Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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r r
Rich Land Fraud Men
in the Hastings Jail
Assistant Superintendent, but
G. A. Gregory iU Eave Title.
State Railway Commission Figures
Extensive Increase.
SOXE nCZ2LTS 2ZAFP0EiTE Photographer Sets Off Can of Powder . EE HUU0N3 O FUEIGHT
and Comstock. Jamessn Et Al
Leap for Lae.
Witrrknaw. Hinor anil n.iilwll
laepoetnre Dalaell and Pun'T
Cuniarn la Gmi)m aaa
Rani "raoola.
(From a Sta" Correspondent, i
HA3TING3. Neu . ITec. T -.Special Tele-
mm. i Pan c dlsturtied the "millionaire ;
flats'' of the Adams wini" ,n!l. timed
liv tii Isn.l i
Puafmrr Revrnnee Have Enlnrad
Dili Wllltna Ttr Hiiitrrt Thoa
) Dnllafi tlory Bnntneea
Dnnf In Tlir Tr
I I('OI N Lec 1 Spe:il!. i -S'At "il- "v .iiinniin-ii-ivrnarnvjiMi".ii 1m1.11 I From a atarr I oiT'pniiiu-ii...
perlntndent -elect J W. i-nWr Has an- , f'"n,1'rs' colony, mil the ent.r- court huis-j dm oTN. Dec. -Special. I-Bustness
nounced Inn .ippoim ments f.r 'he next two ' " thrown into alarm wlifil .1 I'hnto- ' m xn,,!,, , ,t,M1l!!v nn t!t Inrrftt. If
.. 1... lias named and ll not '"pIit's suiu-ly of rashiisht po-l-r ex- ,.or!nK , figures compiled by the Stat
Damn an asnlstant superintendent, be'-a it""
ploded !a.t Saturdav.
Sheriff Mct'riry ami his wealthv pn- ;
nnrn rni"od nbtecti.m to the nhotncrriyvi
ini: of thp snnic apartments of The f.irved
prisoners. Thp ph.itcmrripher then pro
ceeded to prpnr to i:ike a picture of in
ho says. h dues not wish In Broom a man
for hla ucc.H-,r G. A. Gregorv ..ill he
linen the t;t.c, but will continue a su
perintendent -if m ma! t.-n.ninir. Three or
four subiriina;es wtl 1 hold the name rank.
The annoltitments are aa follows.
,- r-.. ,,.. ,r,,..i of i pr'Parat.ons the entlr
a.irriai training in high schools.
Mihs Anna V L'ay. Beat riw. assistant.
.uperlnten.ient V H. aterhouse. Fre
mnnt. memner Board of Inspector.
Superintendent t"rd M. Hunter. Norfolk,
member I'oard of Inspector.
.Superintendent E. J Beatrice,
reappointed member Hoard of Inspector.
"iiiiermtenilent James K. I'elzeil. Lexing
ton, inspector of graded schools. There were cries of
Superintendent Clifford M. Kmnv. Biair. break."
Railway commission. Indeed, these figures
show a flattering Increase. Between the
vea.-s i!iT. when the commission became a
fact, and !!1ii freight sulpments have ri
,.reased Cll?:T9 :f2 and passenger revenue
Jl..kJ.n:...'.. The basis on which these re-
examiner and rural -ctiool jiupervtsor.
Mine Jennie U. Adams, reappointed head
empty cell near bv. In the haate of his mi,tB h(v bn ontaine1 wu the business
can of Ilium. nun; , on intrastate shlpmenta. thus ,
was touched off. The court house resounded i avo)1n, upiraUons. and botti oods re- ,
with the explosion and the bulldm- rapidly rftved and forwarded In dealln with InXer-;
filled with smoke. fatw hpmFT,ts. t?,. total mistneas done, ,
Clerks and offlclala Ted panlcstrtcken ; paj!(w,n(,Br and fr-lKhc amounted In three
through the halls and out of the builrtin. I V-Hr, to n 1S2 2 I
fevers dlanired and corpulent persons Foi0w1na is a summaiy "f the commis
tound exit from the r.rst-stor' windows. ( to-, f,.., I
lire. dynamite and
i I''?-.
