Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1910, WOMAN'S SECTION, Image 29

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    Omaha Sunday Bee
'i HE
pjp.t six
Every Dept. in our great store is in its most captivating Christmas attire
rrT?t tnr-
S a, 1 J , f
i 1 1
1 i ?
J f 1 I
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Doing Christmas shopping early in the season and early in the day has advantages
which only those who have tried it can appreciate. Uncrowed aisles, merchandise
p operly arranged and th; t me to make .utis factory selection, together with perfect dj.ivsry service.
l.mlics' II nM Jniinvil pattern with
I ' v r the nci
Style honk, at is-
c rr i s v.
ft V
wr t
v if
1 Y1 I3K-:i.i
We Are Showing the
Host R.markable Xmas
Uoves Ever
Shown in a V estern City
ers anu sizes
$1.00 ur to
And right now is tho
tinv to buy. as tho
Christmas display is
Hu h that I h c I r
vf.linj Is easily n
tlcid, meaning, that
they are bound to
sell very -rapidly.
In g u a r a n t c e d
Ladies' and Men's
Gloves we have a
v.idc Assortment to
choose from, both
la style arvd shade
as well as in lenth
priced from
$5 and gO a Iair.
Hosrcry Makes a Very Nice Gift
Your wife or mother is always
pleased to find among ber Christmas
remembers a nice pair of Silk Hose.
You'll find a very beautiful Christmas
50c to S5.00
Our Book Sectioa is the Largest to be
Found Aay Where ia th-3 West
And now every known book cr Christmas stationery
novelty or gift i3 on display. Tkousancb of books, novels,
standard books in De Luxe binding and many other book3
that make most appreciated Christmas gifts. All priced very
moderately. Read the prices quoted on sets
bound in leather binding.
fi volumes f Bums, at $S.25
10 volumes Children's Own Library, $7.75
. 1 r. ;
De Musset, ") volumes, at. $9.25
De Foe, S volumes, at $10.25
Don Quixote, 4 volumes $7.00
Irish Literature, 5 volumes $7.75
Shakespeare, 20 volumes $19.75
Thnrkeray. 10 volumes $13.25
Wilde, 10 volumes $11.25
World's Best Poetry, 5 volumes S8.25
Hugo, 8 volumes $G.75
Eliot, 8 volumes $0.75
We carry a very large line of Desk Inkwells. You'll
find a visit to this great display very interesting as well as
educating. We assure you that nowhere will you find such a
wide assortment of nppropdiate Christinas gifts.
1 iifrfe
Mink Furs is a Most Serviceable Xmas Gift
A Sel cf
We carry the widest assortment of these elegant Furs in the middle west, in
styles that are dictated by the best fur designers in the universe. Note the range
in prices, and before making your purchase we ask that you see just how much
tetter Furs wo sell at prices quoted elsewhere.
t , , . j :
Genuine Northern Mink Sets Made
of perfect skins, matched to
give that all-alike, one-skin effect;
large pillow muffs and fancy shawl
collars, trimmed with heads and
real mink tails. These sets are un
matchable anywhere at less than
$75.00, their uality being the very
finest that merchants can buy Our
price; note the substan- CCA
tial savings, at VU
Genuino Northern Mink Set3 In
medium length throw scarf, pillow
muff, a beautiful set valued at
$40.00; our price, Monday
Sable Oppossum Sets Shawl collar,
finished with silk ornaments, bar
rel muff, a remarkable
rel muti, a remarkable 50
KelKian Lynx Sets- In black
large shawl collar; six large
tails in black with a beauti
ful pillow muff, excellent
. value at 815.00
l-'reiu li I, y n x
tivts Mack
only; s li a w 1
collar, rug
muff, satin
lined, $12.00
set .. .$7.05
French I,vnx Sts Made with the
lerge shawl collar with narrow
standing collars of plaited satin,
and large pillow muff our regular
$22.50 set; a dandy Christmas gift,
at only $17.50
mty, ::vEl
Monday Our $25 and $30 Ladies Coats,
at $1W.60 They are broken lines of our
regular stocks, found in broadcloth and
fancy tan and gray mixtures; remark
able garment, for only. ..... .$10.50
Monday Our $22.50 and $2.1.00 Ladies'
Suits, at $15.00 There are only 35 of
these suits; each is a most remarkable
bargain, as they are our, regular suits,
taken from broken lines and reduced
to clean up stocks, choice, at. .$15.00
Great Jema:slration and Special Sa.eo! Mechaoicil Toys of Al! Kinds
There were aliout C, 000 people In our blp Poll and ToV department Saturday, nei'er
wvr" so many people enjuying theiiiFelve. ,ln Bennett's Ioll and Toyland. Hundreds of
children made happy. Head the Kpe.ctul bargains for Monday only.
