Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1910, Page 16, Image 17
TUP, HKF.: OMAHA. AVEDNESDAT. DECEMBER 7. 1010. in , I B I H I DIB m m ta m n a n n n n w a 13 , ammmasmmssssssssszsi. i a 3 i S W J -Si? A': . . V I no Every Year We Plan More Big.Spe- 3 cial Features for the Children. Every Year We Offer More Useful Gifts at Moderate Prices Than Any, Other Store in the West. Christina ONLY 16 MORE DAYS TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Center of All Gift Buying- SHOP ON A TRANSFER It WHl Have, Much of Your Time. iDUSNWllflralj See the Dolls' Country Club Dance and Re ception, with Hundreds of Me chanical Dolls, In Pompeinn liooin. See Knnta Claus , Himself in Toyland, In the llaupment. Here's the store with something new in toys. Every beautiful or novei toy or game is shown at Brandeis Stores. Every counter and aisle full of fresh delights for children. Many Specials Wednesday in appropriate Christmas Gifts. Buy them now! Great Sale of Toilet Sets Holidays 500 Comb, Bru9h and Mirror Sets, Traveling S;t?, Manicure Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes Bought from a Famous N. Y. importer at h REGULAR PRICES hi Thin la a special purchase and we offer hee fine set (Just the thing for Christmas (i i f" t at ' the incst remarkable bargains. Thousands have enen these bargains In the windows. 1847 Make, International Silver Comb, Brush and Mirror Toilet Sets These ets are all the fine patterns Some Ierby sets Included jeweler's regular price would be $10 special.. $4.49 All kinds of combinations hat brufhes. brushes and whisk brooms. In quadruple plate very special, at m Women's and Men's Fancy Toilet Sets at britches, clothes $28.169-149 RINGS, BR ACELETS NOVELTY JEWELRY for GIFTS Dla- $18 Men's $3.98 $42 li R Women's fine 4-k. fine White Dla mond Kings, tn 14-k. Tlfrany settings regu lar price $27.00, at 1 00 pairs genuine Diamond Set Men's Solid (told Tuff Links regular price $8.60, at Diamond Rings, 6 fine white stones, 4 fine opals regular price $33.00, at,., ,u in.K, reai turquoise anaV7 diamonds regular price s.uu, at Diamond Rings, opaJi diamonds regular price $25.00, at and genuine $15 Genuine Ruby and Dia mond Rings, 14-k. ' gold, at, each One pulr fine White Diamond Ear ncrews, extra quality weight 4 to 1-64-worth $100, at. .'. . , $69, Men's Rings Lion's head, ruby eves and fine white diamond &( rA atlwo.r.t.h..,-50, $16.50 Men's Diamond Lockets white stones jeweler's price $35.00, at Three fine $17.50 a Men's Lion Itfad Lockets, ruby eyes unit line oiamona nia m i Betting jewelers M.all V V V One lot Women's Brace IpU Warranted to wear 10 years for women ana misses worth up to $6.00, at $1.98 Mn's Coral Tie Vina Finest made, also men's Diamond Tie Clutch - 10-k. gold very special at .$398 Diamond price $20.00 Bracelet - 32 diamonds, fine cut. ' genuine sap b Ires; posl tlvely worth $100, at One Diamond Bracelet 3 fine white diamonds 14-k. solid gold worth $50, at. . VUU This special sale of Diamond Set Jewelry is from a Maiden Kane, N. Y., . jeweler and incl ides all his samples. The prices are very special. DOLLS, TOYS and GAMES Basement "TOYLAND" ( See the great family of dolls. Our European buy doll making center of Europe and bought the best Unbreakable Dolls 25 to 5.98 Fine Kid Body Dolls. . -S5 to $8.50 Blsque'Baby Dolls. to 98 Fast Power, Handsomely Painted, T ) .. V. V. 