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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
TTTE r.HE: OMAHA. KATTTTOAT, PECErBFJt X 1010. 5 n Nebraska KNOWS THE SADDEST WORDS "It Might Have Been," Echoes to Gov. Shallenberger, at Ee De.lines Eid. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS FEED fhml Mnfcr a lilt at Clilmao l.lve Xlork Fair and Try Berkshire Iprrt to Come Here. (From a Staff Correspondent.) r,IN"COL,N. Lec. 2 iSpeciaU-Nobraska's ch-t executive has cause for sorrow and regret for whit mixht have been. He re ceived from the National Democratic dtib an Invitation to attend a banquet to be given In honor of the democratic governors elect of the country. In the list of gov ernors to be thus honored are the follow ing: John A. Llx of New York, J mi sun Harmon of Ohio, Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, Eugene Fuss of Massachusetts, Governor Baldwin of Connecticut and Gov ernor Plalsted of Value. The banquet Is to be given at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel In New York City on the night of Decem ber 15. Now, If Governor Shallenberger had not aid at the Grand Island state convention that he would sign a county option bill, he might have been renominated. If he had been renominated he would have stood a much better chcince of election than he did stand after being defeated for renom lcatlon. Friends of the governor Insist that he alone was to blame for his defeat for the nomination. W. R. Mellor, secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, has returned from Chicago, where be attended the meeting of the National Live Stock association. Governor hhallenbergwr, C. H. Rudse, George Hervey and other Nebraskans at tended the meeting, and according to Mr. Mellor, Nebraskans were pretty much In evidence In the association's affair a "Governor Shallenberger spoke to the (Shorthorn Breeders' association, of which association he Is a director," said Mr. Mellor, "and his address was the feature of the meeting. The governor stood out far and away ahead of any other speak ers and the Nebraskans who heard him felt proud of their governor." An invitation was extended to the Na tional Berkshire association to meet here next year and Mr. Mellor believes the In vitation will be accepted. Nebraska at Its state fair last year had more hogs on ex hibit than any state except Iowa, and as luwa got the show and congress last year, he believes Nebraska's chanaes are good for next year. People Score Ouce. The railway commission has granted per mission to the Nebraska Telephone com pany to reduce Its rates at Fair bury to' agree with the rates charged by the local independent company. It was brought out at the hearing that the independent com pany charged flX for telephones where there were more than ten subscribers and 11.60 where there were less than teu. But It appears that where five or more persons were subscribers with the expectation of increasing their number to ten, the leaser rate was given thern. The Nebraska com pany asked permission to decrease Its rates to meet the competition and when the hearing started the Fairbury company offered to Increase Its rates If the Nebraska company would withdraw Its application for a reduction. This the Nebraska com pany declined to do and the hearing went on with the above result. Crabtreo to Appoint. James W. Crabtree, just elected state superintendent. Is expected to announce to morrow the names of the members of his office force. In tbe superintendent's office there are twelve people employed regu larly and twice that many work at odd times during the year. A Id rich to Shake Pi am tree. Word has been received from David City that Governor-elect Aldrtch will be In Lin coln Monday, at .which time he will name a bunch of appointees. The supreme court has granted a writ of habeas corpus against Sheriff Hoagland of Lancaster county In behalf of O. J. King and B. T. Page, theoretically in the custody of tbe county official for having violated the pure food law. The writ Is made re turnable on January S, at which time the sheriff, through Ills counsel, the attorney general of the state, will show cause to the court why he should retain the custody of the plaintiffs. It Is probable that attorneys on both sides of the question will file briefs covering the whole question In controversy and the supreme court will lay down an Interpretation of the pure food law provi sions and their constitutionality. The case Is a test brought by agreement between the pure food commissioner and the National Biscuit company to try out the provisions of the law which demands that the net weight must be stamped on all packages of certain foodstuffs, among them cereals. The food commissioner Insisted that the National Biscuit