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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
Tin: m-.r,: omana. ratitkday, deckmbfitc ,i. 1010. Council Bluffs, Minor Llcntion. Ta Council Blaff offlo of Th Omaha Be la IS Scott Street. Both 'phone 43. Iavl. drug. Corrlg-an. undertakers. Phone 1. FA I 'ST P.KKK AT HmiKIW Hl'KFKT. Majestic rii,(o. . c. Ie Vol Hdw. Co. Picture framing. Jenwa. Masonic temple. Woodrlng 1'ndertaking mniunjr. Tel. !. 1-ewu Cutler, funral director, l'lione 'J"i. Borwlck first for painting, 211 S. Main. FOR KX IIAMJK OK itt.AU t STATU TlJY BWAi'H. Schuster a and storx- Mult Kx tract for aale by J. J. Kline Co., Ki tiroaiua. Nellie Hcn.lcr announces her cluna sale Holiday, J ceinlr u to 1". Hn Par uc Miss Arkwriglii china sa'e. Saurdav. I'effrabfr t to iprmiir lo, v MvnMer St. Ir. Schurch of Jipnvfr in visit n at th home of Mr. and Mrs. ljuiKiimiie. Alynster street. I lav your glasses fitted or repaired br J. W. Terry, optician, 411 Broadway, olftc'e with George Gerner. Jnstlcn Cooper last evening united In mains Henry lent of Fremont. Neb., and Misa l,eiia Kortu of Spetn er. Neb. Neat, up-to-date picture framing at teaaonable prices. e plae our custom ra. Walter Mcholaisen &. Co., 14 S. Main. Pictures and picture sTor Xmas trad la our long suit. We please every body. Bring your picture In now. We can hiy them aside for you. C. Jensen, Masonic tempio. Mr. R. C. Meneray, sr., entertained at dinner Sunday for iln. John of Battle Virtu, Mich.; Mr. and Mm. W. J and daughter. .Margaret, of Oak land, Cal., and Air. and ilrs. Andrew i'ler on of Omaha. With a' temperature of twelve d above aero yeaterday and lelow freezing all day Ice foini.-.l on Indian creek and ahallow ponda uff,ciently heavy to bear .peron ' weight and aeveral thoiifiaml school boya are complaining because thanksgiving came a few days too early to b of any value aa a holiday. Anticipating the heaviest business ever done during the Christmas holiday season the express companies have bgun a cam paign of education of their 'patrons and appeal to them for co-operation in the .ef fort to get quick and satisfactory service. Circular letter are belli sent out bv the thousands giving minute direction about package. P. O. Alleahouse, formerly of the Firm r" Realty and Ixian company, has dis poned of his entire interest and will here after hav no connection with this firm. In the future the business will be con ducted by M. Solomon, president, and Jos eph A. Solomon, secretary and treasurer, who are the original Incorporators, with t. Solomon, recently appointed vice president. Major Hugh J. Oallager was yesterday discharged aa guardian for his mother. Mary Oallager, who died last May. P. J Oallager, the other brother, who was ap pointed administrator of the mother's es tate, will soon be discharged, the estate having been fully settled. Mrs. Csllater left property valued at about ScO.Ouu, and the appointment of her aona before and subsequent to her death were merely tech nical to permit their better car of the aged woman and her large estate. Wallace Patterson of Fairbanks, Alaaka is visiting at the home of his brother-in-law. City Engineer Ktnyre, and expects to spend aeveral weeks enjoying the hot I'e cember weather In Council Bluffs, Mr Patterson left Alaska on October 2, and expects to return there during the winter season- He is engaged in the tranHporta tlon and freight business and la well con tented with oonditiona and environment close to the Arctic circle. Mr. Patterson ha spent many years tber and the longer he stay there th better he like it County Attorney J. J. Hex has returned from an extended trip In the east. Includ ing New York, Boston and other coast cities Ke also made a short excursion into Canada, and returned In the happiest kind of state of mind, for It has been con fided to h.s frlenda that he really and truly ahot and killed a deer and got the deer on one of his hunting expeditions in the Adirondack and Mr. Hess will devote the next few week to cleaning up the business In hia offic preparatory to turning it over to his demooraUo suc cessor, Frank J. Capelt. Henry Tinnell Dies; O www U VJt4 Man Once Wealthy Pioneer Passes Away in Extreme Poverty in This City. Henry Tinnell, whose age was thought to be nearly 100 years, died yesterday at Mercy hospital after two day of acute illness due to extreme old ag. He was taken from hia Uttl horn at Fourteenth avenue and Sixteenth street two day before his death, owing to th fact that hi aged , wife was unable to car for him. He