Want - Ads Wast ada rpH4 ai mmr time. In Insnre proper claestf Icat loa saaal lie prrwittd fcefere 12 o'clock as., tot laa eveolnc edition before T 18O morales; aad Seeday edltloae. Waat ada received after nrk hoars will ktT their flrat laeertloa aader th hradlaa- "Too Lata to Classify." naiea apply to either Tho Daily or leader Bra. llwtyi eoaat als word to m liar. CAM! RATE fO It WAJTT ADS. RKG11.AR CXAiiriCATIO! Oae laaertloa, 1 1-. ee.t. .r word ... 1 cent per word for aah eabeeejoeat laserllen. Each laeartlo. odd dare, 1 1-8 seats aer word. 1.6 per lino per aaoath. Waat ala If Tha Bee aaay ' at aay of tha fellOTrla drasj stereo oao Is roar "eoroer draBst" the ara all hraach offices for Tha so aad roar ad will ho lasarted J.st promptly had tha easae ratea mm at tha main offloo I. Tha B halldl., eraateeath aad Far a a as streets I Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. beta nek, H. A., 1402 8. lUn Bt I'syton Pharmacy, TM 8. Wth "t. HfiKoo flitrnmoy, Benson, Nso. Bemls Para pnarmacy. Kid and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh, tsi Sherman Caughlln, C. R.. th aad Cllftoo Hill Pharmacy, ml Military A. Hlnterlong Drug Co list Ave, wt mr nam ft. . . . Crlssey Pharmacy, VM'h and Cooney Pharmacy, KJ4 S. 1" "fc Cermak. EralL 11W4-S B. 11th Bt. Fhler. P. H I! Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl, 1U N. 16th St. . . Freytag, J. J.. 114 N. 14th Bt. Fregger Drug Co.. 1S01 N. 18th St. Floronce Drug Co., Florence. p- Green's Pharmacy. Fark Ave, and Paoino Ureeuoug-i. O. A., Iu6 8. 10t h bt- Ureenough, O. A.. loth and Hickory. Hayden, William. S20 Fa mum Bt- Hanscom Park pharmacy, liol 9t" AT Holt. John. 44 N. 10th St. Huff. A. 1-. t)M Leavenworth St. Johsnson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. Patrick Drug Co., 1Z N. Mth St. I.athrop. Charlee E., W4 N. 24th Golon Pharmacy. 24tu and Leaven worth Sts. Klnu. M. P.. 2238 Fa mum Pt. Kountxe Place Pharmacy. J1M N. Win. Mares. Fred L.. 2W9 Central Blvd. r-atatoa Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefeff Cut Price Drug Store. lt.tu and Chicago Sis. Feha.fer. An., frai N. Wth. Bchmldt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Bts. DEATH AND Ft'NEBAL NOTICES. BEAVER Anna Kate, t her residence. , Decatur rtreet Saturday night; be loved w1te of J. N. Heaver, aged 72 year. Funeral from reiddence Tuesday at 1 ?. m. interment at Forest Lav. n cemetery, "rler.ds Invited. RAIIM-I'itfr O.rant, at Oklahoma City, December 4, 1K1U, acd 2S years; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kahm. Hemalns will arrive Sunday evening at Burket's 1 allot?. , j-'untfial from residence. IKrt South Thlr- ty-fmt etreet, TueiHliiy ut 'i o'clock; lnter- liin.t. h'oiem l,awn cemetery, Hev. T. J. Aiacaay. Uiticlatini,'. II I It 1 II AM) IIVH1HS. Ulrtlis CliarleM K. Vcrrell, fflrl: Jamas Jacoi'ison. i-Si t-'ouih i weniy-tlilrd. boy; jt.unt Morr.f'. I'ny; Lnjia j. dwoiiuda, la-M .lil..wn, uoy; . a. bainhlil. 1S13 Mander fcun, hi,i; e. M. Ninle. 2nM i aunol axenue, loy; j-u.ier Oliver, l:.tt rsorth eventeelllll, buy; iiuiry Kmnitbury. tu Htdlord, boy; Gu.ieiJ c'. Aieiiaiiuna. Ill Mjuth tOigntn, tiri ...ilmr eicmiiiaer, 2'Mi nouth Fit le.hlli, Kill; JttKe- Koift-nblutt, itoW Cald well, boy; C. 1. fcmlth. 4i1j North Twenty liniHi, boy. utaihs Mrs. Iola Carlctoa. Thirty aecaiiU a:iu I'llus; John A. llrandrn, TG, laJu .orni KlKiueenti.; Uerlt-cn Uolllns, U. lw Ruiitn Nineteeiun; Mai y A.exanuer, iv, 401U i srker. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. UKNTLEMAN CO.,TA;V; ml aimers. li.H ClilrtHJ. L: i-uH. U-liii. PAmlORTHEATER Hioll CLASH V ALiJJi. 1L.L.K l OH W.-; riKliiit ;.-. In.. Vou wih not used a aocond In vi.kiioii atiiv you hate ai-ii our vuuw once. y-v AT At cut prices. ALL t g I I KlNu.9. We sat I I I f- I iuulwlo l W a toll. w M I I 1 uaniily 1..1U .jua.n j,uartiinee. i'.iUM.Uii o . CI' 1'ltlCK COAL. CO., Uii .Niv.. m. I 'Jilt l ilu.Mui. HOW IS YOL'K COAL TUN? Tel. U. 41-S, Ueu. .106. Coal-alt Ulndi. ii. 11. MUJUEllDUSK CO., 1 KACTiCAL nai aiiia,. .M j. .ut. It. i7'" Flllars, filter repairs. U10 itoward. L. S3U EAT KOailKU HUMU COOivlNO. AlUvl.Nb, Jlti b. Uta, L'l'biAlHlS. l1lvjk' u'i.1 K"ta shins parlors. 220 ti. U. W. C. CATT1Z. piuuiblne and heating; r.ew and irpa.i iork. Kiu No. 2lUi. 1. 1M. I'D lt'JTlIKUV S(,n"tl .-N'o - i J-17 -'A.iiijxt j. ; riB of ,iquorB anU clgnrs. Cnl? In connect on. Ill si. lith St. LYNCH BHOS VL.UMHIN'i AND UAouAl;!' Van tfc htoiage. Pack. move. Sl.io and jnip il. II. aviud. i lu 11 HAltHY V. tlOOL. Knginrer. Dealsnvr. tiiattn.iian. . IVaiideis llieaier. i. KLKVATtMSS KEk'AIRK.H. freiiht. p stl.ntr J. K. Uuurdy. Iu4 b. llih. L. 2L MISj LUTIli IlKVANT wishes to an l.i.uiK-11 ii ladies time sue lias addud to l.er lialrdrexiiiiiii inunlcui ing. baths, sail .ow, ood- massage. movement, by :attlo lirtl, iiiaUnate. liiant llianKj but 4Lt'un lor innr gvtieroua suppoit in ti. u (ui and solicits iliuir paliouage Jo. the lutu.-s. rtooiiis SIC and kl lu lilug 11AKUV Nv. V1CK1CH3, civil enj;ln.er, suu. i j i.o. cilia .v. v-v l axton liik. uouji. :li. lnd. 4 Hi. ANCHOH FEN CIS CO. Iron and Wire l't:u ci.ejpei' 'inan Wood. Lasts a i iM'thne. 207 N. ITt Ii fit. 1'none lied 814. Oil Y(,IT PAIlAtilSK: Soondo B'-d, doesn't it' llanplne's su pmi!. viifii yen. I' J in o.ir l-Altvulsi. i OA!.. 