company stamp the net weight on lu packages of biscuits. The company, through Its attorney, de clared the law invalid and asked a chance to bare the question settled. This was agreed, te and the local manager for the cracker concern and one of the leading grocer were by agreement made the means of reaching the supreme court ith the case. The application for a writ of habeas corpus was filed In supreme court, which has original Jurisdiction In habeas corpus cases, in order to avoid the tedious oeiays or the lower courts, both sldee agreeing that a decision of the highest tribunal would be beneficial. Nebraska well known resident of thin city, fell snd broke Ins rllit arm between the elbow and wrlxt. BFAT KICK -Charles Coleman w as taken to Jjiu-oln today to beKtn tne sentence of three yean in the penitentiary Imposed nim linn ly juries l'emocrton lor roooing 1 nomas Coieman. a farmer. I'.KA Tlllt K ord was received here yes-.eniay lrom Hutchinson, Kan., an iio'jncinif tho death of 1. H. l'ewey, a former re; Kit nt of this city. The body was Interied at Diller, .Neb., Friday. Iiakiia ftuenff ,iaik uauman of l'oifc county, .Nfur.-k, Is prenenl at nun In tins citv as a witness aiunst tne aliened bank rubber of Meadow Wrove. Kiio.- triai come up tnis session of the court. Oil ADKON The Woman's club gave Its flist of the winter's series of lectures laet nignt lu tne First Consieatlonai church. It was by Hev. Fiededck Graves of the i.iaie Kpiscopal church, on "The German Empire." CllADRON Thursday William Bowers, enameer, was seriously disabled by the bir.-.iliiic of a steam gaug), coinp.etely ruin ing one eye. He was taken to bt Joseph's hobpiuil, Omaha, on tne first train, the acciui-nt occurring at Long I'lne. BEATRICE The Nemaha Poultry asso ciation held Its annual meeting at Adams and elected the following officers: P. K. Mspel, president; C . H. Meetne, vice presi dent; E, W. Campbell, secretary; John H. voiia, treasurer, juugo Knoues of l'opeka has been selected to act as Judge next year. CHADUON Solomon HartscU will bury another son tomorrow, the second wUnin a neeK. Fenwiek, ajted M years, died In Montana, the body being brought here for inteiutrnt be-xiue his brother, Newton, buried here last Sunday, and his mother, who died several years ago. Threo brothers live In Chadron. MADISON Judge Bates yesterday even ing Joined in marriage John H. Cornelius and -VI ixs Bothllde M. Btamerjahann, both of Battle Creek, Neb. Marriage licenses were issued today to Earl VVUbert Deuel and Miss .Mabel Madeline Stlmson, both of Meadow Grove, Neb., and John C. tjpegar of 1'lerce county ant Miss Ella L. Mar quardt of Norfolk. BEATRICE Dudley castle. No. 1, Royal Highlanders, met last night and elected the following officers: Kay Weaverllng, Illus trious protector; Pearl Savsxe, ohief coun sellor; Harriet Davis, worthy evangel; Iheodore Davis, warder; Emma M. Hv bk, secretary-treasurer; Henry Collier, sentry; T. K. Conley, manager. 1 bCUMSEH Hugh LaMaster has re signed an county attorney of Johnson county. His resignation lias been accepted by the Hoard of County Commissionera The newly elected county attorney, M. E. Cowan, lias been appointed to fill the un expired term of Mr. LaMaster. Mr. Cowan has filed hla bond and the same has been approved. CHADRON The funeral of vv". Wilkin son, one of the oldest engineers on this di vision of the Chicago & Northwestern rail road, was heid here. Deceased waa on a visit to friends In Indiana and died before his two children, son and daughter, could reach him. His wife was with him and was met at Chicago by many friends to accompany the body here. MADISON The action for $10,000 damages brought by Andrew Nord against Burr Taft, one of Madison county's commission era, waa decided against the platntlff.-Thls action was for alleged assault on the life of Mr. Nord and resulted in an acquittal of the defendant. Judge Welch Instructed the Jury If they found for the plaintiff that the damages should not exceed 1 cent BMITHFIELD At a mass meeting Wednesday night ways and means were considered for the procuring of an ade quate fire fighting system. The town Is completely at the mercy of fire, there being absolutely no protection. Although the meeting was largely attended no def inite action was taken. The purchase of a chemical engine was discussed and the session waa art'o.irned to meet at the call of the executive committee. BEATRICE A well attended meeting of camp No. 1870, Royal Neighbors of Amer ica, was held here yesterday In honor of two of the supreme officers, Mrs. Myra B. Enrlght of Kansas City, chair man of the supreme ooard of the society, and Mrs. Eva Chi Ids of Hanover, Wis., a member of the supreme board. The follow ing camps were represented at the meet ing: Dtller, De Witt, Plymouth, Adams, Barneston, Wymore and Beatrice. The su preme offloers gave brief addresses on fraternallsm and were endorsed for re election. Mrs. Eunice Wtlber of this city was also endorsed for the offioe of su preme receiver. We feel we have done you a real favor r ! I i "When we have induced you to bring your boy to our store for clothing we know most people want to save money and the only reason they don't do it is that they don't investi g a t e our claims. Suits $2 to $15 Overcoats for Boys Fine showing of Overcoats for boys 'of various sites. btyllsh ferments, well made and com or table $2.50 and Up '0. 