In his trepidation, the Japanese chef, who I!w-"S
erws the weaJthy prisoners, unset a tray
Miss Kllzalvth I. Tollork. reappointed j covered w'th perfctlv uood Ha.Hand, Totals.
A Gregory nsp-ctor of normal train- j The authorities made an effort to sup- i '' formal complaint against the term
In hlnh re'honls. retains his present press the story of their undue alarm, ami lnal facilities of the Missouri Pacific, lle-
Man. iirrit :t h pr
Mise 1 'oris 11. iloethe. reapiinte.l sten
ographer Ruth Wheeler. I-lncoln. stenotcrapher
Etfle A. Pennam. reapiioiute.l recorder
Holen '. .Mathewson. reappointed srere-
tin r er' 1 rtCHt ion.
Minnie Morrell. r-appointet stenographer nd reassurances
ln In hlah
nertTrin and haa the title of deputy. He
was selected for this work tty superin
tendent Blnbop becau-e of his special flt-
for It. Ho haa hart experience in
chool work from the bottom on up to
hla prasent plate. He waa county superin
tendent In both Nebraska and the stale
of Washington. He waa a rofes-tor In col
legs and a city superintendent of schools.
Hia work at Crete attracted wiue alien
hlna. to the utter destruction of the lunch- !
When ihe smoke cleared away, the peace
and ditrnity of the head of county 50V-
t E.U l!3.J7
. .tt.tWO.JfW.TS
. IKIX38.5.13.7B
Grand total
I T.TTi.T.'
j 3.341. tnx.M
emtient was restored afti-r maay In.piltii s
File Formal ( owi.ilalat.
The Bowsler Grain company of Omaha
has filed with the State Railway commls-
ft became known about town only today
through a tradesman.
Central C'ltr Man WJioj Can ant apeak
F.n!in ( horsed with tnsaaltr.
CENTRAL CTTT. Neb., Dee. .- Special.)
Because the people down that way could
not understand hla style of German. Ed-
m.idenlv ill while in his tire i'ar
nr.lav m.ininn and waa "n afer taken
'o an ' .maia hospital, wnere ne un.ter
W"nt an operation for appendicitis.
Ht-ynnt,riT-nv. I T A.lnms Iim been
ten 1erd a call from the t' chorc'i
hoard virmnitnousiv -o remain in
for the c.imina vr an. I has deluded t.i
it iv Tir.M w i; man tMe second vfnr of
Mr A'lsms pnst. irate. The church is In a
prosperous condition.
PRir'GFT'iKT The first iiow of the
sc-u.wn of anv cnnse.ioence f"ll here yej
te. day and last nikrht. It commence.! to
ra n at noon yesterday rm.tunilv turning
ti. snow. The vallev and adjoining
lit is are covered to a depth of two Inches,
which w-ll he of areat value to the farm
ers, as It has heen ext.-emeiv dry.
ALRK'N At the annual meeting of 'he
stoi'K holders of the noon "oimty Fair
sseoc'ation Inst Sa'nMav $T' etra com
pnsation was un.inlmousl" v.oed Secrtarv
I'rooKs whose health has not been ir.o.i
for several months. The report of tho
treasurer shnwud a balance of tl.'nW on
hand after the payment of all claims.
HI M HiiT.PT business deal of morn
than ordlnnrv Importance wis closed when
L. J. Sekirlst s.ld h's lumber vard and
coal business o Asliforl Kdlo and O. E.
Z.10K. h.ith retired farmers and old resi
dents. Mr Serit Is still Interested In the
H aaraife. hut expects ro dispose
of his other belong ntrs and locate else
where. BENKELMAN Ho cholera haa ma-le Its
apt-earance In the vicinity of Benketman.
hein communicated here hy a shipment of
Colorado hoaa which had paaaed Inspec
tion at Denver. The dl"ae spread rar
Irtlv for Fevvai da.s. hut tlie application
of the cholera, ser-im and other effective
remedies has checked Its advance con
siderably I-KK il f While ilrlvlna Into town the
team belonr;nK to Ere.1 Ahrens took
friirht st a dead horse Ivina beside the
r"ad and. maKtm? a sudden turn, threw
Mr hrens out of his wairon. hreaKinfeT
both hones of his T-ltrht limb. The animal
that was dead had been driven into town
a few hours before by a neiirhborlnn
farmer and had dropped dead in the mad.
