Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Council Bluffs.
Council Bluffs.
Council Bluffs.
Minor Mention.
Ths OooboU Bluffs efftea f Tne
Omaha e Is at IS Bcett Sir.
Rotk 'pbosss 43.
I avis, drugi.
t'orrtsarn. undertakers, rhones 14
Majestic ranges, r. t le Vol lid. Co.
I'U'lur framlnc. Jensen. Masonic temple.
WooelrluK lndertaklni; company. Tel. .
l.rt Cutler, funeral director, rhone f7.
bra lloialik fit it for painttnii. !!1 8. Main,
jeelei l c ir inaa Klft now at Kauble
aii slio. formerly Alexander's.
r-Vhusu-r and rotors' Malt Kxtract for
by J J. Kiina t- 'o . 1U liroauay. I
WAXTKM-Hoy to cany the Hee In south
I' I of tn. Aiiy Hee office, li fO'lt
Slur Chapter No. 4.'. ltoal L.odre. Ma . Kill mee ill i r x u 1 a r iviivwaiiMi thl
eteii'iif. . .
Hat our glasses filled or repaired by
J. w . Terry, optician. 411 rtroaUnay. office
Willi tlcorge Uernei.
.Neat. up-to-date picture framing at
feasonable prices. We Tirana our custoni
ii W alter XUholalsen A Co.. It 6. Main.
Tlia Itoyal Sew n circle of Oak Leaf
ramp, Hovel .Nelshhors of America, will
meet tomorrow afternoon at tha noma of
Airs Nam. iw; North Sixth street.
The. regular meeting of Ivanhoe Home- J
srna.l iso. &l. nroilierriooo; or rannin
1 evmen. wlil take p'are this evening. llfl
c for tha ensuing ear will ta elected.
1'ictures and plrtura rra'nlng lor Xma
trade Is our long anil We )irass every
body, llriug jour pictures in now. Ya can
lay them a.-ld4 for you. C Jensen, llasonto
HarrUon Klarher latest pictures. They
at a excellent works of art. be St. re and see
tnem at our store l-efoie ou mnke your
A ma selee Hon. 11. llorwlck, til ho.
Mam St.
At the close) of the services at the Peo
ples I'ongroatloiial ihur n SaMialli even
ing. Krv. Mi liaitley called for all who
oi.M agree together to do their very best
to lend at lean na forward during tue
revival meeting, to wine ti the mini.
Twelve responded to the call and work be
gan In ear next the first day and night.
People's t'ongregathinal church. Thlrty
fllthand Avenue 1 Uevlval iceettngs every
ntmt this week. Cottage pi aver nieetlnga
eeiv afternoon Mrs. C. ji. Itanley is as
sisting the nlor in all these services.
Two united with the, church fal-bath niorn
lug. and one was taptiieel. Meetings will
rctitlrnie regardless of the weather. You
are Invited..
The sealed verdict returned bv a lurv in
the district court In the su t of John
! herer against the Alfalfa Meal company
was 0(ifnl when court convened yester
day niornlnc Coherer an crv.plove of tho
company, sued for U 000 for severe Injuries
to one of his hands, caused bv being caught
In a cutting machine, which he claimed
was not sufficiently gunriW bv protective
devices. The Jury awarded him HC.
Attornevs for Joseph Mlchenor gave no
tice esterday that an aprl would ba
taken from the award of Judge tirecn of
one-half of the protts In a big horse deal
'n W yoming conducted by him to his part
ner Thorns (Meson of Sioux City. The
alienation was ihat the prof ts were
but li Is now contended thev were
less than hlf that amount, half of which
the vourt directed Mlchenor to say to
The board of education will hold Its reg
ular monthly meenng this eventrs. The
teport of the conirn ttee whose member
spent time with Miss Julia Officer
aoinrc over her plans for the prot'.iexl pub
lic p avgrcurd on the old high school site,
will pr-hablv make its report. The official
rati f teat on of the employment cf I'rof.
Itender to Ml the vacancy In the high
school caused bv the resignation of I'rof.
U Thomas will also be ratified.