Eny Early and You'll Bay th Bsst Sill
I'llmoein; well made and finished In
ItIkIU colors; Flyer automobiles, Touilnn
cuia, Pullman curs, ducka and wardlilpa,
your choice for only 490
Traction cars, police patrols, fire depart
ments, aerial trucks and roadsters, extra
larne and most durable toy on the market,
yovir choice for 98o
Lehman's Celebrated Mechanical toys, sub
stantial and weM finished, cunnins and
comical In every way. Tap Tap, ostrich
racer, bad boy, delivery auto, motorcycles,
north pole, traveler, walking sallorH; your
choice ot any of these at SSo
Balky mule, bucklnir broncho. Runaway sis
ters, liti-ZHK, chimney sweep, tut-tut
autobus and others, regular 60c toys; Mon
day only 3?o
BUr Special Soil Sale 400 fancy dressed
dulls, each one. in a box, actually
worth up to 76c, choice 35o
Extra large kid body dolls, and French
Juintel dolls, 22-lnclies long, sold
everywhere for 11.50, your choice for
only 750
While Lown Town Monday Remember
This Great Corset Sale
We will place on sale Monday 230 very fine cor
sets, made of batiste and coutil, with lace
trimmings and extra good boning and two
pairs of hose supporters; made to meet all the
requirements of the average figure; a sen
sational value giving sale (Oli
Monday at, each, QC
Linens Arg Alwf,rs a Most Useful Xmas Gift
Monday We Offer Some Exceptionally God J Values
B'eached Table Damusk Tablo
linen, one cloth 2x2 H yards and
one dozen 22-Inch napkins to
match, beautiful new design in
extra first grade linens, the
kind we always soli for fT.r.d.
Monday only $5.38
Fancy Linen Bosolal Hem
stitched and drawn work,
squares and centers 18-Inch to
30-lnehes, round and square,
also lace trimmed pieces worth
up to 85c, Monday extra, spe
cial at 490
Towel Sal Monday The very
finest hemstitched diinmsk and
scullopi'd buck towels 6De anil
50c value for 390
Individual towels and hennned
hemstitched ind scalloped,
either buck or bird's eye linen,
al, each 49c, 39o, 25c, ISO
Scalloped Damask Table cloths,
very nice iua Ity, the very new
est designs, regular tixlO slue
for only $3.78
KeKUlar (1x4 size, only $2-73
Beautiful pjjsp.ay of Silk Crepe de Ch ne s
v ar trtiowinir sneclal for Monday a.' very stunning new. line of these
fabrics, in 24 and 4 4-inch widths, including every shade; especially
adapted for evening and party gowns, waists and scarfs
at . . . ... . . ... .$1.00. $1.50 and $1.60
Concerning the new rtat'te'rhs in' Persian Silk, we have a most beautiful
line in the most attractive color combinations ever shown In Omaha.
They will make up into stunning waist you would really say your
visit to see them well paid you, per yard, at . . . .$1.00 ana. 1.2o
Bi -a'e cf Dress 6ood, Eveaii Siades
COO plecei of new dress goods. These goods come In French serges, Tana
mas, Hallste Taffetas, Including dark colors and evening shades, at
most remarkable offer, at 61)0, 79o, 89o
Xmas Handkerchiefs from 5c to $25.00 Apiece
And when it really comes to appreciated gifts, what's better than a box of
nice handkerchiefs? Our stocks are beautiful never so large or so many differ
ent patterns to choose from.
Men's Handkerchiefs in' all styles, linen or silk,
Imported or domestic, initialed or pialn; priced'
from 15c to , .,..$3.SO
Ladies' Handkerchiefs of the very daintiest in most
desirable linens all new patterns; apiece, from
i5c to $33.00
1 ildren's Serviceable Handkerchiefs, all slies; come
in attractive Xmas boxes; set of 6; from 36c i to $3
Heckwear a Dainty Bememferanoa We carry a. very
exquisite line of fine Imported silk Auto Scarfs
and Evening Scarfs, from 8o to $19.00
SPECIAXi MOlfDAT Crepe Evening Scarfs; regu
lar 7.50 values, for only $4.98
Now Is the time to buy Ribbons for your fancy
work Monday we start a Big Ribbon Snle. Come
early. You'll find an opportunity for quite a ma
terial saving.