CRETGHTON Louts E. Mann has moved
his farmlv her and Is hnvtnir Brain on
permit. This will irlve ("rii?hton four ele
the track. He haa boutrht (trnund and Is
, making plans for the erect'on of a crairi t
eie-ai.r as soon ss the necessary aranae-
nents enn be completed Ne n'drr
Kiwier have plaite.1 ground snd promise
r.'t an eiea'or and .i.ho coel and
.umber vsr1s as .rum as weatiier c.indlt.ors
vators and it will a.s.i muke t necesesrv
for the Northwestern railroad to lav nearlv
! hs.f a mile mors of sidetrack.
I BEATRICE The farm lands of the n j
tate of uie .ate John Kves, who died '.met
' summer at Crab trchard. were, s ll her
' veteflft-.' at referee j sa.e. The estate is
1 va. ied at tol.'.W n.l compr1e.l amis In
I xinwon. i't and Pawnee cminties. The
average prce per aTe waa S-eti. Alexander
1 li..s of t 'Xfor I. Nva S'otla, a nethew of
I toe ile eased, bid In the .arner hulk of the
: property
r 1CA TRICE Washing. n camp. No s.
WtHMliren of the WorM. met iat evening
and eos'tel theee t fv.rm: P. V. Cata.
consul .vimmand.r: .1. H. Coomes. a.1vser
1 lieutenant; J. T. Greenwocd. clerk: W. H.
iHilboum. banker; 'H. A. Sarber. escwt; A.
H. Fetch and J. E. Claiuwen. phvicians.
Henn' Bremer, watchman; P M.-hUnnev,
sent it; W V. Punlv. manatrer for threw
years. A smoser waa held at the close of
I the business meeting.
i LEIGH The Royal Nelirhhorsi of Amer-
1 lea held their annual election of officers,
which resulted In the following ofleers for
the ensuing year: Oracle. Mrs. Etta Juug-
' vice oracle. M-s. . e.irge Ht-uhn,
ci aplaln. Mrs. .'haries R. K ihie: recorder.
! Mrs. A'. C. Brunswtck: receiver. Mrs.
! Lena iaixen: marshal. M'ss May Munr;
i manager. Mrs. W M Mclnernv: Inner
sentinel. Mrs. Joseph Kiicera; outer senti
nel. Mrs. H. (. Nagel.
BEATRJCB The r-pf... ntatttrea of tjie
Heatxice district of the Gage County Sun
day School sejrm-latlon met here isunday
afternoon and elected these offl.-era: t'r.
J. a. McCIeerv, pre-jdent: F A. Miller, vice
president; Mrs. E. F Klmmerly. sejTetar.'-
treasurer. Itev. C H. Lewis, general se--
retary ot the state assnciatlon. was pres
ent itnd ail.lresse.1 the meeting. He ug- I
Bested that It would be well for a city the '
-aze of Beatrice to take a religious cenmw.
CENTRAL CITY-Because h, to,)k th(.
trnubie to come in and explain 10 his 1
I father-in-law that he waa sure something!
. awnn was going to happen to himself and
; his wtfe and he wanted the father-in-law
1 to take good care of the children after they
were gone. 1 reoree Cragg. a farmer living
a few miles west of town, was taken be
fore the Insanity hosrd and. after an ex
amination, was adjudged a ft subiect for '
treatment and haa been placed :n the
asylum at Lincoln.
! 1
The more a man ri; f
knows about Over-
coats the more he .:0?
appreciates the kind jf
we sell.
Xot only is the quality far
above that of other coata at
similar prices, but the va
riety at each price is so great
that an unsatisfactory choice
is practically impossible. If
you want a coat that is right,
right, right, gnt it here.
$10 to 840
Wonderful Values
SI 5. $20. $23
V :'!1X--1
W l :-: ) 1
tlon. Hla work as lnspitur of normal 1 munti tviinmel waa orought up from Chap
trainlng In tha high schools haa been j man Saturday on a charga of balng Insane,
hltfhly aatlafactory not only lo tilt statt .Ho is a German and speaks very little
Anglian. Ha has been employed an the
farm of Nathan Beeman for several
months and had been allowed to work
the same team all the while, until he came
department, but to all tha high schools of
tha atata.
Mlaa Day mm Able Waaaan.
