Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Ui UJ i
If I
In all the new stylos with
protector military collar
or regular dressy flat
collar plain colors or
mlxedtures, well tailored
$2.50 lo $10
Combination u'ta
Tbs best value we have
ever offered in boys'
serviceable school
clothes. One coat and
two pairs of knlcker
bocker pants all the
Bought from Morton L. Foary, Receiver,
fpff OF
wear of two
suits at.
I f -
... 1
0 nji
lit 11
All the Hen's High Grade Shirts' at Half their Actual Value
Splendid opportunity to buy these fine shirts
for Christmas gifts.
Men's Shirts
From the Daisy Sh rt C.
Wor h a; to 75c and $1
New patterns, negligee styles, neck band or collar
attached. Various color effects. Immense variety.
tp:o$2. at-
Stripes, pleated effects, coat
styles, many with cuffs attached
hundreds of pretty patterns
all new effects big bargain
Nen's French F.annel
Shirts, QfW CI 98
worth upto $3 vl
Highest quality fabric soft
turn-over French cuffs, etc.
two wonderful bargains from
the stock.
Plen's Dress Gloves
Men's High Grade Gloves for
dress and street wear many
of the best makes all newest
$2 pair; at, pair.... ff ar
pair; at, pair. $lu9
, ; r -
K ' -ft 1 1 mad
M .(I h: ' f l ?, -rv J
I rift1 P i I ' 7JfV. r s
f ?rj?::.i.r vvi
Brandels ntver offcrod such great varieties and such
wonderful values In high grade shirta.
Hen's Shirts
From the Daisj Shirt Co.
Wirth op to $1.25 to $1.50
Shirts with soft collars and cuffs or neck band
styles all new and desirable patterns very well
on bargain square, old store.
Men's i-hi ts,
Worth up L
$3.00 -
From th Dly Shirt Co.
HlghcRt grade sblrls In
the stock fine pleated
bosoms newest patterns
Immense variety old
r-l'r,:::: Tins S
p. .v If I
Sp ciai Sals of
Woolen Undershirts and
Drawers, in all size s,
worth up to S2,
Men's heavy ribbed Union
Suits, all sizes, worth up
to $1.50 at, 7(
each... ISJC
ft Z
Men's Lisle Suspenders
They are worth 35c and
60c a pair very
special at, pair. . .
Men's Knit Sweater Mufflers
right for winter, worth 50c. at. .
Men's Fine Silk Neckwear Will make
excellent Christmas gifts, worth 50c
at 25c
Men's Holiday Neckwear Newest pat
terns, in fine imported silks, worth up
to $1.00, nt, each 49c
Men's and Boys Worsted Sweater Coats
All sizes. They are worth up to $1.00,
at ; 39c
Hundreds of the finest Bath and
Lounging Robes, made of blanket and
Terry cloth the grandest opportun
ity to buy acceptable gifts for men
they are worth up to $10.00 special
for Saturday at
$2.25, $3.9S, $4.98 and $5.98
Men'sf Smoking Jackets
All new styles made of best materials
some are quilted very special bargains
at . . $3.08. $5.00. $6.50 and $7.50
Men's Silk Mufflers Squares and reef
ers, worth to $2.00, at. .75c and 98c
Wool and Worsted Sweater Coats In
men's and boy's sizes they are worth
up to $2.50; at. . . f . . .98c and $1.39
Men's Imported Silk Hose All colors
all sizes, 50o and 75c values at three
pairs for $1.00
Men's and Boys' Lined Mittens These
are all sizes, 50c values at, pair. .25c
Jot When Yea Fed the Creates! Neid of a Winter trercoat and Suit We Offer This
ale of CMMi
You can buy a well tailored Overcoat or Suit of splendid qual
ity and correct style at prices far lower than you ever paid before
for such reliable clothes; a rare chance.
This was a special purchase and we are offering these clothes
at less than you could buy them anywhere else.
The "Lannef Overcoats (H
and Suits for Men worth aotu- n f
nil 1 ton m ViJi
cvujr tfxu auu wVf . ......
This famous make of clothes includes the most
desirable well made suits and overcoats in old and
new styles and patterns.
The "Trutfit" Hen's Suits
and Overcoats worth actually
$22.50 and 25. at
Hand tailored throughout the height of style superior 1
clothes at a prica low enough to appeal to everyone. y
Made by the beat tailors In New York and Chicago.