'In cil do.n lour toal lull iuks our advice and bjiu laudisn. Win m. )uu (1 : to no -ii. Djl'i nnon". i. W. l;t.ur'oKD. lu.i.ing tft. MONEY TO I.UA.N LOW rtAl i--, in suiim to sun. 1U I.su Jd. I'llUllw iJUU. -UA k N.V. LOAN lu I'll K l'uuilc aiarket Special, nut, $0 IW lump, to w Preiiiium ,in tavi order, l'ai in.lj;-1 in.:non Cu., ifilu niucy street. Douglas M4i. lad. A-1M-. JOHN K. HiUoU suirts. tii 1 axion Bik." AMEIUCAV:"11''"'-! Co. . ii-j.v.j.i.ti.l OUl. 1JW prices, liio aad Davcnpoii. iL Joug. ;ua, n-u. DAIL COLE CHKAMEUi; CO HAVE your repairing done by Walt, the ronnuctor; bru sulk, lUipcnier und $ aa:iliiig, I'tll.od. iin .:! kilos. uill.'j i.OvUl ut. I'lioi., J. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the went. Titil-ili l-.l, loth and Howard sta AUlklsll XJ.U113 IWH.M'Y jer tent lens than Omaha prtc HOME Kl'ltNlTUltE CO. Taenty-iuu: lit a.i 1. Ma., rout.. Omahi TO.NOE Flrst-ciuaa isilor.ng, lad.ea' and ( bt..' j.paiii.ig. 1 'oui'. c!4 GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH Conia JLii.9 Im. J)oufcMas UtieeL " v,euls B. F. Wurn. Optitiar. Ut Brendeis BUIg . II. Cole Hlgn Co.. D. 3.SV 131 Ksrnam V. II. KOOS A- CO. keva and lockwork. 7.'t Leaeuwurln. Koth phones. i''(i4.l,ay ton or basket delivered soy V-VJ-ViJ lUrt. ,o;Kn, i)lcr lbM. A ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued ) rn PAi.r.-wca.i lu niMin rsopirur. equipped with Preu-to-lite tsnk and txhaust hluile. Call Harney ViL Ydl'B morsttne order will earn tR.""0 for charity; every blesed order or renewal earns cor. Writs lor psrtP'iiiara ana rats losoe. or use any. I duplleate any printed offr; ip0 alreidy earned; keep It tlng. Adilress Oordnn. Tha Magmins Man, Omaha. I'ouglaj 71(3. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers mske clear, white skins. Br mall 6Ao and IL Eharman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaaa. fmY.T?4 and secondhand Dy- lUOlUlVO namos and Motors; alao all kinds nf eleetrlral repalrlnjt. IeHron tier trie. I Works, tli 8. Uth. Both 'Phoaea HORXBT Bl'ie Print Co.. tU Pee Pldg AUTOMOBILES "Smash t)(r" your auto. P-CIH'1 into a poat. "TEAR" your top. And brine; It to the beat plscs In Omaha for all kinds of repairing- DRUMMOND Corner lth and Harney Sts. Auto Repairing RlErK "IS CALLS DAT OR NIGHT. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2010-16 Harney. D. 7K24; A -2011. Auto Painting "t ANDREW MURPHY A SON. 1413 Jackson. FOR SALE Automobile, four-paasenffer Btoddard-Liayton, a beauty; cost new last year 13.400. Pell for 12.000 cash; no trades; guaranteed. O. A. Koeder, Grand Island, Neb. WRITFJ for list of automobile bargains. H. B. Fredrick son Auto Co., Omaha. FOR SALE Nsw 1910 model B-passenirer Ptcddard Layton. Thone Harney 1737. 608 Georela Ave. BUSINESS CHANCES O. D. C. CODDINQTON. 2ao Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans, In surance and real estate. TO GUT In or out of business call na QANQSTAD. 404 Bee Bids. Tei. D. U67. $500 00 or 11,000.00 for an investment, dividends 12 per cent. Address K-4tt Bee. FOR SALE $3,000 Btock of goneral mdse. Good farming community and good town. Write Box 1, Ayr, Neb. LARGE FIRE insurance com- UVXtUrj riivm PAN Y just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for saie. Dl VlOEN US. Agents wanted. Cassady Co., Fiscal Agents, B. W. Cor. 14th and 1'ougias. Omaha. Tel. L. 120. FOR SALE Small grocery; good loca tion; rent cneap, H"0 cash taken It. W. 616. FOR RALE A well entabllshed pnylng business. Millinery and Ladles' Furnishing Goods. The leading one of :ts kind in a good town of 2,000 in Central Neb. Ad dress Box 74, St. l'aul. Neb. Sr,FlSlf Jou have a business house A. B. LATHROP. 421 BEE BLDG. FOR SALE Clothing store In town of S,.0. In southeastern Nebraska; Invoice about $15,000; this includes men s stock of shoes, hats, caps and f urnisnineH; no fixtures; stock clean and up-to-date; no remnants; Rood reason for selling; best corner location In ton; lease as long as desired at reasonable rental; only one other clothing stock No trades consid ered. Address Y 7S5, care Bee. T GIVK Personal attention to colleo " tlons; no collecuon no com mission; 12 year' experience. Jensen, Jul NEVILLE BLOCK. 'PHONE DOUG. 414. UASADY Co- re1 '' l0n" , Irnturance. List your prop erty for salo or rent. Wulck returns. 8. SV comer 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. 120 FOP. SALE Ice plant In one of the best towns In Nebraska. Three acres artificial lake. Storage for 2.CO0 tons. Undershot ele vator. Eveiything new and complete. No competition. Ocod reason for selling. Ad dress Stacy Clements', Ord. Nsb. FOR SALE OR TRADE A stock of ladles', misses and children's cloaks; also some dry noorts. Write or plione Doug.. 126s or A. II. CVok. 1714 Farnam. FOR SALE Furniture In 60-room hotel with Irasr. City of 2,500; doing good busi ness. Box 335. David City. Neb. POOL hall and barber shop for sale S tables. SU1 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. FOR SALE One 60-foot bowling aliey In good shape, very cheap. Address Y TM rare Omaha Dally Bee. PARTNER with $3,000 to $6,000 capital wanted to start FORE ION BANKING AND STEAMSHIP TICKET OFFICE one who speaks foreign languages preferred. E. 456. Bee. Honiulajf Hoaaes for Male. IF TOU want to buy or ael) n, rooming house, any price, any location, see HAV 6EN. X. Branded Theater Bids. Doug 2oir $i0 cash, balanre eaoy monthly payments prke. $Ao. and this includes a fine piano! We can show ony kind rooming house you want. Terms n suit. