Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1910, Page 15, Image 16
l.V Q i''v ff "hc. ee' fjne Ma azire -x I f Much "Wanted Recires r" aire Jim "ilk Lingerie and Fine Linens for Christmas J Dottie Dialogues We Do Our Christmas Knock ing Early. Ji a 1 IP. WALTER A. Si 1 LAIR. Y 5 C !l ' 1 h 0! . i v ft." tvrwet l-e la Omaha. "M se .nn,s ' r tb rr-n.!'s T -. in ' a: : -e : ' I. "1 he l..'M T-a; :l r-f a: H '." ..!"! : t ' . t . -' E-;ir es;ue a' t .. ' 1. J isr To ho what ran tia p. n :n this -v:-..'. r.e ;.i,i.a.". wio tit.e yf "n. 'Ittie a," and ii?ee we"kly pay i r.t. a on wi-ie -Mil N-w word of o. e. T has won t.;o .!.t de' 1 f the rD, !e !;.. p.aved i Yirk "at a"irlu a street 1rger. diTiised n. rvit and fir Tour htiiin sr.e poured mit her rrr "H,1Hj,.t nn'M As a, result ec- neted O K M-.-be fi- -t se g-iys Tf Gotham w !1 not feet hurt wtii rney lean of this. It des make a . ff-r-ror whether a, It -a at h "lad " th ""Hruma of ni r srr:it;-.r h . on th trt ri an oi .1 sntx! fvr hr hal. a -a:r oa.'V.! :ir ':' ar-unl hr tnrwt a. il a .or', ry k:rt t-im-h-r.n hr tlwrtiiM But Trr.Tlnl haJ Jom 4. ParaTar it bi,-n fcw Nw T ir(c n- aTufcmnt 'ut nlirt. Tio niitn hu tjin 'harirei in- rnl hr 4mnciii in n.l 1; m .I.mbtf il If (Vnaha a"1" a f'iirpiw at !f wmdn'n man thl wmim. but, wtt.i har rariori. it will no wt-,aj nar-lhlp to wait f.jr ncr nt r"'II trmr. w-tih 'a nin tn rnmm a !lttJa :ur on. Pavld hLxkiauid arrived Undar aifter- i noon to Join tha Iva L.ig ompe.ny jHay- at ths Boyd'a Mr. Kirkland haa Juait fln- lehed a w Tark engagement. Happy Hooligan.'1 with that funny t smiMdlaa. Ross Snow will occupy tha boards j at ths th, Krisf three n.ghta starting ! usial macnas) Safard-iy ! Jac Union, at ths Orpbeum thla weok. ; ts iindouhtedly ths youngest stags manager I In th United States. Jack expects to j celsbrats his sixth birthday annl-raraary In a fssr weeks. Hs la traveling wtth his ma and pa. known as Linton and Laurence, in i vaudeville. At ths alus of this act Is a j ra.u effect which must bs operated from ths back part of ths ataa-a. Muster Jsu-k Unton Is Johnny -on-'tie-spot, working the rain arena for his dad and a. so having general supervision of ths stags during this act. Hs has a reoord of never yst having mi said his eus. Laesis, "Dixie Moon' company, a oolored srgMlaatlon. will give a musical oomody sxtraTagansa and vaudsvlils sntartainmen: at Ths Lgrrio theater Friday night, Dwc em ber ft, On Taarsday awsntna; at ths Brandeis thesusr. ths famous Russian danosrs 3alla Anna. Paviowa and Ml kail Marl lei n, will be thai Important engagement. An I tall an Journal, In commenting on Mom. Bernhardt' s repent appsaraaoa at a Londna muata haj. axplaina how it la that this great artist seems always In need of funds. Her nasty Is Utsraly at ta dis posal slot only sC her near and distant rsia- 1 BUSINESS IN HIGH SCHOOL TL-ar V-nr-.ii v . , Course DTirinj First Two Yean. to rarsa trrrrvvr TjrrrT-nTxrri aswhttsset Jwsisi Lattwaussv Iaatrawtwst tw si a. salt Plus) fast Csiaasls-tlasi t wtlualKgi Wltkwssa facer TMsaaasistBi Park Addltlwau A resolution to have commercial branches taught In ths first two years of tha high school as wail as In ths third and fourth years. Introduced at tha meeting of ths Board of Hdueation Monday night by Dr. Holovtchlnsr, was passed. It took a desperate parliamentary Strugs lo for th msnibers to find that they were aJ agreed on th proposition, but the eummlt tee on cours of study was finally In structed to go ahead and da viae a acnetne to maas It paeatbls for public school -.hU-4 ran ta as th high school as a business training school Immediately after leaving the eighth grade Instead of having to go tsss years far ether branches. Ths author of tha resolution declared that the sma.l number of eighth grade gradu ates that attend tha high school Is due ta competition of ths business colleges rjiac charge a nigh tuition and h bedsves that th eommon schools should offer commer cial branuhss from ths start to math (radars. A long and detailed report from R. I. Swoboda. expert accountant, showed a lack j Jat;k0 and Jon.a and so Interferes w'th """n "" t th book, that I t,..,,, only on Fuurteeutn. The proposed recrd t ppue and building property I ipur bra,ucnB from tna un of th. Ln-an A few shortages were found, due tJ Irn- . Pitinfla tiiat goes northeast to tn shops perfect recorda and