Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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David B. Hill's Will
Cuts Relatives Off
with Small Amounts
firry S. Pearse and Peter J. Man
wilier Will Eeceiye Balk of Fortune
Wants Simple Monument
At-BANT. N. T . If!. 1 Former Wrr
mnr Pav-id B. Hilt, who died In Albany
nn October 3). lft a prorai Main. ex
"liimve of household fumlh1na. efferts
anrl llbrmrr. estimate at WVOno. and real
"Mat- aHi at $rs (ion, arcnrdips; to the
elll rilrt to-lay (or probate. Tim real prcp
rty Includes Ms beautiful home known as
Iforfs Roost, an the outskirts, of Albany.
The principal benefw-taries are Pr. Parry
. Pare and Peter J. Manwlller, both of
Albany. protege of Mr. Hill.
The will wa execute by Mr. Hill on
January . LXW. in his own handwriting.
One of the provtulon. characteristic of the
man. Is that a "plain and simple monu
ment be erected over my grave." Tha be
qiiMta Include:
To Alton B. Par Iter, one wwtion of his
private library oomastlns; of the congra
aional records from the beaconing- of ooa
srees to date: also soma furniture- which
formerly waa In the executive manriun at
To Mrs. Catherine Blurt, who had bean
hla housekeeper for several years, and to
her daughter. J2W each.
To his brother. Dr. Alooao D. Hill of Dex
ter. Mo.. t2,i, and to two nephews and
tw9 nieces, also at Missouri. C.aua eawh.
Tha executors are to convert th property
Into money, and atar tha payment of tha
legaaea aivlde tha remainder equally be
tween Dr. Pearee and Mr. Manwtller. Mr.
Hill's elaborate law library and o fries
equipment also to to Mr. Manwlller.
Dr. Pearse la a young- man In whom Mr.
HU1 took , treat Interest. Mr. Manwlller
waa Mr. HlU's secretary for almoet elg-ht-een
yearn, which Includes tha time when
he waa United States senator.
New Eooks
Juror Excused to Go
to Daughter's Bedside
S. M. Eobinion Leaves After Case is
Submitted Jndgpo Expresses His
After tie Jerry In tha caae of Josephine
Knauher, Ml C Goodwin and others against
B. O. Patrick, a battle oyer the property of
tha estate of tha lata Amanda A. Patrick,
had deliberated tor three hours, Judge
WUlla Ok Bears yeatarday afternoon ex
cused E. M. Robinson, one of tha jurors,
that ha might ra to the bedside of bis
daaghter, MIm Veroa Robinson, who Is
seriously CL
"A lawsuit can ba tried any time," said
Judge Sears, "but we must be near our
loved ones when they need us and we can
not select tha times when they shall need
ua most."
Attorneys for all parties in Interest
agreed that, regardless of the nature of
tha verdict returned by tha eleven remain
Ins; jurors, no one shall make the fact that
only eleven men decided tha cue ground
for appeal, motion for new trial or other
further contest.
Mr. Robinson's daughter underwent an
operation at Omaha Ganeral hospital
Thursday morning. Mr. Robinson sat aa a
Juror In constant agony, looking forward to
the afternoon when the cause would be
given to the jury and when, he believed, a
verdict quickly would be rendered.
When at 6 30 the Jury had reached no
agreement e called upon Judge Pears to
excuse Mr. Robinson.
Rallroa.4 Ca-Ite4 Directed Vfr
diet mt Violation ef Twenty-Eight-Hear
Verdicts In two cases against the Chi
cago, Burlington A Quincy railroad com
pany, charged with violating the twenty-eight-hour
la In the shipment of Uve
Htock, were directed In United States dis
trict co-lit by Judge T. C. Munger yester
day afternoon.
The Burlington was charged with having
held the cattle In cars without unloading
for feed and water for a time far beyond
the legal limit. The shipments Included
one from ran ml a delivered to the Bur
lington at Sioux City and another from
Wyoming, both bound for Nebraska points.
The defense and the prosecution, both
moved for a directed verdict at the com
pletion of the testimony lata yesterday
Judge Munger has not fixed the fine.
The defense has not yet decided upon the
taking of appeal.