The styles are always the most refined and authentic and
the tailoring Is perfect. They are undeniably the clothes
for gentlemen.
Overcoats ara $2S to 1 4 5. Suits are til to $35.
Boys Knickerbocker Suits at $2.50
In Oar 14 St r Socon 1 FU r
A special purchase of these boys' up-to-date wool suits, In new
patterns and mixture, Norfolk and doubla-sreasted
styles. Easily worth $4 and 15 each a very spe- $0 CA
cial group for Saturday at iIW
The Hijheit Grade Suits (or Boys
These suits are made by experienced juvenile clothes designers
'57.50 io $10
they ara nighost quality suits that are I
made In America for boys. The prices are.
5 JfWl
fi1 L ,"7
5 ! Uii d
J' J V
- A fA I
I -jir - jfi'n
a I S I Ijr it. ,1 :vf
mm ill
Tou are always certain that the style In right
When you huy a Suit or Overcoat at Brandels.
Brandois Stores Sell Shoes of Quality for Men
Brandeis always satisfies the men who want comfortable and good
looking shoes at a reasonable price. Every pair of Brandeis 6hoes
for men is full of dependable wear. You can rely CO Cil ' C4
at ;
on our shoes
Men's Winter Tan Shoes, new ar
rivals, worth up to $5.60 very
Thousands of pairs of Men's Houso
SUppera-r-felt or, leather.
Men's Patent Leather, Gun Metal
and Velour Calf Shoes f CQ
very special at, a pair. .
Our Boys' Shoes at $2 and $2.60 a
pair mean a saving of one-half a
dollar on every pair.
Omaha Attorney Before Supreme Court
in Onaranty Laws.
Will Appear la Nebraska la Test Caa
f Llaeola Omtn Aaralaat la
"Wela-at Mlabraaitas Pr
hlbltlaa" Claaae. .
John Iee Wabater gom to Washington to
act aa attorney In vral to ba heard
by tha auprema court of the United States.
Chief anions' thas ara tha appeals In tha
bank a-uaractee suits by which tha federal
courts have put out of business tha Ne
bratka and Katiiaa law. Mr. Webetar
some months ago sueceeded In Setting
opinions handed down that these laws ara
unconstitutional and tha respective at
torneys genera of tha two states have ap
pealed. In the Nebraska case tha First State
bank of Holsteln Is plaintiff, and Governor
Shallenberger and tt. It. Barton, auditor of
accounts, are the nominal defendants and
In tha Kansas case it la the Assarla
State bank against Joseph N. Dolley a
bank commissioner and Mark Tulley as
state treasurer.
These cases will soon come up for argu
ment before the supreme court. When Mr.
Webster gets back to Nebraska he wUl
have a highly Important cane to argue be
fore the stata supreme court This Is the
matter of tha granting of a writ of habeas
corpus to tha Lincoln grocers, arrested to
make a tett case of part of tha Nebraska
pura food laws as relating to "Weight
misbranding prohibition," which more
simply means the law against falsely stat
ing the weight of a food package on tha
One point Involved Id this suit has to do
with the xact weight at time of sale.
The National Biscuit company .which Is
deeply Interested In the case and which
has retained Mr. Webster, argues that It
aught to ba able to put up a pound of
crackers, a pound at tha time of doing up
the package. If a little evaporation should
take place and tha package becomes less
than slxt-.-n ounces at time of sale, It Is
none Of tho company'a fault, aays the com
pany. The law says differently and this
point Is accordingly In contention.
The cat will be argued on the Issuance
ef the writ of habeas corpus. An agreed
stipulation of facts has already been signed
by both sides anj filed.
Widow Secures Big
Judgment for the
Death of Husband
Saloon Keepers and Their Bondsmen
Are Held by a Jury in the
District Court.
Twelve thousand dollars for causing the
death of Lorenso D. Harrlnon by selling
him liquor must be paid Mrs. Olive M.
Harrison, his wife, and their children by
Lewon Stroeh, a firm conducting a
North Twenty-fourth street saloon, and
the Bankers Surety company, their bondu
man, unless they appeal from a dutrict
court judgment on a Jury's verdict for the
sum, returned before Judge Howard Ken
nedy Friday morning.
A motion for a new trial will be made.