numerous mistakes. His through tha yards west of tn. Union depot reeoinmsndauons for revising the accounts M j,out Thirteenth and Matty, were referred to th. committee on finance , curving In a northwesterly dlrecnoa tt and will be taken up for action tn January ; M?, ov.r to Fourteenth street and en after the new members a . seated. Fourteen til to the aiiey between Jane, and John Latsnser. architect of the high Jackson, thence w tn. s;te of the new school, was authorised to submit p,ana for ' freight h.use. Most of the Jackaon atreet I'S completion without a tower. The eot property owners were satisfied with this will bs probably more than uu aad will su.ucon and some of them wtll give atrlpa b paad from ths naw issue of bonds. The, from their property so tnat the a. ley can offer of John MDonaid ta do tins work be wldoned to permit ths trackage, and taks as part paymsnt ths tit). hs Pulics Jauga Crawford and Health Coin received as a Judgment for a.lged breach 1 nussiourr Conned, earned on their dlsputs ef contract was not submitted to the board orally for the first time aince the difference and so was not acted upon. An beaan and reDeated must of the arguments tin n to Monmuuta Park SLhool was ordered and the fudowing mem were ap pointed as engineers for school building Anton V.ttousu, Vorest school. A. rf. Marsh. Farnam, and W p McDaniel. Franklin. Droge Elevator Co. Sues Union Pacific Allejutiou Hade Ling ELu EtnrirTa.f ani Elevttioa Sali thit FTor 5 brakA SiJ & Hirer. William C. and Henry T. Drogs of tns rrnge tiievatur cumpaay began an action tn the district eourt at Counctl Bluffs yes tsrrlay against ths L'niosi Pacif.e Railroad eomuany. aluiug di't.rni.'iaaoa un falrneee In its treiu.nent of tue elevator, giving advan.ages to other elevators in I uunol Hluffs. Omaha and douth O located on its trackage, Th petition I ! b4:B. stnich gradually becam fairly para-fl-ed by Ginana artomeya and sets aut the wxm Mr attention was attracted ta rule adopted, by the American Railway association following ta. prumuigauoa of taiifr i- F. i ? and Si sea. effeetlvs June L PT. wnrn reijuired 'S-'-a Belonging to the company euailnl west ef 'H'mtsre. Men., to be nnaadaal and re- t jrrtwj te Cm.a Pacjfia O-sjeAi i5a tertj-sxght houaa The Drtes, its ss i . Liza 4 Hie rmiiz Mtte. I.iz Lehmann orer.a hr pp'gram ; at th Brandels thater thia a.'temin wit.T i the 'avi-te i. "In a 'Jarden." I 1 and witl l aim.;ed hv a weil-riaian.'ed I cate of soloists f.iunu-iae's on Entllsh , prutframe should em trace this "pnortunit;' ( a a .-p-'t il ind ;. ment to ruden-.s. the second balconv eara wl.I be piacwi on sa.e this fn"n'n,j at. a reii-wsxl pries. tions and fnend.s. hut e-en of people she j,,eh not know, f-.r h-r n.iiise is open to a.l At ine tluie sne never entertained twnty persona daily at dinner, related that Alexandre Dumas, one day of the number mttini Sht hand of Mm Bernhardt. iMs Than and It is who fu at the - a-sked hr: "Will you kindly tell me the name of your friend on my left?" "That is more than I can do," said she. "for I have never seen him before." - Christie Ma.-ronaid. in "The Spring Maid." haa been booked to begin her sea son on LVcember 5 at the Tremont theater. Boston. In ths caJt with Miss McDonald are Wililam Burrees, Elgie Bowen and Tom McNaughtnn. Liebler it Cn. have engaged Harry Conor to be chief comedian In their musical comedy company shortly to appear la the new Ivua Carvll-C. M. 8. McLeilan musical ouinedy. "Marriage a la Carts." Mr. Conor la a veteran of the Hoyt days. His part In "Marriage a la Carte" la that of Napo leon Pettlngill. traveling showman. has taken to this low form of ITi in prefer ence Uj sitting at horns and enduring the slfnga and arrows of outrageous matri mony. Accident brings him to ths doors of an estate which ha learns ton lata is the home of tha wife who druvs him to ths ooda. His effort to escaps furnish much of the fun f the- play. this was a discrimination against all als- ators not located on Union Pacific lines In ths three dues, and that lx was lm- poasibis to reosiTe, unload and redeliver soa cars under four days' time. Ths Eroges also claim that ths Union PacsSa paid elevation charges on all gra.n ' transferred to ths elevators on its own j to tha Droge elevator for tr ana tarring grain under precisely tha same circumstances. Ths accumulation of what are alleged to be unreasonable