A Da Barrens Weaad
rendered antmeptlc by Bucklena Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns,
piles, eczema and salt rheum. 2c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Bfager. Better, Busier That la what
advertising tn The Be will do for your
Washington Affairs
TH P! fWr,Tr,M, by M Sinclair: 617
pp : II. SO; The Century comoany.
This la a story of London life and London
literary folk. Is it possible for the man or
woman of genius to marry and sacrifice
neither family happiness nor success in
creative work? Thts Is the auestton these
"creators" ask often. This is the problem
they try to work on in their lives and
furnishes the keynote of this brilliant novel.
TT1B OTHER SIP FX bv Horace Anreley
Va.-hell; J?a pp.; B.J); Uewrge H. Dora a
A Co.
The life story of a mmWm described
by the authors at "a novel of life and after
wards." The story la well written and will
ba especially Interesting to thoughtful
every tvy and gfrl lucky eniih ta hear
them and look over the edsre of the book
at the beautiful illustrations that go with
them. The rhymes cover a wide range of
chlldlnh thoughts and experience.
Florence Hoibrook; Hand McNaily com
pany, j
The A, B Cs are here made Intereeting J j
by pictures of various phases of Indli
Fat Cream of Barley for health and a
good strong stomach. At grocers.
i 1 n
L 1
Fm a Staff Oorrtpon1nt. )
WAHHINUTON, Jjc. X Sycia. T'lt
6 ram. Armv onitm ' Captain Kaymond
u . BriKM". mi CilJ artiarv. ul aj
ruma cl.aWaf of vonM ruction work at Fort
i'u w-m. n t n eviry.
First lJeut-niinL it .. K Ireland, Four
tevuth infttiitiy. w.ll allium ciiar4 of
cttnstrurtiuii work at !i-t Linciitu. .
rfMtYin& t':rt IutnMnt Uorg A.
iifrbijt. rotirt-nt uuiitry.
('oiojitt. Kisfrrs Him it, orilnunc dtpu.rt
mnt. U1 rfpair to this city fr consulta
tion wirh Uio &poiai board on riAval
vidV.or William J. NiWioUnn, Svut h
"aAiiy. ta attiiltM a mtnihr rt inm ex
tinliin). boM.-a at Furl KiPty, Kan.
. apuiin rnv W. Arnuut. S.nt.h civ
airv. n tUxil.-il n. m-mnr of tht xain
imnj buani at Fort KiifT. Kan-, vtca
anua ATha:i Averiil, bevtutu cavaary,
a Ktaui Lut ni.4 tU. Hop wood. rnHiitaI
C'nii, iM dnia, e-t aa m"njij-r of tha rxnu
iiiui4 ln.aj 1 at k'oiX M'firo. V a.
l.-ti-a wf abtuci.; up(m Indaey P.
H.t?ar. T wmuy.i!h lufantry, four
in ni:ia. r'aptiiia Chaj'l B. lark. Fuur-i-v-iuii
inl-uirv. fkimiam, f. tio-n a.m.
ound lniitrnant Jonn B. Mayuard.
tu-i aruaery eurpa. uua month.
Kuial carriers sppjinied: Nnbraaka
Dwni.t, rouie t. l Uitma u. Shaw, tar
nr. no sui8Utute.
lD-.una iwn Vista. route I.
h-mery J. ho, earner; Charley F ag!e,
ao'im i akota4."ulumbia. route 1. Claude
1. crrlM ; red W. C'uok. suoeti-
tute. Uu .VUiitM. route S, Thouutd iirotn
fiwn, CMrtiar, no substitute.
Nov-ttibvr was a highly favorahle mmtii
for the f.nances ut Uim i'nited taiee
treasury, it prniu't-d a urulue ua all o
count of nearly II uw) where Octoher
hml prodauvd a dcfii-ii ef mure Uiaa I.Juu.-
The wnrking condition of the nation's
can diiww ahuwe a correepuntliue' tn
provemeot for tne Rrnntn. 1-ecttiUvr
i-rA tuAlay wirn a wurmnt bMino of
.4ii0 un band and me im in the
ynrai fuod. Dux luiprov mirnt if aroiaid
I-WaiI in the can avaa.aLo f,r imiuw
tiMt ooeradittis This c.iuuitiiui kuuu!
e-nj ta Secrxt rT Mac V rash's cn-ri.l?rn-e
In III tieaurv s tliuiiy timm
tatu Ueeif fur the pieat euiiout f:nauc-
tVlth the drainage of Panama canal
operations, anujuiicng to K .ui o for tne
and wtni-r, rre nut lfttenli aa a
rttwe on ii-eaurv. eii n; lita. J fr-jni
tut, jvp!iiirr w.xMii Bn,
hniU.n. a,, , ' . of uiku Uiui jvj.