Francis Benedict of Imogens, and Pearl
Kder.burn of Shenandoah. la., were united
In rrarriag by Rev. f. s. Hanley, at tne
I'eoplea t'nngreational church. Thlrty
Pfth and Avenue H. at the rlv of the
Kundiy inornlnrj services. Thev were ac
comi ae. by ti e t ride s father if lmogne.
and her broths:- and wtfe. who, lives at
Thirty ei'otvd and Third avenue. The en
tire congregation were. Invited guests, and
witnessed the ceremory and extended con
gratulations. ieorge O'Brien and l. E. tlavward. who
have been held ;n the city Jail for the last
few days while the police detective were
InvcstiKat ng the chars- of the theft of a
tox of shoes from the Hamilton shoe store,
were confronted with such an arrav of con
vincing testimony in police court vester
ay morning that thev waived further
hear rj before the case wss half way
through. The action was taken bv advice
of their attorney. Merman Schurs. I etec
t ves Frank Murphy and Joe Hell of the
Omaha force were witnesses airalnsr .
nien and told of hnvins rccetp.i n tin I
from a dealer to whom the men had of
fered to sell the shoes xfhlch led to their
arrest when they had loaded the shoes
Into an express wavon to deliver them
feerl employes of the Hanillron store
dentlfted the men positively as persons
they had seen n tho rear of the building
Inspecting the boxes a few m'nutes before
I ho case was atolen Th- box contained
tweni v-clght palra of children s shos The
men were ant to the county Jail under Vol
bonds to await the action of the grand
Jurv I ran J. Capell. the new democrat .-,
coontv attornv -elect, majf his ma den ip
ptaiaite In police court n pmsi-cutor.
J. W. Mltrhell Sase-a t ouaty NM)
lle a by 'araishlaK tkla
Klwd of rser.
County Treasurer J. W. Mitchell yeater
iay raved the taxpuyers of the ' county
$1.:45 by giving a personal bond instead
of a bending company's contract guirai
tetlng the ITA Ou) bonds required by the
BarJ if County Supervisors. The state
law requires the county to pay fur ttla
bond, and this year the cost would have
been U.lj. When he decided to give a bond It required Treasurer
Mitcierll just thirty minutes to secure the
amount. Nine mn uri.-J t:-.e Indemnify
ing bood-K. Wie-khani. ).'i0e): Kmest E.
Hart. $!.. r'raj.k T. True. $Jon); c. E, $j:..j. Kidin Loi:s, Jl'".i), J.
Cra.nalueid. -i U. John J tv Iniiler, $2 ,
. William Amd. $J".i. and Pat
.lounnoiie. $Jj.Wj.
It n the iirst i:me in a number of jear
th; a persvral hnd has U en gn en i
Iba cvunry treau-er. !t piu a prstty
lame respofw-' , Lown td friends of
tie treasurer anj tt has been much pleaa
antor for mm In tell the c.unty board to
4t a surety bond and pav f r It.
"1 w acted la sea if my fi. be.teve.;
that 1 had everr bwn a meuuer of the
Mabiay rang." mi1 Treasurer Mitchell
li et earn.
Marriage Lire aces.
Mjrrtajts licen-ea a ere l -el yesterday
! ti fviiowtr.g:
.Vioii and Hetdeac
I . v . T:i .rst.u. vimal a
liaiel A. Hum. Coui ;i muffs
Th-.rnas K- Hoere Fremont. Nb
Kd)th Slieeidv. r're-nont. b
Ai.(jt A. "hn't-aji-n. Neoia
l.i:.l'-a A. en. Nanus, ia
lames a- Elree. Siiier "itj. Ia
riane.-e.-a May. et ver irj. I
Wanted -For to earry Tha Eee In sot; tn
rart of town. Apv' bee office. 1 jVott
N. t Plumbing Co. Tel. So N'lgM. IriT
tlaapl Saletiar4 tmr wlotherw.