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. :.S New "i ork Life Bldg. Phones: Ited 19'.i9. A-17'l. A DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, new ISO 174j. 27th St. Harney Sv0. There Is no better Invjftments Nian a 'I1-Ucatcd looming hou We have them any price and moHt any term. ' NOWATA LAND U)T CO . CS N.Y. Life Bldg. Phones Red 1099. A-1721. FOR SALE 1'2-rnorn roominu house full cf roomers; rent tiO per month, water In cluded, also Kaibage removed; receipts $115 pe- month: Rood cistern; hot air furnace' rauee of sellinu death In fam.lv. For par ticulars call 31 S. 28th St. Phone Doug CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, halr dietnlng. hair goods. Hll Farnam. D. 2233. DR. ROY. luXi Farnam St. Douglas 47. DENTISTS BAILKY MAf'H. Sd floor. Paxtnn. D lOli, DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Serv'cp Detcilve age. Inc., bondid. 42-9 Paxton blk. D. l.'lu; lnd. A ini'). DRESSMAKERS CHiLIl:i:.N'S Jrenj-msklns. 444 Lafsy ft la Ave. FIRST-CLASS dressmaklmr and tailor. ( Mlis Malone. 2213 Douglas. Tel. Doug. 4.W ii I LL1 X E K V and dressmaking, lnd Altli DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. Web 171s. MISS STURDY. 1,21 S. J4thStT TeTo 7.-:i(. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST "WINTER TERM OF Boyles College cpena Monday, lecember S. fav and night. The catalogue Is ready. Apply lor It- Boyles College. Boylts Bldr.. Omaha. Mosher limpuiaa I'Siak. Unexcelled courses In Business, bhort r.snd l-eiiiuansriitj aud F.ng'uo. None but expeiienied iai'bcrs Day and aigiu Ions Most lnlit riK laial ixja publ.si.sj lu wiim Snd for one today WINTER TERM NuW OPEN. ENROLL AT ONCE. Mu1-llr.1t A UUI-UAN. ITtB aud raruaui Sis.. Ofuatta. Kea. FLORISTS Eennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. A- DONAHUE. 1C07 Farnam. D. 1001; A-100L J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs. Ia.. largest greenhouse In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere in U. B. HESS h 6WOBODA. 141S Farnam PL BRANDEIS' cut flower dept. nsw store. L. Henderson. 16 1 Farnam. Douglas lfli J. It. BATH. (3S Harner. Douglas FOR CHRISTMAS $100 TYPEWRITERS FSi$s Semi us $T for a starter and we will send you an Oliver at $4f, a Remington at $, a Smith Premier, Fox or Liens more at or an Underwood at $37.60, every one guar anteed for a year. If satisfied, pay tha bsiance. If not, we refund money. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1607 Farnam. My Back Is Broken Your magailne orders earned $1,000 for Infanta' home last fall. Your order and renewals this fall will earn $6,000 tor charity. ;The Interest of this money will provide for an Invalid's maintenance for life and later pay nurses' wages or en dow a hospital cot forever. Every order or renewal earns 60 cents. Also any pub lication whatever at the other fellow price. Write for catalogue and particu lars. $1,0"0 In sight. FOR MERCY SAKE, GET THEM IN! GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. Write or phone Douglas 71(3. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 621 S. fcth Ava MRS. I. A. SMITH 'p" china for Christmas. Phone Doug. 4249; Res., Doug. 1737. Boom 107. 1M4 Howard. UT? AMnVTCI CUT FLOWER DEPT. OlblXJIlilO A lar(te aupply cf holiday needs. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen at special prices. WALTON BEAUTY PARLORS, r ll3 ijOBrd o( Trade Bldi dg. Marlnello Preparations, Hair Goods. D. 406S, T-OWKMY'S for Xmas. Saratoga Lrug Co., 24th & Ames. FRAMING B'Pt work- iwt PXWi.lUAlCr pr)ce,. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 707 So. 16th. D. 1094; A-2CuL VIRGINIA DARE wine, 7b-- a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. K22 N. lfith St. 75 DIAMOND RINGS krarmtH$75to $W per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas St. KIPLINGElt'S Xmas clrn- p'p. IVArljA1'v,r-Jlv 13th and Farnam. CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, 6c to $5. Sherman-McConnel Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney. TEN days special prices on tailored and fancy waists. 206 North 23d St. U-2481. CHRISTMAS perfumes, dainty packages, 15c to $10. Sherman-McConnell Drug Co., 16th & Dodge; Owl Drug Co.. 16th A Harney. r H p A membership makes a present i . iu. yj. -n.. for every day In the year. TTonsnN's nut' shp. Doug- I1UDOU1H O lgg gce our Hne o na,r goods for Xmas. We make dolj wigs. PENNELL'S Save you 40. Let us make Your Fur Hat. AGENTS Xmas goods coming In every day. Coma and get busy. 623 S. 16th. AUTOMOBILE GU)VES MADE BY Burleigh Glove Co. .Give. Her a Membership In: the Young Women's Christian Ass'n. DRE8SM AKING and alteration, first class work; prices reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor, 2012 N. lhth. Webster 1410. CHTNA Hand painted. Orders taken. lUlit reasonable. 2703 Cuming. H-JSla, THE MICKEY MUSIC COT will locate at SOS So. 18th 8t. with a full line of aheet music, bund instruments And small 'nstruments and phonographs. Full Una of Xmas presents. BARRIER BROS. PAINT CO. Doug 47M. Ind. A 3821. 10094 Farnam St. STENCIL outfit; 6 styles; suitable for presents; ' picture framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper and a full line of Sherwin-Williams Faints. brass polish, Ua,uid veneer and all brands of floor wax. T.AIjIFK' coaU "lined. Miss Chase. JJVlJXJjp MS Faxton ijk Tyler 1203. Zlmmerma- ft Crowe F'urnlture Co.. 1715 Leavenwo.