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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
KMBKR 3. 1910, ZIIZIZIJi "GOODYEAR RAINCOATS REIGN SUPREME" ZZZT. TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF THIS 0 PKALLLILLIO) saL Mo's w a am mm m mm B a mr mm mtm.i m v J m& mm potigias st. score I sif " mm Qvorcoats, Raincoats. Silk Rubberized Coats. Slip-Ons FOR MEN, WOFwlEN AND CHILDREN At a special mootinc of tho Board of Managers of the Good year Raincoat Co., hold at our Hew York Headquarters, it was decided, in order to meet pressing obligations, to sacri fice as much stock as may bo possible, and at an utter disre gard of the cost of manufacture, All of tho 90 branch stores have been ordered to sell below cost, so as To Roioe $200,000 Within Ten Dayo This Is an Unparalleled Chance to Duy Any Garment in Our Stock Tomorrow AT SO For Women No other store offers the variety o? styles and fabrics of Women's Water proof Cloaks and Raincoats In heavy winter, also In medium welghtsl that we do. No other store can afford to sell their Women's Raincoats at the low prices we do. We are manufacturers but In this sale we cell at 60c on the dollar. 10.00 Coats, CZ nn sale price )2 mJJ $15.00 Coats, OH sale price v?W $18.00 Coats, fJ 1 fl QA sale price WVT $22.60 Coats, fj? fl O Rf sale price V 1 w J w $25.00 Coats, (11 C Ofl sale price... V 1 , .iinswnnpiwimimmirinn' i i ir i TT""i' i'" EM u W THE MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS PURCHASE NOW An opportunity such as this pomn perhaps once In a llfatlmai Now Is your chance to buy your Christmas Raincoat Olft or Water proof Overcoat at less than the cost tn manufacture them. We need the money and If you need a rout get here early aa pos sible Saturday nmrnltifr. We guarantee every purchase or refund your money. The garment 1hat are on Bale now are the world's best the. very kind that have made the name of "Ooodyear" famous for the finest made Rainproof garments In the world. VOn THE LITTLE FOLKS. OVERCOATS, H.AIWCOATS, AT 600 ON THE SOLLAS $5.00 Coats, sale price $-.03 I I $10 Coats, sale price, $6.00 $7.50 Coats, sale price ftt.50 $12.60 Coats, sale pr., $7.50 fuOODYE&lq) IS RAINCOAT CO. S. E. Cor. 16th and Davenport HOTEL LOYAL BLDG. 'FOR EN Our stock of Men's Raincoats is unmatchable as to variety of shades, - fabrics and make, and especially as regards prices but now you buy at 60c on the dollar. $10.00 Coats, sale price . . $15.00 Scats, sale price . . $20.00 Coats i O ff sale price . ..P I UsUU $25.00 Coats, sale price . $30.00 Coats, sale price . $6.00 $9.00 15.00 $18.00 3 "SPECIALISTS IN RAINCOAT SPECIALTIES" '1 GREAT HALL FOR WASHINGTON Mrs. Henry F. Dimmock Seeks to In duce City to Build One. GREAT NEED OF NATION'S CAPITAL Prraldent Taft ' Will Onn Seventh Convention o' National Rivera and Harbor f'onftresa December Seventh. Juror Challenges Himself for Cause Rises in His Seat and Asserts that He is Not Competent to Serve in Case. Just as the (10.000 personal injury damage action of Eva Belle HalKht against the street railway company was about to fro to trial before Judge Bears ln the law division of district court Friday afternoon, a Jury satisfactory to both sides having been se cured, C. T. Cummins, one of the Jurors, challenged himself for cause. He arose In his place and said he doubted his com petency. Asked why, he said that some years ago, when he was a fireman, and W, M. Glller,. of Weaver fc Glller, attor-'i neys for the plaintiff, was a member of the Fire and Police commission, the at torney shuwed him some slight favors. Glller had forgotten tho man, but Cum mins remembered. It took another hour to get a Juror for the vacant cha r. CHILDREN OF JACK CUDAHY NOW WARDS OF HIS MOTHER Death of Michael t'ndahy Makes a Change In the (Snardlan ahlp. The children of Jack Cudahy and Mrs. Edna Cowln