Great Art Embrolflery Sal The greatest oppor
tunity ever offered just before Xmas to get a
pillow, center piece, hand embroidered scarf
sizes 18x37 Inches. FMllnws 20 to 24 Inches, all
complete with cord ruffle and filling values
range up to $7.50 see the window choice on
Monday $1.93
F rj IXmas Slippers for Every Member of
, I - - the Family
V- ." . i '
Every year we make a great Knowing of well tail
ored slippers, in all leathers and - comfortable styles.
Not J ting brings more rest to a tired out (hthoii than a
good,'"easy fitting iair( of slippers.', AVe have our great
stork now on display, come eiU'Iy and get tiic.heNt. VJ. ,. .
Men's Tan Opera' and
Everett Slippers. $1.0O
Men's Vicl Brighton, Opera
and Everett styles, $3
Men's Black and Tan, Vici
Slippers, at $1.50
Men's Felt Slippers $1.25
at $1.50
Women's'Roineo Tan; Vici,
at-. :.:.v. ..'..$1.50
Ladies' "dull," grey red;
brown and black," $1,25
Ladles' Crochet Sllppsra
in black, red, gray, pink
and blue. Big- sal Monday.
50 First Grade Stoves
and Heaters y Keduce. for cick Moyintf
Our $26.00 Peninsular Heater,
for $19.25
Our $24.00 Peninsular Heater,
for $17.75
Qur $22.00 Peninsular Heater.
for $14.95
Our $30. 60 Peninsular, 6 Ho:e
Range, for $23.75
Our $U0.00, 6 Hole Range
for $19.00
One $25.00, 6 Hole Rangt;
. for .$10.00
A rw Other Specials for Monday.
Coal Hods, values up to 40c Mundav,
; t 3i
ijc Stove ripe, special at 90
Wfli Holler, No. II, tin- . copper bot
tom, regularly koIU lor Monday,
ut only. . $1.35
Big Xmas Display and Djmcsstralioii of
Art Brass and Wood Work
Itrass for Piercing In hundreds of designs,
come see the demonstrator mount the glass
jewels. This is a new feature in art work.
Wood Burning We have Just received a
large shipment of beautifully grained bass
wood for burning, all shapes and tizes; burnt
wood pieces make very acceptable Xmas
3,000 Framed Pictures, on display, in
oil, water colors, pastels, etchings
and imported prints; greatest sale in
years priced from.. .10c to $200
Come in and see this wonderful
display Monday. .
Do You Need
Well if so, here's your op
portunity, orders "accepted
by phone, Douglas i37.
Domestic Lump and Nut Lump
for furnace, nut for range
only $0.00
Bennett's Capitol Coal, best of the
soft coals $7.00
Domestic Lump Coal, only 5
Scranton, Pennsylvania Anthracite
Coal, per ton, only $11.00
v j
Hake Very Acceptable Gifts
A new shipment of these goods just
received in plain, copper finished
or engraved.
Brass Fern Dishes. .$1.00 to $4.50
Fancy Brass Trays. . .G5c to $2.25
Crumb Tray and Scraper $2.98
Tobacco Jars $2.50 to $3.50
Vases at $1.75 to $2.50
Fancy Handled Baskets $1.50 to $5
Remember these are the most beau
tiful patterns and will be snaped up
quickly by early Xmas shoppers.
Big Grocery Specials for Monday
rived one car of Honnett's
Kxcelslor Flour. In order
that , we may interest per
sona who have not yet tried
thla brand, wo will bell it
extra apeclal for Monday,
only, at, per pack $1.60
Hennett'n Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb-onn,
extra k peclal for 480
Kree bread and butter plate.
Teas, assorted, per lb 680
l-'ree bread and butter plate.
Bennett') Oolden Coffee, apeclal
pound price 330
Teas, assorted 48c grade, per lb.
only 38c
Tea ftlftlnga, lb package. .. .13o
Bennett's Capitol Baking- Pow
derFive pound ecu $1
And 10o Ktuiiii)!)
