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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
THE FEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1010. Debut Dance American Beauty roses, violets, orchids, chrysanthemum and myriads of roses of different shades, literally a wall of flow ers, formed the background for the re ceiving; rartjr at th receptlon-danre Klven at the Horns hotol last evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Pickens to formally Intro duce their daughter. Miss El rabeth. These flowers were the gifts of the hosts of friends of the young debutante. Japanese cherry blossoms formed an arbor effect throunhout the promenade, ball room end supper room. These flow ers and pendant Japanese umbrellas, to rether with the Japanese lantern Illumina tion, made the scene seem a bit of the Flowery kingdom. The towns worn at the ball were un usually graceful and attractive. Miss Pickens wore a dainty gown of white chiffon, draped over white satin. The gown was designed with a train of the white satin and was elaborately trimmed with crystal. Pearls were the hair ornament. She wore a large bouquet of orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Pickens wore a handsome Imported costume of white lace over white satin, with trimming of pearl embroidery. Mrs. Frank I. vn Redman of Fait Lake City, lister of Mr. Pickens, was gowned In crepe de chine, ashes of roses color, with oriental embroidery. Miss Jean Barkalow of Penver, who Is visiting Miss Carolyn Harkalow and Miss Alice Carey Mcdrew, wore a dainty gown of white chlffcn with crystal trimming. Miss May Noyes Norman of St. Joaoph, Mo., guet of Miss Frances Nnsh. was gowned In American Beauty chiffon over white satin made with broad sash of white ratln. Both Miss Norman and Miss Jean Barkalow were school friends of Miss Pickens at Mrs. Somer'a school In Wash ington, D. C. Miss Marcia Perkins of Fremont, guest of Miss Amy Gllmore, wore a pretty costume of yellow chiffon and Miss Gllmore wore white chiffon and crystal. The debutantes wore attractive evening gowns. Miss Dorothy Stevens was becom ingly gowned In pink crepe de chene trim med with crystal fringe and bands. Miss Mildred Rogers wore a lingerie gown hand embroidered with trimmings of lace. Miss Nannie Page was gowned In j a e pink chif fon trimmed with hand-painted bands In oriental design. Miss Louise Pinning had a pretty coftume of blue chiffon over pink satin trimmed with white mirabeau. Several of the brides of the year wore their wedding gowns. Mrs. Denlse Barkalow was attractive In her gown of white chif fon over white satin. Mrs. Harry Kelly wore her wedding gown of white corded crepe. Mra, Fred W. Thomas wore an evening gown of pale green satin trimmed . with white mirabeau and oriental em- broidery veiled with f.tlle. Among the debutantes of the last two eaaons present were Miss Besa Baura, who wore a pretty evening gown of pale blue with self-tone trimming. Miss Imile Irfird wore white chiffon as did also Miss Gladys Peters. The lattnr's costume wss trimmed with rarl embroidery. Ml.s Alice Carey McOrew wore orchid chitfon. Miss Dorothy Morgan pink chiffon, and Miss Carolyn Barkalow evening gown of black chiffon. Miss Frances Nash wore a beautiful cos tume of apricot pink chiffon draped over white ratin with elaborate trimming of crystal In bolero effect. About 800 guests were present and those assisting were Mesdamea Franklyn Red man of Salt Lake City, Ben Gallagher. Oeorge A. Joslyn. Gould Diets., M. C. Tct ers, M. A. Hall, J. P. Iord. Rebe Morgan, C. F. McGrow, 11. II. Baldrige. C. E. Johannes, Richard Cummlngs, Frederic W. Thomas. Harry Kelly: Misses Franoes Nash, Brownie Bess Raum, Alice Cary Mc Grew, Dorothy Morgan, Josephine O'Neill, Agnes Burkley. Gladys I'eters. Louise Lord! Dorothy Stevens, Louise Dinning, Nannie Page, Mildred Rogers, May Noyes Nor man of St. Joseph, Mo.; Jean Barkalow of Denver and Iftabel Doyle. Pleasures Past The largest