'I 'I . . . . . , . UUUUVI 11ICU AUlUllJUUlieD 1 $3.98 UP to $39.00 '4 Airships, all the latest models 10 to Humpty Dumpty Sets at. . .30tf to $8 Swinging Horses, handsomely painted, strong and well made, at $3.98 faampie Pencil Boxes, with keys; many novelties; up Cloth to. 60c values, at, each 5 and 10 Chec '( i er, with offices in Paris, visited every to be had. Combination Black Boards and Writing Desks, large size board, nicely finished, at. eac" )Sc We Sfll the Barney & Berry Skates, bo cause they are the best to be bmd uil the different sizes for children at. l'alr 65 UP to $2.50 Boys' and Girls' Hardwood Sleds, also self-steered Coasters, as well as tho well-known Flexible Flyers every one new and nicely finished, at, each 49S 75S 98 up to $4.50 Magic Lanterns good sample sets, at, set 25S 49 and 98t Covered Checker Boards, with nice set of kers 15c values, at, set... Kgk lit THURSDAY IS OUR GREAT SPECIAL SALE .Women's Fur Hat in Oar Eitire Stack at $3' '..w . in .j J"," . fiuu i"r lIats ot 'yn. ermine, mink, etc. black, brown and white trimmed with uBtrlehiqullls. gold braid, fancy efferta and flowera all the turhans. eallora and cape , 7 Any ooks for the Holidays OUR GREAT DISPLAY IS NOW READY The new and the oldfor all sorts of people and all sorts of tastes for every condition of life. Fine gift editions for those with well filled purses; inexpensive editions for those with a limited amount to spend and such splendid books, too. can be had here for very little money. 7Ae AMERICAN GIRL BY HCWW CHANOl f CXBISTY Harrison Fisher's "A Dream of Fair Women" A superb gift book, beautifully illustrated in colors, with type of fair women as only Harrison Fisher can draw them, and hand somely bound; former ly a $3.00 i q book. A Book of Sweet ; hearts Radlent with the lovell nesii of beautiful women, each picture the ork of an artist, whone "girla have made him famous. Howard I'hundler t'hrls ly, Will lirefe, Itarrl-inii Fieher, F. Graham C'oo tes, Clarence F. Under wood, I-enter Ralph, Ijivlhhly decorated, ex quisitely, bound, prlnti-d In full color, in .box formerly a S3. 00 book, at. $1.18 Howard Chandler Christ yu Seautifui tUt Book. "The Cnnty Girl" A Huptrbly il luetiaied uliime, Miowlnn var , ioUM tyjies of L'hriety ;ir)s accompanied ny appropriate versea. Formerly OO. 13.00. now WOt Inexpensive gifis for women, men and chil dren are here in. countless variety.' The morning hours are the best for shopping. JJrf'x:l'iFr... $i.oo jy Toylae As Santa would build him self were he to stay, here the year round and make our Toy. room his. sample room. Thousands' of new mechani cal toys and pretty faced dolls. Come now while our, stocks are at their best and bring the children with you. n i P a h 0, i N n B; n 9 b D 21 i HI 16 Days left fo do your A Great Book Section Filled With the Xmas Spirit Thousands upon thousands of Books, all for the Xmas shoppers. Krom every source comes words of praiso for the wonderful selection of volumes gathered for Christmas shoppers. Here are also found all the little novelties so necessary for the season, such as Tags, Seals, Xmas Ribbons, Cards, etc. all in great variety and assortments. ' Popular Tletlon, that . formerly sold for I ncludlnfr; "The ky Pilot" "The Doctor" "Shepherd of the Hills" "The Firing; Line" "The Man from Hroadway" "The Squaw Man" Some of these are put up In Xmas boxes, only 49C Juvenile Book! Pic ture hooka for the little tots 100 Bile jr'a Books of Poems, Including "Child's Rhymes." "Sonus of Cheer," . "Farm Rhymes" "Son of Mfin Home" WOt Complete Editions of Poets Gilt edRPS and boxed, publish ed by HouKhton Mifflin Co., Including- I.onsr fellow, Lowell. Holmes, Tennywon, AVhlttier, Kmerwon; ftQn for only Wt Prettv litle volumns of J?lble Times for eman children . .SOo BIBLES Divinity rut, concordance and dl' tionarj', all the essen tials of a teacher's bi ble 7o Pocket Bible, Just the thliiR for Sunday school scholars 490 New Testaments, printed on India paper, a vest pocket size, with larire type 690 New TeBtanients, bound in genuine leather. 490 Post Card Albums That hold 400 and &00 cards, some' bound 111 padded linen and leatherette, at . . . 