demurrage ciiargea and fail ure to pay eievation costs tha Drogea ciaim approximate (slai. and they ask Judgment for that amount with 7 per cent Interest from October L UW7. The L'nige eievauir ia located on Rock Island irackaga. There are several other levators In town located on trackage of i other trunk, lines, and tins suit may hav f mora than Individual importance attached i to It, Proposed Spur Track Controversy Ended Final Decision by City Council Com mittee, of WTiole Compromise Property Owners Satisfied. The long disputed extension of ths Union Pacific track to Fourteenth and Jackson streets was authorised by tha city council In committee of tha whole, Monday after noon, and will be confirmed Tuesday night. Th final decision was a eoraprumise, as , , 'it runs iliisn rh. . i f v hafeMn that they have made in writing. Judge Crawtorl averred that there has been but one caa of garbage without a 1 license during the dt nicntii and that it i lias been diemiased because the de- j ' partment had fa. led to bring forth evidence. 1 Dr Connell said that the cases In which j milk men and garbage hau.ers caught red ( handed weie discharged in podce court ! were numbered by the doaen. Judge Craw- fjid rep.ied ihat Dr. Connel knew aiiso- '.utely nothing about lt Then each one of t. em repealed his aasertions several tiiuee and the matter was left witn no furuier , 4.. uun. The rxjunit o the building Inspector for i ..I automooiie was plawed an f.le witnout reoommenilauun. which dispuses of it with out further result. W-mmm Tkls It In "v sat ik Berne rtt J. W Greer. Gretswood. La., euffersd with a severe case of lumbago. The pains were so in tens. 1 was forced to hypoder mic Injections for relief. Thee, attacks started with a pain In th. small ef my j Foiy J Kidnsy Remedv and I n glad I j uj tJ af-sr using his wonderful medi- I j clom I .in na longer bother la any way j ' oy mv ,ij enemy lumbago" Sold by a.1 i i lruggista ' I Wines. 11 .1 ours and cuca.a-a fur tns koJ- y i jaj. K.iititii f-id labour Cuv. U A Mam sk. . NX ford -nanv women p.ea.u;-e t.i "rn .if J iti ' has m.iA.- tie group of Freticn f' "hops a p-mannt fi: ir. This r!l lx wjWj.ii m.-om jut now. fir vry ;ni of tlinrt:Tnu snnD- i ptnif ..! dun In th Frn.-!i n'0. th in t:i fann'ia of im frn f'i)r r J C.n.,r ' In'ii!'.ia..v. any n'ft tnat mii.l. iv;; nr I mother . ini.-l 'h .'in be f-iund. a-.i at mnlrtr pr'. ct, cnnfui:' r.j t.:? va..i!. j F r eta;npl. fncy ijnena in t.i hou(M-k-p!n 4i:op a:-p i iiiit. an1 'f tn pie. on -Ii?pi;v nuw ptnK ron on an j tnr.l:- ha. kjrrtniiiti of drawn work tnat ewxr nwxo .ac. T''i krtioi may b iih'J a.i a a c!o:i or f ir a .Tnterpie.'e on a ia: ua.e. uiner pierp. hem t.;tchiii and .lt-.-nratcii wfin r'.nrai design. I work.! on narnra. .-oior ns. lAm beajti ! f-j. Tray . iu(f) f till .i-rw:r;pt ' n, ani ( brrjider! in ura.iga tinaim iii44Pitnl a fill for a br!.ie. It coat ti-JO. Lincna tnranifd wltti ' liand oiuny Ia' are diap.a , ed In greRt va:-.i-ty of sian-s and d.a ni. from a doily cuatyntf M Cfnts to a tauie oioth valued at 13. Adjoining the linen shop ia the dnnnri more. that ninimi vry thinif that Is n-w and dainty. I-ovely nmht dresses that are pric tirade aed for On underwear Irish latte .t a rtvaJ to German Vai. aa a trimming, and whole yokes of baby Irh lafe top many of the undergarment, and appear as frills around tne lower edges. "im of the moat expensive pieces of iingne In the shop is a petticoat made from fine lawn, the gores joined together wth bahv Irt,h and the finely tucked ruf fle edged with this erntusi-e lace a six-!n-h width. A heavy appilnus of Irish lacs borders, the editing. The price Is r.'W. To describe the Parisian blouses ex hibited In the waist shop Is almost an Im possibility. Our model, however, that Is both smart and practical, shows a combi nation of shawl collar and surplice effect. Tha blouse Is black ehlffon over Persian and ths collar ia a solid color Quite a noticeable fear-ire of these blouses Is ths touch of vltd coloring. For Expose Hair and Scalp it win : know the de. tiled M in the Winter to Prevent Dryness "Do you give your hair the southern , treatment in wlnterT' I heard a scalp spe cialist ask a woman the other day. "You should, you know. You would go south yourself If you could tn February to re build your physical strength that is al ways somewhat undermined by cold. Then why