died peacefully and apparently without pain. Mr. Jlnnell had lived in Council Bluffs f iir th 1 a t lainttf.flo i , . respected by those who knew him beat In the prim of hia manhood forty-flv years go he was doing duty a on of th pio neers of Nebraska. A year or two after th war, during the uncertainties of th re construction period.' he went to Seward county -with a colony from Missouri and aettied near Oak Orove. Th colonists brought with them large herd of cattle, horses and sheep, and took up tract of land.' Mr. flnoell waa th guiding spirit of the pioneer community, and while he waa unable to read or writ tie not only eared for hi own large business affairs, but waa th truslud and safe counselor or bis neighbor. - Rev. Mr. Langdon of the 1'nlon City mls . Blon. Council Bluffs, recalls many arduous, but plea-ant day a a member of that ' community, beginning about 1S.0. and dur ing nearly fifty years of intimate acqualn- tanc with Mr. Tinnell say he cannot re " call an ungenerous or dishonest act. His word was all th bond that waa vr ex acted from him by those who knew him. Although wealthy once the last year of - his life were spent In extreme poverty. W ith Ids aged wife for year he had been de- ; pendant upon the county for aid. His youngest brother died last spring at the ag of SI yeara His wife and two daughters, lira. Nancy Fowler of Jackson, 8. 1)., and Mra Martha Trophler, Kllxabeth, Col.. ur- " vtv him. Three step-daughters, Mrs. Rich ard Van I.ouven, Mrs. Charles Day and Mrs. Charles Beats, leald here. Through out hia.jjthole life lie refused to Join any church and had no faith In any of them. Arrangement tor th funeral hav noi been made, but it is the detei-minatloa of )d.t friend that h!s whit head shall not rest In pauper s grave. Fublle AtteafloH. A. Hoep Co. now occupies three floors uid basement at 07 Broadway with a larger stock of piano and player pianos than you ran find inoet any place this aide of Chicago. Anyone having credit certifi cate will find a much larger Iln of pianos o aeleet from, and find they can do much better by bringing them in, no matter who laaued them. Take them to llofpe'a M r than three times the number of standard made piano than you will flud In any other house, and five times a many a In most house. Uet a piano from A. Iloap Co. They are her to stay atid their guar antee I good. Marrtag Llrtmee. alarrlage license were Iseued yesterday to the following named pcrsnna: Name and Keatdenc- Henry Tetst. Fremont, Neb Iwna Kor h. ISpencer, Neb Otto salng Uncoln Martha A. Liiertnaa, Omaha Age n i ....... 4 S N. T. I'luinbiiig Co. Tei- JtA Night, LelTUX. Council Bluffs. DICK GALLUP MUST ANSWER Charge i of Bigamy and Larceny Hang Over Bluffi Mn. CLAIMS MARRIAGE MOCK AFFAIR WessliX to l.olee llnenatela of !" la (nynlr, ehraska, Will Re laveetlaaterf br Kstbet f VonMr Woman. Chief nf Police Froom has received as surance from Chief Richards of Fioux City that Pick Gallup, under arrest there on the charge of larceny, will he held 10 answer the charge of wife deeertlon lodged against him by hi wife In this city. Oallup Is a Council Rluff man. well known here and well connected, who has given his friend a great deal of trouble. He mar ried an estimable young woman, M Stevens, and provided io illy for her that she waa obliged tn return to the home of her parents. The charge of abandonment has been pre ferred since the man's arreet In Sioux City on Monday on a complaint preferred by A. J. Pany. who accuses Gallup of the theft of two overcoats, a pair of cuff buttons and a revolver from his room In the Boyd hotel. Gallup secured bonds, tut was im mediately arrested on a charge of bigamy made by August Hoensteln, who ways Gal lup married his daughter, Louise Hoen steln. In Pouglas county. Neb., on Octo ber 22. Gallup was living with th young woman at the Boyd hotel at the time of his arrest. It Is said that he claims the marriage was a mock affair, sustained by a boqus cert: deny e. The father the young girl resides at Onawa. He announces his Intention of prosecuting Gallup to the fullest extent of the law, and Is making a careful investi gation Into the bigamy feature of the case. It is claimed that Gallup' connection with the hotel pilfering Is a strong case which will make him much trouble and if the other two charges are pressed as vigor ously as promised there Is much grief in store for him. Byers Announces He -Will Make Race for Senatorship Attorney General Writes Letter to Friend in this City Ontlininfj Platform. Attorney General H. W. Byer ha an nounced