Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
V. it, hi,:;ov. fi:t:ort and comic
pic t jc. the ocjt of enterUia-
r'or Nebraska, KIr.
For lows Knir.
For weather rport ee p,e.e I.
ir.f.t. instruction, ntnemfr.t.
VOL. XL-NO. 14
FfJ;al Grand Jury Charges Memberi
iecuxed Control of Eig-hty-FiTe
Per Cent of Output.
Sixteen Companiea and Thirty -Two'
, . J 1
Individuals Are Involved.
LICEJTSES TEEMED SUBTERFUGE p'k tay ,hl" morT,in- r"in- now or
1 set fell over the entire country from Vir-
- " ! ginia northeast and through the New Eng-
Officials Aisert Defendant! Disguised land statu, a high northeaster riuwi
Jlethodi br Patent Ritrhtj ,'he Atlant c ooeRn' nd 'our ocn Btcam'
1 s'nrs which crept into port thl morning
1 had to anchor In. the lower hay because of
WAYMAX'S TESTIMONY VALUABLE th- timdm .now. shipping was held in
I port until better weather.
I.leeneer .f lleed .mbln.tlo. t.el.! LEXINOTOX, Ky.. D c .-On. of the
lanmanlty from Criminal , Pro.
filliii "hrrmaa Law
llaa'a of Proereetlon.
I 'KTR' IT. Doc. The sn'l-tr'ist rim
puign of Attorney General Wlckershnm
shifted (o Iwtrolt this week, with the re-
piilt t! at yndlctitMnts were returned hy
t'e federal rrnnd Jury today acainst s'x
teen flrrr.s and thirtv-two indl v dua's. al
iened to have .ecured control of "6 r
cent of the annual output of enameled
Ironware bathftih. sinks, lav-oratories, etc .
In the I'nlted Plates.
TIim criminal proceedings erew otit ofa
suit to dissolve the alleged combinat.on
begun by the government In the federal
court at Baltimore, hearing; being held
In Chlcaao. Pittsburg- and New York within
the last forty days.
The evidence waa presented to tne grand
Jury by Edwin P. Grosvenor. special ass sl
ant to the attorney general; I'nlted States
restrict Attorney Frank H. Watson of De
troit and Jose Carling. special aeent of the
Department of Justice. . Secret hearings
began yesterday and nothing waa given out
until the Indictments were handed down
this afternoon. It was charged that as
the result of a ten dais' meeting at Ml.
Clemens. Mich., last April, a fund of J7.000
was subscribed to ret In motion a pan
that resuite.1 In giving the defendants con-
trol of slxleen manufacturers and nearly
.m Jobebrs, representing an output of ap
provlmately S10.IXO 000 a year.
Tea f sail aAaalnat Firms.
The two Indictments against each defend
ant conta'n six and four counts, respect- i
lvely. and charge that the defendants, con
trolling 8". per cent of the annual output,
combined to restrain the trade of manu
facturers and jobbers of plumbing supplies
by refusing to mil to the jobbers handling
the goods of so-called Independents, by
the. fixing of resale prtcea. by the division
of the I'nlted States into eleven zones and
refusing to sell to Jobbers who would not I
maintain the resale prices. It Is charged
that the effect of these resale prices la to
make the pr ce the same throughout the
1'nlted States and to eliminate competition
of Jobbers as well as of manufacturers.
""".a bidtt'tmenta M charge that the de
fendants compelled t'ne Jobbers to enter
Into uniform contracts and thai all the
defendants refused to sell to any Jobber
unieaa he would sign such a contract.
The government officials took the ground
that the evidence taken. In the civil -suit
established that the defendants attempted
to disguise their combination by the sub
terfuge of purchaslnsy the patents on cer
tain tools and licensing certain firms to
use these tools.
Way man's Tntlnioar I aiportaat.
The government places great weight
upon the testimony of Edwin L. Wayman
of Pittsburg, who Is described as the
licenser of the altered combination ami
whose, testimony already given In the
civil ault has given him Immunity from j
criminal proceedings.
The government charges that Wayman
obtained ST.OiO from the Peoples State bank
of DeiRjIt by giving luO shares of the
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing company
as security and that In using this fund
to purchase several patents, Sf.ouo went
bark to the Standard Sanitary Manufac
turing company for patents that It la al
leged to have turned over to the combi
nation. Wayman is not a voluntary wlt
neea. Tha government chargta that Wayman
collected SS per, day for each furnace from
each of the sixteen defendant firms, some
of which had as many as eighty furnaces
and that after two months these firms that
did net violate the agreement were to re
ceive a rebate of Su per cent of this con
tribution. Wayman's collections. It la al
leged, ran as high as fTQO per day.