According to the testimony, Mr. Har
rison last February became intoxicated on
liquor sold him by the saloonmen. At
tempting to go home, he slipped and fell
on tha sidewalk, sustaining Injuries from
which he died.
The widow and children sued for 23.W.
The bonding company was made co-defendant
with the saloon keepers.
Of the $12,000 called for by the verdict
and judgment the bonding company can
be held liable for but I5.0U0, this- being the
amount of Lewon & Stroeh's bond, which
It signed. The balance of the Judgment
must ba paid by the liquor delera.
Iadlralions Hard Drive from Oaaaaa
Killed the Aalrnal raa4
at Averr.
The hore and b'ngy stolen from Georira
King of Omaha. Saturday afternoon, has
been located at Avery. Neb., by Sheriff
Mrallcy's office. The horse Is dead. The
first report came to the sheriff s office
from W. Wolfe, a rural route mall carrier
living In South Omaha. A stranger drove
Into Avery, which ts two miles south of
houth Omaha, with the horse and buggy
Kuturday evening. He put tha animal up
at a livery stable and then disappeared.
The horse is believed to have dief from be
ing over-dr.ven from Omaha to Avery.
Vera.' B.Mll., Ordered Report.
vmh auo. ueo. a Judge Cutt ng In the
liotk'.e court bae ordered Louis Owsley.
Miitor of the eatate of the late Charles
T. Yerkes. tu sdvrrtlee for bids for the
sale of bunds of the underlvlnsr Hinany
of the Chicago Consolidated Traction Com
I say. The executor also la glvea till J sug
ary ll tu file a financial accounting of the
Lake Improvement
Club Organized
Horta Side Besidents Start Move to
Boost Improvements at
the Lake.
The Lvi Carter Lake Improvement club
baa sprung Into being throuKh the energlfs
of citizens of the neighborhood and people
Interested In the Improvement of the dis
tricts The first work which the club undertook
was the sending of a committee to the lat
meeting of the Board tf Park Commis
sioners to urge the creation of a lagoon
and harbor east of Thirteenth street and
north to Fowler avenue.
The park board not only is giving the
matter Its favorable conhidoration. but has
promised the committee that any sugges
tion toward linpruvlng Carter park lll be
kindly entertained.
The club will meet Sunday afternoon at
the club house of the Omaha Turnvereln
at Carter like.
Effort to Save is '
Source of Expense
Omaha Merchant Loses Out When He
Tries to Save the Bridge
One of Omaha's merchants In the tailor
ing business tfionght he would take a little
trip to Tjow City, la,, mid visit certain re
latives living there. As he had never been
to Dow City his wife and daughter In
structed him In the way to get there.
"Now, papa," they concluded, "If you will
go over to Council Bluffs and take the
train you will save IS cents, as it costs a
quarter to get to Council Bluffs on the
train and only 10 cents by street car."
However, he was an Omaha booster and
bought his ticket at an uptown office In
Omaha, unwittlngly paying the 25 cents he
was trying to save, plus a cirfare to the
station. Total SO cents.
After waiting the requisite time he caught
a street car and paid another' nickel to ride
to the Council Bluffs line. Total, 35 cents.
Another dime tok him across the river to
the station. Total cost up to date, cents.
Imagine, if you can. the effect on his
nerves when he got to Council Bluffs and
found the train hod Jutit pulled out. It
took another 15 cents (total cost now 60
cents) to get bark to Omaha and horns' to
explain his Idea of women's plans to his
wife. Another nickel took him to the
L'nlon station and he got the next train,
starting from dear old Omaha. Total cost
of exiei1ence was S cents and muoh time
and erief.
Father Comes ta Omaha, to Help II In
Ealtat la the Navy uf
I Belt Sam.
Donald Cosad of Ited Oak. la., did not
have to run away to be a sailor. ills
father, William Co tad, a veteran of tha
civil war and proud of It, came along to
help his aon through the preliminaries of
enlistment at the Omaha recruiting station.
The lad was accepted for enlistment by
lieutenant Poet yesterday and will be as
signed to training ship shortly.
By peculiar coincidence the recruiting sta
tion is receiving application for a whole
ser es of Ktrkpatrlcka scattered over widely
separated sections of the western country.
The run ef Kirkpatrirks, however, bids fair
to be rivaled by the darns.
Wife Asserts Her
Right with a Gun
Florence Bonner Shoots at Br hus
band Through Boor When He
. Beturns Home.