Wilbar Tompkine; 373 pp.; ll.oO; The Baker
Taylor company.
A collection of short stories dealing with
mothers, fathers and children, flashing
with humor and touched by genuine pathos.
The book Is made la a charming manner,
with decorative cover, end-papers, etc.,
and Is an attractive gift book.
FAlmomls Wtilt; 574 pp.; ..Ji; A. C Jo
Clurg A Co.
When Stephen Paget was found mur
dered, suspicion fell equally upon two
men. hla secretary and a lawyer, who had
spent the night In his house. His murder
took place just after he had broken the
wheat corner of a rival financier, and
hidden In his home was the Paternoster
Ruby for which, he had outbid that rival
years before. The unraveling of the
mystery is materially aided by a girl whose
charm will win tie heart.
Knapp; jg pp.; tL.M; J. B. Uppincott com
pany. A story of the "third degree' method of
extorting confessions. This novel la based
on present day conditions and the descrip
tion of this merciless Inquisition, r. a sneak
thief. Innocent of the crime with which he
is charged, but from whom a confession Is
wrested. Is most real.
THE UNFORESEEN, by Mary Stewart
Cutting; 273 pp.; II. -M; Doubleday Page A
This is a story of evary-day people, the
neighbors we know and the strangers we
meet from time to time. In Evelyn
Gaynor, Mrs. Cutting has drawn a heroine
after her readers' hearts, one who la femi
ninely charming and quite understandable.
Bred In a country town and graced with a
good education, she longs to escape from
the rural provincialism, to get out of the
narrow groove and live her own life. After
two years of struggle In New Tork she
almost despairs and decides to give It up,
when the unforeseen occurs.
Browne: Xii pp.; tl.ou; O. W. Dillingham
This book Is founded on the play of the
same name, which appeared at tha Bran
deis theater a few weeks ago. It Is a tense
tary., full of fascination and tremendous
situations. The couple It portrays in
dulgent husband and spen thrift wife who
ruins him. but rises at the end superb and
self-saciiflclng are strikingly delineated.
3il pp.; ILJO; George H. Doran A Co.
A story of stirring adventure In the
Yukon. It Is packed with action and
fillet with a iremendous atmosphere of
reality and depicts an unusual , phase of
Ufa in the north country.
THE EMPTT - HOrSE. by Fl!abeth
Stuart Phelps; 336 pp.; H.2U; Houghton
Mifflin company.
A volurane of short stories dealing with
typiual American mem and women, and
with, critical momenta In their Uvea, and.
though startling at times, will strongly
appeal ta the reader on account of their
truth to life.
THE BETRAYAL by Walter Neale and
B:ilznbth H. Hancock, 5UU pp.; l.oo; Neaie
Publishing company.
A novel, historical, political, social; a
novel of manners, in which is shown the
rise and fall of Virginia and her betrayal
by native Virginians.
U and B. T. Shuman; CJL; Rellly & Brit
ton company,
Tbia book is accompanied by 107 half
tone pictures, which are to be fitted into
their appropriate place In the scrap book,
according to the hints given by the out
line sketch and brief description.
Clifton Johnson; Jl pp.; The Baker
& Taylor company.
The narrative portions af the Bible are
here condensed Into a volume of moderate
length, without any essential change in
the Bible words and phraseology, except
that of omission. Tha story la suitable for
the average reader under 15 years of age.
Rase Awev with Mall.