The defendants against whom Indictments
were found today will be required to
appear at once in the United States court
bar and give bonds for their appearance.
Met Itvfradawt Klrma.
Both tbe civil suit brought at Baltimore
and the criminal proceedings begun here
have been instituted under the Sherman
anti-trust law. Tbe defendant firms In the
criminal proceedings are:
Standard Sanitary Manufacturing com-!
Pn, fiiisbura-. fa.; A. Weiskittel i Suns
la.-.unng,.. M.n.r.r.a. o.t toe company, at a conference last night re
i anih iron 1'ua.iianu. a . fin. : i fused to accede to th demands of Its'
l'iiiianu. ia. i e?in. :
.well l.ul n.inpa'iv. N"W o: k City.
. wnpa-iv. .Nw lorlt City;;
u, l.ay-vard company, warren. O; tne. u, b nf,,a ,t t 0-ciock tomorrow
il anipni e s Anuu:. tut nig cumpauy. Mjiis-. " .. . , , .
fl:.:. t); ivoiner Mauufact'iniirf company. ! morning, when all are off duty, to decide
l':liui.ri, H.; the J. U. M u iron or, , whether or not to strike. Tbe union rar
Nrw lork cn; McVay at Waiarr. Hrad- j n demana that all differences be sub
(I.jck, t-a.; tne Ma i uni-iioweu couiAJiy. . L. . ... .
.w lor; iHr National ramtary iiarm-; milled to an arbitration committee and tbe
ticlurmtf conipurii. u.; I ru.'ii ,aiil , company has refused. Fred Kay of I
tnr .ian tr i i-. ni.t.nv. lrolL Mich.. uaUonal organizer of the
l'id ; 1- Wuitr iarK,:i Ui.-iixg company.' , . . . - a,,.
u.l,.w. II. heel.,, l-,.ar.,el,l Iron - Amalgama.ed Association of Street and
ci.mpeiiy, V her'ini, v.; I mi-l a i. s ; Electric Railway Employes of America. Is
Mimtiirv Uaniif.t-.uilng wmjauy, Puts- : ,.nd.vting th negotlatlong for th car-
arren. O ', tae
i.. tin. i a.
lallliNal DrfeudaKCa..
T"e inoivilitai defrit.laiita err-
Muii'JU i..ii:: conipov. c. M. oeeie and
'r i .-:.. (a .t.-t ( and m rrui y it!
t.e tSdra ian..iciai n.g ciiiiipAiiy; b'rana
li. I a ileil J J. M,luiir. kte pie-.-
i. i I ,.f Hie i ai.i:! 1 : 1 1 wutaa; Je T
lu!t-j n,l l.u! t i . i'litlen. prrli1t-:it j!ll
nU'U.' J Pic I'ol-vril I.eaJ c.Jli.4ti .
U. i;. uinf.,1.1 and A. c. a; a ;.v.iicu.
ttiul li- lif--,uil:l o. The 1 a-V''tl u 11
1 a.;'. . ii. KiJ and 1 il u.;.lr:'.
p t -s 1 i.i an-: a . i r . ai . .f i lit- 1 1 u i: . . . t
A toi. . I .111: n.lii, .. . J. A.
1 -i. ! ! rt-s .'f ::l ftn.i 1 t .-urer of toe ivcr.irr
Ai . .: .1 . 1 . m 1; f.1.1. 1 ia. . j-r A 1 11 1 .. M.j 11
a:nj A- i. -cr.. ,il-ii-iit a:it e--rell;,' ir
ti J il.ct I i oil won.-; Tti.'iias tva.k'i
. ' i;m'i. pi YftMftu a;;it iii--cur
i'i'.j'wa .1 Ti a""" ' l''lli'nt ' . j ill,n "v
. ' ve : 1 i'.'uY-Ti- e I 'lomVam ; Ki'anti'i;.
ii'iinen un.l i V. la.!s. ;i-e.iiieni nul
Mle:al i.f 1 . National eliltary alaiiii-
tai . .Vi-.. ,u:i.ia.i . U. 1 . ilMeail.a.11 ail c.
V. lir;. am. p: i-MOei.l and ae-'reiar" ot toe
1 niu.. .'a-iiiat v via iiira.-t.innf c.npanv;
' 1' Arrott and A. tl. Cuiv.-. jr..
pi...i. and xi.'fUr. ,f m I'mted
;!. ta: jl a n ; 1 a--! j ; ma 1 nr;)iti . Am m
l--t e: ;i e-i,l..-t i.f A. el!l'ei tv
S-ii v.impa v , 1 it Woiff and Her.u .