not give your head tha earns treat ment, even if you may not take the Journey?" Tha neophytes expression must have been a trifle homfled at tha thought of sending her bead without her body, fur the specialist hurried on with her talk. "I'm not suggesting ths Impossible, but U you will make a practice of sitting In the sun, in your room, with your hair down, fur ha.f an hour daily, preferably for an hour, you will give your scalp the same treatment that you get from going south. Your head needs it, too, for cold dries its natural nourishment, and so the hair la likely to become dry and lustaries.i In sympathy. Sun and massage It and you Will benefit buth sca.p and tresses. "A woman who la bUBv downtown every weea day hardly have the luxury of a daily sun bath, but even she may get such a bath on Sunday a To take this sunning a comfortable seat should De arranged In a window and all pins removed from the hair. The locks should then be thoroughly r . n Ji ' i Cranes Herd Sheep The yakamlk of South, America la. s far as Is known, the only "shepherd bird" anywhere, says tha Brooklyn Eagle. We have all known, of course, of dogs that, unaided, may be trusted to shepherd a flock of sheep, but a ahephertf bird, which will drive Its charges to pasture, protect them from prowling animals, and gather them carefully at nightfall, ta Indued, a oolua creature. Ta native owners of sheep and poultry . in Venezuela and British Guiana are the possessors or this snepnera Dim. ana to the ears of this species of crane for to that family the yakamlk belongs art In- trusted sheep, ducks and other poultry, Th South American sees them depart for their feeding grounds, secure In tha knowledge that the rrane wtli bring them ail back safely. And unlucky animal de- tecttsd by the yakamik while prowling about ta steal gets very much ths worst of it. Ths bird savagely attacks ths marauder in baste. A dog la no match at a.1 fjr tha yakarruk. say Harper's , Weekly. At dusk the bird retuma with tts I f.ock. never losing its way, no matter how far it may wander, for Its sense of loca- f tion la extremely acute. When It arrives heme, the yakamlk roosts upon a tree or shed near its charges, to bs ready to re- sum Its supervuilun of tnern whenttney i i V- " cccouRAcma What reaacaltsui he lor tnurf teg you?" 'Us mj9 h loves me." ThsU't & reaaca; olXj su cjj in.-J'.m'e, emerild a-rsefl. royal bl le and mi'fnrs seem To be favored trnes and are arrlid as onlv The French. Win know tile art of alvn-f ;,lua.ity. can ai.piy. The ar-.ftles fr:m Japin ram a person to iniir Inn n 'he or1nt.ii shop, for ther ar eoilai'e ninndar'n eoafai for nini wr that cost only ?.-. And at the sm prma a beatitif i! Uimonn in soft w'l.te i:k pmhro-.der'. spri'-s of appie blosHom. ran be purha.wl. "Piera are. how er inetriena'.v vests, couts and srrwns. as well a these h h pr-red j ie-'es. and warTi un lerpacket of wh 'e sf.k. 'l'il''"d. that sells for IIS The baov store :a tns em of the srroup. ami hn. on display a number of fie latest novelt;ea. sui-h aJ hobbie skirt frw'is. new designs in little woollen sa'f'ies. The lat ter possess kimono sleevs and are In man lam shaoe. These styles are non con venient and comfor'able for bahy s wear j than the old-faHhi.'neit close sleeves and : re thef tght rtt n wraprer. , speriai off-rlna' from Pans Is a hot water plat for an Infant's use. It ia In- tended to keep milk and soup warm i jrln a meal. The Ct'inns are niokel and the J plate china, decorated with figures of I L'utch eh ldrn. A tray to match costs J. , An entire shoo can scarcely contain all iha different kinds of prett;- neckwear. For j thre are the marabou and the chiffon scarfs, as well as the combination of tha ; two in one article. Then there are da.nty j coi.ara of Irish laca and llnn. also Jabots I of every dnscript:on. from the few Inches of lawn and lace worn w-'Ji a tailored suit. to the frorh"? fichu of and ribbons for formal wear The K.mnnoB are an attraction in the misses" shop. These are In soft silk, em broidered In self or contracting tones, fash ioned exactly on the lines of those mads for grown-upa. One of These dainty garments would be an Ideal rhrstmas rTt for a girl of 10 years of age. In the leather shop there ars protograph frames. Jewel cases. bags. pocketbooks. memorandums, address" books, eta. Tha beauty shop is well worth a visit, for every furnishing of