'E3 -JSC- mo li - m , ii,; ...aia The home of quahtv clothes Giving you real values has IbronigM us success The success of this store has been wonderful all admit it. Always striving for and maintaining the highest quality standard always giving better and quicker service and at all times keeping our prices at the lowest level consistent with good merchandise has gained for us a following of which we are justly proud. Ours are real values that stand the test of comparison and never suffer by it. It is the kind of clothing you. should buy for it is the best kind to buy. Let us prove our value-giving methods. Suits 310 to 340 Overcoats 310 to 350 fV I J! r'i Our line of robes and coats a illustrates to a nicety what hand some, serviceable gifts for men folks can be procured for a moderate sum display will sur prise you. Robes, $5 to $12.00 Coats, $5 to $12.50 Terry Robes at.... $3.50 to $5 ml WHERE VALUE IS MOST EVIDENT $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 are the prices most men pay; consequently are the grades they are best posted on and the best able to judge of. To them our values are most forcibly illustrated. That probably ao counts for the enormous number of such priced garments we sell. Suits and Overcoats, $15, $20 and 25 ARE YOU HARD-TO-FIT Do you have difficulty in practicing the same clothes- economy the fellows of regular build practice t Come herc our enormous stock of uncommon sizes makes possible the same economy for you our other customers enjoy. You can't be too fat, big, slim or tall for us to fit. $15.00 to $40.00 V o , v 1 - ' . . i 1 IPS! GIVERS Or USEFUL GIFTS Should see our Holiday Furnishings. Not an article In the store that any man, wouldn't wear with pride. Come early ?'1e Holders . BOO 76o, fl.oo, S1.80 landkerchlefs Boo, 7 So, 81.00 Jewelry Beta 81.00. $1.50, 13.00. ta.60, SJ.SO Combination Tie. Handkerchiefs Hose $1.00, el. 60, fca.OO Comblralon Tie and llof fl.OO, 81.60, (3.09 Fancy Suspenders 60o, 91.00, fl.60, 83.0'j, $3.60 Suipe.ndere and Garters 60o 760, 11.00, 81.85, 81.60 Gloves 81.18 to $-2.50 Hose in Christmas Doxoe Shawknlt 4 pairs In box? 81 Collar Boxes 60o, 7Bo, (1.00, 91.60 Military Brushes (3.00, $3.00 Our line of Presto overcoats is somewhat larger than you'll find in any other store hereabouts. Perhaps double. Means a decided advantage if you are a bit hard to please. Prices always moderate. $10.00 AND UP. NEBRASKANS GET MORE PRIZES Bveedlere at lateraatleaal Stock Skew Are ikswtsg I'p Well for the CinCaGO. Deo. t ueolal Telegram.) Nebraska breeders continue to secure nu merous premiums at the International Btcck chow, late awards Including a num ber to Straub Bros., Avoca, for breeding iauowaya They won first prizes for $- ear-old bull, junior yearling bull and senior bull calf, besides lesser prtaea. Panaee Farmer aretdeatallr Kfli4 PAWNEB CITr. Neb.. Dec .(Special.) Bert Hail, a farmer living southwest of this city, met with an accident Wednes day that resulted in his death about six hours later. He had been working on a bridge and about 1 o'clock left work and started for home, horseback, to get ready to attend a funeral in this city. Someone Had dotted a wire gate Into the field, un known to him. which Uirew his horse. Which was galloping. Mr. Hall was thrown several feet, striking on hla head and frao- Uirlng his skull. v Nebraska News Note. ClADKON-Kh'hlfn new h.n-. ... n.i, In iuur of construction, making over WO guuo rwiueiices rur villi. CHAUHON DiiTM counlT Is ir.g lu inuian (rummer and farmers are uoiug ir.fir ion plowing lur an luureased acreage in isii. BEATRICF-On:ile Moore of Kirksvllle Mo. and Mtis Mlnr.le Jelllaoa of lied . loua. r.eo.. were married here yesterday by Kev. J. K. lvla. m 5r.ii- nne engagea in trimming tieee Thuraday ailernova tiuslue Nelson, a STRIKE OF CANAL WORKMEN Liberality of tbe GoTerameat Falls to Satisfy ' Some ef tbe Tradeamea. The American workmen on the Panama canal are hard to please. Judging by the fact that the boilermakers have struck for an Increase In wages, for an eight hour day,-from 66 to 75 cents an hour, and for a vacation of six weeks with full pay. President Taft must have been