social affair today was the luncheon given by Mrs. Charles C. Rose water at her home, S.T03 Dewey avenue The guests of honor were Mrs. N. P. Fell, who has recently returned from Cleveland to reside In Omaha, and Miss Blancho Rosewater, whose engagement to Mr. Mil ton Ben Newman has been announced. The dining room was prettily 'decorated with yellow chrysanthemums, a large Japanese basket tied with yellow tulle the same shade as the blossoms forming the center piece for the table. A profusion of white chrysanthemums and ferns were used in the other rooms. Assisting were Miss Ethel Tukey. Mrs. Charles Marsh, Mrs. W. L. Tetter, Mrs. Arthur Smith and Mrs. Lee Herrtnian. One hundred and forty guests were present Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chandler entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at their home for Miss Wilbur and Mr. Covington, who are playing at the Orphoum this week. Those present were Misses Wilbur, Ollle Burnett, Gladys Chandler, Alice Chandler, Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Chandler, Dr. Gladstone Derby, Paul Anthes, Mr. Covington and Mrs. Millie Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon W. Wattles enter tained at a beautifully appointed dinner party last evening at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Thomas, who have re cently returned from Mexico. Covers were placed for Mrs. George W. Llnlnger, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Haller, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jonas, Miss Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Wattles. Mrs. Frank Hall and her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Elder, entertained informally at a tea thla afternoon at the home of the latter In honor of Mrs. Hall's daughter. Mrs. Paul Schmidt of San Diego, Cal. Fink car nations brightened the dining room and American Beauty roses were In the living 2w room. Assisting were Mrs. Francis A. Brogan, Mrs. C. A. Hull and Mra J. J. McMulten. About thirty g-uests were t resent. For the Future Next Tuesday evening Mlsa Gladys Holm gren will entej-taln at the Orpheum the members of the San Souct club. Those present will be: Misses Misses Berttia 1'lxton. Reglna Andreesen, Jennie Nelson, Mi.jd Wilcox, June Corey, lngeburg Keneon, Kthel Corey, Polly Hurst, Stella Olson, Jessie Corey, Nell Hurst, Gladys Holmgren. Captain and Mrs. W. T. Wilder will give a dinner Friday evening at the Hotel Loyal. There will be beautiful floral decorations and the guests will be seated in the private dining room. Those present will be: General and Mrs. Frederick Smith. Major ajid Mrs. Omar Bundy. Co.onel and Mrs. William W. Gray. Colonel and Mrs. John M. Ranlster. Colonel and Mrs. D. E. McCarthy. Major and Mrs. William P. Burnham. Major and Mrs. Joseph T. Clarko. Ms.Jor and Mrs. Frank F. Eastman. Mm Jor and Mrs. Harrv I Gilchrist. Major and Mrs. Atkinson. Lieutenant and Mrs. Post. Major and Mrs. Daniel J. Carr. Captain and Mrs. W. T. Wilder. Miss Arabella Clarke. Major Harry C. Hale. Lieutenant Watson. Lieutenant Ralph D. Bates. Mrs. J. J. McMullen will entertain at luncheon Saturday at her home for Mrs. Vine Gayler of Seattle, Wash., who Is visiting her sisters, the Mlsees Sharp. Mra Gayler was formerly Miss Georgia Sharp. Complimentary to Miss Mildred Rogers, who Is a debutante this season, Mi and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith will enter tain at dinner this evening at their home. Pink roses and stevta will be used In dec oration and covers win be placed for Misses Misses Mildred Rogers, Elizabeth Pickena, May Noys Norman Nannie Page, of St. Joseph, Mo ; Dorothy Morgan. Fiances Nash, Messrs. Messrs. Jack Baldwin. Ben Gallagher, Jack Raum, Frank Keogh, Paul Gallagher, Robert Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Morltx Meyer has Issued invitations for a bridge party to be given next Thurs day at Metropolitan club. Mrs. Juliua Kessler will entertain at luncheon tomorrow