my ladv's toilet taftle can bs found there. ELIZABETH LETS. to the Sun brushed and shaken by running the fingers through them. "That don, alt with, back to the window so the sun strikes directly on the head. There Is no danger of having headache from this treatment unless ths room is too hoc "Ths hair must be parted so ths sun's rays touch ths scalp and the part changed from tlmo to time so the entire head shall partake et tha reviving bath. "If while absorbing ths sun's rays the Angers are firmly pressed down on the scalp, bending the knucklea ao the scalp will move while the finger tips remain firm, the virtue, of the treatment Is In creased, because circulation la stimulated. Incidentally the scalp la kept loose and free, a desirable condition, for when tight It causes ths hair to fail. "Before taking such. a-d)ath I Uka to put on a tonic, but every woman has not time for this. When she has she wtli find the application of a mixture of on suncs each of bayrum glycerine and alcohol, with Ove ounces of liquid black tea, decidedly bene ficial. "The latter Ingredient should be made by putting one-half ounce of the leafea to five ounces of boiling water and letting ths two stand until cold. Tha liquid must be strained and put with ths three other liquids." MAilGAfLET MIXTER. are 1st out again in tna This queer bird ia sa tionate as it Is trustwor its master about with showing its appreciation ars 1st out again In ths morning. This queer bird is said to be as affec- rthy. It will follow capers of delight. I snowing ilb epprecuuon oi U7 aiisuuuiu given it by ths moat extraordinary evolu tions. Vale ml Betas Bald. f Why women Uka tha baidheadad men It Is somewhac difficult to define. It may be because he appears to bs: Thoughtful and kind. Trustworthy and confiding. Whimsical. Fast ths follies and frivolities of youth. T M sin i Mtl 1 1 A maJJ of proprty. Ha lB not jjj young men. j H-, refusals of marriage ao nicsiy j on- (- sorry one did not accept him, j xhe ba.d batch looks so clean and nice. i qm would Uka to kiss it. j doctor welcomes caidnasa when It com. to him. as It la a sign of sedatenass : anj dignified learning, which Invariably umreaees his practice. London Mirror. ' i Jest mm Havpwv. feed to love tile roses bloeeomin su fair. Beauty on toe buehes An perfume 'n air. How our tasren keep etiangin', June seemed a.1 sublime; Now were Jest as happy ' auee It's pumpkin ume' T. E. BEFORE THS SirOV. She VVbrnt kind of . ptut hats Fish to hig nrar play? H Va emotlcrial . part far him, that ia to uy. Ia isa biz scene h has ta reftiM tfrtakf M x In a glaes thre teaspoonnls fiiaar nine tablespoonsruls hiltewarm water and one i-aeet cnmprfel yeajit. Iet stand "n k. hour at a temperature of TO deirrees. This in gradients to becoms wail Mended, to they w'.l ferment nuk klv in tha miik. Heat tnrea quarts of mi.k In a doubls iler until lukewarm, stir ths vesjt uu t ire in st'ti the milk and et stand another hour at the sams tempers.turs. Turn Into sterilised (Ml bottles that have metal cap and spring, and plava where the m.ti temperanre can b maln tained for eight hours, .luting which time the bottles so.iuid be fre.1uently jr. as en. Then piacn on the lee, shaking twice a day. Thev should be allowed to remain two days ef ueing. Tha spring siid metal cap but tles can be purba-ed at aiiy hoiias thai furnlehes supplies for dmgg'.ata or con fectioners, and will Ust for years. In opening a bettie of kumyss hoid over a piate. as t!i contents sometnlnMS rush 1 out wltli rich fon e tliat a portion is lost. K'lmys, pr-ioeriy made will hav. tl.e s p- , cram on top. Philadeipfua Pepper P"t Fir the reai old Ph!la1elphia pepper pot get six pounds of the best mixed tripe and soak in salt water for an hour or two. Kavs a. so a knuckle of real. Boll both tripe and veal with water to cover, but In sparats pots, and cook slowly unci tha meat is ten der It will taJks three hours at least. Cool In the pots, skim off the grease, then put the two liquors in one large pot. Cut the L"p in pieces the sirs of large j dice, cut some of the veaL Add to ths j pot, together w til six large of potatoes and i four onions; cut In pieces, season ta taste j with salt, pepper, pot herbs, a half box ' sweet marjoram and the same amount of thyme. Sweet banll. cloves and allspice may also be added If desired. Boil for about two hours. Ons-ha,f hour before serving