1-lb. can for , .840
, And 30 Stampx
'i-ll). can for ISO
And 15 .Stamps
Marshall's Fresh Herrlnir, lar;e
can, at 160
Ileuuty Axparaftug, can 160
Bennett's Capitol Maple Syrup
-gallon can, only 60o
8e Jar Oaledet Murraschlno
cherries ,at only 6C0
65c Jar Daledet Muraschlnn
cherrieu, ut only.. 430
35c Jar Daledut Maraxchlnu
che-rrieH, at only 850
Bennett's Cupitol Hawaiian
Sliied Pineapples, l;trge can,
special price 800
U. C. Country Centlemen Corn,
per can 13 (.jo
And 0 titanipx.
Snlder'M I'ork und Keana, 2-lb.
can only 1 5c
l'J pouiiiln Krunululcd miKar. .$1
Variety of Wonders Designed
Please the Youngsters.
(i.rmoui AMOrtmeut a l.ure 4u Fat
Parses ud a SerruiM f Pa In
from Tue b:it An
f I. run.
Whtn helping unta Clan lo t : hi-"
pack. It is"far easlfr h.-ain Hum to sto;,
epecially If one has the pnviu-se of nia'
her selections In one of the iare city
tov shops Not only the vision of the
Khimni; rye at home leads one on, bu; a
leal faiinatlon in the ihlne liie:n-e'. n.
We hn-ome chiMivn .m.i n ourselves and
1. in l bu" iheni meielv f-r the joy . of
poi.s.-sj.l,irf thciu. Slie Aluo ar.ler I?" r'
Btialnrd by the Uiiula-.lons -f lhe niiall-:-shops
of (0W( or ilhije nny be tl'aiinl il
f'r a force sttonKer II. an Iter own will lo
i.fep her purchases xvlthln bounds and xave :
the klddus from -i dl.-astioiis ipoi;iiiK. j
l.el us tirnt et-nsid-'r t' l ab'es, and st-f (
what may Into t i.c puck lor .iieui.
Tint it must bp both chauahle and thio
abie, wasiiable anJ unluvaKable. kiki wkii- I
cut ains;. and if we can a's.t aid a
S'luiak, a'e, a ruloie. oie.i jinale t '
Its othe.' v'iarii. Mse-e.- assured. 1
As for colors, the sa:r the better, If
Ihey ate wrr.niid not In come "ff. '
tattles mu-t prrfoM-e receive she f I. s: :
i-onsltleiatioit. AhUffst every K'.ihx'?' ham-i
er has In it on of the attia-tive bull i
iatle in ll.iit blu i' pinU. wine plain.
otlurs daitilliy pair.l.-d.,- usually I
wtleonie tnu baby and arc Us first P ay- j
llili.. Later It will cn'oy some of the'
fa, li.alliig cluAus und Oolls' lie.l. at-
tsi'-hed to either rlnsjs or handles. All of
these are madu of celluloid, fast colors
and unbreakable. There are teething
Micks of this Fame material In blue and
pink as well as the rins of our own
baby days. For rial teething, however,
there Is nothing more comf ortlnu" than he
tail of a rid rubber duchhund or an
elephant's trunk In tho same deliclously
chewaole' material. There are number
less new animals in the red rubber, boast
in eUai!y convenient appendaiies In the
way of talis, Wi- , ears and uoses, all war-'
ranted to fit the wtetest of round, red
r.nuths. There are d igs of many kinds,
truin tile purest breed Uo.mi lo the com
monest inotifire!, eats, camels, birds, squir
rels, rabbits, horses, n bras, donkeyn, bears,
cows and sheep. The aUiv.etive ba?"to
with rows of thf in lied to tiie etlnc and
haniUes .ith olue ribbons will be appre
ciated aiore by t lie older children thasi
b l!'.ii l.ltlest babies.
i'jti ut iles for Wuler.