In honor of Mrs. Paul Schmidt of San Diego, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. J E. Elder will entertain Informally at dinner Wednesday evening at their home. Wedding Bells Miss Katherine Cavanagh, formerly of Denlson, la., daughter of Mra. W. H. Kelly of that city, and Ernest U Hecht of Ida Grove, la,, were married Wednesday by the Rev. Father Dowd at the residence of St. Peter's church. Miss Irene Majors acted aa bridesmaid and Ernest Simmons Sandwich Possibilities A t SANDWICHES are no longer exclusively plcnlo fare, but are In daily use during winter for afternoon tea, the hostess who Is going to make a hit Is she who serves sand wich novelties. There is one or two essentials to all sandwich making. Chief of these are good bread and butter. Bread should be preferably a day old, of fine, close grain, and evenly baked. When much Is used there should be special pans for home baking, and sandwich loaves are to be ordered from the baker. Thla saves waste. The bread should be cut evenly and thinly. If the knife be heated cutting Is more quickly done. Crusts are not cut off until the sandwich la filled. Butter should be soft enough to spread easily, but not melted. Some persons butter before slicing, but un less the loaf Is square the slices are not put together evenly. Otherwise put the bread slice upon slice and but- ter the two Inner sides before filling. The modern sandwich Is small and shapely. The favorite form Just now Is round, though triangles and narrow oblongs are also used. The thin slice Is spread as for a sandwich, then rolled In on Itself until about the thickness of two fingers. Sharp bis cuit cutters are used for round shapes after the slices of bread arc put to gether with the filling. Too great care cannot be taken In shaping, as sandwiches of uneven s'ro are not appetizing and reflect upon the social knowledge of the hostess. If made aeveral hours before they are used sandwiches are packed closely together and wrapped In a linen cloth wrung from loe water, then In a dry cloth. Tasa on silver sandwich plates, with lace dolly underneath, or neatly heaped on a flat china or glass plate covered with a dolly. Where many sandwiches are served a small chop piste Is often utilised. Where there Is a muffin stand the sandwich plate Is set on one of the shelves, with a plate of crackers and a basket of small cakes on the other two. And wtlh all this preparatloL you have no sandwich worth eating It the be wrong. Right here Is where the clever hostess racks her brains for novelties. Sandwich fillings are of three order meat. In which Is Included fish and egg sandwiches; cheese mixtures, and sweei sandwiches. There are also various grsens, though lettuce is so much used with all forma that It can scarcely be classed by It self. In this class may be put celery or endive run through a fine meat chopper and mixed wtlh mayonna'se; cress and nasturtium tendrils and pods mixed with French dressing, and pars ley chopped fine and mixed with shredded peppers or shredded onion. For tea purposes decided onion mix tures are better omitted, though f nely chopped white onion la relished with capers and anchovy fillings. For ord nary purposes, cold meat or poultry, run through a fine chopper and mixed to a paste, with rich cream and seasoning of salt and paprica, are delicious and not ao rich as the may onnaise fillings. Chicken and tongue mixed In equal parts are a pleas ng novelty; ao la shredded bacon and ground chicken, with strips of pi mentos. Moat of the meat and fish salad left overs can be used as sandwich filling. Hot lobster Newburg makes a de licious sandwich; so does creamed crab and red peppers, and finely chopped shrimps with capers masked In may onnaise. Green or red perpers ehorped finely and mixed wtlh mayonnaise Is a fa vorite filling. Hay den's Meat Depf Martin Reum Tes the Truth when he says the prices of meats are down and if you are not convinced, compare these prices with others. Spare lliha, threo pounds for 25o " Pork ltonst ...IOC Mutton Lops Go Mutton Chops, threo pounds for 25o Mutton Stew, seven pounds for 23( Tot lion st . 