add dumplings about the size of marbles made from biscuit dough. Cook for ten or fifteen minutes, remove spices and sweet herbs, which should bava been enclosed In little bags, and thicken with flour and butter rubbed together to final constistency required. Ths soup should bs about as thick as rich cream when done. A half cup cream can bs added if desired. Onion Soup Put into a saucepan two tahlespoonfuis butter or ths same amount I I I onions cut In slices. Cook until tender and ! slight brown. Add one-ha-f tiacup flour ' and srir until a smootn mass, and brown without scorching. Pour In a pint of boil ing water, stir until smooth and thick ened and season to taste witii salt and pepper. Pour Into th soup kettle and stand on back of range until nearly time to serve. About fifteen minutes before dinner, add a scant quart of milk and two or three mashed potatoes, stirring carefully through the soup, until distributed and smooth. Serve hot milk with croutons, or souffle balls, and a little minced parsley sprinkled over the top. The snuu will be richer If stock is used Instead of butter to dilute the onion mixture. r v. Daily Health Hint J Spirits of ammonia should be used In ternally only by Inhaling. As an external application It la useful to wash off ths stain of Iodine, or as an antidote to burns produced by acids. A Heal Helpaawet. John Mltcheil. enlarging on his well known theory that every man who works should belong to a anion, said ta an In dianapolis reporter: "Every workman should resolvs on Isthor Day to Join a union. Ths union Is stronger ana more resolute than the Individual. It gets things dons. In fact, in Its beneficent reiadon to Its members It reminds me of Hobson s wife. She said: " 'Hobson was a confirmed smoker with tobacco heart when I married him a year ago, but today hs never touches tha weed.' " 'Good for nim,' said her listener. 'To maka a change Uka that requires a pretty strong will.' " 'Well. I've got one.' said Mrs. Hobson. " The Winter Color. Is red. It Is dull. Japanese m shads. Th kind used in embroideries. It tends to ths dull brick. Almost everything new has a touah of It. Sometimes th touch Is a piping or a Cower. It Is much need with fur la muffs, stales and toauea. Whole dresses ars mads of It la. ehar meuse sometimes veiled tn a lighter aliad. Some scarlet or Japanese red coats nave made their appearaac in evening wraps. AauaaaJ 3 IghtaMjre. The Christmas pressnt problem. Looms iargeiy Juat anead. When winter Is aproasiuing And summer days nave fled. A man must spend Uke water His coin fur tnat and this, Aa tnough It were a pleasure He wouidn t miss. T. E. aa Ad vie. When you can t just see the light. When tilings ain't a-goin' right. Or the way you thins they snould. Wait and see how taey turn out; Don t g' beiieiin' aoout. Jest saw wood. T. K. M rCC2, END SIS u m s ilrothar- She tar ant? can't sleep tar thinking et me." Siater A lobster often has that c3ect rnl ("hiiscnaa preeem-e r-rr con venient. said Dottie. ssieetlv turning -e with her pur"ha--esi '"Wi hai-w only to wait f r The rjutnge." i "Anv chanan wll be a rdef. - t groajied. j a tha shippers piLhel me around merri "You nice, patient pack animal." she cried, adrmrnh'y "All vnsi need to r m- j piete the picture Is the diamond hitch." "Ton mean the solid goid hand, ion t you 7" I ba.-rairi countered. "Can t you re":im from intruding such rnemn snn)tlons Into the r'tt'i Chiitt- J mas spirit"" she demanded. "Maybe you , ! don t beiieve In spirits." I "ih. medium." I retorted ! thinking Prof. Sartrent of "But I was Harvard is rtuht." "About what"" she demanded. Women s feet a..- larger.'.' I sighed. ,hlfUnf bllmi ae.eif. n my hoeoin ami reening my aching tnlMes. "I lie sail men wer bei oming more efntninar . " she rsir-reil. j emplained. "Cih. this arae foot riiel" I "But if that woman tn the elevator had I kept her hat feather poked In my mouth much longer" "Wasn't the feather long enough" she Interrupt eI. "I would have M'ten it off." I ci-ed. de fiantly "Oh, bitter thought!" she mocked. "No. bit her feather." I reapoml-d. "AnywaT. you ought to he g'ad Tm dceng my Christmas shopping early, as every body is urging." she demurr-d. "What are you buying I asked, craftily "Oh. some drens g'xts and some groceries , and a few we had to have rght awav." she repll-d. evaslvelv. "That doesn't sound like 'niriftmna shop ping Ui me." I declared. "Well. I havent made up my CTi-isTmas list yet." she parried. "I'm going to be busy at the office th rest of tl'e morning," I jibeee-ved ha.