
with this waa evidence bearing on the
good character of the defendant.
Dr. J. J. Williams of Wayne, the cor
oner of Wayne county, was ths fli phy
siclsn called to the Flege place' on June 30
after the body was discovered. Albert
Klchtencamp met him out on the road to
direct him to the place, near the schoool
house, three-fourths of a mile from the
Flege home. -
The witness said that the young man
told him that"Ioulse Fleg was Turnd to
death and that Louise had said to him
that afternoon that she waa not feeling
well and she thought something bad wound
happen. The witness stated that In the
evening he and Dr. Graham had found
what seemed to be evidence that an as
sault had been committed on Ijoulse Flege
that day, but that It could not have been
of a violent character. The witness de
clared the arrangement of clothing could
not have been done by her after she was
shot, as the wound would have been Im
mediately fatal. His later answer was that
he did not determine definitely whetther
he found evidence of assault. He believed
somebody had folded up the dress of the
dead girl In the shape they had found It
John Groetner testified that he and Mr.
Beckenhauer had made a similar examl-1
nation, but determined nothing.
tlrother Tells of Case.
Fred Flege, brother of the defendant,
took the stand and related the story of
the afternoon of June 30, stating that h
had called the defendant to the telephone
about 12:30, and that WUUam-Jiad come
to his home and they made their trip to
Dixon. The only place visited in Dixon
that day was the saloon. They remained
there for about half an hour, then returned
with a case of beer and a Jug of whisky
containing a half-gallon, belonging to the
defendant. Later In the evening, about
6:30, Albert called him and told him, to
come over, as Louise "was about all In."
He went, and found his sister dead In the
On cross-examination the witness said
that there had been some trouble between
the two brothers knd his stBter Louise at
the time Henry left home In the spring.
Later he said that William was not a
party to that trouble. Witness could not
tell whether Henry left home on account of
this trouble between himself and Louise.
George Bannen, mallcarrler, testified that
he saw Albert Elchtencainp on June 30
In the cornfield, plowing corn, when he
passed about twenty minutes Of 2 o'clock.
H. C. Henney, banker of Wayne, was
called for the purpose of testifying In ref
erence to William Flege's character. Mr.
Henney said that he knew William Flege
and that he had done business with him,
and that, also, he had talked with the
neighbors of defendant, and said he had
a good reputation and character.
H. T. Wilson, also a banker of Wayne,
testified to the good name and character
of the defendant.
Msknuka News Notes.
BEATRICE Charles S. Toothman and
Miss Louise Coon, both of this city, were
married yesterday by County Judge Wal
den. ,.
BEATRICE Dr. Amsbury Lee and Ed
ward White were badly cut. and bruised
In a runaway two miles northeast of Plck
rell yesterday morning.
BEATRICE The secretary's report of
the Beatrice Athletlo High School asso
ciation shows a balance In the treasury
of 1437.1X Part of this sum will be used
In Improving the gymnasium of the high
NEBRASKA CITY A blaxe early Tues
day morning did $1,250 to 31,600 damage to
I M. Phifer'e cigar store. The fire threat
ened the business portion of the city at
one time. The loss Is partially covered
by Insurance.
KEARNEY In the case of Henllne A
Ollnger, live stock firm of this city,
against the Union Pacific railroad for
damages on a train load shipment of
hogs, the district court awarded the plain
tiffs $700 Tuesday.
KEARNEY W. A. Downing, one of the
best known residents of the city, was
siricken with paralysis Tuesday, one day
after arriving in the city from southern
Texas, where he had been spending the
winter. Ho Is dangerously ill, but will
probably recover.
MADiaON Marriage licenses were Is
sued Tuesday to Albert Maass and Miss
Ella Newman, both of Norfolk; George
Tannehlll of Warner and Miss Stella Mary
Splrk of Battle Creek, and John A. Koa
senbaum and Miss Sarah J. Catron, resid
ing southeast of Madison.
MADISON The leading republicans In
the Third congressional district are urg
ing Governor-elect Aldrich to appoint B.
V. McKeen, editor of the Madison Chron-
(Like cut) This is a heavy, substantial, thoroughly con
structed, comfortable chair and the best value we believe to
be offered. Frame is of quartersawed white oak, golden
Iinjsu lias spring seat, fitted
iiair mieu cusnions, cnoice or
Vnce ps. I O
Chair can also be supplied with leather cushions at the
additional cost of cushions.
of Dolls and Fancy Articles all Day Thursday 2d Floor.
Orchard? Wtlhelm
Icle and former editor of the Elgin News,
deputy oil Inspector. He has fluttering
endorsements lrom friends In this locality.