AI ll.e.-. pie-.t.:t and r.UK ..
ti.e I.. W ..iff Mi.iu'i. t ifn; comjian y; J. i"
iCuoUajcd oil fcic.tii r'aic.j
Snow Storm Raging
Along Atlantic Coast
ana in unio vaney
Disturbance Extendi from Virginia to
New England, Be achine Inland to
Ohio and Kentucky.
NEW YORK. Dee. . A blltzard swept
along the Atlantic seaboard and over th
!"T'r ,ak' r!,n tto" "I'V.T
below at Canton. N. T.. u the low
est temperature recorded.
Th itorm centered over the lower Chesa-
heavieiit snows for many year leu in tms
! sect. on of Kentucky last n'ght and early
' today. The fall In the mo.inta ns was two
I feet, while the lowlands were covered with
ten Inches of snow. B'ulnrss In the moun
I tain districts Is entirely suspended,
j OA LI.I POLLS. 11.. Pec. . Twelve Inches
of snow f.'ll in this section last night
! which Is the heaviest tor ten years. In
.a this city street ears were put out of com
mission. Railroad rerort trains delayed.
Terrazas Elected
Head of Chihuahua
State Congress Meets and Selects
Leading Man to Take Charge of
Affairs of State.
CHIHUAHUA. Mm.', Doc. B.-(Vla El
Paso, Iec. S.) The state congress met to
day and elected Alberto Terrazas acting
governor of Chihuahua state, to succeed
Jose Maria Sanchez.
General Luis Terraxas. father of the new
governor, owns a third of tha land In the
state and has always been the power be
hind the throne.
General Hernandez today assumed con
trol of this military zone, succeeding Qen-
eral plal
Government troops whl;h left here Satur
day camped at San Isabel today. Six hun
dred of tha enemy are reported fifteen
miles away, at an Andres, and govern
ment forces have been made Into detach-
I ments to reconnoiter In force.
EL PASO. Tex.. Dec. . Alberto Terrazas,
the new governor of Chihuahua state. Is a
brother of the wife of Enrique Creel. Mexi
can minister of foreign affairs, who was
himself governor of Chihuahua until he
became a cabinet officer. The father of
Alberto Tfcrraxaj held tha poaitlon of gov
ernor prior to Creel's election. Alberto
Terrazaa Is president of the Juares Jockey
Election Contests
Filed in Missouri
Four Democratic State Officers Who
Were Defeated Making Ef
fort to Hold On.
JEFFEP.SON CITT. Mo., Dec. .-Four
democratic candidates for state offices,
who were defeated m the November eleo
t.on. served their republican opponents
with contest papers today.
P. C. Timmonds and Judge James B.
jC.antt. served papers on John Kennlsh and
I J' C' Bron, who were elected Justices of
! ,n "Pme court. Howard A. Gas. knd
Thomas M. Bradbury, served papers on
W- F- Evans and Frank A. Wlghtman.
who "tJ superintendent of
Puol,c "cnoois ana rawroaa ana warenouse
Three Dertan Testify that Ther Ces
alder Slayer ef C. E. Glbaosi
VIVCEXNE8, Ind.. Dee. . JuTt before
noon today the defense In the trial of
Menlo E. Moore, for the murder of Charles
E. Clbsoo, rested and the state began lis
Wlnslow H. Cochran testified that Gib
son did not strike or run Into Moore just
previous to the shooting. On cross-examination
the witness admitted he bumped
into someone Just before the shots were
fired. Cochran was Gibson's companion
when the shooting occurred.
Dr. B. B. Griffith. Dr. William H.
Davenport and Dr. Thomas J. McOowen
1 testified that they considered Moore of un
sound mind at the time of the shooting.
ST JOE CAR MEN MAY STRIKE'1 llf an1 h vu of such an elusive
9 I. JUt vn jwun I.IMl n'1- mipo8ltIon wu not to
Deaaafa af Vale Employes Are Re
fused aad Vet Will Be
Takea Taalatkt.
.TT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Dec. .-Th tnanage-
0f the St. Joseph Street Railway
l fused to accede to th demands
union emnloves. and a meeting of the car-
Boy High Financier Has
Merry Career in New York
NEW YORK. Iec. Through the com
plan 's f an y creditor here it became
known tJ-lav that on tne Saturday before
, the National Home show opened. Robert E.