-rtily. "So sorry, but" "Don t worry. Mr. Knowtes has vnlun- j tee red to assist. Hs was a college haf back once." she assured. "Ton ned a htuf bake I mean back orvt' this Job." I gasped. i "Why don't you gi to ths drug depart- j merit and get something for that cough T i she asked, solicitously. candy department," I returned. "Anyhow, I did ask tits floor walker about It. told S him this couai wu a recent complaint and I he tried to send me to the complaint de partment." "I supnoae, that Vermont tax on firs will be fait hers." she rem ark -1. f. Fruit and Vegetables Attractive Autumn Dinner Decorations Fruits and vegetables, iiutead of flowers, should be the deroradn for fall dinner tables. For instance, the centerpiece could be a shapely pumpkin, the outride of which must be mashed and rub I" 1 until It shines. Ths top should be taken i ff to form a hole four or six tnches laruc Then, with a strong spoon, the seeds must be removed, and in this- way the pumpkin becomes a dish for fruits. If tha edge of the top is scalloped the ef fect Is prettier. To fill ths pumpkin apples and a couple of oranges ars first put tn, than two or three "lady" apples give a touch of blight eoiiw. Grapes, both Tokay and white, must be used to fill crevices. Much ad.titional beauty Is given if bunches of grapes are draped on the outside, this being dona easily by suspending them f.-un ths top edge. To hold the bunches in place pieces of steel wire may be bent to serve I as hooks, and tiny pieces of string may be tied to the grapes to fjrm loops. Elaboration Is given to the pumpkin by cutting out strips of It lengthways, so the fruits show through all ths way down. Raw cranberries ars not used as much r What Should a Woman Spend for Board? The way each person shall live is such an elastic subject that every one must decide It for hersetf In tha last analyela. Yet it la true that to spend all of one s tncoms Is unwise, from every point of view, sentimental as well aa economic, and the subject resolves Itself Into what a per- j sun Is willing ta forego. There la a general rule that at least one-quarter of the Income should be saved. But here a woman meets an a. must unan swerable proposition, for what Is essential to on woman would be th height of luxury for another. A woman who earns US week must possess an active mind, a presence more ! or lees attractive, and so must dress rea sonably, stylishly. Her type of brain pre suppoeea needs of a kind aut within tha comprehension of another person In whom brain is leas developed. Therefor, tile actual living expenaee of one who earns Ca a weak are Inevitably greater than an who makes only CIO a week. I suppose economists would argis that th twsnty-flve-doiiar woman might be housed and nourished for the same amount as ths tsn-doliar worker, but I do not agree with. them. Women, even more f Fads of Women J Something new In the way of a w.n.iuw curtain that will screen the window but not exclude the light is in panel effect. Ths foundation Is net applliiucd in an ar tloua design combining tne coiuaiai and the Marie Antoinette effects. A border extends the enure length uf the curtain and a nuta design covers one-third at tne lower edge. This runs up in grace ful lines ta within a third of the distance from the top. Ths curtain hangs straight and Tat In banns lemma style and tne Bacf portion oonaes Just where it Is seeded. gin. two and a half yarda by forty Inches In whits jr deep ecru costs A box ot handkerchiefs that would maka a delightful Christmas gift costs only 9m aenta. Four handkerchiefs ars contained In It, each one different in design, but all sneer and fine. Lace trims the edges and dia vn-wr em broidery and insertion are tha decoration. B"ut sing'y the aaadkereniefa are tA''.tiN i FUET ARM iC. "I thought Vrnonfn eniy fur bearing exprt i the buckwheat cake." "t Oi, I mean Th simpie e erirreer., tlie Christmas tre. " she d.ajrrarr.e.1. "VVil branclies e-f That intluetr-t must biiah to la v Co von f.vlg"" "Yee. but tue Chstmas tre will never have to left'e. I ,!.!. "tf.trk! hiirk' ll-nr trees hark' Con ser'a'icn Is vexatl.-fi. " "Tlit a ci-ui-l pn'h oh" I a-e-erie.1. "Would vm mind scratching my niw? I mm t W t The-e hunities and I'm suing t.