7C Shoulder Steak 7c Round Steak 10c Sirloin Steak 10c No. 1 Hams ....12V&C No. 1 Bacon 23c don't Trw nnvnrnoi cidct it iiii i mo I FORGET PAYS was best man. The oocaslon was secretly planned as a surprise, but friends of the pair discovered the coming event, quickly assembled at the residence of Mrs. S. P. Majors, and selecting her as their leader, prepared a supper. Aiiiuiig kiiv oui'Ul-iwnii ncuui.'iKS Dl in terest to Omaha residents was that of Miss Aston Hembrce, daughter of Mrs. Rose Hembree of David City, la., to Mr. George K. Howell of Omaha. The wedding was solemnized Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother In David City. After an eastern wedding journey Mr. and Mrs. Howell will be at L horns after December 15 at 1613 Plnkney Announcements have been received In Omaha of the marriage of Miss Edith Mar tin of Plattsmouth to Mr. Mathew Furnas Morton of Fairfax. & D. The wedding took place in Plattsmouth on Wednesday. Miss Martin was formerly a teacher In the Omaha schools and la an accomplished musician. Personal Gossip Mrs. C. T. Smith left Wednesday for Lin coln and expects to return Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton returned Wednesday from a two weeks' stay In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Mandelberg are expected to return Sunday from their wed ding Journey. i Mlsa Florence Rosenthal of San Fran cisco will arrive this week to be the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Rosenthal. Miss Infred Schee will leave December 8 for Copenhagen. Denmark, for a visit to relatives there a&d a short tour of Europe. Mrs. J. J. Dickey, Miss Bertha Dickey, Mlsa Helen Scobie and Ralston Bcoble of Omaha arrived from abroad yesterday on the Celtlo and are staying at the Hotel Wolcott while In New York, before re turning home. The young women have Seen attending school abroad for two year a The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada ALL HEATS DOWN! 25 PER CENT AT PJDL'C MARKET Pork Loins Pork Roast fH4 Spring Broilers 124 Steer Pot Roast .8 We and GC Steer Rib Roast. 12 H and J)? Young Veal Roast Lamb Chops Steer Steak 8He Steer Boiling Beef 5H Young Veal Chops 10 Veal Stew nu I Lamb Legs 10 U 10 and Lamb Stew , 4W Sugar Cured Bacon 20 and lfW Armour Skinned Hams , 14 Choice Lard 12 He Mall Orders Promptly Filled COAL WOOD COKE ! v thy ova. ruiuo kabiit bpxciax.. Nut. per ton 96.00 Lump, per ton 18.60 Yellow Pine Wood for furnace or grate, per cord 98.50 Rock Springs, Saginaw, Kenton and Carney Soft Coal. Pennsylvania Hard Coal all sizes. Kindling Wood With Kaoh CaHh Order. TE&EFHOCTB DOTJO. 6643; A-3948. Fartrldae fit Thompson Co., Fresh Dressed Chickens, lb. 10ic DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:80 A, M. AND 8 P.M. A2147. SHE OMAHA WOMEN OENEFIT BY NEW YORK GARMENT MAKERS' STRIKE NEW YORK UANFR'S BANKRUPT STOCK OF A TiTNTTTn 09 ICS ' WE MUG APPA row MlfiJL ITIUGt Bo Thrown on Salo and Disposed off Within ONE 11 EE I Most Marvelous Valuoo Evor Offorod In Suilo, Coato and Drosses fill, IF Mi is Missiles Ml tat Wmh muzhik wmm " 47."' W Ms 1 a : m - li ti mvj mm Jh Aw, t m ! I it I'S I. H'M :t I. U Ir ,if ; ; . 1 A PROMINENT New York manufacturer, located at 130 W. 28th St., New York City, making only the highest grade Ladies' Garments for the most exclusive trade, was unable to withstand the long siege of the garment makers' strike and was forced to liquidate. Our staff of New York buyers, being on hand with the ready cash, were enabled to purchase the entire stock of high-grade tailored SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS and DRESSES at about thirty cents on the dollar. There were also in this purchase a great many garments which the employes had left unfinished when they went out on strike, and these we brought to our factory here and had