" ho wa'er toys, a pu; feet dellt,ht In the
l ath, are elso in culiarly filteU ft..- chew
inj and throvviiii,-. so tliat llet- field ot
usefulness Is by 111 means confined to the
water. The brilliant colors of the' gold
f.s.i make '.hem the favorites, but the
ducks, swans, fris an l turtles are noi
'o be scorned, to say nothing of tae
(lolls hi! si.i s tl .tl' li,y be sci uIjU")
and r"..nbed Just like their small ow ner,
and then tnrown viol, ntly to the llim;
w.thimt iilMuibir. me serenity of their
u .1 to letain lo our babies who are
ho', rriiu' araaud the first mOstona. Tne
aaiali aaiaials msde of wntte wool, a!
thouK always lovable, huk me eaanu of
suii'fl i f lifise f iV. .er t,t Ted ly. TeJdy
and l.:s uts. e:;.lei is l a.e movable les
a::d luuj. iieii. ii or a ape; tor at:ra tier..
Num'jei'e'i amo,, tiie:n n)W ar lovely
wlute Mid i;ray e'e;riunts; dmr little red
lid S'llllTeisi with avinj bushy
tails and a delightful squeak; pigs, both
white and pink; polar bears, mjnkeys,
duys, cats It is hard to remember them
all, they are so numerous, and all so well
worth a placo in the family and such an
agreeable relief after too much Teddy.
They come in all sizes, beginning with
lhoe suitable for the smallest of baby
bands and ending with the Kortceous ele
phants, donkeys, bears and dugs, large
enough to carry their owners on their
hacks. There are tumbling bears and mon
keys now haiitinK from frames. All of
these animals have an advantage over the
hairy animals from which one fiars that
tho 1 a:r may (uniu time lie pulled, itt
course there arc the numberless animals
cm wheels fr the amusement of the tod
dlers after Ihey be in to walk. Here, too,
the vailety has bei n Increased, The musi
cal dolls on sticks that discourse sweet
music as they turn are coming out in new
trucks, a little sayer and a little more
elaborate; and the impertinent clowns are
bar.ksiic their cymbal as ttayly as ever.
New this car aie ihe small round boxes
coveted wifh Ug-ht blue and-pink w;ol with
faces on top that burst forth Into melody
when they are pressed vigorously between
small palms. These are huns on cords
upon which tin bells are strung, so that
these Join inerilly in the chorus, especially
when hunt; aiouad baby's own neck.
Consider tke Dolls.
When baVjy begins to creep and play on
the flour she will enjoy the roly-poljS.
Never were they so nay a id phiuant as
now, with initial ng feathers In their ti
und pom pens behind their rsys beads thai
turn, and a inanntr. when i ri tries t tip
i them over, even sa. icier than in days Kona
b). Millie of tne siiishest of ;it'U are now'u of cel.uloid. so that Ihey are noi
unite as heavy for the baby t iitt.
The cloth dolls that say Jia-uia'' when
they are moved slowly up and diwn aie a
i cui.Maiil dt light, even after they kwe lhir
ability to converse, as they frequently do.
There are also some fascinating peasant
dolls made entirely of cloth, dressed In
inttrestlng', although one would hardly call
them beautiful, cjstumes. These are not
the hand-painted peasant dolls that made
such a sensation last year. These, al
though extremely interesting, are too ex
pensive ''for common " The most attract
ive dolls for little girls, after they begin
to demand some individuality In their chil
dren, are those with the natural faces
made originally from hand-made models.
1 here are charming fac among these,
oolh boys and girls; charming enough for
.he grown-ups to th roughly nJoy die.s
nig them for the kiddies. They are not at
all prohibitive in price, either, although sj
attractive that one would not wish to pre
sent thern to an unappreciative and de
structive parent. Some of these dolls cimo
in boxes with two oi three extra heads,
but what a desecration It seems! 11 iv
could any mother love a rhlld with sev
eial Interchangeable lit ads? Little dolls
only a few Inches high, dressed in cro
cheted dresses and hats, are great favor
ites this year, principally, I am sure, be
cause it Is so easy to make clothes for
them. Of course one need not confine one
self to crocheted garments. It Is possible
to make such a bewildering vailety of cos
tumes f,or a doll of that slxe.
While on tho subject of sewing we mual
nut forget Vhe dressmaking outfits, new
this year, containing Mlstrers I kill y her
self, a few finished gowns and ptt-in
and materials for others. The htile
mother who is ambitious may also make
her children's hats, for there are equally
elaborate ra llinery outfits, containing
strew, velvet, ribbon, flowers, feather-., etc.
She can even make Jewelry for them
necklace, pins, etc. and loveiy IltTTe bead
bass for them to carry shopping.
