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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
.TflK .BEE: OMAHA. RATTTnn.W. .nECEMHEn ..5. inin. i Sea 1 Page 10 Big Sale of Furs ljli&.ii & - -- " - 1 " 1 r-I -T-'l Set Pig! 4 Eli Salj Men's Shirts NECKWEAR SALE A New York Importer's Samples of Women's Fine Imported Neckwear Greatly Underpriced. Dutch and Sailor Collars, Jabots, Stocks, Bows, Yokes, Collar and Cuffs- in fine crochet, Venise and Oriental ef fects also many new styles in fancy Silk Neckwear over L 100 styles, on big rr- nargain square; MNY WORTH 50c EACH, at Handkerchiefs Opening Sale for the Holidays elak --3 Women's all pure linen hand embroidered handkerchiefs -hemstitched borders, Armenian lace edged, Madeira edges, fancy Mechlin and Val. lace barders also women's and men's pure Irish linen " hand embroidered initials, all letters all kinds of silk handkerchiefs, xlain and fancy; many worth up to 50c each, at. . ....... HOSIERY SALE Women's pure Silk Hosiery Fancy silk embroidered boot patterns, wide lisle tops, plain all silk and dou ble soles, heels and toes and wide welt Cf) tops worth up to $1.25 pair, at pair Udli omen's pure thread heavy Silk Hosiery Some with fjV wide hem tops, lisle soles, double heels, and toes, uivu ui 10 ei.ov a pair, ' fit) a at pair .....3l)C i Women's all Silk Boot Hosiery with wide lisle garter jii tops, in DiacK, tan and light shades, in. ; worth 75c a Dair. at nair -4MC Women's fine Imported Mercerized and Dull Finished Lisle Hosiery fancy all-over lace and lace boots; also plain lisle, worth 60c a pair. or at per pair J DC Men's fino lisle and cotton Hosi ery fancy silk embroidered, mercerized finish, black, with split soles, worth 25c a IE pair, at pair. ;. I J U Women's fine cotton and fleecy lined Hosiery regular and odd sizes, all black and black with split soles; worth 25c 1 7 1 pair, at pair I IjC WINTER UNDERWEARj Women's Fine Italian Silk Vesta Hand embroid ered fronts, silk ribbon trimmed, all slzos, worth $2.76 Kl (lli at, each VJLstO Women's Pine Ribbed Cotton Fleeced Union Hulu Kxtra good quality, pure white, at. ........ . Boys' Shirts and Drawers -Extra heavy fleeced lined, gray and Peeler ' cotton, all sizes, at. ; Boys' Shirts and Drawer Fine ribbed . fleece lined cotton; grey all sizes up to 14 years, at Women's Long Sleeve Corset Covers Tape waist and neck, ail sizes, at Munsing; Underwear for Women, ChildrenfBoys and Girls 71U Ul,m" uuB,-yesi8 ana pants all wools, part wools, fine cottons, medium and heavy per garment, at.,..;.;.. 40c, 98c, $1.50, $1.98 to $2.98 fif J II II 'Till IH I F Sale of Women's Gloves Women s, extra quality French Kid Gloves-black, white and all colors 1, 2 and 3-clasp effects Paris point and heavily embroidered backs. Fitted to d nr p q the hand at, pair vlelu (& vZ Women's 2-clasp French Lambskin Gloves Black White, grey blue .4 - Jltl 1 MM I . - ' ' iid ana ereo; miea u aesirea, at per pair Women's Kid Gloves black, white and col ors, worth . up to $1.25 per pair, bar gain square, n. at per pair. . . .vJw Cashmere Gloves silk lined, black, brown and blue, worth 36c pair, at pair 25c $1.25 Golf Gloves and Mit tens for girls and boys black, grey, brown, red and blue, ' pair . . ...... . .25C BC3ANDEIS STORES t ri ",r ; zzzi.:.. ' " : : t CLOTH.iriG COMI'ANY ' K . nEf,mniADLE values, hi i j TTrf QH (TS O'H 'J Gf7T4rTT ll their jj r J When we nay Remarkable Valups it means lomi- f L thlar. We positively give you the bt that the V -w L jJ clothing- world affords.- Every popular style and v I fabric In either ault or overcoat la here for your nrl il Inspection you owe It to yourself to see those ele- I i ' I U ant "m, (better still, try tl.em on). Why not !