Cudahy will at once be made wards of Mr. Michael Cudahy's widow. By the terms of the settlement between Mrs. Cowln and her husband nt the tlmo the divorce was secured, the children were placed in the custody of the Cudahy fam ily, Michael Cudahy, ) the grandfather, being made the guardian. It was provided that In the event of his death his widow should become guardian, and If she, too, should die before the chil dren come of age, the guarJ anshlp will be vested ln two maiden aunts. A clause of the agreement never pub llHhed relate to future conduct of Mrs. Cowln. It Is provided that In case Mrs. Cowin should ever cause any further no toriety to arise, which would In any way reflect upon the Cudahy name, the In come which 'she gets from the Cudahya shall terminate at once. K. A. Cudahy Is expected here from Chi cago Monday. WASHINGTON. Dec... l.-(Speclal.)-Mts, Henry F. Dimmock of New York, presi dent of the' Oeorse Washington Memorial association, has set her heart upon hav ing erected In the national capital a con vention hall tn be known as the Washing ion Memorial hall, to cost in the neigh borhood of S2.000.000. Mrs. Dimmock, who Is a most charming woman, with energy sufficient to drive a good-sired dynamo, made It clear to representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of this city that the success of the movement depended upon Washington's Initiative, and that If the capital of the nation would agree to raise S200.000 she would undertake to raise the balance. There is probably no city In ' the country that needs a convention hall as badly as Washington. Of right It ought to be the convention city of the republic, but the great conventions of the country will not come here because of the lack of ball facilities for their entertain ment. Mrs. Dimmock wanti to see the memorial hall to the first president started before the end of President Taft's admin istration. . Hirers and Harbors ConirresM. President Taft will p-n the seventh convention of the National HI vein and Harbors congrtss on Wednesday, Decem ber 7, In the assembly I. all of the New WJMard, this city. The hall la capable of seating 3.000 people and, as It was crowded to the doors lat year when the president delivered the welcoming address, it seems safe to predict an even larger attendance this year. Hashing- Census Work. The Importance of the c mlng conven tlon of the National Itlvera tand Harbors congress cannot be overestimated. It means much for the Improvement of the waterways of the V'nlted Plates, f r should the closing session of the Sixty-flrnt con gress full to pass a river and harbor bill, the Sixty-second congress would have no precedent to follow and might refuse to make appropriations, except as has been tho practice heretofore, a bill every two or thre years. The National Itlvera and Harbor congress Jias been fighting theje np. radio appropriations ever since Its or ganization ten years ago, and now that victory is in sight officials of the con gress, including ltepresentatlve Joseph K. llanxdull of Loulslunu, v. ho Is president of the congress, are urging with all their power the attendance of the friends of waterways upon the forthcoming conven tion to the end that tho fedeial congress may realise how vast the trentlment Is ln tha I'nlted Etates for u yearly river aid harbor bill. taiupnian ruLlleltr. Onaus lJiiector Durand gives assurance t turian and the First Congregational that from now on population totals ot I churches ' will hold their fair December 18 siues by counties will bo riven out rapidly I and 17, and not as then announced. The GROWTH OF LOCOMOTIVE PULL Tractive Power of the Mallet Com pound Compared with Other Designs. A standard passenger engine of the "Atlantic" type exerts a drawbar pull of about 22,000 pounds. The heavy switch engines employed by the Rock Island and other