I'avlc. tie Boston boy financier, alio Is
being sought on a charge of larcrny.
er.'.e eU a mi h and lV.i.r be til l not own
i t'ir the class. o Arrowhead cup
With J. H. Coulttr of Ho. ion on tl-e box
Mjrri" Hewlett, one of the best known
i h r In the country, beside him, he tuok place In tlon ogajnst Alfred
' Va 11 ixrt.i'f and I ail tor Not c.lri tent
l:u th.-.t he pro;efte.i the m iming do.-g
entry, and the w hule matter went before
the Judges, who fl -a!iy rulrd that the
prolyl of t.:e Ayreaiilre farm, under whose
ni re I'av a entry was made In the of-
f c.a! catalov-e. was unfoamlrd uid ton
11 nit-1 I anl Sorg in Trst pla e
. Trie ai. l four a-e tre piope-ty o."
(, who li:nuccn'.;y agreed Ul iir. fur
United States Attorney and Special
Examiner Make Trip to Hasting!
to See Quarters.
Decline to Talk on Returning
Omaha Last Evening.
Sheriff Gets Assurance "Everything'
All Right"
Maa-iaa; of Coon ftoaas" ky Fellow
Prlaoaer Resells la Liberal Tiff
frwsaj reaastork i
il Irharils.
fnited Stales Attorney FVank R. Hvweil ;
went to Hast!ng-s yesterday to make an In- j
vewtigatlon of the physical environment of
Messrs. Comjtock. Richardf. Trlplett and j
Jameenn. the land barons. Accompanying j
him was a special aent of the Department .
of Justice at T.'asl.Irgton. who was r.t by
Attorney General Wlckentham.
The Investigation came about because
Hastings people appealed to the attorney
generJ to have one made.
Will Dfsr Tale ef I.asirr.
Mr. Howell, on returning last evening,
declined at the preeent time to make any
statement, owing to the fact, stated by
him, that he felt that he Deparment of I
Justice should be the first to receive In- I
for nation coming from him. Advlces from
Ha-itlngs are to the effect that the federal
inspection will result In a report that the
story of sybaritic repast and sumptuous
furnishings la false.
The special agent told Sheriff McCleary
at Hastings he "found everything all
Who the a?ent of the Department of
Justlre is was not learned In Hastings;
neither was It learned last night In Omaha.
Ithough the agent himself was seen by
newspaper men. A detailed report of the
facts as found by the government In
spector, specially detailed, may be given
out here any time.
Attorney Howell and the special exam
iner were In the Jail about an hour making
an Inventory of the furnishings and talk
ing with the prisoners. As a result of the
inspection the sheriff expects the govern
ment to send him a set of rules specifying
exactly how the prisoners shall be treated.
K air hi Mlshlma. the Japanese chef the
ranchmen epectxed to prepare their meals,
la here from Denver, but the sheriff says
he has not yet been permitted to send any
meals to his masters In the jail.
The singing of coon songs by John
Daugherty. a atate prisoner, hss been
added to the amusement ef tfte prisoners
for which ther tip him liberally.
Plaaned laspeetloa
A telegram sent from Hastings Monday j
started tha Investigation, although Mr.
Howell had prepared to go of hla own
initiation. Tb.eHas.Unga telegram was as
-HA8TINGS, Neb,. Deo. , lMO Attorney
General Wlckersham, Washintrton. D. C;
Dear Sir: The transfer of Messrs. Corn
stock. Richards, Triplett and Jamison, fed
eral prisoners, cattle barons, from Omaha
to sedve their time of imprisonment In the
county Jail In this city with accredited
luxuries and special conveniences their
cells are reported to be provided with Is
a subject of wide comment, making their
punishment appear more as a farce and a
Joke, with more or lealndlgnatlon conse
quent there to."
Th s was signed by F. A. Watklns. a
HasLnga newspaper man.
Wlekerakam'a Reply.
la reply the following telegram waa re
ceived from the legal department of the
"WASHINGTON, Dec F. A. Watklns:
I have sent a special agent to Investigate
and report to mo concerning matter re
ferred to In your telegram. Signed,
Mr. Co ma toe k expressed himself In Hast
ings yesterday aa lisgusted and greatly
worried over the fact that "There Is some
one continually skulking about the home
of his family." Ha said that If the an
noyances continued It would be necessary
for his family to move elsewhere.
Jameson and Triplett were Interviewed
and appeared ready to converse on any
subject, but Mr. Richards, the man who
last arrived at th Jail, appears not yet
to have become accustomed to tha tail ajid
terview him.