-Ui. Get our plan. Nuf sa d! RIIY CAMERA Brln tnl dv- 5 per cent discount Megeath Stat'y Co. FOR XMAS present have your photo taken at Stutsman's. The Bassett Studio. S. 16th St. MME. FRAYER Adellght hair food; actually grows hair. Megrath's, 15th and Farnam. BUY some delicious HOME MADE Can ned Fruits, Jellies. Jams, Marmalade, Home-Made Bread. Mincemeat and Home made Candy, at The Christmas Fair of The Churches In Court of Bee Bldg. next week. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New (urnsces and combination hut XNater heaters. Thermostat and tank heat ere. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-140 Douglas St. Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aiii'Sti mil saleswomen. SALESLADIES to sell "Beck's Best" Cough Drops 10 druggists, grocers, coniec tiouors, eti Write for sample and terini to Beck Chemical Co., Ottumwa, la. (.lerlral anil Itrfive. A CONCERH ABOUT TO OPEN a brancli tfflce In this city desires the services ut a stenogrspher. Also one who i convei sant with detail work. State age, exper ience, and salary expected. Address, Y-isl, Core Bee. Factory and Trades. GIRLS to learn lialrdresslng. Oppenheim Parlors. 230-L4O City Nat l Bunk. D. llosnrkeriim aad Home. 1 lis. WANTED-Comprtent cooli and secor.J gill; 110 laundry, .a.u.l laiiuiy. 01'. H bt., C'U4NI Bluffs. WANTED Young girl, about 16 or 1J veais. to Help wl.li mild and housework. i6 N. 17th bt. GIRL for g-nerl housework; two In famiiy. SOI So. nih Ave. Tel. Harney 40fin. WANTED Competent girl for general hoiifewnk, good wages, amall family no laundry work. Mrs. H. H. FUh, S3U Wool worth Aie. WANTED A cook. S512 Harney St. Tel. Hnrney 3.. 3. h WANTED Competent girl for geneial housework, no luunury; good wages. Hi S. iMli St. WANTED GUI for general housework; good home and wages. 615 8. 2tii St. WANTED Competent girl for house work, plain cooking; nice room. Reference replied. 4123 Farnam St. Harney 34W. WANTED Woman once a rlramng. 23o9 Dewey Ave. week to W ANTE D Good washwoman. 210 S. 37 th WANTED- Experienced girl for house work: good waes Mrs. Ed. Peterson. 41.) Davenport St. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house work, small family; no children. S14 d. lid Bt.- WANTF.D Competent middle-aged wo man for housework; no laundry wuik. Sil N. -d St. WANTED Competent girl to help wltn heuaewuik; good wages. 314 K. KmI t- HELP WANTED FEMALE If nasekeepers and Dsaeala Coat'd. WANTED Assistant to dressmaker. St. Mary s Ave. WANTFD Good eook. f7 per week; small family. Mrs. Stubbs. 1H1 Farnam St. A NBAT lady for honsework and cara of children. 45 Burt. Har. 4770. TOADIES wanted to take work home; steady, reliable. 416 Brandels Theater. WANTED Woman to care for ohlldren part of day, good home. 201 N. J4th ML kVeb. 4iog. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 601 S. 22d St. WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper, widow preferred. Lock box 60, Jackson, Neb. r- HOME-LIKE nlaca for rood airl to assist with house work; small family occupy only part of hous. 1924 Kmmstt. Phones Web ster 328, B-1.126. WANTED An experienced second girl at once, Mrs. Hartman. 1301 B. 13d St. lllscellaaeoas, TOtTNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Marr's Ave. and 17th St- where they will be directed to sultab'e boarding places or otherwise assisted. Lock for oar traveler's aid at tha Union station. WANTED Errand girl. Ki Paxton block. HELP WANTED MALE A areata, (aleaaaea aad ollcltora. WANTED CHy salesman for fruit lands In tha best fruit section In the United Mates; position good for $200 to $600 per month. Call at ones. Co-Operatlve Or chard Co., 811-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Hustling, alert agents to sell our "Money-maker" Christmas postals; lOo to 60c; send tl for fifteen samples and price list to Hodnett-Ross Co., 307 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. BUSINESS for ladles or man. Paya big. Everybody buys. Excellent territory. All or part time. P. W. Zlegler, Dept. 6, Chi cago. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN ABOUT TO OPEN UP A BRANCH IN THE CITY. REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF SALES MEN AND CANVASSERS TO SELL AN ARTICLE DIRECT TO THE CONSUM ERS. WE WANT MEN WHO ARE PRO DUCERS AND TO THOSE WHO CAN GET THE BUSINESS THERE WILL BIC A FUTURE IN CONNECTING THEM SELVES WITH THIS CONCERN. STATE AGE AND QUALIFICATIONS, ALSO GIVE TELEPHONE NUMBER. AD DRESS. Y-779. CARE BEE. S OR 4 good salesmen, capable of selling a first class Omaha proposition; must show results. Suite 833 Brandels Theater Bldg. AGENTS make big money selling auto tire repair kit; co cement; new process; guaranteed; free booklet. Beacon Supply Co.. Dept. C, 3030 Blucher St., Chicago. I- YOUNQ man well acquainted In Omaha; must be intelligent. Industrious and of good appearance; exceptionally good open ing for man who has determination to make good on the job. Give age, experience, married, employed, eta H. 468 Bee. Dors. WANTED Several reliable boys. West ern Union Telegraph Co.. fit B. 11th St Clerical aad Offtee. Wo can use several first class salesmen, bookkeepers, office clerks and stenog raphers. Call or write. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC., OMAHA. Estan. Yrs. KANSAS CITY. 7S2-3-4-6 New . York Llfo Bldg. E STENOGRAPHERS, 45-$75 Bookkeeper, experienced, $S0. DON'T WAIT. SEE US AT ONCE. BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY, 61-616 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drag Store (snaps!, Jobs. Knleat, Ilea Bldg. TWO experienced special edition men' none other need apply. Suite 35, Sanford hctel. GORDON press feeders wanted at Racer's Bee Bldg.. boys or girls. WANTED A good Turkish bath man at Paxton hotel. WANTED $70 month. Customs, Internal revenue, railway mall clerks. List of spring examinations in Omana now ready, preparation free. Franklin Institute, dept. 199A. Rochester. X. Y. AlUcrllaneaaa. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN about to open a branch office In this city, de sires to get in touch with a young man be tween 25 and CO years of age to act In the capacity of manager. The man secur'ng this position should be able to show us that he can produce business !n our line, and the opportunity will be given him to do so. Slate age and experience and aUo tele phone number. Address Y-778, care Bee. WANTED Two experienced men to grade trees and make grafts at Fremont nurser ies. Inquire of B. E. Fields & Son, Fre mont, Neb. WANTED Registered drug clerk. Refer ences required, liarley Drug Co.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work; careful lnHtructlons by experts; few weeks com pletep; tools given, board secured; experi ence In shops before completing: catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 So. 14th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llarsra aad Wagaaa. FIVE mares with foal and eight cheap horses for sale or trade; barn back of Millard hotel. 13i.li and Douglas. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blankets, lap robes, etc., and surely get your money'a worth. If you buy from JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jones Sts. WE buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blue barn, rear Ml Hard Hotel. D. 4030. Costs. FOR SALE-Jeraey cow. 2326 So.JXth. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Dark bay horse. 860 lbs., at 1 or 1 o clock this morning. Telephone Douglas 24CS. Brown leather pocket book containing paper and piece 2 dollars Gold' piece. Re turn to U T. Tremavne, 2018 Davenport 8t. j Liberal reword. , j LOST I. dies' small gold Swiss move ment English watch; Initials A, E M. on back. Li.Kt between Gayety theater and I.ange hotel. Liberal reward for return to , Gayety theater. TllG Tpdflv I.Pnr Er"t cleaners and a ne iBuuv near Uyerl ,(,, Hlirny, IX)ST-Rat Terrier, black and white. Re ward. 1614 N. 27th St. STOLEN' Nebraxka Traction and Power Company bonds No. fc;; also stock. Call Dr. J W. Novak. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical collesr. 14th and Daven port Sis.. peiial attention paid 10 confine ment cases: sll treatment supervised by roilege professor. 'Phone Douglas lit.. Calls answered Jay and night. MONEY TO LOAN a A I. A K V AM C II A TTKI.S. 1)0 YOU. NEED MONEY t We will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live bios or any other se curity it IWER HATES THAN OTHERS Al'VKHTlsE. Courteous treatment and strut privacy. Call or pnona ana convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 1X. Ind- A-1X. 120 Be Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattels t oattnned. m w w kj wj utwu4 MwmmuK j wwii.-i M $ CHEAP MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS M $1 $10 TO $1,000 M M M LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD ii $$ FURNITURE, PIANO8, SALARIES. M IS THIS IS A NEW FIRM. M Orgsniaed by the REPUTABLE n Bl 'SIN ENS MEN of this cltv to oro- $1 $$ tect honest working people In need H w 01 temporary help trom tne axorbl- H $1 tant charcea of the so-called loan $1 It companies. We will loan you all the ft it money you want and charge you only H i I'er cent a year. Tms MEANS YOU PAY $1 $1 For f 10 mo. payments $1.70-$ 10 20 M U For $ 26 mo. payments $4 13-$ 25 38 $4 $$ For f 60 mo. payments $. $ 60.76 1$ $4 For $10012 mo. payments $.&! $110.04 $4 M And all other sums in proportion. $t It Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. $$ $$ Reasonable Appraisement Charges. $t A glance at the above rates will tt $$ convince you how much you save by $) M aeaung with 11s. $ $$ JNO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. $$ MONEY IN YOUR POCKET $$ WITHIN AN HOUR. U ft M INDEPENDENT LOAN CO , f M ROOM KH, W1THNKLL BUILDING. $ $$ Doug. 6046. N. K. Cor. 16th and Harney. f$ It $$ IflfttlllttltiTttWtttillflTllWtTWllTBriWtMllls fft rTT"TTerTTV W t aa W aJkses,se ee e e e s fTTTTrerTT Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage 1 Don't go to a friend. Come to us. Whea you borrow money you want the lowest rata, and we give It We will loan you from $6.00 to $100.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; small and easy payments. $1.20 la the weekly payment ou a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. We give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due, Mall or phone applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12 Arlington Blk . 1611V Dodge 8L Phones: Douglas 34t4 A-246&, CHRISTMAS MONEY We are prepared to make loans to those needing funds for CHRISTMAS. As low rates as any advertised. Easy payment., square deal and every transaction confi dential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. . Phones: Doug. 1411, A-1411. MONET LOANED SALARIED PKOPLH WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In W principal cities, lolman, room tot New Omaha National Bank Bldg. iwfMJWUMmimi $$ff$w$ $w ifmwwwi U CHEAP LOANS. $$ It on Furniture. Pianos or Salary. 