roads, having six drivers and no trucks, have a tractive force of 30,000 pounds. A heavy road engine In freight service will double the pull of tha At lantic type passenger engine. The Mallet articulated compound locomotive gives a pull on the drawbar of 84,000 pounds, with a maximum of 100,000 when "down in the corner" under especially favorable condi tions.' ' The boiler tubes of the new engine are twenty-four feet long. The wheels show the 2-8-8-2 arrangement, which means that there are two sets of eight drive wheels each, with two two-wheeled trucks. The total weight of the locomotive, exclusive of the tender. Is more than 208 tons. The sixteen drivers carry 180 tons. The fire box Is ten feet by seven and one-half larger than many a St. LouIb hall bedroom. Why build such leviathans? Because the Mallet engine will haul more than two locomotives, each of half Its weight, with half the number of men. On account of the number of wheels the weight upon each Is not excessive. The new type Is "articulated;" that is. It Is composed of two separate engines and boilers, which are bolted together in the middle to make one. Thirty years ago such a machine would have been worse than useless; It would have required a train stretching over the breadth of a township and would have straightway pulled It In two and ended the trip. But since that time the maxi mum load of freight cars has Increased from twenty to fifty-five tons; automatic train brakes have been perfected for freight equipment and the strength of the "draftrlg" gYeatly Increased. Nor do these facts convey the full achievement of American railroads; the proportion of dead load weight of car has gone down from 70 per cent to 35 per cent The 40,000-pound car weighed 28,000 pounds (It was some times a few thousand pounds lighter); tha car whose load limit Is 110,000 pounds weighs 38,000. The prophet will do well to lay his hand upon his mouth when he contemplates the American railroad. Twenty years ago two great motive-power experts proclaimed. through The Engineering Magazine, that the limit of speed and size ln tha American locomotive had been reached, bq reason of the Impossibility of enlarging tha fire box. Then came an Inventor who calmly lifted It above the drlvsra and made It one-half wider than the track, and new the Mallet engine merges two consolidated locomotives ln one. We wait, hat In hand, for the next achievement. St., Louis Republic Tha Key to the Situation Be Want Ads CHRISTMAS SALE ON MONDAY II I Mr Church Basar to Open In Lobby of The Bee Dulldlnw Next Monday. Beginning Monday morning, December 5, the Hillside Congregational church, Ply mouth Congregational, Trinity Methodist and the First Christian church societies will hold their fairs In the Bee building bazar headquurters. These are the flrat of the series to be held. In announcing the dates of the other churches' occupancy of these headquarters, recently an error was made. The Benson Presbyterian, the Ixiwe Avenue I'resby- No Ba'htnba In Hospital. A hospital without a single bath tub. That Is the forward step ln sanitary construction which is announced for the great hospital building which the Harrlman lines are now constructing at a cost of nearly J.'.OO.OOO. In the place of tubs numerous shower baths have been provided, and It Is claimed this Is done In the Interest of both the physicians and the patients. It Is pointed out that frequently a patient cannot be moved from his cot or Is too weak to be placed in a tub, but that he can be rolled under a shower and given his dally bath ln comfort. I'hvBicians and surgeons claim It li much more convenient for them to step under the shower than to be compelled to use the old-fashioned tubs, and in these days of advanced Burgery the physician must be as thoroughly sterl'.sed as his Instruments. The big tub. with Its broad surface and