- nee a'ha.-h.'" and I did stieese. s. vi. lenr'v that the str'nun bnlte on several handles. It was while I was franrtcH.iV.- gather -g them up and relying them that the aloeirlrl inurmureii : "Your change, madam." "Miits." cre-rei:ted pottle. "They have a ll'tle Hat. you never wl'l bs tWs-eir." I gurgled, holding one end of the twine in mv moiitn w-1!e rvtng. "I do believe he' he' that he took yosi ; '.rrh, ha' hal that Is too laughable for i anv"-i she glitirie'1. sa'lricailv. "He Is laughable) beet who laugiialns !a-ts." I g'ard. "How mui-h was this ehan" we waiteI so long for"" "Two cents." she replied faintly, "Too senselesw," I de laimed. "Twej .amfa as though this were the perfumerv cieinter .-(tooding her making f'Mi1shneas ( for 3 cents, the price of a stamp. I'd have vn you a stamp rather thar "Well, give it." she taunted. "There's a stamp." I tootled, stamping mv f sit In the most cut-up seyle, and In stantly there was a howl from a meek man who had edged too; near. In the ex citement we escap-- i Copyright. 1!0. hv the N". Y. Herald Co ) Are Smart and .J as they should be fir table decoration. If weil rwlored. shapely ones ars selected. each being carnfully wiped, they are bril liant. They t!u?y may be thrust on thej ends of twigs, and If put Into a hot oven fur about ten seconds they shade their hu lust enough to have a wonderful reddish, brown. Twis thus decorated may be com bined with evergreens, and If put Into brass or copper, the bunch, having a slashing red bow tied In. becomes effective. Cranberries used alter ths manner sug gested, if stuck on the end of wooden tooth picks, look auronimlilngly Ilka cherries and are prttty for axtu-hing tile annual turkav. A woman who dues not like a vegetable f'S- a centerpiece should use swamp aider berries and pine needles. Both are to be bought at any floriirts, and the combination Is brilliant and different frmn the usual tanle ornament. Mexican peppers are something of a novelt In the flower market, and are ta be commended for table use. as they last a long time, and have a beautiful color. Greens should be used with them. ROS.LXNA SCHUYLER. j than men, are unable to do their best work, if they live under uncongenial surround ings. L'tipieasant surroundings wear upon them nervously, and th result of such, strain soon shows In their work. In regard to the question anked above In the letter, undoubtedly a woman can f.nd room and board for S8 a week. Also her laundry may be done for tl a week. Thlrty-flve.centa a day for lunciieon is ail that many men Liu themselves. Car fares are 10 cents a dav. This aak a t.itai sxpendlturs of UT6 per week, ex clusive of clothes. Undoubtedly ths laun dry bill could be less tliaa tl, and IS cents day for luncheon will prevent starvation. With the increased coHt of living I hardly see how a wuman who works much with her brain could live on less, but the mat ter seems to me extremely Interesting. I think If eume readers- of ths woman's page would be willing to teil what their living cosrjj, in propor'lnn to their salaries, and Just how to manage, they might bs of much assistance to ea.;h other. Will any who are willing to help address t;.lr letters to the timtn'i department. -Na.nea shou.d be signed, but nut for puo U'SUun. Bu.-ia.NXA SCHL'TLEK. cents each. A but containing the same number of handkirrchiefa in a more elaborate design may be bought for tl. 75, or jj cents each. Four tne iiandkerchiels. a.1 beautifully embroidered each in a differ-nt design, and packed in a pretty box cost II. The Wuinen s Exponent, of Sa.t Lake City. Mrs. Lniniedne B. Weils, e'litor and publisher, is in its tliirty-umtu year. It was the first woman s paper In the rocky mountain reg'on. Among wuinen of nobiilt wr.a have dis played an cxtremeiy active interest in business is ti:e Viscountess Hambieden, wife of ths late Hon. W. H. Smith, founder of one of tile btggnst puiiUshlng bouses In the wir.d. When her husi.and died sne took the most Intimate Interest in the great firm of buokaeilurt and publishers and it has been to her enterpris that rnui n of uie success of ths midm-taklng Is dus. Though much of her life time Is taken up by social she has created a peeress In her own r.g.n by Wieen Vic torian ehe has never failed to devote much attention to pract.cai business affairs and has conserved and augmented the f.irtine left her by her husband.