MIa Anna V. Day of Beatrice, who be
oomea assistant In tha superintendent's
office, haa been one of the prominent edu
cators of the state for several years. She
haa had experience aa teacher in Gage
county, waa principal of a ward school
for several years, superintendent of the
Gag's county ar.hoola for six years and
head of the department of normal train
ing;. Beatrice High school. She spent a
portion of tha laat year In tha northwest
filling m vacancy in the Seattle schools
for a portion of tha time. Aa county
superintendent ahe brought the Gage
county achoola up to a high point of ef
ficiency, her work having attracted wide
attention, aha waa one of tha first to
put Buparlntendent Bishop a auggeatlnna
for Industrial training Into tha country
achoola. The people of Gaga county claim
that Anna Day could have been Uielr
aunty superintendent for many more yeara
bad aha desired to contlnua In that work.
Farmer Deaglas Cannty Sfaa.
Superintendent K. J. Bodwell la re-ap-potnted
on tha board of Inspectors for col
lages and normal school. He la a graduate
of Dartmouth college and ranks with auch
educators as Superintendents Stephens and
Davidson. Ha was for many years county
superintendent of Douglas county and
ja,tr as superintendent of the Norfolk
public achoola Ha succeeded President
JTulmer of Wealeyan university aa superin
tendent of the Beatrice public achoola. He
lias held many honors In state and na
tional teachers' associations and Is recng
Blaad throughout the country aa an edu
cator of genuine worth.
WatsrkeaM Expert need 9eBOaI Man.
(Superintendent A. H. Waterhouae. ap
pointed aa a member of the board of In
spectors Cor colleges and normal schools.
tha absolute confidence of the colleges
and normal schools and of the educators
af tha stats. ' Superintendent Waterhouse
baa had a wide experience In the profes
sion, having been teacher In country
schools, principal of graded achoola. super
intendent of Weeping Water schools, prin
cipal at Grand Island, Lincoln and Omaha
high schools and superintendent ot tno
JTremont city schools. He receives pay
par diem and to cover expenses while In
specting colleges and normal schools, but
retains hla position aa superintendent of
the Fremont public schools,
Ttorfalkt Maja Raeasntsed.
Superintendent Fred M- Hunter, third
member of the board of Inspectors. Is a
graduats of tha state university who has
reflected credit on hla aima mater by his
work aa teacher in the Lincoln High school
and aa city superintendent of Fairmont.
Ashland and. Norfolk. Ha waa one of the
strongest foot ball players while a member
of the team, and possibly one of the
strongest In ths history of foot ball In the
university. He waa strong also aa stu
dent. S.nce en gaging In teaching he uses
the same grit, determination, energy and
moral courage that he practiced in foot
ball. Th:e committee haa th- most respon
sible work connected wrh the state super
intendent's office. He retaine his present
position, receiving pay by the day for tha
work of Inspection.
former Kraibrr Board af Education.
Superintendent J. E. Delzell of Lexing
ton, appo ntd as inspector of graded
schools and nonaecredlted hitfh schools, has
been recoknUed aa one of tho leading edu
cators of the state for many years. He
taught !n country schools, waa principal of
two or three smail hlt;h schoole and haa
to regard it as his own. They were shell
ing com at the farm Friday and It became
1 necessary to change tha team from one
1 wagon to another. Kuhmel misunderstood
I Mr Beman's Intention and thought he was
j going to be deprived of the team. He re
1 monstrated and an altercation ensued In
' which Kuhmel's inability to make the
others understand what he meant and their
Inability to make him understand started
a email riot. He seized a pitchfork and
dispersed the crowd. Mr. Beman thought
from Kuhmel's actions that he must be
Insane and came down to Central City
and swore out a warrant againat him.
Sheriff Her brought hlin In and a hearing
was arranged before the insanity board.
Kuhmel was so excited that he could ex
plain nothing to the board, but Ed, Broera,
a local German, came to the rescue and,
acting aa an Interpreter, was able to tell
the board Kuhmel's side of the case. Tha
latter explained that he had misunderstood
Mr. Beman's Intentions and Instructions
and had thought ha and the other men
were going to attack him. He talked very
Intelligently and was very sorry when he
found that there had been a misunder
standing, and the board decided that he
was perfectly sane. Ha was allowed to
depart, saying that he was going back to
apologize to Mr. Beman and would try to
got his job back.