Peeviph ntishands, be aware!
Florence Runner, negro, was exonerated
in police court Friday morning when ar
ralencd for shooting her husband, John,
In the left leg wnen he returaed home at
1 o'clock In the morning after a family
The prosecution did not urge the case,
taking the ground that Bonner got what he
had coining to him.
In the course of a squabble earlier in the
day, according to the statement of wit
nesses, Bonner slashed up his wife's ward
robe out of pure spite. When on hla re
turn he knocked for admission he was hit
by a. hot through the door.
Bonner is under treatment at St. Jo
sth hospital. His Injuries are not dan
gerous. ,
West Point Creamery Compear Asks
fnr Hetara f Tax Collected
on Halter.
Hearing of a suit by the West Foint
Creamery company of West Point, Neb.,
against I tons Hammond, collector of In
ternal revenue, for the recovery of $00
alleged to have been illegally collected as
lax for the manufacture of "adulterated"
I butter, began In t'nlted Statea circuit court
The government charges that the ( ream
I err was selling and making butter contain
ing more than 16 per cent of molfture.
bringing It within the specification which
classify butter as adulterated.
Local Lodge Follows Annual Custom
at the Orpheum.
Mans- Others oa the Program Which
' Has Been Prepared ta Honor of
the Dead. Brothers of
. Order.
.Local Elks will hold their annual mem
orial services at the Orpheum theater
Sunday morning, December 4. The public
is Invited to attend the program of music
and memorial addresses which will begin
at 10:80 o'clock and no admission will ba
charged. The Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks has a long established cus
tom of holding these services of mourning
for members who have d.ed during the year
and they are always marked by beauti
ful music and Impressive ceremonies. The
program will be aa follows:
Nocturne Chopin
Brother Henry O. Cox. i
Opening Ceremonies
LxaUed Kulor and Officers of the
Opening Od
Acting Chaplain Brother Lylse I. Abbott
Tha Rosary Nevln
Klks Lodge Quartette.
How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me
(Triumph of David) Dudley Buck
Mr. Johnston.
Recitative. And when he had spent all
Aria, Oh. that thou hadst hearkened
iThe Prodlcal Son) , Vincent
Mrs. Welpton.
Brother George F. West
ta To a Wild Rose MacDowall
tb) Audantlno Iemare-Co
' Brother 7lenry O. Cox.
Beautiful Isle of bom where Fearla
Klks Lodge Quartette.
The Lost Choid Sullivan
. Mrs Welpton.
There is a Oreen Hill Far Away..Stebblns
Mr. Johnston.
Brother James E. Kelby.
The Crucitls Faure
Mrs. Welpton and Mr. Johnston.
Closing Ceremonies
.Kialted Ruler and Officers of the
r , Lodge..
Doxology- i
Brothers and Audience.
The Elks who have died during the last
year and In whose memory the services ars
to be held number fifteen. They are Wil
liam Rubin, Henry F. Cady, William A.
Paxton, Jr.; William A. Robertson, Oeorge
Mlttauer, Fred Anderson, Noah A. Miller,
Harry E. Tagg, James M. Stoney, Benjamin
L.' Baldwin, Frank Rogers, John F. Coad,
sr.; John P. Flnley, Patrick Mostyn and
Harry K. Burnam.
All of Deaa-Iaa Coaatr Eseept Soath
Omaha Shows No Errors la
Readies- Machines. ,
Examination of all tha voting machines
used In Douglas county In the elect; on of
November S. except those used In South
Omaha, was completed shortly before noon
Friday by the official elect'on canvassing
board, which la making a re-examination
of. the machines for the satisfaction ef
Charles W. Pool, democratic candidate for
secretary of state, defeated by Addison
Walt, republican candidate, by 92 votes.
No changes nor errors were found.
Examination of the machines In South
Omaha will be completed this afternoon.
Bigger, Better, Busier That Is wbat
advertising In The Bee will do fer your
British People
Generally Contented
Suoh it the Statement of Robert Caw-
ell, Who Has Just Beturned
from Abroad.
"Tha thing that impressed me most In
Europe," says Robert Cowell. who has
jnst returned from several months' sojourn
In th British Isles, "was the general con
tentment among the British people. Every,
where they seem to bo happy and satisfied
with their Industrial conditions. Especially
nottoeabls is the great decrease In ths
amount of Uuor that Is being consumed
by the Englishmen of all classes. It Is re
markable to see what a change has taken
plaoo In this oae thing, and as a result
thero Is very much less wrstchedness thaa
there used to be. Scenes that wore com
mon once are almost nnkuewa bow.