NKT3RASK.A CITY, Neb., Dec I (Spe
cial.) A team of old homes attached to
the mall wagon here did a peculiar stunt
yesterday morning. All of the night mall
which arrived here was loaded on the
wagon and the driver went back Into the
depot for something and when he came
out the team was gone and with them a
waggnload of mall. He came up town
and .vr? the alarm, but nothing could be
ascertained regarding the team. All morn
ing officers and others were looking for
the team, but with no success, but about
noon a telephone tneevaga from Wyoming,
a small town seven miles north of here on
the Missouri Paolflo railway, conveyed the
Intelligence that the wagon and team were
there and the mail all Intact. The team had
traveled the entire distance by Itself and
gone on a slow trot. The only reasonable
solution of the act la that tha horaee have
been ftd up at that place several times of
lata and liking the feed real well concluded
to go back there. The horses have been
driven an the mail wagon and backs here
for y
Gt tha
Original and Genuine j
The Food DrinkforAHAges I
Net in any Ililk Trust i
Cw Init cm "IIORLICK'S" !
Take a paakage Bone
TT is your demands for different style
and better tailoring that is responsi
ble for the high typa of clothes we have
today While all mens clothes are bet
ter than they used to be it' s a mistake
to suppose that one make is about as
good as another and oftentimes it's an
expensive mistake.
Let us prove to you the superior value of "So
ciety" and "Kuppenhcimer" clothes over all others,
at a saving in price of $2 to $5 on any suit or
overcoat from $18 to $45.
Other splendid makes at $12 and $15.
y 4-:'k'-"1'---O
" . .Vv 'w
mm im-J
11 An
The Regular
He gets everywhere.
I lis lensible mother
likes it, but dreads tha
effect on his clothes.
She need not if she
knows about the dura
bility of
Staunch materials are
chosen and expert tailoring
Insisted upon, and tha boy
trill be pleased with their ap
pearance. Suits and Overcoats
$2.50, $3.50. S i.t0
$5.00 up to $15.00
Warm Caps and Gloves
Night Robes
VThat better friend could
you have on a cold winter
night, than one of oar long,
warm and comfortable
night robes of soft, pleasant
dotnet flannel
at 50,. 83 d $1.50
Shirts ,
If there is one thing
more than another that
is vital to a man's com
fort, it's the style and
fit of his shirt. We have
shirts that are as per
fect as the best skill can
produce cambrics,
cheviots and French
shirtings, $1 to $3.50
3 J9
MARJORIH MOXIE. bv Maud Harrison
Huey; 31 pp.; Rand McN'ally company.
Uarjurie's experience some grave, some
gay will prove Intereeting and amusing
to the little girl of 10 or IS yean.
PRINCEXa POLJ.T. by Amy Brooks; 152
pp.; The rlatt feck company.
An attractive Utile story for girls by the
author of the "Dorothy Dainty" aeries.
TirTY, per lb 'v H VV C VTiaKC TJfI S Lf SA S T? 0
ePiu ncksS ,q Uniforms SDXTT if
j j Take home a roll of fYERS' j of CVCTy LJi Ojrf
Uycrs-Dslbn Dreg 0s. r tion. 1 ' "" -
j 16th and Farnam St3. . I .
I' ua T " " . , . 1 1 - !!
" . ' " - --' ' - JfVf ''JK.'Z,:.... I
Vioter Caps
It's the best kind of a winter proposition
to have a good warm cap where you can
lay your hands on it. Rut it's difficult to
describe our lines to you because the va
riety is too great. But we have all the
good styles from ,50c to $3.50
Fur Caps $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
Genuine Sealskin $5.00 to $15.00
Just In!
A fresh arrival of "Velours" the win
ter Panama. Ask to see them.
home of
A HA PPT LJTTLJ2 Tl M E. by Laura K.
Richards: I'O pp.; 1.2; L'ana Ktes tfc Co.
The story of the happy tint a little
girl has during her convalescence. The
book lb attractively Illustrated in cwlor.
Though other amusements may pall, the wait-
int A fsinPI T TQ is an mviMtinn tr A-i,nt
1" f,-r,rt $ Tl
1 r- . Van i ' r .
MOPSA. niK FAIRY, by Jean lnglow;
367 pi.; II .10, 1. B. Lippinooit company.
An exquisite fairy tale which ranks with
the classic fairy stories. niuytrated In
color Uh decorated lining papers.
HIMHT. bv "i Hilda;" Z!2 pp ; l ; J. B.