1$ M AT t PER CENT A Y EAR 7 $$ it Can You Beat These Rstesf ft for I months 16o $4 for months 76o ft for months tl.M si $ 76 for months $2.t $1 1100 for ( months $3. Of $ $f ' Small charge for appraising. M $ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. ft If Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 o. 16th Bt. ft $1 opposite Brandels. Dug. 203. A-XOM. ft ntminijHHtitifiutifi tumuif itstitntfiuttij DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1614 Dodga Tsl. r.EU MIX MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. Telephones Douglas 314. Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaner. 804 8. 16rti; SOD S. 17th. D. 4163. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES MRS. J. ALBERT BECKER, teacher artistic piano playing, 4101 spencer. JAMES S. COLVIN. piano studio, Boyd Theater Bldg., 605-6. D. 4m OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Rooms. NICE! single room with board; also large front room for two; walking distance. UU Cass St. Tel, Douglas 1476. ST. JAMES steam heat. Lath, Eur., Amor, rates, $1.1(6. up. Weekly. $6, up, double. DESIRABLE rooms; board. 212 S. tsu Et. Douglas 13S. LARGE ' beautiful rurnlshed rooms en suite or single, with lavatory, large closets, excellent board. 70S Georgia Ave. UTOPIA, board with or without rooms. ROOMS and board, strictly private, home cooking. Tel. Red 6367. 108 N. 22d St. ROOM and board, good location. 2018 Calilorn a St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms with board. 128 S. 26th St. Doug. 6628. NICE room with home cooking, good lo cation. 1MW Chicago St. A VERT desirable room In modern flat, board, reasonable. 317 N. 21st St. NICE, large rooms, single or ensulte, lavatory, fine board. 70S S. 2th St. t - NICE room and board In modern house, good location. 2613 Farnam CHOICE modern room, southern ex posure; better see it; excellent home cook ing. Phone Douglas 2253. FOR RENT Room for two or three gen tlemen, good table board. 2222 Howard St. ONE nicely heated modern room, board If desired. 2112 Douglas. ROOM and board In strictly modern home; . very desirable location. 2618 6L Mary's. PRIVATE family, owning attractive home, desires refined couple or two gen tlemen, to board, who can appreciate superior accommodation; references ex changed. H 412, care Bee. -A EXCELLENT parlor for two men, home cooking and privileges. Reasonable. 618 S. Uth St. NEWLY furnished rooms with board; strictly modern. IK, blocks from Farnam street car. 603 So. 28th St. Faralafced Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 217 H. 25th St. Very convenient to bualneaa NICELY furnished rooms. HI 8. Bq 8t CHOICE front room, suitable for two; warm: i-trictly modern and well kept; pri vate family; phone; walking distance; also convenient to gooa car Hue; reasonable lift N. 2th St. DE A'EY European Hotel. 13th A Farnam. 210 N. 17th, steam heated rooms, 60 cents snd up. ' NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; close In; home-like surroundings. 1Hu3 Cspitol Ave. VERY DESIRABLE steam heated front rrcm; walking distance. 13) N. 23d. FURNISHED, steam heated room; private family, fur gentleman; walking distance, tul S. 28th Bt. NEWLY furnished room In private home; strictly modern. 410 S. 24th St. LARGE, warm room near depots and car lines. 1116 S. sth St. STRICTLY modern room to gentle man; private family. 2408 Harney St. NEWLY furnished modern rooms; these are nil outside rooms and have the best of light, htat and gas and very convenient to business district. 2T.U Liodge. NICELY furnished. strictly modern rooms; close In. 122 California Bt. nlrsly fur nished, in new brick fist, electric lights. 2'A blocks west from Home hotel, good loca tion. Reasonable. 6j8 So. Hull at. lier OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed It 00m j FOR RENT-Front parlor with bedroom. Ill S. 2Sth St. Harney 616U. WARM, double parlor, all mndtm, to four gentlemen; also room with alcove, for three; reasonable rent. 003 S. 27th St. STRICTLY up-to-date rooms, new furni ture, elegent bath, reasonable. 270R Far nsm. Tel. Harney 46M. CHOICE room. conveniently located; 'phone. 2702 Farnam. NICELY furnished rooms, electric light snd bath: near car line, iols Caplltol Ave. Phone Tyler 1426. FIRST class furnished rooms, modern, 1S10 Chicago. For Rent nicely furnished, modern, front room; breakfast If desired. 3Xi Lavenport St. Harney SJ48. FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam heated room, desirable for two gentlemen. 709 So. 16th St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms, prl rate family, good location. 410 So. 26th Ave. COUPLE furnished rooms In private fam ily; good location. Ill So. 26th St. FOR RENT Two rooms tastely furnished modern. Isundry privileges, board If do sired, this Is a nice home for ladles who work. 1103 Park Ave. Harney 6642. ROOMS, strictly modern; meals If de sired. IT15 Jackson or Harney 1326. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room for lady; Bemla Park. Harney 1287. NEWLY furnished front rooms, strictly modern; close to Crelghton college and High school. 2611 Chicago St. Tel. Red (196. FOR RENT Three nice southeast rooms, bath, hot water heat, near car, good lo cation. References. 8210 Cass St. FOR RENT Desirable front rooms, mod ern, good location. 