"London Itself la very mueh Improved.
Those who are familiar with tho city would
find It very much changed If they have
not been there for a few years. Not such
changes as there ars ea this side, of course,
but very great Improvements. Tho slums
are to a great extent cleaned out and a
number of tho narrow, tertueus lanes have
been widened into fine streets. Tho streets
are very clean mush eloaaer than In
Paris. An American la always Impressed
by the fact that la that city of over 1,H0,
Oot Inhabitants thero are so skyscraper,
and the tallest building lo probably about
sight stories, while most of them are three
or four. I was la Lendea for five weeks
at two different times and saw no feg on
either occasion. Thero was only oao rainy
"Most ef tho time wo spent oa tho Is!
of Man, my eld heme, but wo took a trip
up through Ireland and Scotland, visiting
tho historical places. Ws saw the Dublin
horse show, which Is an event for the
whole British Isles, and 1 never saw so
many thousands of beautiful and hand
somely gowned women. It was very notice
able, because It was close to so much pov
erty and wretchedness on ths Dublin
wharves. .
"Wo went also to the races at Doncaater.
They used to bo a favorite place of amuse
ment for King Edward, but when we were
there his box was draped In purple and
there was very little gaiety among the
"Mrs. Cowell and my daughter, who were
with me, aro now In Cleveland, where they
topped on our way homo."
Neighborhood Eow
Breaks Into Court
Anton Irabeck Alleges He is in Fear
of Bodily Harm from His
Complaint that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brer
man, neighbors ef his, have threatened to
do hint and his family and employes physi
cal harm was filed by Anton P. Grobeck,
dairyman. 1T0S Van Camp avenue. In the
oounty oeurt Friday morning. The Blerman
became angry when Orobeck began taking
dirt from a lot adjoining their property,
according to Orobeck, who said:
'Thsy Bve right across tho street from
my place. I was taking some dirt from a
lot next to them owned by Charley Van
Camp. Blermaa came out with a olub and
broke It over a horse my hired man, Jena
Peterson was using. Then he hit Jens."
Orobeck says the Blermans threatened not
only hire and his family and employes,
but even his sows and horses.
Omaha Postoffice Shows Eleven Fer
Cent Gain for November.
Christmas Business Has Hardly Bea-nn,
Althoaa-h There Are Some Inden
tions by the Increased
Sales nf Stamps.
Gross receipts of the Omaha postoffice
for November show an Increase of I8.921.S3
over the receipts for the same month last
year, a growth of 11 per cent In business.
Tho office took In I87.2M.61 during Novem
ber, 1910, and I7,330S lu November, 11X19.
The Increased use of the malls Incident
to ths holiday and gift-giving season has
already become apparent at the Omaha
office. Extra clerks have been put to work
nearly two weeks In advance of ths usual
The receipt of the postoffice ars from
the sale of stamps. The use of ths mails
Is taken as an Index to the volume of
business done by a community and the
Increase in tho gross receipts of ths post
office by 11 per cent Is taken aa one more
Indication of the prosperity and develop
ment of Omaha.
A Frightful Experience
with biliousness, malaria and constipa
tion is quickly overcome by taking Dr.
King's New Life Pills. 25c, For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Balldlna- Permits.
J. F. Sturgeon, Mi South Thirty-seventh
street, frame dwelling. Xl.'M); Phillip Kuns.
13 Famam street, alterations, H.ouO; Car
rie Klukald, 112 Marcy street, frame dwell
ing. Ij.Sou; Hastings & Heyden. 101!) Houth
Twenty-fifth street, frsme dwelling, Ji.ouO;
1521 Houth Twenty-fifth avenue, frame
dwelling, 12.000.
Tlie Complete Stock of
La HEi Ci Vosti
o.IHIfifUjIni (Gipsidlo IFujups..
Will be
Eatrn LUnks, Hauiaa Eablei, IT. B.Sa.lox, Broadtails, Pointed For, Black
Lynx and other seta of hih clua furs.
Sale will oomiance SATURDAY 1I0HNIN0, DECEMBER 3D, and continue
until sold out.
Wctsotor-Uundcrland Dlclfj-