- M overcoat r ill arrciAi; t riTS Dollars on your next suit or Ken's fray Mo cha CHots Ilk lined rg--nlaf 91. as val ues ; Saturday, 7Gc ' TVS BEST T KMT VAX ' UES In the city ar bera 90.250.300 35O.4OO.5OO ITJ ATIB OO ATS bro-irn . and fanoy fray. Jost the kind . to keep ont tn cold 93c -S1.93 CAPS; Suitable for drui or bliasardy wet. thar; apa o 1 a 1 aiuas, 50-75c 95c THE HOLIIAN nOIIE BIBLE Printed from large, clear pic typ, with margi nal references, family reoord and maps. This home Bible la new and ery desirable for every day use In the home, containing all the advant age of a family Bible In a compact site that can be easily handled, with record for births, mar riages and deaths. The best Bible obtainable for old folks who need extra large, clear print and a light weight book. The exact sit of Bible whan dosed la 6 Hit Inches. Bound In French seal leather, round corners, red under gold edges, gold titles, silk head bands and purple silk marker. OUR CHRISTMAS OFFER. This elgant Bible aud The Dally Bee, by malt, on yr for $6.00, which Is the regular selling price of the Bible aloae. The price. Including Th Sunday Be also, Is 17.00. Wfi send th Blole. by mall or expres. charge prepaid, upon receipt of subscription price. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO., Omaha, Neb. HtlwM Hams MM Ll Thus Joash U not the kindness father had done t son.' And when h Lord look upon U 21 T And it cai end of tv' A-ar, th came ' .Jurist 1 4 . . J, 21 BIG BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY ONLY Zt will pay you Jnrt as well aa It pays the hundreds of other onstomora that are YIIITlira OUa BTOBB every Saturday and also . during" the week and taking- ad vantage ef these great SI lgr Barg-alas of Xaphael-rred Co. Ton will lealtse sooa enoug-b that If yon watch oar 1 Barg-aln Bale avery week It will mean a big aavlng for yon daring- the year. We don't expect that this ad will do all the work to bring oux store before the people of Oman. i expeot th marohandlso Itself, Alstribatad In th home of Omaha and sorroanllng country , to do th talking and work lor oar suooess. We are striving to make this the family store of Omaha. With our amall . expense in oonaeetlon with on wholesale department and volume of basi nets we ar aoing what we caa to sell on a email marg-in. mesa over th It Uig jmrg-ains tor tnls baiurday and oom wita vne expectation of finding verytawg- ex actly an aaveruaea an we aastue you uiat you vrui not o uisappoint.a. BAMOAXJf BO. 1. Ladles' heavy ajid lu.l made outing flan tivi nlgni g-owns, sells eerywuere iur sc, a i Htc BABOAIB BO. 9. . Kxtra large and extra heavy bath towels, bieached anu unuieached, irlnged and piain, regular price Hoc sacii, baiur uay, only, each 140 BAB.OAXX BO. a. 26c and SOo corset cover embroidery, a very gooa grade of 4 wins and very de sirable patterns, per yard, Saturday only 14o BAJbOAXB BO. 4. $16,00, $18. Ou ana i0.0u men's suits for l.bu Thin- la the lirst tune we ofrei uoh a selection of htgn grade ciotning lor ty.kO, - which Includes casnmerea, worsteds. In the new browns, grays, blue ana blaca seiges. BABOAZB BO. ft. LADIES' SWELL TAILORED SUITS AT HALF 1JH1CE. The pick of our big stock of ladles' and mlase' tailored suits, running in prices troiii 12.oU to nciuaing tiie ilnest sample buiIs, at Just one-tiau tne price whicti are niai'Ked in plain figures. The lit. 00 suit for $.b; $15. UU suit for V'.bO, and so on. BAK OA-IB BO. 6. A card of 1. dozen good pearl buttons. . le BAXOAIB BO. 7. Ladles' Hose a. very good quality, split sole, sexmlexs, alo plain black ribbed top, worth 2Uc, Saturday, pair.; So BABGAIB BO. 8. Men's 25c suspenders for 15 B AJEOAIB BO. . 20c and 25o. tatteta silk ribbons, Nos. 40, 60 and SO, yard ......To BABOAIB BO. 10. Bathrobe blankets, li-4, plenty big enough for men's or women's robe In a large variety of pretty patterns, beautiful coi oi'lnas, very soft quality, worth $2.60, at, each ; 1JJ ' , BABOAIB BO. ll. ' 1i off on all our stock of ladle, tnlssM' and girls' coats, in the novelty goods, in the broadcloths, in the plushes, in the caraculs and even la -our bo-Inch long furvcoats; nothing reserved, . for. Satur day only, i lasa tnan former price. BAKOAXB BO. 10. Ladles' heavy fleeced union suits, the best of uils kind tliat is inado anywnere. Tney ' are worth $1.25 a suit, aud for Saturday they will go at 760 BAKOAIB BO. 13. fl.00 men's and ladles' silk mufflers, in a variety of. cplors, for. .......... . . .39o BAKOAXB BO. 14. $2 men's pure wool underwear; these are Wilson Bros.' make, ailghtly broken In sizes, mostly drawers, for. .Tso BABOAIB BO. 1ft. $5.00 silk peUluuata, made of boiled taf . fets, full size, Just a few colors, mostly blacks, at fta.60 BABOAIB