Lippincott company.
A volume of entrancing xhort storlM for
children of I and lw years, liiustrated in
STAR PEOPLE. by Kathenn Fv
D'H IZi pp.; Houtiton iii.'f in
Om-e up a a tima Che captain of ihe Jane
LUIrn drttrmined that sailors should no
longer be obil.Ml to sail at niglit without
aume fixed star to strer bv. ao he Milt
Taffy aloft to Inierfie the star people.
While he waa up there Taffy learned c
grat dral about the hiwtory and peculiari
ties of the stars and three are delightfully
narrated. .
LITTLX GIRL BLl'R, bv .Jnmrntiine
Ji-rhnrt tiatee; i3 pp.; M cents; Hougiu vn I
illft:.u eomyaay. '
This story of how "Urtle Girl Blue'" tal
live doll) lived In the wood until she'
learned to say "please" will appeal to !
very child's svnae of humor ,
Rubeit brunlng, pp.; Jl.i.. Hand Mo-.
Ni;y company.
The fictni:ng rhyme rf the Pied
Piper is munt adetittately illustrate,! hi .
culur and fairly biuttles wiih the action of
ti.e poem.
It often requires heroes at the stoke hole
mind at the bridge to bring success to the
whatever your position in life you must be in
are to accomplish your best. That means you
beverages which will strengthen your brain atfrj
and nerves.
as well as a msster
fighting ship. But
physical trim if you
must have foods and
brawn, your muscles
is the favorite beverage of men who plan and men who work because it is
delicious, satisfying, strengthening. . It is the best beverage for the delicate
growing child because it is all nourishing, contains more real nutrition
than any other food.
Made from the best cocoa beans, by scientific processes, with the skill
taught by fifty-eight yean of experience, Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate
is absolutely pure.
D. Ghirardelli Co.
Since 1852
-,-. .nr; -u I fi t " J a"" Ik
Li III 'I I I A 1 - . M
The piano that anyone can vlay
artistically with personal expression
WHATEVER your fancy may suggest the
beautiful aria of a favorite opera or the
rollicking tunes of a popular ''show" an un
limited repertoire is at the command of your
own fingers. You never tire of the ANGELUS.
It is a source of constantly increasing enjoy
ment for all.
Everything you play on the ANGELUS reflects
your own personality, your own interpretation
of the music. This is made possible by
without which no player-piano can enable playing with
a strict regard to artistic tempo. It is this exclusive
ANGELUS device that makes possible accelerating,
retarding, pausing the expression of varyin sentiments
inspired aa the piece progresses. Have this wonderful
feature explained to you also the Melodant, the Mel
ody Buttons, the Diaphragm Pneumatics, the Sustaining
Pedal Device and the Artistyle Music Rolls all exclu
sive to the ANGELUS.
Our liberal emcKange aawl aasy payment plaa place
the ANGIXI3 witnia Ota sieui of every home.
TH K BHTMIMS RIMl. by L.mi A) am
'ii licit, u mi . 11 Hand Mc.Nxiy uuru
liany. The vrrwi are j'it ttie ort to red to
itttle fulks, ar. J be a auurve ut Juy I j
The Thins
To Do
If jou loa your pockatbook. iniDrena.
wttct mr Mm othar article of Talu, tha tiling
to da la to follow tie example of many otber
pepl axil airerlise without delay la tie Lost
a ad found column of Tte Bee.
That ! what moat peop!o do when they 1cm
artrclea of value. Telephone as and 11 your
Ua to ail Omaha la a single afternooa.
Put It In
The Bee
We aouiSc q
tn have ymi ien.i a few minutes In uur uture, 1 j
fn'l nil'- e iniil.l y i mi e u f-l lima f ,r 'r-1 ma - I J J
ita. Silver fur iim Inl'.a, i !.n n f..r t.i un.-.t!,. ii '
(U.'e plt-cs fur i1!- i!r-.-ir. iiit.K f r tin' f;ni:. , " (V
tuns tor me cui':, ii.ia for t r,r lit?, and iiuml.'itils ot k
oilii-r arttcies to toeit:t from, io.jit fur tlie name.
S. VJ. LI?JDSAY, Jeweler
1S1G Dou;las Street
(( tt )