them finished. Commencing SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3D, and continuing all of next week, we will place on sale this enor mous stock at a mere fraction of their actual value.' You have never seen such values at these prices before, and we doubt if you will have an opportunity to do so again in the near future. Every garment represents the acme of perfection in style, quality, workman ship, and worth many times over what we ask. BaauWu! Tailored Sul. at Ona-Haif to Cna-Third Kholstals PIca 800 Suits, tailored In this season's most favored styles. Made up in diagonals, worsteds, imported serges and other leading materials. New York manufacturer's whole- tfy nr sale price 127.60, at V7e9 Some Exceedingly Nifty Suits, in broadcloths, two-tone tweeds, wor steds, mannish mixtures, basket weaves lined with guaranteed Skin ner satin. Jackets SO to 32 inches long, skirts the newest and prettiest designs. New York manufacturer's wholesale price 137.60, J jy (J 50 Ladle Tailored Salts, In serges, fancy weares, handsome 7 08 styles, worth 119.60, at. . . . 9 ' V3 Oilk and Cloth Dresses 923.00 Silk Dresses, silk taffeta and meBsallnes, newest styles, ' leading .shades on sale gjj $18.00 Cloth Dresses, mohairs, serves ".d..7..... $198 Misses' Suits, made In panama and fancies, Tery pretty styles, worth up to 112 00, at. . . . $3.i8 Coats at Less Tin n Cost of Raw Material Full Length Ladies' Coats, made In good Quality kersey, actual a qq $18.00 Talues, at 9efd Coats Worth $18.00 to $22.50 Full length, handsome coats, made In best kerseys, gray mixtures; splen did appearing garments, J J (jg PLUSH and CARACUL COATS ARB Luxurious Seal Plush Coats, made of finest Imported seal plush, lined throughout with guaranteed satin, large Jeweled buttons. The usual price of these Is 35 0; Q7C sale price e? life la Beautiful Long Tailored Coats, made in finest black broadcloths, lined with guarantoed satin; overpl&ids, gray mixtures; Polo Coats, with plaid linings, collars and cuffs. The New York manufacturers sold these coats for $27.50 and they 1 would retail for much j 1 1 MS more, at Other Handsome Coats np to f 27.50 VERY STYLISH and SERVICEABLE! Handsome Caracul Coats, striped ef fect, sold by New York manufac turer for twice these prices, whole sale OlO to G25 r.1ado-to-Ordor Garments Our Specialty During this sale we will make Special Re duced Prlcoo on Made-to-Order Suits, Coats, Skirts and Dresses made here in our own factory. SKIRTS, WAIOTO $9 Skirts panam&s, serges, Tolles, taffetas pretty fa no designs 0 $S Skirts, well made, at- 4 A J tractive skirts, at $rM 200 Haitdsome Taffeta and Messallas Silk Waisu, worth $4.38, g Ladies' linen Tailored Waists, $1.38 values In sale Tailored linen Waists, regular 7 So sellers on sale 3QC 91.08 Lon Flannelette 7 - Kiiuouoa, at sC Beautiful Silk Kimonos at less than half regular selling prices. AND KIMONOS Short Flannelette Kimonos, prettily figured, light and dark 1(1 shades UC Ladles' House Dresses, pretty shades and designs, $1.60 values, J Checked Gingham Aprons, Just a few of them on sale . ftg Amoskeag Checked Gingham Aprons, full dress size, with sleeves, 4 u worth $1.00 at wJC Pure Silk Taffeta' Petticoats, regular $2.98 value sals ff Q? price Jlsef J Black aiid Fancy Petticoats, worth up to $2.50 on sale G9C FURS Black Russian Lynx Sets Wholesale price $25.00; our price, $15.00. Other Fur Sets, $5.00 to $50.00. Come early and take your pick of these wonderful Talues. We guarantee every garment to be Jnat as represented. If you see anything In the windows that you prefer, we will take It out for you. OTHER WONDERFUL VALUES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! These prices may sound ridiculously low, but we bought these goods at such low prices, and YOU GET THE BENEFIT OF THIS REMARKABLE PURCHASE. It- Manufacturers and Retailers of Ladies' Quits, Coats, Skirts, Etc. C7PP n v rn U 13 p7 u (O) 214-16 llortli lGlli -n NEW DUILDING iwir:w-g