BO. 18. $1 00 discount for Haturday only on any skirt In our bis; stock. , The skirts are now marked lower than any store .in Omaha by 15 to 23. per cent. By this $1.00 extra discount will make it worth while to attend this sale: . BABOAIB BO. IT. 75c men's heavy blue Jersey shirts for.SSo BABOAIB BO. IS. Men's Japan finish initial handkerchiefs 0 BABOAIB BO. It. $1 00 pairs ladles' slioe.i, in patent leathers and gun ine'.al, for $1,39 BABOAIB BO. BO. ' $2.00 men's pant lor 890 BABOAIB BO. 81. A large size handbag. Imitation Morocco leather, nicely lined, -with small purse Inside, worth 7 So to $1.00, Saturday, at, each .... ftso ' BABOAIB BO. 09. $10.00 and $12.00 ME.N'W SLITS AT I4.7S. Saturday we. will sell an unlimited num Ixt of suits, consisting of serges, grsvs and herringbone, worth up to $12.00, tt 84.75 EXTBA BPBOIAX, BTBBYBOBT BIAS THIS. The American Knitting Mills of Syra cuse. N. Y.. have (jult the business, and tliey have consigned to us all knit goods left on hand for us to dispose of for cash at . wholesale and retail. Wo have these goods now In our possession. They con sist of all kinds of knit goods, men's, wo men's and children's knit mitts and gloves, hoods, knit slippers, knit petticoat, toques, etc. The sale on those goods win begin Monday morning. Home, of the goods are now on display In our windows, and if you want to buy sensible and useful ar ticles for Xmas gifts at about 36c on the dollar; then watch Sunday's papers for prices and attend this sale. tlnpIiacI-Prcd Co. WaoleeaJ and BetalL COB. 1STK ABB TABBA1C BTBBBTS. Reliable, Dontlotry yTalPsDafdlli Free to Ladies Saturday Only A Beautiful 1U Art Calendar, with Various highly colored panel pictures. CHRISTMAS FOR LADIES Handkerchiefs Gloves, Jewelry Neckwear Bags Umbrellas Waists Kimonos SUGGESTIONS FOR MEX Handkerchiefs Purses Laundry Bags Brushes . Tie Racks. RABV NOVELTIES Knit Sacques, Bootees, Rattles, Coat Hangers, Brushes and Trays. Weinlander &Smilh " 817 South Sixteenth Street. Have you seen them Have you heard them VERY person now-a-days . csires a Piano in thcirhomc. Some play others don't others want one for their chddren, while others still with one for entertaining friends. w.0 are novv shoeing the largest and most complete line ot Pianos fcr Christmas selling it has ever been our good fortune to place on our sales floor at any one time. ' All are from the brst known manufacturers of the country. Cases are hadsomely finished the patterns, well they will please everyone. A Christina A s Gift Piano No nicer gift could be made. 'Tis not a gift for a day or a week, but a gift for years. We can sell you a good and guaranteed Piano for $150 a piano that will last you a lifetime. It will be well worth your time to call at our store and see this largest showing of Pianos ever displayed in the city of Omaha, and don't forget a Christmas Gift a Piano. Below you will find some extraordinary lpw prices quoted on sixteen pianos that left from our once a month sale which took place the last three days of November. These are slightly used pianos and most of them are as good as new. were Stanley & Son Upright $85.00 Ebersole, walnut .$100.00 Bailey, mahogany $135.00 Wegman, mahogany $165.00 Price & Teeple, oak $175.00 Knabe, rosewood $225.00 Boys' High Cut SHOES '. Our high cut shoes, for the boys' winter wear are a yery sensible, comfortable and durable boys' shoe proposition. A splendid In vestment. Durable . black or tan waterproof leithers. Heary oak tanned soles. Sixes for boys of all ages. $2.25. $2.75 to $3.50 High Cut Shoes are' ideal Shoes for school wear, for coast ing, skating and stormy weather. A great protection to the boys' feet. Sizes for boys of all ages. FRY SHOE CO. III IIOUI lath aad Sonffla St re eta. Kohler & Chase, mahogany $75.00 Vose & Sons $125.00 TUT A Z TRTT3 Steger & Sons, mahogany $148.00 Gerhard, mahogany $175.00 Corl, walnut .$225.00 GRANDS Weber Grand $325.00 Smith & Nixon, mahogany. . .. .$100.00 llardman Grand, almost new. . .$400.00 We rent Pianos for $3.00 a month. 