Mrs. D. Gnkesor.. 1Z Aa,
Totnfstisr.. OnUi, gaiT'.l w:sdom by x
rerUave "My l.ttla girl Lai a a vers co'4
and iwf'H alm-jat contlnuvialy My
saier recommenced I'oiey's Homey gnl
Tar Th duaa I gave her relieved
t ie liif.xi.un ia throat and after
l.;.-g euiy on bottle her l:irnat and lungs
were entirely free from Inf Unarnatlon.
jmci.c tlta I always keep a bottle of
Fulev's Hor.ey a-ij Tar lot the huuac."
..11 ba jUjiliut. "S-jIJ by all drug-C.o.s.
Brought Up and Referred
with Notice of Suit.
ladlaw t reek Flood SKaatlow t alle4
I p sl Dlseretoa Flaw Called
for tram Ike City
Alderman Tounkerman laat night at the
rlty council meeting endeavored to get
Immediate action on the water works set
tlement matter by Introducing a resolution
Instructing the city solicitor to compel the
water company to collect Ita long unpaid
fire hydrant tills on the basis of 40 per
hydrant, but during the pause that fol
lowed waiting for a second, which was not
found. Alderman Fisher, the father of the
compromise measure and amendment to
the rate ordinance passed under suspen
sion of the rules at the previous meeting,
asked that the matter be deferred until
next Monday night. He said ht was HI.
Alderman Fisher said ha wanted to do a
little talking and his voire needed repair
ing to do a good Job, which he promised
would be satisfactory to everybody ' but
Alderman Tounkerman, Harding and the
"Improvers." He said there were several
things he wanted to talk about as well as
the water problem. He wanted to find out
why It was that the city was being called
upon to pay such Increasingly heavy pro
portions of all of the paving ordered and
Intimated that one member of the council
was trying to discover a means of getting
a lot divided, so that the vacant portlou
of It would be Isolated and made to bear
the cost of paving, and thus compel the
city to bear the heaviest part of the coJt
Hardin Hlsrs to Keply.
This taunt bi ought' Alderman Harding
to Ida feet with the declaration that It the
alderman from the Third ward meant the
remark for him he wanted to brand It as
an unqualified falsehood. Fisher denied
that he referred to Harding, but intimated
he must be guilty. Younkerman then said
the thrust was meant for him and he ex
plained that the council had assessed a
lot on Henton street, purchased one week
before the paving assessment was made,
at (TO mora than he paid for It and he had
not objected since his first failure to set
it corrected.
WMie the water bill settlement was un
der discussion and before it was abruptly
suppressed. Alderman Evans (sald he had
voted for the settlement because he be
lieved It was right and because the city
solicitor had declared the city was liable
for the debt. Then the whole thing was
submerged hy referring the notice of In
junction suit to the mayor and city so
licitor, with power to act, which includes
the carrying out of the agreement to pay
the entire 'bill.
- User-Valuation Protesta.
A large number of protests against over
valuatlon of property for pavement costs
ware received and several of them allowed.
Including three of K. M. Plyter and K.
Coyne. Bids were' opened for the pur
chase of a discarded fire horse which the
council declined to let Mayor Maloney
sell last spring for H. The bids ranged
from til to 11.. .0 and the animal was sold
to Jamea Brooks for that amount.
Mayor Maloney awakened the council by
a sharp communication catling attention
to the pre-election promises to do some
thing with Indian creek to curb Us floods
and asked that the city engineer be In
structed to report a plan for diversion of
the waters In accordance with tha coun
cil's Instructions, dated November 8. 1909.
Mr. lariyre made a verbal report, stating
that it would cost $333,000 to divert the
stream at the north line of the city limits
and to change Its course at Bryant
street, and this matter was laid over until
next meeting.
After a session and much minor
business the council met as a board of
Lealth and allowed the monthly bills.
Daniel O'lirady. custodian of the deten
tion hospital, was re-engaged fr another
jftr at an Increase of pay from eO to )
per month. The council will meet as a
committee of the vhole on Thursday
City Council Gives
Veterans Welcome
Invitations Extended to Fourth Iowa
Infantry and Iowa Loyal Legion
to Meet Eere.