Of course the clothes that one can buy
ready made are charming. There are
beautiful dresses of all sizes and materials
suitable to every occasion hats, bonnets,
caps, shoes, slippers, sweaters, raincoats,
automobile coats, veils and goggles, gloves,
rubbers, etc.
There Is every piece of furniture for a
doll's, house that one could possibly ask
for, not even omitting a telephone and a
vacuum dinner. Most attractive are the
dining room tables, completely set with
all sorts of food, meat, vegetables, game,
salads, desserts, bottles of wine, every
thing in miniature, looking very realistic
and edible.
The rnechanicul toys amuse the parents
as much as the children. There lire dots
that walk and tw.n their heads, dolls that
dance, Me se lhat wuddle and scold their
goFlliixs, birds that fly. turtles that crawl,
dolls that walk and tal'k.
The flylns-inaehlne and dirigibles are
increasing In number and variety, and there
are rurvbeiUm llylns top." that may bo
shot into space; butterfliis und brds that
wind up, etc.
'or tin; older boys there Is even a wire
less apparatus Harpers 1'azar.
Hue Arranged to Meet Ihe First al
nrdar ut Karh Month Dariag
the Winter.
Alumni of tne I'nlverslty of Michigan
took luncheon together at Ihe Commercial
club Saturday noon. This was the first of
a soles of similar gatherings that the
Michigan men are planning to hold. A
luncheon far all men who have ever at
tended the Ann Arbor school will be given
on the first Saturday of every mouth all
during the winter. The arrangt un nts fur
the affair ere In the hands of John K.
Vebster, president of the Missouri Valley
association, and Stanley M. Hose water,
Seditious Documents
Seized in Barcelona j
by Military Chiefs:
General Weyler Expresses Confidence
in th Amy, but Others Fear a
HARCKLGNA, liec. 3 (Special to The
llee.) The military authorities leeenlly
selxed numerous seditious papjr which
hud been distributed In the barracks, and
an inquiry into the matter has resulted In
the arrest of everal anai rl.lst.s. The
greatest secrecy Is observed In regard to
this affair, whlr-li U being directed by
Major Bertran de Lis, who has been ap
pointed judge advocate.
In every direction there Is a certain ex
citement which Is the symptom of a slow
but profound agitation. Ceneral Weyler,
It Is said, lajntliiues to be sure of the army
officer; but, on the other hand, several
recognized agitators believe that the sol
diers are prepared for the Idea of an ap
proaching revolution.
Uniform Gauge on
Australian Eoads
Main Lines of Railroad in Australia
and New South Wales to Be
SVIiNllV. Iiec. 3. Special to The Bee.)
The federal government will shortly sub
nit to the stale K'vei nments definite pro
posals to Insure u uniform gauge on the
iiiulu lines throughout Australia, while the
New South Wales government, proposing
to develop the iron Industry of the slate
under government control, suggests that
the federal authorities should obtain from
them rails and material for transcontinen
tal lines. Mr. Hughes, the attorney general
of tho commonwealth, Is entirely In favor
of the suggestion.
Big; Athlelle (oule.l Scheduled
Th'a itenliia at Wssslsg
(on Hall.
Admirer SnhserlbtaMr to Fond to llwy
Wilhelm l Itto Vaeht for Kil
ter Jubilee.
BERLIN, Dec. 3. (Secial to The Bee.)
A project Is under way to raise a great
national subscription to present the kaiser
with a magnifli ent new private juiht In
June, inn, on the occasion cif the "ilver
jubilte" of his lelgn.
Bigger, I'etter, Busier That Is what ad
vertising In The Bee will do fur your
The Imms who will participate in the
tug-of-war this evening at Washington
hall under the auspices uf the i'ajilsh
ill uthei hrnxl are all In tine fettle after a
week s training end the pull promises tu
be ioal sport. Hans Neble, captain of
ihu cipht Iron! lodges l'.'j and Z'O, predicts
an ea.-y victory for his un.-n. and tins Coi -neer
of the tum from lodfe No. 1!) Is
fully as confident. Flank Itasmussen will
Lo tefiree and Wf.hlmiar Mlihaelsen will
be tlmekeepvr. The bouts will be ten min
utes long and will begin at s o'clock. A
pi lie mug w ill be "ilvm to the winner Us
be held a. id defended as a trophy.