9 The Old Reliable Piano House. Liquid TV $ THC BKKR YOU LIKE HAVE A CAfllE SrWT cczxszisr Eminxna fU 3221 So. 2ih Street f y v s Doua. iaet rid assa 5 i A Horning Glory ii December Our BTXEZi CUT AND SER1S COrrXE. It has settled the "Coffer Question" In hundreds of Omahi. families. Have TOT7 tried It? No dust t make It "muddy." No worthless chaff to turn on the pot and cause It to rust. We are the only dealers In Omaha producing this VP-TO-DATE con-EE. Mocha Mixture 39o a lbs. $1.00 Excelsior Blend... 300 3) lbs. 81.00 17. L. f.aif smaii & Co. "The Coffee Ken." Branch at rubllo Market, 1610 Karney. The worst shoe trouble settled. We have one that the boy can't wear out. You ar judged by the paper you read. Be readers hat no cats to apok)sl for a lack of selfreapect or iatelllceao. A Boys1 Shoe That Is actually a match for the American boy, who plays all day on cinder playgrounds and paved streets. Our t hocs Will stand all the grind and tear and wear that the boy can give them. They may cost a trifle more, but the difference in price is only one-tenth the difference ' In value. Hoys' Slzo. 2H to 6K louths' Bias?, i to a Little OenU' Sires, 10 to 18 H BOYS HIGn CUTS The kind with buckles that the boys all like; the real Boy Scout Shoe; in all sixes. Prices from $2.50 to $4.50 Drexe! Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 Stove Co. 714 O. lGth St. "We sell gas stoves at $3.00 down and $3.00 a month or a cut price for cash. We connect them free. Detroit Ideal The Detroit Idealhas a reputation for three things which has' beea strengthened every day of the twenty-five years It has been on the market. It is an extraordinarily quick worker, consequently Is economical. It Is an exceptionally heavy stove, conseqently a long laster. i L. Being extra heavy It keeps an even equal temperatu fine baking. r so necessary to These things have been proven by th twenty-five-year teat that the Detroit Ideal has been through. The patent one-piece shallow drilled burner, which makes the combustion perfect, and the result is the hottest flame made by gas, and reduces the gas consumption because of the extra amount of air used. It Is patented, and consequently no other burner can be made like It. The elghteen-inch oven and broiler style weighs ZSO pounds, while no other stove weighs more than 170 pounds and many aa low as 126 pounds. That means durability and that the Detroit Ideal lasts twenty years Is proof. Other makes are worn out In five to ten yoara. The weight Is all put where It Is needed, around the oven, which retains the heat and makes the gas consumption in the oven so light. The oven flues circulate the heat, which keeps the baking from drying like the light stoves. A chain is only as strong as iu weakest link. This applies to gaas toxes same as anything else. Profiting by weaknesses shown In others the Detroit Ideal builders have a strong stove. Buyers are of two classes: One buys price and value, the other buys price and size. The former get the real bargain and buy from us. Persistent Advertising is the Itoad to Big Returns The Bee's Advertising Columns Are That lioad. Strictly Cash No Delivery Therein Is summed up Uie.rcuuton why Bath can maintain Ills high stan dard of quality without raising prices. It s plain as daylight if you ouly atop to consider It. lialll has no bad ac counts to make up, no bookkeeper to pay, no delivery expense, vtc Of course, he ran give you the 1IKST. It Wl'AUlTV U any consideration aheit you purchase niKUt. there's ouly one place In umaha lor you to go snd il-il is Bath's Cash Market. bTAHT NOW! Hpring Chickens IB . Fork Loins IbV.o Pork C'lioi s lSyO i'ot Koas. 10c, So aad 70 t pounds I.eaf Lard (I CO Home Rendered Lunl ISO Home Made fork riuusage 1SV0 Jos. Balh's Cash Market lai Tarnam Btreet. Take Advantage of these Bargains Telephone your order If you can't come. lozens of Standard brands of bottled lit bond whiskies, per quart bottle $1 Tiiii. W hlte Corn Whlaltey (moonshine! per quart, 7&o per gallon 1 2. fiti year old Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey per yuart bottle $1; gallon 1 3 no , Homemade Crape Wine, led or white, per gallon 11 Bavarian Malt Extract, very streiiK' henlng, pr bottle. .10o Imported Olive oil, per iuart, at 70 Mull and telephone orders promptly filled. Cackley Bros.. m n. Wine Merchants 16th Bt. Both I'hunaa s V s Uuuar far 1 ear. Opposite fukiotfice. t r