Clatke ef aa( Womaa Catek Fire!
While She Is Bllnlaterlag fa j
Waaaded Pet.
NEW YORK, Dec. . Inattention to her
own aafety while concerned for the Weil-
being of her pet collie dog cost Miss Ellen
E. Francis of East Quogue. L. I., her life
today. The young woman brought th
animal In the house tn extract a piece of
wire from Ita foot. Wbile Intent on the
operation ahe failed to notice that ahe bad
neglected to close the open grate fire In
the H ar ..- I . t r - . ...... .. 1 .
1 .... " u Bill. I, ILI
burned to death.
Davie for a snug consideration and ad ex
penses. Neither has teen paid and the 1
New lork police said tuday thai in their
tel.ef Davie hts gun to Mexico.
Thee details came ojt to.hiy through
counsel for George Wa;son, anoti er well
known hotse dealer. I'avie appeared at his
atablea early In November and sought to
' buy a kandrr.e pair for H lid underej
j a check, but Waison refuse! to mi,ke de-
' Uvery until he heard from ti.e bank. It
j came back marked "no fands." Latter
I av e aDleared lr a 13 5d tl Inn ri
g c:ir which 1
I Wataon accepted In exchange for "Ayre- I
! ah. re Qaren," a vaJ-atli.- mare. in the !
I ai'pnranc of the Boston dealer a ho t.olU
t the car 10 1 avie. Waieoii earned mat I". !
! h id been ra'il tor In part only, and tnat I
tl;e ile.ile.-s held a mortgage to ?cure the
balaiMT. The mai has l-ti restored I
10 trie oar.era and Wataoa has got his ; back. j
V. . t 5 -ne-i 5
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
. V . v. vivv .- .a - :. . ssdP-- P twT
Election of Redmondites Gives Coali
tionists Majority.
Twa Mew Defeated Year Aero 1
This roaMltaeary Are Re
tarwed by Good Plu
ralities. LONDON. Dec. . The return of a fur
ther Met of unopposed Redmondites this
afternoon sent the coalitionists attain to
the front with a total of 131 seats In the
new parliament, against 138 now held by
the unionists.
The state of the parties a named Is as
Government Coalition Liberals, 90; Irish
nationalists, S; labor members, IS. Total.
Opposition Unionist US.
John Sharp Hlsrhara of the Sewar'iy di
vision of York was the sole liberal re
turned unopposed today. Among the na-
Uonallets rechoeen without contest were
Jnn num ot Mayo an1 William H. K
Redmond of Clare. Among the unionists
unopposed were Sir Charles A. Crirjpa,
Wlcombe division of Bucldngtmmshlre;
James William Lowther, speaker of the
House of Commons, of Cumberland, and
Erneet Gardner of Berkshire.
The prmlnent features In today's early
returns In the pa-iiamentary elections was
the capture of Sunderland by the coalition
pajrtine. T. Hamar Greenwood, the Cana
dian liberal, who returns to the House of
Ccmmona after an absence of less than a
year, and Frank Golds-tone, the labortte.
turned out the two unionist members. S.
Storey. Independent tariff reformer, and J.
Knott, who were elected last January by
majorities of 711 and 1.312. respectively.
The polling took place In Sunderland
yesteruay, but the results were not an
nounced until today. Greenwood received
a majority of 1.6ST, and Goldstone had a
margin of 991 rotes.
The turn over Is attributed In part at
least to the bitterness of the bollermakers
In tha Sunderland district, who were locked
out some months before.
The reeultsj In Newcastle-on-Tyne wea-e
also mado known for the first time today.
They show no change, E3- Shortt, liberal,
being returned by a majority of S t, and
W. Hudson, labortte. being re-elected with
S.532 votes to spare. In the preceding
election the liberal and labortte majorities
over the unionista were 4,712 and 4.174, re
spectively. Among the unopposed returned was John
Dillon, nationalist member for the east
division of Mayo.
New Trial Asked fer Weighers.
VKW YORKL Dee. &. A motion was
made today for a new trial In the case of
Charles D. Drew and Charl. H W"11;
tne Doaa custom niin wui.iu
September of having taken money from
Arbuckla Bros, for the false weighing of
Arlsana Caaatltatloa Adopted.
PHOENIX. Ariz., Dec 1 The final stape
of the constitutional convention was
reached today when the portion of the con
stitution considered by the committee o
the whole last right was adopted
For Christmas.
The want ad pages
arc particularly in
teresting to Christ
mas shoppers.