many pipes, Is also held to be much more unsanitary than the shower bath with Its dash of running water and simple equip ment. Denver Republican. until the list Is Completed. Atirlcultui al statistics of the. states will ho also comilu along from time to time. Karly in Janu ary the bureau will begin turning out populations of the ttales by civil sub aivtpiuns. Karrells Plan lnre. ITousa Clerk McDowell will hive tha in teresting privilege euily 111 Dtctmber of being thu first to sian the figures of money spent in the congn sslunal elei'tlnn bv the catnpaijjn committees, the names uf contributors, the amounts they gave and for what purpose the funds were ex pended, it will be the first event In the operation of tho new so-callid "cumpa'gn publicity act" In vkw uf the characur of the utatule otid the tact thut the pen alty far Us violation Is a fine of f 1 .0ox. im prisonment for one yecr. either er both. It is believed that lchrf money was uaed 1,1 the recent rampalgn thun fjr many ears past. date of the fair of Temple Israel is Decem ber :o and 21. Articles which will be featured at the fair which opens Monday are: The Hillside Congregational will have dolls, gingham aprons, fancy white aprons, handkerchiefs. Japanese display, home made candles, fancy articles and 'home cooking. The Plymouth Congregational will have hand painted china, aprons, home-cooked foods and a large variety of Christinas arti cles. Trinity Methodist church will feature hand painted china, dolls and children's clothing, plain and fanry aprons, fancy work, handkerchiefs and a home cooking department, which Includes home-mado ciindie.". The First Ci.rlstlan church will offer for sale 173 aprons, all styles; seventy-five drrtsed dolls; JiO pounds of home-mad candy, home-cooking, rugs and fancy work. HEALTH OF JOMAHA IS GOOD au Aurrla Health t'oiuiutkniuuer ton nell. Who ;! Out Ills He port. Tho hoalth roimith n of Omaha's citizens rurtli'ticH to be fatisfaclory. Durlug the mouth t f November tturo were ten cares of dii thena, thiiiten of ari.-t fever and twenty-four of typhoid. Ti ls U compsra tively a tt'ol rrcoid. accoldln to the tuallii coiiniii.-i.-iont r. Juhu Si'uri Charged with Martler. TKKNTN. N. J . Dec. tA coroner's jurv toddx' returned a verdict that Itev. Anul I.. Armstrong ami h s wife, wiio were murdered In their home nt Dutch Neck, came lo their tltath through bcfni; hot bv ,lohn boars the mulatto, who lived at the Armstrong home. Pope iMuri lterree. liOMK. Dec : -The official bulletin ef the IT. .1 .' K'1ay publish a puoal de cree forhleidinK tcclesiH-tius t occupy ad min: st r all v I'OPtf. iierc now held they mui-l be resigned within four niuiiths of tho date of decree. SCRIBHER'S CHRISTMAS BOOKS AFRICAN GAME TRAILS By THEODORE ROOSEVELT Ilti own account tl hit celebrated expedition. Splendidly illustrated from photographs by Kermit Roosevelt and tha natural ists of the expedition, as well as by full-page, photogravures from drawings. "This," say tho Nrm Ytrh Tribune, "is, of coarse, the book of the year." At the Villa A betctivQ Story Py A. E. W. MASON, "An klnorbinf bMt-twlUr." A'ra tvk Lvtmimr itm. iiimutrutvd. JO Rest Harrow By MAURICE HEWLETT Bring to a close ih romance uf Seimtjtit and Snchi. " li i in thought, style, ftDrl eaproseion 4 treet bOuk." S4.00 n4L Postpaid fjjj r3 o nee upon a Time By RICHARD HARDING DAVIS. IIU 6rt book of Stories la nine veers, " Each one Is en absorbing and upcthn; human docit metiL fAuUMiMm Artk The Furtive Freshman By RALPH D. PAINE. Tells of a. boy who, ruiuiinf way frwa college as the only way uf getttrg out uf a d: ft 1 cult luation, pauos through a nenesuf amei entertaining ad ventures, lLmtrmud. jjo 16 Illustrations la color by Peter Pan M. BARRIE. With fHUR RACKHAM. A new edition of this classic for' children, now so famous both for text aud illustrations, at a moderate Pr- ft jo tut Romantic California By KkNEST PE1XOTTO. Charmingly illosrrated with his own sketches, the booh presents picturesque conditions of life to-day in many parts of California unknown to (he tourist, ft.jomtt. Fvitfaxi fi.jt The Poems of Eurfene Field Here for the first time all the verse written by Eugene Field has been collected into one volume one that resembles in form the one-volume editions of the New England pcets, as does the author's hold on the people resemble their popularity. Complttt tJitttn. With portrait. 