Polk Canary Haa o Funds ta Pay for
Ita Own Shan.
CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Dec. . (Special.)
It would seem that the troubles of the
people In the neighborhood of Havens, In
both Polk and Merrick countlea. are never
ing that the road has no Inspection track
on which grain may be lodged and that
very often the consignee haa to look all
over the yards for his cars of grain, and
that In tha meantime demurrage charges
are piling up. The company asks that the
commission order the railroad to designate
a particular track as an Inspection track
and place all incoming cars of grain for
Omaha firms on that track. It Is said
that the Omaha Grain exchange haa Inter
ested Itself In the matter.
Order Issues Today.
Governor Shallenberger haa approved the
finings of the board of Inquiry Into the
conduct of the national guard aa presented
to It by Adjutant General Hartigan. The
governor made no changes In the findings.
It Is said, although they have not been
made public. The court's decltnons have
been extremely mild, consisting almost alto
gether In -fines of J10 or less, and In some
cases these fines have been remitted. The
fines will come out of the pay of the men.
which has not been turned over to them.
from the Fort Riley maneuvers.
MaJclnc Effort ta Work.
The biennial report of the Wayne Normal
school, one of the two schools added to
tha state Institutions by the last legisla
ture, shows that It Is going to try to get
along as an Institution until the next legis
lature comes to its aid. The legislature
appropriated 190.000 for the purchase of the
school buildings and grounds found there.
Of this the total cost up to May last, when
It waa turned over to the state, was, aa
shown In the report, f7u.88A.21. On the re
mainder of the appropriation the school la
operating. The report shows that since
school began in September the total outlay
haa been tT.H17.33, and that there la left to
complete the biennium, that Is, until next
June. Just SH.487.. At the rate the school
haa already cost this cannot be accom
plished and the institution will be com
pelled to ask the legislature for an emer
gency appropriation or for a deficiency
fund. Teachers' salaries run about H.jOO a
Want ta Cw Period.
The application of the Independent Tele
phone system of Nebraska to reduce Its
time limit from five to three minutes will
bo heard by ths Railway commission on
December 21 at . 1 o'clock.
The Independent system wants to out
down the period of talking without extra
charge to the same basis as that used by
the Nebraska Telephone company. At
1"""" ' '"vj j
ending. Just when It appeared that the I vrmt tha Nebr.k-. Dpl. flx ttl. Umlt
a i till vj-sj 1 1 j 1 1 1 Lrw. 111a .i.iCTjamsuBiLw . sw
velops that Polk county haa only $1,000 In
Its county treasury available for the bridge,
and hence cannot contract for the share
always had the flve-menute period, with a
few exceptions. Notable among these. Is
formerly allotted to It The ori-in.i men I Omaha, where on account of ths trans-
called for Merrick and Polk counties each I ""mourt nature of much of tire telephonln.
to pay H.iMO toward the bridge, and $4,000 tne
more was to be raised by subscriptions
from parties who would be directly bene
fitted by the bridge. When Merrick county
agreed to Its share last winter. It was
found that Polk, which had ail along made
blight promises, had no money In the
treasury and could not help out until a
new levy waa mads. After the new levy
was made Merrick county again came for
ward with Its $4,000 appropriation, but an
injunction was secured by Silver Creek and
Clarks merchants, which tied the matter up
'or a while. Now. after the Injunction suit
haa been dismissed, and it seemed that the
last obstacle in the way of a bridge had
been removed, comes the news that Polk
again finds Itself short of funds and un
able to bear Its share. Nothing daunted,
the Havens people have gone to worli end
pledged $3.0M more to take up the delin
quency caused by ihe shortage In Polk's
mlnuto rate haa obtained,
A editor a Report.
State Auditor Silas A. Barton haa filed
the semi-annual report of his department
with the governor, this report relating ane
tlrely to the number of warrants laSued
and the number paid, together with the
expenditure of the fund that la for tha con
duct of the office Itself. This report shows
that the warrants paid In the six months
amount to H.6S2.SI5.: the warrants issued
amount to $1.4i.513.15; the amount, of war
rants outstanding on December 1 amount
to C34.462.0i.
Nebraska ?ewa 'Seteo.