Before you start out on your
chopping tour today look
over the column "For Christ
mas" on the first Want Ad
There you will find a largo
number of Omaha merchants
who are offering suggestions
of things which they have
suitable for Christinas 'res
ents. Many little things out of the
ordinary are mentioned there.
Look them oer.
They will interest you and
aid. you in completing yuur
a a
Son and Daughter
Plead Not Guilty
Defender of Cameron Dam met Affi-
davits of Prejudice Against All
Judges in State But Three.
HATWARD. Wis..' Dec. . The case of
John Diets, his wife, Hattle. and son. Les
lie, came up before Judge Wlckham In the
circuit court today. They pleaded not
guilty to the charge of killing Deputy
Sheriff Oscar Harp on October 8. The at
torneys for the defense made an attempt
to have the trial postponed until December
12. but the postponement was not granted.
The defense then filed affidavit of preju
dice against Judgs Wlckham and all of
tha other Judges In Wisconsin except those
in the First and Thirteenth districts. Judge
Wlckham accepted the affidavit so far as
It related to himself and ordered It filed.
owtk Dakota Farmer Havre Load f
lleaehold Gaada by l aaaaal
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Deo. S Spec1al.)
A new and novel kind of a fir depart
ment la reported from Gregory county.
Fred Benty, the l-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Benty, who reside on a
homestead In that county, was taking home
some household goods, consisting of mat
tresses and other articles which had been
purchased at a sale on a farm some miles
away. A fresh ;ow which also had been
purchased at the sale waa tied to the back
of the wagon. Young Benty was walking
along behind the cow when he discovered
that the mattresses were on fire.
There was no water at hand, so hastily
securing a bucket the boy hurriedly milked
the cow and with the milk extinguished
the fire, which for a time threatened to de
stroy the wagon and Its contents.
naat roalaoatatat atf
Criminal Case latll After Eqelty
rata la Decided.
CHICAGO, Deo. . -Counsel represntln
to Indicted meat packers today filed a
petition In the federal dTstrtct court asking
that further prosecution of the charges
made In the Indictments be withheld until
the dlspoaal of tha suit in equity filed laat
February before Judge Peter 8. Grosacup
In the United Slates circuit court.
The suit In equity asked the dissolution
of the National Packing company, which
the government charges Is the so-called
"Beef trust.- and which Is officered and
directed by owners and officials of the
three chief packing houses, the Armours.
Swifts and Morrisses.
Ceasw Hataraa Skew Stat Has Psbv
alattwa f Mora Taaa Mllllea
aad Half.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1-Populatlon sta
tistics of the thirteenth census Issued to
day by the census- bureau include figures
for the following states:
Arkansas 1,571.419. an Increase of aC.JSS,
or p..r cent over In 10.
The Increase from IK) to l.'HX) was 1S3.K;.
or K.J per cent.
South Carolina 1.815.400. an Increase of
175. (54. or 13.1 per cent over UrtJP In
The increase from 1K?0 to ly'J was lsS.147.
or IS. 4 per cent.
Judge Baldwin Returns
Letters from Roosevelt
NEW HAVEN, Con.l.. Iec. t-Colonel
'1. ,. . ,
, ovelt ha, written to Governor-elect
Baldwin tcv-ral time, since the election ol
j November. It 1. understood, but the letter,
, have been returned. Then ! as been no
,def.nhe adjustment cf the , uroversy
I wl,.-h aroee over Colonel Roosevelt a ciif-
uiiu 1 aiuw n snegeo aitituile
towarda worklnm-n's cominsalion laws,
j but mutual friends are a.d to be tryin ;
. i (.(in iui a rworciuauoa
, tol-inrl 11. man. president of the New
1 Haven Chamber of Commerce, baa ben It
correspondence lio Colonel I'.o,aekei;. !..
jortirr to pave It- way for ac. eptauo. by
! Judg Baldwin of the Invitation to addreaa
i the chamUsr at I a banquet nett Tuesda;-.
f 1
len Colonel Roosevelt will be the gueal
Some of the Items for Which Appro
priations Axe Asked.
eeretmry MauVah eads iat felal
A he tract of Estimates for the
GoTtraatat'i Usee for
the Year 1913.
WASHINGTON. Dec. . The estimates of
appropriations required for every branch
of the federal government In the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1912. aggregating J748.
414.SL were submitted to congress today
by Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh.
This total stands against estimates of 1714.
067,197 and appropriations of 806,4.13 for
th. current fiscal year, which included
more than UO.OW.OOO (or th census and
flO.eOO.flOf for postal and other deficiencies.