5W. $ oo mtt Molieret His Life and Ills Work By BRANDER MATTHEWS. Professor of Dramatic Literature in Columbia University. Arilliant study of Molitre, his plays and his times. At the same time he gives a striking picture of the period ia which Mol.ere lived and his relation to it. Illustrated. A . Sj.oo net. Pottpaid Mr. Dooley Says By the Author of " Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War." etc. " 1 h mutt ccnfianjr Amanran bumuritt and lh aiomt dutincUr AlMfiiao phil.upUr auic Stark 1 aia." Mrm irri iimtt " far vtv new D"oU-r boos vs are Dooley tiiarvfuL" V- $1.00 net. foitpaid f.O Cupid's Cyclopedia Compiled for Daniel Cupid by OLIVER HERFORD and JOHN CECIL CLAY. With twelve full-page ill mlrs lions and many decorations in colors and in pen and Ink. A little book of exceeding wit and wisdom. ft 00 tut. PMtptid 3 1 JO CHARLES SCRBEEffS S0"S, 153 Fifth Ave., II. Y. liO Douplao fitrcct Announce Their Annual Sale of Fun? CdDSltl ONCE a year, at the beginning of tho winter season, Orkin's Douglas Street Store holds an annual Fur Sale, offering thousands of scarfs, fur muffs, fur sets and fur coat at extraordinarily low prices. Tomorrow We Open Our 1910 Fur Sale Although our past sales have all been very successful we predict, however, that this sale will meet with even still greater succesSi for the reason that we have planned this sale for months ahead, buying for spot cash at the very lowest cost; the result being that we have assembled thousands of fur scfl-rfs, fur coats and fur sets which will be sold at extraordinarily low prices. THE SALE OPENS SATURDAY MORNING You will find a tremendous stock of fine furs to choose from at a wonderful saving. SEPARATE FUR SOARFS AND MUFF3 $3.50 Fur Scarfs and Muffs $1.98 Over 600 separate neck pieces in various sizes, also a big lot of 'separate muffs, made of Coney furs, ln black and brown; $3.00 and $3.60 values Annual Sale fif no Price 5I."5 $5.00 Fur Scarfs and Muffs $2.89 This lot consists of 300 scarfs and muffs ln various lengths; trimmed with heads and tails; made of French Coney, ln black and brown colors 14.60 and $5.00 values; on Annual Sale Price e)0 $10.00 Fur Scarfs and Muffs $5.75 Elegant scarfs and muffs, made of river mink, genuine French Coney, natural and blended squirrel, in various styles and sizes; worth $10.00 Annual r nr Sale Price $,) $15.00 Fur Scarfs and Muffs $7.95 This lot consists of over 200 separate fur scarfs and muffs; a great many of them being samples, Jap mink, Isabella fox, etc., in various sizes and styles are to be found. $12.60 and $15.00 values. Annual Sale n nr Price All our higher grade furs will be on sale at 25 to 40 less than regular prices. Perfectly Matched Fur Sets $15.00 River Mink Bets, $0.75 Perfectly matched, natural or blended, trimmed with heads and tails. Regular $15.00 values. Annual Sale (A nr Price Jj.i) $20.00 Squirrel Sets at $12.50 There is a great variety of these sets, in natural or blended styles ln different sizes; regular $20.00 19 Cft values. Annual Sale Price 51Je3U $25.00 Jap Mink Sets $16.50 Stvllsh sets, perfectly matched, made of finest quality Jap mink, trimmed with heads and talis. Regular lV.tflf -t;ft.VSp.' 