The following resolutions were passed last
night at the meeting . of tne city coun
cil. Inviting two organisations of
veterans to meet here in October
the army of the Tennessee convenes
lowing ure tne resolutions:
Wi.e e-aa. The city of Cojncll Bluffs has
receiver taet,iiulsueu iionor of
designated as the p. ace of reunion for tna
.m.vtit mumvtisur ol lue bejvtcty of lue
Atti.y o. tne 1 to oe ne.d oil
Oviuuer 10. U and U in the ) tar Nineteen
li-narrj and Llevtn and.
teneiraa. All cf uu. people, believing that
this jtonor and uieiititiioii may be greatly
iri.-re.-ru by i.-.ei privilege of e.-itrrut.uiiie'
in ieuuoii the r'ourtu mil m.a-4.ry. ui
ah!c:i our beloved and most d.sui.g j.snel
cit.zen was tne t.rst coionel. deil e mat tne
ui.ivois of t.its gieat resi-ueni snau meet
n ti.e lio:ne city ol General ursavu.e x
ii..fore Resolved. Thst the mayor be
and he is r.rreuy Ui n'lii to most i.eart 1
a e-.eeiitiy nor surv.vuis o tue
K.'Urtn Iowa i eminent to jfiio of tr
noLKjuir of our people auu u.i city ori
( vu.orf lo. 11 ar.t li In the year Nineteen
Hjnu.ed and Kleven, that tne mayor u
fjrtncr auiuor sed to ex. end to tne ' m
1 aaes of our beioved cins-n, ijeneial Greu
vi. . M. Dodge, ti.e hosp talky of ou.- city
and of the homea of our people and trat
everv facility for pie is i a ana coiufort Ue
tendered to tn'jei b, oomrades of fin
tai LHMige wiinoe. resitic:jon or limitation.
To tr.e .orvivo i of this great re,-,uicnt of
wh en our city is so Justiy proved, su ac
ceptance of tn;s invitation, i.ia: tuey n.y
rr.eet in reunion In the city of tnei.- organi
sation allow r.g their first ci,,nei ana his
nenfttmri trie piea-iure of snowing that
ti.oLd.-v fifty years r.ave e.apse.1 m.e it.,
marened from our city as younir men. tne
lo of our people still posaeises tne
wrmtn of youir..
U ns.eei. fl.e c.ty of Council Bluffs ts
to I av tr.e . oor ard t. e pleasure if enter
.atning ti.e fc.x.ei of tn Army of tfie
Iiineee up-.n tie oc-',n of iij futtem
ar.mvrr.ary on October to. U ar.d li, Nine
teen Hunlrel and tl ,-en and.
U herns. It is tr.e ceswe of ail the people
if i u,n( i 1:1 uu tr,t tne Com.Taadei y of
tr.e lya! Leiun of tne state of Iowa anall
r.o.d .is ,.i, meeting at the same time
In t.ia iity, rret-etore
K-olve.. by tr.e c.ty council of the city
of l oin- i. b.uffe tr.; tne n.av r be di
re. te. t, in. the lavUatton of the city
of i i,ji..-i, h.utt to in mmandery t.f
li.- te.a; legiut of siat of Iowa to
h.j .1 a. meetiug ,a th.a r-ty nn
e-ioter !. n. ard 1.. Nineteen Hundred
ar.d S.:vni, and he te directed t
present r eoir.rnjndery t:.e uearty
w:j-i of !! our pev p.e that our city may
b isis n tk:.y !..j-iored, be it further
I e,., ve. . T ;.tt the ir.ayor is
an I d re. te.1 to present to tne e'omn.andery
t f t lu, si I etion of the slate i f Iowa not
oil ti.e f-,e,!,,ni of our ciry for ov
1 t'e unrestricted tit.e lo its
every,.i . f , ...inf.irt and p.easare a
well aa tr.e toap.tal : v i f the h..rr.-a of a.1
our people.
Wanted-vjoy to carry The life in so itii
part of towa. Apply IWm tffue. li fcco't
a ret.
Manager E. W. Hart
iteturns from East;
Water Case to Court
Receiver of Council Bluffs Syitem
Sayi United Statei Court Will Have
to Decide on Matter.