The estimates today were distributed as
War department - JMS.S7.Mfc:
Interior department 1SJ.I51.JT5
Treasury department 141.1 97
Agriculture department 19 4P1.0W
Nnvy Iiepartment !.. 158
Commerce and Labor W.rrS.HTO
District of Columbia li.t.-f
Legislative IS 43fi.
Justice W.0 3.5".
State department 4.S75.576
Independent offices. Including In
terstate Commerce commission.. J.1TS .SP6
Postoffice department I,7.4y0
Deficiency In postal revenue, no
estimate yet.
Executive W 170
Territorial governments 202,150
What the items Are.
There are no striking features In this
year's estimates. Among the Items are:
Increase in the navy, J23.294.otg, Including
J12.840.42g for construction and steam ma
chinery and armor and armament la the
proposed building program for 1911 and
J3.UO0.O0O for armor and vessels already
authorized. For hulls and outfits of ves
sels and steam machinery of vessels here
tofore authorized. J6.021.7M Is aaked; for
submarine torpedo boats and subsurface
destroyers, JS20.S34. An estimate of JU1.000 is
made because of two fleet colliers already
authorised and It Is pointed out that In
order to construct a collier on th Pacific
coast In th government yard congress must
Increase the limit of the cost of the second
from Jl.000,000 to 11.500,000.
A lump appropriation of J1.OQO.000 Is asked
to enabl th secretary of th navy to
establish at such places as he may deem
necessary suitable depots for coal and
other fuel for the supply of warships. The
estimate for naval barracks and quarters In
the Philippines Is JtXW.OOO In placa of th
present appropriation of JJ75.000, and J6.000
Is estimated for wireless experiments In
tne Philippines to obtain a system having
relation to th army, navy, Phillppln gov
ernment and the commercial community.
For dummy guns and mortars for Instruc
tion of th coast artillery Jauo.ooa la asked.
For a torpedo station "near the Pacific
coast" J2S.000 Is asked In addition to the
JI4S.O0O appropriated for this year.
There is a J100.009 Increase for the Alaska
Canada boundary work and J87.000 for
enforcement of th Insecticide act. There
ar many Items of appropriation needed
for public works of various kinds, aggre
gating J,84,3:. civil, and J34.4la,s63 under
War department
Mlllloa far Dearer.
The largest amounts for buildings are
Il.0u0.0ou for continuing the erection of tho
postoffice building at Denver, Colo.; Jl,
M for a site and continuation of apprais
ers' building at Boston, Mat's.; JL.jU.0uO for
continuing New Orleans postoffice and
court house construction. J1.2:"iK,iOO far con-
(Continued on Second Page.)
. It 1. .,..1
' ' '" auuge oaiawin Ins sts that a
public -tatem.nt must come from Co on
Wtl, touching on the latter", slw
at Cor.cord. N. II.. before direct con.nmnl-
cation will be considered. Pending . s,a-e
nient from Colonel Roosevelt, there is to
acceptance by Judge Paid win if the ,a.
itat:P to the banquet as
a ;uet and
, It In also ur.deratood. Colonel R.eeveli
neei net expect
any service of U-tral papers;
1 he comes here, in a sulci
upon hlrn. when
4 '' alleged damages ah.cti Judys Paldwlji! the iamra:. n a.. I he would Lr.r.g I
. jaint l.U critic unless ther- aa. M
avowal of the statement. roMa'ned in the !
speech In nusti.,n, whicii atalement,.
, Judge ma.nta-ned are a reflection on bis
,stand.n as a member of th bar.
- aai . j- . r jr ' asar
Annual Communication from Chief
Executive Occupies the Time of
Both Houses. '
Lafayette Young Says He Will Do
His Best
Judge McHugh is Discussed in the
Counsel fer Nebraska Have ?let Set
tled laatfon as to Wko Will
Make Argimral for Their
WASHINGTON. Dec. S.-Practlcsl'.y s'.l
the time In both houses of congress today
was occupied In the reading of President
Taft s message. In the se a.te three new
senators were sworn In. T'.ey are Claude
A. Swanson of Irginla. who succeeds the
late John W. Daniel. Joseph M. Terrell
of Oeorgis. successor to the late Penator
A. 8 Clay, and tjifayrtte Young of Iowa,
who takes the seat made vacant by the
death of Senator J. P. Dolllver.
In the house the message commanded
the attention of th members to the i
clusion of other business.
Both houses adjourned early until noon
I am here to do the will of the peo
ple." said Senator Young, after his In
duction into office. "I wear no mens
collar and whether I remain In the senate
for a short or for a long period. I am
going to do the best for the country that
I know h!m. I can say. however. It feels
good to be a senator of the United States."