BiCATRICE The firemen of this dty will
give their annual fair December la to 24.
BEATRICE Charles O. Whitm.a-e of
Beatrice and Mrs. Grace E. Williams of
Du Eois. Neb., were married here Friday
by Judge Walden,
contribution. Now certain of the Merrick I k -XTR1tT?.Ta hfT " J"n fcnwartx-
.... " who waa killed Sunday morning by failing
downstairs at tha home of Stephen Verd-
county supervisors are unwilling to go In
on such a basis, claiming that Merrick
should not put up any more money than
Polk, and that both counties should share
alike in any benefits to be derived from
voluntary contributions toward the bridge.
raoiTiEk ai ikes liotio iHownu
Fair Aaearlatlon Hears Annua
norta and Flrets Offlrers.
STOCKVILLE. Neb.. Dec. I -t Special. ) ! at issue.
man. near BarneeUn. were InUvred yester
day at Wvmta-e.
SARGENT The high school, assisted by
some of the town people, sre putting in
; HU.H1 work on cue cuinio opera. The Cap
tain of Plymouth." which they hope 10
I present to the public before Christmas.
ALBION Judge Hanna will convene
I court here on December 18 and w'll finish
I up the work left over from the November
j term of the d:stnct court. The docket will
ne pracricany ciearea ot cases that are now
The Frontier County Agricultural society
held Its annual meeting Saturday after
noon. Reports were read by the director
BEATRICE Hume U, Sim moods of this
city yt-nurday Instituted suit In. the dis
trict court for a divorce from William
Slmmim.ta. She alleges cruelty and reai-
been superintendent of the Lexington of the count cslublt to the state fair, the , support in her petition. The couple hav
during the last ffteen vears. Ho was a attcre'.ary and treasurer. The reports show three children.
member of th State Board of Education i the buildings and grounds to be in good! PERI" News comes to Peru of the death
for six years. He h-a been prominent in -".iltlon ,h. twenty-fourth annual fair j t'LT' JSi
Mrs. R. U. Smith. The deatu occurred on
November J3. where he waa employed as
an expert
HILDRETH Will Aliens confectlonerv
ehautauuua work and m Institute work.
He haa held high offices in district and
state teachers' associations. He stood next
to Superintendent Bishop for the nomina
tion of state superintendent two yeers ago.
Ho haa been enduraed by the university,
normal schools and coileg-s generally for
this position.
Cl.fTbord M Penney Is another prominent
educator of the state. He a graduate of
the siate normal school and the stale uni
versity He was a teacher In the country
schools, county superintendent of Boone
being held hers ths last week In September.
The pilncipai Improvements this year were
a new bandstand and a new poultry house.
Ail debts were paid in full and a dtnall
balance remains In the treasury.
otor ui entered laat night and robbed
I tit Ina The htirtarm mm.le wsv In sr
At the state fair this year this county j t he back door and left no clue. Tide was
stood second lu collective exhibit of the the first time Mr Allen bad left any
western countlea and twenty-four premiums ! money in tne drawer.
sere awarded individuals of this county ! LEIGH M. H. Schaefer. a prominent
imniu uier'-jieiii jl lino piece, was Taaen
in the agricultural exhibitseven first 1
premiums, eight second premiums, eight
third premiums- and one fourth premium. i
The annual election resulted aa follows: I
J t J,.rriiii n rest .lent- Hr T U Pinntt !
county, superintendent of the city schools ! ' ;
1 vice president; M. T. Ward, treasurer; L. ;
uf Arlington and Oakland, at .he present
time being principal of the Blair High
H. Cheney, secretary; J. W Bliss, general
i.uperintendent : N. F Wast, superintendent
ecnooi Me w ., nn.e ace... j nf j. 0 D Awtry, manal. W. O
exam-nations and of rural school super- Hi(.kmmn Jlr.(.,or hiblt for state fair;
vl,uon I Thomaa Taylor. N. C. Nolan. G. R. Gragg.
Dr E. S. Case and G. C. Herman, director.
Cream of Bariev will entirely rebuild
yuur stoinaciu Your grocer sells it.