TKCCMSKH Allen L. Powell has sold
his newspaper at Sterling, the Sterling Sun.
to J. h.. lianway, a newspaper man of
Denver, and the new proprietor will take
charge this week. Mr. Powell bought tlie
Sun two years ago of Hon. L. A. Varner.
one of the best known newspaper men In
the state. It Is understood that Mr. I'owen
will go to Utah.
BROKF.N BOW A. B. Smith, charged
with robbing two guests at a local hotel
last week, and whose sensational getaway
at the time in an automobile only resulted
In his being returned to Broken Bow
and being placed in Jail, appeared before
County Judge Holcomb Tuesday afternoon
and was bound over to the next term of
district court.
BICATKIOM Tha city council held a,
special meeting last night and passed an
ordlnsnce levying a special tax of JU per
day upon Itinerant mnrcnants who drop
Into the city for a few days' atay. Mayor
Rutherford and the light committee were
authorised to visit Hastings and Investi
gate the lighting plant there.
NWBRA8KA. CITT The Merchants'
band elected officers as follows last even
ing: President. L W. Crandall; vice pres
ident, F. H. Fields; treasurer, Daniel Hill;
secretary, O. tu Fenske; business mana
ger, 1 r. J. B. Ballard; librarian, A. Z.
Johnson; director, M. L. Crandall; assist
ant director, William Joiner; drum major,
F. G. Brooks. The band haa some tr.iity
tlve members.
FALLS CITY The large dry goods house
of Samuel Wahl took fire from a de
fective flue Monday night. The ruof was
burned off, otherwise the building was
Injured but little by fire. A portion of
the gotsls were saved by being carried out,
tha balance being badly soaked with water.
This Is quite a loss to the proprietor as
well as the town, as Mr. Wahl carried a
large stock of dry goods and clothing.
I'H A I RON Saturday night was a "red
letter" one with the liiastern Star lodge of
Chadron. Mrs. Anna H. kA-ans of Dakota
City, Neb., worthy grand matron of the
state lodge was here, accompanied by
.Mrs. Georglana Masters, worthy matron
of the Crawford. Neb., lodge, on her an
nual visit of Inspection. A seven-course
banquet was helu at the residence of Mrs.
MuMillan, will) plates laid fur sixty. The
feast was followed by ceremonies at the
Masonic hall.
.Nebraska City Council Hold Up Bill
for street Lighting and Company
Threatens to Stop Service.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Dec. 7. (Spec
cial.) Some time since the district Judge
held that the water and light company of
this city had no franchise, and that the
one they had seared was Illegally secured.
At the last meetlhg of the city council the
matter of paying for the street lights for
the last month waa brought up and Instead
of being paid, waa referred to the city at
torney. The company haa given notice
that if the city does not pay the bill It
will not furnlah any more lights, and all
street lights are to be shut off as soon
as the city attorney renders his derision
In the matter. During the meeting of the
council J. D. Houston, a meber of the
council, who brought the suit against the
city to cancel the franchise and secured
Peary Knew
n a
XiiX Wal-
Every one hasn't the advantage of
this knowledge.
No trouble to show you and point
out the difference between the GEN
UINE and the Imitation.
Black walrus hand bags are very
popular Just now are handsome and
wear well.
We have them. The real, and a
variety of other styles to suit the
tastes and purse of every one.
AlfredCornish & Co.
1910 rilSAU IT1EET.
Harness, Saddle and Trunk Store.
Whitman's Candy '
for Xmas
We have the exclusive agency and an
immense line of this popular candv.
You had best leave your order
early that you may have it specially
filled and secure sll you need
o. a. usLCKH bmuo CO.,
8. B. Cor. 17th and Carnam Bts.
with loose reversible velour,
color or pattern;
(to 7C
IWi i When
V )r He
4Uk Saw
111' ' tw
the decision against the city and the elec
tric light company, got Into a controversy
with Mayor Jackson and the mayor re
moved him from the Jurtclary committee,
holding that he was not a riropw person
t give the council lerai advice as long an
he waa engaged In the present litigation
Mr. Hcm'ton threatens to take the matter
Into court and as the mayor names the
committee, he has promised to remove
him from all committees as soon as he
carries out his threat.
The Key tn the Situation Bee Want Ads
Good Health
Good Teeth
To krVP Tonra
sound and white
(tlve tbe-m scrop"
nlmia dally car
rith a dentifrice
ht both polhes
and preserves.
tlMrtjuauEO J
At All
V Dr.K.L,.
, St ..