himself as an applicant for th vacancy in the United Btates senate caused by the death of Senator Dolllver. He has written a long letter to on of his local friends, who will be on of his supporters In the next assembly. In which he states his platfyrm. The letter waa made public yesterday and in part follow: "Before you fully commit youreelf to my candidacy I want you to know just where I stand on some of the Important govern mental problems which are now pending and whloh must be solved and settled be fore It can truthfully be said that anything ilk government ha been accomplished. In commercial greed, official Inefficiency and corruption will be found the sum and re sult of all the element in our commercial oclal and political life that hinder and re tard progress in the right direction, and .10 man should be selected for so Important an office as United Btates senator who Is not only equipped to fight these enemle of good government, but who I willing to make such fight even though it may In volve torn of hi party aseoclat and friend. Mr. Byer approve fully everything done by Benator Dolllver and ay: "I am mor than evr convinced that he waa vrlat ingly right" He says he la in full aooord with Roosevelt: In, hl conservation speech at 8t Paul In September lat he stated the who) case in a nutshell when he said: -What this country needs is what every free country must set before it a the great goal toward which It worke-an qual op portunity for hf. liberty and the pursuit of happlneas for every on of it citlxen. - wu oim w must put a stoD to the improper political dominion, no lea. than to the Improper economic dominion of th great special Interest. This coun try, its natural resource. Ha natural ad vantages. Its opportunities, and Its institu tions belong to all It cltixens. They can not be enjoyed fully and freely under anv government In which the special interests aa auch hav a vole. Th uprm. pout leal task of our day, the indispensable con. dltlon of national efficiency and national welfare, is to drive th .pecial Interest out of our publlo life." ra" I stand for the sentiment expressed In thl. quotation, and I indors. ,nd Approve the course pursued and the policies advo cated by Senators Cummins and Dolllver during the last two session of congre... Mr. Ryr say he does not intend to make a formal announcement of hi candi. dacy. but will leave th matter to th ju dlclou car of hi friend. In th le,mia ture. GEORGE BAKER SECURES VERDICT AGAINST LINE Thrown to Pavement by Contact with tar He la Glvea J a dement for Half ad for. George Baker, driver of a United State mail wagon,- secured a verdict last evening against th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company for $io0 at the end of a dlatrict court suit In which he asked for a Judgment of $1,000. The raae ha been on trial for two day and th Jury spent Dearly six hour In reaching a verdict ' On April 1 last Baker, who 1 frail and partly crippled, waa driving a mall wagon on Pearl etreet en rout to th temporary poatofflc in the Merrlam block. Th wagon wa rattling over th brick and Baker did not hear th approach of a car from th rear. He wa driving outside of th tracks, but not far enough away to glv clearance room to th car. Th motorman rang hi bell a he approached and aaid the driver of th vehicle seemed to b pulling hi hors toward the curb and the car con tinued to advance at th uaual Speed. When Uo lat to top. th hor wung In toward the rail and th car caught th wagon and overturned It Baker wa thrown out and against th curb, receiving painful Injurlea. The wagon wa also badly smashed. Ther were two motorman In th cab and both testified that th accident wa un avoidable under th circumstance. Th car waa on of thos operated oa th Iowa School for th Doaf Una, and a feature of th caa waa th tesclmotiy given by a number of silent pupil whoa keen eye w th aocldent but whoa deaf ear heard no sound. Their testimony wa re markably clear and dlroct. given through on of th teacher using th sign language. ,j Heal F-ataf 1 ran fen. Th following tranafai were reported to Th Be December l by th Pottaw.ttamie County Abatract company. Council Bluff; H. C. Meier and wife to fharle a Smith, lot T in fclk. I in Meredith addition to A v oca. la. a. w. d.. . r John I. Frlton and W;f to JamVl" relton. n n. er". Be- of 1J-77-U. w d 1 Dons Chrtatenatrn to 1 homa C. Chnl v. ,-, iui a ln u.. j,. uiiaiu a first addition to Council Bluffs, la 0,. e. d 1 Thro transfers, total... Balect your Xmaa gifts now at Faubl art shop, formerly Alexander', Council