F.dward V. Hart, manager and receiver
of the Council Bluffs waterworks, returned
yesterday morning from a threw weeks' to the environments of his old home at
New -Bedford, Mass , stopping at Boston,
New York and Philadelphia Mr. Hart
arrived home Just In time for another In
ning In .the old waterworks fight, and
could not repress an expression of extreme
weariness when asked what he thought of
the situation as It now stood. Mr. Hart
refused to commit himself to any statement
further than to say that he had no author
ity to act In the matter of the settlement
of the heldup fire hydrant bills, except as
he was directed by the United State
court. He said he would submit to Judge
MrPherson the agreement of the city
council to pay the rentals on the proffered
basis of M per hydrant, but would do so
without recommendation. He said he would
also submit the proposition to the bond
holders' committee for aproval In the same
way. Their approval, however, would have
little influence on the settlement. If Judge
McPhereon approved It and Issued an order
directing him to -accept the offer of settle
ment he would do so. but net otherwise.
Asked If the company, or what remains
of It represented by the bondholders' com
mittee, would, accept the new amendment
to the existing rate ordinance, he tald they
had nothing whatever to do with It. They
could neither accept nor refuse It. The
entire management of the old company's
affairs Is now under the control of the fed
eral court, said Mr. Hart and that court
Is the sole source of orders.
Mr. Hart spent considerable time Investi
gating municipal water sup! I sr. especially
In relation to methods of purification, and
was greatly pleased to find that the meth
ods employed In the Council Bluffs plant
were fully up-to-date. The treatment of
the water here, he said, lacked nothing
that was approved by sanitary authorities
of eastern cities.
Mr, Hart discovered that the epidemic of
typhoid fever has prevailed in the New
England states for .everal months, and
that the Masachusetts hospital and the
Marine hospital authorities: have demon
strated the efficiency of Innoculatlon to
tecure immunity. In the. worst stricken dis
tricts the prevalency of the disease, had
been reduced to less than 1 per cent by
Mr. Hart was greatly Impressed with the
wonderful changes that have been made In
the character of the old town. New Bed
ford, where he spent his boyhood and early
manhood. Famous for more than a cen
tury as the center of the wha'ina: Industry
It has lost all 'tracra of that bUFiness and I
become a great manufacturing center.
Along the water front, where hundreds of
whaling vessels used to berth, there are j
now nearly five miles of solid factory build- i
ings. chiefly cotton mills, and not a whaler '
ever. heard of. !
I'aaal - Bidders on Hand to Sec are
what Was Offered Few Want
Ditch Paper.
The old days of excited bidding and all
day wrangling over the opportunity to buy
tax titles appear to have passed away for
good. The annual delinquent tax sale oc
curred yesterday morning and lasted a lit
tle more than two hours. It used to re
quire from one to two days to clear up the
books and sell the property of bad tax
payers. Yesterday there were less than a
dozen bidders tn the office of the county
treasurer, and they were as undemonstra
tive as the participants In school examina
tions.. A year ago It required still lss
time to sell the delinquent lists. The
amount of property Involved was about the
same as last year, with the exception of
the amount of specials. Including the drain
age ditch There were very
few bidders for the tax receipts issued
against farm property for ditch construc
tion. For some reason the few bidders
were susp clous of the ditch tax and a good
deal of it failed to be sold.
Among the bidders few new faces were
seen. They were chiefly those who make
a business of attending tax sales and buy
ing for Investment purposes. Among those
present was the veteran A. J. Seaman of
Omaha who never falls to attend an an
nual tax sale In Omaha. Council Bluff?.
Denver and 8t. Joseph. In Colorado the
rales occur In September, and Mr. Seaman
says he has frequently walked from Omaha
to Denver for the fun of It.
Caught In the Act
and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Plllr,
blDous headache quits and liver and bowel
act light. J6c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Gold Dust
Makes Dazzlin
White Dishes
If you -could see your
dishes and household
utensils through a micro- j
scope you would realize
that mere soap and water !
is insufficient to do more j
than wash off the surface. ;
GOLD DUST not onlvi
cuts dirt and grease with
scarcely any rubbing, but is
an antiseptic that cuts deep
after every hidden impurity 1
and germ.