117 so. Z6tn St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms. good location. 1117 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, fur nace heat, private family to lady employed. I.r.a a 11. u c FOR RENT Nloe front, room, steam heated. 1601 Farnam St. FOR RENT Irge front room desirable for two wentlemen. los rarnam St. WANTED young lady roommate, refer ences exchanged. 2046 Dodge St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, good f - . I QC19 IT .... m O TOR RENT Nicely furnished room. team heated, desirable for two, good loca tion. 110 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. 817 in. litn St. FOR RENT A nice sunny room, steam heated, desirable for couple of gentlemen, modern home. 1701 Davenport St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, furnace beat, good location. 2216 California St. TiiTATT't'TirTTT.T ."V fiirnlah m w , I 1 n J A 1- J " . . u . .. int. vu . MU.lt, 11 one of best apartment houses to parties ... . .Ill, Q AOA 13. Wliuoul CII1IUI ru. 0 IW A WT. SOUTH front room; modern; prl -rate family; fine location; reference required. Phone Harney 4648. FOR rent, two furnished rooms In new modern home; walking distance. Harney 8612. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modem, front room; breakfast If desired. 8321 Davenport St. Harney J778. ' NICELY furnished room, with board, convenient to business district. 2006 St. Mary's Ave. MODERN furnished front room with al cove, also smaller one. 2423 Dodge. NICELY FURNISHED front room, suit able for man and wife or three or four young men, S18 So. 26th Ave. Phono Har ney 4668. STRICTLY modern south room, suitable for two; bath room floor; $2.50 per week. 2675 Harney St TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. lnd. A. 1080. Reasonable. LADIES Nice room, modern laundry privileges, a nice home-like room. 2S27 Harney St. ' FOR RENT Nice rooms furnished or unfurnished. 1643V4 N. Wth St CLOSE IN Just three blocks from Bran dels store, nice large steam heated rooms: gentlemen preferred. 1101 Dodge St Doug las 4498. t WW! REST heated rooms In tha etfr. 2221 Dodge Bt. 1, S OR 4-room suite of modern furnished or unfurnished rooms; private family; walking distance; references. TeL Ind, B 24b6. 2224 Burt St NICELY furnished front rooms; modern; close In. 2566 St Mary's Are. MODERN south room; also one on bath room floor. 2677 Harney. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, de sirable for two. 610 N. list St Tyler 1633. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with steam heat 2211 Cass St Doug, las. FOR RENT Two rooms, nicely fur nlrhed, single or ensulte. 1238 Farnam St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for colored gentlemen only. 1211 S. 16th St FOR RENT Nice south front room, good location. 1224 Howard St FOR RENT Two modern, nicely fur nished rooms for gentlemen. 1111 Chicago 6t- FOR RENT Nice large modern rooms, well heated. 618 N. 18th St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rcoms, with parlor, for light housekeeping. Kill Cass St. NEATLY furnished front room, steam heat. 624 S. 16th St. mo 1 V 'T M 1 1 v furnished Hnu good location. 714 S. 17th Ave FOR RENT Three or four front rooms, good location. 2623 Seward St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1921 Chicago St WANTED Room-mats; references ex changed. 1811 Chicago St. STRICTLY modern front parlor for two gentlemen. 1713 Ieaveuworth, upstairs. LARGE south room, nicely furnished; suitable for two, use -f bath. tMi Douglas St. Tel. Douglas 7245. NICELY furnished, well heated room. 401 No. lUth St. Phone. Red 78H2. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. Z611 Lake St. FOR RENT -Large modern room, good location. 1111 S. 30th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed, neat rooms. 408 B. 24th Bt Tyler 16. FOR RENT Nice front rooms, all mod. srn, private family. Harney 4648 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; good location. 2W1 Harney St. FOR RENT Two well heated modern rooms. U 8. 2Mb St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with steam heat, good location. S. N. 2oth St. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms with heat, good location. 316 N. aith St. FOP. RENT Large front room, good lo cation. 2118 Douglas. NEATLY furnished room In modern brick flat, private entrance, electric, gas light, steam heat, private family; deslrsble for couple gentlemen; couple blocks from city hail. Doug. t'4. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for llgnt noun-keeping; good location. 417 N. lmh St TWO FRONT rooms, strictly modern, electric liKht and telephone. 240 Harney or phone Tiler 10. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for tao ladles or gentlemen. 4i& N. Ifcth Bt. FOR RENT-I.arge f'ont room for m couple of gentlemen, till Douglas. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms FOR RENT Modern stesm heated moms, reasonable. Joi s. 24th St- Ft'R RENT Nicely furnlhed rooms; all moilern; good location. 2oo6 St. Mary s A vs. FOR RENT Nicely furnished snuth room with alcove, nicely heated. 2662 Harney St. FOR RENT Iarea, warm, light room fine location, modern; very desirable, lii N. 19th St. Douglas 430. FOR RENT Nice roflm In home; good location. 3.119 Cuming St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room for gentlemen; good location. 124 N. 'th St NICELY furnished rooms, strlctlv mod ern; gentlemen preferred. 