49o Full Length Beauti ful Pony Coats for Only $45.00 These Coats are semi-fitting models, made, of fine Russian Pony;, has the large turned Bhawl collar and turned cuffs; beautiful Skinner Satin lined. Making very dressy and ser viceable coats for winter wear extra special, at .' $45.00 Long Black Plush Ladies' Coats In the very finest grades of plush lined with black and gold sateen very dressy gar ment for only $29.50 Desirable Fancy Linens Many Suggestion tn at Should ' Solve the Sift Problem. Big Special SaleWida&sday 100 doien Fancy I.lnen Pieces at less than half their regulnr value Wednesday. Be one of the first and you'll be sled you came. 18x54 Japanese Drawn Work Scarfs. 3030 Japanese Drawn Work Scarfs. C'0x30 Irish Kmbroidered Squares 18x54 Irish Embroidered Scarfs. 18x50 Handmade BattenberK Scarfs. Values up to $125 on sale Wednesday morn ing for only, each... 39c In Our Candy Parlor Bennett's Fluffetta Chocolates regular 50c per pound extra special Wednesday, only... 090 Freeh Cryatallzed Kngllsh Wal nuts extra special value on Wednesday cut from 60c ' to only : 30c Assorted Plain and Nut CarameL regular 40c per pounil oi Wednesday pnly 890 a I $3 Extra Fine Reducing Corset $1.50 Here Is a very fine Corset model, especially for stout women, made of extra good coutil has double set of hone . supporters lace trimmed guaranteed to hold shape perfectly extra special Wednesday, at. 75c and 91.00 llrMSiere Big sale Wednesday at..B0c-60c You'll find these are bargains Wednesday. $1.50 Some Extraordinary Hardware Wednesday SPECIALS The two- Eieotrio iron, with a year guarantee; reg lar $5.00 iron. A OR Wednesday a live wire special at y-M.i Floor Brushes, well made and good bristles; our reg ular $1.25 value; Wednesday 4so Weather Rubber Strips, regularly 7c a foot; Wed nesday, per foot 40 Nickeled Trays, fancy engraving, regular 35c value at 8 50 I $2.00 Wash Wash Tubs. Llsk palvanlzed, extra heavy, our regular $1.85 seller; Wednesday only 890 I si H PROMINENT Omaha lady was about to buy several hundred dollars worth of NEW FURS. "RUT she heard of US had us put her OLD FURS Into an almost NEW condition for a few dollars and she DID NOl buy the NEW Furs. a D' H 12 i 0 B G a B B a (a b u B Ell b a B y 6 MOw how does THAT A apply to YOUR case? Telephone Tyler 1800 or Auto. A-2225, and a wagon calls. Ex press paJd one way on shipments or i.i.uo or over. as Drcshcr Bros. B 2211-13 Farnam Street See That Arch? The high arch in Sorosls Shoes make the arch prop, now used so much with flat shoes, unnecessary. The arch Is there in both the high and low heel styles. One of the secrets of the shape holding qualities of Sorosls is the way they fit in the arch of the foo holding through the instep and arch, not allowing the foot to slip forward Into the fore part of the Bhoe. . V The velooze, with a foxing of ideal kid to protect the upper from this weather, Is the newest of the winter fads- stage last and two-inch heel. Rubbers in stock to fit all heels. Sorosls Shoes fit when properly fitted. The fit tells. Sorosls Shoo Storo 203 South 15th St. . FKANK WILCOX, Mgr. ' Change Your Shoes Don't stick to n light pair of shoes now. Think of your health, your appearance, th foot comfort because our new shoes ar as easy foot-feeling as an old pair, There Is no Justifiable excuse for you to wear unseasonable shoes No, not even the price, AU stylet, all leathers for outdoor wear S3. 50 and S4 FRY SHOE CO. Til lIOIKIi leth and DonflM Street. M f J S - fi -iiiii You are judged by the paper yon read. Bee reader hare no cause to apologite for a lack of selfreepect or Intelligence. I $2.00 Wash Holler, With copper f bottom 91. 