correct In telling them that they are the best treated workmen in the world already, for besides a standard wage from 10 to W cents higher than In the same trades In the United States, they receive from the government sleeping quarters, fuel, lights, medical attention, nursing and exceptional facilities for amusement and recreation all for nothing. Their food is furnished by the government at substantially the cost price. , According to official reports, the gov ernment on the Isthmus runs the Hotel Tlvoll, eighteen Isthmian canal commis sion hotels, nineteen European laborers' messes and twenty common laborers' kitchens. The Hotel Tlvoll waa run last year at the nominal profit of $4,674. In the eighteen "line" hotels, t,17,461 meals were served at SO cents a meal. The cost of supplies per meal was M.87 cents, and the cost of preparing and serving raised the cost to M cents. The government made no profit whatever, and was content If the employes served at these hotels were satisfied with their food. The total num ber of rations furnished in the European meases was 1.0BZ.IS7. at a cost of about 17 cents per ration. The total revenue from the "line" hotels, messes and kitchens waa H.3oO,6T4, a decrease of fldS.Saj over the previous year. The subsistence depart ment as a whole was probably run at a loss to the government. There Is an elaborate system of free club houses In the canal sone for the benefit of the employee. In the last fiscal year a new one waa built at Gatun at a ooat of lil.SIX and a smaller one at Porto Bello at a coat of $4,426. There were four other club-houses already erected at vari ous points along the line of the canal. The canal commission appropriated til for the malatenance of these club houses. If a workman falls 111. he la sent to a government heapltal and taken oars of by the best physicians and nurses. without any extra cost to himself. So ex cellent Is the sanitation and medical serv ice that last year there were only seventy six deaths among the several thousands of Americans at work on the Isthmus, and only thirty-nine bad to be daported as unfit for service In the tropics. In spite of all these benefits, ro excep tional In character, the government finds constant difficulty In keeping the so- called "gold force," that Is, the employ paid In gold, recruited to the required number. In the last fiscal year there a t re 1.114 changes In the total force of b.IZZ, or more than GO per cent. The conditions of labor In the tropics I doubtless the cause of this chronlo unrest, and the tendency to strike exhibited by men earning over $5 a day, who demand a vacation of six weeks without lots of pay. Indicates that It Is quite hopeless for the government to make Its employes In tbe canal sons perfectly contented. It lite pensions should be offered every gov ernment employe In canal work, the pen sions to begin with the completion of the great work, the grievances would pile up faster than ever. Pensions? The United States may yet be called upon to pay them to the canal builders. Springfield Uepublicaa. "Berlin has solved the problem of making non-employment respectable and self-respecting." said Harry B. Pardee of Pitts burg, who visited the various European countries, making an exhaustive study of the subject of the unemployed. "The agency through which It to accom plished is a central labor exchange main tained through the co-operation of the municipality, workers and trade unions. Ia splendid and extensive quarter of Its own In the heart of the east central wholesale district, the A r belts Kachwela su Berlin places the man or woman In search of work on the same dignified trading level as the brokers who have produce to aelL ft does more. On the Berlin labor ex change, while awaiting a market, labor It provided with a home which Is a club house and mart combined. A model of German paternal organisa tion and thoroughness." continued Mr. Pardee, "the labor exchange Is operated at cost of less than $26,000 a year. Te see the simple machinery of this Institution In motion Its entire operating staff Is only twenty-seven Is to come away wondering at so practical a system for bringing the unemployed and working opportunities to gether on a basis of the paupering in fluence of charity. Any unemployed person may Invoke the exchange's work finding facilities on pay ment of a registration fee of S cents. If the Job seeker be a member of any of the trade unions, which contribute as organiza tions to the upkeep of tho exchange, he is exempt from payment of the registration fee. For a country famous for red tape PROVIDING WORK Kaiser Ha Willi I solved I'sn J BERLIN -mln1' 'ew formalities, and these ef the I simplest sort, ara required - to be gone am'a Caaital TsUki tnrougn. A man or woman steps