'it !t : $25.00 values. Annual Sale Price. $35.00 Black and Blue Fox Sets $22.50 These sets are made of selected skins, in various styles and will certainly be appreciated. We have but a few of these Bets. Regular $35.00 values. Annual (44 CA Sale Price iaJaJ.UU $40.00 Jap Mink Sets, Annual Sale Price $25.00 $50.00 Trimmed Fox Sets, Annual Sale Price S35.00 $76.00 Genuine Mink Sets, Annual Sale Price $45.00 Beautiful Fur Coals ,55.00 Runslan Pony Coat, full lsnnth Annual Sale Price $39.60 ,70.00 Russian Pony Coat, ln hand some styles. Annual Sale Price $47.50 f86.00 Russian Pony Coata, beautiful fitting garments, lined with heavy colored brocaded lining. Annual i Sale- Price $63.60 $65.00 Near Seal Coata, in three quarter and full length at vies. Annual Sale Prloe. $43.60 $75.00 Near Seal Coats, handsome fit ting coats, lined with first quality lining. Annual Sale Price.. $50.00 $90.00 Near Seal Coats, made of best elected skins, elegantly made they are beautiful garments. Annual Bale Price 165.00 All our high priced coats will be on ale at from 25 per cent to 40 per eent leas than regular prices. We advise our customers, whether they anticipate buying now or later, to attend tills great fur sale. $ Royals J Worcester y tvli lift - 1 11 I IV( V-j:?. BRANDEIS STORES Are Selling Agents in Omaha for Royal Worcester Corsets and Bon Ton Corsets All the newer models are shown here The Royal "Worcester Corset with, its adjustable bands, offers the only safe, practical and hygienic method of reducing the abdomen. Bon Ton Corsets have made the American figure fam ous. Perfect comfort and perfect style are two essentials in your corsets for winter wear. You'll find both in Bon Ton Corsets. Rronrlpis Stores if m Xmas Photos A . dozen good photographs makes a remembrance for 12 friends, nothing cheaper or bet ter. The Studio Grand Is the only first-class Studio ln Omaha, making High Grade Photos at Low Prices, $5.00 and $6.00 Cabinets $3.00 per dozen. STUDIO GRAND Open Sundays, 4 OH Far nam St., Across the Street From Paiton Jlotol. 1. J. MAKTEL, Manager. Whose Cirthaay ToJayT Look at The Ue s birthday book on the editorial page of each Issue. It Is sure to interest you. TWO TRAINS NIGHTLY FROM CHICACO WITH ndianapolis Sleeping Cars Inn R'ftKO IM 1. 1. uumrous .oo 1. a. Arrive bin CI1C100 U 01 Kiat. ItiUallPOUl Lot a. a. Arrive PatMngsrt may accupi karths anlll 7.30 a. m. IudlunnpolU Hayllght Train with Parlor Cur, Ill.rry bmokluw t uf and Cato ar vhr, alo Cim-Ii". U t;bliB o0 a. in., dully, arrives luUiauapoluW p. ia. tot nitulj uuull avwu. v a.liii W. H. RowUua, Travlii Ptumv Amto 21 Buai s tt Tfaat EWs- Ooaaaa, Ksk. M1 7 I GUARANTEE TO CURB PULES AND ALL OTHER RECTAL TROUBLES t I ini.1 toil ttument post dva, it it fact. Manypopl bava aipanmautad aritb pataot mtdicioaa aad appliraiioDa, or with doctors of inautticlojat ! parianra to proprly traat them. M y ootira pracitca la devotad to the treatmani of Pilaa aad Rac ial Liaaaa. Mr rora ia abao- luie-Muick and harailaas. tt la cuaraotead by ma A SAFE, POIITIVI CUM for thai painful, oft time fatal dlseaiaa. Com plicatiooa oftea ariaa in Ractal Uiaaaaaa that yiaid to aarly contuhation and proper treat ment. Soma of tba worat aiiatitif caaea bava been my inuat auccaaaful onaa. All uy Uaat mant ia dona Without GbUrafvriwi rthar 1 ttMaMl Anaathatlo ao there It perfert freedom from danrr. How ever weak your conantution fioiu Buttering do not heaiiate another day. 1 el me eiamina you. If I accept your cut, I gutu antra to cuie you. Cxamlnatlan Fraa anal Pay ana nt Whaat C ureal 1 want no payment omil you era cured. Could anything be more fair I1 Could yon Lake leaa riak. Thia put the burden all on me. WRITE FOR MY NEW ftOOK 1 h Iwufd a now illitntratlfxt Ixiohlrl telling all atiouL Hrv I 1 tlirl' tiialnt-n l ftod ura yiiia lrtiiii. it lit ft out iiiMii. 1 1 ft multrimr, tll ftnti on) If jfiu fMji t Jl, jle wiii loUavy. 1xm ei tta la liiiiUeu. DR. E. R. TARRY Suit 2a4 Km Dwltlaa Omaka,Nau