GOLD DUST sterilizes;
your kitchen things, and
makes them wholesome and
. GOLD DUST is the great
est labor-saver known.
i . twof lit fgjfj
Xmt thm COLD DVSTTWZX3 eW waetr mml-
c-.e-l ...c.n.e. ia F i ' t '
t s-.-r. , Wi , ' U
r,l... -,P,-. ejUJiiJ
State Conference of Charities and
i Corrections Sava Thev Do Good. '
Iowa tllr those a aa Nest Meetinc
Place P. f. Gs.lia Fleeted Tree.
Meat Better Factory In
spection laws Wanted.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES, Dec. . (Speolal Tele
gram.) Before the state conference of
charities and corrections today, President
A. I.. Crick of the State Trades and r,abor
assembly commended heartily the trade
classes In connection with public schools
and declared his belief that the teaching
of manual arts to boys In school will
gteatly lessen danger from accidents and
Injury to health. He also declared In favor
of more stringent factory Inspection laws.
A large part of the conference was de
voted to plans for lessening crime and
pauperism and prevention of conditions
which Injure the earning capacity of Indi
viduals. New officers were elected and Iowa City
was chosen as the city for the next con
ference. The new officers are: President.
F. C. Ensign, Iowa City; vice president.
Dr. A. T. Burnell, Des Moines; second vice
president. George D. Eaton, Vinton; treas
urer, H. U. Houghton, Sioux City; secre
tary. Dr. George Mogridge, Glenwood.
Executive committee members: Mrs. Sam
Welnstock, Des Moines, president and sec
retary; Rev. R. K. Atkinson, Davenport,
and Miss Flora Dunlap, Des Moines.
Wlnterset Woman Injured.
Mrs. T. J. Alexander, aged 60, wife of a
prominent real estate man of Wlnterset,
was Injured this morning by the explosion
of oil so badly that she died at noon. She
mistook gasoline for kerosene and used It
to start the fire. Several others of the
family were burned.
How to Head Off the Frost.
The principal theme of the state meeting;
of the horticulturists next week Is to be
that of ho -: to head off the frost In Iowa
orchards, and several prominent orchard
Ista will discuss the topic. It la found that
during the last year there was great profit
to owners of orchards who took atepa to
u uu
Beautiful Fancy Work for Christmas Gifts.
Plain and Fancy Aprons of all kinds, ranjring in price from 50c
to $2.00. Good things to eat. Canned Fruits, Jellies, and an
endless variety of home cooked candies. Thursday, December
8th, they -will serve lunch, consisting of as follows: Sandwiches,
Coffee, Baked Beans, Doughnuts and Salad.
Aprons, Rugs,
Candies, Cakes,
cooking line.
If you want something good in a hur
ry, try the Churches who serve every
day at noon.
prevent frost killing In the rpring. The
State Park and Forestry association, which
meets at the same time, will consider pib
Ho playgrounds, foreets along rivers and
kindred auhjerta. A report on the work of
the Iowa Conservation commission will be
Rrtarna from Food Convention.
W. B. Barney, state food, and dairy com!
mlssioner. returned today from New Or
leans, where he attended the national con
vention of the food and dairy commission
ers. He reports that it was a splendid
meeting In every respect. They did not
take up bleached flour, hensoate of soda,
linseed oil or other subjects of contro
versy, but did consider a great number of
things relating to the enforcement of the
pure food lawa
Report on Toberewloele.
Dr A. E. Kepford filed with the board
of control today his report for the biennial
period as state lecturer on tuberculosis.
He state tli at a a result of the work
being dona there appears to have been at
least a 30 per cent reduction in the number
of deaths in Iowa. He has spoken to over
100.000 persona in the two years, lecturing
before all kinds of meetings. A vast
amount of literature has been distributed
and there Is great Interest being taken in
the methods of preventing tuberculosis. He
concludes that Iowa climate la better than
o theirs. He would recommend an Increase
in the annual appropriation, more power
to the board of health, authority for county
sanatoria and a strict state-wide "antl
spittlng" law.
Vital Statistics Are Imperfect.