up to a be Probleua iplarmeat. f poooupat of the W e don't charge shoes We don't d. liver 'em window like a bank teller's and fills an application form for registration, on which It Is required to state name, age, whether married or single, last place of employ ment, how long out of work and In what patlon last engaged. Upon payment registration fee a reoelpt of mem bership card is Issued, which entitles the holder to the privileges of the exchange for three months. Th.s Institution Is open In spring, summer and autumn from 1 a. m. to i p. m. and In winter from a. in. to p. m. In the skilled trades special hours are set apart for various Industries, so that different trades may use the same quarters at different times. "Connected with the exchange there are meeting rooms, libraries, gymnasiums, din ing room and every requisite of a first class dub house. In ,tbe dining, room a cup of coffee with milk and sugar sells for 1 cent, a glass of beer 1 cent, a sand wich, a silo of sausage or a portion of salad t cents. Of course, there may be had regular dinners. Including; everything, but the prices are ridiculously low, "I often wondered why an enterprising American corporation has not long ago organized an Institution of this k.nd in this country. It would help so much to assist those out of employment. Organized labor In America Is strong. . wealthy and Influential; there Is no good reason why Its leaders should not tak a leaf out- of Ger many's experience and do something for the men and women who are seeking work here." Washington Herald. A few steps down brings the prices down" Toughened Shoes for Cffil "ifu Gee - they r tough young codgers J like iron See!" 6T.Mllwwe&r99 for Boys Bigger, Better, Busier That la , what advertising In The Bee wlU do for your business. ffajy. a m. w 'Ii- 00 An Enlightening Chat 8 ft 'Hello George I I called you up to tell you that when I was in the office of the Lighting Com pany today, I was shown that wonderful General Electric Mazda Lamp, and I want you to stop in on your way home and bring one out. I just want you to see for yourself the wonders of this new lamp. Why it gives twice the light of the ordinary carbon incandescent and costs less to burn. But listen, George, you haven't heard all: this G-E Mazda Lamp gives a pure white light just like a sunbeam." " I don't wonder that nearly every one is now having their house wired, for this G-E Mazda Lamp has gready multiplied the many present advantages of electric light." Comein (or a moment today and let us pror to your tahJsctioo that if you u not loing electric light tnd this wonderful G-E Mazda Lamp you am needier denying yourself tho greatest household , coovenjencs) to say nothing of a taring of eya tuia and money. Omaha Electric Listit & Pcv3r Co. "Fulluvwear Shoes" for boys are NOT built like minature canal boats, and out of coarse, lumpy leather, simply because a BOY is going to' wear 'em. No, SIR! WE'VE found out HOW to put style AND wear into the SAME shoe; the boy keeps his pride as he should, but kicks about in absolute COMFORT, and "Full uvwears" stand the kicks. And some of these superb "Fulluvwear" lines come in still smaller sizes for "still littler" boys; Little Gents' sises at $L50 pair. You might pay MORE elsewhere but even then you won't get "Fulluv wears." This brand, grade and style, may be had HERE only. hoe Market Basement 322 South 16th Street. 322 South 16th Street l rl I I 1 1 V t?vr M K -J 3 N M Vf 1 "V MfJl tf -Mill it 1 J V 'J .J J -J T XI s ! 1 AUH. J iB 1 w";.7 AYi-- it Peary Knew A Wal rus When BO t'ta . Saw r . Kvery one hasn't the advantage of tlil knowledge. No trouble to show you snd point out the difference between tlie GKN UINE and the Imitation. Black walrus hand bars are very popular juat now Hire handsome aid wear well. We have them. The real, and a variety of other styles to suit the tastea and purse of every one.' AlfredCornih&Co. 1210 TAK 13 A at BTEEET. Harases, Saaaie and Trunk Store. i . ej - re, "rv 5. e . ' For Christmas Under this heading on tbe Want Ad Page you will find various articles advertised which will be particularly suitable for Christmas flfts. Wateta Slidil Ike ,to Si loiiMe Pally Service . Low Round-Trip Ilomeseekers' Ratea to the South and Southeast on First and Third Tuesdays of each month. Low Round-Trip Winter Tourist Rates, tickets on sale daily to Florida, Cuba and all other Winter Tourist Points in the South and Southeast. .All information regarding berths, rates, etc., cheer fully furnished. Agent for All Steamship Lines H. C. SHIELDS, 0. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Wabash City Ticket Office, 16th and Farnam Streets. Fersistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns The Bee'c Advertising Columns Are That Road. I r