Bluffs, Citizens' Committee Will File Injunction on Hydrant Bills . i. Action Ordered by Meeting of Citizens Improvement Club to Block Com promise on Rentals. The payment of the long-deferred fire hydrant bills, which the city council at Its meeting on Monday nUht agreed to pay upon the bals of the compromise effected with Manager K. W. Hart of the water company, will not be made f a committee appointed at the meeting of the Citizens' Improvement club, held last night it the city building, can prevent It. The club selected a committee and Instructed it to employ an attorney early this morning and secure an Injunction to prevent the payment of the money authnriied by the council's action. A fund of $W0 waa pledged by th members present as a nucleus of a fund to be used in fighting the payment of the bills, amounting to 138.77S.37. The committee was instructed to engage an attorney this morning and begin the necessary action. The commit tee is composed of J. Chris Jensen, W. J. Leverett and A. C. Keller. After each of the other members had declined to ac cept the chairmanship of the committee Mr. Keller waa named, but not until after he had left the building. The city council came In for soma sharp criticism for its action on Monday night In settling the fire hydrant bills on the bais of ") per hydrant when tho existing rate ordinance, which went Into effect after the waler company went into th hands of a receiver, fixed the price at 140. The original bill, amounting to $46,320, for hydrant rentals, dating from the last quar ter of 19C8 to November 1, 1910. was com puted upon a charge of PM per hydrant. The council committee compromised ' by splitting the difference and making the rate ST.0, reducing the bill to' the extent of $6,922.71 The amendment to the rat IVr-si, A j ( . '; .e? 1 j C ) Ws6, ntotS V r v'-Trr- ioaW iflx fi48.4 tix m J LJ '- tC0 ittM ' Ooa 8 W jflSzjij Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co. iffilte if 1 415-415-417 South 16th Stroot Omaha L j At thU aeason of the year, mors than at any other, I Q on must not be uncertain a to Quality; the Chrtirt- , r mu spirit admit of no concoaalon In this matter. ' 'I 1 " .lL;--T I r W? ' jTi. tZ? -Zz fSS Council Bluffs. ordinance, row supposed to b in force, but which the company refused to accept, practically fixes the hydrant rentals at $." and remits the water company's taxes, approximating nearly t.( In considera tion of the free water service for all mu nicipal purposes and for the hospitals and charitable Institutions. There may be an Interesting race today between the members of the city council responsible for the payment of the water bills and the club committee to see who shall triumph. It Is doubtful If the bills can be paid without the receipt of Man ager Hart, who happens to be In Boston and Is not expected to return until next Monday. It Is also said the compromise bill mut be approved by the regular commit tee of the council before the auditor can legally Issue the warrant. Aldermen Younkeinian and Harding were at the club meeting and took , an active part In the. discussions. It was also Indicated a the purpose of the committee to arrange for a further conference with Attorney General Byera relative to attack ing Hie fifty-year franohise of the street railway company. . "H HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I TALKS ABOUT R0ADS At Creon He ays C.otbrle Crater liandlea Qneatloa Best of Ay wkfW Invrn. CRKSTON. la., Dec. . (Special.) Pro fessor Thomas McDonald, state highway commissioner, of Ames was the principal speaker at the meeting held in th In terest of the BJue Grass river to river road here last night and gave a very able and practical talk on making roads in the state without increasing taxes. He advo cated using the levy made for roads for the benefit of the principal roads, employ ing a crew of men constantly at work on the main roads leading from one town to another. This he maintained could be done without additional coat if the work was systematically planned. He especially praised the work done at Guthrie Center, In which he claimed there are the beat roads in the state. Other speakers follow ing him were Judges Towner and Maxwell ! Iowa. i and the member of the board of supervis ors, and all were in favor of pushing the road to complet'on. and pledged their sup port to the enterprise. A committee was appo nted to draw up plans to present to the board of supervisors of the county. Aged Recluse Found Hanging by Arm Mrs. Jennie Handling f Breda Canght by Trap