38 I Stransky Imported Blue and White I Kriamel Ware, 3,i,, discount I sale Wednesday. .1 6 B Q a a lb Locate your office In a prominent building where the location is known to everybody, convenient and accessible. An opportunity to secure an office in a modern, elegantly appointed building, so situated, is now offered by . . The Bee Building Room 320 On the third floor; room 20il9-ft., has vault, fronts north and west. Price $40.00 per month. Room SIS On the second floor; room 8x20 ft, fronts north. Price $12.00 per month. Room 613 On the sixth floor; room 16x18 ft, fronts on the fine court of the building. Price $18.00 per month. " , ' Rooms 420-428-430 Now divided Into four rooms, but may be changed to suit tenant. Has 1167 square feet floor space with large vault. Fine north and east light. Rent $116,00 per month. . v The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts Bennett's Big Grocery Tadded Kdition of the Poets at the extraordinary low price of 50 These are regular size books with gilt edges; each in a box. All the great poets to choose from. Catholic Prayer Books, IM each "Key of Heaven," "V'eet 1'i'vfcet Manual" and Child's I'ruyer Ueok lea tl'er binding. 'Ht edges. Teachers HiWe, OS Con taining teachers' helps, maps, concordance and references, etc. Bound with overlapping covers, red and gold edges. A great bargain. IB rie Little Peppers; Four Girls, by "I'lmsy"; Kstlier Held, by "Pansy" at, each 3CC t. Elmo SSo For over i" years one of the ttreitesi favorites with novel read ers. A splendid cloth-edition. Klxle Dlnsmore, Helen's LUthies, Hans llrlnker at. esch 25 RECENT $1.50 COPYEIGHT BOOKS-Now 40c The Corse ilrl. I " P lirodnev's, Cy Whlttaker'a riace, . . j i.uliurn of I.uck, 'I he Last Vv'iinian. The tilri In Waiting-, The Uarrler, i'nole Hemus. Lt Vvyaiie of the Ikinna lenhel. The Hay 1-ilot. Tlie IiH tor, VliKinla of the Air, .aura, I n i amai ion, ANY OF THEM FOR A Women's Souaw Alan. The iiMine 'andle. The Climax The Four Co ardlce Forsaken Inn. Throrkiuorlon, Toaether, Firing l.lne, Hlvernian, Jewels Story Book, oiainaii Way. ant) the Million, Court, H"ly Urders, Three Keys. Scarlet heather, Lovea of Pel leas and Rtarre. itlier tilde of the Door, Man In Lower Ten, Post (itl'l. Heart of a Child. Old Wives for New, IiauRhter of Anderson Crow, I. lire of the Mask, FORTY-NINE CENTS f9" 4 N Ilennett's Capitol Coffee, pound pkn.; special offer Wednesdny only... 240 Hennett's Uolden Coffee, lb 1220 B8o grade Teas, assorted, lb .481 Tea Sittings, pound pkg ISO Dennett's Capitol Pure Pepper i-lb. can lOo and R stamps Bennett's Capitol Unking- Powder &-lb. can J1.00 and 100 xtamps 1-lb. can 84c and 30 stamps H-lb. can 13o and 15 stumps Tourist and Graham Crackers, pack age 10c and 10 stamps H-gallon can Bennett's Capitol Pure Maple Pyrup 60O :,m B B "Bfl O B:'B.:W " ' aa 30c jar Tea Garden Preserves, Figs, for 900 tireen Turtle Meats, for soup tl 00 size can for SOo 60o size can for '. 85o Canton Preserved Ginger. Jar 60o Bennett's Capitol Kvergreen Corn 100 C. C. C. brand Asparagus, 20c for lfio Bennett's Capitol C. O. Corn, per can, at lSo and It stamps Bennett's Capitol Karly June Peas can lOo York Violet Toilet Boap. 3 cakes SSO And 10 stamps ra as q n n a n H h m m n Pi B a a la H H B n B a B a c B B H es r l : ; Wafoasl Short lime to St Lomes Dook Dept. ,BRANDEIS STORES ui'tl.fJ BAILEY r& MACH DENTISTS j Best flulppe-l Sental efflc. Is ta middle WHl llif rM ! crade dentistry al reaaoaabie price, porcelain fUilnes. J the ixoin. Ait iuuimuwu toiuiijr iutuimiI after ecs ffi) HiOOIt. PAXTOX IIUM'H I i:rir Ifllb ead Farau htreela. Persistent Advertising is tho Uoad to liig Ketorns The Bee'c Advertihing Columns Are That Road. Double Daily Service Low Kound-Trip Ilomeseekers' Kates to the South and Southeast on First and Third Tuesdays of each month. Low Kound-Trip "Winter Tourist Kates, tickets on sale daily to Florida, Cuba and all other Winter TourKt Points in the South and Southeast. All information regarding berths, rates, etc., cheer fully furnished. Agent for All Steamship Lines H. C. SHIELDS, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Wabash City Ticket Office, 16th and Farnam' Streets.