Tha secretary of the State Board of
Health will urge upon the legislature a
change In the law regarding vital statistics
and that all deaths and births be reported
to the county officials by doctors and that
these reports be forwarded to the state. It
Is admitted that ' the manner of collecting
these records In Iowa is a total failure.
Commercial tlab Election.
E. T. Meredith .seems to be slated for
the presidency of the Commercial associa
tion at the election which Is to be held
next Friday night B. F. ' Kaufman, who
now heads the boosters, has announced
that ha will not be a candidate for re
election and no other , nominations have
been mads.
Great Western Resorts.
The State Railroad commission received
today the report of the Oreat Western
railroad for ten months of the present man
Beautiful and Useful Gifts for Christmas
Hugs, "White Aprons, Gingham Aprons, Comforters, Home Bak
ing, Home Made Candies, Water Colored Novelties, Shoe Bags,
Toilet Articles.
Our List Before Selecting Your Gift
Dolls, Fancy Work of all kinds, Home Made
Pies, and innumerable other things in the homo
Big Display of Hand Made Baskets
They have been gathering baskets from the Atlantic to the Ptici
fic coasts. As far north as Mackinao Inland, as far south hs New
Orleans. This basket display will be of interest to everyone. We
feel sure you could do no better than to purchase one as a Christ
mas gift. The Basket Committee:
WEEK: Clifton Hill Presbyterian,
First Methodist Episcopal, Benson Meth
odist Episcopal, First German Presbyterian.
agement, showing receipts of $10.171. TS2 and
expenses of tT.7.3rB. The road shows a
steady Increase of business and prosperity.
There was filed with the secretary cf
state today the articles of Incorporation of
the Wehmlller Manufacturing company of
Clarinda with $10,000 capital, also the Ca
manche Canning company with $5,000 capi
tal. Well Known Actress III.
Mrs. C. K. Van Auker, better known on
the stage as "Delia Fringle." Is seriously
111 at the Iowa sanitarium. Mrs. Van
Auler's home Is In Knoxville. he has
starred at the head of her own company
for a number of years.
deome gl.l.OOO I nliin F.dlflce In
Placed In Service.
GRISWOLD, la, Dec. 6 (Special. )-The
handsome new I'nlon church, which has
been recently completed, on Sunday was
dedicated with Impressive services.
The building IS a handsome veneered
brick 4Hx7: feet and finished throughout
with fir and seated with opera chairs. H
has a seating capacity of about 600.
The original plans of this movement were
to consolidate the Presbyterian and Chris
tian churches of the town and make one
strong congregation, but though some little
petty Jealousies this plan fell through and
the malorlty of the members of both con
gregations went together and organised
what Is now known as the Union church.
Numbered among tills congregation are
many of the most wealthy and Influential
men of the community and when the people
went to the church on Sunday morning
expecting to be called upon to subscribe to
the building fund it was a surprise to know
that the money was all in the hands of the
committee. A free-will orferlng was taken
which amounted to over $W0.
The pastor. Rev. Charles E. Irfick came
to Grlswold from Fall Klver, Mass. He
was assisted In the dedication services by
Rev. A. C. Henderson of Muscatine, Con
gregationalism and Rev. Thomas A. Ambler
of Hawarden, Presbyterian, formerly pastor
of the Presbyterian church of this city. A
large chorus choir, assisted by an orchestra
accompaniment furnished the music.
The basic principles upon which the
Union church Is founded are as follows:
Article 1 Christ the head of the church.
Article 2 The Bible our rule of faith and
Article Individual Interpretation of the
Scriptures the privilege and duty of all.
Article 4 Mode of baptism, If desired, at
the dlscret'on of the applicant.
Article 6 Christian t hai in ter the test of
fellowship. . ,,
Article h-The union of all the followers
of t hilt.
Two Jlerret Wrddlnaa Itevenled.
IOWA CITY. !.. Dec. . Spc inl.)
Thomas Miller and Mrs. Miller, who was
Lulu Doss, have returned to Iowa City
for their honeymoon and to reside In this
place afrer having been married In Omaha.