Door When Ladder Slips from Under Her. CARROU la., De?. 1 (SpoclaU ap pended by her arm, with her hand held firmly tinder the heavy trap door leading to th attic, where It was caught when the door fell upon It and held It, and with the flesh of the hand and part of the cheek eaten away by rats, the body of Mrs. Jen nie Huendllng, aged N. was found yester day in her hermit home nine miles east of Breda, Carroll county. The news did not rech here until today. Mr. Huendllng was the mother of Rev. Mr. Huendllng, editor of the Breda Ostrinslsch Nachrichten. The woman's body was found hanging from under the trap door, which waa di rectly over her bed. There sh dangled by her arm until unconsciousness relieved her suffering and death followed. Near the bed was an old ladder which had been used to reach the garret. From the appear ances of the ladder and the body, It is evident the old woman had tried to get into the garret and the ladder had slipped and her hand had been caught under the trap door, which fell when she fell. It Is believed that the accident happened Saturday. John Christenson, a son by her first marriage, was the last person who saw her alive. On Saturday he visited his mother, who lived alone, and carried in a pall of water and did other work at her home. The pall of water was found wher he had left It. Mr. Heundling lived alone for year, having repeatedly refused to go and live with her ion. Th Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada Wv.tM, -5- oI iA.A . Booae Rank Misuse. BOONF, la., Iec. J-(f5perial Telegram ) K. I). Carter, president of the Heaver Pavings bank, has bought a big block of stock In the p.xine National bank and will move her aa vice president. E. E. Hughe, president of the bank, will devote most of his time to the Unite-! Mercantile agencj of Chicago. X I - i w Cacra csjiy cws C3 Omaha's Pure Food Center Specials for Saturday I Old Kashloned Undrled Corn, lb. 150 Evaporated Peaches, Fears and Apri cots, per lb ISO New Layer Kaisins. per lb 40o Navy Beans, Split t'eaa, per lb 6o l-oi pkg. Beaded Raisin and Cur rant 1816 New Maple fyrup, in bottle 35 Johnson Sweet Cider gallon Jugs, ftOe; bottle 150 "Lotus" Assorted Pickles per bot tle, 15oj per doien bottle Sl.gS Imported Sardines, In olive oil, per tin 11 Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel, two lbs, for 460 Mincemeat, bulk. lb. 10c j jars, 85o, o and 76o Large Queen Olives quart Jara, 60o; pint jar 85o 48-lb. sack Kxcellenca" Flour.. $1. MO HO-lb. sack 85o Swedish Health Bread, per pkg.lSHo Japanese Kl Wafers, per pkg...8uO Educator Crackers, bulk, per lb.. Sao Butter, Zgg and Ch Xpartinnt. "Lotus" Butter tcartoim), per lb.. 350 Our Best Country Butter (In sanitary Jars i. per lb 340 Country Koll Butter, per lb 30o Strictly Fresh Kggs, per dozen... 300 New York Full cream Cheese, lb. 85c Imported 9wlss Cheese, per Pearse's Ie Luxe Clieeac, In Jars. . SSo Koyai Cheese. Jars... 1 So, 85o and ftoc Chow Chow, Sweet and Sour Pickles, r per quart 200 i O3851 C Cfi?'fyil C5N?3 ( llaloa' l ibrarian lirna. Pl'HrvM'F.. Is , lco. a isiwclal Tele gram After an Illness of a week. Miss Grace Mullancy, llhtarlan of th public library st Clinton, la , died at th home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.ihn I. Mul laney. In this city tonight. Persistent Advertising Is th Road t Big Return. CrG Csir c Cj 1 o ol rresh rrait and Tegetahl pt. Fancy Apples, per box. . ta.89 to SJ.SO J Fancy Florida Urape Fruit at. ech ft and 10 .... , -i . . 1 .. .--1.. ... Two Plain lettuce to kj Bellevue Celery, per do 30a. too. so Kngllsh Hot House Orapea Beeta Mushrooms Brussels: Sprouts Fresh Mint New Carrots Impcrted lLtidtv Oalon Head I.eituce Turnips Coffee and Tea XMpartmeaV Courtney Iotus Ankola" Coffee, uqequaled for flavor and atrength. (t per ir. boci s ins. Tor 91.00 CVurUiey'a "Iotus" brand Japan Tea; Per 1-lh. - M Per U-lb. pkg 3SoCl "Lotus'7 Sphe. can... lOo, 15a, Mo V Demonstration of Cocoa at Corfea ft '-lb. cans Suchard Cocoa 8 H-lh. can Suchard Cocoa 4oo X.IQTSOB SPECIAX.S. Cognac Biajidy, full quart $1.00 Jamaica Kum, full quart SI. 00 Swedish Punch, quart $1.85 Moncgram Whiskey, full quart... 750 Duckenhelmer Hve, full quart. . . Sl-OO Port, Sherry or Claret, bottle 35o White Tokay, full quart ft 00 Virginia Dare, large bottle. CSo -year-old Port or Sherry, quart. .600 Sniu;fle Scotch, ?1 years od.. 91.00 SATURDAY OITZ.Y FREE A bottle of wine, between & and P. M. with each bottle of our 8-year-old Straight Kentucky Lotus" Wh!akv 0 G I t. per full quart 91.03 C C93 C3 CO 0)