Desperate snootiest
One of the moat common of blood dis
eases, la murk aggravated by the sud
den changes of weather at this time of
year. Begin treatment at one with
Hood s Sarsaparllla. which effects rad
ical and permanent cure. This great
medicine has received
a t if'? Tr-. ui 1 1
A substitute is a dangerous makeshift -VJW cautllUIIIIIS
especially In medic ine. The genuine I In two years, which Drove lfa wonderful
Get Ike Uennine Alwaya.
pains In the chest require quick treatment r"o.ey s Honey and Tr curea coughs snd ; efficacy la PUrlfylneT and enriching the
w.ta Er Kings New I 'i-nn- Preveme 1 quickly and ia in a yeliow package. h.l00d Bant for ail blood dMurajIca
aajnuBsaia. Ma aa U.0S. r see W ! no ssfcewteio. nd k, l I '. ,. .
r- mm. I ..... " "i" "-", or snooooa watexsi
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is the
of Making
Each Tag
a Policy
and Price
The memoridda on the re
verse slda of this Tag-Pollry
Is' guaranteed to correctly
represent the exact status of
tha article to which this tag
was originally attached. Not
only are the facts exactly as
stated, but no essential fact
is omitted.
Be certain that the Article
Is named, that Its construc
tion Is specified, that ail
trade terms are avoided, and
that the guaranty Is clearly
written OuA
This Tag-Policy is issued
as Insurance againat mis
understanding of sales-statements,
trade terms, etc.
Every article sold by this
house la tag-Insured In this
Miller, Stewart
& Beaten Co.
Home Desks
OUE furniture stock seems to have ab
sorbed the spirit of our store policy
not to forget our Tag-Policy and ia fillet!
with the thought of solidity aa opposed to
Home Desks are the subject: Solid,
honest, Tag-Policy desks.
17 Dollars
Soli' mahogany top, front, drawer fronts
and 1 Xot veneered solid. Also here in
Oak, Bird's Eye Maple and beautiful Curly
20 Dollars
All solid stuff and policy tagged a lib
eral size, handsome desk for library or mi
lady's boudior. In Mahogany, Oak, Birch
and Bird's Eye Maple. The cabinet work is
a feature.
12 Dollars
If you are seeking a solid thing at a reason
able price, you 11 look no farther than this
little desk. Again the full line of Mahogany,
Birch, Bird's Eye Maple and Oak, with a
plus of Circassian Walnut
18 Dollars
A Colonial period pattern in Mahogany
Veneer on solid Mahogany. A wide drawer
below the writing top, a drawer inside above;
and the drawers are finished inside. There
are ample divisions for papers, etc
11 Dollars
Here is a case where you need not pay for
expensive wood. Gum Wood has been eni
nently satisfactory to furniture makers and
it finishes beautifully, especially in the dark
colors. The construction of this piece is solid
and strong. There are no drawers above the
writing top, but there are two below.
64 Dollars
Soft white woods stiined, well finished and
neat. No apology, is made for this desk nor
need any go with it It is a neat and honest
piece of serviceable furniture.
112 Dollars
This is the surprise of this advertisement
a birch desk, mahogany finished, with an
inlaid front One drawer below. An expert
and close examination' would be needed to
distinguish it from mahogany.
32 Dollars
Child's desk and chair. Oak finish on elm.
Considering this one, it is rather difficult to
say the item above is the surprise of this
22 Dollars
Here is a desk made for service. Of no par
ticular period, it has the rather severely
straight lines of the Heppelwhite variety. It
ij in mahogany finish; it has two drawers
inside above and two below; it haa eight
pigeon-hole spaces and two wider spaces for
a stock of paper and envelopes. It is an evi
dence of the modern perfection of cabinet
work; the drawers are finished inside. It is
a rare bargain; the price i3 not special it is
40 Dollars
A gum wood desk, finished in mahogany.
The writing top lets down on rubber resu
and is secured by extra heavy brass supports.
It is thirty-eight inches wide; seventeen
inches deep; it has a writing spat thirty
two inches deep; it has twelve spacious
pigeon-holes; one wide space for paper;
there are two drawers inside above; there
are four drawers below two small and two
large, and the larger measures thirteen by
twenty-nine by seven inches. Ita locks are
"set in" the drawer fronts, insuring security.
It has the heavy scroll that goes with the
pure Colonial.
Miller, Stewart fk Beaton Co.
Established 1884
413-415-417 South Sixteenth Street Omaha