To buy a bssutilul piano or pianola piano al half thslr regular sailing price
Ve made a late purchase of 92A.OOO.OO worth of the hhihest grade Instrument at a price
so low that we are enabled to sell you a piano or pianola piano at a price that you will agree
with us and say:
Tho Prices Aro Astonishing
This sale will demonstrate to the public that we are soiling pianos, player pianos and organs
cheaper than any establishment in the city, anKon terms so eaay that anybotly can present his wife,
family or sweetheart one of our beautiful (lirintmaa pianos. Our line comprises the greatest makes
In the world, including the celebrated STEIN WAV, WEBEK, 8TEGKH, 1IA1UMAN, KMEttNON,
MKHLIX, Mrl'HAIfi, the hand made 8CHMOIXEH & MUKLLER PIANO, and scores of others.
Please look over the list of pianos below. It may have just the instrument you are looking for.
Emerson, rosewood ase .........
Lichte & Co., grand square .......
Vose & 'Sons . . . .
Decker Bros., upright mahogany ...
Ilardman Grand
Kstey, Hungarian ash
Knabe, upright, rosewood mahogany
I Knabe, upright, walnut ...........
Bluthncr, grand ................ .
Vose & Sons, upright
Steger, mahogany case, used .....
Fischer, upright, walnut case ......
Fischer, upright, finest style ......
Hal let & Davis, ebony' case
Kimball, cottage upright . .
Ivors & Pond, modeled walnut.....
Kurt .man & Co
Chickering Bros., best style........
Kimball, upright, fancy oak
Norwood, cabinet grand
Smith & Barnes, walnut
Steger & Sons, used, golden oak . .
We also offer a limited number of Square Grands vnd Reed and Chapel Organs at fifteen,
twenty and twenty-five dollars and up. As an extra inducement we offer the special terms of
$li.OO per month on the inexpensive instruments, and from $5.00 to $10.00 per month on the best
instruments the world produces, and a handsome stool and scarf fr with each instrument.
Pianos bought now will be held for Christmas delivery if desired without extra charge. To out-of-town
customers the instrument will be shipped on approval, and the freight paid both ways by
us if the instrument is not entirely satisfactory to its owner. Why not, pay us a visit of inspec. '
tion or write today for free catalogue and bargain list. We ship pianos everywhere.
KupmiM Hut tcatf f a 11 tit
No matter what style ot color
We're offering this
week a big special
purchase of Smoking
Jackets1 values from
$4.00 to $8.00,vat
$2.95, $3.95 and $198
What to Give a Han or Boy
OlfU for Men and Boys ran bo bought anywhere. To find
Gifts that are wanted U the problem. To buy a Gift to r'"
Man, go to a Man's Store.
Smoking Jackets
6.00 to 116.50
tl.OO to $10.00
Fyjamas '
tl.00 to $5.00
60c to $10.00
25c to $1.00
$1.60 to $8.60
$1.60 to $20.00
Hosiery, Jewelry, Opera and Silk Hats, and a hundred otJier
articles for Men and Boys are here In exquisite angortruent.
Only 17 more days for Christmas shopping.
LEx at TGi5s
. .$ 60O.
. . 580.
. . ftOO.
. . 050.
. . 850.
. . 475.
. . BOO.
. . 450.
.. 1000.
. . 875,
. . BOO,
.. 850.
... 400,
. . . .
t . . . . '
1311-13 Farnam Stroot
- .ay -
TT'S overcoat time arid this
is the kind of weather that
reminds you of the fact. -
No doubt you've looked the windows over; no doubt you've ,
tried on some, but did not find just what you wanted, but it's
a cinch you haven't given us the opportunity to show you
our big line of high-class Overcoats.
More Overcoats hown here than in any two Omaha stores
combined-a statement we can prove and, furthermore, at
prices which save you from $.3.00 to $8.00 on your purchase.
For example we offer you here
Hay den's "Wonder" Overcoats
Every one of which you'll find an honest $18.00 value
almost unlimited assortment for selection.
$25.00 and $27.50 Hart, Schaffner &
Marx Overcoats priced this week
500 of them, fu tMs lot, and when you find clothes of this
character advertised at this price you know its a bargain.
you wait you'll find it here, provided it's new and up-to-date
If 4 t!:M
Bath or Lounalng Robes
t3.t-0 to $3fi.00
Traveling Hags
$5.00 to $27.60
Suits Cases $5.00 to $27.50
Leather Novelties
$1.00 to $25.00
Neckwear 50c to $2.60
Night Robes 60c to $3.60
Sweater Coats
$8.00 to $6.00
00 .
Special Price
- 125.00
Men 's.
lines of
llosiery, Gloves,
IJatli Hobcs, Slippers,
Shaving Sets, Toilet
Sets, Purses, I'ocket
Books and everything for
tT XI. atlMIWa'BfWI
. r n
yir i mi im
V i
- - - ' .. .- ' -