October ltV and keplug their inarrlaKe secret
until last Saturday, when they made the
announcement public. The groom is a
brother-in-law of Dr. J. D. Meuller, the
well-known physician of Iowa City.
A surprise was sprung to the friends of
William II. Zelier and Miss Anna Kucera
today, when they announced their mar
riage of December, 1!09. A year's Illness of
the bride's mother made the couple diem
It necessary to keep their marriage secret
until she had recuperated.
Aliened Forxter la Arrested.
MASON CITY", la., Dec. 6 (Special Tele
gram.) Harris Klnlan stole a $7 check
from D. S. Moore. Issued to W. D. Winter,
and forged Winter's endorsement. He tried
to pass it and was arrested. He has made
a confession. Kinlan tame here from Aber
deen, S. D., and a letter found In his pocket
from his wife told him not to return, aa
the police were after him.
City Klecta New Mayor and Changes
Complexion of Coanrll by Seven
Hundred Votes.
rOKTI,AND, Me.. Iec. 5-Followlng the
example of the state In the Peptember elec
tion. Fortland went democratic tonight,
choosing Oakley C. Curtis, democrat, mayor
over the present Incomhent. Charles A.
Strout, republii-an, by 7(0 votes.
Try ThU Itoma-Made
Cough Remedy
Coats Little, Hot Does tha Work
Quickly, or Money Refnnded.
Mix one pint of granulated sugar
with Vi pint of warm water, and stir
for t minutes. Fut 2 'A ounces of lln
K tflfty cents' worth) in a plut bot
tle; then add the Bunar Pyrup. Tako
a teaapoonful every ono, two or three
You will find that this simple rem
edy takes hold of a cough more quick
ly than anything else you ever used.
Usually ends a doep seate.l cough In
side of 24 hours. Splendid, too, for
whooping cough, chest pains, bron
chitis and other throat troubles. It
stimulates the appetite and is slight
ly laxative, which helps end a cough.
Thla recipe makes more and better
cough syrup than you could buy
ready made for 12.50. It keeps per
fectly and tnstes pleasantly.
Plnex la the most valuable concen
trated compound of Norway white
pine extract, and Is rich In rulalcol
and all the natural pine elements
which are so healing' to the mem
branes. Other preparations will not
Work In this formula.
This plan of making; cough syrup
with Plnex and Hngar fc'yrup (or
strained honey) has proven so popu
lar throughout the United States and
Canada that it Is often imitated. Hut
tha old, successful formula has never
been equaled.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this recipe. Your druggist has Plnex or
will get tt for you. If not, send to The
Plnex Co, Ft. Wayne, lad.
H aires that deli.
?5 .
m catexompiexion
o difficult to
obtain in any
other way.
9 is a pare, greaseless toilet
cream ; fragrant, pleasant
and harmless.
If you have a red, blotch
ed, pimply, coarse skin,
apply a generous coating
of it to-night, and notice
the e fleet to-morrow.
Oetltatany A. Ik. ft.
Drag store.
Look for tbe asjro.
rHoj toothaoh iter t ft
cfcvity or not. Ker
rttls up or loth It
U D It In tt. honti
tor tntmrmnrlm. lnU
Uiiuin Ova', do its
j SmtUAtfclr.
it pinn TooTiiAnuK rit s,
At nVil dr&fUt, h c.u, or hy miiL
Dent's Corn Cum tiTil?
C. S. DENT a CO., Dstmit. Mich.
Our specialty 133-line zinc half,
tone at two-thirds of the
price of copper halftone.
1311 Howard Street,
HOTEL! aKU HElonT.1.
Old Harland Ro
Whiskey, ( years old. per full
gallon 2 it
White Corn Whiskey (moon
shine, per full gallon'i
Karly Times Kenturky Hour-
bun, per Tull (allon 1 1 u J
Ouckenhelmer ftye. full gallon,
st i(Jt
Mall and telephone orders
promptly filled.
Cackley Bros..
Wine Merchants
in N. lth Bt. lloth Hhonea
Opposite Postofflca
151M Douglas Ht.
Candy Special for Thursday.
Assorted 1'ull Crcuui Cartitnels
regular 40c kind, per pound 25o;
ltd J if13 r