211 N. 13th. FURNISHED rooms strictly moilern; suitable for two. 820 N. 23d. 'Phone R 671. FIRST-CI.ASS furnished rooms; modern. 1810 Chicago. Hotels and A Dartments. NICELT FURNlSHFin ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out tide cool rooms; special ratea by the week. (TEAM heated rooms, $3 to $7 per week! Ogden hotel, Counolt Bluffs. SUITES $fA up; meal book, $6 60. Oentle. men preferred. Tel. Har. 66L 1042 Geo. Ave. Apartments aad Flat. FLAT for rent, tv ett Mary's Ave. tU. Chris Boyer, t2d and Cuming. Douglas x or B 1049. FIVE-ROOM St Iula flat modern, $22.50. also t-room, $21. 1740 a 27th 8t Harney1 8s FIVE-ROOM heated apartment. 1811 North 10th Bt; front and bsok porches: porcelain bath; polished floors; close to car line; to party without children; price 110. J. N. Marsh. J21 Locuat St MODERN S-room Tat, ground floor, walk ing distance, 1 blocks from three car lines. 218 N. lid St Inquire 220 N. 22d St 118 00 I-room modern flat. 146 N. 16th 8l upstairs. Inquire u8 S. loth St Call Web. 1977. CHEAP WINTER RENT 6-room Tat en ii. tia oi., ciose in, very oholoe, $22 60. i-room coirage, oii jacKson Bt. edge of West Farnam district only $20. Telephone owner. Red 6264. THREE rooms, hest and light furnished! $26 per month. 3070 Mason. Phone H. 86M! 6-ROOM brick flat new. walking dls. tance. Uaa stove, shades. Phone Harney 2264. DESIRABLE t-room apartment In the California. See Janitor. Phone Doug. 6287. B ROOM apartment In a first class apart ment house. Webster 6768. STRICTLY modern 6-room flat; fine resi dence district; 125. Harney lotl. 4-ROOM apartment, modern except heat! private bath; water paid. 2620 Maray. Farwlshed Ilowkeeplag Rooms, FOR RENT 81 rurnlsned rooms for light housekeeping; also sleeping rooms, lU Dodge St Tyler 1608. TWO front rooms with alcove for light housekeeping, also other rooms. 006 S. 29th. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms to couple without children. References le qulred. 866 N. 40t,h. FOR RENT Two southeast front rooms nicely furnished, good location. 604 8. 3th St. WARM, cosy housekeeping rooms; all modern; gas furnished for cooking and laundry; also double parlor nicely fur nished, for three or four persona. AOS s. 27th St 1 BEAUTIFUL, housekeeping; rooms: good heat; also gas range. 617 N. 20 Lh. MODERN light housekaenlna- room . 1814 Chicago St TWO or three front rooms, tiartlr fn. nlahed for light housekeeping; rent reason able. 145 N. fcth St. NICELY furnished rooms for lls-ht hnun. keeping; walking distance. 630 8. 26th Ave. NICELY furnished houaekeerjlna- mnm. 630 S. wth Ave. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 11 California St FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping, private fam ily, good location, modern, heat gas, laun dry free. Ill & 29th Ave. Harney 611L FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Ill 8. 14th St FOR RENT Three rooms for light house keeping. 1LU Paciflo BL FOR RENT Two rooms for houseJteext ing, good location. 411 N. 16th St. FOR RENT Two newly fur&lshtjd rooms, heat light tot N. 13d St iron R.1TNT NIrjl tinuae-jknTt m . references. 82 N. 21st St. FOR RENT Two modern rooma tor housekeeping; good location. Ill N. 16th 6t FOR RBSNT Furnished rooms for honao. keeping; good location, 1121 Clark BL FOR RENT Two housekeeolna' room.. furnished. 1011 Leavenworth. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooma modern, private family, reasonable, log m. 26th Ave. Doug. 721s. FOR RENT Large front room for hanaa. keeping. 1LU Douglas. FOR RENT Two heated on furnished rooms for housekeeping, tut Capitol Are. Doug, two. APARTMENT, four rcoms front T cheap main floor, complete for housekeeping, sxj - . a 1a.veiiyvri. FOR RENT Two rooms for housekeao. Ing, laundry, gas and light K71 St Mar'g Ave. FOR RENT Four rooms, furnished for housekeeping. t$t Charles 8t TWO beautiful rooms, modern, for house keeping, fine location. Harney 664, LIGHT housekeeping rooms; oooklna gas and laundry privileges. Prioe reason able. 671 St Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Nloely furnished room for light housekeeping. lull Sherman Ava, Webster 607. FOR RENT Three rooms for housekeep ing, nicely furnished. SOU 8. ffitb St FRONT and back parlor completely fur nished for housekeeping: also housekeeping room for man and wife who will attend furnaoe. 660 b. leth Ave. FOR REJIT Three or four rooms, fur nished for housekeeping, modern except beat. 1H20 Maple St FOR RENT Nicely furnished kitchen for housekeeping. 2641 Capitol Ave. lHug. 6769. FOR RENT Furnished room for house keeping, good location. 1121 Clark Bt FOR RENT Two rooms for housekeep ing, everything furnished. 17 Pratt St. FOR KENT Modem housekeeping rooms, tool Webster. Douglas 1619. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished, gas and bain, 8013 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Three or four modern rooms for housekeeping, private family. 1814 N. loth St. FOR RENT Two nlrely furnished house keeping rooms. 2916 Mason SU Harney 4146. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, well, heated room, south front; desliable for housekeeping. 2u66 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Large, modern, well heated kitchen for hourkeplng. 2112 Douglas. FOR RENT Two suites of rooms; souable. 14J4 N. 191 h St. rea- FOR RENT Modern rooms, furnletjsd o unfurnished, mala floor. iU ft. svia ftt