Heading; of Message.
Congress gave respectful attention to
President Taft's message today, but there
were comparatively few members who were
willing to concede the probability of fav
orable action at the preoent session on
many of the recommendations contained
therein. This was In view of the fact that
the session will close March 4.
The message waa delivered to both houses
by Secretary Lett a soon after they con
vened at noon. Mr. Latta made his first
appearance In th enate, arriving Imme
diately after the announcement of th
president's Intention to communicate hla
views "In writing."
This announcement was made by Sen
ator Cullom on behalf of himself and Sen
ator Money, who constituted the senatorial
committee to Inform the president that the
senate was prepared to receive recom
mendations from him. Almost Immediately
afterward Mr. Latta delivered the message
to tha house. Th reading of th document,
which waa of unusual length, was begun
at 13:19 p. m. In the senate. At flret most
of th senators listened attentively to tha
reading, but gradually this attention ceased,
on th part of most of them and those who
remained In th chamber devoted them
selves to printed copies before them. This
also was the case In the house.
Webster at White Howae.
John L. Webster, at the special requeet
of President Taft, caJled at tha Whit
House today, and It Is understood dlecm-sod
Judge W. D. McHugh for a plaa on th
supreme bench. He also dlscusued with tha
president several other names that have
been suggested for vacancies In that trib
unal. Later, on the Invitation of Attorney
General Wtckeraliam, Mr. Webstar covered
much of th same field he had befor gon
over with the president as to availebi ma
terial for th supreme court
Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma bank
guaranty cases, which have been invited
for argument before the supreme court,
will in all probability be reached tomor
row. Counsel for the state of Nebraska,
ro far aa is known, have not settled tha
question a to who should make argument
for thetr client, but It may be that upon
request of Attorney General Mullen both
Whedon and Albert will be heard, th time
allotted to the side of th state being
divided between them. Mr. Webster will
present the bankers' side of th case, hla
associate. ex-Senator W. V. Allen, havlnc
decided to remain In Nebraska.
Several Haadred Recess Aysalat
meats ia la for fosflmalloa.
WASHINGTON. Dec. I-Among several
hundred nominations sent to th senate
by the president today wer those of John
W. Garrett of Maryland, to be United
States minister to Venezuela and Charles
8. Wilson of Maine, to be secretary ef
embassy at Rome. Italy.
The nomination of Frederick W. Lehmana
ot Missouri to be solicitor-general also
waa sent in today.
Practically ail th nominations wer ta
cover recess appointments already an
nounced. Other nominations are:
John C. Amer, collector of customs of
district of Chicago; Julius 8. Starr, sur
veyor of customs for Peoria, III.; E. H.
Randolph, United Statea attorney, western
district of Louisiana; Alexander Dunnett,
United States altoiaey, Vermont, and
Jesae W. Bonner, auditor fur Porto Ricu.
Proapeetlve Sarakrr ef Haas Pre.
seats Kralt to Pmral Speaker.
WASHINGTON, Dec. . Representative
Champ t lurk, prospective fpcaktr of the
I oiiit. who presented President Taft with
two luscious red apples a few days ago
and then aaked for the appointment of a
MieKouri man aa an astoclate Justice of
the supreme court of the United htates,
tuday gave two apples of the same kind
to Speaker t arir.i.n. He said that he had
no favors 10 ak of the present speaker,
but meiely !ett!ied to Introduce the fruit
of like county, Missouri.
Ueallat Kill.-. I la a Klakt.
CP.AMi PitAIRIK, Tex . Dec. a During
a flat. cuff,' betei Dr. O H
.Mcl.olsnii. a local Oenl'.u. and Hugh Ko
tei . an -yt-Hr-old yo'ith. Nicholson was
(ell. a Ij. a Mow In fa'ling hla neck waa
lin trn ami lie died witmn an hour.
t navlrt rlletall r Killed.
LKAVKN WORTH. Kan . Dec. .Frai k
W. lump1: 3 years, old a convict at the
.i-it.. i-nileiitiarv at .urn HI mas k ej
tuny wnne viorkinit m trie prison mine. A
heavy timber fell on l-im He was m-rvin-
un-ar s.nlence for murder
. .. 7Ti TT . 1
Vat Ult" ""
J,'V' L'T, i.-.V v.m.J T"',!.
i.ntl team of Alva. ki.. died earlv to.lay a
' ,h" reaulL of Injuries antainl In a foot
I !'"" "", ' " "
1 it aioiiaa. crai.